Catch Up

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Media and Info. Literacy

School Year 2019- 2020

Second Semester
Grade 12

Competency to Objectives Activities Mode of Delivery Time Frame Expected Output

Catch- Up
Identifies a.) trace the The teacher will The teacher will January 27- 29, Historical model of
traditional media evolution of provide hand-out apply blended 2020 media.
and new media media; of the topic for delivery wherein
and their b.) create a group reading. 15 minutes of the
relationships historical model of students’ time will
MIL11/12EMIL- media. be utilized for
IIIb-5 input processing
and task-based
Student will take
home the activity.
Discusses to class a.) identify the The teacher will This will be done January 30, 2020, Essay about the
on how a effects of media; provide input- through February 3- 4, given topic. (This
particular b.) write an essay videos that will technology aided 2020 is formative
individual/ or on how a serve as students’ delivery. assessment).
society is particular discussant of the
portrayed in public individual/ or topic.
using different society is
types of media portrayed in public
MIL11/12TYM- using different
IIIb12 types of media
Compares a.) identify the The teacher will This will be done February 5- 7, Manuscript of the
potential sources different types of provide power through 2020 interview
of Media and media sources point presentation technology aided (students may
Information of the topic delivery. employ the use of
MIL11/12MIS- b.) interview an complete with linear or non-linear
IIIe13 elder from the content and text)
Media and Info. Literacy

community example to
applying provide scaffolding
indigenous media among students.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher


Principal I