Structure-Subject Verb Agreement

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All nouns and pronouns have number. They are singular in number if they refer to one thing. They are
plural in number if they refer to more than one thing.

A. When a word refers to one person or thing, it is singular in number. When a word refers to more
than one, it is plural in number.
Examples: hat, I, sky, principle (singular)
hats, we, skies, principles (plural)

B. A verb agrees with its subject in number.

Two words agree when they have the same number. The number of the verb must always agree
with the number of its subject.
Examples: He fights. (singular subject and singular verb)
Animals fight. (plural subject and plural verb)
I. Singular subjects take singular verbs.
Examples: The lightning fills the sky.
(The verb fills is singular to agree with the singular subject lightning.)
Linda begins her vacation today.
(The verb begins is singular to agree with the singular subject Linda.)

II. Plural subjects take plural verbs.

Examples: Cheetahs run faster than most other animals.
(The verb run is plural to agree with the plural subject cheetahs.)

New families move into our neighborhood frequently.

(The verb move is plural to agree with the plural subject families.)

*** Notice that an -s ending is often a sign of the singular in the verb.
Examples: He screams. Everyone sings.

NOTE - When a sentence contains a verb phrase, it is the helping verb that agrees with the subject.
Examples: The motor is running.
The motors are running.

Examples: The girl has been sick.

The girls have been sick.


Hints for subject-verb agreement

I. (A) Cross out all prepositional phrases. Watch out especially

for prepositional
Examples: Every one of the students try/tries hard. phrases beginning
with of or in.
The windows in the house stick/sticks easily.

(B) Cross out word groups within commas. Word groups between
commas often begin with:
Examples: The doctor, as well as the nurses, work/works hard. • as well as…
The girls, along with their dogs, walk/walks daily. • with…
• along with…
(C) Cross out word groups beginning with either...or and neither..nor. • in addition to…
• including…
Examples: Either the vase or the dish was/were a gift.
Neither the teacher nor his students was/were here.

II. Find the subject: (Remember, the subject cannot be one or the words that you crossed out in
number I.)
Examples: Every [one] of the students work/works hard.
The [girls], along with their dogs walk/walks daily.
Either the vase or the [dish] was/were a gift.
III. Select the verb:

(A) If the subject is singular, choose the verb ending in “s.”

Singular subject, so
Examples: Every one of the students try/tries hard. use verb with “s”
The doctor, as well as the nurses, work/works hard.

(B) If the subject is plural, choose the verb ending without the “s.”
Plural subject, so
Examples: The windows in the house stick/sticks easily. use verb without “s”
The girls, along with their dogs, walk/walks daily.

(C) If two subjects are joined by or or by nor, the verb usually agrees with the nearer subject.
Singular subject, so
Examples: Either the vase or the dish was/were a gift. use verb with “s”

Neither the teacher nor his students was/were present.

Plural subject, so
use verb without “s”
HINT: Try substituting they (plural pronoun), then use a plural verb (without “s”).
Try substituting he, she, or it (singular pronouns), then use a singular verb (with “s”.)


Doctor works Cat runs Windows

(He) works (It) runs stick stick


Practice sentences:

1. One of the students ( is/are ) studying algebra.

2. The exhibit of the artist’s paintings ( was/were ) very interesting.

3. Mrs. Andrews, along with, Mr. Stone, ( do/does ) volunteer work.

4. All of the salesmen, including Mr. Stone, ( was/were ) at the meeting.

5. Every one of the girls ( do/does ) her shorthand homework.

6. Either Julia or her friends ( is/are ) planning to attend.

7. Both of the carpenters ( is/are ) planning to do the job.

8. Neither the students nor the instructor ( want/wants ) to miss class.

9. The women, as well as the men ( sing/sings ) beautifully.

10. Most of the nurses ( work/works ) every day.

V. (A) If a relative pronoun (WHO, WHICH, THAT, WHOSE) refers to only one,
use a singular verb.

Examples: It is the only one of the stores that has / have shoes.

This is the only one of the trees that bloom / blooms.

(B) If a relative pronoun refers to a plural noun, use a plural verb.

Examples: She is one of the best students who attend / attends. Example B:
The prepositional phrase
He is one of those persons who never grow / grows up. cannot be omitted; use the
plural verb.

1. Read and complete all exercises in this Packet. Refer to the HINT SHEET when needed.



Exercise 1: If a word is singular, write S before it. If it is plural, write P.

1. morning 11. mosquitoes

2. calves 12. actress

3. women 13 cave

4. she 14. we

5. pencils 15. leaves

6. shelf 16. chief

7. they 17. men

8. heights 18. babies

9. geese 19. Congress

10. it 20. mice

Exercise 2: The subjects and verbs that follow are in agreement. If an item is singular, write S before
it. If it is plural, write P.
1. people think 11. night arrives

2. wind howls 12. gates open

3. owls hoot 13. she tries

4. we practice 14. actor rehearses

5. days pass 15. girls study

6. monkeys chatter 16. leaf falls

7. Karen writes 17. thieves steal

8. it seems 18. boy giggles

9. snakes hiss 19. they watch

10. glasses break 20. lion lurks



Exercise 1: In each of the following sentences, two verbs are written in parentheses. First locate and
underline the subject. Then circle the one that agrees with the subject.

Example: Cherry trees (lines, line ) the Potomac.

1. An electric computer (solves, solve) difficult problems quickly.

2. Many colleges (has, have) computers.

3. Over one hundred thousand forest fires (is, are) reported each year.

4. Sometimes lightning (causes, cause) fires.

5. Careless people (is, are) often at fault.

6. Forest rangers (says, say) that we can prevent forest fires.

7. Some Polynesian divers (descends, descend) almost forty-five feet without special equipment.

8. The owl's eyes (makes, make) it look wise.

9. Actually, the owl (sees, see) poorly during the day.

10. Every year scientists (discovers, discover) new drugs to fight diseases.


In the previous exercise, it was easy to make the subjects and verbs agree because the verbs followed
their subjects closely and the number of the subject was clear. However, a phrase may come between the
subject and verb, creating an agreement problem, or the subject may be a pronoun, the number of which
is hard to determine.

A. Phrases between subject and verb

I. Sometimes a prepositional phrase comes between the subject and verb in a sentence.

Remember - the subject is not in the prepositional phrase. Therefore, put ( ) around the
prepositional phrase. Then locate the subject and agree the verb with the subject.

Examples: The special effects (in the movie) were particularly original.
The lights (in the stadium) have been dimmed.

Exercise 1: Put ( ) around prepositional phrases. Underline subject and circle the correct verb.

1. The girls from John Carroll (is, are) arriving early for class.

2. The heads of state (arrive, arrives) for the conference.

3. The bag of golf balls (is, are) for practice.

4. The boxes of chalk (is, are) at the chalkboard.

5. A shipment of clothing (is, are) expected soon.

6. A little practice in the evenings (help, helps) us play better.

7. The little baby with the dimples (slide, slides) down the bank.

8. The problems with Bobby (has, have) to be solved.

9. A package from my daughters (was, were) left on the doorstep.

10. The courses in college (require, requires) a lot of studying.

II. Sometimes phrases other than prepositional ones follow the subject. Usually they are set off
by commas and are introduced by words and phrases like including, with, in addition to,
together with, as well as, or accompanied by. The subject cannot be found in any of these
phrases. Therefore, cross out any phrase set off by commas. Then locate the subject and
agree the verb with the subject.

Examples: Mother, along with Aunt Sue, (has, have) left for Canada.
The successful candidate, including two of her aides, (has, have) entered the

1) Cross out phrases set off by commas.
2) Put parentheses around prepositional phrases.
3) Locate and underline subject. (Use substitution method explained on Page 2.)
4) Circle the correct verb.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. Laura, together with Jesse, (sing, sings) the alto part.

2. The girls, as well as Tom, (hum, hums) quietly.

3. Mr. Michaels, with his two sons, always (win, wins) the trophy.

4. The estate, including the paintings, (was, were) sold.

5. Relaxation, along with good food, (has, have) improved her health.

6. The agents, with their co-workers, (was, were) checking the story.

7. Sam, in addition to his brothers, (sleep, sleeps) in this tent.

8. The hunters, with their two guides, (like, likes) to stalk game.

9. Arteries, on the other hand, (carries, carry) the blood away.

10. The heart, along with the 100,000 miles of arteries and veins, (supplies, supply) the oxygen needed by
all parts of the body.

B. Compound Subjects

A compound subject, you will recall, consists of two or more connected subjects having the same
verb. When two subjects are connected by and, even if they are both singular, they are followed by
a plural verb.

Subjects joined by and take a plural verb.

Hint: If the subject is plural, substitute the pronoun they for the plural subject.
Examples: A dictionary and a one-volume encyclopedia make a good beginning for a
reference library.
Mr. Duffy and his daughter have gone fishing.

Exception: A compound subject that refers to a single person or to two or more things
considered as a unit (one thing) takes a singular verb.

Examples: Gin and tonic is a popular drink.. (Gin and tonic is considered one drink.)
A mother and homemaker has a challenging job. (One person is meant.)

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. (Is, Are) New York and Chicago the two largest cities in the United States?

2. Sleet and some snow (is, are) predicted for tomorrow.

3. The dogs in the pound and their owners (was, were) reunited.

4. New words and new meanings for old words (is, are) included.

5. Your fingernail and a piece of glass (is, are) two means for testing hardness in minerals.

6. Both talc and gypsum (shows, show) a fingernail scratch.

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7. The president with his wife and the vice president (has, have) just left for the summit.

8. The opossum and the kangaroo (is, are) members of the same family of mammals.

9. Rattlesnakes, copperheads, coral snakes, cottonmouths (is, are) four kinds of poisonous snakes found
in the United States.

10. In large cities subways and cabs (is, are) two popular means of transportation.

C. Subjects connected by “or” or “nor”

The verb agrees with the subject closer to it.

Hint: Draw a straight line after or or nor, ignoring the words before the line. Begin reading the
sentence after this line.

Examples: The chief geologists or their assistant is due to arrive tonight.

Neither a rabbit nor raccoons do that kind of damage in a garden.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions. Also use the straight line to separate the or, nor subjects.

1. Either a loan or a scholarship (is, are) available to selected applicants.

2. A desk or a bookcase (goes, go) into that corner.

3. Neither sheets nor towels (is, are) furnished at camp.

4. (Has, Have) the books or other supplies come?

5. A vocabulary notebook or vocabulary flashcards (is, are) helpful for review.

6. Either the clock on the town hall or my watch (is, are) wrong.

7. Another boy or girl (takes, take) the part of the narrator.

8. A map or a guidebook (has, have) been my constant companion in this city.

9. Enthusiasm for the proposal or excitement about it (is, are) not the same as solid support.

10. A course in ceramics or a course in woodworking (is, are) recommended.

D. Indefinite Pronouns

I. The following common words are singular: each, either, neither, one, everyone, everybody,
no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody.

Examples: Anyone (without tickets) is asked to see Mrs. Harris.

Each (of the newcomers) was welcomed (to the city.)
No one understands a person who mumbles.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. Each of the apples (was, were) ripe.

2. No one except Mary and Lettie (was, were) excited.

3. Each (try, tries) to win the game.

4. Neither of them (walk, walks) to school.

5. Somebody (is, are) going to be surprised!

6. Everybody on the team (show, shows) outstanding ability.

7. Why (hasn’t, haven’t) someone given us the signal?

8. Either of the quarterbacks (is, are) going to be the new captain.

9. (Do, Does) everyone in the band play well?

10. Of all my friends, only one (has, have) written to me.

Exercise 2: Follow the basic directions.

1. Either of the answers (is, are) correct.

2. Every one of the members (cooperate, cooperates) to make the play a success.

3. Each (seek, seeks) a job to do.

4. (Has, Have) someone called me?

5. One of these dogs (has, have) fleas.

6. No one, of all of the singers in town, (give, gives) finer lessons.

7. Everyone (draw, draws) better than I.

8. One of you (work, works) too hard.

9. Somebody (was, were) knocking on the door.


10. Someone form each class (attend, attends) the meeting.

II. The following common words are plural: both, few, many, several.

Examples: Few (of my neighbors) have parakeets.

Many (of them) keep dogs as pets.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions. Notice that both singular and plural pronouns are tested.

1. Many of our group (has, have) had flu shots.

2. Everyone in the surrounding towns (was, were) warned about the epidemic.

3. Of the new cases, few (is, are) serious.

4. Neither of those paths (leads, lead) home.

5. Each of the stores (gives, give) gifts to our graduates.

6. Several in the group (doubts, doubt) the existence of intelligent life on other planets.

7. (Has, Have) either of you seen an ice hockey game?

8. In the corner (stands, stand) one of the suspects.

9. Many of the fans of football (think, thinks) about little else during the football season.

10. Both of the coaches of the varsity team (works, work) with the students every afternoon.

Exercise 2: Follow the basic directions. Notice that both singular and plural pronouns are tested.

1. Either of the sopranos (sing, sings) the solo part in the operetta.

2. Both girls (has, have) different assignments.

3. Neither of the men (receive, receives) a high salary.

4. Few of them (want, wants) more coffee.

5. One of the pieces of jewelry (was, were) taken by the thieves.

6. Several of the bushes in our yard (bloom, blooms) early.

7. Someone with three dogs (walk, walks) by our house each day.


8. Anyone leaving without permission (is, are) going to be in trouble.

9. Many of the participants in the contest (receive, receives) a ribbon.

10. Everybody (look, looks) ready for the party.

Special Problems in Agreement

There are a few other constructions that may pose special problems in agreement of subject and verb.
This section will cover some of these.

A. Collective Nouns

Some nouns that are singular in form name a group of people or things: class, family, team, group, flock,
for example. These nouns are called collective nouns.

Examples: The jury was dismissed by the judge.

The class has decided to have a science table in the room.
The family is coming for dinner.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. The group (was, were) going on a trip.

2. That flock of geese (make, makes) a beautiful pattern in the sky.

3. The team (is, are) celebrating its victory.

4. In July the committee (make, makes) a decision about the location of the August picnic.

5. In the jungle, the herd often (stampede, stampedes).

6. Next week the Smith family (leave, leaves) for vacation.

7. Every summer the class (take, takes) many field trips.

8. The panel (choose, chooses) the topics for television.

9. (Is, Are) the group in charge of refreshments here yet?

10. The company (vote, votes) for a new president next month.

B. Sentences beginning with HERE, THERE, or WHERE

When the subject follows the verb, as in sentences beginning with there, here, or where, be careful to
locate the subject and make sure that the verb agrees with it.


Introductory words, such as here, there, and where are never subjects of sentences. In these
sentences, the subject usually follows the verb.

Examples: Here (come, comes) Stephanie and her brother.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. Here on your desk (is, are) the reports for your consideration.

2. Where (has, have) the dance been held other years?

3. There (is, are) four of us going to the fair.

4. There (has, have) been rumors of a strike.

5. Here in this room (is, are) the best paintings.

6. There (come, comes) the team.

7. Here (is, are) one of the five members of the club.

8. Here in class (is, are) the time to learn.

9. There in the hammock (lie, lies) Carl and his dog.

10. There (is, are) the senator and the congressman on the steps of the Capitol.

C. Words Stating Amount

Some words that are plural in form may be singular in meaning if they mean an amount of something.

Examples: Thirty-five cents is enough for lunch today. (Although thirty-five cents is plural in
form, it means a single amount of money. It takes a singular verb, is.)

Two weeks never seems long enough for vacation. (Although two weeks is plural, it
is thought of here as a single unit of time. It takes a singular verb, seems.)

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1.Two cups of flour (seems, seem) too much for that recipe.

2.Three days (was, were) all the time needed for the tour.
3.Two hours of homework in one subject (is, are) unfair.

4.Three weeks of rehearsal time usually (proves, prove) to be suffice

5.Fifty cents (is, are) more than enough for your allowance.


D. Titles, organizations, or countries

A title, organization, or country, even when plural in form, usually takes a singular verb.

Example: “Murders in the Rue Morgue” is an intriguing mystery.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. "The Seven Sisters" (is, are) a story about a New England family.

2. Morgan and Company (advertises, advertise) beach bags for a dollar.

3. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (is, are) holding its convention in Chicago this year.

4. The Women (was, were) written by Clare Boothe Luce.

5. Wales (has, have) a beautiful countryside.

E. Don’t and Doesn’t

The words don’t and doesn’t (contractions of do not and does not) must, like all other verbs, agree
with their subjects. Mistakes are often made with these forms.

HINT: To avoid mistakes, use do and does (take off the n’t). Remember the singular verb ends is s.

Examples: Lena doesn’t exercise enough. (Lena does exercise enough.)

Those answers don’t make sense. (Those answers do make sense.)

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions, and use the do/does hint.

1. The girl (don't, doesn't) understand the problem.

2. (Don't, Doesn't) she want the prize?

3. The lettuce (don't, doesn't) look fresh.

4. That school (don't, doesn't) have a stage.

5. It (don't, doesn't) matter at all.

6. He (don't, doesn't) see the rainbow.

7. The boxer and the poodle (don't, doesn't) get along.

8. The curtains in the room (don't, doesn't) match the color of the walls.


9. Mary (don't, doesn't) need to go with me.

10. This bar of candy (don't, doesn't) taste good.

F. Plural-looking nouns
A few nouns, though plural in form, take a singular verb.

Examples: Mathematics seems easy this year.

Mumps is certainly an uncomfortable disease.
The news was not good.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. Economics (is, are) taught by Professor Gray.

2. The news on the radio (was, were) encouraging.

3. Ethics (is, are) a code of values.

4. Politics (appeal, appeals) to some people.

5. Civics (was, were) my dad's best subject.

6. Measles (is, are) very contagious.

7. Social Studies 101 (has, have) always been an interesting course.

8. Aerobics (is, are) a fun activity for most youngsters.

9. Gymnastics often (require, requires) the use of special apparatus.

10. Acrobatics (involve, involves) skills in agility and balance.

G. Nouns ending in -ing

Occasionally the -ing form of the verb can be used as a noun and, therefore, as the subject of a
sentence. This -ing subject takes a singular verb.

Examples: Learning to drive is an exciting experience.

Building wooden tables was my dad's favorite hobby.
Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. Slicing tomatoes (is, are) messy.

2. Every semester, studying for final exams (cause, causes) stress.


3. Riding the rapids in Colorado (provide, provides) adventure.

4. Mowing lawns (furnish, furnishes) additional income for youngsters.

5. Shopping for school clothes often (test, tests) a mother's patience.

6. Running a few miles each day (is, are) a good form of exercise.

7. Washing windows (has, have) always been an unpleasant task.

8. Raking leaves often (turn, turns) into a fun activity.

9. Watching hours of television (hurt, hurts) a person's eyes.

10. Being open-minded (encourage, encourages) learning.

H. I and you

I and you take the plural form of the verb. The only exception to this rule is the singular verb am
which is used exclusively with the pronoun I.

Examples: I am going to school.

You are going to school.

Exercise 1: Follow the basic directions.

1. (Have, Has) you seen Mrs. Smith?

2. I (is, am) leaving -for my trip to Ohio on Monday.

3. (Do, Does) you want to go to the mall tomorrow?

4. I (know, knows) that you (has, have) been doing a lot of work.

5. During the night I usually (hear, hears) strange noises.



In each of the review exercises follow the basic directions and use any of the hints that apply.


1. The citizens of this town (demand, demands) police protection.

2. Glenville's Glee Club always (give, gives) a fine concert.

3. Either Kathy or Dorothy (is, are) going.

4. Both Ruth and I (go, goes) to bed early.

5. The man, along with the two women, (was, were) delayed.

6. We (was, were) passed by six cars.

7. Few of the students (live, lives) in the dormitory.

8. The ice cream (melt, melts) at room temperature.

9. No one (has, have) stolen my secret ideas!

10. The first baseman and the catcher (has, have) made many errors.

11. Mrs. Laird (speak, speaks) with authority.

12. The guitar, accompanied by the bass viol, (play, plays) the tune.

13. Joe and his brother always (drink, drinks) too fast.

14. Thelma, as well as her sister, (is, are) good at sports.

15. Neither of my parents (is, are) home tonight.

16. The captain of the two teams (is, are) Dan.

17. Where (do, does) the Chester family live?

18. The golf team and the tennis team (win, wins) every match.

19. Why (do, does) Lisa and Tony disagree so much?

20. Mrs. Stum, together with her neighbors, (has, have) a sewing club.



1. Someone (has, have) to do the work.

2. Steve, along with Jim and Cindy, (was, were) there.

3. Where (is, are) you going?

4. There (go, goes) Emily and Claire.

5. Each of the members (has, have) contributed.

6. Meg and her mother (is, are) in the store.

7. The set of rules (control, controls) the game.

8. Neither the boss nor her assistant (was, were) present.

9. Here (is, are) an old and famous landmark.

10. Ralph, along with his father, (is, are) attending the game.

11. One often (ask, asks) for help from others.

12. Where (has, have) you and Rachel worked during the summer?

13. The leader of the choir (sing, sings) tenor.

14. The helpers, as well as the leader, (has, have) to work well.

15. Everyone (hope, hopes) to find a special friend.

16. A sign of the times (is, are) the fashion in clothes.

17. There (is, are) opportunities for all.

18. The travelers, with their translators, (visit, visits) the museum.

19. The better of the two seats (has, have) been sold.

20. Where (is, are) my hat and coat?


1. Unfortunately, my mother (doesn't, don't) get a vacation this year.

2. Many of the people in her shop (gets, get) only a few days.


3. The safety commissioner or the radio announcer (has, have) suggestions for driving
carefully on holidays.

4. Each of us (knows, know) how to avoid accidents.

5. Our car (doesn't, don't) have any antifreeze yet.

6. There (is, are) several islands in the state of Hawaii.

7. Several names of places in our country (comes, come) from Spanish words.

8. Five hours (is, are) needed to fly across the Atlantic.

9. Anyone on the tennis courts today (is, are) liable to get a sunburn.

10. The architects (wasn't, weren't) sure what kind of building to plan for the new hotel.

11. The Knights of Columbus (meets, meet) every Thursday evening.

12. One of the wheels (wasn't, weren't) functioning properly.

13. Both Janet and Hilda (hopes, hope) to get summer jobs.

14. The plane and its pilot (wasn't, weren't) hurt.

15 (Is, Are) there enough copies of the music to go around?

16. It (doesn't, don't) look like a snowman.

17. Economics (is, are) a complex but fascinating subject.

18. Either the leader or his followers (doesn't, don't) understand the instructions.

19. A herd of cattle (was, were) grazing on the hill.

20. Politics (is, are) an exiting field for many people.


1. Classifying students (is, are) a tedious job for a guidance counselor.

2. The exhibit of the artist's paintings (was, were) very interesting.

3. Mrs. Andrews, along with Mr. Stone, (do, does) volunteer work.

4. All of the salesmen, including Mr. Thomas, (was, were) at the meeting.

10 | P a g e

5. Every one of the girls (do, does) her shorthand homework.

6. Either Julia or her friends (is, are) planning to attend.

7. Both of the carpenters (is, are) planning to do the job.

8. Neither the students nor the instructor (want, wants) to miss class.

9. The women, as well as the men, (sing, sings) beautifully.

10. This summer I (am, is) working for my father.

11. Neither Michelle nor Paul (has, have) registered yet.

12. Mathematics (is, are) difficult for Sally.

13. Carving game birds (has, have) been her hobby for years.

14. Not one of the nominees (has, have) won an Oscar before.

15. (Do, Does) each of the questions count the same number of points?

16. The number of college freshmen (has, have) decreased in recent years.

17. Little Women (is, are) an endearing novel.

18. The dictator, accompanied by his generals, (was, were) to review the troops.

19. The secretary and the treasurer (was, were) asked to submit reports.

20. Everyone in the auditorium (was, were) startled by the announcement.


1. Juniors and seniors (was, were) expected to report to the gymnasium.

2. There (is, are) a briefcase, a typewriter, and a tape recorder in the office.

3. Ten dollars (was, were) too much for him to pay for a volume of poetry.

4. (Is, Are) there any questions about tomorrow's assignment?

5. Alphabetizing the files (is, are) my responsibility.

6. A typewriter and a sheet of paper (was, were) the only things on the desk.

7. (Does, Do) Coach Jasek and the players know about the special award?

11 | P a g e

8. My three week's vacation (was, were) more enjoyable than I had anticipated.

12 | P a g e

9. (Hasn't, Haven't) either of the officers submitted a written statement?

10. The news of his spectacular achievements (come, comes) as a surprise to all of us.

11. On the table (was, were) a pen, a pad of paper, and two rulers.

12. Either you or Marilyn (is, are) to be asked to preside at the meeting.

13. The team (has, have) reached a decision.

14. I (see, sees) your uncle and your cousin coming down the street.

15. There (is, are) many opportunities for part-time employment on campus.

16. (Is, Are) algebra and chemistry required courses?

17. One of his three instructors (has, have) resigned.

18. (Do, Does) either of the coaches expect the team to win the game?

19. Neither I nor my sisters (expect, expects) to graduate in June.

20. Two teaspoons of vanilla (is, are) needed in this recipe.


1. Write a sentence with a singular subject using one of the following 2 verbs: HOPE, HOPES.

2. Write a sentence with a plural subject using one of the following 2 verbs: SEEM, SEEMS.

3. Write a sentence with an “either-or” subject, placing a singular subject after or. Use one of the
following 2 verbs: WRITE, WRITES.

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4. Write a sentence with a “neither-nor” subject, placing a plural subject after nor. Use one of the
following 2 verbs: ALLOW, ALLOWS.

5. Write a sentence using a collective noun as the subject. Use one of the following 2 verbs: TRAVEL,

6. Write a sentence with an interrupting phrase (prepositional or one set off by commas) between the
subject and the verb. Use one of the following 2 verbs: CLOSE, CLOSES.

7. Write a sentence with a compound subject. Use one of the following 2 verbs: SEND, SENDS.

8. Write a sentence with a singular indefinite pronoun as the subject. Use one of the following 2 verbs:

9. Write a sentence with a plural indefinite pronoun as the subject. Use one of the following 2 verbs:

10. Write a sentence with the pronoun you as the subject. Use one of the following 2 verbs: RECEIVE,

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