13kv Feeder Row Protection Spec 09202009

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13-kV Feeder Row Protection Standard Spec

List of Protection Functions:

• 50 – Instantaneous
• 51 – Time Over-Current
• 79 – Reclosing (Automatic)
• 81 – Under-Frequency
• 27 – Under-Voltage Transfer (Automatic)
• 59 – Over-Voltage Restoration (Automatic)
• L.R. – Load Relief
o S.U.F.W. – Set Up For Work
o B.T. Lock-Out
o Trip
o Close

Protection Function:

50 Instantaneous / S.U.F.W. :
• (50) Instantaneous pickup should be set to 6 amps secondary on any phase.
• (50) Instantaneous should be enabled manually by turning Instantaneous
handle to ON position. Reclosing switch should be set to OFF, but should not
affect (50) Instantaneous – because it is disabled in the relay.
• S.U.F.W. is to be set by SCADA pulse on RB1, and reset by SCADA pulse on
RB2. SCADA could only set and reset S.U.F.W. when SCADA ON/OFF
switch is set to ON in the feeder. Turning OFF the SCADA switch does not
affect S.U.F.W.
• Alternatively, an operator could reset S.U.F.W. with front panel push buttons.
Press PB1, and within 10 seconds press and hold PB5 for 3 seconds.

51 Time Over Current:

• (51) Time Over Current pickup (tap) should be set to 6 amps secondary on
any phase.
• (51) Time Over Current curve should be U.S. Extremely Inverse Curve: U4
• (51) Time Over Current time dial should be picked to trip in 0.5 sec on 30
amps secondary.

79 Recloser:
• Recloser is to be initiated by (51) Time Over Current SEL element, as well as
(51) Time Over Current MSOC element via IN106.
• 79 Open Timeout should be set to 10 sec for first breaker reclose
• 79 should reclose second (BT) breaker 5 sec after first breaker - if appropriate
• 79 is to be RESET in 15 sec after successful Close
• 79 is to be RESET in 90 sec after successful 79 Reclosing
• 79 will be driven to lock-out by any of the following conditions:
o Instantaneous ON
o Reclose OFF
o (81) Under Frequency trip and lock-out.
o SCADA Trips Feeder Breaker
• If Over Current trip opened both FB and BT breakers, then 79 Recloser should
attempt to reclose both of them. FB should reclose first and then BT may
reclose 5 seconds later.
• 79 Recloser should not reclose 52BT during (SCADA) 52BT LOCK-OUT
condition. SCADA 52BT LOCK-OUT should not directly drive 79 to lock-

81 Under-Frequency:
• (81u) Under-Frequency protection is optional, and may be enabled by
jumpering SEL IN202+ to HI
• (81u) Under-Frequency protection should be disabled when one or more phase
potentials do not exceed 80% of nominal 13.2kV. 81u protection should
remain disabled for additional 5 cycles after all phase potentials surpass 80%
of nominal
• (81u) Under-Frequency protection should be disabled unless some current (0.2
amps secondary) flows on at least one of the feeder phases.
• (81u) Under-Frequency should persist 6 cycles prior to trip and lock-out
• (81u) Under-Frequency pick-up is 59.3 Hz
• (81u) Under-Frequency should trip the 52FB
• (81u) Under-Frequency should lock-out both 52FB and 52BT using two
external lock-out contacts
• (81u) Under-Frequency Lock-Out may be reset with push button 3 (PB3) or
SCADA 52FB ‘close’ command

27 Under-Voltage Load Transfer:

• (27) Under-Voltage should pickup when all three (3) phases experience a
potential drop under 83% of nominal 13.2 kV. The potential drop must last 5-
8 seconds to qualify transfer. (On 26/13kV unit subs the delay should be set
20 seconds.) The staggering of the feeder breakers should be applied
according to Relay Test Manual section 10A3-4.
• Under-Voltage transfer should occur in this sequence:
1. 52FB trips. Also external contact locks-out 52BT on opposite (21G)
SEL relay
2. After 52FB trip is confirmed, 52BT should close - unless locked-out
• 52BT should not close as long as the following conditions persist:
o Station is in Manual
o 52FB had been tripped by SCADA
o (51), (50), (81), (L.R) trip and lock-out
o 52BT lock-out
Special Note: Since there is no UV transfer for a blown fuse (all three have to blow for a
transfer) there are no practical warnings to inform field personnel to replace blown fuses.
To counter this we enable SEL LOP function to alarm operations through SCADA.

59 Over-Voltage Load Transfer-back:

• (59) Over-Voltage should pickup when all phases experience potential rise
over 95% of nominal 13.2kV. The potential restoration must last 1 second to
qualify transfer restore.
• (59) Transfer Restore attempt should be canceled if one of the following
conditions exists:
o 52FB had been tripped by SCADA
o (51), (50), (81), (L.R) trip and lock-out
• (59) Transfer Restore attempt should be inhibited as long as a station is in

Load Relief:
• Load Relief (L.R.) is a direct input signal into feeder SEL. L.R. signal
originates from transformer differential relay, when the load reaches 103% of
the 24-hour summer emergency rating of the transformer.
• Load Relief (L.R.) input signal is directly tied to trip 52FB and 52BT, and
should lock-out manual or automatic close attempts as long as L.R. signal is
• After L.R. input signal is gone, all breakers should remain open until
manually closed.

SCADA Bus Tie Lock-Out:

• B.T. L.O. is to be set by SCADA pulse on RB5, and reset by SCADA pulse
on RB6. SCADA could only set and reset B.T. L.O. when SCADA ON/OFF
switch is set to ON in the feeder. Turning OFF the SCADA does not affect
B.T. L.O.
• Alternatively, an operator could reset B.T. L.O. with front panel push buttons.
Press PB2, and within 10 seconds press and hold PB5 for 3 seconds.

• SCADA Trip only affects 52FB.
• SCADA Trip is set by pulsing OC bit, as long as SCADA ON/OFF switch is
set to ON in the feeder.
• SCADA Trip blocks all Automatic Functions (79, 27, 59) until reset by
SCADA Close or Manual Close
• SCADA Trip enables station alarm blocking scheme
SCADA Close:
• SCADA Close only affects 52FB.
• SCADA Close is set by pulsing CC bit, as long as SCADA ON/OFF switch is
set to ON in the feeder.

• CTR is typically 160:1 on new installations
• PTR on new PTs is typically 63.5 : 1. Older PTs may be 70 : 1
• Nominal Voltage is based on 13,200 primary volts. For example 13,200V /
1.732 / 63.5 = 120V.
• Three Pole Open (3PO) condition occurs only when both FB and BT breakers
are open and no feeder current is present.

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