Human Resource Management - BBA - 1213 - BBA-AC-06-07 PDF

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Student’s Name Mohammed Buhary Mohammed Imran

Student’s Matric No BBA/AC/06/07

Year/Semester October - December 2019

Program Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting

Subject Name / Human Resource Management

Subject Code

Lecturer’s Name Mr.Hazeer

Assignment Title Human Resource Management

No. of Page (excluding 6 Pages

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Task: 01

Organization engage in job analysis before recruitments. Analyze how and why?

Job Analysis - Introduction

Job analysis is a procedure of reviewing the qualifications and requirements of a particular

position in a company prior to engaging in recruitment and selection. A job description is the
main product of a job analysis.

Purpose of Job Analysis?

Job Analysis involves many key roles in HR such as recruitment and selection, job evaluation,
job designing, deciding compensation and benefits packages, performance appraisal, analyzing
training and development needs, assessing the worth of a job and increasing personnel as well as
organizational productivity.

Job analysis involves gathering and recording job-related data such as knowledge and skills
required to perform a job, duties and responsibilities involved, education qualifications and
experience required and physical and emotional characteristics required to perform a job in a
desired manner. The main purpose of job analysis is to streamline the human efforts and get the
best possible output. It helps in designing, redesigning, enriching, evaluating and also cutting
back and adding the extra responsibilities in a particular job. The main objective of conducting a
job analysis process is to use this specific information to produce a right fit between job and

An organization might use job analysis data for workforce planning, performance management,
recruitment and selection, career and succession planning, training and development,
compensation administration, health, safety and security, employee/labor relations, risk
Therefore, job analysis is one of the most important functions of an HR manager or department.
This helps in fitting the right kind of talent at the right place and at the right time.

The purpose you should complete a job analysis prior to seeking employees is that you have an
improved sense of what to look for in candidates. In retail, for example, sales and service jobs
vary significantly from more task-oriented to more people-oriented, where sales and service
skills are critical. Only if you have done a clear job analysis you could do better recruitment.

Due to growing competition, shorter product life-cycles, fast technological innovations, and the
varying nature of organizational structures, assumptions are becoming increasingly questionable.
Furthermore, the methods used before in traditional job analysis are not applicable to many new
and emerging jobs.

How to conduct a Job Analysis?

o Identify the jobs to be analyzed

o Define the procedures to be used in collecting job data
o Implement the job analysis methods
o Evaluate the data collected through job analysis
o Summarize and document the data collected

After searching the jobs that need to be analyzed then we need to define procedures to collect
data by using methods such as interviews, questionnaires, observations. Then need to ensure the
implementation of the job analysis and evaluate the data collected. Finally, could summarize and
document the data collected.

Below example is an application of the Job analysis role in a Sri Lankan company. For example,
Stafford Motor company (Pvt.) ltd. has many vacancies in each of their branches and they must
be able to fulfill the necessities especially for the Automobile and Motorbike workshops since
there is a gap (lack of technicians). So basically, company HR must evaluate the qualifications
needed (e.g. NVQ level 3 or 4) and their experience. Then HR must develop a job description
and then develop duties and assign responsibilities for each recruitment. Once employees are
recruited, they must be shown a career progression with clear evaluation criteria. Training and
development must be given as per the requirements. Depending on the job role people must be

For example, Automobile sales person must be people-oriented handling customers whereas a
technician must be an expert in his task being task oriented. So before recruiting both persons a
clear job analysis need to be done by the relevant department head. Another example would be a
person who is recruited to the finance department should be having the necessary qualifications,
knowledge and experience to work with numbers. But that doesn’t mean he could be allowed to
work in several other tasks also because his job specification matches the job description in
Finance department. Likewise, everybody in the organization must be adhered to the HR
practices of the company and finally work towards to achieve the particular vision.

Everything relating to job must be communicated by the HR manager to the employees when
they are recruited to the company. Currently the company has recruited set of management
trainees which is as a result of talent acquisition process.

Organizations continuously recruit talents to execute the business strategy. Explain the
process of Talent acquisition in Human Resources Management practices.

Talent acquisition is an active branch of Human Resources (HR) that focuses on the long-term
growth of an organization in order to fulfill employment needs.

There is no one strategy fits all when it comes to subsequent a process for talent acquisition.
Every organization will follow their own process for talent acquisition.

Recruitment is a reactive response to an organization’s need to hire somebody “now”; it is

naturally to fill a short-term, instant need. But talent acquisition is a proactive response to an
organization’s need for future talent; it is normally to fulfill the possible need for particular role,
like technology or leadership-based roles, or for future skills that do not yet have roles.
Corporate and Industries are anxious much on the talents to look forward the business in the
competitive era.

Following are the basic stages that can be followed in talent acquisition that will help establish
some best practices for optimal results.

01) Establish a strategy

02) Attract talent
03) Relationship management
04) Hiring and on-boarding
05) Review

Talent acquisition is about meeting future employment needs that moves with planning of
organization’s future goals and objectives. Strategy needs to understand the trends of the current
labor market. Specially need to understand the labor demand and supply. By having a firm
understanding of both the external job market and the internal roles of the organization, talent
acquisition teams will be better able to address develop or match future gaps in talent.

Talented professionals are attracted in what an organization can offer them. Therefore, brand
image, the company’s values, the benefits, and developmental opportunities are very important.
And also talent acquisition teams need to be fluent in different networking channels, like social
media, and be able to utilize advertising and marketing strategies.
Next step is to build a relationship and create a positive candidate experience within the
organization. Make prospects clear about the recruitment process for each job requirement so
that candidate know exactly what exactly is expected. Reduce the length of time taken for
candidate to provide sufficient information. Then show that particular candidate is valuable by
immediate communication. Short listed candidates must be informed as well as other candidates
who are not selected must be given a positive image encouraging them to apply in future.

After a candidate is chosen for a role, talent acquisition’s emphasis should be on facilitating a
smooth blend into the company and its culture.

A well-structured program for hiring and on-boarding provides the tools and support necessary
to help a new employee transition into the role. Finally, the recruitment data should be used to
improve acquisition process.

Talent management is an exclusive role that integrates all of the activities and responsibilities
associated with the management of the talent lifecycle regardless of geography—from attracting
and acquiring talent to developing and retaining it.

People Equity can impact a variety of important organizational outcomes, including higher
financial performance, greater quality, and lower employee turnover (Schiemann, 2006;
Kostman & Schiemann, 2005). In a study of 2041 companies from 30 industries, Kostman and
Schiemann (2005) found a high correlation between People Equity and financial performance,
quality and employee turnover. For example, top-quartile People Equity companies had one-half
the turnover that bottom quartile companies reported.
To accomplish a higher return companies must attract people with much talent. Then only they
will be a long-lasting asset to the company. This includes the Company manager, policies driven
by HR and senior leaders, managers, or even a recruiting firm, essentially anyone who touches
the talent lifecycle in a way that enables talent investments to be leveraged effectively.

Competencies are hardly the matter in large organizations because there is more validated
selection tools that are usually good at identifying skills, abilities and experiences that are crucial
for job success. Organization usually has knowledge about the Alignment, Capabilities, and
Engagement profiles of internal candidates.

Human capital is a crucial resource for most organizations around the globe and one that is
central to achieving the mission and goals of the organization. Optimize human capital
investments by thinking about how the organization manages the entire talent lifecycle. So, talent
need to be defined broadly and talent optimization is important rather than management.

When applying the above information for a Sri Lankan company- Stafford Motor company (Pvt.)
Ltd. A good example is recruitment of management trainees for the business. They are actually a
long-term investment for the company to develop new ventures. For example, lots of processes
were streamlined and ISO was implemented to the organization as a result of recruiting them.
Once they were recruited to the company management had some challenges during the
integration of trainees with well experienced managers but it was sorted later on with the time.
Talent management is the implementation of combined strategies or systems designed to surge
workplace productivity by developing improved processes for attracting, developing, retaining
and utilizing people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future business

There are few strategies for talent acquisition such as get the use of leveraging technology, allow
to work with other departments, have a better marketing edge. So, once a talent is recruited to a
company, it must know to retain the talent. Performance appraisal must be conducted at regular
intervals so that talented employees are happy to continue work with the company. And certain
times we could develop the talent within the company by giving on the job training or off the job
training. However, everybody must be aligned to move with the business strategy at the end.

There are many significant benefits when skillful people are available at the workplace such as
easy to communicate, develop new plans, make new policies, able to achieve the economic and
qualitative goals of the company, they are an internal source of motivation and therefore the
company’s reputation may be rising. We would find many challenges also when doing both job
analysis and talent acquisition. But somehow, we must try to manage everything and move
forward with the company’s vision and mission for a successful future.

Talent management has to begin from the interview process to verify if the employee is a correct
fit to the organization till employee resign where the employee parts the organization. Talent
management practices will differ across different levels and industries and hence appropriate
care has to be taken to ensure that the right approach is taken for better results. With the
increasing competition, dearth of talent, globalization and ever growing need to manage talent
the scope for study of talent management practice gains importance.

Activities confirming retention and stabilization of talents in the organization are intimate part of
talent management. Individuals with major talent must remain in the organization because their
leavings have usually strange effect on organization's operation, which is unrelated to them.
Among other factors talent retention in the organization depicts their interest and value towards
work. Not only that it ensures opportunities for education and development, and professional
advancement, respecting a balance between professional and private life, the offer of a flexible
work role, the offer of a quality work conditions and equipment, provision of sense of
recognition and respect etc.


Job Analysis helps both the employer and employee to make the best fit to the organization.
Talent Acquisition will sustain if the company is able to retain the best talent pool with them in a
particular industry they work. Sri Lankan company was taken for example at few instances for
the explanations. And it’s always better to have a framework within the company for job analysis
and talent acquisition so that HR will not face any difficulty in conducting best HR practices.


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