May2009 Issue4

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In Summary

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Excellence
Since 1988
Volume 1 Spring, 2009 Issue 1
Pre-Nursing Program
We are pleased to bring you have not yet been away at a longer term September, 2010
updates on Nawa Academy. Much has overnight camp. Spaces are available. Why develop a pre-nursing program? The
happened over the past school year. Enjoy
Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that “...
this quick update. Are you a professional consultant? A par-
ent or legal guardian? Here’s what you can registered nurses are projected to gener-
expect if you have a student in one of our ate 587,000 new jobs, among the largest
Summer Update
Nawa Summer Programs: It is important number of new jobs for any occupation”
Spaces are still available in our adventure to us that we stay in close contact with you in the coming years.
summer school programs. Looking for a both during the application process and the
fun and challenging summer experience student’s enrollment. Express your expecta- The Pre-Nursing program is designed for
but concerned that summer school may tions regarding communication and we will any student who would like to explore
get in the way? That’s where we come in. do our best to accommodate. a career in the medical or nursing field.
Our four-week experience offers a unique As with all of our academic programs at
opportunity to gain academic credit while An experience with
Nawa Academy, the Pre-Nursing program
experiencing the outdoors. Some activities our Nawa Sum-
will accommodate both conventional stu-
include backpacking, hiking, climbing, mer Programs can
prove to be a great dents and those with learning differences.
rafting, caving, and swimming. Middle
school (grd. 7-9) and high school (grd. oppor tunity to Students in this program will be exposed
9-12) groups are avail. Session begins Sat. “test the waters” to various aspects of the health care indus-
June 28th and ends Sat. July 25th. for a student who try, while working in conjunction with
is interested in other courses to complete the curriculum.
Reminder- units earned while in our enrolling during Through this experiential approach to
summer school programs are transfer- the school year at education, participants will be prepared to
able to other schools. Students can earn a Nawa Academy. enter an AA, or RN program or pursue a
semester of credit in an academic subject Curious? Learn post-secondary education leading to a wide
(math, science or language arts), P.E., and more on our website: range of health-care careers.
our Outdoor Leadership Course (elective
credit). That’s three semesters of credit in
The Nawa Academy Pre-Nursing program
four weeks.
Experience China will open: September, 2010. Up to 14
Outdoor Leadership? Indeed. This new students in grades 9 and 10 will be admit-
course expands on our previous Wilderness This three-and-a-half week experience ted into this program for the 2010 - 2011
First Aid course and includes: facilitated is designed for mature and motivated school year. By 2012, students will be
teambuilding activities, leadership devel- (coed) students in grades 10-12. Hosted enrolled in all four years of our Pre-Nurs-
opment, problem solving and mentoring. by the Chinese Hong Kong English ing program. Volunteer opportunities and
This takes our approach of using wilderness School (CHES), our students teach con- experiences in various health care settings
first aid, outdoor rescue and other leader- versational English to Chinese students. A will begin locally and progress to extended
ship development tools developed over the domestic and international trips.
semester of school credit is offered in our
past 21 years and packages it into a course
Global Cultures & Travel elective course.
which offers school credit.
CHES is located in Jiangmen City in the More information will be posted on our
Looking for that “first time away from Guangdong Province of China. Tour of website in May. We will begin to accept
home” camp experience for a youngster? Beijing also included. Experience China applications for this program in October
Our Trinity Challenge summer camp pro- is scheduled from July 11th through Aug. 2009. Contact our Office of Admissions
gram is ideal for students ages 10-14 who 5th. Spaces are available. with questions. • 800- 358-NAWA
College Counseling NAIS Membership Further Developments

Our Academic Dean, Jake Weld, and our Nawa Academy has been accepted for full Even in these times of economic hardships,
Principal, Jan Kells, are busy working with membership by the Board of Trustees of parents and supporters of Nawa Academy
our seniors and their parents to wrap up the the National Association of Independent have continued the spirit of giving. For
school year. This includes Jake advising the Schools (NAIS). This will open up many example, our Parents Club, led by Maura
seniors who are still exploring their options opportunities for our faculty and staff, as Carlson, devoted a lot of time and resources
for the fall. This year, our students have well as our Board of Directors in areas of to ensure that our first dinner auction was
received top scores for their English place- professional development. It will also en- a success. The proceeds will be applied to
ment exams. This is exciting for several of able us to access the NAIS online library campus improvement projects over the
our students who were well below grade on the numerous statistics and research next few months.
level prior to their enrollment at Nawa conducted on private school education.
Academy. Students can attend open houses This year, our cafeteria received a make-
at local colleges and families are encouraged International Academy over, thanks to the generosity of Rudy and
to take their child to visit a college or uni- Esther Gaytan, which included new appli-
versity of their choice. Also, our traveling ances, stainless steel oven hood, counter
Our International Academy group is
program visits many colleges and universi- tops and a new outdoor grill.
preparing for their final trip of the school
ties during their travels abroad.
year- Southern China. This will end their
Giving has also included multiple large
year with a total of seven trips. Prior to
Fall Enrollment capacity generators to power our campus
their departure, our students will attend a
during an outage.
tea ceremony at the Chinese Embassy in
Space is still available for each of our San Francisco. This marks the second time
school year programs. At the moment, our our group has been invited by the Chinese New Phone System
Pre-Registration (available for returning Consulate General and is considered an
students) is at 17 students, with 8 more honor. You may have noticed recently that our
students expected to return for the 2009- voice mail sounds different. We
2010 school year. With a graduating class recently updated our phone sys-
this year of 19 students, we are pleased with tem with many added features.
these Pre-Registration numbers. This has allowed us to greatly
expand our capabilities with
If you are new to Nawa Academy, here are communication. For example,
some helpful facts: admission inquiry calls received
• We are a boarding school for coed after business hours can now be
students in grades 7-12. Post-graduate is routed directly to our Office of
available upon request. Admissions.
• We are fully accredited.
• School year= Sept. - June
• “International Academy”- travel with Website
a small group to countries like Vietnam,
Peru, India, China... during the 9 month
If it has been a while since you’ve seen our
school year.
website, check it out. Our re-designed
• “California Academy”- our main pro-
Expeditionary Learning school and summer websites are more
gram based on our campus, which offers
interactive with many more photos. Both
small class sizes and lots of activities.
websites offer all the needed information
• “Snowboard USA”- offers competitive Each school year, during the fourth to guide you through the application
and non-competitive snowboarding on the academic block, our students experience process.
weekends during the snowboard season. Expeditionary Learning. The theme for
this year is ‘Careers’. With the focus on
Our Office of Admissions is very busy co- interdisciplinary, project-based learning, Check out our blog:
ordinating the admission process for new our teachers have worked dilegently to tie
student applicants. Spaces are first-come, their classes into this theme. Full and half
first-served, with a required interview and day workshops and field trips include Sincerely,
completed application to qualify. Contact a visit to the Redding Smoke Jumpers
our Office of Admissions with questions: Base, the KRCR television studio, Re- Jason T. Hull
530-359-2215 or [email protected] cord Searchlight, and several others. Director of Development • 800- 358-NAWA

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