Wilson Creek Grade 3 Week 2

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Wilson Creek TeleSchool Grade 3

Week 2
How to Access Gallopade (for SS)
1. Go to Launchpad
2. Social Studies

3. Gallopade

Answer Keys to On-Level Math

TeleSchool Grade 3
Week 2
Social Emotional Learning Lesson
Reflection in Me Video
Look in the mirror and list three things you love about yourself.
Write down 3 specific compliments to give to yourself. Once complete, go to a
mirror and read each compliment to yourself. (Remember to consider qualities
you can’t see too).
Monday Day 1 Grade 3
1. Read the Passage The Amazing Penguin Rescue
2. Complete the Vocabulary Worksheet (either print or answer
on notebook paper) Vocabulary Practice

1. Read the Passage: The Amazing Penguin Rescue HL

ACC 2. Complete the Think About It Questions (either print or answer
on notebook paper)

1. Read the following debate Should Sweets be Banned from

School Parties?
ON 2. Complete the Debate Template (either print or answer on
ADV notebook paper) Debate Template

1. Read the Debate: Should Trampolines Be Banned?

ACC 2. Write an Opinion Essay Using the Template (either print or
answer on notebook paper)

ON x6v/view?usp=sharing

Fraction Review
1. Fraction of a set or Learnzillion.com code W453499

ADV 2. Fraction of a whole or Learnzillion.com code XR56555

3. Quizizz.com Join Game 025883
BrainPop Jr. (Launchpad) Movie Title: Points, Lines, Segments, Rays
Worksheet Practice:
ACC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NIiUCSmQ_OCsFzhYW3ZggtZSkLp
Brain Pop Government

ment Take the Easy or Hard Quiz

Tuesday Day 2 Grade 3
IREADY Reading 20 Minutes


IREADY Reading 20 minutes


1. Read through the passage How Bad Could it Be?

2. Choose 3 Constructed Responses to Complete (either print
ON or answer on notebook paper) Constructed Response
ADV Questions

1. Read the Passage: The Uninvited Guests

ACC 2. Complete the Questions (either print or answer on notebook
paper) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JiLDuNYTo_u9u-

ON PIqcQSg/view?usp=sharing

IReady Math Assigned Lesson



IReady Assigned Lesson: Identify Points, Lines and Rays



Chapter 12 Lesson 1
Do What’s Right!
Wednesday Day 3 Grade 3
1. Read the Passage Jack and the Beanstalk Play (at the end
of document)
ON 2. Answer the questions (either print or answer on notebook
ADV paper) Character Change

1. Read the Text: Lost in a Blizzard

ACC 2. Complete the Quiz (either print or answer on notebook paper)

1. Re-read through the passage Jack and the Beanstalk Play

2. Answer the question below: THINK AND WRITE
ON Was it okay for Jack to steal from the Giant? In an organized
ADV paragraph, explain why Jack stole and whether you think it
was right. Be sure to include details from the play.

1. Read the Debate: Should Parents Help Kids With Homework?

ACC 2. What Do You Think? (either print or answer on notebook paper)

ON LOvQMbG_/view?usp=sharing

ADV Equivalent Fractions Nearpod.com or CODE BDHWP

ACC Ready Assigned Lesson: Angles


Chapter 12 Lesson 1
Skill Builder: Rules and Laws
Thursday Day 4 Grade 3
1. Read the Passage I Lost My Tooth in Africa
ON 2. Answer the questions (either print or answer on notebook
ADV paper) Tooth in Africa Quiz

1. Read the Text: Escape from Alcatraz

2. Complete the Think About It Questions (either print or answer
on notebook paper)

1. Grammar Review
ON Common and Proper Nouns
ADV Verb Tenses

1. Read the Debate: Should You Always Get a Trophy?

2. Write an Opinion Essay Using the Template (either print or
answer on notebook paper)

ON GC-qDO0/view?usp=sharing

ADV IReady Math Assigned Lesson

BrainPop (Launchpad) Movie Title: Angles

Worksheet Practice:
ACC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TrbZOprbUEnXZ5Wh8ZyoYRPpQb


Chapter 12 Lesson 1
Do It and Discuss It: Speed Limits
Friday Day 5 Grade 3
Read Independently for 20 Minutes (use MyOn if you do not
ON have a physical book)


Read Independently for 20 Minutes (use MyOn if you do not

have a physical book)

1. Grammar Review
ON Adverbs
ADV Punctuation

1. Read the Debate: Are Kids’ Menus A Good Idea?

2. What Do You Think? (either print or answer on notebook paper)
ACC https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EJ6KAvOMVQit7Et8AvMu

ON 6Q2T5tvJhqQyYmyGxP45j/view?usp=sharing

Illuminate Assignment (student ID and password needed)

ADV ClassLink - Illuminate App - Take assessment


Chapter 12 Lesson 2

Consequences of Breaking Laws + Flash Point

Day 3 Passage: Jack and the Beanstalk
Scene 1
A small cottage
Narrator 1: In a faraway place, a lazy boy named Jack lives with his poor, weary m
Mother (surprised): Jack, you planted only one row of seeds!
Jack: I’m tired. That garden is too much work.
Mother (angrily): Well, you’ll be sorry when we don’t have enough to eat.
Narrator 2: The day soon comes when they share their last potato.
Mother (moaning): Now what will we do?
Jack: We still have our cow, so at least we have milk.
Mother (wailing): No, poor Milky White has gone dry. She has no more milk.
Milky White: Moooooo!
Jack: I’ll take her to market to sell.
Mother: Yes, but be smart. Get five gold coins for her, no less!

Scene 2
A country lane
Narrator 3: Jack starts off to market. On the way, he meets a hunched, hooded stra
nger with a raspy voice.
Stranger: Off to market, boy? What do you want for this fine cow?
Jack: Five gold coins.
Stranger: What happens once you have spent them?
Jack (shrugging): I don’t know.
Stranger: You need something that will last. There’s magic in these five beans.
N1: Jack pauses to think about this.
Stranger: Magic beans, boy. They have special powers.
Jack: I’ll take them! Here’s my cow.
Milky White: Moooooo!
N2: Jack races home to Mother. She’s working in the garden.
Mother: Back so soon? Where is the gold?
Jack: I have something much better: magic beans!
Mother (angrily): What? There’s no such thing! Foolish boy, we’ll starve!
N3: Mother tosses the beans into the garden and walks back into the cottage.
N1: At once, the ground begins to shake.
N2: A thick beanstalk quickly starts to grow.
N3: Jack climbs on and holds tight as it shoots up to the sky.
Day 3 Passage: Jack and the Beanstalk (Part 2)

Scene 3
A castle
N1: The beanstalk stops at the door of a castle that sits on a cloud.
N2: Jack hops off and knocks on the door. A giant woman answers.
Mrs. Giant: Go away, poor boy, or my husband will have you for supper.
Jack: I’ll go. But … may I have a bit of food to take with me?
N3: Mrs. Giant gives him bread and very smelly cheese.
N1: Suddenly, heavy footsteps make the stone floor shake.
Mrs. Giant: My husband is coming! Quick, hide in the oven!
N2: Jack dives into the cold oven and watches through a crack.
N3: A mean-looking man as tall as a house begins to roar.
Giant: Fee, fie, foe, fum! I smell the blood of a tasty one!
Mrs. Giant (lying): Oh, no. You just smell the hog I cooked for your supper.
N1: The Giant begins to eat. He chews loudly, smacking his lips together.
Giant (hollering): Now I want to count my gold!
N2: Mrs. Giant tosses three heavy bags onto the table.
Mrs. Giant: It’s sad to think of the poor villagers you robbed to get that gold.
Giant: Hush, or I’ll lose my place.
N3: Halfway through counting, the Giant falls asleep.
Jack (whispering): He has so much, while we have nothing.
N1: Jack pops out of the oven, snatches a few gold coins …
N2: … and hurries down the beanstalk to his mother.
Mother (scolding): Wicked boy! Whose gold is this?
Jack: I took it from a giant who eats children.
Mother (gasping): He could have eaten you!
Jack (bragging): I’m too fast. And now we won’t starve.
Day 3 Passage: Jack and the Beanstalk (Part 3)
Scene 4
Back at the castle, a few weeks later
N3: Jack and his mother have used all the gold. They’ll run out of food again soon.
N1: So Jack climbs back up the beanstalk and slips into the castle.
N2: Mrs. Giant sees him at once.
Mrs. Giant: Stop! You stole gold from my husband.
Jack: But my mother and I were so hungry.
N3: The castle floor begins to shake.
Mrs. Giant: Here he comes! You may be a thief, but I’ll not let my husband eat you.
N1: She pushes Jack into the oven.
Giant (roaring): Woman, bring me my hen!
N2: Jack peeks through the oven door as Mrs. Giant sets a hen on the table.
Giant: Lay, hen! Lay!
N3: The hen lays a golden egg.
Giant: Now, wife, fetch my harp!
N1: Mrs. Giant brings out a golden harp.
Giant: Play, harp! Play!
N2: The magic harp plays all by itself.
N3: The Giant falls asleep.
N1: Jack thinks of the money he could make selling the golden egg. He crawls out of the oven.
N2: He goes to grab the harp.
Harp (shouting): Master, wake up! Help!
N3: Jack takes the hen instead and runs away.
N1: The Giant chases after him.
Giant (shouting): Fee, fie, foe, fum! If you rob from me, then here I come!
Day 3 Passage: Jack and the Beanstalk (Part 4)
Scene 5
The beanstalk
N2: Jack slides swiftly down the beanstalk. The hen is tucked under his arm.
N3: The Giant slides down after him.
Jack (shouting): Mother! Bring me the ax!
Mother: Here you go, Jack!
N1: Grabbing the ax, Jack chops away at the beanstalk.
N2: It shudders and shakes, then begins to fall.
N3: Jack drops the hen and grabs his mother’s hand. He leads his mother away so t
he beanstalk doesn’t fall on them.
N1: They stop to catch their breath.
Jack: Mother, I lost the hen. It laid golden eggs!
Mother: Never mind the hen. We have a garden to plant.
Jack: I’ll plant it. We need to eat.
Scene 6
The cottage
N2: Jack knows he can’t steal from the Giant anymore.
N3: And he can’t count on finding the magic hen.
N1: He works hard every day, planting a huge garden filled with vegetables.
N2: One day, Mother calls out to Jack.
Mother: Come see your garden!
N3: Jack is amazed. It’s overflowing with tasty things to eat.
Jack: There’s far more food than we need. I can sell the rest!
Mother: And now we’ll have enough seeds to plant again next year.
Jack: I hope the magic hen is helping another family instead.
N1: As for the Giant? He fell to earth somewhere and was never seen again.
Day 3 Writing: Jack and the Beanstalk
Was it okay for Jack to steal from the Giant? In a
organized paragraph, explain why Jack stole and
whether you think it was right. Be sure to include
details from the play.

Day 4 Passage: I Lost my Tooth in Africa
Hi! My name is Amina. I live in Portland, Oregon. Today, we are
flying to Africa to visit my father’s family in Bamako, Mali. Africa is
very far from our home in Portland. It takes two days, three planes,
and three different continents to get there. Right before landing in
Mali, I discover I have a wiggly tooth.
My dad says if you lose a tooth in Africa and put it under a
gourd, you will get a chicken from the African Tooth Fairy! I really
want to lose my tooth in Africa. So I try tricks with my tongue to help
it come out faster.
But nothing happens.
Family Time
When we arrive, my aunts, uncles, and cousins are here to
greet us. They all live together in one compound with N’na, my
grandma. It’s very hot here, and the ground is a beautiful sandy
orange. Outside our compound there are donkeys, goats, and lots
of chickens. The rooster never stops crowing.
I wiggle and wiggle my tooth. I can’t wait to have my own
Aunt Kadja has made my favorite dinner. It’s rice and onion
sauce with African eggplant and tiny noodles. We all eat together
around one big bowl. Everyone eats with their right hand.
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you get a piece of meat!
When I eat, I can feel my tooth moving, but it refuses to come out.
By evening, the world begins to quiet down. The family is
home, and neighbors come by to greet us. The stars shine brightly.
The moon glows like a streetlamp. Friends sit in groups in the
courtyard. They’re playing games, telling stories, and braiding hair.
Grandma N’na sings songs.
As the sky darkens, I climb into bed. And after a few stories
from my dad, I drift off to sleep.
I hope my tooth doesn’t fall out at night!
Day 4 Passage: I Lost my Tooth in Africa
Where’s the Chicken?
With the first golden rays of the sun, the noisy rooster
begins to crow.
“KAY KAY RAY KAY! It’s time to get up!”
The first thing we do every morning in Africa is greet
Grandma N’na. We receive blessings from her. She takes
my hand and holds it gently as she begins a long list of
“May you rise high with strength and knowledge.”
“Amiin,” I respond after each one.
After breakfast, I run outside to brush my teeth at the
papaya tree. That way I can water the tree as I brush!
Suddenly, there is a funny feeling in my mouth. My
tongue instantly finds a gap where the tooth had been. I
hope I haven’t swallowed it. Where is my tooth? I look
It’s on the ground!
I pick it up and run to show my parents. My mom is
surprised. My dad helps me place it under a gourd behind
the bedroom window. I am so proud. I lost my tooth in
Africa! Soon, I will have a chicken of my very own.
All morning I play with my cousins, waiting for a
chicken to come. But nothing happens.
We eat lunch and take a short nap. Still no chicken.
We take a walk by the little creek. We watch a busy
bird building its hanging nest in a palm tree. When we get
home, it’s already time to take our bucket baths. The day is
almost finished. But no chicken has come.
Finally, I go to take back my tooth. I feel sad. Maybe
the African Tooth Fairy has forgotten.
But right as I turn over the gourd, two chickens pop
out! One rooster and one hen.
Day 4 Passage: I Lost my Tooth in Africa
Waiting for Eggs
Right away, I take care of my chickens. I feed
them and give them water. My mom and dad help me
build a little house for them under the stairway that leads
to Grandma N’na’s roof.
Early one morning, I open my chicken coop. There!
I see them. White oval eggs in the nest on the dirt floor.
I shout, “SHAY KEELEEW! SHAY KEELEEW! Eggs! Eggs!”
Uncle Modibo says that chicks will hatch in 21
days! I wonder if I will see them before I leave.
When I help Aunt Sali with the meals, I like to peel
the vegetables because I can feed the peelings to my
chickens. When I finish with the vegetables, I smoosh
tomatoes with my hands for a good-tasting sauce. I cut
squash and cabbage into big quarters so Aunt Sali can
boil them.
Later that day, my hen has laid more eggs. That
makes me smile, because it means my chickens are
happy in our home.
When I go to sleep that night, I dream about little
chicks hatching. I’m excited to see what they will look
Day 4 Passage: I Lost my Tooth in Africa
Goodbye and Hello

Finally one morning my dad tells me it is our last day in

Africa. We have to go back to America. I slowly say
goodbye to the things I will miss.

“KAWN-BAY,” I say to the little mango tree.

“KAWN-BAY,” I say to the little creek.
“KAWN-BAY,” I say to Africa.

When the time comes to leave, I am sad. I say goodbye to

my African family and friends.
Slowly I walk to the chicken coop to say goodbye to my
Then I see it. An egg is hatching!
A tiny, wet chick peeks out from a white egg.

“SHAY DEN! SHAY DEN!” I shout. “Chicks! Chicks!”

Everyone comes to see. They all congratulate me.

Just then, another egg hatches. I am very happy. But I’m
sad too. I don’t want to leave my chickens behind.
“Don’t worry, Amina,” says Uncle Madou. “I’ll take good
care of them. When you come back, your chicks will be old
enough to lay eggs for you.”
I smile so big you can see the empty space where my tooth
is missing.

And right away I begin to count the days until we come

back to Africa.
Launchpad Resources
3 Extra Practice
• MyOn
• IREADY Reading/Math
• Learning.com
• Brain Pop/Brain Pop Jr.

Multiplication Flash Cards

**Adult/Older Sibling assistance suggested

Breakout Activities
Breakout 1: Can I have a Sleepover (Math Focus)
Lock Combination Codes

Breakout 2: Neighborhood Picnic (ELA Focus)

Lock Combination Codes
NUMBER: 1356

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