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11/6/2019 ADHESIVES | UL Product iQ


See General Information for Adhesives

SAINT PAUL, MN 55110-5146 USA
No. 670

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 250 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) less than 50 F.


Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 250 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) 99 F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
85-15, CP-85 or CP-120

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 25

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) less than 30 F.

Applied to
Inorganic Reinforced
Cement Board
32-14 or CP-140, 82-55,
10-104 or 32-14C

Flame spread 0

Smoke developed 10

Tested as applied in two 2 in. wide strips spaced 8 in. on center at a coverage of 26.7 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesives (closed cup) less than 30 F respectively.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
85-75 or 82-40

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Applied
Inorganic Reinforced To
Cement Board Steel
30-02, 30-02C 30-02, 30-02C

Flame spread 0

Smoke developed 10 1/6
11/6/2019 ADHESIVES | UL Product iQ
Tested as applied in two 2 in. wide strips spaced 8 in. on center at a coverage of 26.7 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
No. 647

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 250 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
RX-2466-X or FB-8058

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 250 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied in a 3 in. wide strip 6 in. OC at a coverage of 250 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) less than 20 F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 600 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) less than 20 F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
Fulaprene 303, 3N7,
SC252 or FS (Full Seal)
303 or FG (Full-Grip) 303

Flame spread 15

Smoke developed 25

Test as applied in 3/8 in. wide strips 6 in. on center, at a coverage of 180 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) -20 C.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
71-22, 70-95, 1C7,
1D7, 1D-ENN

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) 106 F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
SC-1470, FG-1470,
85-44, SC-2413,
SC-2418 and FG-2413

Flame spread 5 2/6
11/6/2019 ADHESIVES | UL Product iQ

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 250 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) less than 20 F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
ZZ-1964, FB-8076,
PA-1964 or ZZ-1964 CN

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 425 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) 81 F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 15

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board

C-3492-X, FB-8063, C-3492-X-EN, C-3492-XM, C-3492-X-B
C-3492-X-C, C-3492-X-RB, C-3492-X-RN, C-3492-X-LL
and 85-04 Facing Machine Adhesive


Tested as applied at a coverage of 250 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 25

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) none to boiling.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
CP-88, CP-88-6, CP-124, CP-124-5,
CP-121, 85-32 or 85-22

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 25

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) less than -20 F.

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) none to boiling.

AP-2486 3/6
11/6/2019 ADHESIVES | UL Product iQ

Flame spread 15

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
PD-0475, PD-0475B, 85-53 or 85-53LV

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 15

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) no flash to boiling.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
AP-813 or FB-8094, AP-813-RNN
or 85-60, 85-61, FB-8094-RNN,
85-62 or 97-15 or CP-126 or G-326

Flame spread 0

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of finished adhesive (closed cup) no flash to boiling.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 0

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 325 sq. ft. per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
3A3 or FD-4102
3F8 or FD-4112

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 25

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of the finished product (closed cup) less than 0 deg F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
85-15, CP-85, CP-120, CP-129, 81-32, 81-10, 81-19 or G-321

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 25

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of the finished product (closed cup) less than 30 deg F.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 400 sq ft per gal. 4/6
11/6/2019 ADHESIVES | UL Product iQ

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 600 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 350 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of the liquid adhesive (closed cup) 180 deg F minimum.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 1450 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
WB-0802, WM-0802M, WB-08002-PN,

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 20

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board+
32-17, 32-16, CP-148, CP-181-1, or G-347

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

+Tested as applied in two 2 in. wide strips spaced 8 in. on center at a coverage rate of 25.0 sq ft/gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board+
CP-146, CP-145A,
32-19, 32-19 (red), 10-200

Flame spread 0

Smoke developed 0

+Tested as applied in two2 in. wide strips spaced 8 in. on center at a coverage rate of 45 sq ft/gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
85-00, PD-2013F, CP-127

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 400 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced

Cement Board
HL 9594F, HL-9615

Flame spread 0

Smoke developed 0 5/6
11/6/2019 ADHESIVES | UL Product iQ
Tested as applied in three 3 in. wide strips, 6 in. OC (covering 50 percent of the exposed test sample), at a total coverage of 8.1 g/ft2.

Flash point of the finished adhesive: NA.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board

Flammable Solvent Type Nonflammable solvent Type
CP-80 CP-82

Flame spread 10 10

Smoke developed 0 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of flammable solvent type finished adhesive (closed cup) less than -6.7 C.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board

Nonflammable solvent Type
CP-89, CP-122 or 85-23

Flame spread 10

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 450 sq ft per gal.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board

CP-85 or CP-120

Flame spread 5

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied at a coverage of 200 sq ft per gal.

Flash point of liquid adhesive (closed cup) less than -6.7 C.

Applied to Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board+

32-18 or CP-147

Flame spread 0

Smoke developed 0

Tested as applied in a two in. wide strips spaced 8 in. on center, at a rate of 45 sq ft per gal.

Trademark and/or Tradename: "Paisley"

Last Updated on 2019-09-03

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those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.

UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies,
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material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "© 2019 UL LLC" 6/6

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