Chester Melanie Webquest Questions Unit11

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Unit 11 WebQuest Development Assignment

Introduction: Welcome to the mysterious, macabre, and bone-chilling life of American writer, Edgar
Allan Poe! This week we will be completing an interactive WebQuest which will help you learn more
about the literature, life and times of Edgar Allan Poe – in Baltimore and beyond!

Grade/Subject: English Language Arts, Grade 8

Standard - CC.1.2.8.I
Analyze two or more texts that provide conflicting information on the same topic and identify where
the texts disagree on matters of fact or interpretation.

Standard - CC.1.4.8.A
Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information

Standard - CC.1.4.8.S
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research,
applying grade-level reading standards for literature and literary nonfiction.

Standard - CC.1.4.8.U
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships
between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others

Standard - CC.1.4.8.V
Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing
on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple
avenues of exploration.

Students will be able to identify surprising, interesting, and troubling facts about Poe’s life.
Students will read and analyze three poems by Edgar Allan Poe: “Alone,” “Annabel Lee,” and “The
Students will concisely summarize “The Raven” and prepare a hashtag and a mock-“Tweet.”

Melanie Chester LLT 521 November 8, 2019

Unit 11 WebQuest Development Assignment
Students will identify key moments in Poe’s turbulent life and explain how an author’s life influences his
or her writing.
Students will read about the mysterious death of Poe and evaluate which cause of death seems most
plausible based on the evidence.
Students will create a 2-3 minute Poe Podcast (The POE-cast) which complies and synthesizes
information about how Poe’s life influenced his writing, particularly the three poems analyzed in the
quest, and draws conclusions about his mysterious death, justifying their choice.

While moving through the Poe WebQuest, focus on the following tasks to help guide you through the
Monday: Today you will explore Poe’s twisted childhood and teenage years using the web resources in
the quest. We will read his poem “Alone” and draw conclusions in a journal entry about how Poe’s
childhood may have influenced the writing of this poem.

Tuesday: Today you will focus on “Poe in love” and how the women in his life influenced his writing.
We will read and analyze the poem “Annabel Lee” and discuss how Poe’s relationships with the women
in his life shaped the theme of “love and loss” in his writing.

Wednesday: Today you will focus on Poe the writer and read his most famous poem, “The Raven.” You
will create a unique Raven/Poe hashtag and summarize the poem in a Twitter-like “Tweet.”

Thursday: Today you will explore the various ways Poe may have died. Rank, in order, your top five
suspected causes of death. You will then focus on your top choice and conduct additional research on
this cause of death.

Friday: Today you will listen to an example of a Poe podcast, create a storyboard and script for your own
Poe Podcast, and start to record your 2-3 minute Podcast.

DAY ONE – An Introduction to Poe’s Life and Writing
• To begin, watch the TED-Ed video “Why Should You Read Edgar Allan Poe?”
• Watch the Poe Biography video
• Complete S-I-T graphic organizer, finding surprising, interesting, and troubling facts from both

Melanie Chester LLT 521 November 8, 2019

Unit 11 WebQuest Development Assignment

• Read the poem “Alone” by Edgar Allan Poe

• In your Writer’s Notebook, create a journal entry which explores how the circumstances of Poe’s
life may have influenced and inspired the writing of this poem. If not finished during this period,
please finish for homework.

DAY TWO – The Lost Loves of Poe!

Throughout his life, Edgar Allan Poe lost the women he loved, including his mother, adoptive mother
and wife, many to tuberculosis. Their absence played a huge role in his writing. According to Poe, who
often focused on death and loss in his works, “the death, then, of a beautiful woman is unquestionably
the most poetical topic in the world.” (from PBS)
• View the brief video
• Read Poe’s poem, “Annabel Lee” and complete your annotations in your Writer’s Notebook.
o Be sure to use the TPCASTT model graphic organizer we’ve used all year in class.
• Discuss with your table group partners how the loss of the beloved women in Poe’s life
influenced his poem, “Annabel Lee.”

DAY THREE – Poe the Writer

Never has a poem caused such a sensation as the haunting poem of “The Raven.”
• Listen to a professional reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s poem, “The Raven.” You may follow along
to the written words of the poem here.
• View The Raven Tweets directions
o Create three hashtags and Tweet your response to the class Padlet.
• Anchor activity if time permits – Watch “The Simpsons” version of “The Raven” and create an
additional hashtag and Tweet for this version of the poem!

DAY FOUR – The Mysterious Death of Poe

• Visit which explores the many possible
causes of Poe’s death. This site is full of narration, graphics, solid information, and a “choose
your own adventure” style format.
• Create a document which lists your TOP FIVE choices of how you think Poe died. Be sure to
include at least three sentences of justification for each cause of death.
• Conduct additional research on your top choice of how you think Poe died.
o These sites may be helpful:
▪ Smithsonian The (Still) Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe
▪ 13 Haunting Facts About Edgar Allan Poe’s Death

Melanie Chester LLT 521 November 8, 2019

Unit 11 WebQuest Development Assignment
DAY FIVE -- Poe Podcast
The assignment is to create a 2-3 minute Poe Podcast (The POE-cast) which complies and synthesizes
information about how Poe’s life influenced his writing, citing any of the three poems analyzed in the
quest, and draws conclusions about his mysterious death, justifying their choice.

• Listen to a sample Poe Podcast – start at 2:50.

• View the details of our Poe Podcast assignment here.
• Draft your own Poe Podcast Storyboard and Script.
• Create your Poe Podcast. You will also have the weekend and Monday to continue working.

Evaluation: You will be graded on the completion of all assignments in the WebQuest. Summative
assessments will include a successful completion of your Poe Raven Tweets assignment, a self-
constructed Poe Podcast which explains and argues your top reason how Poe died, based on the
research presented, and an assessment on the biographical information found in the quest to be given
the following week.

Raven Tweets Rubric
Podcast Rubric for the script and the audio recording.

Conclusion: Thank you for exploring the melancholy and macabre world of Edgar Allan Poe. We will
conclude our explorative study as we listen to your classmates’ Poe Podcasts and take the Poe
biographical assessment, which will include a self-reflection question.
Next week, we will be reading his famous tale of murder and guilt, “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

Melanie Chester LLT 521 November 8, 2019

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