Operations Management & Technology - Program 108

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Electric Power Research Institute 2010 Portfolio

Operations Management & Technology - Program 108

Program Overview

Program Description
Operations performance in today’s fossil generation plants is the key to achieving highly reliable, safe,
economic, and environmentally compliant plant performance. The operations staff and management provide
the human performance that controls the operation, directs and performs equipment condition monitoring, and
performs predictive and corrective maintenance activities. Work processes, clear goals and objectives,
personnel development, communication, support facilities, and plant design also play a significant role in the
overall plant performance. Effective integration of wide-ranging skills and knowledge, work processes, and
design — along with strong leadership by the management team — are critical to plant success.

The Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI’s) Operations Management & Technology program (Program
108) provides a forum for the development and evaluation of new and improved fossil plant operations
technologies, work policies, and practices that raise standards of operational performance.

Research Value
EPRI's Fossil Operations Program develops advanced processes and related technology that support
improved plant reliability and reduced costs. The programs address the key tactical challenges facing fossil
plant owners relating to the management, conduct of operations, workforce performance, equipment
monitoring, and risk. These programs are highly collaborative in nature, providing forums for EPRI members
to jointly resolve issues, improve processes, and identify research gaps. Members of the Operations
Management & Technology program receive:

 Guidelines that provide tools for excellence in plant operations

 Forum for industry information exchange
 Improved plant operations through support from EPRI technical staff
 Opportunities for enhanced plant operations through understanding of new technology applications

This program helps operating crews apply industry best practices and understand new technologies, and the
ways both can be applied to plant operations to identify vulnerabilities, manage risk, and exchange
information with peers.

 R&D for plant operations fundamentals and new developments provides guidance to plant operators and
their managers on best practices in fossil plants through exchanges of ideas and shared lessons on
improved operational performance and new technologies.

EPRI’s Operation Management and Technology has helped members through implementation of products to
assess operations performance, improve operations processes, learn from industry experiences, and
exchange ideas with industry peers. Products have included:

 Updated Operations Assessment Guideline, which helps members understand their strengths and areas
for improvement in operations. The guideline is updated based on members’ experiences.
 Annual operations conferences, which allow industry peers from shift operations to share experiences,
problems, and solutions
 Lessons learned from industry events, which provide information about prevention of similar events at
other facilities
 Guideline on managing emergency events

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Electric Power Research Institute 2010 Portfolio

 Guideline on clearance and tagging

 Guideline on alarm management

Current Year Activities

The program R&D for 2010 will focus on continuing to develop guidelines that support excellence in fossil
operations, sharing of lessons learned from industry case histories, reviewing technology applications, and
fostering information exchange among the membership. Specific efforts will include:

 Annual operations and future operations perspectives conference

 Annual case history report
 Hot-line support of members
 Conduct-of-operations guideline on topic selected by advisors
 Guidelines on managing plant documents that accurately describe the configuration of the as-built facility
 Guidelines on operations performance to enhance overall outage results
 Results from operations assessment activities

Estimated 2010 Program Funding


Program Manager
Wayne Crawford, 704-595-2233, [email protected]

Summary of Projects

Project Number Project Title Description

P108.001 Plant Operations This project provides guidance on industry best practices for plant
Fundamentals and New operations, evaluates technology applications, and supports
Developments information exchange among members to foster continuous
improvement of fossil plant operations.

P108.001 Plant Operations Fundamentals and New Developments (067361)

Key Research Question

Clear descriptions of best-practice performance and benefits of new technologies for operations are needed
to support industrywide improvement efforts. Plant operations staffs need effective information sharing to
learn from the experiences of others.

This project provides the ability to exchange information among members and develops guidance to improve
plant operations activities. Information exchange is facilitated through an annual conference. EPRI staff
provides hot-line support, which often includes input from other members. A full set of Conduct of Operations
Guidance is being developed to capture the best operational performance practices and provide detailed
information on the conduct of operations, based on member rankings of importance. Reports on new
technology developments offer insight into application successes and problems. Supplemental projects assist
members with product applications when required.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2010 Portfolio

 Improved plant operations result in lower cost and increased generation.
 Plants can avoid negative events by studying industry experiences and taking preemptive corrective
 Savings and performance improvements are gained by learning from others’ experiences to effectively
implement new technologies.
 Fewer operator errors and improved response to events reduce impact on plant equipment, prevent
outages, and result in increased production.

How to Apply Results

Plant operations staff compare their existing practices with those reported in guidelines to determine areas
that can be improved through new or revised procedures, instructions, training, and management coaching.
Lessons learned through event reviews or operations conferences are evaluated in the plant to determine if
changes to operational practices are required. New technologies applied using ideas from EPRI guidance or
industry experience achieve maximum value with minimum impact on plant staff.

2010 Products
Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Conduct of Operations – Topic to be selected by advisors: Over several

years, a comprehensive collection of guidelines is being developed that will
result in most areas needed for a conduct-of-operations procedure. Each
year, advisors will select the next topic for the series of reports based on their
understanding of current needs within the industry. A number of topics have 12/31/10 Technical Report
not been completed and will be ranked for 2010 delivery, including log
keeping; shift turnover; communications; housekeeping and material
condition; managing complex and coordinated activities, and operational
aides control and use.
Mentoring and OJT Guidelines: Bridging the culture gap between
experienced staff — typically of the "baby boomer" generation — and the
new staff from Gen-X and Gen-Y is important in achieving the necessary
transfer of knowledge to new employees. This guideline will recognize the
generational differences and offer guidance on effective knowledge transfer
by way of mentoring and on-the-job training (OJT). Topics expected to be Technical
addressed include cultural differences and learning techniques; conveying Update
equipment knowledge to less-experienced staff; establishing performance
standards and work habits (“Don’t do as I do, do as I say do”); examining
new staff for understanding and knowledge; peer-to-peer training and mutual
self-improvement; self-study guides; practical job training, examination, and
documentation; and position qualification.
Risk Management Guideline Update: In 2005, an initial guideline, “Using
Risk Management as Input to Operational Decisions” (1008251) for
operational risk management was developed to capture existing best
practices within the industry. The updated guideline is intended to identify
lessons learned with the application of the original guide, and also to provide
new insights developed by the industry in the use of risk management tools 12/31/10
by operation staffs. Topics to be addressed include case history applications
of this or other tools to help manage risk; managing for peak demand periods
and commercial availability; operations decisions based on equipment
condition monitoring; collective risk considerations; and new tools being
applied by operators to manage risk.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2010 Portfolio

Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Operation Conference: Today’s operating crews and their managers face

new and growing challenges. A 2-1/2-day Plant Operations Conference and
Future Operations Perspectives will enhance the exchange of information
between operations personnel in the electrical generation industry’s fossil
plants and address current and future issues. Tomorrow's operators will have
new equipment, more technological support, and additional oversight from Technical
remote locations, and increased pressure to meet new environmental Resource
requirements. These and other topics are the subject of the last day of this
combined conference on the issues and concerns of plant operators, shift
supervisors, and operations managers, with facilitated discussions of
experiences so participants can apply the knowledge in their plant
Event Case Histories and Assessment Summary: Advisors have
recognized that there are valuable lessons to be learned by exchanging
information on both positive and negative plant events. This compilation
depends on input from members who are willing to share information
anonymously, so the full membership can gain from the experiences of 12/31/10
others. The results of O&M assessments also are summarized for members
to understand what EPRI has identified as strengths and areas for
improvement as part of O&M assessment. Any industry trends noted from
these assessments are also included.

Future Year Products

Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Operations Outage Management: • What best practices are being

implemented to achieve better operations support of outage work? • Tag-out
organization and implementation for optimum outage performance • Use of Technical
overtime and additional resources for critical work demands • Post- Update
maintenance and post-modification acceptance testing • Online versus
outage determinations • Shutdown and start-up scheduling and optimization
Operations Data Management: • Build on 2005 report, “Operations Data
Management: Job Functions Performed by the Shift Supervisor Not Directly
Related to Oversight of Plant Operations and Status.” • What data-handling Technical
tools are available and being used successfully to reduce administrative Update
burden on shift supervisors and senior operators? • What new tools or
solutions are needed?
Configuration Management: • Member experiences in configuration
management • Building the case for a comprehensive program • Transition
from existing dispersed information to integrated, user-friendly data • Design
12/31/12 Technical Report
basis and operations impact • Major modifications, taking advantage of these
additions and data management • Fundamentals of an effective configuration
management program
Electronic Equipment Labeling, RFID and other technologies: • New
technologies being used to identify components • Overview of technologies •
Application to fossil plants • Member experiences in new labeling 12/31/12
technologies • Labeling electronic links to other work processes, without
issuance, clearance and tagging, and rounds data.

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