Statement of Purpose 1

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The applicant completed his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering in Nepal and wants to pursue a master's degree to further his knowledge and career. He is interested in fields like CAE and robotics.

He completed school with good grades and was among the top students in an entrance exam. He then graduated from a reputed college in India with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, scoring well. He also has work experience and knowledge of software.

Australia offers a diverse range of high quality study options. The applicant was attracted by factors like the ESOS framework, regulatory bodies, scholarships, and cultural diversity. The university offers relevant research facilities and opportunities in his fields of interest.

Statement of Purpose 1


Source: KIEC Student
The ensuring statement of purpose is meant to put forth my aspiration to pursue my
career through a Masters of Mechanical Engineering at your esteemed university. As
well as desecration of my plans subsequent to my graduation. In this ever-changing
world of technology, the passing day makes them obsolete, I want to attain the highest
level of education and transcend new scope on information technology. This has always
fascinated me and I am keen to continue my academic pursuit in this field.
I would present myself as your full name, son of Father Name and Mother Name, a
permanent resident of Full address. I present myself as a Nepalese citizen withholding
citizenship number ******** and passport number ********. I am a fully committed
engineer in Nepal in the Mechanical engineering sector. So, I want to be a part of
the University name to pursue a Master for Mechanical Engineering.
Academic Background
Concerning my academic qualification, I completed my school level from Your School
Name in Pass out year A.D with Academic % and your proficiency certificate, the
address of proficiency certificate with Academic % in Pass out Year. I decided to go
to India after giving entrance I got the opportunity to join one of the most reputed
colleges of India, College Name where I graduated from Course Name. I had four-
month industrial training during my 8th semester in Company Name. Ltd. Finally, I
graduate with Academic %, which is the first division with distinction in Pass out Year I
showed up my International English Language Test System (IELTS) examination scoring
overall 6 bands with no band less than 6 my test date is on IELTS Examination Date.
The reason why I choose Australia
I have always cherished a dream to become an engineer, a dream that was innate and
develop slowly over the years. Right from my school days, I found myself fascinated by
the intricacies of mathematics and physics, I have always felt a strong need for
archived in my academic career. Australia offers a diverse range of study options for
international students due to its qualitative education, practically oriented teaching
system and friendly and safer environment. As per my research on Australian
education, Australia offers a diverse range of study options for international students,
with more than 1200 intuitions and over 22000 courses to choose from. Australia has
formulated ESOS (Education Services for Overseas Students) act in 2000 and
implement in 2001, which has three basic functions: Firstly, Tuition Protection Services,
by which students can claim and acknowledge the refund policy of the institution.
Secondly, right to receive, before enrolling, current and accurate information about the
courses, fees, modes of study and other agreement with our institutions and institution
agent. And the third one is, right to sign written agreement with or institutions before
paying fees, setting out the services to be provided, fees payable and information about
refunds of course money and make sure to copy of our written agreement. Besides this,
Commonwealth Register of Institution and Course for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
registration guarantees that the course and the institution at which study meet the high
standards expected by international students. Apart from being a great place to get a
first-rate education, Australia is the safest and welcoming with cultural diversity and
friendly natives.
This is proof of the excellence of Australian education. Along with ESOS, there are also
regulatory and quality assurance organizations name Australian Skills Quality Authority
(ASAQ) which promotes quality training so that the students have confidence in the
Australian Training sector. The Australian government provides more than 200 million
Australian Dollar scholarships every year for international students. Further Australian
degree has worldwide acceptance and the environment is moderate and clam similar to
that of Nepal. Lastly, their cultural diversity lures and attracts students.
The reason why I choose the University name.
University’s name is an Australian multi-campus public university. Established in 1902,
it was named after the first women to be elected to an Australian. University name has
three campuses located in Joondalup, Mount Lawley and one at Bunbury,
in Western Australia. The Campus name is the University’s Headquarters where the
master of engineering (major: Mechanical) is available. Lower costs of living, unpolluted
air and an increased sense of safety are just some of the advantages of living and
studying in regional Australia. Campuses are ideally located, enabling access to a
wealth of activities, from joining sporting groups to enjoying local clubs or a night at
the theatre. Whatever we desire from our time at university, University name ensures
us that we are at home.  University name, University name, University name, also
provide the engineering program but the location, fee structure and the ranking of the
university as well as the teaching methodology inspire me to choose the University
name rather than the other universities.
I have completed my bachelor’s degree from India and Master of Engineering (major:
mechanical) is the subject, which I intended to do in Australia. The reason behind
choosing India for bachelors, why not my home is because the education system is not
satisfactory in compared to the Global Market. But for Masters, I saw a better
opportunity and significant practical training in Australia more than India, which is the
key point that attracts me. The Engineer’s job market is increasingly competitive and
employers are putting more emphasis on formal education than ever before. Master in
mechanical engineering at University name provides me with the opportunity to gain
industrial and technical knowledge to enhance my engineering skills and further develop
expertise in specific and cutting edge areas of the Engineering profession. The program
is flexible, allowing studying online either on a full or part-time basis.
Family Background
I was born in a rural municipality Your full address. I have a small family of 6 members
including Father (Father Name), Mother (Mother Name), sister (Sister Name), Brother
(Brother Name), my wife (Wife Name) and me. They have been saving the fund that is
required for my postgraduate studies. I am a married person, so my wife is
accompanying me to Australia. My family is capable of financing my study. Since I am
the elder son so I have many responsibilities towards my family. As our tradition, we
have to look at our parents so I will come to the home after my postgraduate study.
My future career plan after the completion of course
After completing my studies, I intended to return to Nepal where opportunities are
immense and challenge alluring. I believe that any engineering field requires a
channeling to obtain the effective output out of it. The proper industrial knowledge of
that an engineer learns is the must when it comes to the processing of minimum input
into the maximum output. This is the reason why I want to study a Masters’s in
mechanical engineering. With this as my major, I will be able to connect the dots
between effective technology and industrial engineering. This will help me to
understand how to properly channel all the techniques I’ve learned to get a better
result. This will allow me to develop my technical and business skills to their fullest. The
specialization in mechanical strategy within the course will help me become an engineer
strategist which in turn will help me guide the techniques I learn in Engineering to
produce effective output on an industrial scale. I have also researched the different
upper-level posts, which requires an engineer with various skills providing high starting
salaries, and I am quite sure after I get a degree from University name, I will be more
than eligible for the post and return my parent’s investment in my education. I will be
able to work as a mechanical engineer with more engineering skills in any Sector such
as Automobile, Hydroelectric power plants and many more.
My Understanding in Subclass 500 objectives
I am aware of the new SSVF policy and I have applied for a Master’s degree by
coursework under visa subclass 500 Higher Education Sector. Being an international
student, I must inherit the following condition:
I need to maintain 80% attendance.
I need to clear 50% of the subject in each term.
I am allowed to work 40 hours per fortnights on a part-time basis.
I cannot change the university for 6 months upon enrollment.
I must have valid health insurance during the stay in Australia.
I must notify University/DIBP if I change the address/contact details within seven days.
I am quite sure that my statement of purpose demonstrates the required qualities to
get acceptance in the Masters of Mechanical Engineering at University name. I will
follow rules and regulations set by University name and Focus on gaining the maximum
out of it. I will be a sincere and obedient student among others. I hope you will give me
an opportunity to take a step closer to my aim.
Hereby, I have enclosed a comprehensive set of documents that at least to the
circumstance of my sponsor. Please don’t hesitate to contact me in case there is any
additional information required. After hearing my words and after the verification of all
my documents. I wish you will consider me as a genuine applicant for the course I have
chosen, I hope you will kindly consider me and allow me to study in Australia.
Thank you
Sincerely yours
Your Name
Cell: +977 *********
Email: Your email address
Statement of Purpose for Mechanical Engineering 2
I was born into a poor family in a remote mountainous village in Shandong Province. The untimely death of my uncle,
who was very close to me, because of illness and poverty shocked me to such an extent that I once decided to drop
out of the school and to help support the family. But my parents did not allow me to do so. Illiterate as they were, they
nonetheless understood that "Education is the key," and were anxious to put this key in my pocket, in spite of all their
difficulties. With the growth of age, I now have a much clearer sense of purpose for my life, which is not just to help
one family, but to lift many more out of poverty and ignorance.

I remember that I proved to be a fast learner as early as at elementary school. For instance, I was the only one
student in the entire school who could solve linear equations with two variables. At high school, my favorite subjects
of learning were Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Every year, I participated in national or provincial contests in
Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry for high school students, and won either a first or a second prize. With this kind
of training, I gradually developed a confidence in my ability to compete effectively in any academic circumstance. In
1996, I entered the famed Tsinghua University as a student majoring in Precision Instruments and Mechanics, with
scores at the National University Entrance Examinations ranking the first in the region and the fifth in the province.

In Tsinghua University I found the gateway to the beautiful garden of Mechanics. What I saw in its Micron and
Nanotechnology Center, such as electric generators only a few microns large, and various laser devices in precision
measurement, carried me away completely. When I learned that in near the future, Nano-electronics could produce
pocket-sized giant computers, and make fragile porcelain ware exceedingly robust, and, especially, that
Nanotechnology will play a central role in the development of Information Technologies, more than Computer does,
my mind was made up to pursue a career in this exciting area, for the rest of my life.
During my undergraduate years, I built a solid foundation in the Basics of Precision Measurement, Material Science,
Precision Equipment Engineering, and other related areas, earning excellent academic records. In addition, I made
concentrated effort in developing a strong ability in lab research, especially during my undergraduate senior studies
and during my Master's Program. I once designed a piezoelectrically driven micro-jet, following the idea of the spray
mechanism of the ink jet printer with certain micro-mechanical processing. On the basis of this research, I invented a
new model of micro-jet for lung treatment. During the several months of lab research and the writing of my graduation
thesis "Experimental Research on Micro-jets," I learned a great deal about power electronics, microelectromechanic
systems, silicon processing, and engineering mechanics, and significantly enriched my lab experience through
dozens of lab testing projects in precision measurement, in areas such as the sugar thickness sensor, designs of
precision mechanics, the appliances of microcomputer, the applications of multimedia technologies, and the use of
the single-chip computer.

Besides lab research, I also did part-time work with three companies, involved in the research and development of
products of micro-mechanic systems, database, and the GIS. With these work experiences, I developed an ability to
conduct research work in corporal environments, and also attained a keen insight into the practical and commercial
sides of micro-mechanics. I applied my knowledge of MEMS to the preparation process of the micro-flow sensor
produced by the company. For this project I looked up a large amount of technical literature, which also involved
much translation for those who could not read in English. My English improved considerably, after many hours spent
in the library reading IEEE publications. In this environment, I remain a fast learner, because I have learned how to
learn, not just what to learn. I in fact learned some of the computer programming software, such as Visual Basic,
Visual C++, and Delphi, on my own.

It was also during the lab experiments that I notice that most of the key equipments I used in the lab were foreign
imports. Since the manuals that came with them often did not cover all the technical details of their internal structures,
it made them rather difficult to operate. With this experience I began to realize that China is still way behind Western
countries in the development of precision engineering. I wish to pursue a higher degree abroad, with a focus on
MEMS, and especially on micro-mechanical systems. To my great surprise, I found that Arizona State University has
a highly advanced graduate program in Mechanical Engineering, which will meet my needs perfectly. I have visited
the web page of the university several times, and have some contact with Professor Ampere Tseng, whose research
areas seem very attractive to me. Professor Tseng has in fact encouraged me to apply to its graduate program.

There remain some problems in the lab experimentation that cannot be solved with all the knowledge I presently
have. For instance, how can we produce orifices smaller than those already produced with more refined precision
technology so that we can observe their dynamic characteristics? To realize this, all the technical details of the
system have to be taken into consideration. The system not only consists of the objects to be processed and the
processing devices, but also consists of the working environment, mechanical and environmental control, training of
the operating personnel, specifics of operation, and the fundamental understanding of the entire process. All those
procedures must be properly handled in order to ensure the successful production of the smallest orifices possible,
with perfect accuracy under the help of the most sophisticated precision instruments. I look forward to finding
answers to this and many other problems during my graduate study at ASU.

In my future program at your prestigious graduate school, I intend to concentrate on the following areas of study: (1)
MEMS; (2) CAD/CAM/CIMS; (3) Micro-Mechanical System; (4) Micro-Flow; and (5) System Control. In accordance
with this, I would like to divide my studies into three distinctive stages. First, I will continue with my studies of the
foundational courses in MEMS to construct a firmer theoretical basis to expand the related knowledge in electro-
mechanical integration. In the second stage, I plan to undertake some research projects that can demonstrate leading
technology and creativity, especially in the field of MEMS technology and its application, so that I may develop myself
into a specialist in this field. Finally, since the 21st Century is bound to be a century of nanotechnology and since
China's accession into WTO has created many technical challenges and opportunities, I believe that nanotechnology,
especially MEMS, will become the prevalent technology in the new millennium. This will be a rare opportunity for the
maturation and the development of nanotechnology and its products. By that time I can contribute my professional
expertise to this important process as a leading scientist in China.


The ensuring statement of purpose is meant to put forth my aspiration to pursue my career through
Masters in Mechanical Engineering at your esteemed university, as well as description of my plans
subsequent to my graduation. In this ever changing world of Engineering and Technology, passing day
makes them obsolete, I want to attain the highest level of education and transcend new scope for
research in Mechanical Engineering. This has always fascinated me and I am keen to continue my
academic pursuit in this field.

I have always cherished a dream to become an Engineer, a dream that was innate and developed slowly
over the years. Right from my school days I found myself fascinated by the intricacies of mathematics
and physics, which spurn the web their web of aura around me, a web that I sought to unravel in
countless problem solving sessions I have always felt a strong need for achievement, which has been the
motivating force behind whatever I have achieved in my academic career. Mechanical department staff in
my college gave the strong support to my feeling saying that “We being the Mechanical Engineering
students can make the world and we can move the world”.

I finished my schooling with 83% in 10th class and with 93.2% in 12th class. I was placed among the top
5% of 110,000 odd students in a state level entrance examination for undergraduate study through
which I could cherish my dream of getting into the stream of Mechanical Engineering in a reputed
institution .I am proud to say that our college is one of the best college in the state that every
undergraduate student has a dream to enroll into it. The college has accredited “A” grade by “NBA” and
“AICTE”. In such a good college I got 87% in aggregate and stood “UNIVERSITY FIRST”in in
mechanical engineering.

In this world where engineers are proliferating at an extremely high place, I felt that I had to achieve
something different to stand in a good position in the competitive world pursuing this strongly in built
motive, I have authored some technical papers, which have received due appreciation on which I wrote
about the present trends and performance improvement of a diesel engine with cotton seed oil and
advances in advanced chemical engineering in alternate fuels and robot hexapod matrix related approach
for calculation of arm length of robot. During my study at baccalaureate level I have nurtured a growing
interest in CAE and Robotics due to its immense real life applications and wide scope of research. It is my
interest to excel in the fields of CAE, Robotics and to position of immense. I want to expose myself to the
outer limits of specialized knowledge of these fields. A through knowledge of computers is imperative for
any engineer to be successful. I have taken computer and mechanical courses in C-Language, C++ ,
JAVA and I am well acquainted with mechanical software’s namely I-DEAS, AUTOCAD, UNIGRAPHICS. I
have worked various flat forms like WINDOWS, DOS and UNIX.

The American universities have always pioneered the research in my fields of interest. Being a
prospective student for new challenging ideas, I believe that an opportunity for higher education in U.S.A.
would be a unique fortuity to test and prove my ability and also to enrich and broaden my keen with
transition to a new setting. Finally, I would like to add here that my parents have always been a source
of inspiration to me. They have set me personal examples and ideals for me follow. As a result of this, I
believe that over the years, I have evolved into a person who can fit easily into a team and who
appreciates the value of discussion and exchanges of ideas. I am largely self-regulated and am capable of
independent work, given an opportunity.

I would like to conclude with the reasons for my choosing to apply to your esteemed university for
my MS in Mechanical Engineering. I perceive that graduate study nurtures the seeds of learning
sown during the course of undergraduate study. After having gone through the details of the research
facilities available at your university, I feel that they are very much catering to the fields of interest and it
is the right place to embark upon my academic career.

An assistantship besides providing financial support as seen fit by the university official would gain me
valuable research experience and will place me in a good stead leader in my career .I wish to aver that I
will make maximum use of all the opportunities bestowed upon me and shall pursue my goals with whole
hearted dedication and can live to the high standards set by the university. I sincerely hope that my
application for admission is favorably received

Your Name

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