Audit Program

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STUDENT ID : 61034

Course: Advance Audit



To Check that the payments are made To check the bills and receipt against
on due dates and the available those asset.
quantity discounts or cash discounts
are availed.
To Check completeness received with We will check it through invoice.
PO quantity We will check the purchase order list.
We will physically count it.
To Check the valuation of fixed asset. To Check the Review system for
authorising bills.
To Check POs are properly raised and We will check it through the
authorised. documents of the asset and confirm it
by the owner of the asset.
To check the valuation of purchases We will check the invoices of the
that it will be recorded properly. purchases

To Check fixed asset owned by the We have to check it through the

owner documents of the asset and can
confirm it by the external person.
To Check the presentation of To check the presentation of
purchases that it will be maintained purchases in balance sheet is
properly. according to IFRS.also check it
presentation in financial notes that it
made properly or not to given
To check that the Inventory Properly We will check it through invoice.
recorded of the material received and We will check it through transaction
recording and which recorded.
classification of the same.
To check the valuation of the We have check the valuation of fixed
purchase order should be clearly and asset through documents and
properly marked so there are no invoices as well.
discrepancies /after payments made.
If any changes are made to the We will check it through good
purchase order, they should be noted receiving notes.
in writing and supplier That if there is any change made is it
by the customer, such as signing off written there .
on it
To Check A manufacturing company is We will check the fixed asset register
that where a raw materials are and balance sheet.
converted into final product by Check the asset physically.
applying certain manufacturing We will check the purchases of the
process asset.
To check the payments for these We will check it through the receiving
purchases are made as per the notes and match it with our
authorisation and within due-dates purchasing order.
To check all purchases, receipt & issue We will check the transaction of
of material and payments are purchaing through ledger.
accounted for in the books of We check the asset physically.
accounts properly under proper
ledger accounts.

To check Trade payble include all We will check receiving notes .
obligation owned to supplier at the
reporting date.

To Check Trade Payble are obligation This will be confirm through

owned by the company. documents of ownership.
To Check Trade payble are presented Re-computation by the system of
at the appropriate amount. manually.
We will check the Voucher for this
Trade payble are properly described We will do Inquiry
and classified in ststement of financial Scanning ledger for proper
position and their disclosure are classification and description,
correct. To check the notes that it made on
the requirement of IFRS.
To check trade payble are valid We will confirm it externally.
obligation to supplier at the reporting We will check it through vouching.
To check the trade payble are We will check invoice.
accurately valued.
To check the accuracy of trade payble We will match the recorded value
are correctly recorded. with the payble amount of goods.
To check the existence of trade We will check the credit notes.
payble is actually occurred. We will check the asset physically for
confirmation of credit made.

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