Peds Er

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Daelyn Lazor

Pediatric Emergency Department

October 2, 2019

Today I went to the Pediatric Emergency Department. It was another eye opening

experience. I quite never realized how many things children are susceptible to when in school

and at home. I saw a lot of children who had not very safe family environment and some children

who were potentially mistreated by their families. The Emergency Room Nurse in pediatrics role

is to triage the child perform life-saving measures, collaborate with a multidisciplinary

emergency team and provide support for the family. In the pediatric Emergency room the ER

nurse many talks to the parents about the children medical condition or the findings. The nurse

includes the children in the education and talks to the child but yet mainly focuses on the parents.

The ER nurse also tries to make the ER an atraumatic experience for the child and tries to

incorporate them in their care. In the ER nurses try to use stuffed animals as well as other toys to

try to lessen the childs anxiety. In the ER the child’s needs to be told the information in a fun and

interactive way to try to make their hospitalization as easy. They explain information using terms

that the child will understand like giving their arm a hug when taking a BP. They try to make

everything as fun as possible and they try to distract them and use vibrant colors on the walls to

make it look less scary. In adult ER everyone is explained their medical condition or what the

HCPs found using a majority of medical terminology. The provide the information in a straight

and forward manner, no trying to “beat around the bush.” The child in the ER has the needs of

providing an atraumatic experience and are told things to make them less scared and to keep

them from any fears whereas the adults need to be told exactly what is wrong.

When the pediatric patients first come into the Emergency Room they are registered at

the desk and then they are taking back to the triage area. In this triage area they get a weight,
temperature, BP, pulse oximetry, Heart Rate as well as respirations. They also get information

about what brings the client into the Emergency Room such as what is wrong, how long have

you had it, mom have you see this, is this normal for you, tell me more about it and other

questions to try to get a clear picture of what is going on. The triage nurse paints a picture for

what is going on and then gets them a ESI score to see where they will go in the Emergency

Room. Whether it is just to fast track because its less of a priority injury and they get get them in

and out very quickly or to the main ER where they need to do more test, watch the patient,

consult more with other HCPs, get labs and all of the more important and potentially life

threatening injuries and illnesses.

When I was at the ER I saw a variety of illness, injuries and weird reasons to bring a

child in to the ER. I saw everything from suicide attempts and potential attempts, to abuse,

broken wrists, polydactyly, cancer patients, DKA, usual nausea and vomiting to a rash. My

favorite one was the polydactyly. This little 2 month old came in with her extra pinky finger

being blue and I got to watch the pediatric hand surgeon from Akron Main come and cut them

off. I knew people have been born with extra digits but I never saw it in person. So this was a

very amazing opportunity to see firsthand how they remove extra digits. I also got to witness a

kid who did not want to go home with his mother because the mother verbally abuses him and

that made him come to the hospital and I saw how the moms custody was pending from the night

before and she didn’t have custody of the child while he was in the ER but then during my day

there in the ER the mother got the custody back of the child. So I saw how social work and

counselors and CPS comes and talks to the child and all that. Finally the kid goes home with the

mother because the team came up with a plan that the child would be going and staying at a

family friends house for a couple of days to get away from mom.

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