2018 Annual Report ING Bank N.V.

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ING Bank
Annual Report
Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Who we are
Consolidated annual accounts
About ING 3
Consolidated statement of financial position 43
Report of Management Board Consolidated statement of profit or loss 44
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 45
Financial developments ING Bank 5 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 46
Retail Banking 6 Consolidated statement of cash flows 48
Wholesale Banking 11 Notes to the consolidated annual accounts 50
Regulatory Context 13
Risk and Capital Management 15 Parent company annual accounts
Composition of the Management Board Banking and Supervisory Board 22
Parent company annual accounts 259
Corporate Governance
Other Information
Corporate Governance 24
Conformity Statement 30 Independent auditor’s report 279
Report of the Supervisory Board 31 Articles of Association - Appropriation of results 287

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 2

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> About ING

About ING
The Think Forward strategy has provided a blueprint for transforming the customer experience at a remain relevant to customers in the future. The strategic vision embodied in the Think Forward
time when digitalisation is increasing and mobile devices are rapidly becoming our customers’ strategy is also guiding us as we navigate a changing world.
channel of choice. Inspired by the strategy’s Customer Promise – clear and easy, anytime and
anywhere, empower, and keep getting better – we have delivered a differentiating digital customer Banks can no longer differentiate themselves with products – they’ve become commodities. The
experience through innovations such as digital financial advisors, forecasting tools and instant key differentiator of the future will be the customer experience. That experience will be digital, and
lending available through award-winning mobile apps as part of an omnichannel approach. non-banks are setting the standard.

Strong customer satisfaction ratings and a continuing healthy increase in customer numbers show Fintechs are leveraging easy mobile access, transparency and low cost to compete for lucrative
that we are succeeding in staying relevant to customers in a fast-changing market for banking parts of banks’ value chains in areas like payments and instant lending. But the biggest challenge is
services. The number of retail customers increased in 2018 by a million to 38.4 million. Primary coming from the Big Tech platforms that are setting the digital standard in terms of customer
relationships, where customers have a current account with recurring income and at least one experience and where people spend more and more of their time when they’re online – to shop, to
other product, increased by more than a million to 12.5 million in 2018. And in net promoter scores socialise, for news and entertainment, and for a whole range of other needs.
(NPS), customers ranked us number one in seven of our 13 retail markets.
To compete with Big Tech and other platforms, banks will need to become platforms themselves.
Strong and consistent profitability has been driven by the steady increase in our lending business They will need to offer the same personal, instant, relevant and seamless experience. They will
at resilient margins and by growth of fee income. The well-diversified increase in lending spans need to be open to becoming go-to platforms that keep people coming back, offering third-party
segments and geographies. In particular, lending to businesses and consumers has grown strongly products and beyond banking services. And they will need to become experts in managing and
in our Challengers & Growth Markets. In Wholesale Banking, Industry Lending and Transaction analysing customer data in order to know the needs and preferences of their customers, create
Services activities have led to strong increases in lending and fees. And new propositions that add new offers and improve the customer experience.
value for customers, like investment options that offer an alternative to low-yielding savings, have
contributed to an increase in fee and commission income in our Retail businesses. The Big Tech platforms are not only disrupting banking with their customer experience. They are
now directly competing with banks. Apple Pay is growing rapidly and has expanded to more than
20 countries, WeChat is lending to consumers and Alibaba’s Ant Financial now has the world’s
ING of tomorrow biggest money market fund by assets. And with tech platforms now leading the rankings of the
While we can look back on many accomplishments since the launch of the Think Forward strategy, world’s largest companies by market capitalisation, they have the size and scale to be formidable
we are also conscious of the challenges ahead and the need to keep re-inventing ourselves to competitors.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 3

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> About ING

At ING, we have three-fold approach to platforms. Firstly, we are developing our own go-to
platform for customers’ financial needs and relevant offers beyond banking. Secondly, we are
pursuing independent initiatives in partnership with others. And thirdly, we are participating on
others’ platforms. For retail, we develop our own platforms, like Yolt, and only participate on other
platforms if doing so drives traffic to ours. For wholesale, in addition to our own platforms, such as
Cobase, we participate on third-party platforms where other industry players are active.

To achieve our ambition, we are evolving towards one single scalable global platform that will offer
a uniform and borderless experience. And one that is open so we can also provide relevant third-
party and beyond banking offers. This involves standardising IT using a modular approach in order
to create a scalable platform that can accommodate growth at low cost. To support this, we are
developing standardised processes and shared services, one way of managing data, and one agile
way of working across ING. As an intermediate step we are converging businesses with similar
customer propositions, such as in the Benelux where we are integrating our platforms and
harmonising business models, the Model Bank initiative where we’re developing a common
platform to roll out in five European countries and Welcome in Germany where we’re developing a
go-to financial platform offering our own and third-party services.

One important area where we believe banks can differentiate themselves is privacy. With their
tradition of safeguarding people’s money and financial information, by extension they enjoy an
advantage over tech platforms when it comes to whom people trust most with their data. By
building on that trust, we can create appealing propositions for users of our platform and profitable
models for cooperating with other platforms, including Big Tech.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 4

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Financial decelopments ING Bank

Financial developments ING Bank

ING Bank posted strong commercial results in 2018, but they were negatively affected by the €775 current accounts (due to lower reinvestment yields); the interest margin on savings stabilised,
million settlement agreement with the Dutch authorities on regulatory issues. The net result mainly due to a further lowering of client savings rates in several countries. Net interest income
dropped to €4,607 million from €5,019 million in 2017, primarily due to the settlement agreement was furthermore negatively affected by a decline in the volatile interest results of Financial
which was recorded as a special item. In 2017, there was a special item related to a €121 million Markets. Net fee and commission income rose 3.3 percent to €2,803 million. The increase was
tax charge at ING Australia Holdings Ltd, for which a full reimbursement is expected to be received mainly in Wholesale Banking (supported by the inclusion of Payvision as from the second quarter of
from NN Group. Although the bottom-line impact for ING Bank was nil, it affected both the tax and 2018) and most of the Retail Banking countries, except for Belgium and Turkey. Investment and
'other income' lines. other income rose to €1,350 million from €1,259 million in 2017, mainly caused by higher valuation
The underlying net result of ING Bank rose 7.2 percent to €5,382 million in 2018 from €5,019 million results and net trading income, including improved hedge ineffectiveness results, and one-off
in 2017; this was partly caused by a lower underlying effective tax rate supported by the tax results. The increase was primarily visible in Retail Banking (excluding Belgium) and the Corporate
reforms in Belgium and the US. Underlying net result is derived from total net result by excluding Line. In Wholesale Banking, investment and other income declined, mainly due a loss recorded on
the impact from special items. the intended sale of an Italian lease run-off portfolio in 2018, while 2017 included a gain on the sale
of an equity stake in the real estate run-off portfolio.
The underlying result before tax rose 3.3 percent to €7,526 million in 2018 from €7,283 million in
2017, primarily driven by continued business growth at resilient interest margins, higher net fee Underlying operating expenses increased 1.3 percent to €9,920 million from €9,795 million in 2017.
and commission income, and slightly lower risk costs. Commercial performance was strong in In 2018, expenses included €947 million of regulatory expenses up from €901 million in the
2018. ING Bank grew net core lending (adjusted for currency impacts, and excluding Bank Treasury previous year. Excluding regulatory costs, expenses were up 0.9 percent, as higher costs for
and the run-off portfolios) by €36.6 billion, or 6.4 percent, and net customer deposits rose by €19.3 strategic projects and to support business growth, were largely offset by lower performance-
billion in 2018. The global retail customer base grew by one million customers to reach 38.4 million related expenses and strict cost management. The underlying cost/income ratio improved to 54.8
over the year, and the number of primary customers rose by 1.1 million to 12.5 million. percent from 55.2 percent in 2017.

Total underlying income increased 2.0 percent to €18,102 million from €17,755 million in 2017. Net The net addition to the provision for loan losses declined 3.0 percent to €656 million from €676
interest income rose 1.2 percent to €13,949 million, due to an increase of the average balance million in 2017. Risk costs were 21 basis points of average risk-weighted assets, which is well below
sheet total, partly offset by a narrowing of the net interest margin to 1.53 percent from 1.55 ING Bank’s through-the-cycle average of 40-45 basis points.
percent in 2017. The increase of the average balance sheet was mainly driven by the continued
growth in net core lending and customer deposits. The interest result on customer lending activities The underlying return on IFRS-EU equity of ING Bank rose to 12.6 percent in 2018 from 11.6 percent
increased driven by higher volumes at stable margins. The interest result on customer deposits in 2017.
slightly declined, as the impact of volume growth was more than offset by margin pressure on

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 5

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Retail Banking

Retail Banking
ING’s Retail business serves 38.4 million customers. ING also has stakes in the Bank of Beijing One of the ways we are harmonising our products is by standardising the look and feel. For
(China), TMB (Thailand) and Kotak Mahindra Bank (India). example, we have globally reduced more than 95 bank card designs to just eight. In 2018, we
introduced the new-look cards in Belgium and the Netherlands. These have a ‘clear and easy’ look
In most of our retail markets we offer a full range of banking products and services, covering with a symbolic orange ‘heart’. This follows the roll-out of the new cards in France in 2017, then
payments, savings, investments and secured and unsecured lending. Germany, Romania and Wholesale Banking. We will only issue new cards to customers when their
existing ones expire to avoid unnecessary waste and costs as we replace all 15 million cards
Market Leaders
Our Market Leaders are mature businesses in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg where we Tapping into the growth of a cashless society and rising demand for mobile payments, ING
have strong positions in retail and wholesale banking. announced the merger in March 2018 of payments app company Payconiq with Bancontact to
create the Bancontact Payconiq Company. Conceived by ING in 2014, Payconiq is a joint initiative
In the first half of 2018, we successfully migrated 600,000 customers from Record Bank into ING in with AXA Bank, Belfius, BNP Paribas Fortis, KBC, Rabobank and Volksbank. It allows users to pay for
Belgium. online and in-store purchases with their mobile phones, instantly and seamlessly connecting to
their bank account. In 2018, 34 million payments were processed through either Bancontact or
We are combining our strengths in Belgium and the Netherlands under the Unite be+nl programme Payconiq, which is about twice as many as in 2017.
and building an integrated banking platform. This is part of our strategy to enhance operational
excellence, create greater cost-efficiency and provide a consistent, digital-first banking experience Around 50,000 merchants in Belgium are signed up to the service, which is available to consumers
for our customers. For example, customers in Belgium will benefit from new functionalities on the from all banks, not only the shareholders. In November 2018, the first Dutch retailer signed up, with
ING mobile banking app. ING is also the first major bank in Belgium to offer same-day payments more to follow as it is rolled out in the Netherlands. Testing has also started in Germany.
At the request of the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets banks compensated SME customers in
In the Netherlands we now have 4.3 million mobile app users, including 1.1 million new registered the Netherlands who had been sold interest rate derivatives during a defined period. The
users in 2018. In Belgium, digital adoption is accelerating too, with a net increase of close to compensation framework (UHK or Uniform Herstelkader) was determined by an independent
285,000 new active mobile users (36 percent) to 1.07 million users. Some 55 million mobile committee set up by the Dutch Finance Minister in 2016. Execution was challenging, with extreme
payments were processed in Belgium in 2018, almost four times higher than in 2017. However, complexity, limited estimated tolerances and high compliance standards under stringent
many customers still value face-to-face interactions and we have to balance their needs with our supervision. In 2018, all relevant ING customers received a compensation offer. Of these, 77 percent
digital ambitions. To this end, we extended the opening hours of our branch network in Belgium.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 6

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Retail Banking

had been accepted by the end of the year and we foresee high acceptance of the rest. The announced a portfolio volume of mortgage loans of €73 billion for 2018, five percent more than the
estimated costs have been recognised in the profit and loss account as part of a provision. previous year.

ING actively reached out to customers in the Netherlands with interest-only mortgages to help In Spain, we expanded our partnership with El Corte Inglés, Europe’s largest department store, to
them plan ahead for when their mortgages mature and the principal repayment is due. Customers roll out our mobile payments app Twyp in all its supermarkets. This helped to raise Twyp’s public
can use the insights we provide to take timely action if needed to prevent affordability problems in visibility among consumers and take a key step forward in its objective to be available to as many
the future. We believe this results in additional redemptions and product conversions and leads to people as possible. Customers from any bank can use Twyp to make payments and withdraw cash
de-risking of the mortgage portfolio. at 8,000 points of sale, doubling the app’s reach in less than a year.

The popularity of the no-fee Orange Everyday transaction account among consumers in Australia
Challengers markets led to record numbers of new account openings. In August, we extended this to teens with the
Our Challengers markets are Australia, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. launch of Orange Everyday Youth. Customers can also use our Everyday Round Up digital savings
Here we’re aiming for a full bank relationship, digitally distributed through low-cost retail platforms tool to help pay off their mortgage more quickly. And with the New Payments Platform (NPP), ING
like Welcome in Germany and Model Bank in several European markets. We are also using our in Australia helped introduce instant payments to the market, in collaboration with NPP Australia
direct banking experience to grow consumer and SME lending, and our strong savings franchises to and 12 other financial institutions. NPP is an innovative payments infrastructure that contributes to
fund the expansion of Wholesale Banking in these markets. an easy, instant and seamless experience for our customers by providing real-time clearing and
settlement, removing the usual two- to three-day wait for transfers to go through.
In 2018, we expanded our retail offering in the Czech Republic, which became the first country to go
live on the Model Bank platform. We will start integrating customers in Spain, France and Italy onto
the platform from 2019. To broaden our activities, we also started testing a mobile-only retail Growth Markets
offering in the Philippines. Our Growth Markets are businesses with a full range of retail and wholesale banking services in
countries with expanding economies and strong growth potential. These include Poland, Romania
In Germany and Austria, we rebranded ING-DiBa as ING, in line with our ambition to be the same and Turkey. Here we’re investing to achieve sustainable franchises and will focus on digital
brand everywhere. And we introduced a new sales and service organisation in Austria to improve leadership by converging to the direct-first model and prioritising innovation.
the customer experience. We will add mortgages to our Austrian retail offering in January 2019.
Lending in Poland and Romania showed significant growth in 2018. An attractive mortgage
One of the ways we’re empowering German customers is with real-time updates of transactions on proposition in Poland, pre-approved online loans and simplified digital lending processes in both
their current account, which they receive via configurable push notifications in their banking app. markets all contributed to this, along with the introduction in Romania of instant online loans in the
Mortgages drew a substantial number of new customers to ING in Germany, pushing the volume of Home’Bank app.
new mortgage business in Germany to record highs in 2018. As a result, ING in Germany

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 7

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Retail Banking

To stand out in the digitally advanced Polish market, where fintechs are gaining ground among We also teamed up with several merchants in Turkey to offer customers vendor financing for online
tech-savvy consumers, we extended mobile payments to platforms such as Google Pay and Visa purchases via our mobile app. For example, they can get a loan for a new phone from the provider
HCE. We also introduced an ING-specific keyboard for our Moje app to simplify mobile commerce at the point of sale. And in another beyond banking collaboration we teamed up with online
and peer-to-peer transactions. moving services platform Octovan to develop a tool that calculates the full cost of moving into a
new home. The aim is to help the 1.5 million people in Turkey who move each year avoid financial
ING in Poland teamed up with fintech Twisto to introduce the country’s first e-commerce payment surprises. Users can also apply for a loan to cover unforeseen expenses.
gateway. It enables shoppers (not only ING customers, but from any bank) to buy online now and
pay later, and get instant cashback if they return their purchases. Some 200 Polish merchants
signed up for the pilot in April 2018, during which over 4,000 transactions were made. The Imoje
Financial Performance in 2018
payments gateway continues to grow by about 200 percent per month. Total Retail Banking
Retail Banking recorded a solid set of 2018 results. Net profit rose 2.6 percent to €3,452 million from
And to make foreign payments instant and seamless for Polish consumers, for example while
€3,363 million in 2017. There were no special items excluded from the underlying results in both
travelling, we introduced a multi-currency card that allows users to pay for foreign purchases from
years. The underlying result before tax increased 2.5 percent to €4,841 million in 2018.
several different currency accounts without incurring any commission fees. It has proven popular,
with over 100,000 users so far.
The improvement in pre-tax result was mainly attributable to higher income, which more than
offset a slight increase in expenses and higher risk costs. Underlying income rose 2.3 percent,
For business customers in Poland and Romania, we launched ING Business, a new digital platform
primarily driven by higher income in the Retail Challengers & Growth Markets (supported by
that makes banking clear and easy and accessible anytime, anywhere from any device. We also
continued volume growth and a bigger retail customer base), partly offset by a decline in Retail
introduced Invoice Financing, a digital micro-factoring solution developed in-house at ING. It gives
Belgium due to margin pressure and lower income from investment and financial markets
Polish SME customers control over which invoices they want to pre-finance and when.
products. Total customer lending increased by €12.0 billion to €408.4 billion compared with the
opening balance sheet as of 1 January 2018. Adjusted for currency impacts and excluding Bank
And in line with our ambition to help create a low-carbon society we introduced an eco-offering for
Treasury and the WestlandUtrecht Bank (WUB) run-off portfolio, net growth in Retail’s core lending
Polish entrepreneurs. The offering gives the loans we provide a responsible side because it
book was €22.0 billion. Net customer deposits (also excluding Bank Treasury and currency impacts)
encourages customers to take sustainable actions such as buying energy-efficient equipment for
grew by €20.1 billion in 2018.
their businesses, for example, or insulating their buildings. See more about our ambition to align
ING’s overall loan portfolio with global climate goals in the ‘Responsible Finance’ section below.
Underlying operating expenses increased 1.3 percent compared with 2017. Excluding regulatory
costs, expenses were up 1.2 percent, mainly related to strategic projects and selective business
Launched in June 2018, Turkey’s Orange Extra ( Turuncu Ekstra) programme was voted Most
growth in the Retail Challengers & Growth Markets, and higher external staff expenses in Retail
Innovative Product by Visa. At the end of 2018, it had 470,200 active customers, of which 183,000
Belgium. These increases were partly offset by lower expenses in Retail Netherlands supported by
were primary customers and 120,500 were spenders on the programme with Orange Extra cards.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 8

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Retail Banking

the benefits from the ongoing cost-saving programmes. The underlying cost/income ratio Retail Belgium
improved to 56.3 percent from 56.9 percent in 2017. Retail Belgium includes ING in Luxembourg.

Risk costs rose to €457 million, or 29 basis points of average risk-weighted assets, from €391 million The underlying result before tax of Retail Belgium fell 24.2 percent to €595 million in 2018,
in 2017, reflecting higher risk costs in Retail Belgium and the Retail Other Challengers & Growth compared with €785 million in 2017. The decline reflects lower income, higher expenses and an
Markets, while Retail Netherlands and Retail Germany recorded net releases from loan loss increase in risk costs.
Underlying income decreased to €2,369 million from €2,473 million in 2017. The interest result
Market Leaders declined 0.7 percent to €1,830 million, mainly due to margin pressure on most products, in part
Retail Netherlands offset by volume growth in the lending portfolio as well as current accounts. The net production in
The underlying result before tax of Retail Netherlands rose 4.4 percent to €2,342 million from customer lending (excluding Bank Treasury and the sale of a mortgage portfolio) was €6.1 billion, of
€2,243 million in 2017. This was mainly due to lower risk costs and benefits from the ongoing cost- which €2.2 billion was in mortgages and €3.9 billion in other lending. The net inflow in customer
saving programmes. deposits was €3.0 billion in 2018. Net fee and commission income decreased 9.1 percent, mainly
due to lower fee income on investment products. Investment and other income fell by €55 million,
Underlying income rose 0.2 percent to €4,476 million. The interest result was 3.4 percent lower, mainly due to lower income from financial markets products.
mainly caused by margin pressure on savings and current accounts, and a decline in the average
lending volumes, partly offset by higher margins on mortgages. Net core lending (excluding the Operating expenses rose by €26 million, or 1.6 percent, to €1,610 million, mainly due to higher
WUB run-off portfolio and Bank Treasury-related products) grew by €1.9 billion as from 1 January external staff expenses related to the transformation programmes and the successful integration
2018, of which €0.8 billion in mortgages and €1.1 billion in other lending. Net growth in customer of Record Bank into ING Belgium.
deposits (excluding Bank Treasury) was €3.5 billion in 2018. Net fee and commission income rose
by €53 million, or 8.8 percent, primarily due to higher daily banking fees. Investment and other Risk costs increased by €60 million to € 164 million, or 44 basis points of risk-weighted assets, from
income rose by €78 million, mainly attributable to higher allocated Bank Treasury revenues. €104 million, or 30 basis points of risk-weighted assets, in 2017. The increase was primarily in
business lending.
Underlying operating expenses declined 2.1 percent on 2017, mainly driven by the benefits from
the ongoing cost-saving initiatives and lower expenses for legal claims.

Risk costs turned to a net release of €31 million, or -6 basis points of average risk-weighted assets,
from a net addition of €13 million in 2017, reflecting the continued positive macroeconomic
conditions in the Netherlands.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 9

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Retail Banking

Challengers & Growth Markets Retail Other

Retail Germany
Retail Germany includes ING in Austria. Retail Other consists of the other Challenger countries & Growth Markets, including the stakes in
The underlying result before tax increased 11.9 percent to €972 million, compared with €869
million in 2017, mainly due to higher income and a higher net release in risk costs. Retail Other’s underlying result before tax increased 13.0 percent to €932 million in 2018, from
€825 million in 2017. This was mainly due to higher income, partly offset by increased expenses
Underlying income increased 4.3 percent to €1,972 million in 2018 from €1,891 million a year ago. and higher risk costs.
Net interest income declined 1.9 percent reflecting margin compression on mortgages and current
accounts, and lower Bank Treasury-related interest income. This was only partly offset by higher Total underlying income rose by €287 million, or 9.5 percent, to €3,315 million. This increase was
margins on savings and deposits and volume growth in most products. Net core lending growth, driven by continued strong commercial results across most countries, reflecting customer growth
which excludes Bank Treasury products, was €4.4 billion in 2018, of which €3.6 billion was in and higher volumes. Net interest income rose 10.4 percent to €2,690 million, reflecting sustainable
mortgages and €0.8 billion in consumer lending. Net inflow in customer deposits (excluding Bank growth in lending and customer deposits volumes and an improved total interest margin. The net
Treasury) was €5.0 billion, mainly driven by a promotional savings campaign in the fourth quarter production (excluding currency effects and Bank Treasury) in customer lending was €9.6 billion, of
of 2018. Net fee and commission income rose 4.7 percent, due to higher fee income on investment which €6.4 billion was in mortgages and €3.2 billion in other lending (mainly consumer loans). Net
products and an improvement in fees on current accounts. Investment and other income rose to customer deposits grew by €8.6 billion in 2018. Net fee and commission income rose 2.9 percent
€76 million, mainly due to improved hedge ineffectiveness results from Bank Treasury. driven by increases in most countries, partly offset by a decline in Turkey. Investment and other
income increased by €23 million, mainly due to a higher dividend from Bank of Beijing and a higher
Operating expenses declined 0.5 percent to €1,027 million from €1,032 million in 2017. This profit contribution from ING Bank’s 25% stake in TMB (which was mainly driven by one-offs), while
decrease was mainly caused by lower regulatory costs and a decline in marketing expenses, partly previous year included a gain on the sale of MasterCard shares in Turkey.
offset by higher costs to support business growth and a restructuring provision in 2018.
Operating expenses increased by €114 million, or 5.9 percent, to €2,033 million. This increase was,
Risk costs were €-27 million in 2018, compared with €-10 million in 2017, reflecting a benign credit next to higher regulatory costs, mainly due to higher staff expenses in most counties to support
environment in the German market and review of the consumer lending portfolio. commercial growth and higher investments in strategic projects.

Risk costs were € 350 million, or 71 basis points of average risk-weighted assets, compared with
€284 million, or 58 basis points, in 2017. The increase was mainly attributable to higher risk costs in
Italy, Romania and Poland, while risk costs in Turkey remained on the same high level as in 2017.

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Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Wholesale banking

Wholesale Banking
Wholesale Banking is an important and integral contributor to ING's commercial performance. With lending markets. Pessimism about macro-economic developments such as the trade war between
a local presence in more than 40 countries, we provide corporate clients and financial institutions the US and China unsettled financial markets and dampened consumer confidence. The rising oil
with advisory value propositions such as specialised lending, tailored corporate finance and debt price caused inflation to increase, subduing real income growth.
and equity market solutions. We also serve their daily banking needs with payments and cash Britain’s pending exit from the European Union and the potential impact on financial markets saw
management, trade and treasury services. many international banks forced to make contingency plans to relocate their operations away
from London. ING centralised its Financial Markets in London in 2016. We are in an ongoing
In 2018, transaction services, payments and cash management, and lending all grew and we dialogue with the European Central Bank and the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority
expect this to continue as we support our corporate clients with their business needs and with to safeguard business continuity, keeping a close eye on the conditions under which the UK exits
becoming more sustainable. the EU.

We sharpened our strategy in 2018 to focus on what clients want – advice, data-driven insights and
Financial performance in 2018
sector knowledge – and reorganised the way we work to deliver an experience that is borderless, Wholesale Banking posted good 2018 results, supported by continued net core lending growth and
instant, personal and consistent. This includes creating a new Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) despite the difficult financial markets the whole industry faced. The net result rose to €2,055 million
region and strengthening our international network by putting more resources (products and from €1,950 million in 2017, this was primarily due to a lower effective tax rate supported by the
people) into Asia and the Americas. This, along with the introduction of a cross-border Strategic impact of the corporate tax reforms in Belgium and the US. There were no special items excluded
Products team fosters collaboration across the regions to give clients access to more products and from the underlying results in both years. The underlying result before tax was €2,755 million,
services. We are also strengthening core banking services, such as Debt Capital Markets and down 3.2 percent from 2017, as higher results in Industry Lending were more than offset by lower
Corporate Finance. And we introduced ING’s one Way of Working in our client service and delivery results in Financial Markets and Bank Treasury & Other.
areas to support this new client-led approach.
Industry Lending posted an underlying result before tax of €2,091 million, up 6.4 percent compared
In September 2018, as part of our commitment to fighting climate change, ING pledged to steer its with 2017, primarily due to volume growth, partly offset by some pressure on margins. The 2018
entire lending portfolio towards the climate goals of the Paris Agreement (see ‘Responsible Finance’ result furthermore included a €66 million gain related to an equity-linked bond in Belgium. The
section). underlying result before tax from General Lending & Transaction Services remained unchanged at
€751 million. Higher income, supported by volume growth in General Lending and the inclusion of
Low volatility on stock and currency markets dampened appetite for hedging and impacted growth Payvision as from the second quarter of 2018, was offset by increased expenses (partly due to
in our Financial Markets business. Mounting concerns about emerging markets currencies and the payment innovation initiatives and higher regulatory costs) and slightly higher risk costs.
potential for defaults, and in particular the sharp fall of the Turkish currency, reverberated through

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 11

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Wholesale banking

Financial Markets recorded an underlying result before tax of €-40 million compared with €82 interest result rose 1.3 percent on 2017, whereas net fee and commission income increased 4.8
million in 2017. The drop in result was caused by lower income, which was impacted by lower client percent (supported by the inclusion of Payvision). Investment and other income fell by €246 million;
activity and challenging global market conditions, partly offset by a modest decline in expenses. this was almost fully attributable to the aforementioned one-off results in the lease and real estate
The underlying result before tax of Bank Treasury & Other fell to a loss of €47 million compared run-off businesses. Underlying operating expenses increased 1.2 percent to €2,826 million due to
with a gain of €47 million in 2017. This was mainly due to lower results in the run-off businesses higher regulatory costs. Expenses excluding regulatory costs were stable, mainly reflecting lower
(including a €123 million loss recorded in the fourth quarter of 2018 on the intended sale of an performance-related expenses and strict cost control, and despite the inclusion of Payvision. The
Italian lease run-off portfolio, while 2017 included a €97 million gain on the sale of an equity stake underlying cost/income ratio increased to 48.9 percent from 47.1 percent in 2017.
in the real estate run-off portfolio), partly offset by lower expenses for litigation issues.
Risk costs declined to €200 million, or 13 basis points of average risk-weighted assets, from €284
Total underlying income of Wholesale Banking fell 2.4 percent to €5,781 million compared with million, or 19 basis points in 2017. The relatively low risk costs in 2018 were supported by several
2017, mainly reflecting lower revenues in Financial Markets and the loss on the intended sale of an larger net releases for clients and only a few larger new additions. On top of that, risk costs for the
Italian lease run-off portfolio. Wholesale Banking’s net core lending book (adjusted for currency Italian lease run-off portfolio were significantly lower than in the previous year.
impacts, and excluding Bank Treasury and the Lease run-off portfolio) grew by €14.5 billion in 2018.
Net customer deposits (excluding currency impacts and Bank Treasury) shrank by €0.8 billion. The

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 12

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> Regulatory Context

Regulatory Context
Financial conditions slightly tighter Data
As economic momentum in the US remained strong, the Federal Reserve continued hiking interest The regulatory framework for personal data is fundamentally shaped by the EU. It seeks to walk
rates. The European Central Bank reduced its asset purchase programme. the fine line between privacy protection and fostering data sharing. In 2018, two crucial pieces of
the new personal data architecture started being rolled out across the EU: the second Payment
Given differences in monetary policy stances and economic developments, longer-term yields Services Directive (PSD2) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are refining our
increased in the US and, on balance, moved sideways in the eurozone. However, in Italy, internal processes on data in order to meet these new regulatory requirements. We are on course
uncertainty about the forthcoming budget led to a considerable increase in sovereign spreads. to implement one global approach to data management to ensure we maximise the potential of
Given our geographical footprint, eurozone rate developments have a larger impact than rate this key resource.
developments in the US.
The GDPR is a landmark personal data-protection framework that is arguably the world’s most
There was little progress on eurozone reform in 2018 given the diverse political interests involved. stringent. It gives customers the right to receive their personal data upon request and to allow their
It’s clear that the debate on the Economic and Monetary Union is difficult and progress on the data to be directly transmitted to third parties. PSD2 meanwhile implies that banks must share
completion of the banking union is slow. We are hoping for progress on the European Deposit customers’ payments data – with the customer’s explicit consent – with other regulated entities.
Insurance Scheme (EDIS), as it is an absolute requirement for finishing the Banking Union. You can read more in the ‘Innovation and transformation’ chapter.
Furthermore, we have concern about making a ‘sovereign debt restructuring mechanism’ part of
the criteria for support from the European Stability Mechanism. ING believes customer data should be accessible in a similar manner for banks and non-banks. This
should be adequately reflected in the EU’s regulatory framework. The EU should consider
The review of EU prudential rules, via CRR2/CRD5 (Capital Requirements Regulation/Capital expanding the open access regime pioneered by PSD2 to – in the first instance – financial services
Requirements Directive) and BRRD2 (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive), was discussed platforms, followed by other sectors to create a level playing field, while keeping strong safeguards
intensively during 2018 by the Council and the European Parliament. The package includes the for our customers, such as the GDPR, in place.
introduction of new rules, for instance regarding NSFR (net stable funding ratio), a G-SIB (global
systemically important bank) surcharge for the leverage ratio, interest rate risk in the banking book
and internal MREL (minimum own funds and eligible liabilities).

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 13

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> Regulatory Context

Regulatory developments
The Banks’s IFRS 9 implementation was completed in the first quarter of 2018. The impact on ING
Bank’s CET1 ratio, taking into account the existing regulatory provision shortfall and before any
transition relief, was a reduction of 20 bps. This was mainly caused by the change in the
classification and measurement of a portion of the portfolio invested in liquid assets.

As of 1 January 2022, the first stage of Basel IV (revised Internal Rating-Based Approach) will come
into effect. Based on the current estimates, without management actions this is expected to
potentially increase RWA by roughly 15-18% on a fully loaded basis, of which around 80% is
expected at implementation date.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 14

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> Risk and Capital Management

Risk and capital management

Risk and capital management focuses on maintaining our risk profile within our risk appetite and constantly challenges capital positions at subsidiary levels to ensure its optimal use. The continued
strengthening our capital base. It allows ING to grow a sustainable business while implementing the strength of ING’s capital position, the adequacy of our financial position and our risk management
Think Forward strategy. In a dynamic environment, ING continually develops its risk and capital effectiveness are essential in order to achieve our purpose to empower people and businesses to
management to address political and economic developments, changing customer behaviour, realise their goals, as well as to support ING’s commercial activities, to pay dividends on common
increasing regulatory requirements, emerging competitors and new technologies. shares to shareholders and to invest in new technologies and best practices. In this way, ING aims
to deliver shareholder returns while investing in the innovation of products and services.

Capital developments at ING Bank Capital Management is tasked to optimise ING’s capital and debt position in order to meet
The capital position remained strong in 2018, resulting from profitable and growing operations, regulatory requirements, while supporting business growth, ensuring coupon payments and
complemented by increased optimisation of the capital structure. ING has sufficient buffers to rewarding shareholders according to a progressive dividend policy. Optimising ING’s capital
withstand certain adverse scenarios without breaching applicable requirements, at both the allocation entails finding a balance between the forces governing supply and demand. The
consolidated and subsidiary level. ING is confident this position will allow us to continue to uncertainties surrounding these factors are a reflection of changing market circumstances and
successfully execute our Think Forward strategy support business growth and maintain our continuous unpredictability in regulatory and macroeconomic forces. The process of balancing
dividend policy. these strategic goals is captured in the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Processes (ICAAP)
Framework and is enabled by the building blocks and elements facilitating the internal adequacy
The ING Bank’s phased-in CET1 ratio at the end of the year decreased by 0.2 point from the and assessment process.
previous year to 12.9%, as risk-weighted assets increased due to volume growth and model
updates slightly offset by positive risk migration. The available CET1 capital decreased slightly by Funding & liquidity
€0.2 billion compared with year-end 2017.
The main objective of ING’s funding and liquidity risk management is to maintain sufficient liquidity
to fund ING’s commercial activities under normal market circumstances and in times of stress
In 2018, a total of €4.7 billion of ING Bank N.V. Tier 2 bonds were redeemed and a total of €1.8
across geographies, maturities and currencies. This requires a diversified funding structure, taking
billion of Tier 2 bonds were issued by ING Groep N.V.
into consideration all relevant opportunities and constraints.

A consistent approach to capital management ING has a Funding & Liquidity (F&L) framework which aims to maintain sufficient liquidity under
normal, adverse and stressed market circumstances. In general, ING considers the adequacy of its
ING Bank’s overall approach to capital management is intended to ensure that capital is adequate
F&L position through three main lenses: (i) Stress, (ii) Sustainability and (iii) Regulatory. For each
to cover the (economic) risks at all levels and to ensure compliance with regulations. ING Bank
lens, ING has a set of risk appetite statements that underscore the bank’s risk appetite profile
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 15
Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Risk and Capital Management

commensurate with the principles for liquidity adequacy. These risk appetite statements are
subsequently translated into a number of metrics with appropriate boundaries and instruments to
Managing risks to enable a sustainable business while
measure and manage ING’s F&L adequacy. strengthening culture and resilience
ING’s funding consists mainly of retail and corporate deposits contributing 50% and 21% of the ING's business is managing risks every day. These include financial risks - we take on credit risk
total funding at year-end 2018, respectively. These funding sources provide a relatively stable when we offer loans, guarantees and other products as part of our business model - market risk in
funding base. The remainder of the required funding is attracted by Group Treasury through long- our trading and banking book positions, and liquidity and/or funding risks through financial
term and short-term professional funding. Group Treasury manages the professional funding in line management.
with risk appetite, ensuring sufficiently diversified and stable funding.
Besides financial risks, ING is subject to non-financial risks associated with IT and cybersecurity,
In 2018, customer lending growth outpaced customer deposit growth. As a result, the reliance on daily operations, compliance with laws and regulations, and adherence to socially accepted ethical
professional funding activities increased. As the share of customer deposits continued to provide an norms. Non-financial risks can also arise through relationships with our clients, should issues
excess of stable funding, the additional lending growth was funded through short-term Certificates emerge that are irreconcilable with our Environmental and Social Risk framework.
of Deposit and Commercial Paper (CD/CP) issuance.
Risk management at ING is directed and overseen by the independent Risk Management function.
The function’s primary roles are to properly identify, measure and manage risks in normal and
Stress testing stressed economic conditions, and to oversee our business activities such that they are consistent
Stress testing is an integral component of our risk and capital management framework. It allows us with both our strategy and our risk appetite.
to (i) assess potential vulnerabilities in our businesses, business model, and/or portfolios; (ii)
understand the sensitivities of the core assumptions in our strategic and capital plans; and (iii) ING monitors its capacity to take risks through its Risk Appetite Framework. Within the framework,
improve decision making through balancing risk and return. we monitor a range of financial and non-financial risk metrics to ensure that our risk profile is in line
with our risk appetite. ING’s risk appetite, which is approved by both the Supervisory Board and the
In addition to running internal stress test scenarios to reflect the outcomes of the annual risk Management Board Banking, defines our desired forward-looking risk profile, and informs the
assessment, ING also participates in regulatory stress test exercises. ING participated in the 2018 strategic and financial planning process. It is designed to be able to withstand market volatility and
EU-wide stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA) in cooperation with the stress, while meeting regulatory requirements. This framework is complemented by a Non-
European Central Bank (ECB), De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), the European Commission and the Financial Risk Framework that includes compliance risk, operational risk and IT risk. Both
European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). The adverse stress test scenario was developed by the ECB frameworks, including underlying assumptions and metrics, are regularly reviewed such that they
and covers a three-year time horizon (2018-2020). The stress test was carried out applying a static stay relevant in the ever-evolving finance environment. They combine various financial and non-
balance sheet assumption as of December 2017, and therefore does not take into account current financial risk disciplines into a single coordinated approach to provide the businesses with a clear
or future business strategies and management actions. The results also reflect the impact of IFRS 9 overview of their risks and the way they are managed. This view allows the Management Board
for determining loan loss provisions in adverse circumstances.
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 16
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> Risk and Capital Management

Banking and senior management to form an opinion on the adequacy of internal risk management into dilemmas and issues that employees might face and aims to equip them to take the right
and control systems for the risks ING faces while pursuing the Management Board Banking’s decisions. In 2018, the PIP included the topics data and dilemma management. In 2019, we will
strategy. ING also has a process in place for the internal control over financial reporting. revisit the set-up of the PIP. In addition, two online modules were launched to all staff: one to
enhance awareness on KYC and a second one on whistleblowing.
While we are vigilant in our efforts to comply with applicable laws and regulations, it remains a
significant operational challenge for banks to meet all these requirements within the strict In the Netherlands and Belgium we initiated ‘i for integrity’ in 2018, an approach aimed at
timelines. ING faces the risk of failures in compliance, including in areas where the applicable strengthening a mind-set that puts integrity above all and embeds integrity in the organisation
regulations are unclear, subject to multiple interpretations or under development, are in conflict and our decision-making processes.
with each other, or where regulators revise their guidance or courts overturn previous rulings.
Implementing the processes and procedures necessary for effective compliance has significant ING has designed controls to mitigate the compliance risks associated with the above-mentioned
implications for IT systems and data, as people with the necessary knowledge and skills are scarce. risk areas. Their effectiveness is tested periodically, and senior management is responsible for
ensuring our processes comply with applicable laws and regulations, ING’s internal policies and
In the area of compliance risk, the Compliance Risk Management function has established a control procedures and the Orange Code.
framework based on laws and regulations, as well as on the standards for non-financial risk set out
in ING’s internal control framework. To support management in mitigating compliance risks, it In connection with the introduction of the ING Way of Working, Operational Risk Management
trains and advises the business on the management of these risks. Topics include money (ORM) and Information Risk Management (IRM) have established a new risk governance that adopts
laundering, terrorist financing, sanction and export control compliance, conflicts of interest, mis- the ING Way of Working for non-financial risk (NFR) management within various entities. To enable
selling, corruption, protection of customers’ interests, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act business lines to manage their risks linked to the increased sourcing activities within ING, the
(FATCA), the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), and US withholding tax and information reporting sourcing policy has been updated to cover generic control objectives for mitigating and monitoring
regulations. key risks. The integrated top-down/bottom-up emerging risk assessment identifies and monitors
developments that may have an impact on ING’s strategy and risk profile, like changes in the global
Where an ING employee suspects any irregularity or misconduct within ING that leads to or could environment, customer needs and expectations, local/global regulatory requirements and the
lead to a violation of ING’s Orange Code, ING policies, such as anti-bribery and corruption policy, effectiveness of our response to technological developments.
and/or any law, regulation or code, our Whistleblower Policy provides for anonymous reporting, via
internal or external channels, alongside normal reporting channels. In 2018, ING recorded 75 Further, ING is vitally dependent on its IT infrastructure for the reliability and continuity of its
alleged irregularities in accordance with its Whistleblower Policy, including 45 reports of suspected operations. Although IT and digitalisation are seen as opportunities for ING to distinguish itself from
breaches of Orange Code or unethical behaviour. competitors, they also present risks. In 2018, ING continued to focus strongly on managing its IT
risk exposure. ING aims to further increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our IT infrastructure
To help us create a culture of integrity across the bank, we invite all employees to participate in our and the reliability and continuity of IT processing.
Promoting Integrity Programme (PIP), running since 2010. This global e-learning programme dives

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 17

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Risk and Capital Management

Data is everywhere, in both digital and non-digital form. With cybercrime and data management a Three lines of defence
continuing threat to companies in general and to financial institutions in particular, ING has set ING’s risk and control structure is based on the three lines of defence model. This model aims to
minimum standards for platform security, data management, cybercrime resilience and security provide a sound governance framework for risk management by defining and implementing three
monitoring, as well as for identity and access management that the right people have the right different risk management layers with distinct roles, responsibilities, and oversight.
access to the right resources at the right time.
The heads of ING’s lines of business and their delegates form the first line of defence and have
User Access Management (UAM) remains an important element of our control framework to primary accountability for the performance, operations, compliance and effective control of risks
mitigate unauthorised and/or inappropriate access to our data and information. ING is building on affecting their respective businesses. They originate loans, deposits and other products within
its cybercrime resilience, further enhancing the control environment to protect, detect and respond applicable frameworks and limits, they know our customers and are best positioned to act in both
to e-banking fraud, DDoS and targeted attacks. the customers’ and ING’s best interest. The COO is responsible and accountable for proper security
and controls on both local and global applications and IT-platforms servicing the bank.
ING’s most important risks and control measures are regularly reported to and discussed by the
Risk Committee of the Supervisory Board. Both financial and non-financial risk reports are reviewed The independent risk management departments, headed by the chief risk officer (CRO), act as a
in detail, including the status of ING’s metrics with regard to solvency, liquidity, funding, credit, second line of defence. As a member of the Management Board Banking, risk remains a continuing
market risk and non-financial risks. In 2018, as part of this process, the Risk Committee and the full topic for the leadership team. The second line of defence’s role is to properly identify, measure,
Supervisory Board spent considerable time discussing among others improvement in the bank-wide manage and report risks. In order to achieve that goal, the second line develops policies and
Know Your Customer Enhancement Programme. guidelines, implements and operates control frameworks, and decides on risk acceptance. It also
In addition, the design and operation of the Risk Appetite Framework and the Non-Financial Risk aims to achieve compliance with internal and external requirements on an individual and
Framework are discussed annually with the Risk Committee and the full Supervisory Board. The consolidated basis. Furthermore, the second line supports the commercial departments and acts
design and operation of internal controls over financial reporting are discussed annually with the where necessary to keep the risk profile within the defined risk appetite.
Audit Committee and reported to the Supervisory Board.
Corporate Audit is our third line of defence. It provides an independent assessment of the internal
controls over the risks to ING’s business processes and assets, including risk management activities
performed in both the first and second lines of defence.

We believe this set-up facilitates the overall risk and control environment. Together with a
governance process using business and Group level risk committees, the Management Board
Banking receives regular information about the risk profile of ING Bank.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 18

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Risk and Capital Management

Enhancing our risk governance

In September 2017, the European Banking Association (EBA) published new guidelines on internal
governance for banks. These internal governance guidelines, which came into effect on 30 June
2018, include requirements for sound risk management across the three lines of defence. Following
discussions with the ECB, ING was asked to secure the autonomy of its compliance function in line
with these requirements. This entailed the separation of the Compliance function from the NFR
department. The chief compliance officer (CCO) is now responsible solely for the compliance
function across the entire institution. The CCO is a permanent member of the Supervisory Board's
Risk Committee and continues to report directly to the CRO. Accordingly, a new head of NFR has
been appointed covering ORM, IRM and Corporate Special Investigations (CSI), also reporting directly
to the CRO. The split between Compliance and NFR became effective as of 1 July 2018.

In August 2018, the new global Centre of Expertise Behavioural Risk was formed to carry out
behavioural risk assessments to identify, analyse and mitigate behaviours within our organisation
that could negatively impact ING’s reputation and performance. The team will provide
management with specific direction on how to change these behaviours. Behavioural risk is
complex and less tangible than other types of risks. Detecting and reducing high-risk behaviours
requires a deep understanding of the drivers of such behaviours.

Risk developments in 2018

In 2018, the macroeconomic environment was defined by uncertainty related to the Brexit
negotiations, the economic and geo-political situation in Turkey leading to among others the
depreciation of the Turkish lira, the looming trade war between the US and China, and growing
nationalism throughout Europe. The bank also continued to operate in a low interest rate
environment that has put pressure on net interest margins. Additionally, shifts in societal norms
relating to climate change and sustainability have driven new initiatives and policy updates within
the bank.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 19

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Risk and Capital Management

As of 1 January 2018, ING transitioned to reporting non-performing loans (NPLs) and provisions units to information, including centralised bank account registers; (v) ensure centralised national
under the IFRS 9 methodology. The Stage 3 credit-impaired assets and the Stage 3 ratio (Stage 3 bank and payment account registers or central data retrieval systems in all member states.
credit-impaired assets expressed as a percentage of total credit outstandings) have replaced the
NPL and the NPL ratio. Therefore, the comparative figures for the credit outstandings and the Financial economic crime/KYC
opening balance for the provisions have been adjusted. In 2018, ING Bank’s Stage 3 ratio improved In September 2018, ING was impacted by the €775 million settlement agreement with the Dutch
to 1.5% from 1.8% at the beginning of the year. The Stage 3 credit-impaired outstandings Public Prosecution Service related to the previously disclosed criminal investigations that found
decreased, particularly within Retail in the Netherlands and industry lending, whereas the total serious shortcomings in the execution of customer due diligence requirements to prevent financial
credit outstandings went up year-on-year. On a portfolio level, improvements were observed in economic crime at ING Netherlands in the period investigated (2010-2016). Read more on ing.com
residential mortgages and business lending both in the Netherlands, where the Stage 3 ratio
decreased to 0.7% from 1.0% and 4.7% from 6.2%, respectively, reflecting the positive The implementation and execution of policies and procedures related to anti-money laundering
macroeconomic environment. Within industry lending, the Stage 3 ratio for Project and Asset- (AML) is an ongoing activity. In addition, ING has taken a number of specific measures to
based Finance and Real Estate Finance dropped by 0.8 percentage points to 1.5% and 0.8 strengthen its management of compliance risks and address the root causes of the shortcomings.
percentage points to 1.2% respectively following restructuring and repayments of some larger These measures are being implemented as part of the bank-wide, global Know Your Customer (KYC)
files. Overall, ING Bank’s Stage 3 ratio remained low, with relatively limited impact from the events Enhancement Programme, a multi-year improvement programme with integral steering. This
in Turkey. The stock of provisions decreased by €0.9 billion to €4.6 billion mainly due to specific programme was officially launched early in 2017 and is expected to run until end-2020. ING
reclassification of the Italian general lease run-off portfolio to assets held for sale, higher write offs is committed to periodically providing the Dutch central bank (DNB) with regular updates on the
and exchange rate movements following the depreciation of the Turkish lira in Stage 3 files, and a progress made.
positive trend of the asset quality in the Stages 1 and 2. ING Bank’s Stage 3 provision coverage ratio
decreased to 30.6 from 34.6% at the beginning of the year. ING Bank’s loan portfolio consists The KYC Enhancement Programme encompasses all client segments in all ING business units,
predominantly of asset-based and secured loans, including residential mortgages, Real Estate leveraging on experiences from the enhancement programme already started in the Netherlands.
Finance, and project-based finance. The programme consists of three parts: (a) look-back analysis on past deficiencies in post-
transaction monitoring. The look-back analysis consists of screening of transactions executed in the
The fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5th AMLD) was adopted by the EU Parliament on 19 past. In case unusual transactions are identified, ING is committed to following the applicable
April 2018 and published in the EU Official Journal on 19 June 2018. EU member states have to reporting process; (b) enhancement of customer due diligence files with the aim to document
transpose the 5th AMLD into their local laws and regulations by 10 January 2020. The main sufficiently the knowledge the bank has about its clients in the line with past and new
changes brought by the 5th AMLD: (i) enhance the powers of EU financial intelligence units and requirements; (c) structural solutions that should support getting sustainably better in addressing
facilitate increased transparency regarding who really owns companies and trusts by establishing money laundering risks in our portfolio and complying with laws and regulations.
beneficial ownership registers; (ii) prevent risks associated with the use of virtual currencies for
terrorist financing and limit the use of prepaid cards; (iii) improve the safeguards for financial
transactions to and from high-risk third countries; (iv) enhance the access of financial intelligence

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 20

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> Risk and Capital Management

The structural solutions comprise five pillars: • Develop and rollout KYC communication and awareness initiatives and set up a behavioural
risk department that performs risk assessments. In its internal communications, ING has made
• Development and global roll-out of KYC risk appetite statements, KYC risk assessments on it clear that non-financial risk and compliance are just as important as financial risk and need to
clients capability structure and maturity assessments. Setting acceptance criteria based on be embedded in ING’s DNA. An online training module to enhance awareness of KYC was rolled
which clients are on-boarded, transactions are processed or taxes are withheld. This pillar covers out to all employees worldwide. MBB members spent a considerable amount of time engaging
also the use of a uniform risk assessment methodology for KYC-related integrity risks and a with staff to explain and discuss our responsibility as gatekeepers of the financial system. In
common taxonomy to measure effectiveness. these meetings, the impact of the settlement, the root causes, the shortcomings and our
commitment and efforts to enhance were discussed. ING started behavioural risk assessments
• Development and global roll-out of a bank-wide KYC digital service platform, including during which more than 100 interviews were held and more than 200 surveys were done to
processes and tooling around CDD, screening and workflow management. This includes the understand better how people, teams and departments interact and work together. Based on
fulfilment of the client acceptance and maintenance life cycle within one global digital platform. these insights, actions for improvement will be considered.
All required screening components (name screening, pre-transaction screening, adverse media
screening) will be incorporated into the client acceptance due diligence process. Once a customer ING recognises that fighting Financial Economic Crime requires close cooperation with other banks
is onboarded, ongoing screening and monitoring of transactions can then be activated. and supervisory and regulatory authorities. ING is therefore working with the Dutch Banking
Association (NVB) and the Dutch central bank (DNB) on harmonising efforts in the fight against FEC
• Translation of risk assessment outcomes into scenarios and alert definitions that can be and participates actively in various working groups and project teams in this area. As such, ING
applied in transaction monitoring. This includes the design and definitions of the applicable actively participates in public-private partnerships to combat FEC, such as participating in the FEC
financial economic crime (FEC) and client activity monitoring (CAM) scenarios per entity, the Council PPS (‘FEC-RAAD Public Private Cooperation’) in which Dutch authorities and financial
building of the alert definitions (including data feeds) and migration to a central tool where institutions cooperate on supervision, control, prosecution or investigation with financial sector
relevant and possible, and validating and testing the approach from risks to alerts. parties to strengthen the integrity of the sector. This is done by means of preventative action to
identify and combat threats to integrity. ING believes that introducing clear accountabilities and
• Set up central KYC organisation that defines standards and drives global execution and standard processes across the financial industry will allow ING to manage and control KYC activities
improvements. This includes the set-up of the new KYC organisation now in place. As of 4Q 2018, and integrity risks more effectively.
we have strengthened the KYC governance by including the heads of the business lines in the
KYC Committee. Going forward we will further develop the global KYC function to ensure As previously noted, in connection with the above-mentioned investigations ING also received
structural embedding of standardised and uniform ways of working, with regular improvement information requests from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). ING has received a
cycles and support of advanced technologies and insights. formal notification from the SEC that it has concluded its investigation and, based on the
information at that time, the Division of Enforcement does not intend to recommend SEC
enforcement action against ING.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 21

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Composition of the Management Board Banking and Supervisory Board

Composition of the Management Board Banking and Supervisory Board

Management Board Banking Supervisory Board
Composition on 31 December 2018 Composition on 31 December 2018
• R.A.J.G. (Ralph) Hamers (52) G.J. (Hans) Wijers (67) - Chairman
CEO, chairman of Management Board Banking H.J.M (Hermann-Josef) Lamberti (62) - Vice-chairman
J.P. (Jan Peter) Balkenende (62)
• J.V. (Koos) Timmermans (58)1
E.F.C.B. (Eric) Boyer de la Giroday (66)
CFO, Vice-chairman
H. W. (Henk) Breukink (68)
• S.J.A. (Steven) van Rijswijk (48) M. (Mariana) Gheorghe (62)
CRO, Management Board Banking M. (Margarete) Haase (65)
R.W.P. (Robert) Reibestein (62)
• M.I. (Isabel) Fernandez Niemann (50)
Head of Wholesale Banking

• R.M.M. (Roel) Louwhoff (53)

COO/CTO, Management Board Banking

• (Aris) Bogdaneris (55)

Head of Challengers & Growth Markets

• R.B. (Roland) Boekhout (55)

Head of Market Leaders

1 Please note that Koos Timmermans stepped down from his position as CFO and member of the Executive Board and
Management Board Banking of ING. He was succeeded by Tanate Phutrakul, who was appointed as CFO and member of the
Management Board Banking effective 7 February 2019.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 22

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Composition of the Management Board Banking and Supervisory Board

Committees of the Supervisory Board

Composition on 31 December 2018
Audit Committee
H.J.M (Hermann-Josef) Lamberti - Chairman
E.F.C.B. (Eric) Boyer de la Giroday
M. (Margarete) Haase
G.J. (Hans) Wijers
R.W.P. (Robert) Reibestein

Risk Committee
R.W.P. (Robert) Reibestein - Chairman
J.P. (Jan Peter) Balkenende
E.F.C.B. (Eric) Boyer de la Giroday
M. (Mariana) Gheorghe
H.J.M (Hermann-Josef) Lamberti

Remuneration Committee
H. (Henk) Breukink - Chairman
R.W.P. (Robert) Reibestein
G.J. (Hans) Wijers

Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee

G.J. (Hans) Wijers - Chairman
H. (Henk) Breukink
M. (Mariana) Gheorghe

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 23

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Corporate governance

Corporate Governance
This chapter, including the parts of this Annual Report
ING’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed under the supervision of our
incorporated by reference, with the separate publication of ‘ING’s principal executive and principal financial officers to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
application of the Dutch Banking Code’ dated 4 March 2019, (see reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in
www.ing.com), together comprise the ‘corporate governance accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

statement’ as specified in section 2a of the decree with respect to Our internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that:
the contents of the Annual Report (‘Besluit inhoud • pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the
bestuursverslag’) 1 transactions and dispositions of the assets of ING;
• provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation
of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that
Dutch Banking Code our receipts and expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorisations of our
management and directors; and
The Dutch Banking Code, as revised in 2014, is applied by ING Bank N.V. The Banking Code can be • provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorised
downloaded from the website of the Dutch Banking Association (www.nvb.nl). Its application to ING acquisition, use or disposition of our assets that could have a material effect on our financial
Bank is described in ‘Application of the Dutch Banking Code by ING Bank N.V.’, available on the ING statements.
Group website (www.ing.com). This is to be read in conjunction with and deemed to be incorporated
in the Annual Report of ING Bank N.V. ING has a process in place where, under the supervision and with the participation of the CEO and
CFO. ING assesses the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, based on the criteria
of the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (‘COSO’) in Internal
Financial reporting process Reporting – Integrated Framework (2013 Framework).
As ING Bank N.V. is a consolidated subsidiary of ING Groep N.V. (‘ING Group’) its policies and
procedures for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting are
Board composition
the same as those applied by ING Group for its consolidated financial statements with respect to
ING Bank N.V. and the entities included in the latter's own consolidated financial statements. ING Bank aims to have an adequate and balanced composition of its Management Board. Thereto,
annually, the Supervisory Board assesses the composition of the Management Board. In the
1 Dutch Bulletin of Acts (Staatsblad) 2004, 747, most recently amended with effect from 1 January 2018: Dutch Bulletin of context of such assessment, ING Bank aims to have a gender balance by having at least 30 percent
Acts 2017, 332.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 24

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Corporate governance

men and at least 30 percent women amongst its Management Board members. However, because Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV 2
of the fact that ING Bank needs to balance several other relevant selection criteria when CEO and Chairman of the Management Board Bankingof ING Bank N.V. and the Executive Board of
composing its Management Board, the composition of the Management Board did not meet the ING Groep N.V.
abovementioned gender balance in 2018 (14 percent women). ING Bank will continue to strive for
an adequate and balanced composition of its Management Board in future appointments, by taking
Other relevant ancillary positions
into account all relevant selection criteria including but not limited to gender balance, executive
Member of the Management Board of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB), member of
experience, experience in corporate governance of large stock-listed companies and experience in
the Board of Directors of the Institute of International Finance, Inc., non-executive member of the
the political and social environment.
board of Foundation Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam and member of UNICEF’s Global
Board of the Young People’s Agenda .
Changes in the composition
As announced on 4 December 2018, Tanate Phutrakul was appointed as CFO and member of the J.V. (Koos) Timmermans, Chief Financial Officer (‘CFO’) and vice-
Management Board Banking, succeeding Koos Timmermans on 7 February 2019. The Supervisory
Board will nominate Tanate Phutrakul for appointment as a member of the Executive Board of ING
(Born 1960, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2011 and stepped down on 7 February 2019)
Group at the Annual General Meeting on 23 April 2019. The appointments have been approved by
Koos Timmermans was appointed as vice-chairman of the Management Board Banking as of 1
the European Central Bank (‘ECB’).
October 2011 and appointed as CFO since 8 May 2017. From 1 October 2014, Koos Timmermans
has, in addition to his current tasks which include aligning ING Bank’s activities and the balance
Information on members of the Management Board Banking sheet with new and upcoming regulation, also assumed responsibilities for the Bank’s operations in
the Benelux and ING’s sustainability department.
R.A.J.G. (Ralph) Hamers member and Chairman Management
Board Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV
(Born 1966, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2013) Vice-chairman and CFO of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank N.V. and of the Executive
Ralph Hamers was appointed a member of the Executive Board of ING Group on 13 May 2013. On 1 Board of ING Groep N.V., member of the Management Board of ING Support Holding B.V. and
October 2013, he was appointed CEO and Chairman of this Board and of the Management Board member of the Supervisory Board of Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor
Banking. Ralph Hamers joined ING in 1991. Before his appointment to the Executive Board, he was Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (‘FMO’, Entrepreneurial Development Bank)
CEO of ING Belgium and Luxembourg.
2 The fourth EU Capital Requirements Directive 2013/36/EU

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 25

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Corporate governance

Other relevant ancillary positions Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV

Member of the Supervisory Board Stadsherstel Amsterdam N.V. and member of the Supervisory Member of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank N.V. and Non-Executive Director of ING
Board of Amsterdam Institute of Finance. Belgium N.V./S.A.

S.J.A. (Steven) van Rijswijk, member and Chief Risk Officer (‘CRO’) Other relevant ancillary positions
(Born 1970, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2017) Member of the board of (Vorstandsmitglied) of the Deutsch-Niederländische Handelskammer,
member of the Euronext advisory board, member of the advisory council of the Maatschappelijke
Steven van Rijswijk has been a member of the Management Board Banking since 8 May 2017. He Alliantie (the Netherlands), chairman of the Supervisory Council ING Netherlands and chairman of
was appointed CRO on 1 August 2017. He is also a member and CRO of the Executive Board of ING Stichting ING Nederland Fonds (foundation) and member of the management board of the
Groep N.V. Before becoming a member of the Management Board Banking, Steven van Rijswijk was Netherlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB).
global head of Client Coverage within ING Wholesale Banking. Steven van Rijswijk joined ING in 1995
in the Corporate Finance team holding various positions in the areas of Mergers & Acquisitions and
Equity Markets. Steven van Rijswijk holds a master’s degree in business economics from Erasmus
A. (Aris) Bogdaneris, member and head of Challengers & Growth
University Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Markets
(Born 1963, Canadian nationality, male; appointed in 2015)
Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV Aris Bogdaneris was appointed a member of the Management Board Banking on 1 June 2015. He is
also head of Challengers & Growth Markets, responsible for all markets where ING is active in both
Member and CRO of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank N.V. and of the Executive Board of
retail and wholesale banking outside the Benelux.
ING Groep N.V.

Prior to this appointment, Aris Bogdaneris was a member of the Management Board Banking
R. (Roland) Boekhout, member and head of Market Leaders responsible for Retail Banking at Raiffeisen Bank International as well as Chief Operating Officer
(Born 1963, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2017) overseeing Information Technology and Operations/Shared Service Centers.
Roland Boekhout was appointed a member of the Management Board Banking since 8 May 2017.
He is also head of Market Leaders. As head of Market Leaders, he is responsible for ING Bank’s
operations in the Benelux, and the intended integration of ING’s banking platform in the
Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV
Netherlands and Belgium. In addition, he is responsible for Advanced Analytics. Furthermore, he is a Member of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank N.V., member of Management Board of
non- executive director of ING Belgium N.V./S.A. ING Bank (Australia) Ltd and member of the Supervisory Board of ING DiBa.

Roland Boekhout holds a master’s degree in business economics from Erasmus University
Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 26

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Corporate governance

M.I. (Isabel) Fernandez Niemann, member and head of Wholesale Supervisory Board
Banking ING Group needs to balance several relevant selection criteria when composing its Supervisory
(Born 1968, Spanish Dutch nationality, female; appointed in 2016) Board but strives for an adequate and balanced composition thereof, by taking into account all
Isabel Fernandez Niemann was appointed a member of the Management Board Banking as from 1 relevant selection criteria including, but not limited to experience in retail and wholesale banking,
September 2016. She is also head of Wholesale Banking as from 1 November 2016. Prior to her gender balance, executive experience, experience in corporate governance and experience in the
appointment Isabel Fernandez Niemann was Global Commercial Leader and Head of Sales for political and social environment.
General Electric. The Nomination Committee assesses the composition of the Supervisory Board, annually. In the
context of such assessment, ING Group aims to have a gender balance by having at least 30
Relevant position pursuant to CRD IV percent men and at least 30 percent women amongst its Supervisory Board members. Margarete
Member of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank N.V. Haase was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board at the General Meeting of 2017 and
per 1 October 2017 she has been present as an observer at the meetings of the Supervisory Board.
Other relevant ancillary positions Her appointment became effective on 1 May 2018. The percentage of females within the
Member of the board of Stichting het Nationale Ballet Fonds and member of the Supervisory Supervisory Board in 2018 is 25 percent. Further measures are being taken to ensure the preferred
Council ING Netherlands composition in terms of gender as soon as reasonably possible.

R.M.M. (Roel) Louwhoff, member and COO Management Board Ancillary positions
(Born 1965, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2014) Member of the Supervisory Board may hold various other directorships, paid positions and ancillary
Roel Louwhoff was appointed a member and chief operations officer (COO) of the Management positions and are required to provide details on these. CRD IV, restricts the total number of
Board Banking on 1 May 2014. He was also appointed Chief Transformation Officer (CTO) per 1 supervisory board positions or non-executive directorships with commercial organisations that
October 2016. In this role, that he fulfils alongside his COO role, he is responsible for operations of may be held by a Supervisory Board member to four, or to two, if the Supervisory Board member
the bank-wide transformation that was announced in 2016. Roel Louwhoff is responsible for also has an executive board position. The European Central Bank may under special circumstances
Operations, IT (including standardisation), data management, information security, process permit a Supervisory Board member to fulfil an additional supervisory board position or non-
management and procurement. Prior to this appointment, Roel Louwhoff was CEO of BT Operate. executive directorship. Positions with, inter alia, subsidiaries or qualified holdings are not taken into
account in the application of these restrictions. Such positions may not conflict with the interests of
ING Bank N.V. It is the responsibility of the individual member of the Supervisory Board to ensure
Relevant position pursuant to CRD IV that the directorship duties are reported and performed properly and are not affected by any other
Member of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank N.V.
positions that the individual may hold outside ING Bank N.V.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 27

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Corporate governance

Information on members of the Supervisory Board J.P. (Jan Peter) Balkenende

(Born 1956, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2017, term expires in 2021)
Former position: partner EY (on corporate responsibility).
G.J. (Hans) Wijers (Chairman)
(Born 1951, Dutch nationality, male, appointed in 2017, term expires in 2021) Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV
Former position: Chief Executive Officer and member of the Executive Board of AkzoNobel N.V. Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V.

Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV Other relevant ancillary positions

Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V., chairman of the Supervisory Professor of governance, institutions and internationalisation at Erasmus University Rotterdam (the
Board and chairman of the Preparatory Committee and Selection & Appointment Committee of Netherlands), external senior adviser to EY, member of the Supervisory Board of Goldschmeding
Heineken N.V. and member of the Supervisory Board of Hal Investments Plc. Foundation, chairman of the Board of Maatschappelijke Alliantie (the Netherlands) and chairman of
the Board of Noaber Foundation.
Other relevant ancillary positions
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Het Concertgebouw N.V., chairman of the board of
Vereniging Natuurmonumenten (the Netherlands) and member of the Temasek European Advisory E.F.C.B. (Eric) Boyer de la Giroday
Panel of Temasek Holdings Private Limited. (Born 1952, Belgian nationality, male: appointed in 2014, term expires in 2022)
Former position: member of the Executive Board of ING Groep N.V. and ING Bank N.V.

H.J.M. (Hermann-Josef) Lamberti (Vice-Chairman) Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV

(Born 1956, German nationality, male; appointed in 2013, term expires in 2021)
Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V. and non-executive chairman of
Former position: chief operating officer of Deutsche Bank AG.
the Board of Directors of ING Belgium S.A./N.V.

Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV Other relevant ancillary position

Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V., non-executive member of Non-executive director of the board of directors of the Instituts Internationaux de Physique et de
the Board of Directors of Airbus Group N.V., chairman of the Supervisory Board of Addiko Bank Chimie fondés par Ernest Solvay, asbl.
(including senior business adviser of Advent International GmBH) and director of Frankfurt
Technology Management GmbH.
The ECB has authorised Hermann-Josef Lamberti to hold a third non-executive position i.e. in
deviation of the maximum of two provided for in section 91 of CRD IV.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 28

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Corporate governance

H.W. (Henk) Breukink Other relevant ancillary positions

(Born 1950, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2007, term expires in 2019) Chairwoman of the Employers Association of Kölnmetall and member of the German Corporate
Former position: managing director of F&C and country head for F&C Netherlands (asset Governance Commission.
management firm).
R.W.P. (Robert) Reibestein
Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV (Born 1956, Dutch nationality, male; appointed in 2012 as an observer, full member as of 2013,
Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V., non-executive director of Brink term expires in 2021)
Groep B.V. and executive director of Executive Development Dialogue B.V. Former position: senior partner of McKinsey & Company.

Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV

M. (Mariana) Gheorghe
Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V. and member of the Supervisory
(Born 1956, Romanian nationality, female, appointed in 2015, term expires in 2019)
Board of IMC B.V.
Former position: CEO of OMV Petrom SA.

Other relevant ancillary position

Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV
Member of the Supervisory Board of Stichting World Wildlife Fund (the Netherlands).
Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V.

M. (Margarete) Haase Changes in the composition

(Born 1953, Austrian nationality, female; appointed in 2017, term expires in 2021) Jeroen van der Veer resigned from the Supervisory Board. As chairman, he was succeeded by Hans
Former position: CFO of Deutz AG. Wijers.

Relevant positions pursuant to CRD IV

Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Groep N.V./ING Bank N.V. (effective per 1 May 2018),
member of the Supervisory Board and chairwoman of the Audit Committee of Fraport AG, member
of the Supervisory Board and chairwoman of the Audit Committee of Osram Licht AG and member
of the Supervisory Board and chairwoman of the Audit Committee of Marquard & Bahls AG.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 29

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Conformity statement

Conformity statement
The Management Board Banking is required to prepare the Annual Accounts and the Annual Report Amsterdam, 4 March 2019
of ING Bank N.V. for each financial year in accordance with applicable Dutch law and those
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that were endorsed by the European Union.
The Management Board Banking
Conformity statement pursuant to section 5:25c paragraph 2(c) of the Dutch
Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). R.A.J.G. (Ralph) Hamers
CEO, chairman of the Management Board Banking
The Management Board Banking is responsible for maintaining proper accounting records, for
safeguarding assets and for taking reasonable steps to prevent and detect fraud and other T. (Tanate) Phutrakul
irregularities. It is responsible for selecting suitable accounting policies and applying them on a CFO and vice-chairman
consistent basis, making judgements and estimates that are prudent and reasonable. It is also
responsible for establishing and maintaining internal procedures which ensure that all major S.J.A. (Steven) van Rijswijk
financial information is known to the Management Board Banking, so that the timeliness, CRO
completeness and correctness of the external financial reporting are assured.
R. (Roland) Boekhout
As required by section 5:25c paragraph 2(c) of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act, each of the Head of Market Leaders
signatories hereby confirms that to the best of his knowledge:
A. (Aris) Bogdaneris
• the ING Bank N.V. 2018 Annual Accounts give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, Head of Challengers & Growth Markets
financial position and profit or loss of ING Bank N.V. and the enterprises included in the
consolidation taken as a whole; and M.I. (Isabel) Fernandez Niemann
• the ING Bank N.V. 2018 Annual Report gives a true and fair view of the position at the balance Head of Wholesale Banking
sheet date, the development and performance of the business during the financial year 2018 of
ING Bank N.V. and the enterprises included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a R.M.M. (Roel) Louwhoff
description of the principal risks ING Bank N.V. is being confronted with. COO/CTO

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 30

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

Report of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board and its committees focused in 2018 on overseeing and challenging ING’s accordance with our capital and liquidity adequacy (in line with our annually updated Risk Appetite
management in their efforts to advance the Think Forward strategy in areas like beyond banking Framework), dividend capacity, thematic reviews in connection with several regulatory requests,
services and developing a platform approach. Other important topics of attention for the and updates on supervisory developments.
Supervisory Board in 2018 were the Executive Board remuneration policy, the investigation by
Dutch authorities and the EBA Guidelines on Internal Governance. Please refer to the legal proceedings paragraph set out in Note 44 to the consolidated annual accounts of ING Bank for
more information.

The Supervisory Board met 10 times in 2018. On average, 95 percent of the Supervisory Board SB Attendance 20181
members were present at the meetings. This attendance rate illustrates that the members of the SB Attendance SB RiCo AC NCGcom RemCo
Supervisory Board are continuously engaged with ING and are able to devote sufficient time and Wijers (chairman) 9/10 - 5/5 10/10 7/7
attention to oversee ING’s affairs. As of 2018 onwards all outside positions of the members are Lamberti (vice-chairman) 9/10 4/6 4/5 - -
collectively discussed on an annual basis, among others to safeguard continuation of such
Balkenende 10/10 6/6 - - -
Boyer 8/10 6/6 5/5 - -
Breukink 10/10 - - 9/10 6/7
The Management Board Banking was present during each regular Supervisory Board meeting. For
Gheorghe2 10/10 6/6 - 5/5 -
part of the regular meetings only the chief executive officer was present; this was dependent on
Haase3 6/6 3/3
the nature of the topics addressed. The Supervisory Board also had sessions with Supervisory Board
Reibestein 10/10 6/6 5/5 - 6/7
members only, in advance of the regular Supervisory Board meetings and when justified by the
nature of the topics on the agenda. The purpose of pre-meetings and Supervisory Board-only Total attendance4 95% 93% 95% 93% 92%
1 This SB attendance overview only shows the regular SB (committee) meetings that took place during the year. The 2018
meetings is to allow the Supervisory Board independent reflection on, and consideration of, additional and ad-hoc SB (committee) meetings specifically relating to the EB remuneration policy and the investigation by
important matters without the attendance of the Management Board Banking. The Supervisory the Dutch authorities are not taken into account in this overview for comparison purposes with previous years.
Board prioritises striking a balance between the interests of all stakeholders and maintaining an 2 Gheorghe became a member of the NCGcom as per the end of the 23 April 2018 AGM.
3 Haase’s membership of the AC and the SB became effective on 1 May 2018. Before this date she was present at these
open dialogue with all departments within ING. meetings as an observer.
4 The figures exclude observers, if any. In case an SB member cannot join a meeting, he/she will at all times continue to
receive the meeting materials to allow him/her to provide feedback on these in advance.
Besides the Executive Board remuneration policy and the investigation by the Dutch authorities,
the Supervisory Board’s main focus areas were the further acceleration of the Think Forward
The continuing dialogue between ING and external supervisors was a standard agenda item
strategy, including the various transformation initiatives and partnering with fintechs, the
throughout the year. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board exercised its oversight role to ensure
anticipated impact of Basel IV and Brexit, updates on IFRS 9, the financing of the company in
necessary actions cascaded down into the organisation and were followed up, including those
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 31
Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

related to culture and behaviour. Hans Wijers took over the chairman’s role from Jeroen van der Board and Management Board Banking reconfirmed their commitment to comply with applicable
Veer in May 2018 after the 2018 Annual General Meeting. In this role he has had conversations with legal requirements and take the necessary actions to strengthen compliance risk management and
various internal and external stakeholders, including employees, the Central Works Council and the culture of compliance throughout the organisation.
government officials. In December 2018 he also participated in a governance roadshow with some
of our institutional investors.
Appointment CFO
In addition, following the settlement and in consultation with the Supervisory Board, Koos
CEO compensation Timmermans stepped down from his position as CFO and member of the Executive Board and
The Supervisory Board noted the reactions of various Dutch stakeholders following the proposal to Management Board Banking of ING. He was succeeded by Tanate Phutrakul, who was appointed as
amend the Executive Board remuneration policy, as set out in the Annual Report 2017 and as CFO and member of the Management Board Banking effective 7 February 2019. The Supervisory
initially tabled for the 2018 Annual General Meeting, to bring the remuneration for the CEO position Board has nominated Tanate Phutrakul for appointment as a member of the Executive Board of ING
closer to peers within the Euro Stoxx benchmark. In light of this, the Supervisory Board reconsidered Group, subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting on 23 April 2019. The
the proposal and decided not to put it up for a vote at the Annual General Meeting. The Supervisory appointments have been approved by the European Central Bank.
Board regrets the loss of trust and damage to ING’s reputation caused by this proposal. This was
discussed at length during the 2018 Annual General Meeting. The Supervisory Board evaluated the
decision-making process, supported by an ad hoc Supervisory Board committee. The Supervisory
Permanent education and business visits
Board is now performing an extensive review of ING’s remuneration policy. This comprehensive Permanent education and business visits are important for the members of the Supervisory Board
review will be performed by the Supervisory Board in consultation with its advisory bodies with as part of their continuous learning aimed at maintaining their expertise at the required level and
significant emphasis on broad stakeholder engagement. expanding where necessary. They also help to keep up-to-date with and gain in-depth insight into
the global and local economic, financial and political landscape and to increase the Supervisory
Board’s understanding of and engagement with ING’s business operations and its stakeholders. The
Settlement agreement annual Supervisory Board Knowledge Days, that took place on 10-12 January 2018 in Frankfurt and
ING announced on 4 September 2018 that it had reached a settlement agreement with Dutch that were combined with regular SB meetings, focused on gaining more insight into Germany’s
authorities related to an investigation that found serious shortcomings in the execution of economy and financial landscape. There was also a ‘deep dive’ into the current business and
customer due diligence and requirements related to fighting financial economic crime. In light of activities of ING in Germany, also covering our presence in Austria and the Czech Republic, and how
the investigation the Supervisory Board, supported by external legal counsel and subject-matter these relate and contribute to ING’s Think Forward strategy. As part of the annual business visit, the
experts, had numerous internal ad hoc meetings and several meetings with external parties that Supervisory Board together with the Management Board Banking visited the offices of ING in Milan
resulted in said agreement on 3 September 2018. As part of the process, the Supervisory Board also and Madrid in September 2018. The visits allowed the SB to get a better understanding of local
performed a management assessment for the persons in scope covering the period 2010-2016 business issues. There was also a special focus on Model Bank, the integrated banking platform
with subsequent necessary measures taken. Looking forward, the Supervisory Board, Executive being designed to offer a consistent experience across multiple ING markets.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 32

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

Throughout the year, a number of other educational sessions on specific topics were organised for changing customer needs, enhance efficiency, and think beyond traditional banking to develop
and at the request of the Supervisory Board, including some covering regulatory requirements. new services and business models whilst growing our lending capabilities. As part of this, platform
Topics included the 2018 EBA stress test, the bank’s changing competitive landscape and thinking was an important theme in 2018, with plans to become a go-to platform for customers’
partnering with fintechs, ING’s position on crypto currencies and tokens, pro-active balance sheet financial needs, to participate on others’ platforms and to develop independent initiatives in
management, risk modelling, the pricing process , data ethics/security, dilemma management, the partnership with others. Other aspects of the accelerated strategy programme were discussed and
Organisational Health Index, ING’s global job evaluation framework, and performance management approved. Important drivers of the programme were addressed, such as the future of banking, the
and remuneration practices. These educational sessions and visits also provided opportunities for journey of convergence, maintaining commercial momentum, how to fund and drive the
Supervisory Board members to interact with senior management in speed-meet sessions. These transformation and risk management. The Supervisory Board acknowledges it is important to take
conversations contribute to better mutual understanding and alignment on what matters most to into account the duty of care towards those stakeholders of the bank who may be impacted by the
ING, both for its employees and for the Supervisory Board. As in previous years, the Supervisory transition.
Board will continue this practice.

Financial and risk reporting

Strategy based on long-term value creation The Management Board Banking has prepared the annual accounts and discussed these with the
In 2018, ING continued to work on implementing its Think Forward strategy focused on long-term Supervisory Board. The annual accounts will be submitted for adoption at the 2019 Annual General
value creation and based on our purpose to empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in Meeting as part of the 2018 Annual Report.
The quarterly results were discussed and approved in January, May, July/August and October 2018,
In late 2016, ING announced the acceleration of the implementation of the strategy (accelerate including the relevant press releases,. The full-year 2017 financial results were approved in March
Think Forward), focusing on investing in our digital transformation, creating a scalable banking 2018. Also discussed were the Management Board Banking’s assessment of the adequacy and
platform and realising €900 million of gross costs savings by 2021. A global transformation effectiveness of the risk management and control. ING Bank paid € 2,517 million dividend to ING
programme was approved to realise the acceleration of the strategy. The basic starting point of the Groep N.V.
programme was ING’s value proposition, captured in multiple workstreams across the ING network.
Throughout 2018, the Supervisory Board discussed the progress of the strategy and its The Supervisory Board approved the annual review of the risk appetite framework that reflects
transformation programme and, as part of this, had an active dialogue with the Management recent changes in regulatory requirements. This included updates to the solvency risk appetite
Board Banking. statements (RAS), liquidity and funding RAS and concentration RAS. Per standard practice, the
Supervisory Board was informed in detail throughout the year of the potential financial and non-
ING’s strategy, together with the transformation programme, includes an overarching view and a financial risks for ING, including updates on Brexit, upcoming regulatory changes (such as Basel IV)
number of initiatives to further improve the customer experience, earn primary customers, develop and political and economic developments in various countries and regions, and discussed how
analytics skills to understand our customers better, increase the pace of innovation to serve these could best be mitigated.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 33

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

KPMG, in its role as ING’s external auditor, audited ING’s 2018 accounts and financial statements. As assessment, acknowledging that the environment in which the Supervisory Board was operating
part of the standard procedures, KPMG declared itself independent from ING, in compliance with had become more challenging, among others with reference to the 2018 events in light of CEO
applicable rules and regulations. Based on the Audit Committee proposal, the Supervisory Board remuneration and the settlement.
approved the audit plans of the internal and external auditor, the latter including the scope and
materiality of the external audit. There has been a significant increase in regulatory reporting since Standard areas of attention of the Supervisory Board will be continued close monitoring and
the start of ECB supervision. Reporting timelines have become shorter and the granularity of the assessment of the developments in the areas of non-financial risk, compliance and internal control,
data being requested has increased. In addition, local requirements need to be met. ING aims to as well as in the regulatory and external supervision landscape.
safeguard data quality and all reporting processes so these remain up to standard.
The Supervisory Board’s spearheads for 2019 will be to improve stakeholder management, focus on
the way forward by means of reinstating trust with customers and other stakeholders and pride
Internal Supervisory Board meetings with employees to be part of ING, and achieving the right balance between the provision of
During the internal meetings of the Supervisory Board in 2018 (with the CEO in attendance, except challenge/counterbalance and support to the Executive Board and the Management Board Banking
when the annual self-evaluation of the Supervisory Board or matters concerning the CEO were - particularly in the areas of compliance and performance management, with clear set priorities
discussed), the Management Board Banking performance assessments were discussed and and milestones.
approved. Furthermore the Management Board Banking annual targets were reviewed and
approved. The future composition of the Management Board Banking (including the appointment of Following the discussions on the self-assessment in February 2019, a number of suggestions were
a new CFO), and the Supervisory Board, its committees and potential candidates were a recurring made as key priorities for improving the performance of the Supervisory Board over the coming
topic of discussion in light of various developments. ING’s talent and succession planning were also year, such as continued interaction with stakeholders outside and senior management within the
discussed, including the outcome of the Annual Talent Review. Remuneration was another organisation. With regard to the Supervisory Board’s meeting effectiveness focus will be on an
recurring agenda item. The Supervisory Board self-assessment was also on the agenda. Action improved balance between presentation and discussion, in favour of the latter, supported by
points from last year’s self-assessment were acted on during the year, covering: attention to the document quality assurance and gathering feedback on meeting performance.
future composition of the Supervisory Board, the aim to have fewer presentations and more
interactive discussions between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board and Management
Board Banking, to balance the amount of pre-readings and time spent, to consider competitor
Audit Committee meetings
strategies and to develop a more balanced offering of deep dives/permanent education sessions. The Audit Committee met five times in 2018. On average, 95 percent of the members were present
at the scheduled meetings. The Audit Committee discussed the quarterly results, the interim
As in previous years, the Supervisory Board conducted its annual self-assessment, facilitated by an accounts and the annual accounts. Key audit matters, as included in the auditors’ reports were also
independent external party and with input from several executives who regularly interact with the a topic of discussion.
Supervisory Board and attend Supervisory Board meetings. In general, the performance of the In addition to financial results and accounts, the Audit Committee’s regular deliberations included
Supervisory Board and its committees was considered to be stable since previous year’s self- financial reporting, auditor’s independence and fees, the overall internal control environment, the

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 34

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

internal controls over financial reporting, the internal and external auditor reports, review of the
internal audit function, and matters related to the financing of the company, including the
Risk Committee meetings
assessment of ING’s capital and liquidity position. The Audit Committee also reviewed the press The Risk Committee met six times in 2018, compared with five times last year. On average, 93
releases related to the periodic results, the Annual Report, and discussed and made percent of the members were present at the scheduled meetings. As with the meetings of the
recommendations for the approval of the internal audit plan. other committees, all relevant items discussed by the Risk Committee were reported to the
Supervisory Board, with the Supervisory Board approving those items as required from a
Specific attention was paid to a variety of other, related topics. These included IFRS-related governance perspective. In each quarterly Risk Committee meeting both the financial and non-
developments and their potential impact on our disclosures, legal proceedings, the remediation of financial risk reports were discussed, including the status of ING’s metrics with regard to solvency
open-control deficiencies in areas including user access and change management and loan-loss risk, liquidity and funding risk, credit risk, country risk, market risk, non-financial risk and
provisioning. Also addressed were non-financial risks relevant for the financial reporting, and the compliance risk. Stress-testing scenarios, including the impact of the 2018 EBA EU-wide stress test,
results of the financial control enhancement programme. While the programme was completed, were also discussed. Also the review of the Risk function was discussed. Furthermore, in 2018 the
the efforts to embed control more in the daily business continue to be part of ING’s business-as- Risk Committee spent considerable time on discussing financial and non-financial risk, compliance
usual-activities. Also the settlement with the Dutch authorities, as well as the related information risk, money laundering risk, including updates of the bank-wide Know Your Customer enhancement
request from US authorities, regarding various requirements related to client on-boarding, money programme, and IT risk within risk appetite, GDPR/GDPP and MiFID II. The Risk Committee also spent
laundering and corrupt practices were discussed. The updated internal audit charter and the considerable time, before the instalment of a special committee on the matter, on the investigation
quarterly whistleblower report were also areas of attention. The Audit Committee performed a by the Dutch authorities, as well as the related information request from US authorities, regarding
thorough assessment of the functioning of the external auditor and the scope and materiality of various requirements related to client on-boarding, money laundering and corrupt practices.
the audit plan and the principal risks identified in the audit plan and made recommendations to the Furthermore, the Risk Committee’s feedback is also taken into account in discussions regarding
Supervisory Board regarding the nomination of the external auditors for the years 2020-2023. All remuneration policies – for examples as part of the Variable Remuneration Accrual Model, that was
relevant items discussed by the Audit Committee were reported to the Supervisory Board, with the recently introduced.
Supervisory Board approving those items as required from a governance perspective. Directly
following the Audit Committee meetings, the members of the Audit Committee met with the While transforming its organisation, ING needs to ensure that integrity continues to come first and
internal and external auditors to seek confirmation that all relevant topics were discussed in the that critical non-financial risk areas stay top of mind, because this is an integral part of who we are.
Audit Committee meetings. To properly prepare for the regular Audit Committee meetings, the We need to build up strong foundations with structural solutions that continue to earn the trust of
chairman of the Audit Committee held separate sessions with the external auditor, the head of the our clients and society at large.
internal audit department, with the CFO and with the Group Controller. He also met with various
senior managers. A wide range of other topics were discussed, such as the annual review of the Risk Appetite
Framework. As in 2017, the Risk committee held an additional meeting to allow it to deal with an
increased number of high priority issues. During this extra meeting in 2018, the Risk Committee

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 35

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

discussed several non-financial risk and compliance risk topics, including the know your customer dives per function and business line. Focus areas included improving diversity at the higher
policy and the implications for ING of the political and economic situation in Turkey. management levels, senior management succession planning and accelerating refreshment.
Attention was also paid specifically to regrettable losses among senior managers who left ING in
Read more in the ‘Risk Management’ and ‘Capital Management’ note in the Annual Accounts. 2018 for various reasons.

New this year were periodic conversations that took place outside regular meetings to consider
Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee meetings talented ING employees with the potential of taking on more senior and complex roles over time.
The Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee met 10 times in 2018. On average, 93 The approach and progress were shared with the Supervisory Board.
percent of the members were present at the scheduled meetings. The Nomination and Corporate
Governance Committee discussed future succession planning for the Executive Board and the Special attention was paid to performance management and how to enhance the process and its
Management Board Banking, as well as the future composition of the Supervisory Board. Various effectiveness by fostering ‘continuous conversation’ between managers and employees
diversity-related aspects were taken into account, such as the minimum and optimal size of a throughout the year. In 2018, the committee discussed the agenda for the 2018 Annual General
Supervisory Board and how to arrive at an appropriate balance in its representation of regions, age, Meeting and the proposed topics for the 2019 Annual General Meeting, including the publication of
gender, and financial and generalist expertise. In order to meet the requirements of various the booklet on the application of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code and Dutch Banking Code.
stakeholders a diversity and competence matrix was further developed and published for the During the year, the committee also discussed the (implementation of the) EBA Guidelines on
members of the Management Board Banking and Supervisory Board to show how these various Internal Governance, including the required updates to the corporate board charters for ING in
elements are represented in the composition of these boards (see page 38). relation to these guidelines.

Several potential (internal talents) were identified who have potential to assume more senior roles
in the organisation in the future, taking ING’s diversity policy (as published on www.ing.com) into
Remuneration Committee meetings
account. With regard to the Supervisory Board, the Nomination and Corporate Governance In 2018, the Remuneration Committee met seven times. On average, 92 percent of the members
Committee continued its search for suitable successors so as to maintain a balanced Supervisory were present at the scheduled meetings. The Remuneration Committee, where necessary with
Board composition, following the early resignation of Ann Sherry as Supervisory Board member in input and advice from the Risk Committee following strengthened risk management governance,
2017 and with Henk Breukink’s final term ending in 2019. Finding suitable candidates remains reviewed the thresholds above which the pool for variable remuneration may be used for actually
challenging, as numerous requirements must be met to enhance the composition of the granting variable remuneration. It discussed the variable remuneration pool and reviewed the
Supervisory Board including regulatory requirements, diversity, banking and other industry performance assessment for the Executive Board and Management Board Banking, as well as the
knowledge, outside positions, independence, no conflicts of interest, availability, etc. variable remuneration proposals. Also the Executive Board remuneration policy and CEO
remuneration were discussed, including the follow-up actions resulting from the Supervisory
The Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee has initiated a continuing conversation on Board’s evaluation of the decision-making process after the item was withdrawn from the 2018
Management Board Banking succession planning as part of its regular meetings by means of deep Annual General Meeting agenda. The remuneration proposals for Identified Staff were also

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 36

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

reviewed, including potential cases for holdback of deferred compensation by way of malus. With Supervisory Board. Read more in the ‘Corporate governance’ chapter on the composition of the
regard to the investigation by the Dutch authorities, a special ad-hoc committee of the Supervisory Supervisory Board committees at year-end 2018.The Nomination and Corporate Governance
Board was charged with the accompanying management assessment and its subsequent proposed Committee and the Supervisory Board will continue to strive for an adequate and balanced
measures, including those encompassing impact on remuneration. In addition, the proposed composition of the Supervisory Board when selecting and nominating new members for
annual targets for the Executive Board and the Management Board Banking members were appointment, taking into account ING’s diversity policy and other factors.
discussed. The ING Bank Remuneration Regulations Framework was updated as part of an annual
review. This included the introduction of the Variable Remuneration Accrual Model. Throughout the The members of the Supervisory Board are requested to assess annually whether or not they are
year the Remuneration Committee approved Identified Staff/High Earner-related remuneration independent as set out in the Corporate Governance Code and to confirm this in writing. On the
matters, based on ING’s accompanying governance framework. basis of these criteria, all members of the Supervisory Board, with the exception of Eric Boyer de la
Giroday, are to be regarded as independent on 31 December 2018. Eric Boyer de la Giroday is
Composition of the Management Board Banking and considered not independent because of his position as chairman of the Board of Directors of ING

Supervisory Board Belgium S.A./N.V. and his former positions as member of the Executive Board of ING Groep N.V. and
vice-chairman of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank N.V. On the basis of the NYSE listing
At the Annual General Meeting on 23 April 2018, Eric Boyer de la Giroday was reappointed as standards, all members of the Supervisory Board are to be regarded as independent.
Supervisory Board member. Furthermore, Jeroen van der Veer stepped down as Supervisory Board
member as per the end of the 2018 Annual General Meeting following which Hans Wijers Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, on 7 February 2019 Tanate Phutrakul was appointed as CFO and
succeeded him as chairman. Margarete Haase’s membership of the Supervisory Board became member of the Management Board Banking, succeeding Koos Timmermans. The appointments
effective as per 1 May 2018, following the period from 1 October 2017 during which she was have been approved by the European Central Bank.
present as an observer at the meetings of the Audit Committee, Supervisory Board and Internal

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 37

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

Diversity and Competence Matrix (as at 31 December 2018)

Management Board Diversity Competencies
Name Year of birth Gender Nationality Executive experience International experience banking/finance/audit/risk operations a/o IT corporate governance
Ralph Hamers (EB/MBB) 1966 M Dutch •• •• •• • ••
Koos Timmermans (EB/MBB) 1960 M Dutch •• • •• • ••
Steven van Rijswijk (EB/MBB) 1970 M Dutch •• • •• • •
Roland Boekhout (MBB) 1963 M Dutch •• •• •• • ••
Aris Bogdaneris (MBB) 1963 M Canadian •• •• •• •• •
Isabel Fernandez (MBB) 1968 F Spanish •• •• •• • •
Roel Louwhoff (MBB) 1965 M Dutch •• •• • •• •

Supervisory Board Diversity Competencies

Name Year of birth Gender Nationality Executive experience International experience banking/finance/audit/risk operations a/o IT corporate governance
Mr Wijers (chair) 1951 M Dutch •• •• • •• ••
Mr Lamberti (vice-chair) 1956 M German •• • •• •• •
Mr Balkenende 1956 M Dutch • •• • • ••
Mr Boyer de la Giroday 1952 M Belgian •• • •• • ••
Mr Breukink 1950 M Dutch • •• • • ••
Ms Gheorghe 1956 F Romanian/British •• •• •• • ••
Ms Haase 1953 F Austrian •• •• •• • ••
Mr Reibestein 1956 M Dutch • •• •• • •
Information as at 31 December 2018
• limited/some to average experience in the area
•• (had been) accountable and (had) executed over several years

Please note the following: the competencies included in this matrix represent a non-exhaustive overview of the competencies of ING's corporate board members that they already had before joining ING and/or developed during their position(s) at ING. The purpose
of this matrix is to provide ING’s stakeholders with an overview on the main competencies ING considers to be the most relevant for its stakeholders. As ING’s situation, markets and environment are subject to continuous change, the contents of the matrix is
subject to change as well. Furthermore, for the appointments of new corporate board members, all relevant competencies are also shared with the DNB/ECB based on their Suitability Matrix to assess the collective competence of members of the members of the
management/supervisory body.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 38

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of ING Group is responsible for controlling management performance and
advising the Management Board Banking. All Supervisory Board members, with the exception of not
more than one person, shall qualify as independent as defined in the best practice provision 2.1.8 of
the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. Under this code, Eric Boyer de la Giroday is considered not
to be independent. The current members of the Supervisory Board are:

Jan Peter Balkenende Eric Boyer de la Giroday Henk Breukink

Hans Wijers Hermann-Josef Lamberti

Chairman Supervisory Board Vice-chairman Supervisory Boardti

Mariana Gheorghe Margarete Haase Robert Reibestein

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 39

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Report of the Supervisory Board

Appreciation for the Management Board Banking and ING

The Supervisory Board would like to thank the members of the Management Board Banking for
their hard work in 2018. Important milestones were the steps taken towards creating a globally
scalable digital platform for customers and further digitalising our offering. The Supervisory Board
would also like to thank all ING employees for their contribution in realising these achievements
and for continuing to serve the interests of customers, shareholders and other stakeholders of ING.
The Supervisory Board is fully aware that ING is going through a challenging period and would
therefore also like to thank everyone for their efforts to regain the trust of our customers and other

Additional information More information can be found in the ‘Corporate governance’

chapter, which is deemed to be incorporated by reference here.

Amsterdam, 4 March 2019

The Supervisory Board

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 40

Consolidated Annual Accounts 16 Provisions 98
17 Other liabilities 99
Consolidated statement of financial position 43
18 Debt securities in issue 99
Consolidated statement of profit or loss 44
19 Subordinated loans 100
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 45
20 Equity 101
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 46
Consolidated statement of cash flows 48
Notes to the Consolidated statement of profit or loss
21 Net interest income 104
Notes to the consolidated annual accounts
22 Net fee and commission income 105
1 Accounting policies 50
23 Valuation results and net trading income 106
24 Investment income 107
Notes to the Consolidated Statement of financial position
25 Result of disposal of group companies 108
2 Cash and balances with central banks 84
26 Other income 108
3 Loans and advances to banks 84
27 Staff expenses 108
4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 85
28 Other operating expenses 111
5 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 87
6 Securities at amortised cost 88 Notes to the Consolidated statement of cash flows
7 Loans and advances to customers 89 29 Net cash flow from operating activities 112
8 Investments in associates and joint ventures 91 30 Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities 113
9 Property and equipment 92 31 Cash and cash equivalents 113
10 Intangible assets 94
11 Other assets 95
12 Assets and liabilities held for sale 96
13 Deposits from banks 96
14 Customer deposits 96
15 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 97

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 41

Segment reporting 46 Principal subsidiaries, investments in associates and joint ventures 168
32 Segments 114 47 Structured entities 169
33 Information on geographical areas 118 48 Related parties 171
49 Subsequent events 174
Additional notes to the Consolidated annual accounts 50 Risk management 175
34 Pension and other post-employment benefits 120 51 Capital management 254
35 Taxation 124
36 Fair value of assets and liabilities 127
37 Derivatives and hedge accounting 144
Parent company annual accounts
38 Assets by contractual maturity Parent company statement of financial position 259
Parent company statement of profit or loss 260
39 Liabilities by maturity 154
Parent company statement of changes in equity 261
40 Assets not freely disposable 156
Notes to the parent company annual accounts 263
41 Transfer of financial assets 156
42 Offsetting financial assets and liabilities 157
43 Contingent liabilities and commitments 162 Other information
44 Legal proceedings 163 Independent auditor’s report 279
45 Consolidated companies and businesses acquired and divested 166 Articles of Association – Appropriation of results 287

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 42

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Consolidated statement of financial position

as at 31 December

in EUR million 20181 20171 20181 20171

Assets Liabilities
Cash and balances with central banks 2 49,987 21,989 Deposits from banks 13 37,330 36,821
Loans and advances to banks 3 30,420 28,746 Customer deposits 14 580,294 552,690
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 4 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 15
– Trading assets 50,163 116,763 – Trading liabilities 31,215 73,596
– Non-trading derivatives 2,672 2,185 – Non-trading derivatives 2,313 2,346
– Designated as at fair value through profit or loss 2,887 4,242 – Designated as at fair value through profit or loss 59,179 11,215
– Mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 64,783 n/a Current tax liabilities 856 774
Investments n/a 79,073 Deferred tax liabilities 35 640 752
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 5 31,223 n/a Provisions 16 1,011 1,713
Securities at amortised cost 6 47,276 n/a Other liabilities 17 13,396 15,972
Loans and advances to customers 7 592,328 574,899 Debt securities in issue 18 102,159 90,231
Investments in associates and joint ventures 8 1,044 947 Subordinated loans 19 13,643 15,831
Property and equipment 9 1,659 1,801 Total liabilities 842,036 801,941
Intangible assets 10 1,839 1,469
Current tax assets 201 324 Equity 20
Deferred tax assets 35 841 818 Share capital and share premium 17,067 17,067
Other assets 11 8,426 13,062 Other reserves 3,504 4,304
Assets held for Sale 12 1,262 Retained earnings 23,602 22,291
Shareholders’ equity (parent) 44,173 43,662
Non-controlling interests 803 715
Total equity 44,976 44,377

Total assets 887,012 846,318 Total liabilities and equity 887,012 846,318

1 The amounts for the period ended 31 December 2018 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS 9, the adoption of IFRS 9 led to new presentation requirements; prior period amounts have not been restated. References relate to the accompanying notes. These
are an integral part of the Consolidated annual accounts. Reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’ for information on Changes in accounting principles, estimates and presentation of the consolidated annual accounts and related notes.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 43

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Consolidated statement of profit or loss

for the years ended 31 December

in EUR million 20181 20171 20161 20181 20171 20161

Interest income using effective interest rate method 25,288 n/a n/a Addition to loan loss provisions 7 656 676 974
Other interest income 2,504 n/a n/a Staff expenses 27 5,430 5,198 5,036
Total interest income 27,792 43,988 44,221 Other operating expenses 28 5,265 4,598 5,567
Total expenses 11,351 10,472 11,577
Interest expense using effective interest rate method –11,222 n/a n/a
Other interest expense –2,620 n/a n/a Result before tax 6,751 7,404 5,937
Total interest expense –13,842 –30,206 –30,904
Taxation 35 2,036 2,303 1,635
Net interest income 21 13,949 13,782 13,317 Net result (before non-controlling interest) 4,715 5,101 4,302

Fee and commission income 4,240 3,864 3,581 Net result attributable to Non-controlling interests 108 82 75
Fee and commission expense –1,437 –1,150 –1,148 Net result attributable to shareholder of the parent 4,607 5,019 4,227
Net fee and commission income 22 2,803 2,714 2,433
Dividend per ordinary share (in euros) 5.41 6.83 2.89
Valuation results and net trading income 23 1,031 672 1,093 Total amount of dividend paid (in million euros) 2,517 3,176 1,345

Investment income 24 183 192 421 1 The amounts for the period ended 31 December 2018 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS 9, the adoption of IFRS 9
Share of result from associates and joint ventures 8 124 166 77 led to new presentation requirements; prior period amounts have not been restated.
Result on disposal of group companies 25 –123 1 1

Other income 26 136 349 172

Total income 18,102 17,876 17,514

References relate to the accompanying notes. These are an integral part of the Consolidated Reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’ for information in Changes in accounting
annual accounts. principles, estimates and presentation of the Consolidated annual accounts and related notes.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 44

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the years ended 31 December
1 The amounts for the period ended 31 December 2018 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS 9, the adoption of IFRS 9
led to new presentation requirements; prior period amounts have not been restated.
in EUR million 20181 20171 20161
Net result (before non-controlling interests) 4,715 5,101 4,302
References relate to the accompanying notes. These are an integral part of the Consolidated
Other comprehensive income annual accounts. This includes Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’, which contains information on Changes
Items that will not be reclassified to the statement of profit or loss: in accounting principles, estimates and presentation of the Consolidated annual accounts and
Realised and unrealised revaluations property in own use 1 26 2
related notes.
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit asset/liability 34 6 –29 –65
Net change in fair value of equity instruments at FVOCI –461 n/a n/a
Change in fair value of own credit risk of financial liabilities at FVPL 198 n/a n/a Reference is made to Note 35 ‘Taxation’ for the disclosure on the income tax effects on each
component of the other comprehensive income.
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to the statement of profit or loss:
Unrealised revaluations AFS investments and other revaluations n/a –284 189
Realised gains/losses on AFS investments reclassified to the statement of profit or
loss n/a –92 –272
Net change in fair value of debt instruments at FVOCI –163 n/a n/a
Realised gains/losses on debt instruments at FVOCI reclassified to the statement of
–55 n/a n/a
profit or loss
Changes in cash flow hedge reserve 382 –526 68
Exchange rate differences –402 –861 –273
Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures and
other income 13 3 5
Total comprehensive income 4,234 3,338 3,956

Comprehensive income attributable to:

Non-controlling interests 132 109
Shareholders of the parent 4,102 3,229 3,956
4,234 3,338 3,956

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 45

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the years ended 31 December

Share capital and Share-holders' Non-controlling

in EUR million share premium Other reserves Retained earnings equity (parent) interests Total equity
Balance as at 31 December 2017 17,067 4,304 22,291 43,662 715 44,377
Effect of change in accounting policy 1 –648 –391 –1,038 –14 –1,053
Balance as at 1 January 2018 17,067 3,656 21,901 42,624 700 43,325

Net change in fair value of equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income –518 56 –461 0 –461
Net change in fair value of debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income –163 –163 0 –163
Realised gains/losses on debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income reclassified to the
statement of profit or loss –54 –54 –2 –55

Changes in cash flow hedge reserve 342 342 41 382

Realised and unrealised revaluations property in own use –2 3 1 –0 1
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit asset/liability 34 6 6 6
Exchange rate differences and other –386 –386 –16 –402
Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures and other income 264 –251 13 13
Change in fair value of own credit risk of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 198 198 198
Total amount recognised directly in other comprehensive income net of tax –312 –192 –505 24 –481
Net result 160 4,447 4,607 108 4,715
Total comprehensive income net of tax –152 4,255 4,102 132 4,234

Dividends –2,517 –2,517 –61 –2,578

Employee stock option and share plans 59 59 0 59

Changes in the composition of the group and other changes 2 –96 –96 31 –65
Balance as at 31 December 2018 17,067 3,504 23,602 44,173 803 44,976

1 Changes per type of Reserve components are presented in Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’, IFRS 9 ‘Financial instruments’ – Impact of adoption.
2 Includes an amount for the initial recognition of the redemption liability related to the acquisition of Payvision Holding B.V. and Makelaarsland B.V. that reduces the Retained earnings of the Group. Future remeasurements of the redemption liability are
recognised in the statement of profit or loss.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 46

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Consolidated statement of changes in equity -continued

Share Share- Share Share-

capital and holders' Non- capital and holders' Non-
share Other Retained equity controlling Total share Other Retained equity controlling Total
in EUR million premium reserves earnings (parent) interests equity in EUR million premium reserves earnings (parent) interests equity
Balance as at 1 January 2017 17,067 5,835 20,638 43,540 606 44,146 Balance as at 1 January 2016 17,067 5,784 18,006 40,857 638 41,495

Unrealised revaluations available-for Unrealised revaluations available-for

sale investments and other revaluations –294 –294 10 –284 sale investments and other revaluations 208 208 –19 189
Realised gains/losses transferred to the Realised gains/losses transferred to the
statement of profit or loss –90 –90 –2 –92 statement of profit or loss –272 –272 –272
Changes in cash flow hedge reserve –515 –515 –11 –526 Changes in cash flow hedge reserve 102 102 –34 68
Realised and unrealised revaluations Unrealised revaluations property in own
property in own use 26 26 26 use 2 2 2
Remeasurement of the net defined Remeasurement of the net defined
benefit asset/liability 34 –29 –29 –29 benefit asset/liability 34 –65 –65 –65
Exchange rate differences –891 –891 30 –861 Exchange rate differences –251 –251 –22 –273
Share of other comprehensive income of Share of other comprehensive income of
associates and joint ventures and other associates and joint ventures and other
income 135 –132 3 3 income 203 –198 5 5
Total amount recognised directly in Total amount recognised directly in
other comprehensive income –1,684 –106 –1,790 27 –1,763 other comprehensive income –73 –198 –271 –75 –346
Net result from continuing and Net result from continuing and
discontinued operations 153 4,866 5,019 82 5,101 discontinued operations 124 4,103 4,227 75 4,302
Total comprehensive income –1,531 4,760 3,229 109 3,338 Total comprehensive income 51 3,905 3,956 – 3,956

Dividends –3,176 –3,176 –3,176 Dividends –1,345 –1,345 –32 –1,377

Employee stock option and share plans 69 69 69 Employee stock option and share plans 72 72 72
Balance as at 31 December 2017 17,067 4,304 22,291 43,662 715 44,377 Balance as at 31 December 2016 17,067 5,835 20,638 43,540 606 44,146
References relate to the accompanying notes. These are an integral part of the Consolidated Changes in individual reserve components are presented in Note 20 ‘Equity’.
annual accounts.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 47

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Consolidated statement of cash flows

for the years ended 31 December

in EUR million 20181 20171 20161 20181 20171 20161

Cash flows from operating activities 29 Disposals and redemptions:
Result before tax 6,751 7,404 5,937 – Associates and joint ventures 116 245 54
Adjusted for: – Depreciation and amortisation 520 520 536 – Available-for-sale investments n/a 32,788 31,165
– Addition to loan loss provisions 656 676 974 – Held-to-maturity investments n/a 2,675 630
– Other –1,646 708 1,580 – Financial assets at FVOCI 15,657 n/a n/a
Taxation paid –1,600 –1,753 –1,555 – Securities at amortised cost 18,709 n/a n/a
– Net change in Loans and advances to/from banks, not
Changes in:
available/payable on demand –212 3,014 –1,514 – Property and equipment 17 79 75
– Net change in Trading assets and Trading liabilities 9,820 –11,180 11,342 – Loans sold 206 1,815 1,295
– Loans and advances to customers –31,016 –21,397 –29,668 – Other investments 9 9
– Customer deposits 31,241 22,960 23,682 Net cash flow from/(used in) investing activities 5,451 11,754 3,742
– Other 3,622 –2,337 –2,357 Cash flows from financing activities
Net cash flow from/(used in) operating activities 18,136 –1,385 8,957 Proceeds from debt securities 141,214 89,369 106,174
Cash flows from investing activities Repayments of debt securities –131,170 –95,077 –121,998
Investments and advances: Proceeds from issuance of subordinated loans 1,828 2,314 1,085
– Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired –111 Repayments of subordinated loans –4,594 –1,246 –961
– Associates and joint ventures –97 –79 –49 Purchase/sale of treasury shares
– Available-for-sale investments n/a –21,601 –27,003 Dividends paid –2,517 –3,176 –1,345
– Held-to-maturity investments n/a –3,609 –1,731 Net cash flow from/(used in) financing activities 4,761 –7,816 –17,045
– Financial assets at FVOCI –10,517 n/a n/a
– Securities at amortised cost –17,985 n/a n/a Net cash flow 28,348 2,553 –4,346
– Property and equipment –286 –304 –415
– Other investments –258 –264 –288 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 18,975 16,163 20,354
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 205 260 155
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 47,528 18,976 16,163

1 The amounts for the period ended 31 December 2018 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS 9, the adoption of IFRS 9
led to new presentation requirements; prior period amounts have not been restated.

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Consolidated statement of cash flows - continued

As at 31 December 2018, Cash and cash equivalents includes cash and balances with central banks
of EUR 49,987 million (2017: EUR 21,989 million; 2016: EUR 18,144 million). The increase in cash and
balances with central banks reflects ING’s liquidity management. Reference is made to Note 31
‘Cash and cash equivalents’.

References relate to the accompanying notes. These are an integral part of the Consolidated
annual accounts.

The table below presents the Interest and dividend received and paid.

in EUR million 20181 2017 2016

Interest received 28,751 45,039 44,879
Interest paid –14,937 –30,978 –31,621
13,814 14,061 13,258

Dividend received2 180 208 208

Dividend paid –2,517 –3,176 –1,345

1 The amounts for the period ended 31 December 2018 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS 9, the adoption of IFRS 9
led to new presentation requirements; prior period amounts have not been restated, refer also to note 21 ‘Net interest
2 Includes dividends received as recognized within Investment Income, from equity securities included in the Financial assets
at fair value through profit or loss, and from Investments in associates and joint ventures. Dividend paid and received from
trading positions have been included.

Interest received, interest paid and dividends received are included in operating activities in the
Consolidated statement of cash flow. Dividend paid is included in financing activities in the
statement of cash flow.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 49

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> Accounting policies > 1

Notes to the Consolidated annual accounts

amounts in millions of euros, unless stated otherwise

Notes to the accounting policies policies’, d) Principles of valuation and determination of results and Note 37 ‘Derivatives and hedge
Reporting entity accounting’.
ING Bank N.V. is a company domiciled in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Commercial Register of
Amsterdam, number 33031431. These Consolidated annual accounts, as at and for the year ended The ING Bank Consolidated annual accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.
31 December 2018, comprise ING Bank N.V. (the Parent company) and its subsidiaries, together
referred to as ING Bank. ING Bank is a global financial institution with a strong European base, Amounts may not add up due to rounding
offering a wide range of retail and wholesale banking services to customers in over 40 countries.
1 Accounting policies
Authorisation of the Consolidated annual accounts ING Bank has consistently applied its accounting policies to all periods presented in these
The ING Bank Consolidated annual accounts, as at and for the year ended 31 December 2018, were Consolidated annual accounts, except for changes in IFRS 9 that became effective in 2018.
authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Management Board Banking on 4 March
2019. The Management Board Banking may decide to amend the annual accounts as long as these
are not adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The General Meeting of Shareholders may 1.1 Changes in IFRS effective in 2018
decide not to adopt the annual accounts, but may not amend these. A number of new or amended standards became applicable for the current reporting period. ING
Bank changed its accounting policies as a result of adopting IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’.
Basis of preparation of the Consolidated annual accounts
The ING Bank Consolidated annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with International The impact of the adoption of IFRS 9 is disclosed in note ‘IFRS 9 Financial instruments –
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU) and the relevant Impact of adoption’ and the new IFRS 9 accounting policies are disclosed in note ‘IFRS 9
articles of Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. Financial instruments - Accounting policies applied from 1 January 2018’. The other standards and
IFRS as adopted by the EU are IFRS Standards and IFRS Interpretations as issued by the amendments, including IFRS 15 (refer to note 1.3.2 ‘IFRS 15 Revenue from Contract with
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) Customers’), did not have a significant impact on the Bank’s accounting policies.
with some limited modifications such as the temporary ‘carve-out’ from IAS 39 ‘Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ (herein, referred to as IFRS). Except for the amendment to IFRS 9 regarding prepayment features with negative compensation,
ING Bank has not early adopted any standard, interpretation or amendment which has been
Under the EU carve-out, ING Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to portfolio hedges of issued, but is not yet effective.
interest rate risk (macro hedging). For further information, reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting

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> Accounting policies > 1

1.2 Upcoming changes in IFRS after 2018  Preparing the IFRS 16 transition disclosures.

Major new IFRSs

As per 31 December 2018 ING has a number of lease contracts for buildings, cars and other leases
IFRS 16 ‘Leases’
such as IT equipment that are currently accounted for under IAS 17 as operating leases. As a result
IFRS 16 ‘Leases’ was issued by the IASB in January 2016 and endorsed by the EU in October 2017.
of the new IFRS 16 requirements, ING estimates that the Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities to
IFRS 16 replaces IAS 17 ‘Leases’, IFRIC 4 ‘Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease’,
be recognised will amount to approximately EUR 1.3 billion. This amount is marginally lower than
SIC-15 ‘Operating Leases- Incentives’ and SIC-27 ‘Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving
the future rental commitments to be paid under non-cancellable operating leases, as disclosed in
the Legal Form of a Lease. The new requirements are effective for annual periods beginning on or
Note 43 Contingent liabilities and commitments. This decrease is largely caused by the effects of
after 1 January 2019 and will be applied by ING as of that date.
the exemptions applied for leases of low-value assets, the exemption for short-term leases, the
effect of discounting and the exclusion of the non-lease components in the lease payments. This is
For lessee accounting, the new standard removes the distinction between operating or finance
partly offset by including lease payments for periods covered by extension options that are
leases. All leases will be recognised on the statement of financial position with exemptions for
reasonably certain to be exercised.
short-term leases with a lease term of less than 12 months and leases of low-value assets (for
example mobile phones or laptops). A lessee is required to recognise a right-of-use asset
ING Bank has opted to use the incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate for initial
representing its right to use the underlying leased asset and a lease liability representing its
measurement of the lease liability. The incremental borrowing rate is the rate a lessee would have
obligation to make lease payments. The standard permits a lessee to choose either a full
to pay to borrow over a similar term, and with a similar security, the funds necessary to obtain an
retrospective or a modified retrospective transition approach. Furthermore the standard provides
asset of a similar value to the right-of-use asset in a similar economic environment. This rate is
some practical expedients and exemptions. ING has opted to apply for periods starting from
approximated by using the risk free rate applicable to the lease term, currency of the lease
January 1, 2019 the modified retrospective approach and will make use of several of these practical
payment and jurisdiction, with the Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP) rate as an add-on. The FTP rate is
expedients and exemptions permitted under the standard. Lessor accounting remains substantially
used to transfer interest rate risk and funding and liquidity risk positions between the ING business
and treasury departments. It is determined by either ING Bank or Local Asset and Liability
Committee (ALCO).
The IFRS 16 implementation project commenced in 2017 with a data gathering exercise in a
preliminary impact assessment.
There is no significant impact of the adoption of IFRS 16 on ING Bank’s Net result, Comprehensive
income or Shareholders’ equity on transition. This follows ING’s implementation decision where the
The implementation project’s main focus was on:
value of the right-of-use asset is based on the value of the lease liability, adjusted for any
Performing two ‘parallel runs’ over the course of 2018, to test readiness of systems, processes and
previously recognised prepaid and/or accrued lease payments on that lease contract, as is
a number of controls for transition to IFRS 16 as per 1 January 2019;
permitted under the Standard.
 Technical interpretation of the Standard;
 Developing and validating the lease calculation models;
 Updating the policies and governance impacted by IFRS 16;
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 51
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> Accounting policies > 1

Changes to IFRS effective in 2019 and onwards expected to have no significant 1.3 Changes to accounting policies in 2018
impact on ING Bank 1.3.1 IFRS 9 ‘Financial instruments’
The following published amendments are not mandatory for 2018 and have not been early ING Bank has applied the classification, measurement, and impairment requirements of IFRS 9
adopted by ING Bank. ING Bank is still currently assessing the detailed impact of these retrospectively as of 1 January 2018 by adjusting the opening balance sheet and opening equity at
amendments, however the implementation of these amendments is expected to have no 1 January 2018. ING Bank has not restated comparative periods as permitted by the standard. ING
significant impact on ING Bank’s Consolidated annual accounts. Bank early adopted the amendment to IFRS 9, otherwise effective 1 January 2019, which allows
financial assets with prepayment features that permit or require a party to a contract either to pay
The list of upcoming changes to IFRS, which are applicable for ING Bank: or receive reasonable compensation for the early termination of the contract, to be measured at
Effective in 2019 (* - endorsed by the EU, the rest not yet endorsed by the EU): amortised cost (AC) or at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI). ING Bank opted
 IFRIC 23 ‘Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments’ (issued on 7 June 2017)*; to continue applying the hedge accounting rules of IAS 39 under the EU-carve out as explicitly
 Amendments to IAS 28 ‘Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures’: Long-term Interests in permitted by IFRS 9. Notwithstanding, the revised hedge accounting disclosures as required by IFRS
Associates and Joint Ventures (issued on 12 October 2017)*; 7 ‘Financial Instruments: Disclosures’ as per 1 January 2018 have been implemented.
 Annual improvements cycle 2015 – 2017: Amendments to IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’, IFRS
11 ‘Joint Arrangements’, IAS 12 ‘Income Taxes’, IAS 23 ‘Borrowing Costs’ (issued on 12 December IFRS 9 ‘Financial instruments’ – Impact of adoption
2017); and Transition
 Amendments to IAS 19 ‘Employee Benefits’: Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement (issued Changes in accounting policies resulting from the adoption of IFRS 9 have been applied
on 7 February 2018). retrospectively. Comparative periods have not been restated. Differences in the carrying amounts
of financial assets and financial liabilities resulting from the adoption of IFRS 9 are recognised in
Effective in 2020 (not yet endorsed by the EU): retained earnings and reserves as at 1 January 2018. Accordingly, the information presented for
Amendments to References to the Conceptual Framework in IFRS Standards (issued on 29 March 2017 does not reflect the requirements of IFRS 9 and therefore is not comparable to the
2018); information presented for 2018 under IFRS 9.
Amendment to IFRS 3 Business Combinations (issued on 22 October 2018); and
Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8: Definition of Material (issued on 31 October 2018). The following assessments have been made on the basis of the facts and circumstances that
existed at the date of initial application:
IASB has also issued IFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts’ effective in 2021, however it is not applicable for  The determination of the business model within which a financial asset is held;
ING Bank.  The designation and revocation of previous designations of certain financial assets and financial
liabilities as measured at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss (FVPL);
 The designation of certain investments in equity instruments not held-for-trading as at Fair
Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI); and

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> Accounting policies > 1

 For financial liabilities designated as at FVPL, the determination of whether presenting the Reconciliation of carrying amounts on the date of initial application of IFRS 9
effects of changes in the financial liability’s credit risk in Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) In EUR million Ref IAS 39 Reclassfication1 Remeasurement IFRS 9
would create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss. Cash and balances with central banks 21,989 3 21,992
Loans and advances to banks 28,746 -59 2 28,689
Trading assets E 116,763 -51,264 65,499
In 2018 ING Bank continued to test and refine the new processes, internal controls and governance
Non-trading derivatives 2,185 577 2,762
framework necessitated by the adoption of IFRS 9. This has given rise to a minor change in Loans and advances at FVPL C, E 2,500 54,082 31 56,613
estimation of the IFRS 9 impact, compared to what was presented in the ING Bank Annual Report Debt securities at FVPL C 1,738 1,497 -96 3,139
2017. Equity securities at FVPL D 4 184 16 204
Available-for-sale A, C, D 69,730 -69,730
Debt securities at FVOCI A 30,459 -22 30,437
The following table reconciles the carrying amounts of financial instruments under IAS 39 to the
Equity securities at FVOCI D 3,800 3,800
carrying amounts under IFRS 9 on transition to IFRS 9 on 1 January 2018. Loans and advances at FVOCI B 3,139 225 3,364
Securities at AC A, C 9,343 39,904 -830 48,417
Loans and advances to customers B, C 574,899 -8,367 -761 565,771
Other assets (financial and non-financial) 18,421 -4,225 306 14,502
Total assets 846,318 – -1,131 845,188
Deposits from banks 36,821 108 36,929
Customer deposits 552,690 156 552,846
Trading liabilities E 73,596 -35,362 38,234
Non-trading derivatives 2,346 326 2,672
Financial liabilities designated at FVPL E 11,215 37,264 48,479
Other liabilities (financial and non-financial) 19,211 -3,366 -77 15,768
Debt securities in issue 90,231 703 90,934
Subordinated loans 15,831 170 16,001
Total liabilities 801,941 – -77 801,863
Shareholders' equity (parent) 43,662 -1,038 42,624
Non-controlling interest 715 -14 700
Total equity 44,377 – -1,053 43,325
Total liabilities and equity 846,318 – -1,131 845,188

1 Includes the reclassification of accrued interest from other assets and other liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet
item of the host contract.

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> Accounting policies > 1

ING Bank’s accounting policies on the classification of financial instruments under IFRS 9 are set out assets and liabilities (EUR 344 million respectively EUR 72 million), the remeasurement of
in note ‘IFRS 9 Financial instruments - Accounting policies applied from 1 January 2018'. As Associates (EUR -28 million) and the provision on off-balance positions (EUR -11 million).
a result of the combined application of the business model analysis and the Solely Payments of
Principal and Interest (SPPI) test, the classification and measurement of the following portfolios has
A. The Available-For-Sale (AFS) investment portfolio was split into a portfolio classified at
Amortised Cost (AC) and a portfolio at FVOCI; the reclassification from AFS to AC resulted in a
reduction of the unrealised revaluation gains in equity at transition date.
B. For a specific mortgage portfolio, the measurement changed from AC to FVOCI as it meets
the Hold to Collect and Sell (HtC&S) business model requirements. As the fair value of the
portfolio is higher than the AC, this had a positive impact on equity; and
C. Certain debt securities and loans previously booked at AC or AFS are measured at Fair Value
through Profit or Loss (FVPL) as the cash flows do not meet the SPPI test. This measurement
change has a limited negative impact on equity at transition date.

Furthermore, there are certain portfolios for which only the classification on ING’s Consolidated
statement of financial position has changed, without impacting equity:
D. For strategic equity instruments, ING elected to apply the option to irrevocably designate
these at FVOCI, instead of the IFRS 9 default measurement of FVPL. FVOCI equity investments
will no longer recycle revaluation reserves to the Statement Of Profit Or Loss (SOPL) upon
disposal. For these instruments only dividend income continues to be recognised in the SOPL;
E. Certain reverse repurchase portfolios are classified as financial assets ‘Mandatorily at FVPL’
instead of Held-for-trading. ING has used the fair value option for the related repurchase
financial liabilities.

Other Assets and Other Liabilities include the impact of reclassification of accrued interest from
other assets and other liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract
(reclassification). The remeasurement impact of EUR 377 million (other assets EUR 300 million and
other liabilities EUR -77 million) includes the remeasurement impact on deferred and current tax

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> Accounting policies > 1

The following table shows the effects of the reclassification and remeasurement of financial assets - To Loans and advances from banks -146 -146
from IAS 39 categories into AC under IFRS 9. - To Financial assets at FVPL -2,056 -2,056
- To Financial assets at FVOCI -439 -439
- To Securities at amortised cost -377 -377
Reconciliation and remeasurement of financial assets to AC - To Loans and advances to customers -1,205 -1,205
Financial assets at AC - in EUR million IAS 39 Reclassfication1 Remeasurement IFRS 9 - Other financial assets -2 306 304
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 18,421 -4,225 306 14,502
Cash and balances with central banks
Total financial assets at amortised cost 653,398 27,256 -1,283 679,371
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 21,989 21,989
- From Other assets 3 3
1 Includes the reclassification of accrued interest from other assets to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 21,989 3 21,992
Loans and advances from banks
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 28,746 28,746
- To Securities at AC -201 -201
- From Other assets 142 142
- Recognition of expected credit losses 2 2
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 28,746 -59 2 28,689
Securities at amortised cost
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 9,343 9,343
- From Loans and advances to banks 201 201
- From Loans and advances to customers 5,099 5,099
- From Available-for-sale 34,980 -825 34,155
- To Financial assets at FVPL -753 -753
- From Other assets 377 377
- Recognition of expected credit losses -5 -5
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 9,343 39,904 -830 48,417
Loans and advances to customers
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 574,899 574,899
- To Securities at amortised cost -5,099 -5,099
- To Financial assets at FVOCI -3,125 -3,125
- To Financial assets at FVPL -1,348 -1,348
- From Other assets 1,205 1,205
- Recognition of expected credit losses -761 -761
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 574,899 -8,367 -761 565,771
Other financial assets
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 18,421 18,421

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> Accounting policies > 1

The following table shows the effects of the reclassification and remeasurement of financial assets The following table shows the effects of the reclassification and remeasurement of financial assets
from IAS 39 categories into FVPL under IFRS 9. from IAS 39 categories into FVOCI under IFRS 9.
Reconciliation and remeasurement of financial assets to FVPL
Financial assets at FVPL - in EUR million IAS 39 Reclassfication1 Remeasurement IFRS 9 Reconciliation and remeasurement of financial assets to FVOCI
Trading assets
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 116,763 116,763 Financial assets at FVOCI - in EUR million IAS 39 Reclassfication1 Remeasurement IFRS 9
- From Other Assets 1,466 1,466 Available-for-sale
- To Loans and advances at FVPL -52,730 -52,730 Carrying amount 31 December 2017 69,730 69,730
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 116,763 -51,264 65,499 - To Equity securities at FVOCI -3,800 -3,800
Non-trading derivatives - To Debt securities at FVOCI -30,033 -30,033
- To Equity securities at FVPL -183 -183
- Opening balance 2,185 2,185
- From Other Assets 577 577 - To Debt securities at FVPL -735 -735
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 2,185 577 2,762 - To Securities at amortised cost -34,979 -34,979
Loans and advances at FVPL Carrying amount 1 January 2018 69,730 -69,730
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 2,500 2,500 Debt securities at FVOCI
- From Trading assets 52,730 52,730 Carrying amount 31 December 2017
- From Available-for-sale 30,033 -2 30,031
- From Loans and advances to customers 1,348 31 1,379 - From Other Assets 426 426
- From Other Assets 4 4 - Recognition of expected credit losses -20 -20
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 2,500 54,082 31 56,613 Carrying amount 1 January 2018 30,459 -22 30,437
Debt securities at FVPL Equity securities at FVOCI
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 1,738 1,738 Carrying amount 31 December 2017
- From Available-for-sale 735 735 - From Available-for-sale 3,800 3,800
- From Amortised cost 753 -96 657 Carrying amount 1 January 2018 3,800 3,800
- From Other Assets 9 9 Loans and advances at FVOCI
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 1,738 1,497 -96 3,139 Carrying amount 31 December 2017
Equity securities at FVPL - From Loans and advances to customers 3,125 225 3,350
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 4 4 - From Other Assets 14 14
- From Available-for-sale 184 16 200 Carrying amount 1 January 2018 3,139 225 3,364
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 4 184 16 204 Total financial assets at FVOCI 69,730 -32,332 203 37,601
Total financial assets FVPL 123,190 5,076 -49 128,217
1 Includes the reclassification of accrued interest from other assets to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host
1 Includes the reclassification of accrued interest from other assets liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet item of the
host contract.

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> Accounting policies > 1

The following table shows the effects of the reclassification and remeasurement of financial
liabilities from IAS 39 categories into AC under IFRS 9.

Reconciliation and remeasurement of financial liabilities to AC

Financial liabilities at AC - in EUR million IAS 39 Reclassfication¹ Remeasurement IFRS 9
Deposits from banks 36,821 108 36,929
Customer deposits 552,690 156 552,846
Other liabilities 19,211 -3,366 -77 15,768
Debt securities in issue 90,231 703 90,934
Subordinated loans 15,831 170 16,001
Total financial liabilities at amortised cost 714,784 -2,229 -77 712,478
1 Includes the reclassification of accrued interest from other liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host

The following table shows the effects of the reclassification and remeasurement of financial
liabilities from IAS 39 categories into FVPL under IFRS 9.
Reconciliation and remeasurement of financial liabilities to FVPL
Financial liabilities at FVPL - in EUR million IAS 39 Reclassfication¹ Remeasurement IFRS 9
Trading liabilities
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 73,596 73,596
- To Financial liabilities designated at FVPL -37,161 -37,161
- From Other liabilities 1,799 1,799
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 73,596 -35,362 38,234
Non-trading derivatives
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 2,346 2,346
- From Other liabilities 326 326
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 2,346 326 2,672
Financial liabilities designated at FVPL
Carrying amount 31 December 2017 11,215 11,215
- From Trading liabilities 37,161 37,161
- From Other liabilities 103 103
Carrying amount 1 January 2018 11,215 37,264 48,479
Total financial liabilities at FVPL 87,157 2,228 89,385
1 Includes the reclassification of accrued interest from other liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host

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> Accounting policies > 1

Classification and Measurement

Classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities on the date of initial application of IFRS 9 as at 1 January 2018
- in EUR million Orignal measurement Orignal carrying amount New carrying amount New measurement
2017 classification Note under IAS 39 under IAS 39 under IFRS 91 under IFRS 9 2018 classification
Cash and balances with central banks Amortised cost 21,989 21,992 Amortised cost Cash and balances with central banks
Loans and advances to banks 2 Amortised cost 28,746 28,689 Amortised cost Loans and advances to banks
Financial assets at FVPL 4 Financial assets at FVPL
- trading assets FVPL 116,763 65,499 FVPL (mandatorily) trading assets
- non-trading derivatives FVPL 2,185 2,762 FVPL (mandatorily) non-trading derivatives
- other financial assets at FVPL FVPL 4,242 2,162 FVPL (designated) other financial assets at FVPL
57,795 FVPL (mandatorily) other financial assets at FVPL
Investments2 - equity securities (AFS) FVOCI 3,983 n/a
- debt securities (AFS) FVOCI 65,747 n/a
- debt securities (HTM) Amortised cost 9,343 n/a
5 Financial assets at FVOCI
n/a 30,437 FVOCI debt securities
n/a 3,800 FVOCI (designated) equity securities
n/a 3,364 FVOCI loans and advances
6 n/a 48,417 Amortised cost Securities at amortised cost
Loans and advances to customers 7 Amortised cost 574,899 565,771 Amortised cost Loans and advances to customers
Other assets 11 Amortised cost 18,421 14,502 Amortised cost Other assets
Total assets 846,318 845,188 Total assets
Deposits from banks 13 Amortised cost 36,821 36,929 Amortised cost Deposits from banks
Customer deposits 14 Amortised cost 552,690 552,846 Amortised cost Customer deposits
Financial liabilities at FVPL 15 0 0 Financial liabilities at FVPL
- trading liabilities FVPL 73,596 38,234 FVPL trading liabilities
- non-trading derivatives FVPL 2,346 2,672 FVPL non-trading derivatives
- other financial liabilities at FVPL FVPL 11,215 48,479 FVPL (designated) other financial liabilities at FVPL
Other liabilities 17 Amortised cost 19,211 15,768 Amortised cost Other liabilities
Debt securities in issue 18 Amortised cost 90,231 90,934 Amortised cost Debt securities in issue
Subordinated loans 19 Amortised cost 15,831 16,001 Amortised cost Subordinated loans
Total liabilities 801,941 801,863 Total liabilities
1 Includes the reclassification of accrued interest from other assets and other liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract.
2 Investments represented all securities other than those measured at FVPL under IAS 39. Under IFRS 9 these Investments are classified as Financial Assets at FVOCI or Securities at amortised cost.

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> Accounting policies > 1

IFRS 9 introduced requirements for the assessment of credit impairments, aimed at more timely IFRS 9 transition impact impairments as at 1 January 20181
recognition of credit losses. Consequently, a Loan Loss Provision (LLP) is recognised based on an IFRS 9 impairment
- in EUR million IAS 39 LLP stages IFRS 9 ECL increase IFRS9 ECL
“expected credit loss” model, whereas IAS 39 recognised a LLP based on an “incurred credit loss”
Incurred but Not Reported (IBNR) 726 Stage 1-12 month ECL 81 438
model. As a result, on transition, the LLP increased by EUR 795 million. Stage 2 – Lifetime ECL 586 955
Individually assessed provisions 3,902 Stage 3 – Lifetime ECL 128 4,030
The following table reconciles: Total 4,628 Total 795 5,423
 the closing LLP for financial assets in accordance with IAS 39 and provisions for loan
1 Includes provisions for the credit risk on contingent liabilities.
commitments and financial guarantee contracts in accordance with IAS 37 ‘Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ as at 31 December 2017; to The table below shows carrying amounts and LLP of loans and advances to customers per stage.
 the opening expected credit loss (ECL) LLP in accordance with IFRS 9 as at 1 January 2018.
Expected Credit Losses loans and advances to customers per stage as at 1 January 2018
Reconciliation of impairment allowance - in EUR million Carrying amount ECL
Allowance on - in EUR million; IAS 39 Reclassfication Remeasurement IFRS 9 Stage 1; 12-month ECL 515,284 402
Loans and advances to banks 8 -2 6 Stage 2: Lifetime ECL not credit impaired 43,836 952
AFS/HTM debt investment securities and under IAS Stage 3: Lifetime ECL credit impaired 11,920 3,915
39 reclassified to AC under IFRS 9 5 5 Total 571,040 5,269
Loans and advances to customers 4,515 -8 761 5,269
AFS debt securities under IAS 39/financial assets at
FVOCI under IFRS 9 20 20 Total net impact of transition to IFRS 9 on opening balance equity
Loans and advances to customers under IAS 39/ The following table analyses the impact, net of tax, of transition to IFRS 9 on reserves and retained
Loans and advances to customers at FVOCI under earnings. The impact relates to the liability credit reserve, the fair value reserve, retained earnings
IFRS 9 8 8
and share of associates, joint ventures and other reserve. There is no impact on other components
Loan commitments and financial guarantee
contracts issued¹ 105 11 116 of equity.
Total 4,628 0 795 5,423

1 Includes the IAS 37 provisions on loan commitments and financial guarantees issued.

The breakdown of ECL between different stages of ING Bank’s portfolio is further detailed in the
table below. The increase in the LLP on transition to IFRS 9 is mainly the result of Stage 2 assets for
which a life-time ECL was calculated.

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IFRS 9 Impact on Shareholders’ equity and (fully-loaded) CET1

Impact (net of tax) of transition to IFRS 9 on reserves and retained earnings
Impact of adopting IFRS Impact (net of tax) of adopting IFRS 9 on 1 January 2018
- in EUR million 9 at 1 January 2018
Impact on Impact on FL
Liability credit reserve shareholders' CET1 ratio
Closing balance under IAS 39 (31 December 2017) 0 equity (in € bln) (in %-point)
Reclassification of own credit risk for financial liabilities designated as at FVPL¹ -190 Loan loss provisions -0.6
Opening balance under IFRS 9 (1 January 2018) -190 Investment portfolio -0.6
Fair value reserve Mortgages held in HTC&S portfolio 0.2
Closing balance under IAS 39 (31 December 2017) 3,650 Total impact –1.0 -0.2
Reclassification of investment securities (debt) from Available-for-sale to amortised cost -568
Reclassification of investment securities (equity) from Available-for-sale to FVPL -42
Reclassification of loans and advances to debt instruments at FVOCI 175 Presentation
Opening balance under IFRS 9 (1 January 2018) 3,215 IFRS 9 resulted in changes to IAS 1 for the presentation of Interest income for instruments
Share of associates, joint venture and other reserve calculated using the effective interest rate (EIR) method. The revised presentation requires it be
Closing balance under IAS 39 (31 December 2017) 2,473
shown as a separate line item in the consolidated statement of profit or loss. To enhance the
Impact of application of IFRS 9 -23
Opening balance under IFRS 9 (1 January 2018) 2,450
relevance of the interest disclosures, ING Bank changed its separate presentation of interest (i.e.
Retained earnings ‘split interest’) for trading derivatives, trading securities and trading loans / deposits (mainly repo’s)
Closing balance under IAS 39 (31 December 2017) 22,291 to presenting the full fair value movements in ‘Valuation results and net trading income’. Similar
Reclassifications under IFRS 9¹ 182 presentation was applied to interest expense. The presentation of accrued interest in the balance
Recognition of ECL under IFRS 9 (including lease receivables, loan commitments and
financial guarantee contracts)
-572 sheet was also changed so that it is no longer separately presented, but rather included in the
Opening balance under IFRS 9 (1 January 2018) 21,901 corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract. The new interest presentation was applied
prospectively together with the other requirements of IFRS 9.
1 Net amount of reclassifications to retained earnings, to and from fair value reserves and to liability credit reserves, due to
changes in classification and measurement.

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Derecognition of financial liabilities IFRS 9 ‘Financial instruments’ - Accounting policies applied from 1 January Financial liabilities are derecognised from the Consolidated statement of financial position when
2018 the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between
Fair value and hedge accounting policies are included in the below section although these have the carrying amount of a financial liability that has been extinguished and the consideration paid is
remained unchanged with the adoption of IFRS 9. recognised in statement of profit or loss.

Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments Classification and measurement of financial instruments (IFRS 9)
Recognition of financial assets Financial assets
Financial assets are recognised in the balance sheet when ING becomes a party to the contractual From 1 January 2018, ING Bank classifies its financial assets in the following measurement
provisions of the instruments. Equity investments, debt securities financial assets and financial categories:
assets measured at fair value through profit or loss that require delivery within the time frame  those to be measured subsequently at fair value (either through OCI, or through profit or loss);
established by regulation or market convention (‘regular way’ purchases and sales) are recognised and
using trade date accounting. Trade date is the date on which ING commits to purchase or sell the  those to be measured at amortised cost (AC).
asset. Loans and advances and repurchase agreements are recognised using settlement date
accounting. At initial recognition, ING Bank measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of a
financial asset not at FVPL, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the
Derecognition of financial assets financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at FVPL are expensed in the statement
Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the financial assets of profit or loss.
have expired or where ING Bank has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. If
ING Bank neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a Debt instruments
financial asset, it derecognises the financial asset if it no longer has control over the asset. The The classification depends on the entity’s business model for managing the financial assets and the
difference between the carrying amount of a financial asset that has been extinguished and the contractual terms of the cash flows at initial recognition.
consideration received is recognised in profit or loss.
Business models
Recognition of financial liabilities Business models are classified as Hold to Collect (HtC), Hold to Collect and Sell (HtC&S) or Other
Financial liabilities are recognised on the date that the entity becomes a party to the contractual depending on how a portfolio of financial instruments as a whole is managed. ING Bank’s business
provisions of the instrument. models are based on the existing management structure of the bank, and refined based on an
analysis of how businesses are evaluated and reported, how their specific business risks are
managed and on historic and expected future sales. Sales are permissible in a HtC business model

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when these are due to an increase in credit risk, take place close to the maturity date, are Based on the entity’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual terms
insignificant in value (both individually and in aggregate) or are infrequent. of the cash flows, there are three measurement categories into which ING Bank classifies its debt
Contractual cash flows Solely Payments of Principal and Interest (SPPI)  Amortised Cost:
The contractual cash flows of a financial asset are assessed to determine whether they represent Debt instruments that are held for collection of contractual cash flows under a HtC business
SPPI. Interest includes consideration for the time value of money, credit risk and also consideration model where those cash flows represent SPPI are measured at AC. Interest income from these
for liquidity risk and costs associated with holding the financial asset for a particular period of time. financial assets is included in Interest income using the EIR method. Any gain or loss arising on
In addition, interest can include a profit margin that is consistent with a basic lending arrangement. derecognition is recognised directly in profit or loss. Impairment losses are presented as a
Financial assets with embedded derivatives are considered in their entirety when determining separate line item in the Consolidated statement of profit or loss.
whether their cash flows are SPPI.  FVOCI:
Debt instruments that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the
In assessing whether the contractual cash flows are SPPI, ING Bank considers the contractual terms financial assets under a HtC&S business model, where the assets’ cash flows represent SPPI, are
of the instrument. This includes assessing whether the financial asset contains a contractual term measured at FVOCI. Movements in the carrying amount are recognised in OCI, except for the
that could change the timing or amount of contractual cash flows such that it would not meet this recognition of impairment gains or losses, interest revenue and foreign exchange gains and
condition. In making the assessment, terms such as the following are considered, with an example losses which are recognised in profit or loss. When the financial asset is derecognised, the
of an SPPI failure for each consideration: cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to profit or loss
 prepayment terms. For example a prepayment of an outstanding principal amount plus a and recognised in Investment income or Other income, based on the specific characteristics of
penalty which is not capped to three or six months of interest; the business model. Interest income from these financial assets is included in Interest income
 leverage features, which increase the variability of the contractual cash flows with the result using the EIR method. Impairment losses are presented as a separate line item in the
that they do not have the economic characteristics of interest. An example is a Libor contract Consolidated statement of profit or loss.
with a multiplier;  FVPL:
 terms that limit ING Bank’s claim to cash flows from specified assets - e.g. non-recourse asset Debt instruments that do not meet the criteria for AC or FVOCI are measured at FVPL. This
arrangements. This could be the case if payments of principal and interest are met solely by the includes debt instruments that are held-for-trading. Fair value movements on trading loans and
cash flows generated by the underlying asset, for example instances in real estate, shipping and deposits (mainly repo’s) are presented fully within valuation result and net trading income. ING
aviation financing; and Bank may in some cases, on initial recognition, irrevocably designate a financial asset as
 features that modify consideration of the time value of money. These are contracts with for classified and measured at FVPL. This is the case where doing so eliminates or significantly
example an interest rate which is reset every month to a one-year rate. ING Bank performs reduces an accounting mismatch that would otherwise arise on assets measured at AC or FVOCI.
either a qualitative or quantitative benchmark test on a financial asset with a modified time The interest arising on a debt instrument that is part of a hedge relationship, but not subject to
value of money element. A qualitative test is performed when it is clear with little or no analysis hedge accounting, is recognised in profit or loss and presented within Interest income or Interest
whether the contractual cash flows solely represent SPPI. expense in the period in which it arises. The interest arising on financial assets designated as at

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FVPL is recognised in profit or loss and presented within Interest income or Interest expense in A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires ING Bank to make specified payments to
the period in which it arises. reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when
due in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument. Such a contract is
ING Bank reclassifies debt investments when, and only when, its business model for managing initially recognised at fair value and is subsequently measured at the higher of (a) the amount
those assets changes. determined in accordance with impairment provisions of IFRS 9 (see section “Impairment of
financial assets”) and (b) the amount initially recognised less, when appropriate, cumulative
Equity instruments amortisation recognised in accordance with the revenue recognition principle of IFRS 15.
All equity investments are measured at fair value. ING Bank applies the fair value through OCI
option to investments which are considered strategic, consisting of investments that add value to Fair values of financial assets and liabilities
ING Bank’s core banking activities. All financial assets and liabilities are recognised initially at fair value. Subsequently, only financial
assets and liabilities classified as held-for-trading or designated at FVPL and financial assets
There is no subsequent recycling of fair value gains and losses to profit or loss following the classified as FVOCI are measured at fair value in the annual accounts.
derecognition of investments if elected to be classified and measured as FVOCI. Dividends from
such investments continue to be recognised in profit or loss as Investment income when ING Bank’s Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability
right to receive payments is established. Impairment requirements are not applicable to equity in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. It assumes that
investments classified and measured as FVOCI. market participants would use and take into account the characteristics of the asset or liability
when pricing the asset or liability. Fair values of financial assets and liabilities are based on
Other remaining equity investments are measured at FVPL. All changes in the fair value are unadjusted quoted market prices where available. Such quoted market prices are primarily
recognised in Valuation result and Net trading income in the Consolidated statement of profit or obtained from exchange prices for listed financial instruments. Where an exchange price is not
loss as applicable. available, quoted prices in an active market may be obtained from independent market vendors,
brokers, or market makers. In general, positions are valued at the bid price for a long position and
Financial liabilities at the offer price for a short position or are valued at the price within the bid-offer spread that is
Financial liabilities are classified and subsequently measured at AC, except for financial guarantee most representative of fair value in the circumstances. In some cases where positions are marked
contracts, derivatives and liabilities designated at FVPL. Financial liabilities classified and measured at mid-market prices, a fair value adjustment is calculated.
at FVPL are presented as follows:
 the amount of change in the fair value that is attributable to changes in own credit risk of the For certain financial assets and liabilities, quoted market prices are not available. For such
liability is presented in OCI. Upon derecognition this Debt Valuation Adjustment (DVA) impact instruments, fair value is determined using valuation techniques. These range from discounting of
does not recycle from OCI to profit or loss; and cash flows to various valuation models, where relevant pricing factors including the market price of
 the remaining amount of change in the fair value is presented in profit or loss. underlying reference instruments, market parameters (volatilities, correlations and credit ratings),
and customer behaviour are taken into account. ING maximises the use of market observable

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inputs and minimises the use of unobservable inputs in determining the fair value. It can be assumptions regarding pricing factors. The use of different valuation techniques and assumptions
subjective dependent on the significance of the unobservable input to the overall valuation. All could produce significantly different estimates of fair value.
valuation techniques used are subject to internal review and approval. Most data used in these
valuation techniques are validated on a daily basis when possible. Price testing is performed to assess whether the process of valuation has led to an appropriate fair
value of the position and to an appropriate reflection of these valuations in the statement of profit
When a group of financial assets and liabilities are managed on the basis of their net risk or loss. Price testing is performed to minimise the potential risks for economic losses due to
exposures, the fair value of a group of financial assets and liabilities are measured on a net portfolio incorrect or misused models.
Reference is made to Note 36 ‘Fair value of assets and liabilities’ and Market risk in Note 50 ‘Risk
To include credit risk in fair value, ING applies both Credit and Debit Valuation Adjustments (CVA, management’ for the basis of the determination of the fair value of financial instruments and
DVA). Own issued debt and structured notes that are measured at fair value are adjusted for credit related sensitivities.
risk by means of a DVA. Additionally, derivatives valued at fair value are adjusted for credit risk by a
CVA. The CVA is of a bilateral nature as both the credit risk on the counterparty as well as the credit Credit risk management classification and maximum credit risk exposure
risk on ING are included in the adjustment. All input data that is used in the determination of the Credit risk management disclosures are provided in Note 50 ‘Risk management – Credit risk’
CVA is based on market implied data. Additionally, wrong-way risk (when exposure to a paragraph ‘Credit risk categories’.
counterparty is increasing and the credit quality of that counterparty deteriorates) and right-way
risk (when exposure to a counterparty is increasing and the credit quality of that counterparty The maximum credit risk exposure for items in the statement of financial position is generally the
improves) are taken into account in the measurement of the valuation adjustment. ING applies an carrying value for the relevant financial assets. For the off-balance sheet items the maximum credit
additional ‘Funding Valuation Adjustment’ (FVA) to the uncollateralised derivatives based on the exposure is the maximum amount that could be required to be paid. Reference is made to Note 43
market price of funding liquidity. ‘Contingent liabilities and commitments’ for these off-balance sheet items. Collateral received is not
taken into account when determining the maximum credit risk exposure.

Critical judgements and key estimation uncertainties: The manner in which ING Bank manages credit risk and determines credit risk exposures for that
Even if market prices are available, when markets are less liquid there may be a range of prices for purpose is explained in Note 50 ‘Risk management – Credit risk’ paragraph ‘Credit Risk Appetite and
the same security from different price sources. Selecting the most appropriate price requires Concentration Risk Framework’.
judgement and could result in different estimates of fair value.
Derivatives and hedge accounting
Valuation techniques are subjective in nature and significant judgement is involved in establishing Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is
fair values for certain financial assets and liabilities. Valuation techniques involve various entered into and are subsequently measured at fair value. Fair values are obtained from quoted
market prices in active markets, including market transactions and valuation techniques (such as

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discounted cash flow models and option pricing models), as appropriate. All derivatives are carried and on an ongoing basis, of whether the derivatives that are used in hedging transactions are
as assets when their fair value is positive and as liabilities when their fair value is negative. Fair highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of the hedged items.
value movements on derivatives are presented in profit or loss in Valuation result and net trading
income, except for derivatives in either a formal hedge relationship and so-called economic hedges ING Bank applies fair value hedge accounting to portfolio hedges of interest rate risk (macro
that are not in a formal hedge accounting relationship where a component is presented separately hedging) under the EU carve-out. The EU carve-out macro hedging enables a group of derivatives
in interest result in line with ING’s risk management strategy. (or proportions) to be viewed in combination and jointly designated as the hedging instrument and
removes some of the limitations in fair value hedge accounting relating to hedging core deposits
Embedded derivatives are separated from financial liabilities and other non-financial contracts and and under-hedging strategies. Under the EU carve-out, hedge accounting may be applied to core
accounted for as a derivative if, and only if: deposits and ineffectiveness only arises when the revised estimate of the amount of cash flows in
a) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the scheduled time buckets falls below the designated amount of that bucket.
economic characteristics and risks of the host contract;
b) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the ING Bank also applies fair value hedge accounting for portfolio hedges of interest rate risk (macro
definition of a derivative; and hedging) under the EU carve-out to its retail operations. The net exposures of retail funding (savings
c) the combined instrument is not measured at fair value with changes in fair value reported in and current accounts) and retail lending (mortgages) are hedged. The hedging activities are
profit or loss. designated under a portfolio fair value hedge on the mortgages. Changes in the fair value of the
derivatives are recognised in the statement of profit or loss, together with the fair value adjustment
If an embedded derivative is separated, the host contract is accounted for as for a similar free- on the mortgages (hedged items) insofar as attributable to interest rate risk (the hedged risk).
standing contract.
Fair value hedges
The method of recognising the resulting fair value gain or loss depends on whether the derivative is Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges are
designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the nature of the item being hedged. The Bank recognised in the statement of profit or loss, together with fair value adjustments to the hedged
designates certain derivatives as hedges of the fair value of recognised assets or liabilities or firm item attributable to the hedged risk. If the hedge relationship no longer meets the criteria for hedge
commitments (fair value hedge), hedges of highly probable future cash flows attributable to a accounting, the cumulative adjustment of the hedged item is, in the case of interest bearing
recognised asset or liability or a forecast transaction (cash flow hedge), or hedges of a net instruments, amortised through the statement of profit or loss over the remaining term of the
investment in a foreign operation. Hedge accounting is used for derivatives designated in this way original hedge or recognised directly when the hedged item is derecognised. For non-interest
provided certain criteria are met. bearing instruments, the cumulative adjustment of the hedged item is recognised in the statement
of profit or loss only when the hedged item is derecognised.
At the inception of the transaction ING Bank documents the relationship between hedging
instruments and hedged items, its risk management objective, together with the methods selected
to assess hedge effectiveness. The Bank also documents its assessment, both at hedge inception

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Cash flow hedges arrangements where the intention to settle net is demonstrated via a physical transfer of cash
The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as balances into a single netting account on a period end basis.
cash flow hedges are recognised in equity. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is
recognised immediately in the statement of profit or loss. Amounts accumulated in equity are Repurchase transactions and reverse repurchase transactions
recycled to the statement of profit or loss in the periods in which the hedged item affects net Securities sold subject to repurchase agreements (repos), securities lending and similar agreements
result. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria continue to be recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position. The counterparty
for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in equity at that time remains in equity liability is measured at FVPL (designated) and included in Other financial liabilities at FVPL if the
and is recognised when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognised in the statement of profit asset is measured at FVPL. Otherwise, the counterparty liability is included in Deposits from banks,
or loss. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that Customer deposits, or Trading, as appropriate.
was reported in equity is transferred immediately to the statement of profit or loss.
Securities purchased under agreements to resell (reverse repos), securities borrowings and similar
Net investment hedges agreements are not recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position. The
Hedges of net investments in foreign operations are accounted for in a similar way to cash flow consideration paid to purchase securities is recognised as Loans and advances to customers, Loans
hedges. Any gain or loss on the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of the hedge is and advances to banks, Other financial assets at FVPL or Trading assets, as appropriate. The
recognised in equity and the gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised difference between the sale and repurchase price is treated as interest and amortised over the life
immediately in the statement of profit or loss. Gains and losses accumulated in equity are included of the agreement using the effective interest method.
in the statement of profit or loss when the foreign operation is disposed.
Impairment of financial assets (IFRS 9)
Non-trading derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting An ECL model is applied to on-balance sheet financial assets accounted for at AC and FVOCI such as
Derivative instruments that are used by the Bank as part of its risk management strategies, but loans, debt securities and lease receivables, as well as off-balance sheet items such as undrawn
which do not qualify for hedge accounting under ING Bank’s accounting policies, are presented as loan commitments, certain financial guarantees, and undrawn committed revolving credit facilities.
non-trading derivatives. Non-trading derivatives are measured at fair value with changes in the fair Under the ECL model ING Bank calculates the allowance for credit losses (loan loss provision, LLP)
value taken to the statement of profit or loss. by considering on a discounted basis the cash shortfalls it would incur in various default scenarios
for prescribed future periods and multiplying the shortfalls by the probability of each scenario
Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities occurring. The LLP is the sum of these probability-weighted outcomes and the ECL estimates are
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset, and the net amount reported, in the statement of unbiased and include supportable information about past events, current conditions, and forecasts
financial position when the Bank has a current legally enforceable right to set off the recognised of future economic conditions. ING Bank’s approach leverages the existing regulatory capital
amounts and intends to either settle on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability models that use the Advanced Internal Ratings Based (AIRB) models for regulatory purposes.
simultaneously. Offsetting is applied to certain interest rate swaps for which the services of a
central clearing house are used. Offsetting is also applied to certain clients subject to cash pooling
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Three stage approach

Financial assets are classified in any of the below 3 Stages at each reporting date. A financial asset ING Bank relies on a number of qualitative indicators to identify and assess SICR. These include:
can move between Stages during its lifetime. The Stages are based on changes in credit quality  Forbearance status;
since initial recognition and defined as follows:  Watch List status. Loans on the Watch List are individually assessed for Stage 2 classification;
 Stage 1: 12 month ECL  Intensive care management;
Financial assets that have not had a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (i.e.  Substandard Internal rating; and
no Stage 2 or 3 triggers apply). Assets are classified as stage 1 upon initial recognition (with the  Arrears status.
exception of purchased or originated credit impaired (POCI) assets) and have a provision for ECL
associated with the probability of default (PD) events occurring with the next 12 months (12 Credit impaired financial assets (Stage 3)
months ECL). For those financial assets with a remaining maturity of less than 12 months, a PD Financial assets are assessed for credit-impairment at each reporting date and more frequently
is used that corresponds to the remaining maturity; when circumstances warrant further assessment. Evidence of credit-impairment includes arrears of
 Stage 2: Lifetime ECL not credit impaired over 90 days on any material credit obligation, indications that the borrower is experiencing
Financial assets showing a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition. A provision is significant financial difficulty, a breach of contract, bankruptcy or distressed restructuring.
made for the life time ECL representing losses over the life of the financial instrument (lifetime
ECL); or An asset that is in stage 3 will move back to stage 2 when, as at the reporting date, it is no longer
 Stage 3: Lifetime ECL credit impaired considered to be credit-impaired. The asset will migrate back to stage 1 when its credit risk at the
Financial instruments that are credit impaired require a life time provision. reporting date is no longer considered to have increased significantly since initial recognition.

Significant increase in credit risk Definition of default

ING Bank established a framework, incorporating quantitative and qualitative indicators, to identify ING Bank has aligned the definition of credit impaired under IFRS 9 (Stage 3) with the definition of
and assess significant increases in credit risk (SICR). This is used to determine the appropriate ECL default for prudential purposes. This is also the definition used for internal risk management
Staging for each financial asset. purposes.

The main determinate of SICR is a quantitative test, whereby the lifetime PD of an asset at each Macroeconomic scenarios
reporting date is compared against its lifetime PD at the date of origination or purchase. If the delta ING has established a quarterly process whereby forward-looking macroeconomics scenarios and
is above pre-defined absolute or relative PD thresholds, then an asset is considered to have probability weightings are developed for ECL calculation purposes. ING Bank applies data
experienced a SICR, which is a trigger for movement between Stage 1 and Stage 2. In these predominantly from a leading service provider enriched with the internal ING Bank view. A baseline,
instances, assets will cease reporting a 12 month ECL, and instead report a lifetime ECL. Assets can up-scenario and a down-scenario are determined to reflect an unbiased and probability-weighted
also return to Stage 1 if there is sufficient evidence that there has been a significant reduction in ECL amount. As a baseline scenario, ING Bank applies the market-neutral view combining
credit risk. consensus forecasts for economic variables such as unemployment rates, GDP growth, house

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prices, commodity prices, and short-term interest rates. Applying market consensus in the baseline life is limited to the remaining maturity. For overdrafts and certain revolving credit facilities, such as
scenario ensures unbiased estimates of the expected credit losses. credit cards, the maturity is estimated based on historical data as these do not have a fixed term or
repayment schedule.
The alternative scenarios are based on observed forecast errors in the past, adjusted for the risks
affecting the economy today and the forecast horizon. The probabilities assigned are based on the Individually assessed assets (Stage 3)
likelihoods of observing the three scenarios and are derived from confidence intervals on a ING Bank estimates individual impairment provisions for individually significant credit impaired
probability distribution. The forecasts for the economic variables are adjusted on a quarterly basis. financial assets within Stage 3. Individual provisions are calculated using the discounted expected
future cash flow method. To determine expected future cash flows, one or more scenarios are
Measurement of ECL used. Each scenario is analysed based on the probability of occurrence and including forward
ING Bank applies a collective assessment method to measure ECL for performing (Stage 1), under- looking information.
performing (Stage 2), and certain non-performing (Stage 3) assets. Other non-performing assets
subject to ECL measurement apply the individual assessment method, and are all in Stage 3. In determining the scenarios, all relevant factors impacting the future cash flows are taken into
account. These include expected developments in credit quality, business and economic forecasts,
Collectively assessed assets (Stages 1 to 3) and estimates of if/when recoveries will occur and taking into account ING’s restructuring/recovery
This is a model-based approach that calculates ECL in a formula that is expressed simplistically as strategy.
PD x EAD x LGD, adjusted for the time value of money. Assets that are collectively assessed are
grouped on the basis of similar credit risk characteristics, taking into account loan type, industry, The best estimate of ECL is calculated as the weighted-average of the shortfall (gross carrying
geographic location, collateral type, past due status and other relevant factors. These amount minus discounted expected future cash flow using the original EIR) per scenario, based on
characteristics are relevant to the estimation of future cash flows for groups of such assets by best estimates of expected future cash flows. Recoveries can be from different sources including
being indicative of the debtors’ ability to pay all amounts due according to the contractual terms of repayment of the loan, collateral recovery, asset sale etc. Cash flows from collateral and other
the assets being evaluated. credit enhancements are included in the measurement of the expected credit losses of the related
financial asset when it is part of or integral to the contractual terms of the financial asset and the
For Stage 3 assets the PD equals 100% and the LGD and EAD represent a lifetime view of the losses credit enhancement is not recognised separately. For the individual assessment, with granular
based on characteristics of defaulted facilities. (company or deal-specific) scenarios, specific factors can have a larger impact on the future cash
flows than macroeconomic factors.
To build the IFRS 9 models, ING Bank’s expected loss models (PD, LGD, EAD) used for regulatory and
capital purposes have been adjusted by removing embedded prudential conservatism (such as When a financial asset is credit-impaired, interest ceases to be recognised on the regular accrual
floors) and converted through-the-cycle estimates to point-in-time estimates to support the basis, which accrues income based on the gross carrying amount of the asset. Rather, interest
calculation of collective-assessment ECL under IFRS 9. The models assess ECL on the basis of income is calculated by applying the original EIR to the AC of the asset, which is the gross carrying
forward-looking macroeconomic forecasts and other inputs. For most financial assets, the expected amount less the related loan loss provision.

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Purchase or Originated Credit Impaired (POCI) assets When a loan is uncollectable, it is written off against the related loan loss provision. Subsequent
POCI assets are financial assets that are credit-impaired on initial recognition. Impairment on a recoveries of amounts previously written off are recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
POCI asset is determined based on lifetime ECL from initial recognition. POCI assets are recognised
initially at an amount net of impairments and are measured at AC using a credit-adjusted effective Debt forgiveness (or debt settlement) involves write-off but additionally involves the forgiveness of
interest rate. In subsequent periods any changes to the estimated lifetime ECL are recognised in a legal obligation, in whole or in part. This means that ING forfeits the legal right to recover the
profit or loss. Favourable changes are recognised as an impairment gain even if the lifetime ECL at debt. As a result, the financial asset needs to be derecognised. Distinction is made in situations
the reporting date is lower than the estimated lifetime ECL at origination. where ING ends the relationship with the client and situations where ING (partially) continues the
financing of the client.
In certain circumstances ING grants borrowers postponement and/or reduction of loan principal Presentation of ECL
and/or interest payments for a temporary period of time to maximise collection opportunities, and Loss allowances for financial assets measured at AC are deducted from the gross carrying amount
if possible, avoid default, foreclosure, or repossession. When such postponement and/or reduction of the assets. For debt instruments at FVOCI, the loss allowance is recognised in OCI, instead of
of loan principal and/or interest payments is executed based on credit concerns it is also referred to deducting the carrying amount of the asset. For impaired financial assets with drawn and undrawn
as forbearance (refer to the Risk Management note for more details). In such cases, the net present components, ECL also reflects any credit losses related to the portion of the loan commitment that
value of the postponement and/or reduction of loan and/or interest payments is taken into account is expected to be drawn down over the remaining life of the instrument. The loss allowance on
in the determination of the appropriate level of impairment loss. If the forbearance results in a issued financial guarantee contracts, in scope of IFRS 9 and not measured at FVPL, are recognised
substantial modification of the terms of the loan, the original loan is derecognised and a new loan as liabilities and presented in Other provisions. ECL are presented in profit or loss in Addition to loan
is recognised at its fair value at the modification date. ING Bank determines whether there has loss provision.
been a substantial modification using both quantitative and qualitative factors.
Critical judgements and key estimation uncertainties:
Considerable management judgement is exercised in determining the amount of LLP for financial
Write-off and debt forgiveness
assets assessed on both a collective and an individual impairment basis. In particular, this
If there is no reasonable expectation of recovery and/or collectability of amounts due a write-off
judgement requires ING Bank to make various assumptions about the risk of default, the
can occur. The following events can lead to a write-off:
subsequent expected loss rates in the event of default, and expected future cash flows. These
 After a restructuring has been completed and there is a high improbability of recovery of part of
assumptions are based on a combination of the Bank’s past history, existing market conditions and
the remaining loan exposure (including partial debt waivers);
forward-looking estimates at the end of each reporting period. Changes in these assumptions may
 In a bankruptcy liquidation scenario;
lead to changes in the LLP over time.
 After divestment or sale of a credit facility at a discount;
Some of these judgements involve estimation. Given they are subjective and complex in nature,
 Upon conversion of a credit facility into equity; or
and because the LLP and the underlying exposures subject to impairment assessment are material,
 ING Group releases a legal (monetary) claim it has on its customer.

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these judgements are considered key sources of estimation uncertainty. The sensitivity of these thresholds constitute a key source of estimation uncertainty. Analysis of the sensitivity associated
estimates is assessed in the credit risk section of Note 50, Risk Management. with the assessment of significant increase in credit risk is presented in Note 50, Risk Management.

The critical judgements are: The definition of default. Whilst not a source of estimation uncertainty, judgement is exercised in
The use of forward-looking macroeconomic scenarios in both collective and individual impairment management’s evaluation of whether there is objective evidence of impairment loss has been
assessments. Forward-looking macroeconomic scenarios are subjective and uncertain in nature. incurred for larger exposures. Management judgement is required in assessing evidence of credit-
The process the Bank follows involves using inputs from third party provider Oxford Economics (OE), impairment.
and subjecting these to internal expert review and challenge to ensure the inputs used in the
models reflect ING’s view on the macro economy. Two internal groups, the Macroeconomics Financial instruments prior to 1 January 2018 under IAS 39
Scenarios Team and the Macroeconomics Scenarios Expert Panel, were established for this purpose.
The latter team consists of senior management representatives from the Business, Risk and
The following is applicable to periods prior to 1 January 2018 for financial instruments accounted
Finance. The use of alternate forward-looking macroeconomic scenarios can produce significantly
for under IAS 39, to the extent not already discussed earlier in this section. Comparative periods
different estimates of ECL. This is demonstrated in the sensitivity analysis in Note 50, where the un-
were not restated for the adoption of IFRS 9.
weighted ECL under each of the three scenarios for some significant portfolios is disclosed.

Classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities (IAS 39)
The probability weights applied to each of the three scenarios. This is a management judgement
that ultimately requires estimation and consideration of the range of possibilities. This ensures Financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss
consensus view on the likelihood of each scenario materializing is appropriately reflected in the Management will designate a financial asset or a financial liability as such only if this eliminates a
weights applied by the Bank for collective assessment ECL calculations. The sensitivity analysis in measurement inconsistency, if the related assets and liabilities are managed on a fair value basis
Note 50 discloses these weights used. or classified as an embedded derivative as described below.

The criteria for identifying a significant increase in credit risk. When determining whether the credit Interest income and expense from financial instruments classified at fair value through profit or
risk on a financial asset has increased significantly, ING Bank considers reasonable and supportable loss is recognised in Interest income using the effective interest method (where applicable). The
information available to compare the risk of default occurring at reporting date with the risk of a remaining changes in fair value of such instruments are recognised in Valuation results and net
default occurring at initial recognition of the financial asset. Whilst judgement is required in trading income in the statement of profit or loss. Dividend income from equity instruments
applying each financial asset with a PD rating, there is significant judgement used in determining classified at fair value through profit or loss is generally recognised in ‘Valuation results and net
the stage allocation PD banding thresholds. The process of comparing a financial asset’s PD with trading income’ in the statement of profit or loss when the dividend has been declared.
the PD banding thresholds determines its ECL stage. Assets in Stage 1 are allocated a 12 month
ECL, and those in Stage 2 are allocated a lifetime ECL, and the difference is often significant. As
such, the assumptions made both in assigning financial asset PDs and in setting PD banding

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Embedded derivatives Investments in prepayment sensitive securities such as Interest-Only and Principal-Only strips are
Certain derivatives embedded in other contracts are measured as separate derivatives when their generally classified as available-for-sale.
economic characteristics and risks are not closely related to those of the host contract, the host
contract is not carried at fair value through profit or loss, and if a separate instrument with the Held-to-maturity investments
same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a derivative. These Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity for which
embedded derivatives are measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in the ING Bank has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity and which are designated by
statement of profit or loss. An assessment is carried out when ING Bank first becomes party to the management as held-to-maturity assets are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs.
contract. A reassessment is carried out only when there is a change in the terms of the contract Subsequently, they are carried at AC using the effective interest method less any impairment
that significantly modifies the expected cash flows. losses. Interest income from debt securities classified as held-to-maturity is recognised in Interest
income in the statement of profit or loss using the effective interest method. Held-to-maturity
Investments investments include only debt securities.
Investments (including loans quoted in active markets) are classified either as held-to-maturity or
available-for-sale. Investment debt securities and loans quoted in active markets with fixed Loans and receivables
maturity where management has both the intent and the ability to hold to maturity are classified Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that
as held-to-maturity. Investment securities and quoted loans intended to be held for an indefinite are not quoted in an active market. They are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs.
period of time, which may be sold in response to needs for liquidity or changes in interest rates, Subsequently, they are carried at AC using the effective interest method less any impairment
exchange rates or equity prices, are classified as available-for-sale financial assets. losses. Loans and receivables include Cash and balances with central banks, Loans and advances to
banks, Loans and advances to customers, and some categories of Other assets and are reflected in
Available-for-sale financial assets these line items in the statement of financial position. Interest income from loans and receivables is
Available-for-sale financial assets include available-for-sale debt securities and available-for-sale recognised in Interest income in the statement of profit or loss using the effective interest method.
equity securities. Available-for-sale financial assets are initially recognised at fair value plus
transaction costs. For available-for-sale debt securities, the difference between cost and Impairments of financial assets at amortised cost (loan loss provisions) (IAS 39)
redemption value is amortised. Interest income is recognised using the effective interest method. ING Bank assesses periodically and at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence
Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest income from that a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired. A financial asset or a group of
debt securities classified as available-for-sale is recognised in Interest income in the statement of financial assets is impaired and impairment losses are incurred if, and only if, there is objective
profit or loss. Dividend income from equity instruments classified as available-for-sale is recognised evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition
in Investment income in the statement of profit or loss when the dividend has been declared. of the asset, but before the balance sheet date, (a loss event) and that loss event (or events) has an
Unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value are recognised in equity and are impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets that
recycled to the statement of profit or loss as Investment income when the asset is disposed. can be reliably estimated. The following circumstances, among others, are considered objective
evidence that a financial asset or group of assets is impaired:

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 The borrower has sought or has been placed in bankruptcy or similar protection and this leads to the asset has a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the
the avoidance of or delays in repayment of the financial asset; current effective interest rate determined under the contract.
 The borrower has failed in the repayment of principal, interest, or fees and the payment failure
has remained unsolved for a certain period; If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be
 The borrower has demonstrated significant financial difficulty, to the extent that it will have a related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised (such as an
negative impact on the expected future cash flows of the financial asset; improvement in the debtor’s credit rating), the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed
 The credit obligation has been restructured for non-commercial reasons. ING Bank has granted by adjusting the provision. The amount of the reversal is recognised in the statement of profit or
concessions, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty, the loss.
effect of which is a reduction in the expected future cash flows of the financial asset; and
 Historical experience, updated for current events where necessary, provides evidence that a Impairments on other debt instruments (Loans and held-to-maturity investments) are part of the
proportion of a group of assets is impaired although the related events that represent loan loss provision as described above.
impairment triggers are not yet captured by ING Bank’s credit risk systems.
Impairment of AFS assets
Losses expected as a result of future events, no matter how likely, are not recognised. At each balance sheet date, ING Bank assesses whether there is objective evidence that a financial
asset or a group of financial assets is impaired. In the specific case of equity investments classified
ING Bank first assesses whether objective evidence of impairment (a loss event/trigger) exists as available-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its cost
individually for financial assets that are individually significant, and then individually or collectively is considered in determining whether the assets are impaired. Significant and prolonged are
for financial assets that are not individually significant. If ING Bank determines that no objective interpreted on a case-by-case basis for specific equity securities; generally 25% and six months are
evidence of impairment (a loss event/trigger) exists for an individually assessed financial asset, used as triggers. If any objective evidence exists for available-for-sale debt and equity investments,
whether significant or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk the cumulative loss, measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair
characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognised in net result, is
for impairment and for which an impairment loss is or continues to be recognised are not included removed from equity and recognised in the statement of profit or loss. Impairment losses
in a collective assessment of impairment. recognised on equity instruments can never be reversed. If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of
a debt instrument classified as available-for-sale increases and the increase can be objectively
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on an asset carried at AC has been incurred, related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in the statement of profit or
the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the loss, the impairment loss is reversed through the statement of profit or loss.
present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been
incurred) discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of
the asset is reduced through the use of an allowance account (loan loss provision) and the amount
of the loss is recognised in the statement of profit or loss under Addition to loan loss provision. If

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1.3.2 IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contract with Customers’ For further discussion of the significant judgements and critical accounting estimates and
IFRS 15 is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018 and has been endorsed assumptions in these areas, reference is made to the relevant parts in sections ‘IFRS 9
by the EU. IFRS 15 introduces a five-step approach for recognising revenue as and when the agreed Financial instruments - Accounting policies applied from 1 January 2018’, 1.5 ‘Principles of
performance obligations are satisfied. Agreed performance obligations are individual promises valuation and determination of results’ and the applicable notes to the Consolidated annual
made to the customer that deliver benefit from the customer’s perspective. Revenue should either accounts.
be recognised at a point-in-time or over-time depending on the service being delivered to the
customer. The adoption of IFRS 15 had no significant impact on ING Bank’s results or financial 1.5 Principles of valuation and determination of results
position. Consolidation
ING Bank (the Bank) comprises ING Bank N.V. (the Parent Company) and all other subsidiaries.
Reference is made to Note 22 ‘Net fee and commission income’ which includes disaggregated
revenue categories based on the type of services provided. Note 32 ‘Segments’ includes Net fee Subsidiaries are entities controlled by ING Bank N.V. Control exists if ING Bank N.V. is exposed or has
and commission income, as reported to the Executive Board of ING Bank and the Management rights to variable returns and has the ability to affect those returns through the power over the
Board of ING Bank, disaggregated by line of business and by geographical segment. investee. Control is usually achieved through situations including, but not limited to:
 Ownership, directly or indirectly, of more than half of the voting power;
1.4 Significant judgements and critical accounting estimates and  Ability to appoint or remove the majority of the board of directors;
 Power to govern operating and financial policies under statute or agreement; and
 Power over more than half of the voting rights through an agreement with other investors.
The preparation of the consolidated annual accounts requires management to make judgements in
the process of applying its accounting policies and to use estimates and assumptions. The
The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are
estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of the assets and liabilities and the
considered in assessing whether Bank controls another entity.
amounts of the contingent liabilities at the balance sheet date, as well as reported income and
expenses for the year. The actual outcome may differ from these estimates. The process of setting
For interests in structured entities, the existence of control requires judgment as these entities are
assumptions is subject to internal control procedures and approvals.
designed so that voting or similar rights are not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the
entity. This judgment includes, for example, the involvement in the design of the structured entity,
ING Bank has identified areas that require management to make significant judgements and use
contractual arrangements that give rights to direct the structured entities relevant activities and
critical accounting estimates and assumptions based on the information and financial data that
commitment to ensure that the structured entity operates as designed.
may change in future periods. These areas are:
 The determination of the fair values of financial assets and liabilities;
A list of principal subsidiaries is included in Note 46 ‘Principal subsidiaries’.
 Loan loss provisions; and
 Provisions.

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> Accounting policies > 1

A list containing the information referred to in Section 379 (1), Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code has Segment reporting
been filed with the office of the Commercial Register of Amsterdam, in accordance with Section 379 An operating segment is a distinguishable component of the Bank, engaged in providing products
(5), Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. or services, whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Executive Board of ING Bank and
the Management Board Banking (together the Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM)) to make
The results of the operations and the net assets of subsidiaries are included in the statement of decisions about resources to be allocated to the segments and assess its performance. A
profit or loss and the statement of financial position from the date control is obtained until the date geographical area is a distinguishable component of the Bank engaged in providing products or
control is lost. On disposal, the difference between the sales proceeds, net of directly attributable services within a particular economic environment that is subject to risks and returns that are
transaction costs, and the net assets is included in net result. different from those of segments operating in other economic environments.

A subsidiary which ING Bank has agreed to sell but is still legally owned by ING Bank may still be The CODM examines ING Bank’s performance both by line of business and geographic perspective
controlled by Bank at the balance sheet date and therefore, still be included in the consolidation. and has identified five reportable segments by line of business and six by geographical area. The
Such a subsidiary may be presented as a held for sale disposal group if certain conditions are met. geographical analyses are based on the location of the office from which the transactions are
All intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised surpluses and deficits on transactions
between group companies are eliminated. Where necessary, the accounting policies used by Foreign currency translation
subsidiaries are changed to ensure consistency with group policies. In general, the reporting dates
Functional and presentation currency
of subsidiaries are the same as the reporting date of ING Bank N.V.
Items included in the annual accounts of each of the Bank’s entities are measured using the
currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (the functional
ING Bank N.V. and its Dutch group companies are subject to legal restrictions regarding the amount
currency). The Consolidated annual accounts are presented in euros, which is Bank’s presentation
of dividends they can pay to their shareholders. The Dutch Civil Code contains the restriction that
dividends can only be paid up to an amount equal to the excess of the company’s own funds over
the sum of the paid-up capital and reserves required by law. Additionally, certain Bank companies
Transactions and balances
are subject to restrictions on the amount of funds they may transfer in the form of dividends, or
Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rate
otherwise, to the parent company.
prevailing at the date of the transactions. Exchange rate differences resulting from the settlement
of such transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and
Furthermore, in addition to the restrictions in respect of minimum capital requirements that are
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the statement of profit or loss, except
imposed by industry regulators in the countries in which the subsidiaries operate, other limitations
when deferred in equity as part of qualifying cash flow hedges or qualifying net investment hedges.
exist in certain countries.

Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are
translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction.
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Exchange rate differences on non-monetary items, measured at fair value through profit or loss, operation is sold, the corresponding exchange rate differences are recognised in the statement of
are reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. Non-monetary items are retranslated at the date profit or loss as part of the gain or loss on sale.
fair value is determined. Exchange rate differences on non-monetary items measured at fair value
through the revaluation reserve are included in the revaluation reserve in equity. Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising from the acquisition of a foreign operation are treated
as assets and liabilities of the foreign operation and translated at the exchange rate prevailing at
Exchange rate differences in the statement of profit or loss are generally included in ‘Valuation the balance sheet date.
results and net trading income’. Reference is made to Note 23 ‘Valuation results and net trading
income’, which discloses the amounts included in the statement of profit or loss. Exchange rate Investments in associates and joint ventures
differences relating to the disposal of debt and FVPL equity securities are considered to be an Associates are all entities over which the Bank has significant influence but not control. Significant
inherent part of the capital gains and losses recognised in Investment income. As mentioned influence is the ability to participate in the financial and operating policies of the investee. It
below, in Bank companies relating to the disposals of group companies, any exchange rate generally results from a shareholding of between 20% and 50% of the voting rights or through
difference deferred in equity is recognised in the statement of profit or loss in ‘Result on disposal of situations including, but not limited to one or more of the following:
group companies’. Reference is also made to Note 20 ‘Equity’, which discloses the amounts  Representation on the board of directors;
included in the statement of profit or loss.  Participation in the policymaking process; and
 Interchange of managerial personnel.
Group companies
The results and financial positions of all group companies that have a functional currency different Joint ventures are entities over which the Bank has joint control. Joint control is the contractually
from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows: agreed sharing of control over an arrangement or entity, which exists only when decisions about
 Assets and liabilities included in each statement of financial position are translated at the closing the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Joint control
rate at the date of that statement of financial position; means that no party to the agreement is able to act unilaterally to control the activity of the entity.
 Income and expenses included in each statement of profit or loss are translated at average The parties to the agreement must act together to control the entity and therefore exercise the
exchange rates (unless this average is not a reasonable approximation of the cumulative effect joint control.
of the rates prevailing on the transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are
translated at the dates of the transactions); and Investments in associates and joint ventures are initially recognised at cost and subsequently
 All resulting exchange rate differences are recognised in a separate component of equity. accounted for using the equity method of accounting.

On consolidation, exchange rate differences arising from the translation of a monetary item that The Bank’s investment in associates and joint ventures (net of any accumulated impairment loss)
forms part of the net investment in a foreign operation, and of borrowings and other instruments includes goodwill identified on acquisition. The Bank’s share of its associates and joint ventures
designated as hedges of such investments, are taken to shareholders’ equity. When a foreign post-acquisition profits or losses is recognised in the statement of profit or loss, and its share of
post-acquisition changes in reserves is recognised in equity. The cumulative post-acquisition

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> Accounting policies > 1

changes are adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. When the Bank’s share of Equipment
losses in an associate or joint venture equals or exceeds its interest in the associate or joint venture, Equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. The cost of
including any long-term interests in the associate like uncollateralised loans that are neither the assets is depreciated on a straight line basis over their estimated useful lives, which are
planned nor likely to be settled in the foreseeable future, the Bank does not recognise further generally as follows: for data processing equipment two to five years, and four to ten years for
losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate or joint fixtures and fittings. Expenditure incurred on maintenance and repairs is recognised in the
venture. statement of profit or loss as incurred. Expenditure incurred on major improvements is capitalised
and depreciated.
Unrealised gains on transactions between the Bank and its associates and joint ventures are
eliminated to the extent of the Bank’s interest in the associates and joint ventures. Unrealised Disposals of property and equipment
losses are also eliminated unless they provide evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred. The difference between the proceeds on disposal and net carrying value is recognised in the
Accounting policies of associates and joint ventures have been changed where necessary to ensure statement of profit or loss under Other income.
consistency with the policies adopted by the Bank. The reporting dates of all significant associates
and joint ventures are consistent with the reporting date of the Bank.
The determination of whether an arrangement is or contains a lease is based on the substance of
Property and equipment the arrangement at inception date.
Property in own use
Land and buildings held for own use are stated at fair value at the balance sheet date. Increases in ING Bank as the lessee
the carrying amount arising on revaluation of land and buildings held for own use are credited to The leases entered into by ING Bank are primarily operating leases. The total payments made
the revaluation reserve in shareholders’ equity. Decreases in the carrying amount that offset under operating leases are recognised in the statement of profit or loss on a straight-line basis over
previous increases of the same asset are charged against the revaluation reserve directly in equity; the period of the lease.
all other decreases are charged to the statement of profit or loss. Increases that reverse a When an operating lease is terminated before the lease period has expired, any penalty payment
revaluation decrease on the same asset previously recognised in net result are recognised in the to be made to the lessor is recognised as an expense in the period in which termination takes place.
statement of profit or loss. Depreciation is recognised based on the fair value and the estimated
useful life (in general 20–50 years). Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis. On disposal,
ING Bank as the lessor
the related revaluation reserve is transferred to retained earnings.
When assets are held subject to a finance lease, the present value of the lease payments is
The fair values of land and buildings are based on regular appraisals done by independent qualified
recognised as a receivable under Loans and advances to customers or Loans and advances to
valuers or by internal valuers, similar to appraisals of real estate investments. Subsequent
banks. The difference between the gross receivable and the present value of the receivable is
expenditure is included in the asset’s carrying amount when it is probable that future economic
unearned lease finance income. Lease income is recognised over the term of the lease using the
benefits associated with the item will flow to the Bank and the cost of the item can be measured
net investment method (before tax), which reflects a constant periodic rate of return.

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> Accounting policies > 1

Acquisitions, goodwill and other intangible assets initial accounting shall be completed within a year after acquisition. Adjustments to the fair value
Acquisitions and goodwill as at the date of acquisition of acquired assets and liabilities, that are identified within one year
ING Bank’s acquisitions are accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting. The after acquisition are recognised as an adjustment to goodwill; any subsequent adjustment is
consideration for each acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair values (at the date of recognised as income or expense. On disposal of group companies where control is lost, the
exchange) of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued in difference between the sale proceeds and carrying value (including goodwill) and the unrealised
exchange for control of the acquiree. Goodwill, being the difference between the cost of the results (including the currency translation reserve in equity) is included in the statement of profit or
acquisition (including assumed debt) and the Bank’s interest in the fair value of the acquired assets, loss.
liabilities and contingent liabilities as at the date of acquisition, is capitalised as an intangible asset.
Goodwill is only recognised separately on acquisitions. The results of the operations of the acquired Goodwill impairment
companies are included in the statement of profit or loss from the date control is obtained. ING assesses at each reporting period, whether there is an indication that an intangible asset may
be impaired. Irrespective of whether there is an indication of impairment, intangible assets with an
Where applicable, the consideration for the acquisition includes any asset or liability resulting from indefinite useful life, including goodwill acquired in a business combination, and intangible assets
a contingent consideration arrangement, the contingent consideration is measured at its not yet available for use, are tested annually for impairment. Goodwill is allocated to groups of
acquisition-date fair value. Contingent consideration arrangements classified as an asset or a CGUs (that is, the group of cash generating units or CGUs) for the purpose of impairment testing.
liability, are subsequently measured at fair value and the changes in fair value will be recognised in These groups of CGUs represent the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored for internal
the statement of profit or loss. Changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration classified management purposes. Goodwill is tested for impairment by comparing the carrying value of the
as equity, are not recognised. group of CGUs to the recoverable amount of that group of CGUs. The carrying value is determined
as the IFRS net asset value including goodwill. In compliance with IAS 36 ‘Impairment of assets’, the
Where a business combination is achieved in stages, ING Bank’s previously held interests in the carrying value is determined on a basis that is consistent with the way in which the recoverable
assets and liabilities of the acquired entity are remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date (i.e. amount of the CGU is determined. When the carrying values need to be allocated between Retail
the date ING Bank obtains control) and the resulting gain or loss, if any, is recognised in the and Wholesale, solvency (risk-weighted assets) are used as a basis. The recoverable amount is
statement of profit or loss. Amounts arising from interests in the acquiree prior to the acquisition estimated as the higher of fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. Several methodologies
date that have previously been recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the are applied to arrive at the best estimate of the recoverable amount. Impairment of goodwill, if
statement of profit or loss, where such treatment would be appropriate if that interest were applicable, is included in the statement of profit or loss in Other operating expenses.
disposed of. Acquisition related costs are recognised in the statement of profit or loss as incurred
and presented in the statement of profit or loss as Other operating expenses. Computer software
Computer software that has been purchased or generated internally for own use is stated at cost
The initial accounting for the fair value of the net assets of the companies acquired during the year less amortisation and any impairment losses. Amortisation is calculated on a straight-line basis
may be determined only provisionally as the determination of the fair value can be complex and over its useful life. This period will generally not exceed five years. Amortisation is included in Other
the time between the acquisition and the preparation of the Annual accounts can be limited. The operating expenses.

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> Accounting policies > 1

Other intangible assets Uncertain tax positions are assessed continually by ING Bank and in case it is probable that there
Other intangible assets are capitalised and amortised over their expected economic life, which is will be a cash outflow; a current tax liability is recognised.
generally between three and ten years. Intangible assets with an indefinite life are not amortised.
Other assets
Taxation Investment property
Income tax on the result for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised Investment properties are recognised at fair value at the balance sheet date. Changes in the
in the statement of profit or loss but it is recognised directly in equity if the tax relates to items that carrying amount resulting from revaluations are recognised in the statement of profit or loss. On
are recognised directly in equity. disposal, the difference between the sale proceeds and carrying value is recognised in the
statement of profit or loss.
Deferred income tax
Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising Property obtained from foreclosures
between the tax basis of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated Property obtained from foreclosures is stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net
annual accounts. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been realisable value is the estimated selling price, less applicable variable selling expenses. Property
enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the obtained from foreclosures is included in Other assets - Property development and obtained from
related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled. Deferred foreclosures.
tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.
Property development
Deferred tax assets are recognised where it is probable that future taxable profit will be available Property developed and under development for which ING Bank has the intention to sell the
against which the temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred income tax is provided on property after its completion is included in Other assets – Property development and obtained from
temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and associates, except where the foreclosures.
timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by the Bank and it is probable that
the difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. The tax effects of income tax losses Property developed and under development for which ING Bank has the intention to sell the
available for carry forward are recognised as an asset where it is probable that future taxable property under development after its completion and where there is not yet a specifically
profits will be available against which these losses can be utilised. negotiated contract is measured at direct construction cost incurred up to the balance sheet date,
including borrowing costs incurred during construction and ING Bank’s own directly attributable
Fair value remeasurement of debt and equity instruments measured at FVOCI and cash flow development and supervision expenses less any impairment losses. Profit is recognised using the
hedges, are recognised directly in equity. Deferred tax related to this fair value remeasurement is completed contract method (on sale date of the property). Impairment is recognised if the
also recognised directly in equity and is subsequently recognised in the statement of profit or loss estimated selling price, less applicable variable selling expenses is lower than carrying value.
together with the deferred gain or loss.

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> Accounting policies > 1

Property under development for which ING Bank has the intention to sell the property under When a group of assets that is classified as held for sale represents a major line of business or
development after its completion and where there is a specifically negotiated contract is valued geographical area the disposal group is classified as discontinued operations. Upon classification of
using the percentage of completion method (pro rata profit recognition). The stage of completion is a business as held for sale and discontinued operations the individual income and expenses are
measured by reference to costs incurred to date as percentage of total estimated costs for each presented within the Total net result from discontinued operations instead of being presented in
contract. the usual line items in the Consolidated statement of profit or loss. All comparative years in the
Consolidated statement of profit or loss are restated and presented as discontinued operations for
Property under development is stated at fair value (with changes in fair value recognised in the all periods presented. Furthermore, the individual assets and liabilities are presented in the
statement of profit or loss) if ING Bank has the intention to recognise the property under Consolidated statement of financial position as Assets and liabilities held for sale and are no longer
development after completion as real estate investments. included in the usual line items in the Consolidated statement of financial position. Changes in
assets and liabilities as a result of classification as held for sale are included in the notes in the line
Disposal groups held for sale and discontinued operations ‘Changes in composition of the group and other changes’.
Disposal groups (and groups of non-current assets) are classified as held for sale if their carrying
amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
This is only the case when the sale is highly probable and the disposal group (or group of assets) is A provision is a present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to
available for immediate sale in its present condition; management must be committed to the sale, result in an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits, however the timing or the amount
which is expected to occur within one year from the date of classification as held for sale. is uncertain. Provisions are discounted when the effect of the time value of money is significant
using a pre-tax discount rate.
Upon classification as held for sale, the disposal group is measured at the lower of its carrying
amount and fair value less costs to sell, except where specifically exempt from IFRS 5. An Reorganisation provisions include employee termination benefits when the Bank is demonstrably
impairment loss is recognised for any initial or subsequent write-down of the disposal group to fair committed to either terminating the employment of current employees according to a detailed
value less costs to sell. A gain is recognised for any subsequent increases in fair value less costs to formal plan without possibility of withdrawal, or providing termination benefits as a result of an
sell of the disposal group, but not in excess of any cumulative impairment loss previously offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy.
recognised. A gain or loss not previously recognised by the date of the sale of the disposal group is
recognised at the date of derecognition. Assets within the disposal group are not depreciated or A liability is recognised for a levy when the activity that triggers payment, as identified by the
amortised while they are classified as held for sale. Interest and other expenses attributable to the relevant legislation, occurs. For a levy that is triggered upon reaching a minimum threshold, the
liabilities of a disposal group classified as held for sale continue to be recognised. The assets of the liability is recognised only upon reaching the specified minimum threshold.
disposal group classified as held for sale are presented separately from the other assets in the
balance sheet. The liabilities of a disposal group classified as held for sale are presented separately A contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will
from other liabilities in the balance sheet. be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not
wholly within the control of ING Bank; or a present obligation that arises from past events but is not

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> Accounting policies > 1

recognised because it is either not probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to Key assumptions for the reorganisation provision are in estimating the amounts and timing of cash
settle the obligation or the amount of the obligation cannot be measured reliably. Contingent flows as the announced transformation initiatives are implemented over a period of several years.
liabilities are not recognised in the statement of financial position, but are rather disclosed in the Reference is made to Note 16 ‘Provisions’.
notes unless the possibility of the outflow of economic benefits is remote.
A contingent asset is a possible asset that arises from past events and whose existence will be Other liabilities
confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not Defined benefit plans
wholly within the control of ING Bank. Contingent assets are recognised in the statement of The net defined benefit asset or liability recognised in the statement of financial position in respect
financial position only when realisation of the income that arises from such an asset is virtually of defined benefit pension plans is the fair value of the plan assets less the present value of the
certain. Contingent assets are disclosed in the notes when an inflow of economic benefits is defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date.
Plan assets are measured at fair value at the balance sheet date. For determining the pension
Critical judgements and key estimation uncertainty: expense, the return on plan assets is determined using a high quality corporate bond rate identical
The recognition and measurement of provisions is an inherently uncertain process involving using to the discount rate used in determining the defined benefit obligation.
judgement to determine when a present obligation exists and estimates regarding probability,
amounts and timing of cash flows. Changes in plan assets that effect Shareholders’ equity and/or Net result, include mainly:
 Return on plan assets using a high quality corporate bond rate at the start of the reporting
ING Bank may become involved in legal proceedings. The degree of uncertainty and the method of period which are recognised as staff costs in the statement of profit or loss; and
making the accounting estimate depends on the individual case, its nature and complexity. Legal  Remeasurements which are recognised in Other comprehensive income (equity).
cases are usually one of a kind. Judgment is required to estimate the probability of an
unfavourable outcome and the amount of potential loss. For the assessment of litigation provisions The defined benefit obligation is calculated by internal and external actuaries through actuarial
ING Bank consults with legal experts. Even taking into consideration legal experts’ advice, the models and calculations using the projected unit credit method. This method considers expected
probability of an outflow of economic benefits can still be uncertain and the amount provisioned future payments required to settle the obligation resulting from employee service in the current
can remain sensitive to the assumptions used which may have a broad range of outcomes. and prior periods, discounted using a high quality corporate bond rate. Inherent in these actuarial
Reference is made to Note 16 ‘Provisions’. models are assumptions including discount rates, rates of increase in future salary and benefit
For legal proceedings where it is not possible to make a reliable estimate of the expected financial levels, mortality rates, trend rates in health care costs, consumer price index and the expected level
effect, that could result from the ultimate resolution of the proceedings, no provision is recognised, of indexation. The assumptions are based on available market data as well as management
however disclosure is included in the annual accounts. Reference is made to Note 44 ‘Legal expectations and are updated regularly. The actuarial assumptions may differ significantly from
proceedings’. the actual results due to changes in market conditions, economic and mortality trends, and other
assumptions. Any changes in these assumptions could have a significant impact on the defined
benefit plan obligation and future pension costs.

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> Accounting policies > 1

Changes in the defined benefit obligation that effects Shareholders’ equity and/or Net result, Income recognition
include mainly: Interest
 Service cost which are recognised as staff costs in the statement of profit or loss; Interest income and expense are recognised in the statement of profit or loss using the effective
 Interest expenses using a high quality corporate bond rate at the start of the period which are interest method. The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a
recognised as staff costs in the Statement of profit or loss; and financial asset or a financial liability and of allocating the interest income or interest expense over
 Remeasurements which are recognised in Other comprehensive income (equity). the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future
cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or, when
Remeasurements recognised in other comprehensive income are not recycled to profit or loss. Any appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.
past service cost relating to a plan amendment is recognised in profit or loss in the period of the When calculating the effective interest rate, the Bank estimates cash flows considering all
plan amendment. Gains and losses on curtailments and settlements are recognised in the contractual terms of the financial instrument (for example, prepayment options) but does not
statement of profit or loss when the curtailment or settlement occurs. consider future credit losses.

The recognition of a net defined benefit asset in the Consolidated statement of financial position is The calculation includes all fees and points paid or received between parties to the contract that
limited to the present value of any economic benefits available in the form of refunds from the are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and all other premiums or
plans or reductions in future contributions to the plans. discounts. Once a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets has been written down as a
result of an impairment loss, interest income is recognised using the rate of interest used to
Defined contribution plans discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.
For defined contribution plans, the Bank pays contributions to publicly or privately administered
pension insurance plans on a mandatory, contractual or voluntary basis. The Bank has no further Interest results on instruments classified at Amortised Cost, assets measured at FVOCI and
payment obligations once the contributions have been paid. The contributions are recognised as derivatives in a formal hedge accounting relationship is presented in ‘Interest income using
staff expenses in the profit or loss when they are due. Prepaid contributions are recognised as an effective interest rate method’. Interest result on derivatives in so called economic hedges and
asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in the future payments is available. instruments designated at fair value are presented in ‘Other interest income’.

Other post-employment obligations Fees and commissions

Some group companies provide post-employment healthcare and other benefits to certain Fees and commissions are generally recognised as the service is provided. Loan commitment fees
employees and former employees. The entitlement to these benefits is usually conditional on the for loans that are likely to be drawn down are deferred (together with related direct costs) and
employee remaining in service up to retirement age and the completion of a minimum service recognised as an adjustment to the effective interest rate on the loan. Loan syndication fees are
period. The expected costs of these benefits are accrued over the period of employment using an recognised as income when the syndication has been completed and the Bank has retained no part
accounting methodology similar to that for defined benefit pension plans. of the loan package for itself or has retained a part at the same effective interest rate as the other
participants. Commission and fees arising from negotiating, or participating in the negotiation of, a
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 81
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> Accounting policies > 1

transaction for a third party – such as the arrangement of the acquisition of shares or other payment scheme is discontinued. The rights are subject to certain conditions, including a pre-
securities or the purchase or sale of businesses – are recognised on completion of the underlying determined continuous period of service.
transaction. Portfolio and other management advisory and service fees are recognised based on
the applicable service contracts as the service is provided. Asset management fees related to Statement of cash flows
investment funds and investment contract fees are recognised on a pro-rata basis over the period The statement of cash flows is prepared in accordance with the indirect method, classifying cash
the service is provided. The same principle is applied for wealth management, financial planning flows as cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities. In the net cash flow from
and custody services that are continuously provided over an extended period of time. Fees received operating activities, the result before tax is adjusted for those items in the statement of profit or
and paid between banks for payment services are classified as commission income and expenses. loss and changes in items per the statement of financial position, which do not result in actual cash
flows during the year.
Lease income
The proceeds from leasing out assets under operating leases are recognised on a straight-line basis For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, Cash and cash equivalents comprise balances with
over the life of the lease agreement. Lease payments received in respect of finance leases when less than three months’ maturity from the date of acquisition, including cash and balances with
ING Bank is the lessor are divided into an interest component (recognised as interest income) and a central banks, treasury bills and other eligible bills, amounts due from other banks, and deposits
repayment component. from banks. Investments qualify as a cash equivalent if they are readily convertible to a known
amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
Expense recognition
Expenses are recognised in the statement of profit or loss as incurred or when a decrease in future Cash flows arising from foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency
economic benefits related to a decrease in an asset or an increase in a liability has arisen that can using the exchange rates at the date of the cash flows.
be measured reliably.
The net cash flow shown in respect of Loans and advances to customers relates only to
Fee and commission expenses are generally a result from a contract with ING service providers in transactions involving actual payments or receipts. The Addition to loan loss provision which is
order to perform the service for our customers. Costs are generally presented as ‘Commission deducted from the item Loans and advances to customers in the statement of financial position
expenses’ if they are specific, incremental, directly attributable and identifiable to generate has been adjusted accordingly from the result before tax and is shown separately in the statement
commission income. of cash flows.

The difference between the Net cash flow in accordance with the statement of cash flows and the
Share-based payments
change between the opening and closing balance of Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of
Share-based payment expenses are recognised as a staff expense over the vesting period. A
financial position is due to exchange rate differences and is presented separately in the cash flow
corresponding increase in equity is recognised for equity-settled share-based payment
transactions. The fair value of equity-settled share-based payment transactions are measured at
Liabilities arising from financing activities are debt securities and subordinated loans.
the grant date. Rights granted will remain valid until the expiry date, even if the share based
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 82
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> Accounting policies > 1

1.6 Parent company accounts

The parent company accounts of ING Bank N.V. are prepared in accordance with the financial
reporting requirements included in Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. In accordance with
subsection 8 of section 362, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, the recognition and measurement
principles applied in the Parent company accounts are the same as those applied in the
Consolidated annual accounts.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 83

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> Cash and balances with central banks > 2

Notes to the Consolidated statement of financial position

2 Cash and balances with central banks
As at 31 December 2018, Loans include receivables related to securities in reverse repurchase
Cash and balances with central banks transactions amounting to EUR 6,686 million (2017: EUR 4,637 million) and receivables related to
2018 2017
finance lease contracts amounting to EUR 51 million (2017: EUR 65 million). Reference is made to
Amounts held at central banks 47,655 19,687
Cash and bank balances 2,333 2,302 Note 41 ‘Transfer of financial assets’ for information on securities lending as well as sale and
49,987 21,989 repurchase transactions. Reference is made to Note 7 ‘Loans and advances to customers’ for
information on finance lease receivables.
In 2018, the movement in Cash and balances with central banks reflects ING’s active liquidity
management. Amounts held at central banks reflect on demand balances. As at 31 December 2018, the non-subordinated receivables amount to EUR 30,420 million (2017:
EUR 28,703 million). Following IFRS 9 classification the subordinated receivables of 2017 related to
Reference is made to Note 40 ‘Assets not freely disposable’ for restrictions on Cash balances with securities at amortised cost amounting to EUR 43 million are classified as Securities at amortised
central banks. cost.

3 Loans and advances to banks No individual loans and advances to banks have terms and conditions that significantly affect the
amount, timing or certainty of consolidated cash flows of the Bank. For details on significant
Loans and advances to banks
concentrations, refer to Note 50 ‘Risk management – Credit risk’ paragraph ‘Credit Risk Appetite and
Netherlands International Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Concentration Risk Framework’.
Loans 7,966 7,834 22,460 20,916 30,427 28,750
Cash advances, overdrafts and other balances 1 1 3 3 3 4
7,967 7,835 22,463 20,919 30,430 28,754

Loan loss provisions -5 –1 -5 –7 -9 –8

7,962 7,834 22,458 20,912 30,420 28,746

Reference is made to Note 40 ‘Assets not freely disposable’ for restrictions on Loans and advances
to banks.

Loans include balances (mainly short-term deposits) with central banks amounting to EUR 4,713
million (2017: EUR 4,032 million).
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 84
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> Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss > 4

4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Trading assets and Trading liabilities include assets and liabilities that are classified under IFRS as
Trading, but are closely related to servicing the needs of the clients of ING Bank. ING offers
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
2018 2017 institutional clients, corporate clients, and governments, products that are traded on the financial
Trading assets 50,163 116,763 markets.
Non-trading derivatives 2,672 2,185 A significant part of the derivatives in the trading portfolio are related to servicing corporate clients
Designated at fair value through profit or loss 2,887 4,242
in their risk management to hedge for example currency or interest rate exposures. In addition, ING
Mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss 64,783 n/a
120,505 123,190 provides its customers access to equity and debt markets for issuing their own equity or debt
securities (securities underwriting). Although these are presented as Trading under IFRS, these are
At 1 January 2018, the classification of certain Loans and advances to customers and Debt directly related to services to ING’s customers.
instruments has changed to financial assets ‘Mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or Loans and receivables in the trading portfolio mainly relate to (reverse) repurchase agreements,
loss’ due to the implementation of IFRS 9 (SPPI test). As per 1 January 2018 reverse repurchase which are comparable to collateralised lending. From a risk perspective, the gross amount of
portfolios that are managed and whose performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, amounting trading assets must be considered together with the gross amount of trading liabilities, which are
to EUR 54,825 million, were classified as financial assets ‘Mandatorily measured at fair value presented separately on the statement of financial position. However, IFRS does not always allow
through profit or loss’, which were previously reported as ‘Trading assets’ and ‘Assets designated as netting of these positions in the statement of financial position.
at fair value through profit or loss’. These reverse repurchase agreements are used by ING as part of
its own regular treasury activities, but also relate to the role that ING plays as intermediary As at 31 December 2018, Trading assets include receivables of EUR 12,939 million (2017: EUR
between different professional customers. The related repurchase financial liabilities, amounting to 67,138 million) with regard to reverse repurchase transactions.
EUR 37,161 million, were classified as financial liabilities ‘Designated at fair value through profit or
loss’. Reference is made to Note 15 ‘Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss’ for information
Reference is made to Note 41 ‘Transfer of financial assets’ for information on securities lending as on trading liabilities.
well as sale and repurchase transactions.
Non-trading derivatives
Trading assets Non-trading derivatives by type
Trading assets by type 2018 2017
Derivatives used in
2018 2017
- fair value hedges 638 671
Equity securities 8,909 13,681
- cash flow hedges 1,012 617
Debt securities 5,213 7,477
- hedges of net investments in foreign operations 41 29
Derivatives 22,110 27,444
Other non-trading derivatives 982 868
Loans and receivables 13,931 68,161
2,672 2,185
50,163 116,763

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 85

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> Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss > 4

Reference is made to Note 37 ‘Derivatives and hedge accounting’ for information on derivatives As at 31 December 2018, Loans and receivables designated at fair value through profit or loss does
used for hedge accounting. not include any balances with regard to reverse repurchase transactions (2017: EUR 2,095 million).

Other non-trading derivatives mainly includes interest rate swaps and foreign exchange currency Mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss
swaps for which no hedge accounting is applied. Mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss by type
2018 2017
Designated at fair value through profit or loss Equity securities 210 n/a
Debt securities 1,103 n/a
Designated at fair value through profit or loss by type Loans and receivables 63,469 n/a
2018 2017 64,783 n/a
Equity securities 4
Debt securities 2,114 1,739
Loans and receivables 772 2,499 Prior year, applying IAS 39, the majority of the equity and debt securities were classified as
2,887 4,242 ‘Investments – Available-for-sale’.

Included in the ‘Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss’ is a portfolio of loans For details on ING Bank’s exposure to debt securities reference is made to Note 6 ‘Securities at
and receivables which is economically hedged by credit derivatives. The hedges do not meet the amortised cost’.
criteria for hedge accounting and the loans are recorded at fair value to avoid an accounting
mismatch. The maximum credit exposure of the loans and receivables included in ‘Financial assets None of the equity securities are individually significant for ING Bank.
designated at fair value through profit or loss’ approximates its carrying value. The cumulative
change in fair value of the loans attributable to changes in credit risk is not significant. As at 31 December 2018, Loans and receivables mandatorily measured at fair value through profit
or loss includes EUR 63,022 million with regard to reverse repurchase transactions.
The notional value of the related credit derivatives is EUR 1,364 million (2017: EUR 232 million). The
change in fair value of the credit derivatives attributable to changes in credit risk since the loans
were first designated, amounts to EUR -23 million (2017: EUR -6 million) and the change for the
current year amounts to EUR 17 million (2017: EUR 2 million).

The changes in fair value of the (designated) loans attributable to changes in credit risk have been
calculated by determining the changes in credit spread implicit in the fair value of bonds issued by
entities with similar credit characteristics.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 86

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> Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income > 5

5 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive Changes in fair value through other comprehensive income financial assets
income The following table presents changes in fair value of equity securities and debt instruments at fair
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income by type value through other comprehensive income. The comparative amounts include equity securities
2018 2017 and debt instruments that were classified as Available-for- sale investments under IAS 39.
Equity securities 3,228 n/a
Debt securities1 25,616 n/a Changes in fair value through other comprehensive income financial assets
Loans and advances1 2,379 n/a FVOCI equity FVOCI debt
31,223 n/a securities instruments1 Total
Available-for-sale investments n/a 69,730 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Held-to-maturity investments2 n/a 9,343 Opening balance as at 1 January 3,983 4,024 65,747 78,888 69,730 82,912
31,223 79,073 Effect of changes in accounting policy –184 –31,945 –32,129
Additions 33 325 10,486 21,276 10,518 21,601
1 Debt securities include an amount of EUR -6 million and the Loans and advances includes EUR -5 million ‘Loan loss
Amortisation –12 –146 –12 –146
Transfers and reclassifications 1 7 1 2 7
2 Under IFRS 9 these Investments are classified as Securities at amortised cost, reference is made to Note 6 ‘Securities at
amortised cost‘. Changes in unrealised revaluations2 –463 21 –660 –1,030 –1,123 –1,009
Impairments –6 –6
Reversals of impairments 16 3 16 3
Exposure to equity securities Disposals and redemptions –178 –79 –15,478 –32,709 –15,656 –32,788
Equity securities designated as at fair value through other comprehensive income Exchange rate differences 35 –308 –159 –535 –124 –843
Carrying Dividend Changes in the composition of the group
value income and other changes –1 1 1 –1
2018 2018 Closing balance 3,228 3,983 27,995 65,747 31,223 69,730
Investment in Bank of Beijing 1,967 83 1 Fair value through other comprehensive income debt instruments includes both debt securities and loans and advances.
Investment in Kotak Mahindra Bank 919 1 2 Changes in unrealised revaluations include changes on hedged items which are recognised in the statement of profit or
Other Investments 342 8
3,228 92
In the fourth quarter of 2018, ING reduced its stake in Kotak Mahindra Bank by 0.67% to 3.07% with
the sale of 12.7 million shares for EUR 177 million. The fair value of the investment at the date of
For strategic equity securities, ING decided to apply the option to irrevocably designate these
derecognition was EUR 984 million and the gain on disposal was EUR 3.6 million.
investments at fair value through other comprehensive income, instead of the IFRS 9 default
measurement of fair value through profit or loss.
Reference is made to Note 6 ‘Securities at amortised cost’ for details on ING Bank’s exposure to
debt securities and for further information on transfers and reclassifications of fair value through
comprehensive income and amortised cost investments.
Reference is made to Note 24 ‘Investment income’ for details on Impairments.
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 87
Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Securities at amortised cost > 6

6 Securities at amortised cost ING Bank’s total exposure to debt securities of EUR 76,111 million (31 December 2017: EUR 82,129
million) is specified as follows:
Securities at amortised cost
2018 2017
Debt securities at amortised cost 47,276 n/a Debt securities by type of exposure
Held-to-maturity investments1 n/a 9,343
Debt Debt Debt
47,276 9,343 Securities at securities at securities at
1 Under IAS 39 these Securities were classified as Held-to-maturity investments, reference is made to Note 5 ‘Financial assets 2018 2018 2018 2018 20171
at fair value through other comprehensive income’.
Government bonds 142 15,580 24,659 40,381 43,561
Sub-sovereign, Supranationals and Agencies 467 5,928 11,244 17,639 19,077
Exposure to debt securities Covered bonds 2,245 6,722 8,967 9,409
ING Bank’s exposure to debt securities is included in the following lines in the statement of financial Corporate bonds 23 485 765 1,273 2,254
Financial institutions’ bonds 1,527 460 2,415 4,402 3,434
ABS portfolio 1,059 924 1,483 3,466 4,394
3,218 25,622 47,288 76,128 82,129
Debt securities Loan loss provisions –6 –11 –17 n/a
2018 2017 Bond portfolio 3,218 25,616 47,276 76,111 82,129
Debt securities at fair value through other comprehensive income 25,616 n/a
Debt securities at amortised cost 47,276 n/a 1 Amounts have been restated to conform to the current year presentation.
Available-for-sale investments n/a 65,747
Held-to-maturity investments n/a 9,343
Approximately 99% (2017: 99%) of the exposure in the ABS portfolio is externally rated AAA, AA or
Loans and advances to customers n/a 5,099
Loans and advances to banks n/a 201 A. There are no borrowed debt securities recognised in the statement of financial position.
Debt securities at fair value through other comprehensive income and amortised cost 72,893 80,390

Trading assets 5,213 7,477

Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss 3,218 1,739
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 8,431 9,216
81,323 89,606

At 1 January 2018, the classification of certain Loans and advances to banks and Loans and
advances to customers has changed to Securities at amortised cost based on the characteristics of
these instruments.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 88

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> Loans and advances to customers > 7

7 Loans and advances to customers No individual loan or advance has terms and conditions that significantly affect the amount, timing
or certainty of the consolidated cash flows of the Bank. For details on significant concentrations,
Loans and advances to customers by type
Netherlands International Total refer to Note 50 ‘Risk management – Credit risk’ paragraph ‘Credit Risk Appetite and Concentration
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Risk Framework’.
Loans to, or guaranteed by, public authorities 24,547 26,975 17,257 19,397 41,803 46,372
Loans secured by mortgages 119,939 121,702 219,983 204,883 339,922 326,585 The following table show the reconciliations from the opening to the closing balance of the loan
Loans guaranteed by credit institutions 209 279 2,901 1,722 3,110 2,001 loss provision.
Personal lending 3,304 3,162 21,563 20,074 24,867 23,236
Asset backed securities 2,209 2,209
Changes in loan loss provisions¹
Corporate loans 37,331 38,550 149,787 140,461 187,117 179,011
2018 2017
185,329 190,668 411,490 388,746 596,819 579,414
ECL not Lifetime Purchase
Loan loss provisions –1,480 –1,693 –3,011 –2,822 –4,491 –4,515 12-month credit ECL credit d
183,849 188,975 408,479 385,924 592,328 574,899 ECL impaired impaired credit
(Stage 1) (stage 2) (stage 3) impaired Total² Total
Opening balance as at 1 January IAS 39 4,521 5,308
As at 31 December 2018, Loans and advances to customers includes receivables with regard to
Effect of changes in accounting policy 795
securities which have been acquired in reverse repurchase transactions amounting to EUR 266 Opening balance as at 1 January IFRS 9 438 955 3,916 7 5,316
million (2017: EUR 421 million). Transfer into 12-month ECL 19 –206 –23 –209
Transfer into lifetime ECL not credit impaired –62 501 –56 383
Reference is made to Note 41 ‘Transfer of financial assets’ for information on securities lending as Transfer into lifetime ECL credit impaired –7 –86 707 615
well as sale and repurchase transactions. Net remeasurement of loan loss provision 17 –55 312 –0 274
New financial assets originated or purchased 213 –0 212
Financial assets that have been derecognised –101 –145 –341 –0 –588
Loans and advances to customers by subordination Changes in models
2018 2017 Increase in loan loss provisions 80 9 599 –0 688 676
Non-subordinated 592,208 574,919 Write-offs –1,043 –1,044 –1,279
Subordinated 120 480 Recoveries of amounts previously written off 53 53 59
592,328 574,899 Foreign exchange and other movements –18 –38 –386 –4 –446 –136
Closing balance 500 925 3,139 2 4,568 4,628
1 At the end of December 2018, the stock of provisions included provisions for loans and advances to central banks (EUR 3
million), loans and advances to banks (EUR 9 million), financial assets at FVOCI (EUR 11 million), securities at amortised cost
(EUR 11 million), provisions for loans and advances to customers (EUR 4,491 million) and provisions for contingent liabilities
(credit replacements) recorded under Provisions (EUR 42 million).
2 The 2018 changes in loan loss provision presents IFRS 9 expected credit losses (excluding IAS 37 provisions for non-credit
replacement positions (1 January 2018: EUR 107 million), The IAS 39 comparative 2017 amount includes IAS 37 provision for
all off balance positions.
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 89
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> Loans and advances to customers > 7

Loans and advances to customers and Loans and advances to banks include finance lease
The Addition to loan loss provisions in the Consolidated statement of profit or loss (EUR 656 million) receivables and are detailed as follows:
relates to the increase in the loan loss provisions (EUR 688 million) and the release related to the
IAS 37 non-credit replacement off-balance positions (EUR 32 million included in Note 16 Finance lease receivables
‘Provisions’). 2018 2017
Maturities of gross investment in finance lease receivables
For details on credit qualities, refer to Note 50 ‘Risk management – Credit risk’ paragraph ‘Credit - within 1 year 2,374 2,729
- more than 1 year but less than 5 years 5,959 6,215
quality – Loan loss provisioning.
- more than 5 years 1,646 2,897
9,979 11,841
The following table provides information on financial assets that were modified while they had a
loss allowance measured at an amount equal to lifetime ECL. Unearned future finance income on finance leases –673 –1,082
Net investment in finance leases 9,306 10,759

Financial assets modified

Maturities of net investment in finance lease receivables
- within 1 year 2,193 2,474
Financial assets modified during the period - more than 1 year but less than 5 years 5,581 5,652
Amortised cost before modification 2,503 - more than 5 years 1,532 2,633
Net modification loss –50 9,306 10,759

Financial assets modified since initial recognition Included in Loans and advances to banks 51 65
Gross carrying amount at 31 December of financial assets for which loss allowance has changed to Included in Loans and advances to customers 9,256 10,694
12-month measurement during the period 9,306 10,759

Expected credit losses for uncollectable finance lease receivables of EUR 150 million as at 31
December 2018 (2017: EUR 337 million) is included in the loan loss provision. The loan loss
provision for finance lease receivables is classified into the following loan loss provision stages;
stage 1: EUR 5 million, stage 2: EUR 11 million and stage 3: EUR 134 million.

No individual finance lease receivable has terms and conditions that significantly affect the
amount, timing or certainty of the consolidated cash flows of the Bank.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 90

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> Investments in associates and joint ventures > 8

8 Investments in associates and joint ventures Significant influence for associates in which the interest held is below 20%, is based on the
combination of ING Bank’s financial interest and other arrangements, such as participation in the
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Board of Directors.
Fair value of Balance
Interest listed sheet Total Total Total Total
2018 held (%) investments value assets liabilities income expenses The reporting dates of certain associates and joint ventures can differ from the reporting date of
TMB Public Company Limited 25 649 832 23,494 20,884 1,055 722
the Bank, but by no more than three months.
Other investments in associates and
joint ventures 212
1,044 Accumulated impairments of EUR 15 million (2017: EUR 33 million) have been recognised. The
values presented in the tables above could differ from the values presented in the individual annual
Investments in associates and joint ventures accounts of the associates and joint ventures, due to the fact that the individual values have been
Fair value of Balance brought in line with ING Bank’s accounting principles. Where the listed fair value is lower than the
Interest listed sheet Total Total Total Total statement of financial position value, an impairment review and an evaluation of the going concern
2017 held (%) investments value assets liabilities income expenses
basis has been performed.
TMB Public Company Limited 25 842 737 21,251 19,004 711 507
Other investments in associates and
joint ventures 210 The associates and joint ventures of ING are subject to legal and regulatory restrictions regarding
947 the amount of dividends it can pay to ING. These restrictions are for example dependant on the
laws in the country of incorporation for declaring dividends or as a result of minimum capital
TMB Public Company Limited (TMB) is an associate in which ING Bank holds a 25% ownership requirements that are imposed by industry regulators in the countries in which the associates and
interest. TMB is a financial institution providing products and services to Wholesale, Small and joint ventures operate. In addition, the associates and joint ventures also consider other factors in
Medium Enterprise (SME), and Retail customers. TMB is domiciled in Bangkok, Thailand and is listed determining the appropriate levels of equity needed. These factors and limitations include, but are
on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). not limited to, rating agency and regulatory views, which can change over time.

Other investments in associates and joint ventures are mainly financial services and financial
technology funds or vehicles operating predominantly in Europe.

ING Bank does not hold any interests in Investments in Associates and joint ventures that are
individually significant to ING Bank. Other investments in associates and joint ventures represents a
large number of associates and joint ventures with an individual statement of financial position
value of less than EUR 50 million.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 91

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> Property and equipment > 9

Changes in Investments in associates and joint ventures ING uses external valuers to value property in own use. All properties are typically appraised by
2018 2017 external valuers once every five years.
Opening balance 947 1,003
Effect of changes in accounting policy –23
Additions 97 79
Assets subject to operating leases have been reclassified to finance lease, as the contracts of the
Transfers to and from Investments/Other assets and liabilities 5 –1 operating lease portfolio includes purchase options at prices sufficiently lower than the expected
Revaluations –2 –8 market values at the end of the lease periods. These contracts meet the definition of a finance
Share of results 127 166
lease in terms of IAS 17 and have been accounted for at their net investment value as part of
Dividends received –27 –29
Disposals –116 –245 finance lease receivables.
Impairments –3
Exchange rate differences 39 –18
Closing balance 1,044 947

In 2018, Share of results from associates and joint ventures of EUR 127 million as presented in the
statement of profit or loss and the table above, is mainly attributable to results of TMB of EUR 98

In 2017, Share of results from associates and joint ventures of EUR 166 million as presented in the
statement of profit or loss and the table above, is mainly attributable to results of TMB, EUR 56
million and a gain of EUR 97 million on the sale of shares in Appia Group Ltd UK.

In 2017 Disposals of EUR 245 million is mainly attributable to the sale of Appia Group Ltd UK of EUR
146 million.

9 Property and equipment

Property and equipment by type
2018 2017
Property in own use 780 774
Equipment 879 917
Assets under operating leases 110
1,659 1,801

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 92

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> Property and equipment > 9

In 2017, disposals of EUR –145 million are mainly attributable to the sale of office buildings in
Changes in property in own use Belgium.
2018 2017
Opening balance 774 881
Changes in equipment
Additions 5 5
Data processing Fixtures and fittings
equipment and other equipment Total
Reclassifications 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
– Transfers to and from Investment properties 11 Opening balance 291 323 626 692 917 1,015
Additions 148 129 136 130 284 259
Amounts recognised in the statement of profit or loss for the year Disposals –1 –1 –4 –12 –5 –13
– Depreciation –14 –13 Depreciation –133 –133 –164 –174 –298 –307
Impairments –4 –1 –2 –5 –2
– Impairments –4 –8
Exchange rate differences –8 –8 –5 –5 –13 –13
– Reversal of impairments 17 24
Changes in the composition of the group
–1 3 and other changes –4 –19 1 –3 –2 –22
Closing balance 290 291 589 626 879 917
Revaluations recognised in equity during the year 23 42
Disposals –12 –145 Gross carrying amount as at 31 December 1,346 1,275 2,305 2,249 3,651 3,524
Exchange rate differences –20 –12 Accumulated depreciation as at 31 December –1,055 –983 –1,716 –1,623 –2,771 –2,606
Closing balance 780 774 Accumulated impairments as at 31 December –1 –1 –0 –1 –1
Net carrying value as at 31 December 290 291 589 626 879 917
Gross carrying amount as at 31 December 1,320 1,324
Accumulated depreciation as at 31 December –387 –376
Accumulated impairments as at 31 December –153 –174
Net carrying value as at 31 December 780 774

Revaluation surplus
Opening balance 279 256
Revaluation in the year 1 23
Closing balance 280 279

The cost or the purchase price amounted to EUR 1,040 million (2017: EUR 1,044 million). Cost or the
purchase price less accumulated depreciation and impairments would have been EUR 500 million
(2017: EUR 495 million) had property in own use been valued at cost instead of at fair value.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 93

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> Intangible assets > 10

10 Intangible assets Goodwill

Changes in intangible assets Goodwill is allocated to groups of cash generating units (CGUs) as follows:
Goodwill Software Other Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Goodwill allocation to Bank of CGUs
Opening balance 816 903 648 571 5 10 1,469 1,484 Method used for Discount Long term
Additions 202 95 72 297 72 recoverable amount rate growth rate Goodwill Goodwill
Capitalised expenses 286 192 286 192 Group of CGU’s 2018 2017
Amortisation –204 –173 –5 –6 –209 –179 Retail Netherlands Values in use 6.50% 1.01% 14
Impairments –12 –30 –12 –30 Retail Belgium Values in use 7.20% 1.01% 50 50
Exchange rate differences –99 –87 –5 –104 –87 Retail Germany Values in use 6.50% 1.01% 349 349
Disposals –9 –0 –9 Fair value less cost of
Changes in the composition of 231 307
Retail Growth Markets 1, 2 disposal
the group and other changes 59 25 52 1 111 26 Wholesale Banking 1 Values in use 7.72% 1.32% 274 110
Closing balance 918 816 868 648 53 5 1,839 1,469
918 816

Gross carrying amount as

at 31 December 1 Goodwill related to Growth Countries is allocated across two groups of CGUs, EUR 230 million to Retail Growth Markets and
918 816 2,359 1,902 60 30 3,338 2,748
EUR 67 million to Wholesale Banking (2017: EUR 307 million to Retail Growth Markets and EUR 90 million to Wholesale
Accumulated amortisation as
at 31 December –1,487 –1,225 –5 –23 –1,492 –1,248
2 The fair value less cost of disposal is based on Level 1 and Level 2 inputs.
Accumulated impairments as
at 31 December –4 –29 –2 –2 –6 –31
Changes in the goodwill in 2018 mainly relate to the acquisition of 75% of the shares of Payvision
Net carrying value as
at 31 December 918 816 868 648 53 5 1,839 1,469 Holding B.V. and 90% of the shares of Makelaarsland B.V. The acquisition of Payvision and
Makelaarsland resulted in a recognition of goodwill of respectively EUR 188 million, allocated to
Wholesale Banking, and EUR 14 million, allocated to Retail Netherland. Other changes in goodwill of
the CGU’s Wholesale Banking and Retail Growth Markets relate to changes in currency exchange
rates. Reference is made to Note 45 ‘Consolidated companies and businesses acquired and
divested’ for further information on the acquisitions that took place in 2018 and the goodwill

No goodwill impairment was recognised in 2018 (2017: nil).

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> Other assets > 11

Several methodologies are applied to arrive at the best estimate of the recoverable amount. In line In 2018, Changes in the composition of the group and other changes mainly relates to the
with IFRS, the recoverable amount is determined as the higher of the fair value less costs of disposal recognition of intangible assets following the acquisition of Payvision. Reference is made to Note 45
and Value in Use (VIU). Fair value less costs of disposal is based on observable share prices (Level 1 ‘Consolidated companies and businesses acquired and divested’ for further information on the
inputs in the fair value hierarchy), observable Price-to-Book multiples of relevant peer banks (Level acquisitions that took place in 2018 and the assets and liabilities recognised.
2), or based on a discounted free cash flow model (Level 3). The VIU calculation is based on a
Dividend Discount model using four year management approved plans. When estimating the VIU of 11 Other assets
a CGU, local conditions and requirements determine the capital requirements, discount rates, and
Other assets by type
terminal growth rates. These local conditions and requirements determine the ability to upstream 2018 2017
excess capital and profits to ING Bank. The discount rate calculation includes other inputs such as Net defined benefit assets 527 542
equity market premium, country risk premium, and long term inflation which are based on market Investment properties 54 65
sources and management’s judgement. The long term growth rate for EU-countries is based on Property development and obtained from foreclosures 124 137
Accrued interest and rents1 51 4,533
long-term risk-free rate by reference to the yield of a composite index consisting of Euro generic
Other accrued assets 732 753
government bonds, with a maturity of 30 years. For other countries, the growth rate includes long Amounts to be settled 4,248 4,072
term inflation rate obtained from market sources. Other 2,688 2,960
8,426 13,062
The recoverable amount exceeds the carrying value of the CGUs for 2018 and 2017 and therefore
no impairment is required. 1 As per 1 January 2018 accrued interest is included in the corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract, reference
is made to note 1 Accounting policies. The remaining balance consists primarily of prepaid rents.

Sensitivity of key assumptions

Disclosures in respect of Net defined benefit assets are provided in Note 34 ‘Pension and other post-
Key assumptions in the goodwill impairment test model are the Price-to-Book ratios, level 1 inputs employment benefits’.
(e.g. share price of a listed subsidiary), and the local parameters for CET1, discount rate, and long
term growth rates. The model was tested for sensitivity by changing the key parameters in the
Amounts to be settled
model to more conservative values. The sensitivity analysis did not trigger additional impairment
Amounts to be settled are primarily transactions not settled at the balance sheet date. They are
short term in nature and are expected to settle shortly after the balance sheet date.

Software and Other intangible assets

Software, includes internally developed software amounting to EUR 624 million (2017: EUR 477
Other assets - Other relates mainly to other receivables in the normal course of business and
include, amongst others, accruals for mortgage and credit card repayments. For 2018, this also
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 95
Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Assets and liabilities held for sale > 12

includes a receivable at the Dutch level (from NN Group) regarding tax due by ING Australia
Holdings Ltd related to the years 2007-2013, for which a full reimbursement is expected to be 13 Deposits from banks
received from NN Group. As of 31 December 2018 the receivable due from NN Group including
Deposits from banks include non-subordinated debt from banks, except for amounts in the form of
interest amounts to EUR 107 million.
debt securities.

12 Assets and liabilities held for sale Deposits from banks by type
Netherlands International Total
Assets and liabilities held for sale includes disposal groups whose carrying amount will be recovered 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Non-interest bearing 22 181 412 363 434 544
principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing operations. As at 31
Interest bearing 17,211 17,230 19,686 19,047 36,896 36,277
December 2018 this relates to the intended sale of part of the ING Lease Italy business, for which 17,233 17,411 20,097 19,410 37,330 36,821
the transaction was not closed yet.

Deposits from banks includes ING’s participation in the targeted longer-term refinancing operations
The assets held for sale are composed of lease receivables that were previously classified as Loans
(TLTRO) with EUR 10.7 billion in 2016 and an additional EUR 7 billion in 2017. The TLTRO aims to
and advances to customers.
stimulate lending to the real economy in the Eurozone. The interest rate on the TLTRO’s is fixed
over the life of each operation at the benchmark rate of the European Central Bank.
Reference is made to Note 25 ‘Result on disposal of group companies’ and to Note 45 ‘Consolidated
companies and businesses acquired and divested’.
Reference is made to Note 41 ‘Transfer of financial assets’ for information on securities lending as
well as sale and repurchase transactions.

14 Customer deposits
Customer deposits
2018 2017
Savings accounts 322,795 319,659
Credit balances on customer accounts 202,168 186,455
Corporate deposits 36,735 39,655
Other 18,597 6,921
580,294 552,690

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 96

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> Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss > 15

Customer deposits by type Trading liabilities

Netherlands International Total
Trading liabilities by type
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
2018 2017
Non-interest bearing 16,901 15,963 25,342 21,688 42,242 37,651
Equity securities 355 601
Interest bearing 180,446 164,140 357,607 350,899 538,053 515,039
Debt securities 5,363 5,126
197,346 180,103 382,949 372,587 580,294 552,690
Funds on deposit 3,968 41,956
Derivatives 21,528 25,913
Savings accounts relate to the balances on savings accounts, savings books, savings deposits, and 31,215 73,596
time deposits of private individuals. The interest payable on savings accounts, which is
contractually added to the accounts, is also included. As at 31 December 2018, Trading liabilities include funds on deposit of EUR 3,227 million (2017: EUR
41,436 million) with regard to repurchase transactions.
In 2018, Customer deposits includes EUR 24.1 billion of deposits received from ING Group.
Reference is made to Note 41 ‘Transfer of financial assets’ for information on securities lending as
Reference is made to Note 41 ‘Transfer of financial assets’ for information on securities lending as well as sale and repurchase transactions.
well as sale and repurchase transactions

Non-trading derivatives
15 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Non-trading derivatives by type
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 2018 2017
2018 2017 Derivatives used in:
Trading liabilities 31,215 73,596 – Fair value hedges 1,029 1,083
Non-trading derivatives 2,313 2,346 – Cash flow hedges 458 339
Designated at fair value through profit or loss 59,179 11,215 – Hedges of net investments in foreign operations 17 71
92,707 87,157 Other non-trading derivatives 809 853
2,313 2,346

At 1 January 2018, repurchase financial liabilities that are managed and whose performance is
evaluated on a fair value basis, amounting to EUR 37,161 million, were classified as financial Reference is made to Note 37 ‘Derivatives and hedge accounting’ for information on derivatives
liabilities ‘Designated at fair value through profit or loss’, which were previously reported as ‘Trading used for hedge accounting.
liabilities’. The related reverse repurchase portfolios, amounting to EUR 54,825 million, are classified
as financial assets ‘Mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss’. Other non-trading derivatives mainly includes interest rate swaps and foreign currency swaps for
which no hedge accounting is applied.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 97

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> Provisions > 16

Designated at fair value through profit or loss Reorganisation provisions

Designated at fair value through profit or loss by type Changes in reorganisation provisions
2018 2017 2018 2017
Debt securities 7,944 8,896 Opening balance 1,097 1,482
Funds entrusted 50,921 1,780 Additions 53 53
Subordinated liabilities 313 539 Unused amounts reversed –49 –58
59,179 11,215 Utilised –487 –369
Exchange rate differences –1
Other changes –2 –10
As at 31 December 2018, financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss include
Closing balance 613 1,097
funds entrusted of EUR 49,010 million with regard to repurchase transactions.

In 2017 and 2018, changes in the reorganisation provisions were mainly attributable to existing
As at 31 December 2018, the change in the fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value
initiatives following the digital transformation programmes of ING Bank.
through profit or loss attributable to changes in credit risk is EUR 18 million (2017: EUR 248 million)
These initiatives are implemented over a period of several years and the estimate of the
on a cumulative basis. This change has been determined as the amount of change in fair value of
reorganisation provisions is inherently uncertain. The provision at the balance sheet date
the financial liability that is not attributable to changes in market conditions that gave rise to
represents the best estimate of the expected redundancy costs and are expected to be sufficient to
market risk (i.e. mainly interest rate risk based on yield curves). In 2018, in accordance with IFRS 9,
cover these costs.
the changes in own credit risk are recognised in OCI net of tax.

The amount that ING Bank is contractually required to pay at maturity to the holders of financial
Other provisions
liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss excluding repurchase agreements is EUR Changes in other provisions
9,640 million (2017: EUR 10,733 million). Litigation Other Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening balance 365 353 251 193 616 546
16 Provisions Effect of changes in accounting policy 11 11
Additions 59 186 35 135 95 321
Provisions by type Interest 1 1
2018 2017 Unused amounts reversed –76 –90 –37 –73 –113 –163
Reorganisation provisions 613 1,097 Utilised –186 –82 –28 –23 –214 –105
Other provisions 399 616 Exchange rate differences –4 –3 1 –8 –3 –11
1,011 1,713 Other changes 6 1 –0 27 6 28
Closing balance 165 365 234 251 399 616

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 98

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> Other liabilities > 17

In 2018, Other provisions – other includes provisions related to contingent liabilities amounting to Other staff-related liabilities
EUR 122 million, of which EUR 42 million relates to credit replacement facilities and EUR 80 million Other staff-related liabilities includes vacation leave provisions, variable compensation provisions,
relates to non-credit replacement facilities. As at 31 December 2018 amounts expected to be jubilee provisions, and disability/illness provisions.
settled within twelve months, amount to EUR 194 million. The amounts included in Other provisions
are based on best estimates with regard to amounts and timing of cash flows required to settle the
Amounts to be settled
Amounts to be settled are primarily transactions not settled at the balance sheet date. They are
short term in nature and are expected to settle shortly after the balance sheet date.
Included in Other provisions – Litigation in 2018 and 2017, is a provision related to floating interest
rate derivatives that were sold in the Netherlands. Also included in this column in 2018 and 2017, is
a provision recognised for reimbursement of expenses associated with the formalisation of Other
mortgages at ING Spain. Other liabilities – Other relates mainly to year-end accruals in the normal course of business. This
represents mainly balances on margin accounts or amounts payable to customers.
Reference is made to Note 28 ‘Other operating expenses’ and Note 44 ‘Legal proceedings’.

18 Debt securities in issue

17 Other liabilities
Debt securities in issue relate to debentures and other issued debt securities with either fixed
Other liabilities by type interest rates or interest rates based on floating interest rate levels, such as certificates of deposit
2018 2017
and accepted bills issued by ING Bank, except for subordinated items. Debt securities in issue do not
Net defined benefit liability 421 476
include debt securities presented as Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. ING Bank
Other post-employment benefits 76 87
Other staff-related liabilities 473 504 does not have debt securities that are issued on terms other than those available in the normal
Other taxation and social security contributions 403 479 course of business. The maturities of the debt securities are as follows:
Accrued interest and rents1 61 3,601
Costs payable 2,272 2,600
Amounts to be settled 6,026 4,993
Other 3,664 3,232
13,396 15,972

1 As per 1 January 2018 accrued interest is included in the corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract, reference
is made to Note 1 Accounting policies.

Disclosures in respect of Net defined benefit liabilities are provided in Note 34 ‘Pension and other
post-employment benefits’.
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 99
Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Subordinated loans > 19

19 Subordinated loans
Debt securities in issue – maturities Subordinated loans relate to subordinated capital debentures and private loans which may be
2018 2017
included in the calculation of the capital ratio.
Fixed rate debt securities
Within 1 year 32,626 29,296
More than 1 year but less than 2 years 7,766 7,084 Subordinated loans include loans that qualify as Tier 1 capital. These loans have been placed with
More than 2 years but less than 3 years 10,267 7,629 ING Bank N.V. by ING Groep N.V.
More than 3 years but less than 4 years 5,488 8,369
More than 4 years but less than 5 years 3,123 5,432
Changes in subordinated loans
More than 5 years 11,137 8,038
2018 2017
Total fixed rate debt securities 70,406 65,848
Opening balance 15,831 16,104
Effect of changes in accounting policy 170
Floating rate debt securities
New issuances 1,828 2,314
Within 1 year 22,684 15,091
Repayments –4,594 –1,246
More than 1 year but less than 2 years 4,134 3,932
Exchange rate differences and other 408 –1,341
More than 2 years but less than 3 years 1,587 1,341
Closing balance 13,643 15,831
More than 3 years but less than 4 years 130 278
More than 4 years but less than 5 years 165 150
More than 5 years 3,054 3,591 In March 2018 ING Groep N.V. issued EUR 750 million and USD 1,250 million securities that qualify
Total floating rate debt securities 31,753 24,383 as subordinated CRD IV Tier 2 notes with coupon of 2.00% until 22 March 2030 and 4.70% until 22
March 2028 respectively. Both issuances are placed with ING Bank N.V. under the same conditions.
Total debt securities¹ 102,159 90,231

1 Per 1 January 2018 the debt securities in issue includes accrued interest (EUR 0.7 billion), reference is made to Note 1 In May 2018 ING redeemed the EUR 1,000 million 6.125% and the GBP 800 million 6.875% Tier 2
'Accounting policies'. Debt Securities. In November ING redeemed the EUR 1,057 million 3.50% and the USD 2,058 million
4.125% Tier 2 Debt Securities.
In 2018, the increase in Debt securities in issue of EUR 11.2 billion is mainly attributable to an
increase in commercial paper of EUR 12.9 billion, certificates of deposit of EUR 1.7 billion and The average interest rate on subordinated loans is 4.40% (2017: 4.65%). The interest expense
covered bonds of EUR 0.9 billion, partially offset by a decrease in other Debt securities in issue of during the year 2018 was EUR 700 million (2017: EUR 756 million).
EUR 2.3 billion and long term maturity bonds of EUR 2.0 billion.
For additional information, reference is made to the Parent company annual accounts, Note 16
‘Subordinated loans’.

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> Equity > 20

The following components of equity, as included in Other reserves, cannot be freely distributed:
Equity Revaluation reserve, Net defined benefit asset/liability remeasurement reserve, Currency
20 Equity translation reserve, Share of associates and joint ventures reserve and the part of Other reserves
that relates to the former Stichting Regio Bank and the former Stichting Vakbondsspaarbank SPN.
Total equity
2018 2017 2016
Share capital and share premium Share capital and share premium
- Share capital 525 525 525
Share capital
- Share premium 16,542 16,542 16,542
17,067 17,067 17,067 Share capital
Ordinary shares (par value EUR 1.13)
Other reserves Number x 1,000 Amount
- Revaluation reserve: Available-for-sale and other n/a 3,449 3,832 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
- Revaluation reserve: Equity securities at FVOCI 1,914 n/a n/a Authorised share capital 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,808 1,808 1,808
- Revaluation reserve: Debt instruments at FVOCI 365 n/a n/a Unissued share capital 1,134,965 1,134,965 1,134,965 1,283 1,283 1,283
- Revaluation reserve: Cash flow hedge 604 263 777 Issued share capital 465,035 465,035 465,035 525 525 525
- Revaluation reserve Credit liability 8 n/a n/a
- Revaluation reserve: Property in own use 202 201 201
No change occurred in the issued share capital and share premium in 2018, 2017 and 2016.
- Net defined benefit asset/liability remeasurement reserve –394 –400 –371
- Currency translation reserve –2,068 –1,682 –791
- Share of associates and joint ventures and other reserves 2,872 2,473 2,187 All ordinary shares are in registered form. No share certificates have been issued. Ordinary shares
3,504 4,304 5,835 may be transferred by means of a deed of transfer, subject to the approval of the general meeting
of ING Bank. The par value of ordinary shares is EUR 1.13.
Retained earnings 23,602 22,291 20,638

The authorised ordinary share capital of ING Bank N.V. consists of 1,600 million shares of which as
Shareholders’ equity (parent) 44,173 43,662 43,540
Non-controlling interests 803 715 606 at 31 December 2018, 465 million ordinary shares were issued and fully paid.
Total equity 44,976 44,377 44,146
ING Bank has 50 authorised preference shares with par value of EUR 1.13 per preference share. As
at 31 December 2018, 7 preference shares were issued and fully paid (2017: 7 preference shares;
2016: 7 preference shares) amounting to EUR 8 (2017: EUR 8 and 2016: EUR 8).

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> Equity > 20

Dividend restrictions are subject to restrictions on the amount of funds they may transfer in the form of dividends or
ING Bank N.V. and its Dutch group companies are subject to legal restrictions regarding the amount otherwise to the parent company.
of dividends they can pay to their shareholders. The Dutch Civil Code contains the restriction that
dividends can only be paid up to an amount equal to the excess of the company’s own funds over Furthermore, in addition to the restrictions in respect of minimum capital requirements that are
the sum of the paid-up capital and reserves required by law. Additionally, certain Bank companies imposed by industry regulators in the countries in which subsidiaries operate, other limitations
exist in certain countries.
Other reserves
Revaluation reserves
Changes in revaluation reserves

AFS and other Equity securities at FVOCI Debt instruments at FVOCI Cash flow hedge Credit liability Property in own use
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
Opening balance 3,449 3,832 3,896 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 263 777 675 n/a n/a n/a 201 201 326
Effect of changes in accounting policy –3,449 2,432 581 –190
Changes in credit liability reserve 198
Unrealised revaluations –293 208 –461 –163 342 –514 102 3 26 2
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or
–90 –272 –54
Changes in composition of the group and other changes –56 –2 –26 –127
Closing balance n/a 3,449 3,832 1,914 n/a n/a 365 n/a n/a 604 263 777 8 n/a n/a 202 201 201

Available-for-sale and other Equity securities at FVOCI

In 2017, the Available-for-sale revaluation reserve decreased by EUR 383 million mainly due to the In 2018, the Equity securities at FVOCI revaluation reserve decreased by EUR 517 million, mainly
revaluation of shares in Bank of Beijing EUR –479 million, partly offset by revaluation of shares in due to the revaluation of shares in Bank of Beijing EUR –549 million, partly offset by revaluation of
Kotak Mahindra Bank EUR 302 million. shares in Kotak Mahindra Bank EUR 71 million. The EUR -56 million is a transfer of revaluation
reserve to retained earnings.
Following the purchase of VISA Europe by VISA Inc. in 2016, the available-for-sale equity securities
were derecognised from the statement of financial position with a corresponding release of the Property in own use
Available-for-sale revaluation reserve recognised in Equity of EUR 154 million. Reference is made to In 2018, 2017 and 2016 respectively the EUR -2 million, EUR –26 million and EUR –127 million is a
Note 24 ‘Investment income’. transfer of revaluation reserve to retained earnings.

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> Equity > 20

Net defined benefit asset/liability remeasurement reserve Retained earnings

Reference is made to Note 34 ‘Pension and other post-employment benefits’. Changes in retained earnings
2018 2017 2016
Opening balance 22,291 20,638 18,006
Currency translation reserve
Effect of changes in accounting policy –391
Changes in Currency translation reserve Transfer to/from other reserves –192 – –
2018 2017 2016 Result for the year 4,447 4,866 4,103
Opening balance –1,682 –791 –540 Dividend –2,517 –3,176 –1,345
Unrealised revaluations 71 192 –76 Employee stock options and share plans 59 69 72
Exchange rate differences –457 –1,083 –175 Changes in composition of the group and other changes –96 –106 –198
Closing balance –2,068 –1,682 –791 Closing balance 23,602 22,291 20,638

Unrealised revaluations relates to changes in the value of hedging instruments that are designated In 2018, a cash dividend of EUR 2,517 million (2017: EUR 3,176 million and 2016: EUR 1,345 million)
as net investment hedges. was paid to the shareholder of ING Bank.
The hedging strategy is to hedge the CET1 ratio. The net decrease in currency translation reserve of
EUR 386 million is mainly caused by exchange rate differences in TRY and USD, which are not or
only partly hedged.

Share of associates, joint ventures and other reserves

Changes in share of associates, joint ventures and other reserves
2018 2017 2016
Opening balance 2,473 2,187 1,733
Effect of changes in accounting policy –23
Result for the year 160 153 124
Changes in composition of the group and other changes 261 133 330
Closing balance 2,872 2,473 2,187

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> Net interest income > 21

Notes to the Consolidated statement of profit or loss

21 Net interest income
Net interest income
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
Interest income on loans 19,390 18,405 18,457 Interest expense on deposits from banks 362 301 283
Interest income on financial assets at fair value through OCI 554 n/a n/a Interest expense on customer deposits 2,890 2,766 3,161
Interest income on financial assets at amortised cost 378 n/a n/a Interest expense on debt securities in issue 2,033 1,910 2,174
Interest income on non-trading derivatives (hedge accounting) 4,491 n/a n/a Interest expense on subordinated loans 700 756 780
Negative interest on liabilities 475 526 191 Negative interest on assets 412 407 184
Interest income using effective interest rate method 25,288 n/a n/a Interest expense on non-trading derivatives (hedge accounting) 4,826 5,946 6,720
Interest expense using effective interest rate method 11,222 n/a n/a
Interest income on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 1,795 n/a n/a
Interest income on investments n/a 1,494 1,756 Interest expense on financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 1,577 n/a n/a
Interest income on trading derivatives n/a 16,109 16,081 Interest expense on trading derivatives n/a 16,118 16,263
Interest income on other trading portfolio n/a 1,028 728 Interest expense on other trading liabilities n/a 744 210
Interest income on non-trading derivatives (no hedge accounting) 683 629 666 Interest expense on non-trading derivatives (no hedge accounting) 1,011 929 766
Interest income on non-trading derivatives (hedge accounting) n/a 5,660 6,213 Interest expense other 33 329 363
Interest income other 25 137 129 Other interest expense 2,620 n/a n/a
Other interest income 2,504 n/a n/a
Interest income 27,792 43,988 44,221 Interest expense 13,842 30,206 30,904
Net interest income 13,949 13,782 13,317

Total Net interest income of EUR 13,949 million includes interest income and expense for trading loans / deposits (mainly repo’s) to presenting the full fair value movements in ‘Valuation
instruments calculated using the effective interest rate method and other interest income and results and net trading income’. The change in presentation is in line with the changed presentation
interest expense. IFRS 9 resulted in changes to IAS 1 for the presentation of Interest income for of accrued interest in the balance sheet that is no longer separately presented, but included in the
instruments calculated using the effective interest rate method, which ING reports as a separate corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract.
line item in the consolidated statement of profit or loss as from current reporting period.
To further enhance the relevance of the interest disclosures, ING Bank changed its separate The new interest presentation was applied prospectively together with the other presentation
presentation of interest (income and expenses) for trading derivatives, trading securities and requirements of IFRS 9.

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> Net fee and commission income > 22

To explain the impact of this change in presentation the table below provides a reconciliation million (2017: EUR 136 million; 2016: EUR 110 million), and in respect of collective instruments
between the ‘Net interest income’ and ‘Valuation results and net trading income’ as reported in distributed but not managed by ING of EUR 165 million (2017: EUR 165 million; 2016: EUR 145
2017 and the comparable amounts applying the 2018 accounting policies. million).

Impact of adoption of IFRS 9 on Interest income and expense presentation Fee and commission expenses
Reclassification of 2018 2017 2016
Reported as interest related to 2017 on Reported as Funds transfer 597 436 403
at 31 December trading comparable basis at 31 December Securities business 170 150 166
2017 assets/liabilities to 2018 2018 Insurance broking 2 4 8
Total interest income 43,988 –17,136 26,852 27,792 Asset management fees 4 5 5
Total interest expense –30,206 16,862 –13,344 –13,842 Brokerage and advisory fees 220 192 166
Net interest income 13,782 –274 13,508 13,949 Other 443 363 400
1,437 1,150 1,148
Valuation results and net trading income 672 274 946 1,031

All of ING’s net fee and commission income are in scope of IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with
Refer to Note 23 ‘Valuation and result and net trading income’ for the interest income and expense
Customers’. Reference is made to Note 32 ‘Segments’ which includes net fee and commission
from trading assets and liabilities recognised in 2018.
income, as reported to the Executive Board and the Management Board Banking, disaggregated by
line of business and by geographical segment.
22 Net fee and commission income
Fee and commission income
2018 2017 2016
Funds transfer 1,394 1,171 1,103
Securities business 618 532 497
Insurance broking 173 176 181
Asset management fees 170 116 91
Brokerage and advisory fees 584 548 477
Other 1,302 1,321 1,232
4,240 3,864 3,581

Other, mainly consists of commission fees in respect of bank guarantees of EUR 207 million (2017:
EUR 209 million; 2016: EUR 202 million), in respect of underwriting syndication loans of EUR 4
million (2017: EUR 52 million; 2016: EUR 44 million), in respect of structured finance fees of EUR 129

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> Valuation results and net trading income > 23

management to hedge for example currency or interest rate exposures. From a risk perspective,
the gross amount of trading assets must be considered together with the gross amount of trading
23 Valuation results and net trading income
liabilities, which are presented separately on the statement of financial position. However, IFRS
Valuation results and net trading income does not always allow netting of these positions in the statement of financial position. Reference is
2018 2017 2016
made to Note 4 ‘Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss’ and Note 15 ‘Financial liabilities
Securities trading results –722 656 –369
Derivatives trading results 540 59 706 at fair value through profit or loss’ for information on trading liabilities.
Change in fair value of derivatives relating to
– fair value hedges 62 729 241 The majority of the risks involved in security and currency trading is economically hedged with
– cash flow hedges (ineffective portion) –19 44 –16 derivatives. The securities trading results are partly offset by results on these derivatives. The result
– other non-trading derivatives 896 –1,147 1,709
of these derivatives is included in Derivatives trading results.
Change in fair value of assets and liabilities (hedged items) –54 –824 –223
Valuation results on assets and liabilities designated at FVPL (excluding trading) 257 –56 –79
Foreign exchange transactions results 72 1,202 –900 In 2018, Derivatives trading results include EUR -20 million CVA/DVA adjustments on trading
Other –2 9 24 derivatives (2017: EUR 47 million; 2016: EUR 36 million).
1,031 672 1,093

‘Valuation results and net trading income’ include the fair value movements on derivatives (used
Securities trading results includes the results of market making in instruments such as government for both hedge accounting and economically hedging exposures) as well as the changes in the fair
securities, equity securities, corporate debt securities, money-market instruments, and interest value of assets and liabilities included in hedging relationships as hedged items. Reference is made
rate derivatives such as swaps, options, futures, and forward contracts. Foreign exchange to Note 37 ‘Derivatives and hedge accounting’ for information on derivatives used for hedge
transactions results include gains and losses from spot and forward contracts, options, futures, and accounting.
translated foreign currency assets and liabilities. The fair value movements on the derivatives are influenced by changes in the market conditions,
such as stock prices, interest rates and currency exchange rates. In addition, ‘Valuation results and
The portion of trading gains and losses relating to trading securities still held as at 31 December net trading income’ include the results on assets and liabilities designated at fair value through
2018 amounts to EUR 396 million (2017: EUR -68 million; 2016: EUR -232 million). profit or loss. Furthermore, as of 1 January 2018, fair value changes on financial assets mandatorily
measured at fair value through profit or loss are included.
Net trading income relates to trading assets and trading liabilities which include assets and
liabilities that are classified under IFRS as Trading but are closely related to servicing the needs of The Valuation results on assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss include
the clients of ING. ING offers products that are traded on the financial markets to institutional fair value changes on certain issued debt securities. Valuation results on assets and liabilities
clients, corporate clients, and governments. ING Group’s trading books are managed based on designated at fair value through profit or loss were mainly due to changes in the fair value of
internal limits and comprise a mix of products with results which could be offset. A significant part financial liabilities driven by changes in market conditions and changes in own credit risk as
of the derivatives in the trading portfolio are related to servicing corporate clients in their risk

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> Investment income > 24

disclosed in Note 15 ‘Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss’. Market conditions 24 Investment income
include in particular credit spread developments.
Investment income
20181 2017 2016
In 2018, Valuation results on assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Dividend income 102 80 87
(excluding trading) include fair value adjustments on own issued notes amounting to EUR 301
million (2017: EUR -105 million; 2016: EUR -70 million). DVA adjustment on own issued notes is no Realised gains/losses on disposal of debt instruments measured at FVOCI 77 n/a n/a
Realised gains/losses on disposal of Available-for-sale debt securities n/a 64 107
longer included in Valuation results (2017: EUR -79 million; 2016: EUR -50 million). In 2018, in
Impairments of Available-for-sale debt securities n/a - -
accordance with IFRS 9, the DVA adjustments on own issued notes are recognised in OCI. Reversal of impairments of Available-for-sale debt securities n/a 3 -
Realised gains/losses and impairments of debt instruments measured at FVOCI 77 67 107
Interest income from trading assets in 2018 amounted to EUR 13,924 million.
Interest expense from trading liabilities in 2018 amounted to EUR 13,976 million. Realised gains/losses on disposal of Available-for-sale equity securities n/a 48 236
Impairments of Available-for-sale equity securities n/a –6 –13
Realised gains/losses and impairments of Available-for-sale equity securities n/a 42 223
‘Valuation results and net trading income’ are reflected in the Consolidated statement of cash flows
in the line Result before tax - Adjusted for: other. Income from and fair value gains/losses on investment properties 4 3 4
Investment income 183 192 421
1 The adoption of IFRS 9 led to new presentation requirements for 2018; prior period amounts have not been restated.
Reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’.

In 2018 and 2017, Dividend income mainly consists of dividend received from ING’s equity stake in
Bank of Beijing.

In 2016, Dividend income mainly consists of dividend received from ING’s equity stake in Bank of
Beijing and dividend received as a result of the merger between Equens SE and Worldline (EUR 16

In 2016, Realised gains/losses on disposal of equity securities included EUR 163 million mainly
comprising the gain on disposal of the shares held in VISA Europe Limited. For further information
on the disposal of shares held in VISA Europe Limited, reference is made to Note 8 ‘Share of
associates and joint ventures’, and Note 20 ‘Equity’.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 107

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> Result on disposal of group companies > 25

Impairments and reversals of impairments on investments are presented within Investment 27 Staff expenses
income, which is part of Total income.
Staff expenses
2018 2017 2016
Impairments and reversals of impairment on investments per segment 1
Salaries 3,287 3,273 3,224
Impairments Reversal of impairments Pension costs and other staff-related benefit costs 385 381 344
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 Social security costs 509 499 512
Wholesale Banking –5 –8 3 Share-based compensation arrangements 59 70 72
Corporate Line Banking –1 –5 External employees 901 716 636
n/a –6 –13 n/a 3 Education 87 76 70
1 The adoption of IFRS 9 led to new presentation requirements for 2018; prior period amounts have not been restated. Other staff costs 202 183 178
Reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’. 5,430 5,198 5,036

25 Result on disposal of group companies Number of employees

Netherlands International Total
Result on disposal of group companies 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
2018 2017 2016
Total average number of
Baring Private Equity Partners 1 1 employees at full time
ING Lease Italy –123 equivalent basis 13,600 13,141 13,660 38,633 38,363 38,283 52,233 51,504 51,943
–123 1 1

Remuneration of senior management, Management Board Banking and Supervisory Board

In 2018 the Result on disposal of group companies includes the result (fair value less cost to sell) on
Reference is made to Note 48 ‘Related parties’.
the intended sale of part of the ING Lease Italy business amounting to EUR -123 million.

In 2017 and 2016 the Result on disposal of group companies included realised deferred profits on Stock option and share plans
divestments in prior periods related to Baring Private Equity Partners. ING Bank N.V. has granted option rights on ING Groep N.V. shares and conditional rights on shares
to a number of senior executives (members of the Management Board Banking, general managers
and other officers nominated by the Management Board Banking), and to a considerable number
26 Other income of employees of ING Bank. The purpose of the option and share schemes, apart from promoting a
In 2018, Other income of EUR 136 million (2017: EUR 349 million; 2016: EUR 172 million) is mainly lasting growth of ING Bank, is to attract, retain and motivate senior executives and staff.
impacted by positive results on the sale of commodity goods and property and upfront income of
independent agents. In 2017 an amount of EUR 121 million is included related to a tax charge at ING grants three types of share awards, deferred shares, performance shares and upfront shares,
ING Australia Holdings Ltd, for which a full reimbursement is expected to be received from NN which form part of the variable remuneration offering via the Long term Sustainably Performance
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 108
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> Staff expenses > 27

Plan (LSPP). The entitlement to the share awards is granted conditionally. If the participant remains Every year, the ING Group Executive Board decides whether the option and share schemes are to
in employment for an uninterrupted period between the grant date and the vesting date, the be continued and, if so, to what extent. In 2010, the Group Executive Board decided not to continue
entitlement becomes unconditional, with the exception of the upfront shares which are the option scheme as from 2011. The existing option schemes, up and until 2010, will be run off in
immediately vested upon grant. In addition to the employment condition, the performance shares the coming years.
require a performance condition that needs to be satisfied before a vest can occur. The number of
ING shares that would ultimately be vested at the end of a performance period is dependent on The option rights are valid for a period of ten years. Option rights that are not exercised within this
ING’s performance over that period. Upfront and deferred shares awarded to the Management period, lapse. Option rights granted will remain valid until the expiry date, even if the option
Board members of ING Bank as well as identified staff, have a retention obligation that must be scheme is discontinued. The option rights are subject to certain conditions, including a pre-
adhered to upon vesting, a minimum retention of 12 months applies. ING has the authority to determined continuous period of service. The exercise prices of the options are the same as the
apply a hold back to awarded but unvested shares and a claw-back to vested shares. quoted prices of ING Groep N.V. shares at the date on which the options are granted.

In addition to the LSPP share awards, ING also pays a number of senior employees fixed shares. The The obligations with regard to the existing stock option plan and the share plans will be funded
number of shares are determined each month from a cash value that forms part of the employee either by cash or by newly issued shares at the discretion of ING Group.
fixed remuneration. The shares are immediately vested to the employee, but have a minimum
holding requirement of two years before the employee can dispose of the shares. The fixed shares Changes in option rights outstanding
are not subject to holdback or clawback. Options outstanding Weighted average exercise price
(in numbers) (in euros)
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
The information presented below on stock options and share plans on ING Bank N.V. shares
Opening balance 9,572,737 15,838,152 22,939,049 12.46 15.53 17.52
includes personnel employed by entities that are presented as continuing operations as well as Exercised –475,650 –1,290,392 –929,529 6.02 6.05 6.20
held for sale and discontinued operations. Forfeited –63,795 –97,188 –140,278 8.89 14.13 15.83
Expired –5,741,964 –4,877,835 –6,031,090 16.82 24.09 24.54

The shares granted in 2018 relate to performance year 2017. In 2018, 111,779 share awards (2017: Closing balance 3,291,328 9,572,737 15,838,152 5.84 12.46 15.53

159,217; 2016: 232,281) were granted to the members of the Management Board Banking. To
senior management and other employees 3,989,214 share awards (2017: 4,846,903; 2016: The weighted average share price at the date of exercise for options exercised during 2018 is EUR
6,590,039) were granted. 13.65 (2017: EUR 13.81; 2016: 10.43). All option rights are vested.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 109

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> Staff expenses > 27

Summary of stock options outstanding and exercisable

Options outstanding and exercisable as at 31 December Weighted average remaining contractual life Weighted average exercise price
Range of exercise price in euros 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
0.00 – 5.00 1,130,907 1,342,436 1,771,080 0.21 1.21 2.21 2.87 2.87 2.87
5.00 – 10.00 2,160,421 2,496,862 3,401,679 1.21 2.21 3.21 7.39 7.39 7.38
10.00 – 15.00 75,399 97,258 0.71 1.71 14.35 14.35
15.00 – 20.00 5,658,040 5,973,986 0.21 1.21 16.94 16.93
20.00 – 25.00 4,247,605 0.23 24.58
25.00 – 30.00 346,544 0.38 25.42
3,291,328 9,572,737 15,838,152

All options outstanding are exercisable. As at 31 December 2018, the aggregate intrinsic value of As at 31 December 2018, total unrecognised compensation costs related to share awards amount
options outstanding and exercisable is EUR 12 million (2017: EUR 37 million; 2016: EUR 39 million). to EUR 29 million (2017: EUR 37 million; 2016: EUR 41 million). These costs are expected to be
recognised over a weighted average period of 1.4 years (2017: 1.4 years; 2016: 1.4 years).
Changes in share awards
Share awards Weighted average grant date fair value
(in numbers) (in euros)
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
Opening balance 7,220,642 8,362,851 8,648,781 11.46 10.44 10.07
Granted 4,100,993 5,006,120 6,822,320 12.50 13.20 10.20
Performance effect 341,623 379,805 542,749 11.65 10.47 8.68
Vested –5,565,093 –6,309,714 –7,493,664 12.05 11.41 9.67
Forfeited –245,179 –218,420 –157,335 11.38 10.83 10.50
Closing balance 5,852,986 7,220,642 8,362,851 11.62 11.46 10.44

The fair value of share awards granted is recognised as an expense under Staff expenses and is
allocated over the vesting period of the share awards. As of 2016, ING Bank no longer has share
awards containing a market based performance condition. Previously, the fair values of share
awards containing a market based performance condition have been determined using a Monte
Carlo simulation based valuation model. The model takes into account the risk free interest rate,
the current stock prices, expected volatilities and current dividend yields of the performance peer
group used to determine ING’s Total Shareholder Return (TSR) ranking.
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 110
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> Other operating expenses > 28

28 Other operating expenses Netherlands and the SRF came into effect resulting in an increase of Regulatory costs. Included in
Regulatory costs for 2018, are contributions to DGS of EUR 364 million (2017: EUR 341 million; 2016:
Other operating expenses
2018 2017 2016 EUR 316 million) mainly related to the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, and Spain and
IT related expenses 779 737 740 contributions to the SRF of EUR 208 million (2017: EUR 179 million; 2016: EUR 176 million) related to
Office expenses 564 586 580 the SRF. In 2018 local bank taxes decreased by EUR 6 million from EUR 381 million in 2017 to EUR
Advertising and public relations 402 455 404 375 million (2016: EUR 351 million) due to a prior year adjustment (credit) on the UK bank tax of
Travel and accommodation expenses 179 178 169
EUR 10 million.
External advisory fees 357 350 319
Audit and non-audit services 26 22 19
Postal charges 54 50 48 Addition/(unused amounts reversed) of provision for reorganisations and relocations
Depreciation of property and equipment 312 319 330
For Addition/(unused amounts reversed) on provision for reorganisations and relocations, reference
Amortisation of intangible assets 209 179 187
Impairments and reversals on property and equipment and intangibles 19 18 107
is made to the disclosure on the reorganisation provision in Note 16 ‘Provisions’.
Regulatory costs 947 901 845
Addition/(unused amounts reversed) of provision for reorganisations and relocations 4 –5 1,189 Addition/(unused amounts reversed) of other provisions
Addition/(unused amounts reversed) of other provisions –13 167 213
Included in Addition/(unused amounts reversed) of other provisions in 2018, is a release for the
Contributions and subscriptions 91 87 79
Other 1,336 554 338 provision recognised in relation of a discontinued business in ING Luxembourg. Reference is made
5,265 4,598 5,567 to Note 16 ‘Provisions’ and Note 44 ‘Legal proceedings’.

Other operating expenses include lease and sublease payments in respect of operating leases of
EUR 268 million (2017: EUR 307 million; 2016: EUR 310 million) in which ING Bank is the lessee. No Tangible and Intangible impairments and reversals
individual operating lease has terms and conditions that significantly affect the amount, timing Impairments and reversals of property and equipment and intangibles
and certainty of the consolidated cash flows of the Group. Impairment losses Reversals of impairments Total
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
Property and equipment 9 10 65 –17 –24 –5 –8 –14 60
Audit and non-audit services
Property development 15 2 3 15 2 3
Audit and non-audit services include fees for services provided by the Bank’s auditors. Increase in Software and other
audit fees 2018 primarily relates to audit activities for the implementation of IFRS 9 and IFRS 16. intangible assets 12 30 44 12 30 44
(Reversals of) other
impairments 35 42 112 –17 –24 –5 19 18 107
Regulatory costs
Regulatory costs represent contributions to the Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGS), The Single
Resolution Fund (SRF) and local bank taxes. As of 1 January 2016, the new ex-ante DGS in the

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> Net cash flow from operating activities > 29

Other 29 Net cash flow from operating activities

Other operating expenses - Other includes, amongst other, the settlement with the Dutch The table below shows a detailed overview of the net cash flow from operating activities.
Authorities of EUR 775 million. On 4 September 2018, ING announced that it had entered into a
settlement agreement with the Dutch Public Prosecution Service relating to previously disclosed Cash flows from operating activities
investigations regarding various requirements for client on-boarding and the prevention of money in EUR million 2018 2017 2016
laundering and corrupt practices. Under the terms of the agreement ING has agreed to pay a fine Cash flows from operating activities
Result before tax 6,751 7,404 5,937
of EUR 675 million and EUR 100 million for disgorgement. Reference is made to Note 44 ‘Legal
Adjusted for: – Depreciation and amortisation 520 520 536
proceedings’. – Addition to loan loss provisions 656 676 974
– Other –1,646 708 1,580
Taxation paid –1,600 –1,753 –1,555
Changes in: – Loans and advances to banks, not available on demand –778 –3,306 –1,168
– Deposits from banks, not payable on demand 566 6,320 –346
Net change in loans and advances to/ from banks, not available/
payable on demand –212 3,014 –1,514
– Trading assets 16,838 –1,605 16,976
– Trading liabilities –7,018 –9,575 –5,634
Net change in Trading assets and Trading liabilities 9,820 –11,180 11,342
Loans and advances to customers –31,016 –21,397 –29,668
Customer deposits 31,241 22,960 23,682
– Non–trading derivatives –270 –2,403 1,725
– Assets designated at fair value through profit or loss –725 441 –3,400
– Assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss –6,968 n/a n/a
– Other assets 418 –663 –1,280
– Other financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 10,546 –566 –432
– Provisions and other liabilities 621 854 1,030
Other 3,622 –2,337 –2,357
Net cash flow from/(used in) operating activities 18,136 –1,385 8,957

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> Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities > 30

30 Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

2017 Cash Flows Non cash changes 2018
Effect of change in Redemptions / Amor- Changes Foreign exchange
accounting policy Additions Disposals Aquisitions tisation Other in FV movement
Debt securities in issue 90,231 702 141,214 –131,170 78 –247 1,350 102,159
Subordinated Loans 15,831 170 1,828 –4,594 4 37 367 13,643
Total Liabilities from financing activities 106,062 872 143,042 –135,764 – 83 – –210 1,717 115,802
2016 2017
Debt securities in issue 101,305 89,369 –95,077 132 –40 –866 –4,592 90,231
Subordinated Loans 16,104 2,314 –1,246 89 –274 –1,156 15,831
Total Liabilities from financing activities 117,409 91,683 –96,323 – 221 –40 –1,140 –5,748 106,062

31 Cash and cash equivalents

Deposits from banks/Loans and advances to banks
Cash and cash equivalents 2018 2017 2016
2018 2017 2016 Included in cash and cash equivalents:
Treasury bills and other eligible bills 159 391 512 – Deposits from banks –8,520 –8,563 –9,809
Deposits from banks/Loans and advances to banks –2,618 –3,404 –2,493 – Loans and advances to banks 5,902 5,159 7,316
Cash and balances with central banks 49,987 21,989 18,122 –2,618 –3,404 –2,493
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 47,528 18,976 16,163 Not included in cash and cash equivalents:
– Deposits from banks –28,811 –28,258 –22,155
Treasury bills and other eligible bills included in cash and cash equivalents – Loans and advances to banks 24,519 23,587 21,556

2018 2017 2016 –4,292 –4,671 –599

Treasury bills and other eligible bills included in trading assets 17 5 126 Total as included in the statement of financial position:
Treasury bills and other eligible bills included in AFS investments n/a 386 386 – Deposits from banks –37,330 –36,821 –31,964
Treasury bills and other eligible bills included in FVOCI n/a n/a – Loans and advances to banks 30,420 28,746 28,872
Treasury bills and other eligible bills included in securities at AC 142 n/a n/a –6,910 –8,075 –3,092
159 391 512
Cash and cash equivalents includes deposits from banks and loans and advances to banks that are
on demand.

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> Segments > 32

Included in Cash and cash equivalents, are minimum mandatory reserve deposits to be held with
various central banks. Reference is made to Note 40 ‘Assets not freely disposable’ for restrictions on Specification of the main sources of income of each of the segments by line of business
Cash and balances with central banks. Segments of the Banking results by
line of
business Main source of income
ING Bank’s risk management (including liquidity) is explained in note 50 ‘Risk management – Retail Netherlands Income from retail and private banking activities in the Netherlands,
Funding and liquidity risk’. including the SME and mid-corporate segments. The main products offered
(Market Leaders) are current and savings accounts, business lending, mortgages and other
consumer lending in the Netherlands.

Segment reporting Retail Belgium Income from retail and private banking activities in Belgium (including
Luxembourg), including the SME and mid-corporate segments. The main
(Market Leaders)
32 Segments products offered are similar to those in the Netherlands.
Retail Germany Income from retail and private banking activities in Germany (including
ING Bank’s segments are based on the internal reporting structures by lines of business. Austria). The main products offered are current and savings accounts,
(Challengers and Growth Markets)
mortgages and other customer lending.
Retail Other Income from retail banking activities in the rest of the world, including the
The Management Board Banking of ING Bank set the performance targets, approve and monitor the
SME and mid-corporate segments in specific countries. The main products
budgets prepared by the business lines. Business lines formulate strategic, commercial, and (Challengers and Growth Markets)
offered are similar to those in the Netherlands.
financial policy in conformity with the strategy and performance targets set by the Management Wholesale Banking
Income from wholesale banking activities (a full range of products is offered
from cash management to corporate finance), real estate and lease.
Board Banking of ING Bank.

Recognition and measurement of segment results are in line with the accounting policies as The geographical segments for the Banking results are presented on page 117.
described in Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’. Corporate expenses are allocated to business lines based Specification of geographical segments
Geographical segments Main countries
on time spent by head office personnel, the relative number of staff, or on the basis of income,
The Netherlands
expenses and/or assets of the segment.
Belgium Including Luxembourg
Germany Including Austria
The following table specifies the segments by line of business and the main sources of income of Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic and UK Legacy run-
Other Challengers
off portfolio
each of the segments:
Growth Markets Poland, Romania, Turkey and Asian bank stakes
Wholesale Banking Rest of World UK, Americas, Asia and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe
Other Corporate Line Banking and the run-off portfolio of Real Estate

ING Bank evaluates the results of its banking segments using a financial performance measure
called underlying result. Underlying result is used to monitor the performance of ING Bank at a
consolidated level and by segment. The Management Board Banking consider this measure to be
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 114
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> Segments > 32

relevant to an understanding of the Bank’s financial performance, because it allows investors to isolated legacy costs (mainly negative interest results) caused by the replacement of short-term
understand the primary method used by management to evaluate the Bank’s operating funding with long-term funding during 2013 and 2014. ING Bank applies a system of capital
performance and make decisions about allocating resources. In addition, ING Bank believes that the charging for its banking operations in order to create a comparable basis for the results of business
presentation of underlying net result helps investors compare its segment performance on a units globally, irrespective of the business units’ book equity and the currency they operate in.
meaningful basis by highlighting result before tax attributable to ongoing operations and the
underlying profitability of the segment businesses. Underlying result is derived by excluding from Underlying result as presented below is a non-GAAP financial measure and is not a measure of
IFRS the following: special items and the impact of divestments. financial performance under IFRS. Because underlying result is not determined in accordance with
IFRS, underlying result as presented by ING may not be comparable to other similarly titled
Special items include items of income or expense that are significant and arise from events or measures of performance of other companies. The underlying result of ING’s segments is
transactions that are clearly distinct from the regular operating activities. Disclosures on reconciled to the Net result as reported in the IFRS Consolidated statement of profit or loss below.
comparative periods also reflect the impact of divestments. The information presented in this note is in line with the information presented to the Management
Board Banking of ING Bank.
ING Bank reconciles the total segment results to the total result of Banking using Corporate Line
Banking. The Corporate Line Banking is a reflection of capital management activities and certain This note does not provide information on the revenue specified to each product or service as this is
expenses that are not allocated to the banking businesses. The Corporate Line Banking includes the not reported internally and is therefore not readily available.

Reconciliation between IFRS and Underlying income, expenses and net result
2018 2017 2016
Non- Non- Non-
controlling controlling controlling Net
2018 Income Expenses Taxation interests Net result 1 Income Expenses Taxation interests Net result 1 Income Expenses Taxation interests result1
Net result IFRS attributable to equity holder of the parent 18,102 11,351 2,036 108 4,607 17,876 10,472 2,303 82 5,019 17,514 11,577 1,635 75 4,227

Remove impact of:

Special items 2 –775 775 –121 –121 0 –1,157 358 799
Underlying 3 18,102 10,576 2,036 108 5,382 17,755 10,472 2,182 82 5,019 17,514 10,419 1,993 75 5,026

1 Net result, after tax and non-controlling interests.

2 Special items in 2018 comprised a settlement agreement with the Dutch authorities on regulatory issues as announced on 4 September 2018.
Special items in 2017 comprised a tax charge at ING Australia Holdings Ltd related to the years 2017-2013, for which a full reimbursement is expected to be received from NN Bank.
Special items in 2016 primarily comprise restructuring charges and impairments related to the intended digital transformation programmes as announced in October 2016.
3 Underlying figures are derived from figures according to IFRS by excluding the impact from special items.

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> Segments > 32

Segments Banking by line of business

2018 2017 2016
Retail Corporate Retail Corporate Retail Corporate
Nether- Retail Retail Retail Wholesale Line Total Nether- Retail Retail Retail Wholesale Line Total Nether- Retail Retail Retail Wholesale Line Total
lands Belgium Germany Other Banking Banking Banking lands Belgium Germany Other Banking Banking Banking lands Belgium Germany Other Banking Banking Banking
Underlying income
– Net interest income 3,488 1,830 1,671 2,690 3,947 324 13,949 3,610 1,842 1,704 2,437 3,895 294 13,782 3,653 1,936 1,689 2,107 3,750 182 13,317
– Net fee and commision
income 654 371 225 395 1,161 –3 2,803 601 408 215 384 1,108 –3 2,714 546 385 183 320 1,003 –2 2,434
– Total investment and other
income 335 169 76 230 673 –133 1,350 257 224 –28 207 919 –318 1,259 237 253 51 432 855 –65 1,763
Total underlying income 4,476 2,369 1,972 3,315 5,781 188 18,102 4,468 2,473 1,891 3,028 5,922 –27 17,755 4,463 2,573 1,923 2,859 5,608 115 17,514

Underlying expenditure
– Operating expenses 2,165 1,610 1,027 2,033 2,826 260 9,920 2,212 1,584 1,032 1,919 2,792 257 9,795 2,560 1,438 886 1,723 2,572 267 9,445
– Additions to loan loss
provision –31 164 –27 350 200 –1 656 13 104 –10 284 284 1 676 171 175 –18 278 368 974
Total underlying expenses 2,134 1,774 1,000 2,383 3,026 258 10,576 2,224 1,688 1,022 2,203 3,076 258 10,472 2,731 1,613 868 2,001 2,940 267 10,419

Underlying result before

taxation 2,342 595 972 932 2,755 –70 7,526 2,243 785 869 825 2,846 –285 7,283 1,705 961 1,055 858 2,668 –152 7,095
Taxation 578 199 324 200 681 55 2,036 566 296 241 188 881 9 2,182 422 306 315 178 753 18 1,993
Non-controlling interests –0 6 3 80 19 –0 108 –2 2 67 15 82 1 2 60 11 75
Underlying net result 1,764 390 646 652 2,055 –125 5,382 1,678 491 625 569 1,950 –293 5,019 1,282 653 738 620 1,903 –171 5,026
Special items –775 –775 0 0 –192 –418 –12 –149 –27 –799
Net result IFRS 1,764 390 646 652 2,055 –900 4,607 1,678 491 625 569 1,950 –293 5,019 1,090 235 738 608 1,754 –198 4,227

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> Segments > 32

Geographical segments Banking

2018 2017 2016

Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale

Other Banking Other Banking Other Banking
Nether- Challen Growth rest of Total Nether- Challen Growth rest of Total Nether- Challen Growth rest of Total
lands Belgium Germany gers markets the world Other Banking lands Belgium Germany gers markets the world Other Banking lands Belgium Germany gers markets the world Other Banking
Underlying income
– Net interest income 4,374 2,129 2,200 1,732 1,639 1,556 319 13,949 4,537 2,099 2,172 1,527 1,515 1,636 295 13,782 4,699 2,183 2,025 1,373 1,274 1,579 183 13,317
– Net fee and commission
income 980 519 273 254 297 483 –4 2,803 871 519 269 232 316 509 –3 2,714 779 482 241 171 309 452 –1 2,434
– Total investment and
other income 509 379 99 –92 333 245 –123 1,350 445 480 –17 22 296 245 –211 1,259 367 559 75 133 460 202 –33 1,763
Total underlying income 5,863 3,028 2,572 1,895 2,269 2,283 192 18,102 5,853 3,098 2,424 1,781 2,127 2,390 82 17,755 5,845 3,225 2,340 1,677 2,043 2,233 149 17,514

Underlying expenditure
– Operating expenses 2,929 1,927 1,171 1,217 1,175 1,226 276 9,920 2,930 2,063 1,154 1,142 1,126 1,113 267 9,795 3,301 1,796 987 951 1,103 1,029 279 9,445
– Additions to loan loss
provision –65 153 6 163 274 126 –1 656 3 160 –15 201 241 85 1 676 310 215 –13 120 240 103 – 974
Total underlying expenses 2,863 2,080 1,176 1,380 1,449 1,353 275 10,576 2,933 2,223 1,140 1,344 1,367 1,198 268 10,472 3,610 2,010 973 1,071 1,343 1,132 279 10,419

Underlying result before

taxation 3,000 948 1,396 515 820 931 –83 7,526 2,920 876 1,285 437 760 1,192 –186 7,283 2,235 1,215 1,367 607 700 1,101 –130 7,095
Taxation 741 291 459 178 143 174 52 2,036 708 369 407 145 151 379 21 2,182 555 353 426 173 125 335 27 1,993
Non-controlling interests 1 6 3 98 –0 108 –2 2 82 82 1 2 71 75
Underlying net result 2,258 651 935 337 580 757 –134 5,382 2,212 508 875 292 527 813 –207 5,019 1,680 860 939 433 504 766 –157 5,026
Special items –775 –775 0 0 –268 –491 –13 –27 –799
Net result IFRS 2,258 651 935 337 580 757 –909 4,607 2,212 508 875 292 527 813 –207 5,019 1,412 369 939 420 504 766 –184 4,227

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> Information on geographical areas > 33

based on the location of the office from which the transactions are originated. The Netherlands is
33 Information on geographical areas
ING Bank’s country of domicile.
ING Bank’s business lines operate in seven main geographical areas: the Netherlands, Belgium, Rest
of Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and Australia. A geographical area is a
The tables below provide additional information, for the years 2018, 2017 and 2016 respectively, on
distinguishable component of the Bank engaged in providing products or services within a
names of principal subsidiaries and branches, nature of main activities and average number of
particular economic environment that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of
employees on a full time equivalent basis by country/tax jurisdiction.
geographical areas operating in other economic environments. The geographical analyses are

Additional information by country

Average number of
Country/Tax Main (banking) employees at full time
Geographical area jurisdiction Name of principal subsidiary activity equivalent basis Total Income Total assets Result before tax Taxation
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
The Netherlands Netherlands ING Bank N.V. Wholesale / Retail 13,600 13,141 13,660 5,837 5,860 5,790 261,449 241,481 293,893 1,673 2,437 1,375 634 661 360
Belgium Belgium ING België N.V. Wholesale / Retail 8,248 8,893 9,348 2,807 2,957 3,154 120,589 119,400 131,431 866 1,009 554 275 408 143
Luxemburg ING Luxembourg S.A. Wholesale / Retail 791 777 793 315 298 274 13,313 14,748 10,783 198 68 138 50 27 32
Rest of Europe Poland ING Bank Slaski S.A Wholesale / Retail 8,829 8,664 8,735 1,229 1,119 992 33,040 29,976 26,581 525 444 379 128 112 90
Germany ING DiBa A.G. Wholesale / Retail 4,625 4,587 4,341 2,421 2,312 2,212 144,911 138,153 134,902 1,309 1,240 1,282 431 396 407
Romania Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale / Retail 2,269 1,968 1,806 403 314 288 7,112 5,940 5,456 183 135 123 25 23 21
Spain Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale / Retail 1,201 1,135 1,116 600 509 498 23,757 23,858 23,309 195 97 197 71 25 51
Italy Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale / Retail 911 838 833 231 336 376 16,991 16,728 15,920 –101 –4 100 –24 7 33
UK Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 672 603 599 505 550 504 64,016 78,573 29,830 180 324 290 44 76 154
France1 Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale / Retail 620 591 613 323 310 280 12,063 10,678 8,614 111 93 56 45 32 18
Russia ING Bank (Eurasia) Z.A.O. Wholesale 277 270 276 82 136 118 1,449 1,607 2,008 25 78 69 3 20 7
Czech Republic Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale / Retail 306 245 220 104 66 74 6,272 5,641 3,653 37 16 37 9 3 7
Hungary Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 141 146 152 40 32 37 1,227 1,003 1,358 5 –1 3 2 3
Slovakia Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 571 497 400 14 14 14 487 677 715 –0 2 3 1 1 1
Ukraine PJSC ING Bank Ukraine Wholesale 109 106 111 36 30 59 368 321 622 22 9 47 3 2 7
Austria Branch of ING DiBa A.G. Wholesale / Retail 235 225 196 85 80 86 753 682 360 18 25 37 6 –1 –4
Bulgaria Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 69 70 76 9 9 9 360 268 274 –0 –2
Ireland Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 47 43 42 69 57 53 2,867 2,337 1,910 59 48 54 7 6 7
Portugal Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 11 11 11 18 14 14 905 667 642 13 9 10 4 3 3
Switzerland Branch of ING België N.V. Wholesale 244 204 192 257 224 187 8,266 9,737 9,150 169 145 122 35 38 33

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 118

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> Information on geographical areas > 33

Additional information by country (continued)

Average number of
Geographical Country/Tax Main (banking) employees at full time
area jurisdiction Name of principal subsidiary activity equivalent basis Total Income Total assets Result before tax Taxation
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
North America Canada Payvision Canada Services Ltd. Wholesale 1 3 2 2 1 0 0
USA ING Financial Holdings Corp. Wholesale 617 564 519 736 724 732 61,440 42,873 42,571 343 371 377 61 134 110
Latin America Brazil Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 88 78 70 35 47 43 1,974 1,184 2,097 16 16 13 9 4
Colombia ING Capital Colombia S.A.S. Wholesale 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
Mexico ING Consulting, S.A. de C.V. Wholesale 8 8 7 1 1 1 2 2 2 –2 –2 –1
Asia China Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 86 81 72 37 35 36 2,107 2,298 2,049 3 7 7 7 –2 –2
Japan Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 32 35 33 36 33 36 2,300 2,238 3,702 19 17 22 5 11 9
Singapore Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 546 512 502 340 297 194 32,222 25,803 25,780 176 133 22 21 9 5
Macau Payvision Macau Ltd. Wholesale n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Hong Kong Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 122 108 106 110 94 80 6,975 7,850 5,964 52 55 40 8 7 7
Philippines Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 878 604 423 17 18 17 395 322 402 0 6 4 3 2 –2
South Korea Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 80 82 87 55 55 46 4,299 4,602 4,107 14 21 14 3 6 –1
Taiwan Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 33 33 32 23 23 15 2,839 3,910 2,484 7 11 3 0 1
Indonesia PT ING Securities Indonesia Wholesale 3 5 5 0 1 1 6 6 7 –0
Malaysia Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 5 5 5 1 139 29 3 0 –1 0
India Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 1 1 2 2 1 –0
Turkey ING Bank A.S. Wholesale / Retail 4,709 5,221 5,497 678 741 757 11,521 13,798 15,864 245 267 225 50 54 45
United Arabic Branch of ING Bank N.V. Wholesale 11 10 10 –0 0 1 –1 –2 –2
Australia Emirates
Australia ING Bank (Australia) Ltd. Wholesale / Retail 1,234 1,143 1,053 647 577 505 39,673 37,982 36,691 389 330 309 118 235 90
Other Mauritius ING Mauritius Ltd. Investment 1 1 32 920 939 780 1 32
Total Management 52,233 51,504 51,943 18,102 17,876 17,514 887,012 846,318 843,919 6,751 7,404 5,937 2,036 2,303 1,635

1 Public subsidies received, as defined in article 89 of the CRD IV, amounts to EUR 0.5 million (2017: EUR 0.5 million; 2016: EUR 1 million).

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> Pension and other post-employment benefits > 34

The relatively high tax charge in the Netherlands is caused by non-deductible expenses based upon
Additional notes to the Consolidated annual accounts
the settlement agreement reached with the Dutch authorities on regulatory issues. 34 Pension and other post-employment benefits
Most group companies sponsor defined contribution pension plans. The assets of all ING Bank’s
defined contribution plans are held in independently administered funds. Contributions are
Australia has a very high tax charge due to a tax charge at ING Australia Holdings Ltd related to the
generally determined as a percentage of remuneration. For the defined contribution scheme in the
years 2007-2013, for which a full reimbursement is expected to be received from NN Group.
Netherlands, the premium paid is also dependant on the interest rate developments and the
Although the impact on net result was nil, this special item affected both the tax and ‘other income’
methodology of the Dutch Central Bank for determining the ultimate forward rate. These plans do
line in the Consolidated statement of profit or loss.
not give rise to provisions in the statement of financial position, other than relating to short-term
Due to the tax reforms in the US and Belgium, which resulted in a tax charge to record a reduction
timing differences included in other assets/liabilities.
in deferred tax assets, the tax charge is significantly higher.
Austria, China, Singapore and Taiwan all have lower tax charges due to prior year adjustments.
ING Bank maintains defined benefit retirement plans in some countries. These plans provide
benefits that are related to the remuneration and service of employees upon retirement. The
benefits in some of these plans are subject to various forms of indexation. The indexation is, in
The UK has a high tax charge due to changes in tax law and prior year adjustments. Russia, China,
some cases, at the discretion of management; in other cases it is dependent upon the sufficiency
Philippines and South Korea all have lower tax charges due to prior year adjustments.
of plan assets.
Austria has an inverse tax charge due to the recognition of a tax asset for previously unrecognised
tax losses.
Annual contributions are paid to the funds at a rate necessary to adequately finance the accrued
Brazil has a low tax charge due to the combination of relatively high exempt income with a
liabilities of the plans calculated in accordance with local legal requirements. Plans in all countries
decreased profit.
are designed to comply with applicable local regulations governing investments and funding levels.
Mauritius has no tax charge as the partial sale of Kotak Mahindra Bank shares in September 2016
was tax exempt.
ING Bank provides other post-employment benefits to certain employees and former employees.
These are primarily post-employment healthcare benefits and discounts on ING products provided
to employees and former employees.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 120

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> Pension and other post-employment benefits > 34

Statement of financial position - Net defined benefit asset/liability Changes in the fair value of plan assets for the period were as follows:
Plan assets and defined benefit obligation per country
Changes in fair value of plan assets
Defined benefit
2018 2017
Plan assets obligation Funded Status
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Opening balance 3,206 3,337
The Netherlands Interest income 66 70
394 408 540 568 –146 –160
United States Remeasurements: Return on plan assets excluding amounts included in interest income –143 52
222 176 224 233 –3 –57
United Kingdom Employer's contribution 66 24
1,703 1,864 1,179 1,326 524 538
Belgium Participants contributions 3 2
547 597 636 672 –88 –75
Other countries Benefits paid –176 –186
154 161 334 341 –181 –180
Exchange rate differences –3 –93
Funded status (Net defined benefit
asset/liability) 3,019 3,206 2,913 3,140 106 66 Closing balance 3,019 3,206

Presented as: Actual return on the plan assets –77 122

– Other assets 527 542
– Other liabilities –421 –476 As at 31 December 2018 the various defined benefit plans did not hold any direct investments in
106 66
ING Bank N.V. (2017: nil). During 2018 and 2017 there were no purchases or sales of assets between
ING and the pension funds.
The most recent (actuarial) valuations of the plan assets and the present value of the defined
benefit obligation were carried out as at 31 December 2018. The present value of the defined ING does not manage the pension funds and thus receives no compensation for fund
benefit obligation, and the related current service cost and past service cost, were determined management, however for some funds ING does provide administration services for which ING
using the projected unit credit method. receives fees. The pension fund has not engaged ING in any swap or derivative transactions to
manage the risk of the pension funds.

No plan assets are expected to be returned to ING Bank during 2019.

Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation and other post-employment benefits
for the period were as follows:

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 121

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> Pension and other post-employment benefits > 34

Amounts recognised directly in Other comprehensive income (equity) were as follows:

Changes in defined benefit obligation and other post-employment benefits
Other post- Changes in the net defined benefit assets/liability remeasurement reserve
Defined benefit employment 2018 2017
obligation benefits
Opening balance –400 –371
2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening balance 3,140 3,249 87 87 Remeasurement of plan assets –143 52
Current service cost 39 34 –4 –3 Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in demographic assumptions –2 7
Interest cost 61 66 2 3 Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in financial assumptions 153 –71
Remeasurements: Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in Taxation –3 –17
demographic assumptions 2 –7 9 Total Other comprehensive income movement for the year 6 –29
Remeasurements: Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in
financial assumptions –153 71 –11 Closing balance –394 –400
Participants’ contributions 3 2 1
Benefits paid –179 –189 –1 –1
Effect of curtailment or settlement –3 In 2018, EUR -143 million Remeasurement of plan assets and EUR 153 million Actuarial gains and
Exchange rate differences 2 –83 2 –8 losses arising from changes in financial assumptions are mainly due to an increase in discount
Changes in the composition of the group and other changes –1 rates.
Closing balance 2,913 3,140 76 87

The accumulated amount of remeasurements recognised directly in Other comprehensive income

(equity) is EUR -453 million (EUR -394 million after tax) as at 31 December 2018 (2017: EUR -476
million, EUR -400 million after tax).

Amounts recognised in the statement of profit or loss related to pension and other staff related
benefits are as follows:

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> Pension and other post-employment benefits > 34

Pension and other staff-related benefit costs

Net defined benefit asset/liability Other post-employment benefits Other Total
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
Current service cost 39 34 32 –4 –3 –25 22 –2 11 57 29 18
Past service cost 2 2
Net Interest cost –4 –4 –8 2 3 3 1 2 –2 –3
Effect of curtailment or settlement –3 –2 –1 –1 –3 –2
Defined benefit plans 35 27 24 –1 - –22 21 –1 13 54 26 15

Defined contribution plans 331 355 329

385 381 344

Determination of the net defined benefit asset/liability the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, The United States of America, and the United Kingdom. The
The net defined benefit asset/liability is reviewed and adjusted annually. The assumptions used in average discount rate applied for Other post-employment benefits was 3.9% (3.2% in 2017).
the determination of the net defined benefit asset/liability and the Other post-employment
benefits include discount rates, mortality rates, expected rates of salary increases (excluding Sensitivity analysis of key assumptions
promotion increases), and indexation. The rates used for salary developments, interest discount ING performs sensitivity analysis on the most significant assumptions: discount rates, mortality,
factors, and other adjustments reflect country-specific conditions. expected rate of salary increase, and indexation. The sensitivity analysis has been carried out
under the assumption that the changes occurred at the end of the reporting period.
The key assumption in the determination of the net defined benefit asset/liability is the discount
rate. The discount rate is the weighted average of the discount rates that are applied in different The sensitivity analysis calculates the financial impact on the defined benefit obligation of an
regions where ING Bank has defined benefit pension plans (weighted by the defined benefit increase or decrease of the weighted averages of each significant actuarial assumption, all other
obligation). The discount rate is based on a methodology that uses market yields on high quality assumptions held constant. In practice, this is unlikely to occur, and some changes of the
corporate bonds of the specific regions with durations matching the pension liabilities as key input. assumptions may be correlated. Changes to mortality, expected rate of salary increase, and
Market yields of high quality corporate bonds reflect the yield on corporate bonds with an AA rating indexation would have no material impact on the defined benefit obligation. The most significant
for durations where such yields are available. An extrapolation is applied in order to determine the impact would be from a change in the discount rate. An increase or decrease in the discount rate of
yield to the longer durations for which no AA-rated corporate bonds are available. As a result of the 1% creates a financial impact of EUR -415 million and EUR 534 million, respectively.
limited availability of long-duration AA-rated corporate bonds, extrapolation is an important
element of the determination of the discount rate. The weighted average discount rate applied for
net defined benefit asset/liability for 2018 was 2.3% (2.0% in 2017) based on the pension plan in

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> Taxation > 35

Expected cash flows

Annual contributions are paid to the funds at a rate necessary to adequately finance the accrued 35 Taxation
liabilities of the plans calculated in accordance with local legal requirements. Plans in all countries
Statement of financial position – Deferred tax
are designed to comply with applicable local regulations governing investments and funding levels. Deferred taxes are recognised on all temporary differences under the liability method using tax
ING Bank’s subsidiaries should fund the cost of the entitlements expected to be earned on a yearly rates applicable in the jurisdictions in which ING Bank is subject to taxation.
Changes in deferred tax
For 2019 the expected contributions to pension plans are EUR 36 million. Changes
in the
Net compo- Net
The benefit payments for defined benefit and other post-employment benefits expected to be liability (-) Effect of Exchange sition of liability (-)
made by the plan between 2019-2023 are estimated to be between EUR 94 million and EUR 125 Net changes in Change Change rate the group Net
asset (+) accountin through through difference and other asset (+)
million per annum. From 2024 to 2028 the total payments made by the plan are expected to be
2018 2017 g policies² equity net result s changes 2018
EUR 661 million. Financial assets at FVOCI¹ –555 142 76 273 4 –2 –64
Investment properties –5 –1 0 –6
Financial assets and liabilities at FVPL 419 16 –338 17 1 116
Depreciation –24 1 –0 –23
Cash flow hedges –72 –76 7 1 –140
Pension and post-employment
76 –12 –8 2 0 59
Other provisions 198 4 –187 –7 1 10
Receivables 614 –0 –59 1 0 556
Loans and advances to customers –394 137 35 24 –1 2 –198
Unused tax losses carried forward –8 60 –2 –0 51
Other –183 45 –53 60 1 –31 –160
66 344 –29 –175 23 –27 201
Presented in the statement of
financial position as:
– Deferred tax liabilities –752 –640
– Deferred tax assets 818 841
66 201

1 Financial assets FVOCI refers to the Investments Available for Sale under IAS 39.
2 Effect of changes in accounting policies refers to IFRS 9 implementation (reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting policies -
Reconciliation of carrying amounts on the date of initial application IFRS 9’).

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> Taxation > 35

The deferred tax balance recorded under 'Other provisions' declined in 2018 by EUR 187 million Deferred tax in connection with unused tax losses carried forward
change through net result of which EUR 90 million relates to the decline of the Belgian 2018 2017
reorganisation provision. Total unused tax losses carried forward 1,771 1,732
Unused tax losses carried forward not recognised as a deferred tax asset 1,010 1,074
Changes in the Composition of the Group and other changes include the deferred tax liability (EUR -
Unused tax losses carried forward recognised as a deferred tax asset 761 658
30 million) regarding the acquisition of Payvision.
Average tax rate 20.5% 19.5%
Deferred tax asset 156 128
Changes in deferred tax
in the Total unused tax losses carried forward analysed by expiry terms
Net composi- Net No deferred tax Deferred tax asset
liability (-) Exchange tion of the liability (-) asset recognised recognised
Net Change Change rate group and Net 2018 2017 2018 2017
asset (+) through through difference other asset (+) Within 1 year 1 2
2017 2016 equity net result s changes 2017
More than 1 year but less than 5 years 2 350 2 38
Investments –799 123 116 5 –555
More than 5 years but less than 10 years 83 31 1
Investment properties –5 –5
More than 10 years but less than 20 years 18
Financial assets and liabilities at fair
697 –290 12 419 Unlimited 923 673 758 620
value through profit or loss
1,010 1,074 761 658
Depreciation –33 5 4 –24
Cash flow hedges –238 167 –1 –72
Pension and post-employment benefits 112 –25 –6 –5 76 The above mentioned deferred tax of EUR 156 million (2017: EUR 128 million) and the related
Other provisions 255 –48 –6 –3 198 unused tax losses carried forward exclude the deferred tax liability recorded in the Netherlands
Receivables 570 49 –5 614
Loans and advances to customers –409 –2 17 –394
with respect to the recapture of previously deducted UK tax losses in the Netherlands for the
Unused tax losses carried forward 57 –60 –5 –8 amount of EUR –105 million (2017: EUR –136 million).
Other –126 –10 –49 2 –183
81 253 –266 1 –3 66
Deferred tax assets are recognised for temporary deductible differences, for tax losses carried
Presented in the statement of financial
forward and unused tax credits only to the extent that realisation of the related tax benefit is
position as: probable.
– Deferred tax liabilities –919 –752
– Deferred tax assets 1,000 818
Breakdown of certain net deferred tax asset positions by jurisdiction
81 66
2018 2017
Italy 189 107

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> Taxation > 35

The table above includes a breakdown of certain net deferred tax asset positions by jurisdiction for Reconciliation of the weighted average statutory income tax rate to
which the utilisation is dependent on future taxable profits whilst the related entities have incurred ING Bank’s effective income tax rate
losses in either the current or the preceding year. 2018 2017 2016
Result before tax from continuing operations 6,751 7,404 5,937
Weighted average statutory tax rate 25.9% 27.0% 27.5%
Recognition is based on the fact that it is probable that the entity will have taxable profits and/or
Weighted average statutory tax amount 1,751 2,002 1,630
can utilise tax planning opportunities before expiration of the deferred tax assets. Changes in
circumstances in future periods may adversely impact the assessment of the recoverability. The Participation exemption –77 –45 –61
Other income not subject to tax –40 –84 –111
uncertainty of the recoverability is taken into account in establishing the deferred tax assets.
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 346 155 129
Impact on deferred tax from change in tax rates –8 55 –1
Statement of profit or loss – Taxation Deferred tax benefit from previously unrecognised amounts –4 –18
Current tax from previously unrecognised amounts 28 66 –22
Taxation by type Write-off/reversal of deferred tax assets 4 2 33
Netherlands International Total State and local taxes 25 47 33
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 Adjustment to prior periods 7 109 23
Current taxation 597 510 167 1,263 1,527 1,375 1,861 2,037 1,542 Effective tax amount 2,036 2,303 1,635
Deferred taxation 37 151 193 139 115 –100 175 266 93
634 661 360 1,402 1,642 1,275 2,036 2,303 1,635 Effective tax rate 30.2% 31.1% 27.6%

The weighted average statutory tax rate in 2018 is lower compared to 2017. This is mainly due to
lower statutory income tax rates in the USA and Belgium.

The effective tax rate of 30.2% in 2018 is significantly higher than the weighted average statutory
tax rate. This is mainly caused by a high amount of expenses non-deductible for tax purposes (tax
amount: EUR 346 million).

This relatively high amount of non-deductible expenses is caused by the settlement agreement
reached with the Dutch authorities on regulatory issues (tax amount: EUR 194 million).

The weighted average statutory tax rate in 2017 does not significantly differ compared to 2016.
The effective tax rate in 2017 was 31.1%.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

The effective tax rate in 2017 was significantly higher than the weighted average statutory tax Tax Contingency
rate. This was caused by the following items: The contingent liability in connection with taxation in the Netherlands refers to a possible obligation
• A relatively high amount of prior period tax adjustments which ING, for the most part is expected arising from the deduction from Dutch taxable profit of losses incurred by ING Bank in the United
to be reimbursed by NN Group (reimbursement is included in the result before tax), recorded Kingdom in previous years. The existence of this obligation will be confirmed only by the
under ‘Adjustment to prior periods’; occurrence of future profits in the United Kingdom.
• Impact on deferred tax positions following changes in the income tax rate in the USA and
Belgium, recorded under ‘Impact on deferred tax from change in tax rates’; and
• The recapture of previously deducted UK tax losses in the Netherlands due to increased
36 Fair value of assets and liabilities
profitability in the United Kingdom, recorded under ‘Current tax from previously unrecognised a) Financial assets and liabilities
amounts’. The following table presents the estimated fair values of ING Bank’s financial assets and liabilities.
Certain items per the statement of financial position are not included in the table, as they do not
The effective tax rate in 2016 is almost equal to the weighted average statutory tax rate. This is meet the definition of a financial asset or liability. The aggregation of the fair values presented
mainly caused by the fact that the non-taxable income and the recognition of tax benefits from below does not represent, and should not be construed as representing, the underlying value of ING
previously unrecognised amounts are almost fully offset by non-deductible expenses, and the Bank.
write-off of deferred tax assets and the adjustments to prior periods.

Equity – Other comprehensive income

Income tax related to components of other comprehensive income
2018 2017 2016
Unrealised revaluations financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
income and other revaluations 53 103 17
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or loss
(reclassifications from equity to profit or loss) 23 20 57
Changes in cash flow hedge reserve –76 167 –48
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit asset/liability –12 –25 –20
Changes in fair value of own credit risk of financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss
Exchange rate differences and other –1
Changes in composition of the group and other changes –18 –12
Total income tax related to components of other comprehensive income –29 253 5

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

2 Other liabilities do not include, among others: (deferred) tax liabilities, net defined benefit and related employee benefit
Fair value of financial assets and liabilities
liabilities, reorganisation and other provisions ,and other taxation and social security contributions.
Statement of financial 3 The 2018 presentation was prospectively changed together with other IFRS9 changes and includes the reclassification of
Estimated fair value position value accrued interest from other assets and other liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract.
20183 2017 2018 2017 4 In 2018, the fair value of the loans and advances to customers as at 31 December 2017 is adjusted by the amount of the
Financial assets accrued interest (EUR 1,522 million). In 2017 the fair value of the accrued interest was reported, separate from loans and
Cash and balances with central banks 49,987 21,989 49,987 21,989 advances to customers, under other assets.
Loans and advances to banks 30,548 28,846 30,420 28,746
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Valuation Methods
– Trading assets 50,163 116,763 50,163 116,763
– Non-trading derivatives 2,672 2,185 2,672 2,185 The estimated fair values represent the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to
– Assets mandatorily as at fair value through profit or loss 64,783 n/a 64,783 n/a transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
– Assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss 2,887 4,242 2,887 4,242 It is a market-based measurement, which is based on assumptions that market participants would
use and takes into account the characteristics of the asset or liability that market participants
- Available-for-sale n/a 69,730 n/a 69,730
- held to maturity n/a 9,378 n/a 9,343 would take into account when pricing the asset or liability. Fair values of financial assets and
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income liabilities are based on quoted prices in active market where available. When such quoted prices are
– Equity securities 3,228 n/a 3,228 n/a not available, the fair value is determined by using valuation techniques.
– Debt securities 25,616 n/a 25,616 n/a
– Loans and advances 2,379 n/a 2,379 n/a
Securities at amortised cost 47,815 n/a 47,276 n/a ING uses unadjusted quotes where available. Unadjusted quoted prices are primarily obtained from
Loans and advances to customers4 602,959 587,842 592,328 574,899 exchange prices for listed financial instruments. Where an exchange price is not available, quoted
Other assets1 7,389 11,719 7,389 11,719 market prices in active markets may be obtained from independent market vendors, brokers, or
890,427 852,694 879,129 839,616
market makers. In general, positions are valued at the bid price for a long position and at the offer
Financial liabilities price for a short position or are valued at the price within the bid-offer spread that is most
Deposits from banks 37,631 36,868 37,330 36,821 representative of fair value at the date of valuation.
Customer deposits 580,404 553,546 580,294 552,690
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
– Trading liabilities 31,215 73,596 31,215 73,596 For certain financial assets and liabilities quoted market prices are not available. For these financial
– Non-trading derivatives 2,313 2,346 2,313 2,346 assets and liabilities, fair value is determined using valuation techniques. These valuation
– Designated as at fair value through profit or loss 59,179 11,215 59,179 11,215 techniques range from discounting of cash flows to various valuation models, where relevant
Other liabilities2 12,011 14,419 12,011 1,419
pricing factors including the market price of underlying reference instruments, market parameters
Debt securities in issue 102,207 90,614 102,159 90,231
Subordinated loans 13,872 16,391 13,643 15,831 (e.g. volatilities, correlations and credit ratings), and customer behaviour are taken into account.
838,832 798,995 838,144 797,149 ING maximises the use of market observable inputs and minimises the use of unobservable input in
determining the fair value. The fair value can be subjective dependent on the significance of the
1 Other assets do not include, among others: (deferred) tax assets, net defined benefit asset, inventory, property unobservable input to the overall valuation. All valuation techniques used are subject to internal
development and property obtained from foreclosures.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

review and approval. Data used in these valuation techniques are validated on a daily basis when TMPC is responsible for validating the appropriate models. Local Parameter Committees monitor
possible. the appropriateness of (quoted) pricing, any other relevant market info, as well as that of pricing
models themselves related to the fair valued positions to which they are applied. LPC executes
When a group of financial assets and financial liabilities are managed on the basis of their net risk valuation methodology and processes at a local level. The Market Data Committee approves and
exposures, it measures the fair value of a group of financial assets or liabilities on net portfolio level. reviews all pricing inputs for the calculation of market parameters.

Control framework Valuation Adjustments

To determine whether the valuations based upon data inputs have led to an appropriate fair value, Valuation adjustments are an integral part of the fair value. They are included as part of the fair
the process of independent price verification (‘IPV’) or price testing is applied. This is done to ensure value to provide better estimation of market exit value on measurement date. ING considers
the appropriate reflection of these valuations in balance sheet and the profit and loss accounts. IPV various valuation adjustments to arrive at the fair value including Bid-Offer adjustments, Credit
tests and confirms the reliability of the market data used in these valuations and can lead to Valuation Adjustments (CVA), Debt Valuation Adjustments (DVA), Model Risk Adjustments,
adjustments in valuation. The IPV process is performed at least monthly or more frequently Collateral Valuation Adjustment (CollVA), Funding Valuation Adjustment (FVA) and Exceptional
depending on the nature of the market or trading activity. Multiple data sources are used to the Valuation Adjustments. The combination of Credit Valuation adjustment and Debt Valuation
extent that such prices are available and taking into account cost-benefit ratio of retrieving such adjustment for derivatives is called Bilateral Valuation Adjustment (BVA).
prices. Valuation differences between primary and secondary source data are assessed. When • Bid-Offer adjustments are required to adjust mid-market values to appropriate bid or offer value
differences resulting from price testing exceed pre-approved thresholds, adjustments to the profit in order to best represent the exit value, and therefore fair value. It is applicable to financial
and loss shall be made. Differences and adjustments must be assessed individually, approved by assets and liabilities that are valued at mid-price initially. In practice this adjustment accounts for
the Local Parameter Committee, and reported back in the meeting minutes. In case a material the difference in valuation from mid to bid and mid to offer for long and short exposures
difference in value is found through the IPV process, it must be fully understood what the respectively. In principle assets are valued at the bid prices and liabilities are valued at the offer
underlying cause is for the difference, and if a systematic change is required (e.g. change of price. For certain assets or liabilities, where market quoted price is not available, the price within
source). Pricing and price testing is applied at individual trade level and is organised at a desk level. the bid-offer spread that is most representative of fair value is used.
Valuation processes are governed by various governance bodies, which include Local Parameter • Bilateral Valuation Adjustment (BVA) is the valuation component for the counterparty credit risk
Committees (LPC), Global Price Testing and Impairment Committee (GP&IC), Market Data of the derivative contracts. It has bilateral nature, where both counterparty’s credit risk and ING’s
Committee (MDC), Trading Pricing Model Committee (TPMC). All relevant committees meet on a own credit risks is taken into account. The calculation is based on the estimation of the expected
quarterly basis or more frequent as required. Key valuation controls including product approval exposure, the counterparties’ risk of default, and taking into account the collateral agreements
process (PARP), IPV, valuation adjustments, and model use is monitored. as well as netting agreements. The counterparties’ risk of default is measured by probability of
default and expected loss given default, which is based on market information including credit
The Global Price Testing and Impairment Committee is responsible for the oversight and the default swap (CDS) spread. Where counterparty CDS spreads are not available, relevant proxy
approval of the outcome of impairments (other loan loss provisions) and valuation- (price-testing) spreads are used. Additionally, wrong-way risk (when exposure to a counterparty is increasing
processes. It oversees the quality and coherence of valuation methodologies and processes. The and the credit quality of that counterparty deteriorates) and right-way risk (when exposure to a

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

counterparty is increasing and the credit quality of that counterparty improves) are included in Loans and advances to banks
the adjustment. The fair values of receivables from banks are generally based on quoted market prices or, if
• ING applies Debt Valuation Adjustment (DVA) to own issued financial liabilities that are measured unquoted, on estimates based on discounting future cash flows using available market interest
at fair value through profit or loss, if the credit risk component has not been included in the rates including appropriate spreads offered for receivables with similar characteristics, similar to
prices. In the DVA calculation, the default probability of the institution are estimated based on Loans and advances to customers described below.
the ING Funding spread.
• Model risk adjustments reduce the risk of possible financial losses resulting from the use of a mis-
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, Financial assets at fair value
specified, misapplied, or incorrect implementation of a model.
through other comprehensive income and Securities at amortised cost
• Collateral Valuation Adjustment (CollVA) is a derivative valuation adjustment capturing specific
features of CSA (Credit Support Annex) with a counterparty that the regular valuation framework Derivatives
does not capture. Non-standard CSA features may include deviations in relation to the currency Derivatives contracts can either be exchange-traded or over the counter (OTC). The fair value of
in which ING posts or receives collateral, deviations in remuneration rate on collateral which may exchange-traded derivatives is determined using quoted market prices in an active market and
pay lower or higher rate than overnight rate or even no interest at all. Other deviations can be those derivatives are classified in Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy. For those instruments not
posting securities rather than cash as collateral. actively traded, fair values are estimated based on valuation techniques. OTC derivatives and
• ING applies an additional ‘Funding Valuation Adjustment’ (FVA) to address the funding costs derivatives trading in an inactive market are valued using valuation techniques because quoted
associated with the collateral funding asymmetry on uncollateralized or partially collateralized market prices in an active market are not available for such instruments. The valuation techniques
derivatives in the portfolio. This adjustment is based on the expected exposure profiles of the and inputs depend on the type of derivative and the nature of the underlying instruments. The
uncollateralized or partially collateralized OTC derivatives and market-based funding spreads. principal techniques used to value these instruments are based on (amongst others) discounted
• Exeptional Valuation Adjustments – Exceptional valuation adjustments are valuation cash flows option pricing models and Monte Carlo simulation. These valuation models calculate the
adjustments of temporary nature and are subject to approval of GP&IC. present value of expected future cash flows, based on ‘no-arbitrage’ principles. These models are
commonly used in the financial industry. Inputs to valuation models are determined from
The following methods and assumptions were used by ING Bank to estimate the fair value of the observable market data where possible. Certain inputs may not be observable in the market
financial instruments: directly, but can be determined from observable prices via valuation model calibration procedures.
The inputs used include for example prices available from exchanges, dealers, brokers or providers
of pricing, yield curves, credit spreads, default rates, recovery rates, dividend rates, volatility of
a.1) Financial assets
underlying interest rates, equity prices, and foreign currency exchange rates. These inputs are
Cash and balances with central banks
determined with reference to quoted prices, recently executed trades, independent market quotes
The carrying amount of cash approximates its fair value. and consensus data, where available.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

For uncollateralised OTC derivatives, ING applies Credit Valuation Adjustment to correctly reflect the Loans and advances to customers
counterparty credit risk in the valuation. The technique for calculating CVA is based on Monte Carlo For loans and advances that are repriced frequently and have had no significant changes in credit
simulation and uses various input including counterparty credit spread, market interest rates, and risk, carrying amounts represent a reasonable estimate of the fair value. The fair value of other
market exchanges rates. The counterparty credit spreads are based on counterparty CDS spread loans is estimated by discounting expected future cash flows using a discount rate that reflects
where available. Otherwise, the indexed proxy CDS spreads are used. credit risk, liquidity, and other current market conditions. The fair value of mortgage loans is
estimated by taking into account prepayment behaviour. Loans with similar characteristics are
Equity securities aggregated for calculation purposes.
The fair values of publicly traded equity securities are based on quoted market prices when
available. Where no quoted market prices are available, fair value is determined based on quoted Other assets
prices for similar securities or other valuation techniques.
The other assets are stated at their carrying value which is not significantly different from their fair
The fair value of private equity is based on quoted market prices, if available. In the absence of
quoted prices in an active market, fair value is estimated on the basis of an analysis of the
a.2) Financial liabilities
investee’s financial position and results, risk profile, prospects, price, earnings comparisons and
revenue multiples, and by reference to market valuations for similar entities quoted in an active Deposits from banks
market. The fair values of payables to banks are generally based on quoted market prices or, if not
available, on estimates based on discounting future cash flows using available market interest
Debt securities rates and credit spreads for payables to banks with similar characteristics.
Fair values for debt securities are based on quoted market prices, where available. Quoted market
prices may be obtained from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry group, pricing service, or Customer deposits
regulatory service. The quoted prices from non-exchange sources are assessed to determine if they The carrying values of customer deposits with an immediate on demand features approximate
are tradable prices. This distinction determines where it falls in the fair value hierarchy. their fair values. The fair values of deposits with fixed contractual terms have been estimated based
on discounting future cash flows using the interest rates currently applicable to deposits of similar
If quoted prices in an active market are not available, fair value is based on an analysis of available maturities.
market inputs, which may include consensus prices obtained from one or more pricing services or
by a valuation technique that discounts expected future cash flows using a market interest rate Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
curves, referenced credit spreads, maturity of the investment, and estimated prepayment rates The fair values of securities in the trading portfolio and other liabilities at fair value through profit or
where applicable. loss are based on quoted market prices, where available. For those securities not actively traded,
fair values are estimated based on internal discounted cash flow valuation techniques using

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

interest rates and credit spreads that apply to similar instruments. Reference is made to Financial have a more than insignificant impact on the fair value of the instrument (Level 3). Financial assets
assets at fair value through profit or loss above. in Level 3 include for example illiquid debt securities, complex derivatives, certain complex loans
(for which current market information about similar assets to use as observable, corroborated data
Other liabilities for all significant inputs into a valuation model is not available), and asset backed securities for
The other liabilities are stated at their carrying value which is not significantly different from their which there is no active market and a wide dispersion in quoted prices.
fair value.
Observable inputs reflect market data obtained from independent sources. Unobservable inputs are
inputs which are based on the Bank’s own assumptions about the factors that market participants
Debt securities in issue
would use in pricing an asset or liability, developed based on the best information available in the
The fair value of debt securities in issue is generally based on quoted market prices, or if not
market. Unobservable inputs may include volatility, correlation, spreads to discount rates, default
available, on estimated prices by discounting expected future cash flows using a current market
rates and recovery rates, prepayment rates, and certain credit spreads. Transfers into and transfers
interest rate and credit spreads applicable to the yield, credit quality and maturity.
out of fair value hierarchy levels are made on a quarterly basis.

Subordinated loans
Level 1 – (Unadjusted) quoted prices in active markets
The fair value of publicly traded subordinated loans are based on quoted market prices when
This category includes financial instruments whose fair value is determined directly by reference to
available. Where no quoted market prices are available, fair value of the subordinated loans is
(unadjusted) quoted prices in an active market that ING Bank can access. A financial instrument is
estimated using discounted cash flows based on interest rates and credit spreads that apply to
regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an
similar instruments.
exchange, dealer markets, brokered markets, or principal to principal markets. Those prices
represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions with sufficient frequency and volume
a.3) Fair value hierarchy to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis. Transfers out of Level 1 into Level 2 or Level 3
ING Bank has categorised its financial instruments that are either measured in the statement of occur when ING Bank establishes that markets are no longer active and therefore (unadjusted)
financial position at fair value or of which the fair value is disclosed, into a three level hierarchy quoted prices no longer provide reliable pricing information.
based on the priority of the inputs to the valuation. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest
priority to (unadjusted) quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities and the Level 2 – Valuation technique supported by observable inputs
lowest priority to valuation techniques supported by unobservable inputs. An active market for the
This category includes financial instruments whose fair value is based on market observables other
asset or liability is a market in which transactions for the asset or liability occur with sufficient
than (unadjusted) quoted prices. The fair value for financial instruments in this category can be
frequency and volume to provide reliable pricing information on an ongoing basis. The fair value
determined by reference to quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets, but for which
hierarchy consists of three levels, depending upon whether fair values were determined based on
the prices are modified based on other market observable external data or reference to quoted
(unadjusted) quoted prices in an active market (Level 1), valuation techniques with observable
prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active. These prices can be
inputs (Level 2) or valuation techniques that incorporate inputs which are unobservable and which
obtained from a third party pricing service. ING analyses how the prices are derived and determines
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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

whether the prices are liquid tradable prices or model based consensus prices taking various data
as inputs. Valuation techniques used for Level 2 assets and liabilities range from discounting of cash flows to
various industry standard valuation models such as option pricing model and Monte Carlo
For financial instruments that do not have a reference price available, fair value is determined using simulation model, where relevant pricing factors including the market price of underlying reference
a valuation technique (e.g. a model), where inputs in the model are taken from an active market or instruments, market parameters (volatilities, correlations, and credit ratings), and customer
are observable, such as interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals, behaviour are taken into account.
implied volatilities, and credit spreads.
Level 3 – Valuation technique supported by unobservable inputs
If certain inputs in the model are unobservable, the instrument is still classified in this category, This category includes financial instruments whose fair value is determined using a valuation
provided that the impact of those unobservable inputs on the overall valuation is insignificant. The technique (e.g. a model) for which more than an insignificant part of the inputs in terms of the
notion of significant is particularly relevant for the distinction between Level 2 and Level 3 assets overall valuation are not market observable. This category also includes financial assets and
and liabilities. ING Bank has chosen to align the definition of significant with the 90% confidence liabilities whose fair value is determined by reference to price quotes but for which the market is
range as captured in the prudent value definition by EBA. Unobservable parameters are shifted considered inactive. An instrument in its entirety is classified as Level 3 if a significant portion of the
down and upwards to reach this 90% confidence range. The same 90% confidence range is applied instrument’s fair value is driven by unobservable inputs. Unobservable in this context means that
to model uncertainty. If the combined change in asset value resulting from the shift of the there is little or no current market data available from which to derive a price that an unrelated,
unobservable parameters and the model uncertainty exceeds the threshold, the asset is classified informed buyer would purchase the asset or liability at.
as Level 3. A value change below the threshold results in a Level 2 classification.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Financial instruments at fair value

The fair values of the financial instruments were determined as follows:

Methods applied in determining fair values of financial assets and liabilities (carried at fair value)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Financial Assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
- Trading assets 13,052 20,128 36,617 95,530 494 1,105 50,163 116,763
- Non-trading derivatives 0 2,645 2,155 27 30 2,672 2,185
- Assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 141 n/a 63,601 n/a 1,042 n/a 64,783 n/a
- Assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss 147 319 1,665 3,558 1,075 365 2,887 4,242
Available-for-sale investments n/a 65,310 n/a 3,940 n/a 480 n/a 69,730
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 27,218 n/a 1,256 n/a 2,749 n/a 31,223 n/a
40,558 85,757 105,783 105,183 5,387 1,980 151,728 192,920

Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
- Trading liabilities 5,706 5,770 25,387 66,753 122 1,073 31,215 73,596
- Non-trading derivatives 0 2,232 2,278 80 68 2,313 2,346
- Financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss 894 1,186 57,577 9,928 708 101 59,179 11,215
6,600 6,956 85,196 78,959 910 1,242 92,707 87,157

Financial assets carried at fair value decreased compared to 31 December 2017 mainly as a result
of the reclassification of EUR 34,980 million available-for-sale debt securities to amortised cost due
to the transition to IFRS 9.

In 2018, the increase in Level 2 financial assets and liabilities is mainly due to increased (reverse)
repurchase balances.

There were no significant transfers between Level 1 and Level 2.

In 2018, there were no changes in the valuation techniques.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Changes in Level 3 Financial assets

Financial assets Financial assets Financial assets AFS
Trading assets Non-trading derivatives mandatorily at FVPL designated at FVPL at FVOCI investments Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening balance 1,104 1,223 30 62 – n/a 365 456 480 521 1,980 2,262
Effect of changes in accounting policy 1,653 –1 3,446 5,097
Realised gain/loss recognised in the
–54 –231 –4 –9 10 –20 4 1 –67 –236
statement of profit or loss during the period1,3
Revaluation recognised in other
–131 –5 –131 –5
comprehensive income during the period 2
Purchase of assets 359 610 2 – 1,154 – 731 225 85 62 2,331 897
Sale of assets –120 –326 –0 – –1,677 – –1 –5 –43 –1,803 –370
Maturity/settlement –42 –141 – –78 – – –882 –24 –1,002 –165
Reclassifications 2 7 2 7
Transfers into Level 3 85 9 –0 85 9
Transfers out of Level 3 –839 –37 –23 –37 –319 –249 –13 –1,125 –392
Exchange rate differences 0 –2 – 17 – 3 –24 20 –26
Changes in the composition of the group
0 –1 –1 –1 –1
and other changes
Closing balance 494 1,105 27 30 1,042 n/a 1,075 365 2,749 480 5,387 1,980

1 Net gains/losses were recorded in income from trading activities in continuing operations herein as ‘Valuation results and 2 Revaluation recognised in other comprehensive income is included on the line ‘Unrealised revaluations Available-for-sale
net trading income’ in the statement of profit or loss. The total amounts includes EUR -5 million of unrealised gains on investements and other revaluations’.
losses recognised in the statement of profit or loss. 3 ‘Revaluation recognised in equity during the year’ has been renamed to ‘Revaluation recognised in other comprehensive
income during the period’.

In 2018, financial assets transferred out of Level 3 mainly relate to swap positions revised to Level 2
based on the ability to demonstrate independent sourcing of observable inputs for swap pricing

In 2017, financial assets were transferred out of Level 3 on the basis that the valuation is not
significantly impacted by unobservable inputs.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Changes in Level 3 Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities designated as at fair

Trading liabilities Non-trading derivatives value through profit or loss Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening balance 1,073 1,378 68 24 101 123 1,242 1,525
Effect of changes in accounting policy 4 0 4
Realised gain/loss recognised in the statement of profit or loss
–67 –105 8 44 1 –6 –58 –67
during the period1
Issue of liabilities 42 485 545 14 587 500
Early repayment of liabilities –87 –399 –20 –21 –106 –421
Maturity/settlement –37 –187 –11 –49 –187
Transfers into Level 3 39 16 92 131 16
Transfers out of Level 3 –844 –111 –9 –844 –120
Exchange rate differences –0 –4 –0 –0 –4
Changes in the composition of the group and other changes 2 2
Closing balance 122 1,073 80 68 708 101 910 1,242

1 Net gains/losses were recorded in income from trading activities in continuing operations included herein as ‘Valuation results and net trading income’ in the statement of profit or loss. The total amount includes EUR -58 million of unrealised gains and losses
recognised in the statement of profit or loss.

In 2018, financial liabilities transferred out of Level 3 mainly relate to swap positions revised to
Level 2 based on the ability to demonstrate independent sourcing of observable inputs for swap
pricing requirements.

In 2018 and 2017, financial liabilities were transferred out of Level 3 mainly due to the valuation
not being significantly impacted by unobservable inputs.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Recognition of unrealised gains and losses in Level 3 prepayment rates, and certain credit spreads. Valuation techniques that incorporate unobservable
Amounts recognised in the statement of profit or loss relating to unrealised gains and losses during inputs are sensitive to the inputs used.
the year that relates to Level 3 assets and liabilities are included in the line item ‘Valuation results
and net trading income’statement of profit or loss. Of the total amount of financial assets classified as Level 3 as at 31 December 2018 of EUR 5.4
billion (31 December 2017: EUR 2.0 billion), an amount of EUR 3.4 billion (63.2%) (31 December
Unrealised gains and losses that relate to ‘Financial assets at fair value through 2017: EUR 1.0 billion, being 51.0%) is based on unadjusted quoted prices in inactive markets. As
other comprehensive income’ (2018) and Available-for-sale investments (2017) recognised in Other ING does not generally adjust quoted prices using its own inputs, there is no significant sensitivity
comprehensive income are included in the Revaluation reserve – Equity securities at fair value to ING’s own unobservable inputs.
through other comprehensive income or Debt Instruments at fair value through other
comprehensive income (2018) respectively Available-for-sale reserve and other (2017). Furthermore, Level 3 financial assets includes approximately EUR 1.1 billion (31 December 2017:
EUR 0.4 billion) which relates to financial assets that are part of structures that are designed to be
fully neutral in terms of market risk. Such structures include various financial assets and liabilities
Level 3 Financial assets and liabilities
for which the overall sensitivity to market risk is insignificant. Whereas the fair value of individual
Financial assets measured at fair value in the statement of financial position as at 31 December
components of these structures may be determined using different techniques and the fair value of
2018 of EUR 152 billion includes an amount of EUR 5.4 billion (3.6%) which is classified as Level 3
each of the components of these structures may be sensitive to unobservable inputs, the overall
(31 December 2017: EUR 2.0 billion, being 1.0%). Changes in Level 3 from 31 December 2017 to 31
sensitivity is by design not significant.
December 2018 are detailed above in the table Changes in Level 3 Financial assets.

The remaining EUR 0.8 billion (31 December 2017: EUR 0.6 billion) of the fair value classified in
Financial liabilities measured at fair value in the statement of financial position as at 31 December
Level 3 financial assets is established using valuation techniques that incorporates certain inputs
2018 of EUR 93 billion includes an amount of EUR 0.9 billion (1.0%) which is classified as Level 3 (31
that are unobservable.
December 2017: EUR 1.2 billion, being 1.4%). Changes in Level 3 from 31 December 2017 to 31
December 2018 are disclosed above in the table ‘Changes in Level 3 Financial liabilities’.
Of the total amount of financial liabilities classified as Level 3 as at 31 December 2018 of EUR 0.9
billion (31 December 2017: EUR 1.2 billion), an amount of EUR 0.7 billion (82.0%) (31 December
Financial assets and liabilities in Level 3 include both assets and liabilities for which the fair value
2017: EUR 0.8 billion, being 66.0%) is based on unadjusted quoted prices in inactive markets. As
was determined using (i) valuation techniques that incorporate unobservable inputs as well as (ii)
ING does not generally adjust quoted prices using its own inputs, there is no significant sensitivity
quoted prices, which have been adjusted to reflect that the market was not actively trading at or
to ING’s own unobservable inputs.
around the balance sheet date. Unobservable inputs are inputs which are based on ING’s own
assumptions about the factors that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability,
Furthermore, Level 3 financial liabilities includes approximately EUR 0.1 billion (31 December 2017:
developed based on the best information available in the circumstances. Unobservable inputs may
EUR 0.1 billion) which relates to financial liabilities that are part of structures that are designed to
include volatility, correlation, spreads to discount rates, default rates and recovery rates,
be fully neutral in terms of market risk. As explained above, the fair value of each of the

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

components of these structures may be sensitive to unobservable inputs, but the overall sensitivity
is by design not significant.

The remaining EUR 0.1 billion (31 December 2017: EUR 0.3 billion) of the fair value classified in Level
3 financial liabilities is established using valuation techniques that incorporates certain inputs that
are unobservable.

The table below provides a summary of the valuation techniques, key unobservable inputs and the
lower and upper range of such unobservable inputs, by type of Level 3 asset/liability. The lower and
upper range mentioned in the overview represent the lowest and highest variance of the respective
valuation input as actually used in the valuation of the different financial instruments. Amounts
and percentages stated are unweighted. The range can vary from period to period subject to
market movements and change in Level 3 position. Lower and upper bounds reflect the variability
of Level 3 positions and their underlying valuation inputs in the portfolio, but do not adequately
reflect their level of valuation uncertainty. For valuation uncertainty assessment, reference is made
to section Sensitivity analysis of unobservable inputs (Level 3).

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Valuation techniques and range of unobservable inputs (Level 3)

Assets Liabilities Valuation techniques Significant unobservable inputs Lower range Upper range
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
At fair value through profit or loss
Debt securities 807 386 3 Price based Price (%) 0% 0% 105% 161%
Net asset value Price (%) 0% 0% 0% 0%
Present value techniques Credit spread (bps) 131 n/a 131 n/a
Loan pricing model Credit spread (bps) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Equity securities 162 4 1 Price based Price – 1 5,475 54
Loans and advances 1,047 20 15 Price based Price (%) 1% 0% 102% 101%
Present value techniques Price (%) 100% n/a 100% n/a
Credit spread (bps) 19 n/a 550 n/a
(Reverse) repo's 481 424 Present value techniques Price (%) 3% n/a 4% n/a
Structured notes 284 101 Price based Price (%) 77% 52% 108% 116%
Net asset value Price (%) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Option pricing model Equity volatility (%) 13% 14% 34% 23%
Equity/Equity correlation 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.7
Equity/FX correlation –0.7 0.2 0.5 0.4
Dividend yield (%) 1% 2% 5% 6%
Interest rate volatility (bps) 49 n/a 86 n/a
IR/IR correlation 0.8 n/a 0.8 n/a
Present value techniques Implied correlation 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
– Rates 57 490 39 485 Option pricing model Interest rate volatility (bps) 23 23 300 300
Interest rate correlation 0.8 n/a 0.8 n/a
IR/INF correlation n/a n/a n/a n/a
Present value techniques Reset spread (%) 2% 2% 2% 2%
Prepayment rate (%) n/a 5% n/a 10%
Inflation rate (%) n/a 4% n/a 4%
Credit spread (bps) 46 n/a 46 n/a
– FX 477 479 Present value techniques Inflation rate (%) n/a 4% n/a 4%

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Valuation techniques and range of unobservable inputs (Level 3) – continued

Assets Liabilities Valuation techniques Significant unobservable inputs Lower range Upper range
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
– Credit 67 10 86 48 Present value techniques Credit spread (bps) 8 2 364 424
Implied correlation 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0
Jump rate (%) 12% 12% 12% 12%
Price based Price (%) n/a n/a n/a n/a
– Equity 68 107 54 128 Option pricing model Equity volatility (%) 4% 5% 94% 129%
Equity/Equity correlation 0.2 0.1 0.9 1.0
Equity/FX correlation –0.8 –0.9 0.5 0.8
Dividend yield (%) 0% 0% 13% 21%
– Other 2 5 5 Option pricing model Commodity volatility (%) 12% 9% 79% 42%
Com/Com correlation 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.9
Com/FX correlation –0.5 –0.6 –0.5 –0.3
Available for sale
– Debt n/a 14 Price based Price (%) n/a 69% n/a 90%
Present value techniques Credit spread (bps) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Weighted average life (yr) n/a n/a n/a n/a
– Equity n/a 467 Discounted cash flow Annual accounts n/a n/a n/a n/a
Multiplier method Observable market factors n/a n/a n/a n/a
Comparable transactions n/a n/a n/a n/a
At fair value through other
comprehensive income
– Debt Price based Price (%) n/a n/a
– Loans and advances 2,379 Present value techniques Prepayment rate 6% 6%
– Equity 317 Present value techniques Credit spread (%) 322 322
Inflation rate (%) 3% 3%
Other 63 80
Total 5,387 1,980 910 1,242

Non-listed equity investments cost of the position. For equity securities best market practice will be applied using the most
Level 3 equity securities mainly include corporate investments, fund investments and other equity relevant valuation method.
securities which are not traded in active markets. In the absence of an active market, fair values are
estimated on the basis of the analysis of fund managers reports, company’s financial position, All non-listed equity investments, including investments in private equity funds, are subject to a
future prospects, and other factors, considering valuations of similar positions or by the reference standard review framework which ensures that valuations reflect fair values.
to acquisition
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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Price Interest rates

For securities where market prices are not available fair value is measured by comparison with Examples of interest rate related unobservable inputs are prepayment rates, reset rates and
observable pricing data from similar instruments. Prices of 0% are distressed to the point that no inflation rates.
recovery is expected, while prices significantly in excess of 100% or par are expected to pay a good Prepayment rate and reset spread are key inputs to mortgage linked prepayment swaps valuation.
yield. Prepayment rate is the estimated rate at which mortgage borrowers will repay their mortgages
early, e.g. 5% per year. Reset spread is the future spread at which mortgages will re-price at
Credit spreads interest rate reset dates.
Credit spread is the premium above a benchmark interest rate, typically LIBOR or relevant Treasury
instrument, required by the market participant to accept a lower credit quality. Higher credit Inflation rate is a key input to inflation linked instruments. Inflation linked instruments protect
spreads indicate lower credit quality and a lower value of an asset. against price inflation and are denominated and indexed to investment units. Interest payments
would be based on the inflation index and nominal rate in order to receive/pay the real rate of
return. A rise in nominal coupon payments is a result of an increase in inflation expectations, real
rates, or both. As markets for these inflation linked derivatives are illiquid, the valuation parameters
Volatility is a measure for variation of the price of a financial instrument or other valuation input
become unobservable.
over time. Volatility is one of the key inputs in option pricing models. Typically, the higher the
volatility, the higher value of the option. Volatility varies by the underlying reference (equity,
Dividend yield
commodity, foreign currency and interest rates), by strike, and maturity of the option. The
minimum level of volatility is 0% and there is no theoretical maximum. Dividend yield is an important input for equity option pricing models showing how much dividends
a company is expected to pay out each year relative to its share price. Dividend yields are generally
expressed as an annualised percentage of share price.
Correlation is a measure of dependence between two underlying references which is relevant for
Sensitivity analysis of unobservable inputs (Level 3)
valuing derivatives and other instruments which have more than one underlying reference. For
example, correlation between underlying equity names may be a relevant input parameter for Where the fair value of a financial instrument is determined using inputs which are unobservable
basket equity option pricing models. High positive correlation (close to 1) indicates strong positive and which have a more than insignificant impact on the fair value of the instrument, the actual
(statistical) relationship between underlyings, implying they typically move in the same direction. value of those inputs at the balance date may be drawn from a range of reasonably possible
High negative correlation, on the other hand, implies that underlyings typically move in opposite alternatives. In line with market practice the upper and lower bounds of the range of alternative
directions. input values reflect a 90% level of valuation certainty. The actual levels chosen for the
unobservable inputs in preparing the annual accounts are consistent with the valuation
methodology used for fair valued financial instruments.

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

If ING had used input values from the upper and lower bound of this range of reasonably possible should be seen in combination with other instruments (for example as a hedge) that are classified
alternative input values when valuing these instruments as of 31 December 2018, then the impact as Level 2.
would have been higher or lower as indicated below. The purpose of this disclosure is to present the
possible impact of a change of unobservable inputs in the fair value of financial instruments where Sensitivity analysis of Level 3 instruments
unobservable inputs are significant to the valuation. Positive fair value Negative fair value
movements from movements from
As ING has chosen to apply a 90% confidence level for its IFRS valuation of fair valued financial using reasonable using reasonable
possible alternatives possible alternatives
instruments, the downward valuation uncertainty has become immaterial, whereas the potential 2018 2017 2018 2017
upward valuation uncertainty, reflecting a potential profit, has increased. Fair value through profit or loss
Equity (equity derivatives, structured notes) 60 36 4
Interest rates (Rates derivatives, FX derivatives) 43 56
In practice valuation uncertainty is measured and managed per exposure to individual valuation
Credit (Debt securities, Loans, structured notes, credit derivatives) 39 27
inputs (i.e. risk factors) at portfolio level across different product categories. Where the disclosure
looks at individual Level 3 inputs the actual valuation adjustments may also reflect the benefits of Available-for-sale
portfolio offsets. Equity n/a 9 n/a 14
Debt n/a 1 n/a

Because of the approach taken, the valuation uncertainty in the table below is broken down by Fair value through other comprehensive income
related risk class rather than by product. Debt
Loans and advances 12
Equity 5 10
In reality some valuation inputs are interrelated and it would be unlikely that all unobservable
159 129 14 14
inputs would ever be simultaneously at the limits of their respective ranges of reasonably possible
alternatives. Therefore it can be assumed that the estimates in the table below show a greater fair
Other financial instruments
value uncertainty than the realistic position at year end assuming normal circumstances/normal
markets. The fair values of the financial instruments carried at amortised cost in the statement of financial
position, but for which fair values are disclosed are determined as follows:
Also, this disclosure does not attempt to indicate or predict future fair value movement. The
numbers in isolation give limited information as in most cases these Level 3 assets and liabilities

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> Fair value of assets and liabilities > 36

Methods applied in determining fair values of financial assets and liabilities (carried at amortised cost)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 20182 2017
Financial Assets
Loans and advances to banks1 445 569 7,152 9,855 20,742 16,576 28,339 27,000
Held-to-maturity investments n/a 7,884 n/a 1,409 n/a 85 n/a 9,378
Loans and advances to customers1, 3 138 14,745 19,955 567,045 543,619 581,928 563,574
Securities at amortised cost 43,550 n/a 3,024 n/a 1,242 n/a 47,815 n/a
44,132 8,453 24,921 31,219 589,029 560,280 658,082 599,952

Financial liabilities
Deposits from banks 1 128 29 24,433 25,276 7,314 7,642 31,875 32,947
Customer deposits 1 6,695 8,875 50,922 41,209 22,172 27,349 79,789 77,433
Debt securities in issue 33,419 34,288 49,075 38,650 19,713 17,676 102,207 90,614
Subordinated loans 3,437 7,961 10,435 3,234 0 5,196 13,872 16,391
43,678 51,153 134,865 108,369 49,199 57,863 227,743 217,385

1 Financial assets and liabilities that are on demand are excluded from the fair value hierarchy as their fair value 3 In 2018, the fair value of the loans and advances to customers as at 31 December 2017 is adjusted by the amount of the
approximates the carrying value. accrued interest (EUR 1,522 million). In 2017 the fair value of the accrued interest was reported, separate from loans and
2 The 2018 presentation was prospectively changed together with other IFRS9 changes and includes the reclassification of advances to customers, under other assets.
accrued interest from other assets and other liabilities to the corresponding balance sheet item of the host contract.

b) Non-financial assets and liabilities As at 31 December 2018, the estimated fair value of Property in own use and Investment property
ING Bank’s non-financial assets comprise Investments in associates and joint ventures, Property in amounts to EUR 780 million (2017: EUR 774 million) and EUR 54 million (2017: EUR 65 million)
own use, Investment property as included in the statement of financial position in the line items respectively and is categorised as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy on the basis of methods
Investments in associates and joint ventures, Property and equipment, and Other assets applied in determining the fair values.
Amounts recognised in the statement of profit or loss relating to unrealised gains and losses during
Investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method. For the year that relate to Level 3 non-financial assets are included in the statement of profit or loss as
further information, reference is made to Note 8 ’Investments in associates and joint ventures’. follows:
Other non-financial assets (Property in own use, and Investment properties) are recognised at fair • Impairments on Property in own use are included in Other operating expenses - Impairments and
value at the balance sheet date. reversals on property and equipment and intangibles ; and
• Changes in the fair value of Investment property are included in Investment income.

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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

Unrealised gains and losses on Property in own use are included in the Revaluation reserve – what extent these models are applied are described under the relevant headings below. The
Property in own use reserve. company’s detailed accounting policies for these three hedge models are set out in Note 1
For amounts recognised in the Statement of profit or loss and other changes in non-financial assets ‘Accounting policies’ in the section ‘IFRS 9 ‘Financial instruments’ – ‘Accounting policies applied from
during the year, reference is made to Note 9 ‘Property and equipment’ and Note 11 ‘Other assets’. 1 January 2018’.

As at 31 December 2018, ING Bank has no non-financial liabilities measured at fair value (2017: Fair value hedge accounting
none). ING Bank’s fair value hedges principally consist of interest rate swaps that are used to protect
against changes in the fair value of fixed-rate instruments due to movements in market interest
37 Derivatives and hedge accounting rates. ING Bank’s approach to manage market risk, including interest rate risk, is discussed in Note
50 ‘Risk management – Market risk’. ING Bank’s exposure to interest rate risk is disclosed in
Use of derivatives
paragraph ‘Interest rate risk in banking book’.
ING Bank uses derivatives for economic hedging purposes to manage its asset and liability
portfolios and structural risk positions as described in Note 50 ‘Risk management – Credit risk and
By using derivative financial instruments to hedge exposures to changes in interest rates, ING Bank
Market risk’. The primary objective of ING Bank’s hedging activities is to manage the risks which
also exposes itself to credit risk of the derivative counterparty, which is not offset by the hedged
arises from structural imbalances in the duration and other profiles of its assets and liabilities. The
item. ING Bank minimises counterparty credit risk in derivative instruments by clearing most of the
objective of economic hedging is to enter into positions with an opposite risk profile to an identified
derivatives through Central Clearing Counterparties. In addition ING Bank only enters into
risk exposure to reduce that exposure. The main risks which are being hedged are interest rate risk
transactions with high-quality counterparties and requires posting collateral.
and foreign currency exchange rate risk. These risks are primarily hedged with interest rate swaps,
cross currency swaps and foreign exchange forwards/swaps.
ING Bank applies fair value hedge accounting on micro level in which one hedged item is hedged
with one or multiple hedging instruments as well as on macro level whereby a portfolio of items is
ING Bank uses credit derivatives to manage its economic exposure to credit risk, including total
hedged with multiple hedging instruments. For these macro hedges of interest rate risk ING applies
return swaps and credit default swaps, to sell or buy protection for credit risk exposures in the loan,
the EU carve-out. The EU ‘carve-out’ for macro hedging enables a group of derivatives (or
investment, and trading portfolios. Hedge accounting is not applied in relation to these credit
proportions) to be viewed in combination and jointly designated as the hedging instrument and
removes some of the limitations in fair value hedge accounting relating to hedging core deposits
and under-hedging strategies. In retail operations, exposure on retail funding (savings and current
Hedge accounting accounts) and retail lending (mortgages) is initially offset. The remaining exposure is hedged in a
Derivatives that qualify for hedge accounting under IFRS are classified and accounted for in portfolio hedge, using the EU carve-out, in which a portion of the retail lending portfolio and core
accordance with the nature of the instrument hedged and the type of IFRS hedge model that is deposits are designated as a hedged item for hedge accounting purposes.
applicable. The three models applicable under IFRS are: fair value hedge accounting, cash flow
hedge accounting, and hedge accounting of a net investment in a foreign operation. How and to For portfolio hedges the fair value is projected based on contractual terms and other variables

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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

including prepayment expectations. These projected fair value of the portfolios form the basis for Gross carring value of derivatives designated under fair value hedge accounting
identifying the notional amount subject to interest rate risk that is designated under fair value Assets Liabilities
hedge accounting. As at 31 December 2018
Hedging instrument on interest rate risk
Micro fair value hedge accounting is mainly applied on issued debt securities and purchased debt – Interest rate swaps 8,584 11,279
– Other interest derivatives 78 63
instruments for hedging interest rate risk.

The derivatives used for fair value hedge accounting are included in the statement of financial
Before fair value hedge accounting is applied by ING Bank, ING Bank determines whether an
position line-item ‘Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss – Non-trading derivatives’ for
economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument exists based on an
EUR 638 million (2017: EUR 671 million) respectively ‘Financial liabilities at fair value through profit
evaluation of the quantitative characteristics of these items and the hedged risk that is supported
or loss – Non-trading derivatives’ EUR 1,029 million (2017: EUR 1,084 million). The remaining
by quantitative analysis. ING Group considers whether the critical terms of the hedged item and
derivatives are offset with other derivatives and collaterals paid or received.
hedging instrument closely align when assessing the presence of an economic relationship. ING
Bank evaluates whether the fair value of the hedged item and the hedging instrument respond
For our main currencies the average fixed rate for interest rate swaps used in fair value hedge
similarly to similar risks. In addition ING is mainly using regression analysis to assess whether the
accounting are 1.14% for EUR and 3.38% for USD.
hedging instrument is expected to be and has been highly effective in offsetting changes in the fair
value of the hedged item.

For the macro hedge on the mortgage portfolio ING Bank follows a dynamic hedging strategy. This
means that on the monthly basis, based on the new portfolio projection, the hedging relationship is
renewed. From an operational point of view, the existing hedging relationship is adjusted based on
the new portfolio projection and additional hedging instruments are added to hedging relationship.

ING Bank uses the following derivative financial instruments in a fair value hedge accounting

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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

The following table shows the net notional amount of derivatives designated in fair value hedging
split into the maturity of the instruments. The net notional amounts presented in the table are a
combination of payer (-) and receiver (+) swaps.

Maturity derivatives designated in fair value hedging

As at 31 December 2018 Less than 1 month 1 to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 to 2 year 2 to 3 years 3 to 4 years 4 to 5 years >5 years Total
Hedging instrument on interest rate risk
– Interest rate swaps 560 –14 –7,819 7,277 514 5,097 11,082 –11,067 5,630
– Other interest derivatives –11 –53 –101 –55 –228 –325 –325 504 –593

Gains and losses on derivatives designated under fair value hedge accounting are recognised in the
statement of profit or loss. The effective portion of the fair value change on the hedged item is also
recognised in the statement of profit or loss. As a result, only the net accounting ineffectiveness
has an impact on the net result.

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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

Fair value hedging – impact on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Change in fair value Hedge ineffectiveness
Accumulated amount of fair value hedge used for measuring recognised in the
adjustment on the hedged item included in ineffectiveness for the Change in fair value statement of profit or
Carrying amount of the hedged item the carrying amount of the hedged item period hedge instruments loss, gain (+) / loss (-)
Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
As at 31 December 2018
Interest rate risk
– Amounts due from banks –1
– Debt securities at fair value through other comprehensive income 18,471 n/a 1
– Loans at FVOCI 480 n/a
– Loans and advances to customers 49,258 2,817 –204
– Debt instruments at amortised cost 16,843 687 –91
– Debt securities in issue 40,154 1,500 247
– Subordinated loans 11,648 47 56
– Amounts due to banks 17,717 55 –52
– Customer deposits and other funds on deposit 18,505 278 –11
– Discontinued hedges 272 –35
Total 85,052 88,024 3,776 1,844 –54 62 7

As at 31 December 2017 –824 729 –95

The main sources of ineffectiveness are: Cash flow hedge accounting

• differences in maturities of the hedged item(s) and hedging instrument(s); ING Bank’s cash flow hedges mainly consist of interest rate swaps and cross-currency swaps that
• different interest rate curves applied to discount the hedged item(s) and hedging instrument(s); are used to protect against its exposure to variability in future cash flows on non-trading assets and
• differences in timing of cash flows of the hedged item(s) and hedging instrument(s). liabilities that bear interest at variable rates or are expected to be refunded or reinvested in the
future. The amounts and timing of future cash flows, representing both principal and interest flows,
Additionally, for portfolio (macro) fair value hedges of ING Group’s fixed rate mortgage portfolio,
are projected for each portfolio of financial assets and liabilities, based on contractual terms and
ineffectiveness also arises from the disparity between expected and actual prepayments
other variables including estimates of prepayments. These projected cash flows form the basis for
(prepayment risk).
identifying the notional amount subject to interest rate risk or foreign currency exchange rate risk
that is designated under cash flow hedge accounting.
There were no other sources of ineffectiveness in these hedging relationships.

ING Bank’s approach to manage market risk, including interest rate risk and foreign currency
exchange rate risk, is discussed in Note 50 ‘Risk management – Credit risk and Market risk’. ING

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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

Bank determines the amount of the exposures to which it applies hedge accounting by assessing Gross carrying value of derivatives used for cash flow hedge accounting
the potential impact of changes in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates on the future Assets Liabilities
cash flows from its floating-rate assets and liabilities. This assessment is performed using analytical As at 31 December 2018
techniques. Hedging instrument on interest rate risk
– Interest rate swaps 5,757 3,664
Hedging instrument on combined interest and FX rate risk
As noted above for fair value hedges, by using derivative financial instruments to hedge exposures
– Cross currency interest rate derivatives 204 154
to changes in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates, ING Group exposes itself to credit
risk of the derivative counterparty, which is not offset by the hedged items. This exposure is
The derivatives used for cash flow hedge accounting are included in the statement of financial
managed similarly to that for fair value hedges.
position line-item ‘Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss – Non-trading derivatives’ EUR
1,012 million (2017: EUR 617 million) respectively ‘Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
Gains and losses on the effective portions of derivatives designated under cash flow hedge
loss – Non-trading derivatives’ EUR 458 million (2017: EUR 339 million). The remaining derivatives
accounting are recognised in Other Comprehensive Income. Interest cash flows on these derivatives
are offset with other derivatives and collaterals paid or received.
are recognised in the statement of profit or loss in ‘Net interest income’ consistent with the manner
in which the forecasted cash flows affect net result. The gains and losses on ineffective portions of
For the main currencies the average fixed rate for interest rate swaps used in cash flow hedge
such derivatives are recognised immediately in the statement of profit or loss in ‘Valuation results
accounting are 1.21% for EUR, 2.53% for PLN and 2.49% for USD. The average rates for cross
and net trading income’.
currency swaps used in cash flow hedge accounting is EUR 1.14 for EUR/USD.

ING Bank determines an economic relationship between the cash flows of the hedged item and the
hedging instrument based on an evaluation of the quantitative characteristics of these items and
the hedged risk that is supported by quantitative analysis. ING Bank considers whether the critical
terms of the hedged item and hedging instrument closely align when assessing the presence of an
economic relationship. ING Bank evaluates whether the cash flows of the hedged item and the
hedging instrument respond similarly to the hedged risk, such as the benchmark interest rate of
foreign currency. In addition (for macro FX hedging relationships) a regression analysis is performed
to assess whether the hedging instrument is expected to be and has been highly effective in
offsetting changes in the fair value of the hedged item.

ING Bank uses the following derivative financial instruments in a cash flow hedge accounting

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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

The following table shows the net notional amount of derivatives designated in cash flow hedging
split into the maturity of the instruments. The net notional amounts presented in the table are a
combination of payer (+) and receiver (-) swaps.

Maturity derivatives designated in cash flow hedging

As at 31 December 2018 Less than 1 month 1 to 3 months 3 to 12 months 1 to 2 year 2 to 3 years 3 to 4 years 4 to 5 years >5 years Total
Hedging instrument on interest rate risk
– Interest rate swaps –107 –2,546 –7,107 –5,591 –9,883 –7,928 –8,980 –29,629 –71,771
Hedging instrument on combined interest and FX rate risk
– Cross currency interest rate derivatives 5 48 –601 –4,461 –5,622 –2,647 –793 –239 –14,311

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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

The following table shows the cash flow hedge accounting impact on profit or loss and comprehensive income:

Cash flow hedge accounting – impact on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

Change in value used Carrying amount Hedge ineffectiveness

for calculating hedge cash flow hedge Amount reclassified Cash flow is no Change in value of recognised in the
ineffectiveness for the reserve at the end of from CFH reserve to longer expected hedging instrument statement of profit or
period the reporting period profit or loss to occur recognised in OCI loss, gain (+) / Loss (-)
As at 31 December 2018
Interest rate risk on;
– Floating rate lending –540 730 280 2
– Floating rate borrowing 51 5 –47
– Other –72 101 34
– Discontinued hedges –25 –2
Total interest rate risk –561 836 242 1 231 –18
Combined interest and currency exchange rate risk on;
– Floating rate lending 53 –60 –377
– Floating rate borrowing –35 47 –1
Total combined interest and exchange rate risk 18 –13 –378 – 347 –1

Total cash flow hedge –543 823 –137 1 578 –19

The main sources of ineffectiveness for cash flow hedges are: Group. This risk may have a significant impact on ING Bank’s financial statements. ING Bank’s policy
• differences in timing of cash flows of the hedged item(s) and hedging instrument(s); is to hedge these exposures only when not doing so be expected to have a significant impact on
• mismatches in reset frequency between hedged item and hedging instrument. the regulatory capital ratios of ING Group and its subsidiaries.

ING Bank’s net investment hedges principally consist of derivatives (including currency forwards
Hedges of net investments in foreign operations
and swaps) and non-derivative financial instruments such as foreign currency denominated
A foreign currency exposure arises from a net investment in subsidiaries that have a different funding. When the hedging instrument is foreign currency denominated debt, ING Bank assesses
functional currency from that of ING Bank. The risk arises from the fluctuation in spot exchange effectiveness by comparing past changes in the carrying amount of the debt that are attributable
rates between the functional currency of the subsidiaries and ING Bank’s functional currency, which to a change in the spot rate with past changes in the investment in the foreign operation due to
causes the amount of the net investment to vary in the consolidated financial statements of ING movement in the spot rate (the offset method).
ING Bank Annual Report 2018 150
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> Derivatives and hedge accounting > 37

Gains and losses on the effective portions of derivatives designated under net investment hedge
accounting are recognised in Other Comprehensive Income. The balance in equity is recognised in
the statement of profit or loss when the related foreign subsidiary is disposed. The gains and losses
on ineffective portions are recognised immediately in the statement of profit or loss.

ING Bank has the following derivative financial instruments used for net investment hedging;

Gross carrying value of derivatives used for net investment hedging

Assets Liabilities
As at 31 December 2018
– FX forwards and futures 41 16

The derivatives used for net investment hedge accounting are included in the statement of
financial position line-item ‘Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss – Non-trading
derivatives’ EUR 41 million (2017: EUR 29 million) respectively ‘Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss – Non-trading derivatives’ EUR 17 million (2017: EUR 71 million). The
remaining derivatives are offset with other derivatives and collaterals paid or received.

For the main currencies the average exchange rates used in net investment hedge accounting for
2018 are EUR/USD 1.18, EUR/PLN 4.26, EUR/AUD 1.58 and EUR/THB 38.15

The following table shows the notional amount of derivatives designated in net investment hedging
split into the maturity of the instruments.

Maturity derivatives designated in net investment hedging

Less than 1 3 to 12
As at 31 December 2018 month 1 to 3 months months 1 to 2 year 2 to 3 years 3 to 4 years 4 to 5 years >5 years Total
– FX forwards and futures –4,085 –1,870 –54 –6,009

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> Assets by contractual maturity > 38

The effect of the net investment hedge accounting in the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income is as follows:

Net investment hedge accounting – Impact on statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income
amount net
Change in value investment Change in Hedge
used for hedge value of ineffectiveness
calculating reserve at the Hedged item hedging recognised in
hedge end of the affected instrument the statement
ineffectiveness reporting statement of recognised in of profit or loss,
for the period period profit or loss OCI gain(+) / Loss(-)
As at 31 December 2018
Net investments hedge
- Investments in foreign operations –71 540 71 2
- Discontinued hedges –210

38 Assets by contractual maturity

Amounts presented in these tables by contractual maturity are the amounts as presented in the
statement of financial position and are discounted cash flows. Reference is made to Note 50 ‘Risk
Management – Funding and liquidity risk’.

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> Assets by contractual maturity > 38

Assets by contractual maturity

2018 Less than 1 month 1 1-3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years Over 5 years Maturity not applicable Total
Cash and balances with central banks 49,987 49,987
Loans and advances to banks 15,862 3,693 4,830 5,599 437 30,420
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
– Trading assets 15,815 6,032 8,123 9,276 10,917 50,163
– Non-trading derivatives 275 323 173 1,059 841 2,672
– Mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 48,240 9,047 5,325 1,238 723 210 64,783
– Designated as at fair value through profit or loss 265 208 784 635 994 2,887
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
– Equity securities 3,228 3,228
– Debt securities 272 234 1,597 13,409 10,103 25,616
– Loans and advances 42 97 254 1,023 962 2,379
Securities at amortised cost 1,126 2,537 2,737 22,169 18,708 47,276
Loans and advances to customers 55,778 17,689 39,443 177,387 302,031 592,328
Intangible assets 120 481 1,238 1,839
Other assets 2 6,895 165 2,429 598 429 214 10,730
Remaining assets (for which maturities are not applicable) 3 2,703 2,703
Total assets 194,560 40,024 65,815 232,874 346,146 7,593 887,012
Cash and balances with central banks 21,989 21,989
Loans and advances to banks 13,928 5,137 5,224 3,931 526 28,746
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
– Trading assets 63,858 14,016 12,667 12,619 13,603 116,763
– Non-trading derivatives 124 147 213 789 912 2,185
– Designated as at fair value through profit or loss 488 967 1,839 351 597 4,242
– Available-for-sale 1,319 2,313 4,301 31,852 25,962 3,983 69,730
– Held-to-maturity 1,020 127 657 2,975 4,564 9,343
Loans and advances to customers 63,122 18,414 40,350 163,444 289,569 574,899
Intangible assets 92 367 1,010 1,469
Other assets 2 8,496 1,520 2,475 869 535 309 14,204
Remaining assets (for which maturities are not applicable) 3 2,748 2,748
Total assets 174,344 42,641 67,818 217,197 336,268 8,050 846,318
1 Includes assets on demand.
2 Includes Other assets, Assets held for sale, and Current and Deferred tax assets as presented in the Consolidated statement of financial position.
3 Included in remaining assets for which maturities are not applicable are property and equipment, and investments in associates and joint ventures. Due to their nature remaining assets consist mainly of assets expected to be recovered after more than 12
4 The amounts for the period ended 31 December 2017 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 39, the adoption of IFRS 9 led to new presentation requirements for 2018; prior period amounts have not been restated Reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting
policies’ for information on Changes in accounting principles, estimates and presentation of the consolidated annual accounts and related notes.

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> Liabilities by maturity > 39

39 Liabilities by maturity
The tables below include all financial liabilities by maturity based on contractual, undiscounted
cash flows. Furthermore, the undiscounted future coupon interest on financial liabilities payable is
included in a separate line and in the relevant maturity bucket. Derivative liabilities are included on
a net basis if cash flows are settled net. For other derivative liabilities the contractual gross cash
flow payable is included.

Non-financial liabilities are included based on a breakdown of the amounts per the statement of
financial position, by expected maturity. Reference is made to the liquidity risk paragraph in Note
50 ‘Risk Management – Funding and liquidity risk’ for a description on how liquidity risk is managed.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 154

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> Liabilities by maturity > 39

Liabilities by maturity
2018 Less than 1 month 1 1–3 months 3–12 months 1–5 years Over 5 years Maturity not applicable Adjustment 2 Total
Deposits from banks 10,506 1,068 1,940 21,571 2,242 2 37,330
Customer deposits 516,367 18,273 16,623 15,973 13,059 580,294
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
– Other trading liabilities 4,075 1,318 1,465 888 1,655 286 9,687
– Trading derivatives 1,711 1,873 3,680 6,855 6,035 1,374 21,528
– Non-trading derivatives 457 315 252 988 883 –583 2,313
– Designated at fair value through profit or loss 34,927 11,753 4,115 3,506 4,921 –43 59,179
Debt securities in issue 4,066 20,961 30,282 32,659 12,200 1,991 102,159
Subordinated loans 1,700 6,518 5,270 154 13,643
Financial liabilities 572,110 55,561 58,357 84,140 47,513 5,270 3,181 826,133
Other liabilities3 10,556 898 2,422 1,198 831 15,904
Non-financial liabilities 10,556 898 2,422 1,198 831 – – 15,904
Total liabilities 582,665 56,459 60,778 85,338 48,345 5,270 3,181 842,036

Coupon interest due on financial liabilities 1,006 905 2,406 8,283 5,280 282 18,162
Deposits from banks 10,002 648 1,687 21,893 2,591 36,821
Customer deposits 494,841 18,510 23,773 10,855 4,711 552,690
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
– Other trading liabilities 29,755 11,530 1,866 1,506 2,390 636 47,683
– Trading derivatives 2,476 2,420 4,520 8,224 5,947 2,326 25,913
– Non-trading derivatives 339 122 232 746 983 –76 2,346
– Designated at fair value through profit or loss 413 838 1,353 3,688 5,072 –149 11,215
Debt securities in issue 3,296 14,657 26,434 34,215 9,867 1,762 90,231
Subordinated loans 10,601 5,077 153 15,831
Financial liabilities 541,122 48,725 59,865 81,127 42,162 5,077 4,652 782,730
Other liabilities3 9,743 1,864 4,152 2,182 1,270 19,211
Non-financial liabilities 9,743 1,864 4,152 2,182 1,270 – – 19,211
Total liabilities 550,865 50,589 64,017 83,309 43,432 5,077 4,652 801,941

Coupon interest due on financial liabilities4 1,109 1,033 2,829 9,521 8,764 23,256
1 Includes liabilities on demand.
2 This column reconciles the contractual undiscounted cash flows on financial liabilities to the statement of financial position values. The adjustments mainly relate to the impact of discounting, and for derivatives, to the fact that the contractual cash flows are
presented on a gross basis (unless the cash flows are actually settled net).
3 Includes Other Liabilities, Current and Deferred Tax Liabilities, and Provisions as presented in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position.
4 Coupon interest excludes coupon interest on perpetual instruments.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 155

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> Assets not freely disposable > 40

In some jurisdictions ING Bank N.V. has an obligation to maintain a reserve with central banks. As at
40 Assets not freely disposable
31 December 2018, the minimum mandatory reserve deposits with various central banks amount
The assets not freely disposable consist primarily of Loans and advances to customers pledged to
to EUR 9,359 million (2017: EUR 8,503 million).
secure Debt securities in issue, deposits from the Dutch Central Bank and other banks. They serve
to secure margin accounts and are used for other purposes required by law. The assets not freely
Loans and advances to customers that have been pledged as collateral for Debt securities in issue
disposable are as follows:
and for liquidity purposes, amount in the Netherlands to EUR 46 billion (2017: EUR 50 billion), in
Germany to EUR 12 billion (2017: EUR 12 billion), in Belgium EUR 12 billion (2017: EUR 10 billion), in
Assets not freely disposable Australia to EUR 3 billion (2017: EUR 2 billion) and in the United States to EUR 1 billion (2017: EUR 1
2018 2017
– Cash and balances with central banks 1,471 1,569 The table does not include assets relating to securities lending as well as sale and repurchase
– Loans and advances to banks 4,373 3,730 transactions. Reference is made to Note 41 ‘Transfer of financial assets’.
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 1,620 1,072
Financial assets at fair value through OCI 421 n/a
Securities at amortised cost 769 n/a 41 Transfer of financial assets
Investments n/a 885
Loans and advances to customers 74,352 76,083 The majority of ING's financial assets that have been transferred, but do not qualify for
Other assets 734 813 derecognition are debt instruments used in securities lending or sale and repurchase transactions.
83,740 84,152 Reference is made to Note 47 ‘Structured entities’.

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> Offsetting financial assets and liabilities > 42

Transfer of financial assets not qualifying for derecognition

Securities lending Sale and repurchase
Equity Debt Equity Debt
2018 20171 2018 20171 2018 2017 2018 2017
Transferred assets at carrying amount
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 2,962 3,995 1,170 2,396 2,120 4,334 6,864
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 168 325 n/a
Investments n/a 2 364 n/a 621
Loans and advances to customers
Securities at amortised cost 142 910 n/a

Associated liabilities at carrying amount

Deposits from banks n/a n/a n/a n/a
Customer deposits n/a n/a n/a n/a
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,373 2,148 2,225 2,599

1 Amounts have been restated to conform to the current year presentation.

The table above includes the associated liabilities which are reported after offsetting, compared to
42 Offsetting financial assets and liabilities
the gross positions of the encumbered assets. The following tables include information about rights to offset and the related arrangements. The
amounts included consist of all recognised financial instruments that are presented net in the
Included in the table above, are the carrying amounts of transferred assets under repurchase statement of financial position under the IFRS offsetting requirements (legal right to offset and
agreements, and securities lending that do not qualify for derecognition. intention to net settle) and amounts presented gross in the statement of financial position but
subject to enforceable master netting arrangements or similar arrangement.
The table above does not include assets transferred to consolidated securitisation entities as the
related assets remain recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 157

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> Offsetting financial assets and liabilities > 42

Financial assets subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements
Gross amounts of recognised Net amounts of financial Related amounts not offset
financial liabilities offset in assets presented in the in the statement of financial position
Gross amounts of the statement of financial statement of financial Cash and financial instru-
2018 recognised financial assets position position Financial instruments ments received as collateral Net amount
Statement of financial position line item Financial instrument
Loans and advances to banks Reverse repurchase, securities
borrowing and similar 1,947 – 1,947 – 1,838 109
Other 0 –0 0 – – 0
1,947 –0 1,947 – 1,838 109
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss
Trading assets Derivatives 17,181 –1,012 16,168 14,664 2 1,502
Trading and Non-trading Reverse repurchase, securities
borrowing and similar 76,983 –18,337 58,647 1,102 57,304 240
Other – – – – – –
94,164 –19,349 74,815 15,766 57,307 1,742

Non-trading derivatives Derivatives 41,263 –39,648 1,615 1,520 –0 96

41,263 –39,648 1,615 1,520 –0 96
Loans and advances to customers Reverse repurchase, securities
borrowing and similar 223 –223 – – – –
Debit balances on customer
161,730 –159,596 2,134 1,166 605 363
161,953 –159,819 2,134 1,166 605 363
Other items where offsetting is applied in
the statement of financial position 5,705 –5,193 512 1 – 510

Impact of enforceable master netting Derivatives

– – – –5,041 3,518 1,523
arrangements or similar arrangements1
– – – –0 – 0
– – – –5,041 3,518 1,523
Total financial assets 305,032 –224,008 81,023 13,412 63,267 4,344
1 The line ‘Impact of enforceable master netting agreements or similar arrangements’ contains derivative positions under the same master netting arrangements being presented in different statement of financial position line items.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 158

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> Offsetting financial assets and liabilities > 42

Financial assets subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements
Gross amounts of recognised Net amounts of financial Related amounts not offset
financial liabilities offset in assets presented in the in the statement of financial position
Gross amounts of the statement of financial statement of financial Cash and financial instru-
2017 recognised financial assets position position Financial instruments ments received as collateral Net amount
Statement of financial position line item Financial instrument
Loans and advances to banks Reverse repurchase, securities
borrowing and similar 1,838 1,838 1,728 110
Other 7 –7 –
1,845 –7 1,838 0 1,728 110
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss
Trading assets Derivatives 20,878 –760 20,118 18,427 219 1,472
Reverse repurchase, securities
borrowing and similar 68,050 –14,475 53,575 1,068 52,456 51
88,928 –15,235 73,693 19,495 52,675 1,523
Non-trading derivatives Derivatives 45,176 –43,819 1,357 1,238 217 –98
45,176 –43,819 1,357 1,238 217 –98
Loans and advances to customers Reverse repurchase, securities
borrowing and similar 409 –209 200 200
Debit balances on customer
accounts 157,892 –156,015 1,877 1,018 302 557

158,301 –156,224 2,077 1,018 502 557

Other items where offsetting is applied in
6,860 –6,366 494 494
the statement of financial position
Impact of enforceable master netting Derivatives
–5,929 4,208 1,721
arrangements or similar arrangements1
–5,929 4,208 1,721
Total financial assets 301,110 –221,651 79,459 15,822 59,330 4,307
1 The line ‘Impact of enforceable master netting agreements or similar arrangements’ contains derivative positions under the same master netting arrangements being presented in different statement of financial position line items.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 159

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Offsetting financial assets and liabilities > 42

Financial liabilities subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements
Gross amounts of recognised Net amounts of financial Related amounts not offset in the statement of financial position
Gross amounts of financial assets offset in the liabilities presented in the
recognised statement of financial statement of financial Cash and financial instruments
2018 financial liabilities position position Financial instruments received as collateral Net amount
Statement of financial position line
item Financial instrument
Deposits from banks Repurchase, securities lending
and similar agreements 36 –36 –0 –0
37 –36 0 0 0 –0

Customer deposits Repurchase, securities lending

and similar agreements 224 –186 37 37
Corporate deposits 9,567 –9,078 489 489
Credit balances on customer
161,552 –150,518 11,034 1,166 4 9,864
171,343 –159,782 11,561 1,166 42 10,353
Financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss
Trading liabilities Derivatives 17,105 –1,021 16,084 15,301 2 781
Trading and Non-trading Repurchase, securities lending
and similar agreements 64,324 –18,337 45,987 1,102 44,801 85
81,429 –19,357 62,071 16,403 44,803 866

Non-trading derivatives Derivatives 42,675 –41,198 1,477 1,312 178 –13

Other items where offsetting is applied

4,353 –3,634 718 –4 723
in the statement of financial position

Impact of enforceable master netting Derivatives

arrangements or similar arrangements 1
–5,464 5,773 –309
–0 0
– – – –5,464 5,773 –309
Total financial liabilities 299,836 –224,008 75,827 13,412 50,796 11,619
1 The line ‘Impact of enforceable master netting agreements or similar arrangements’ contains derivative positions under the same master netting arrangements being presented in different statement of financial position line items.

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> Offsetting financial assets and liabilities > 42

Financial liabilities subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements
Related amounts not offset in the statement of financial position
Gross amounts of Gross amounts of recognised Net amounts of financial
recognised financial assets offset in the liabilities presented in the Cash and financial instruments
2017 financial liabilities statement of financial position statement of financial position Financial instruments received as collateral Net amount
Statement of financial position line item Financial instrument
Deposits from banks Repurchase, securities lending
and similar agreements 4 4 4 –

Other 68 –8 60 60
72 –8 64 – 4 60
Customer deposits Repurchase, securities lending
and similar agreements 209 –209 – – – –

Corporate deposits 11,508 –11,022 486 486

Credit balances on customer
156,465 –144,991 11,474 1,021 – 10,453
168,182 –156,222 11,960 1,021 – 10,939
Financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss
Trading liabilities Derivatives 21,356 –975 20,381 19,292 302 787
Repurchase, securities lending
and similar agreements 51,445 –14,475 36,970 1,068 35,792 110

72,801 –15,450 57,351 20,360 36,094 897
Non-trading derivatives Derivatives 46,765 –45,251 1,514 1,261 125 128
Other items where offsetting is applied in
5,393 –4,720 673 673
the statement of financial position
Impact of enforceable master netting Derivatives
arrangements or similar arrangements 1
–6,820 6,228 592
– – – –6,820 6,228 592
Total financial liabilities 293,213 –221,651 71,562 15,822 42,451 13,289

1 The line ‘Impact of enforceable master netting agreements or similar arrangements’ contains derivative positions under the same master netting arrangements being presented in different statement of financial position line items.

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> Contingent liabilities and commitments > 43

43 Contingent liabilities and commitments

In the normal course of business, ING Bank is party to activities where risks are not reflected in
whole or in part in the consolidated annual accounts. In response to the needs of its customers, the
Bank offers financial products related to loans. These products include traditional off-balance sheet
credit-related financial instruments.

Contingent liabilities and commitments

Less than 1 Maturity not
month 1–3 months 3–12 months 1–5 years Over 5 years applicable Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Contingent liabilities in respect of
– Discounted bills 1 1 1 1
– Guarantees 18,369 15,647 374 571 1,324 944 2,094 2,560 4,095 4,189 26,256 23,911
– Irrevocable letters of credit 10,346 9,453 4,499 4,746 998 1,146 374 176 3 12 16,220 15,533
– Other 52 58 115 223 – 167 281
28,768 25,159 4,873 5,317 2,322 2,090 2,584 2,959 4,098 4,201 – – 42,644 39,726

Irrevocable facilities 63,499 56,459 2,699 2,150 8,470 7,504 32,717 30,331 6,876 7,825 114,261 104,269
92,266 81,618 7,572 7,467 10,792 9,594 35,301 33,290 10,974 12,026 – – 156,905 143,995

Reference is made to Parent company annual accounts – Notes to the parent company annual Irrevocable letters of credit mainly secure payments to third parties for a customer’s foreign and
accounts, Note 30 ‘Other’ for further information on Guarantees issued by ING Bank N.V. domestic trade transactions in order to finance a shipment of goods. ING Bank’s credit risk in these
transactions is limited since these transactions are collateralised by the commodity shipped and
Guarantees relate both to credit and non-credit substitute guarantees. Credit substitute guarantees are of a short duration.
are guarantees given by ING Bank in respect of credit granted to customers by a third party. Many
of them are expected to expire without being drawn on and therefore do not necessarily represent Other contingent liabilities include acceptances of bills and are of a short-term nature. Other
future cash outflows. In addition to the items included in contingent liabilities, ING Bank has issued contingent liabilities also include contingent liabilities resulting from the operations of the Real
guarantees as a participant in collective arrangements of national industry bodies and as a Estate business including obligations under development and construction contracts. Furthermore
participant in government required collective guarantee schemes which apply in different other contingent liabilities include a contingent liability in connection with a possible Dutch tax
countries. obligation that relates to the deduction from Dutch taxable profit for losses incurred by ING Bank in

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> Legal proceedings > 44

the United Kingdom in previous years. The existence of this obligation will be confirmed only by the and other damages. While it is not feasible to predict or determine the ultimate outcome of all
occurrence of future profits in the United Kingdom. pending or threatened governmental, regulatory, arbitration and legal proceedings and
investigations, ING is of the opinion that some of the proceedings and investigations set out below
Irrevocable facilities mainly constitute unused portions of irrevocable credit facilities granted to may have or have in the recent past had a significant effect on the financial position, profitability or
corporate clients. Many of these facilities are for a fixed duration and bear interest at a floating reputation of ING and/or ING and its consolidated subsidiaries.
rate. ING Bank’s credit risk and interest rate risk in these transactions is limited. The unused portion
of irrevocable credit facilities is partly secured by customers’ assets or counter-guarantees by the Criminal investigations: On 4 September 2018, ING announced that it has entered into a
central governments and exempted bodies under the regulatory requirements. Irrevocable facilities settlement agreement with the Dutch Public Prosecution Service relating to previously disclosed
also include commitments made to purchase securities to be issued by governments and private investigations regarding various requirements for client on-boarding and the prevention of money
issuers. laundering and corrupt practices. Under the terms of the agreement ING has agreed to pay a fine
of EUR 675 million and EUR 100 million for disgorgement. As previously noted, in connection with
Furthermore, ING Bank leases assets from third parties under operating leases as lessee. The future the investigations ING also received information requests from the US Securities and Exchange
rental commitments to be paid under non-cancellable operating leases are as follows: Commission (SEC). As ING announced on 5 September 2018, ING has received a formal notification
from the SEC that it has concluded its investigation. In the letter dated 4 September 2018 the
Future rental commitments for operating lease contracts Division of Enforcement states that, based on information as of the date thereof, it does not intend
2018 2017 to recommend an SEC enforcement action against ING.
2018 268
2019 260 195
2020 230 165
Tax cases: Because of the geographic spread of its business, ING may be subject to tax audits,
2021 201 152 investigations and procedures in numerous jurisdictions at any point in time. Although ING believes
2022 166 116 that it has adequately provided for all its tax positions, the ultimate resolution of these audits,
Years after 2022 521 356
investigations and procedures may result in liabilities which are different from the amounts
recognised. ING has also identified issues in connection with its U.S. tax information reporting and
44 Legal proceedings withholding obligations in respect of prior periods. While a provision has been recognised, the
review of such issues is ongoing.
ING Bank N.V. and its consolidated subsidiaries are involved in governmental, regulatory, arbitration
and legal proceedings and investigations in the Netherlands and in a number of foreign SIBOR – SOR litigation: In July 2016, investors in derivatives tied to the Singapore Interbank Offer
jurisdictions, including the U.S., involving claims by and against them which arise in the ordinary Rate (‘SIBOR’) filed a U.S. class action complaint in the New York District Court alleging that several
course of their businesses, including in connection with their activities as lenders, broker-dealers, banks, including ING, conspired to rig the prices of derivatives tied to SIBOR and the Singapore Swap
underwriters, issuers of securities and investors and their position as employers and taxpayers. In Offer Rate (‘SOR’). The lawsuit refers to investigations by the Monetary Authority of Singapore
certain of such proceedings, very large or indeterminate amounts are sought, including punitive (‘MAS’) and other regulators, including the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (‘CFTC’), in

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> Legal proceedings > 44

relation to rigging prices of SIBOR- and SOR based derivatives. In October 2018, the New York damages suffered by the investors in Fortis. In March 2016, Ageas, VEB and certain other claimants
District Court issued a decision dismissing all claims against ING Group and ING Capital Markets LLC, announced that the claim in relation to Fortis had been settled. Ageas agreed to pay EUR 1.2 billion
but leaving ING Bank, together with several other banks, in the case, and directing plaintiffs to file to investors as compensation. On 13 July 2018, the Court of Appeal declared the settlement
an amended complaint consistent with the Court's rulings. On 25 October 2018, plaintiffs filed such agreement binding. The settlement also included a third-party release clause, releasing ING and
amended complaint, which asserts claims against a number of defendants but none against ING the other underwriting banks from the claims made by VEB on behalf of investors in this matter.
Bank (or any other ING entity), effectively dismissing ING Bank from the case. In December 2018,
plaintiffs sought permission from the Court to file a further amended complaint that names ING Interest rate derivatives claims: ING is involved in several legal proceedings in the Netherlands
Bank as a defendant. If the Court allows plaintiffs to file that complaint, ING Bank will continue to with respect to interest rate derivatives that were sold to clients in connection with floating interest
defend itself against the allegations. Currently, it is not possible to provide an estimate of the rate loans in order to hedge the interest rate risk of the loans. These proceedings are based on
(potential) financial effect of this claim. several legal grounds, depending on the facts and circumstances of each specific case, inter alia
alleged breach of duty of care, insufficient information provided to the clients on the product and
Claims regarding accounts with predecessors of ING Bank Turkey: ING Bank Turkey has received its risks and other elements related to the interest rate derivatives that were sold to clients. In some
numerous claims from (former) customers of legal predecessors of ING Bank Turkey. The claims are cases, the court has ruled in favour of the claimants and awarded damages, annulled the interest
based on offshore accounts held with these banks, which banks were seized by the Savings Deposit rate derivative or ordered repayment of certain amounts to the claimants. The total amounts that
Insurance Fund (“SDIF”) prior to the acquisition of ING Bank Turkey in 2007 from OYAK. SDIF has also need to be repaid or compensated in some cases still need to be determined. ING may decide to
filed various lawsuits against ING Bank Turkey to claim compensation from ING Bank Turkey, with appeal against adverse rulings. Although the outcome of the pending litigation and similar cases
respect to amounts paid out to offshore account holders so far. ING Bank had initiated an that may be brought in the future is uncertain, it is possible that the courts may ultimately rule in
arbitration procedure against OYAK in which ING Bank sought to be held harmless for these claims. favour of the claimants in some or all of such cases. Where appropriate a provision has been taken.
The arbitration court dismissed ING’s prayers for relief. At this moment it is not possible to assess The aggregate financial impact of the current and future litigation could become material.
the outcome of these procedures nor to provide an estimate of the (potential) financial effect of As requested by the AFM, ING has reviewed a significant part of the files of clients who bought
these claims. interest rate derivatives. In December 2015, the AFM concluded that Dutch banks may have to re-
assess certain client files, potentially including certain derivative contracts that were terminated
VEB Fortis claim: In January 2011, the Dutch Association of Stockholders (Vereniging van prior to April 2014 or other client files. As advised by the AFM, the Minister of Finance appointed a
Effectenbezitters, “VEB”) issued a writ alleging that investors were misled by the prospectus that Committee of independent experts (the “Committee”) which has established a uniform recovery
was issued with respect to the September 2007 rights issue of Fortis N.V. (now Ageas N.V.) against framework for Dutch SME clients with interest rate derivatives. ING has adopted this recovery
Ageas N.V., the underwriters of such rights issue, including ING Bank, and former directors of Fortis framework and has reassessed individual files against this framework. ING has taken an additional
N.V. According to the VEB the prospectus shows substantive incorrect and misleading information. provision for the financial consequences of the recovery framework. In 2017, ING has informed the
The VEB stated that the impact and the risks of the sub-prime crisis for Fortis and Fortis’ liquidity majority of the relevant clients whether they are in scope of the recovery framework, and thus
position were reflected incorrectly in the prospectus. The VEB requested a declaratory decision eligible for compensation, or not. Because implementation by ING of the uniform recovery
stating that the summoned parties acted wrongfully and are therefore responsible for the framework encountered delay, ING has previously offered advance payments to customers out of

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> Legal proceedings > 44

the existing provision. As of December 2018, all customers in scope of the uniform recovery decisions. ING Spain has also been included, together with other Spanish banks, in a class action
framework have received an offer of compensation from ING. filed by a customer association. The outcome of the pending litigation and similar cases that may
be brought in the future is uncertain. A provision has been taken. However, the aggregate financial
Interest surcharges claims: ING received complaints and is involved in litigation with natural impact of the current and future litigation could change. In February 2018, the Spanish Supreme
persons (natuurlijke personen) in the Netherlands regarding increases in interest surcharges with Court ruled that Stamp Duty (Impuesto de Actos Jurídicos Documentados) expenses are chargeable
respect to several credit products, including but not limited to residential property to the customer, while in October 2018 it ruled that Stamp Duty is chargeable to the banks. In
(eigenwoningfinanciering). ING is reviewing the relevant product portfolio. Although the review is November 2018, the Spanish Supreme Court clarified the issue regarding Stamp Duty by stating
still ongoing, a provision has been taken for certain of these complaints. that this tax should be borne by the customer. As for the remaining types of the expenses, in
January 2019, the Spanish Supreme Court issued several decisions that stated that the client and
Criminal proceedings regarding cash company financing: In June 2017, a Belgian criminal Court the bank each have to bear half of the notary and management company costs and that registry
ruled that ING Luxembourg assisted third parties in 2000 to commit a tax fraud in the context of costs have to be borne in full by the bank. Allocation of valuation costs between the bank and the
the purchase of the shares of a cash company. The Court convicted ING Luxembourg, among customer were not addressed by the Spanish Supreme Court decisions and remain uncertain.
others, and ordered ING to pay a penal fine of EUR 120,000 (suspended for half of the total
amount). The court also ordered ING Luxembourg jointly and severally with other parties, to pay Imtech claim: In January 2018, ING Bank received a claim from Stichting ImtechClaim.nl and
EUR 31.48 million (together with any interest payable under applicable law) to the bankruptcy Imtech Shareholders Action Group B.V. on behalf of certain (former) shareholders of Imtech N.V.
trustee of the cash company. In July 2017, ING Luxembourg filed an appeal against this judgment. (“Imtech”). Furthermore, on 28 March 2018, ING Bank received another claim on the same subject
A settlement with all the civil parties involved was reached in mid-2018. However, this settlement matter from the VEB. Each of the claimants allege inter alia that shareholders were misled by the
does not apply to the criminal conviction of ING Luxembourg, for which ING’s appeal remains prospectus of the rights issues of Imtech in July 2013 and October 2014. ING Bank, being one of the
pending. In a separate proceeding the Belgian authorities were also investigating ING Luxembourg underwriters of the rights issues, is held liable by the claimants for the damages that investors in
for allegedly assisting third parties in 2001 to commit tax fraud in the context of the purchase of Imtech would have suffered. ING Bank responded to the claimants denying any and all
the shares of a different cash company. In December 2018, the Court has agreed upon a global responsibility in relation to the allegations made in the relevant letters. In September 2018, the
(civil and criminal) settlement of any claims in connection with this separate proceeding, which trustees in the bankruptcy of Imtech claimed from various financing parties, including ING,
settlement is binding. payment of what the security agent has collected following bankruptcy or intends to collect,
repayment of all that was repaid to the financing parties, as well as compensation for the
Mortgage expenses claims: ING Spain has received claims and is involved in procedures with repayment of the bridge financing. At this moment it is not possible to assess the outcome of these
customers regarding reimbursement of expenses associated with the formalisation of mortgages. claims nor to provide an estimate of the (potential) effect of these claims.
In most court proceedings in first instance the expense clause of the relevant mortgage contract
has been declared null and ING Spain has been ordered to reimburse all or part of the applicable Mexican Government Bond litigation: A class action complaint was filed adding ING Bank N.V., ING
expenses. The courts in first instance have applied in their rulings different criteria regarding the Groep N.V., ING Bank Mexico S.A. and ING Financial Markets LLC (“ING”) as defendants to a
reimbursement of expenses. ING Spain has filed an appeal against a number of these court complaint that had previously been filed against multiple other financial institutions. The

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> Consolidated companies and businesses acquired and divested > 45

complaint alleges that the defendants conspired to fix the prices of Mexican Government Bonds. Consideration transferred
ING is defending itself against the allegations. Currently, it is not possible to provide an estimate of Payvision
the (potential) financial effect of this claim. Cash paid 213
Deferred consideration 25
Contingent consideration 22
45 Consolidated companies and businesses acquired and divested Total purchase consideration 260

Contingent consideration is payable by ING to the original shareholders of Payvision in the amount
ranging from EUR 0 up to EUR 25 million in 3 tranches upon achievement of 3 milestones. The
milestones should be achieved within (1) 6 months after completion of the acquisition, (2) 6
ING Bank obtained control over Payvision Holding B.V. (Payvision), a fast-growing, leading
months after achieving milestone 1 and (3) 3 months after achieving milestone 2 (with some
international omnichannel payments service provider, by acquiring 75% of its shares on 13 March
additional grace periods of 4 months per milestone permitted). The amounts are payable in
2018. This is in scope of IFRS 3 ‘Business combinations’.
tranches of EUR 7 million, EUR 7 million and EUR 11 million respectively. The probability of
The transaction will enable ING to strengthen its footprint in omnichannel payments services and
achievement of the set milestones and the time value of money were taken into consideration in
expand its merchant services for its business customers, in particular in the fast-growing e-
the measurement of the contingent consideration at fair value of EUR 22 million on the date of
commerce segment. Total consideration paid of the 75% of shares was, including deferred and
acquisition. Since the date of acquisition there were no changes in the assumptions used to develop
contingent consideration, EUR 260 million.
the estimate of the fair value of the contingent consideration.

The share purchase agreement includes also an arrangement for possible acquisition of the
In October 2018 ING made a first milestone payment of EUR 7 million.
remaining 25% shares of Payvision. This consists of a put option exercisable by the original
shareholders as well as a call option exercisable by ING. In summary, the put is exercisable after 3
The incurred acquisition costs amounts to EUR 1 million and are included in the ‘other operating
years with an exercise price of fair market value (FMV) unless the fair value of the total business is
expenses’ in the Consolidated statement of profit or loss.
less than EUR 210 million, then the exercise price is EUR 1. The call option by ING has similar terms
but is only exercisable after 5 years. In addition, there are some early redemption features at
The assets and liabilities recognised as a result of the acquisition are as follows;
various prices at various times. The put option, exercisable by the non-controlling interest
shareholders, is reported as financial liability with initial recognition through shareholders’ equity of
EUR 87 million.

The following table summarises the acquisition date fair value of consideration transferred.

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> Consolidated companies and businesses acquired and divested > 45

Assets and liabilities recognised as a result of the acquisition Goodwill recognised

Payvision Payvision
Cash and balances with central banks 116 Total purchase consideration 260
Loans and advances to banks 32 Net identifiable assets acquired 72
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 2 Goodwill recognised 188
Property and equipment 3
Intangible assets 125
Other assets 17 On 20 February 2018 ING acquired 90% of the shares of Makelaarsland B.V. for a total consideration
295 of EUR 14 million. The acquisition of Makelaarsland B.V. led to a recognition of goodwill of EUR 14
Customer deposits 1
Current tax liability 2
Deferred tax liability 30 The total goodwill of EUR 202 million, from the acquisition of both Payvision and Makelaarsland
Other liabilities 166 recognised in the first half of 2018, comprises the the fair value of expected synergies arising from
the acquisitions.
Net identifiable assets 97
Less; non-controlling interest 24 Goodwill arising on these acquisitions is not expected to be deductible for tax purposes.
Net identifiable assets acquired 72

The acquired businesses contributed ‘revenues’ of EUR 40 million and net profit of EUR 6 million to
The fair value of the identified intangible assets are determined using an income approach. the group for the period from 1 April 2018 to 31 December 2018.

The deferred tax liability comprises the deferred tax resulting from the initial recognition of If the acquisitions had occurred on 1 January 2018, consolidated ‘revenues’ and consolidated net
intangible assets in the business combination. The other liabilities mainly include merchant profit for the year ended 31 December 2018 would have been EUR 51 million, and EUR 6 million
payables that are part of the normal course of business of Payvision. respectively.

The amount of the non-controlling interest is determined based on the proportionate share of the There were no significant acquisitions in 2017 and 2016.
subsidiary’s identifiable net assets.
In December 2018, reached an agreement to sell part of the ING Lease Italy business. Under the
terms agreed, ING will receive EUR 500 million cash consideration and a EUR 1 billion Senior Loan
facility for the portfolio of lease receivables. The Italian lease business was previously included in
the business line segment Wholesale Banking and geographical segment Other Challengers. The
carrying amount of the lease receivables, previously classified as loans and advances per

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> Principal subsidiaries, investments in associates and joint ventures > 46

transaction date amounted to EUR 1,389 million. The sale is expected to take place during 2019,
with a negotiated long stop date of 31 December 2019. For each of the subsidiaries listed, the voting rights held equal the proportion of ownership interest
and consolidation by ING is based on the majority of ownership.
Reference is made to Note 12 ‘Assets and liabilities held for sale’ and Note 25 ‘Result on the
disposal of group companies’. For the principal investments in associates and joint ventures ING Bank has significant influence but
not control. Significant influence generally results from a shareholding of between 20% and 50% of
In 2017 and 2016 there were no significant divestments of consolidated companies. the voting rights, but also the ability to participate in the financial and operating policies through
situations including, but not limited to one or more of the following:
46 Principal subsidiaries, investments in associates and joint • Representation on the board of directors;
ventures • Participation in the policymaking process; and
• Interchange of managerial personnel.
For the majority of ING’s principal subsidiaries, ING Bank N.V. has control because it either directly
or indirectly owns more than half of the voting power. For subsidiaries in which the interest held is
The principal subsidiaries, investments in associates and joint ventures of ING Bank N.V. and their
below 50%, control exists based on the combination of ING’s financial interest and its rights from
statutory place of incorporation or primary place of business are as follows:
other contractual arrangements which result in control over the operating and financial policies of
the entity.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 168

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> Structured entities > 47

Principal subsidiaries, investments in associates and joint ventures

Proportion of
and interest held
by the Group
2018 2017
Subsidiary Statutory place of Incorporation Country of operation
Bank Mendes Gans N.V. Amsterdam the Netherlands 100% 100%
ING Belgium S.A./N.V. Brussels Belgium 100% 100%
Record Bank1 Brussels Belgium n/a 100%
ING Luxembourg S.A. Luxembourg City Luxembourg 100% 100%
ING-DiBa AG Frankfurt am Main Germany 100% 100%
ING Bank Slaski S.A.2 Katowice Poland 75% 75%
ING Financial Holdings Corporation Delaware United States of America 100% 100%
ING Bank A.S. Istanbul Turkey 100% 100%
ING Bank (Australia) Ltd Sydney Australia 100% 100%
ING Commercial Finance B.V. Amsterdam the Netherlands 100% 100%
ING Groenbank N.V. Amsterdam the Netherlands 100% 100%

Investments in associates and joint ventures

TMB Bank Public Company Ltd Bangkok Thailand 25% 25%

1 During 2018, ING merged Record Bank into ING Belgium S.A./N.V.
2 The shares of the non-controlling interest stake of 25% are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, for summarised financial information we refer to ‘Note 32 ‘Segments’.

47 Structured entities
of these annual accounts, ING establishes whether these involvements result in no significant
ING Bank’s activities involve transactions with various structured entities (SE) in the normal course
influence, significant influence, joint control or control over the structured entity.
of its business. A structured entity is an entity that has been designed so that voting or similar
rights are not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entity, such as when any voting
The structured entities over which ING can exercise control are consolidated. ING may provide
rights relate to administrative tasks only and the relevant activities are directed by means of
support to these consolidated structured entities as and when appropriate. However, this is fully
contractual arrangements. ING Bank’s involvement in these entities varies and includes both debt
reflected in the consolidated annual accounts of ING Bank as all assets and liabilities of these
financing and equity financing of these entities as well as other relationships. Based on its
entities are included and off-balance sheet commitments are disclosed.
accounting policies, as disclosed in the section Principles of valuation and determination of results

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 169

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> Structured entities > 47

ING’s activities involving structured entities are explained below in the following categories: In 2018, there are no non-controlling interests as part of the securitisation structured entities that
1 Consolidated ING originated securitisation programmes; are significant to ING Bank. ING Bank for the majority of the securitisation vehicles provides the
2 Consolidated ING originated Covered bond programme (CBC); funding for the entity except for EUR 5 billion.
3 Consolidated ING sponsored Securitisation programme (Mont Blanc);
4 Unconsolidated Securitisation programme; and In addition ING Bank originated various securitisations for liquidity management optimisation
5 Other structured entities. purposes. As at 31 December 2018, these consisted of approximately EUR 4 billion of senior secured
portfolio loans, which have been issued to ING subsidiaries in Germany and Luxemburg. The
1. Consolidated ING originated securitisation programmes underlying exposures are senior loans to large corporations and financial institutions, and real
ING Bank enters into liquidity management securitisation programmes in order to obtain funding estate finance loans, mainly in the Netherlands. These securitisations did not impact ING Bank’s
and improve liquidity. Within the programme ING Bank sells ING originated assets to a structured consolidated statement of financial position and profit or loss.
entity. The underlying exposures include residential mortgages in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain,
Italy and Australia and SME Loans in Belgium. 2. Consolidated ING originated Covered bond programme (CBC)
ING Bank has entered into a covered bond programme. Under the covered bond programme ING
The structured entity issues securitised notes (traditional securitisations) which are eligible issues bonds. The payment of interest and principal is guaranteed by the ING administered
collateral for central bank liquidity purposes. In most programmes ING Bank acts as investor of the structured entities, ING Covered Bond Company B.V., and ING SB Covered Bond Company B.V. In
securitised notes. ING Bank continues to consolidate these structured entities if it is deemed to order for these entities to fulfil their guarantee, ING legally transfers mainly Dutch mortgage loans
control the entities. originated by ING. Furthermore ING offers protection against deterioration of the mortgage loans.
The entities are consolidated by ING Bank.
The structured entity issues securitisation notes in two or more tranches, of which the senior
tranche obtains a high rating (AAA or AA) by a rating agency. The tranche can subsequently be Covered bond programme
used by ING Bank as collateral in the money market for secured borrowings. Fair value pledged
mortgage loans

ING Bank originated various securitisations, as at 31 December 2018 these consisted of 2018 20171
Dutch Covered Bond Companies 24,336 27,382
approximately EUR 66 billion of senior and subordinated notes, of which approximately EUR 5
24,336 27,382
billion were issued externally. The underlying exposures are residential mortgages and SME loans. 1 Amounts have been restated to conform to the current year presentation.
Apart from the third party funding, these securitisations did not impact ING Bank’s Consolidated
statement of financial position and profit or loss. In addition, subsidiaries of ING in Germany, Belgium and Australia also issued covered bonds with
pledged mortgages loans of approximately EUR 14 billion in total.

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> Related parties > 48

In general, the third-party investors in securities issued by the structured entity have recourse only 4. Unconsolidated Securitisation programme
to the assets of the entity and not to the assets of ING Bank. In 2013 ING transferred financial assets (mortgage loans) for an amount of approximately EUR 2
billion to a newly established special purpose entity (SPE). The transaction resulted in full
derecognition of the financial assets from ING’s statement of financial position. The derecognition
did not have a significant impact on net result. Following this transfer ING continues to have two
3. Consolidated ING sponsored Securitisation programme (Mont Blanc) types of on-going involvement in the transferred assets: as counterparty to the SPE of a non-
In the normal course of business, ING Bank structures financing transactions for its clients by standard interest rate swap and as servicer of the transferred assets. ING has an option to unwind
assisting them in obtaining sources of liquidity by selling the clients’ receivables or other financial the transaction by redeeming all notes at their principal outstanding amount, in the unlikely event
assets (also referred to as factoring) to an ING sponsored Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The senior of changes in accounting and/or regulatory requirements that significantly impact the transaction.
positions in these transactions are funded by the ING administered multi seller Asset Backed The fair value of the swap held by ING at 31 December 2018 amounted to EUR –33 million (2017:
Commercial Paper (ABCP) conduit; Mont Blanc Capital Corp. (rated A-1/P-1). Mont Blanc Capital EUR –41 million); fair value changes on this swap recognised in the statement of profit or loss in
Corp. funds itself externally in the ABCP market. 2018 were EUR 8 million (2017: EUR –36 million). Service fee income recognised, for the role as
administrative agent, in the statement of profit or loss in 2018 amounted to EUR 2 million (2017:
In its role as administrative agent, ING Bank facilitates these transactions by acting as EUR 2 million). The cumulative income recognised in profit or loss since derecognition amounts to
administrative agent, swap counterparty and liquidity provider to Mont Blanc Capital Corp. ING Bank EUR 13 million.
also provides support facilities (i.e. liquidity) backing the transactions funded by the conduit. The
types of asset currently in the Mont Blanc conduit include trade receivables, consumer finance 5. Other structured entities
receivables, car leases and residential mortgages. In the normal course of business, ING Bank enters into transactions with structured entities as
counterparty. Predominantly in its structured finance operations, ING can be instrumental in
ING Bank supports the commercial paper programmes by providing the SPV Mont Blanc Capital facilitating the creation of these structured entity counterparties. These entities are generally not
Corp. with short-term liquidity facilities. Once drawn these facilities bear normal credit risk. included in the consolidated annual accounts of ING Bank, as ING facilitates these transactions as
administrative agent by providing structuring, accounting, funding, lending, and operation services.
The liquidity facilities, provided to Mont Blanc are EUR 1,173 million (2017: EUR 1,139 million). The
drawn liquidity amount is nil as at 31 December 2018 (2017: nil). ING Bank offers various investment fund products to its clients. ING Bank does not invest in these
investment funds for its own account nor acts as the fund manager.
The standby liquidity facilities are reported under irrevocable facilities. All facilities, which vary in
risk profile, are granted to the SPV subject to normal ING Bank credit and liquidity risk analysis
procedures. The fees received for services provided and for facilities are charged subject to market
48 Related parties
conditions. In the normal course of business, ING Bank enters into various transactions with related parties.
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control or exercise significant

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> Related parties > 48

influence over the other party in making financial or operating decisions. Related parties of ING Associates and joint ventures
Bank include, among others, its subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures, key management Transactions with ING Bank’s main associates and joint ventures
personnel, and various defined benefit and contribution plans. For post-employment benefit plans, Associates Joint ventures
reference is made to Note 34 ‘Pension and other postemployment benefits’. Transactions between 2018 2017 2018 2017
Assets 54 120 9
related parties include rendering or receiving of services, leases, transfers under finance
Liabilities 98 86 1 5
arrangements and provisions of guarantees or collateral. All transactions with related parties took Off-balance sheet commitments 120 92 1
place at conditions customary in the market. There are no significant provisions for doubtful debts
or individually significant bad debt expenses recognised on outstanding balances with related Income received 2 8
parties. Expenses paid 6

Transactions with ING Groep N.V. are eliminated on consolidation. ING Bank forms part of ING Group Assets, liabilities, commitments, and income related to Associates and joint ventures result from
and also enters into transactions with ING Group. These transactions vary from financing activities transactions which are executed as part of the normal Banking business.
to regular purchase and sales transactions. Disclosed in the table below, are the transactions with
ING Groep N.V. Key management personnel compensation
Transactions with key management personnel (Executive Board, Management Board Banking and
Subsidiaries Supervisory Board) and post-employment benefit plans are transactions with related parties. These
Transactions with ING Groep N.V. transactions are disclosed in more detail as required by Part 9 Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code in the
2018 20171 remuneration report included in the annual report. The relevant sections of the remuneration
Assets 140 377 report therefore form part of the annual accounts.
Liabilities 34,902 21,277

Income received 26 26
Expenses paid 629 472

1 Amounts have been restated to conform to the current year presentation.

Liabilities to ING Groep N.V. mainly comprise long-term funding.

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> Related parties > 48

In 2018 and 2017, three members of the Executive Board of ING Groep N.V. were also members of Key management personnel compensation (Executive Board and Management Board Banking)
the Management Board Banking. The members of the Management Board Banking are considered
Executive Manage-
to be key management personnel and their compensation is therefore included in the tables below. 2017 Board of ING ment Board
in EUR thousands Groep N.V. 1 Banking2, 3 Total
Fixed Compensation
Key management personnel compensation (Executive Board and Management Board Banking)
– Base salary 4,399 3,772 8,171
Executive Manage-
– Collective fixed allowances 4 1,418 1,180 2,598
2018 Board of ING ment Board
– Pension costs 96 118 214
in EUR thousands Groep N.V. Banking 1 Total
Fixed Compensation – Severance benefits 1,204 1,204
– Base salary 4,157 3,672 7,829 Variable compensation
– Collective fixed allowances2 1,191 990 2,181 Upfront cash 463 463
– Pension costs 78 103 181 Upfront shares 226 485 711
– Severance benefits3 602 602 Deferred cash 694 694
Variable compensation4 Deferred shares 339 728 1,067
– Upfront cash Other
– Upfront shares Total compensation 7,682 7,440 15,122
– Deferred cash
– Deferred shares 1 In 2017 two members left and two members joined the Executive Board. The table includes their compensation earned in
– Other the capacity as Board members.
Total compensation 6,028 4,765 10,793 2 Excluding members that are also members of the Executive Board of ING Groep N.V.
3 In the Management Board Banking, excluding the Executive Board members, one member left and one member joined in
1 Excluding members that are also members of the Executive Board of ING Groep N.V. 2017. The table includes their compensation earned in the capacity as Board members.
2 The collective fixed allowances consist of two savings allowances applicable to employees in the Netherlands; an individual 4 The collective fixed allowances consist of two savings allowances applicable to employees in the Netherlands; an individual
savings allowance of 3.5% and a collective savings allowance to compensate for loss of pension benefits with respect to savings allowance of 3.5% and a collective savings allowance to compensate for loss of pension benefits with respect to
salary in excess of EUR 105,075. salary in excess of EUR 103,317.
3 Following the settlement agreement and in consultation with the Supervisory Board, the CFO stepped down from his
position as member of the Executive Board of ING Group on 7 February 2019. In line with applicable regulations a severance
payment was granted. The Supervisory Board has set the severance pay at a level of 50% of fixed annual pay.
4 No variable remuneration for 2018, as the members of the Executive Board and Management Board Banking volunteered to
Key management personnel compensation (Supervisory Board)
forfeit their entitlement to variable remuneration immediately, following the settlement agreement with the Dutch Public in EUR thousands 2018 2017
Prosecution Service as announced by ING on 4 September 2018. Total compensation 1,032 1,022

The table above shows the fixed remuneration, expense allowances and attendance fees for the
Supervisory Board for 2018 and 2017.

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> Subsequent events > 49

Loans and advances to key management personnel 49 Subsequent events

Amount outstanding Weighted average
There are no subsequent events to report.
31 December interest rate Repayments
in EUR thousands 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Executive Board members 2,681 2,681 1.8% 1.8%
Management Board Banking 550 550 2.3% 2.3%
Supervisory Board members
Total 3,231 3,231 – –

Number of ING Groep N.V. shares and stock options to key management personnel
Stock options on
ING Groep N.V. shares ING Groep N.V. shares
in numbers 2018 2017 2018 2017
Executive Board members 226,639 202,357 68,467 174,318
Management Board Banking 159,393 112,342 27,240 37,415
Supervisory Board members 54,065 172,734 113,385
Total number of shares and stock options 440,097 487,433 95,707 325,118

Key management personnel compensation is generally included in Staff expenses in the statement
of profit or loss. The total remuneration of the Executive Board and Management Board Banking is
disclosed in the table above. Under IFRS, certain components of variable remuneration are not
recognised in the statement of profit or loss directly, but are allocated over the vesting period of
the award. The comparable amount recognised in Staff expenses in 2018 and included in Total
expenses in 2018, relating to the fixed expenses of 2018 and the vesting of variable remuneration
of earlier performance years, is EUR 12 million.

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> Risk Management > 50

50 Risk Management legal and regulatory disclosures. Not all information in this section can be reconciled back to the
primary financial statements and corresponding notes, as it has been prepared using risk and
ING Bank Risk Management capital data that differs to the accounting basis of measurement. Examples of such differences
include the exclusion of accrued interest and certain costs and fees from risk and capital data, and
As a global financial institution with a strong European base, offering banking services, ING is
timing differences in exposure values (IFRS 9 models report ECL on underlying exposures).
exposed to a variety of risks. ING operates through a comprehensive risk management framework
Disclosures in accordance with Part Eight of the CRR and CRD IV, and as required by the supervisory
and integrates risk management in its daily business activities and strategic planning. This
authority, are published in our ‘Additional Pillar III Report’, which can be found on our corporate
promotes the identification, measurement and control of risks at all levels of the organisation so
website ing.com.
that ING Bank’s financial strength can be safeguarded. Taking measured risks is the core of ING’s
Purpose and business model
Risk management supports the Management Board Banking in formulating the risk appetite, The purpose of ING’s risk management function is to support the ambition of ING to be the primary
strategies, policies, limits and provides a review, oversight and support function throughout ING on bank for our customers, empowering the business through an integrated enterprise-wide risk
risk-related items. The main financial risks ING is exposed to are credit risk (including transfer risk), management platform. The following principles support this purpose:
market risk (including interest rate, equity, real estate, credit spread, and foreign exchange risks), • The risk management function is embedded in all levels of ING’s organisation and is part of the
funding & liquidity risk and business risk. Furthermore, ING is also exposed to non-financial risks, daily business activities and strategic planning to have a sustainable competitive advantage;
e.g. operational and compliance risks. The ING Bank Chief Risk Officer (CRO) is also the CRO of ING • Products and portfolios are structured, underwritten, priced, approved and managed properly
Bank. The way ING manages these risks on a day-to-day basis is described in this Risk Management and compliance with internal and external rules is monitored;
section. • Delegated authorities are consistent with the overall bank strategy and risk appetite; and
• Transparent communication is provided to internal and external stakeholders on risk
The Risk Management section describes the key risks that arise from ING’s business model. It management.
explains how the risk management function is embedded within the organisation based on the
‘three lines of defence’. The key risks resulting from the bank’s business model are managed by
dedicated risk management departments, with various specific areas of expertise. The risk
Risk governance
management section provide qualitative and quantitative disclosures about credit, market, liquidity Effective risk management requires firm-wide risk governance. ING’s risk and control structure is
and funding, business, operational and compliance risks. based on the ‘three lines of defence’ governance model, whereby each line has a specific role and
defined responsibilities in such a way that the execution of tasks is separated from the control of
Basis of disclosures the same tasks. At the same time, they have to work closely together to identify, assess, and
mitigate risks. This governance framework is designed such that risk is managed in line with the risk
The risk management section is part of the notes to the consolidated financial statements in which
appetite as approved by the Management Board Banking (MBB), the EB and the SB, and is cascaded
the nature and the extent of the risks as required by IFRS-EU standards are disclosed. This section
also includes additional disclosures beyond those required by IFRS-EU standards, such as certain
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> Risk Management > 50

throughout ING. The MBB is composed of the Management Board Banking of ING Bank and the
heads of the business lines.

The heads of ING’s business lines and their delegates form the first line of defence and have
primary accountability for the performance, operations, compliance, and effective control of risks
affecting their respective businesses. They originate loans, deposits, onboard clients, monitor
transactions and other products within applicable frameworks and limits, they need to know ING’s
customers and are best-positioned to act in both the customers’ and ING’s best interest. The COO is
responsible for proper security and controls on global applications and IT-platforms servicing the

The second line of defence consists of oversight functions (a.o. Finance, Legal, HR, Risk) with a
major role for the risk management organisation headed by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO). Risk
Management is responsible for (i) the development of overall policies and guidance, (ii) objectively
challenge the execution, management, and control processes and (iii) coordinate the reporting of
risks and controls by the first line of defence. It also has an escalation/veto power in relation to
business activities that are judged to present unacceptable risks to ING.

The internal audit function forms the third line of defence. It provides an on-going independent (i.e.
outside of the businesses and the risk organisation) and objective assessment of the effectiveness
of internal controls of the first two lines, including financial and non-financial risk management.

The graph below illustrates the different key senior management level committees in place in the
risk governance structure.
Board level risk oversight
ING has a two-tier board structure consisting of a management board (Executive Board (EB) for ING
Group and Management Board Banking (MBB) for ING Bank) and the Supervisory Board (SB); both
tiers play an important role in managing and monitoring the risk management framework.

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• The SB is responsible for supervising the policy of the EB and the MBB, the general course of • Global Credit & Trading Policy Committee (GCTP) discusses and approves policies, methodologies,
affairs of ING Bank, ING Bank and its business (including its financial policies and corporate and procedures related to credit, trading, country, and reputation (Environmental and Social Risk
structure). For risk management purposes the SB is advised by two of its sub-committees: or ESR) risks. The GCTP meets on a monthly basis. In addition, the Credit & Trading Risk Policy
• The Audit Committee, which assists the SB in monitoring the integrity of the financial statements Committee (CTRC) is the highest level body, with the exception of the GCTP and the Management
of ING Bank and ING Bank, in monitoring the compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, Board Banking, authorised to discuss and approve policies, methodologies, and procedures
and in monitoring the independence and performance of ING's internal and external auditors; related to Credit Risk;
and • Global Credit Committee – Transaction Approval (GCC(TA)) discusses and approves transactions
• The Risk Committee, which assists and advises the SB in monitoring the risk profile and approving which entail taking credit risk (including investment risk), country, legal, and ESR risk. The GCC(TA)
the overarching risk appetite of the company as well as the structure and effective operation of meets twice a week;
the internal risk management and control systems. • Asset and Liability Committee Bank (ALCO Bank) discusses and steers, on a monthly basis, the
• The EB is responsible for managing risks associated with all activities of ING Bank, whereas the overall risk profile of all ING Bank’s balance sheet and capital management risks. ALCO Bank
MBB is responsible for managing risks associated with all activities of ING Bank. The EB and MBB discusses and approves policies, methodologies and procedures regarding solvency, market risk
responsibilities include ensuring that internal risk management and control systems are effective in the banking book and funding and liquidity risks;
and that ING Bank and ING Bank comply with relevant legislation and regulations. On a regular • Non-Financial Risk Committee Bank (NFRC Bank) is accountable for the design and maintenance
basis, the EB and MBB report on these issues and discuss the internal risk management and of the Non-Financial Risk Management Framework including Operational Risk Management,
control systems with the SB. On a quarterly basis, the EB and MBB report on ING’s risk profile Compliance and Legal policies, minimum standards, procedures and guidelines, development of
versus its risk appetite to the Risk Committee, explaining changes in the risk profile. tools, methods, and key parameters (incl. major changes) for risk identification, measurement,
mitigating and monitoring/ reporting. The minimum frequency of the NFRC Bank is quarterly; and
As a member of the EB and the MBB, the CRO ensures that risk management issues are heard and • The Model Risk Management Committee (MoRMC) has been established to align overall model
discussed at the highest level. The CRO steers a risk organisation both at head-office and business- strategy, model risk appetite, supporting model frameworks, policies and methodologies.
unit levels, which participates in commercial decision-making, bringing countervailing power to
keep the agreed risk profile within the risk tolerance. Every quarter, the CRO reports to the SB Regional and business unit level
committees on ING’s risk appetite levels and on ING’s risk profile. In addition, the CRO briefs the SB ING’s regional and/or business unit management have primary responsibility for the management
committees on developments in internal and external risk related issues and ensures the SB of risks (credit, market, funding and liquidity, operational and compliance risks) that arise in their
committees understand specific risk concepts. daily operations. They are accountable for the implementation and execution of appropriate risk
frameworks affecting their businesses in order to comply with procedures and processes at the
Executive level corporate level. The implementation is adapted to local requirements, if necessary. The regional
The key risk committees described below act within the overall risk policy and delegated authorities and/or business unit CROs are involved in these activities. The local (regional and BU) CRO is
granted by the MBB: responsible for the analysis, control and management of risks across the whole value chain (from
front to back office). The local risks are discussed in local risk committees that roll-up to the key risk

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> Risk Management > 50

committees at executive level. To assess client integrity risk, local Client Risk Integrity Committees
(CIRCs) have been set-up. These CIRCs have a final decision on client acceptance or client off-
boarding, from a risk-based perspective, in the areas of Financial Economic Crime (FEC), FATCA,
Common Reporting Standards (CRS) and ESR.

Risk management function

Organisational structure
Over the past years, banks have been faced with regulatory and public pressure with regard to their
risk management policies, processes, and systems. New requirements and regulations have been
introduced and implemented. To be able to effectively address these internal and external (market
and regulatory) developments and challenges, ING regularly reviews the set-up of its risk-
management organisation to better support the Bank’s Think Forward strategy and enhance the
interconnectedness of the risk oversight responsibilities in the business units with the global risk
functions. Risk policies, procedures and standards
ING has a framework of risk management policies, procedures, and minimum standards in place to
Currently, the global risk function has a two-tier governance structure. The risk officers in Tier 1 create consistency throughout the organisation, and to define requirements that are binding to all
focus more on risk management within the local unit and the risk officers in Tier 2 focus on setting business units. The goal of the governance framework of the local business units is to align with
risk appetite, policies and monitoring the work in Tier 1 (i.e. more responsibility in managing its own ING’s framework and to meet local (regulatory) requirements. Senior management is responsible
risk issues, and determining and putting in place adequate controls). The organisation chart for the implementation and adherence to policies, procedures and standards. Policies, procedures,
illustrates the reporting lines in 2018 for the risk organisation: and standards are regularly reviewed and updated via the relevant risk committees to reflect
changes in requirements, markets, products and practices.

Internal Control Framework

ING has organised its Internal Control Framework (ICF) with the objective to improve balance of
head office policy and standard setting versus local implementation efforts in line with the Think
Forward strategy (empowering countries) and as such support and promote an effective risk and
control environment. The framework includes binding principles, definitions, process steps and roles
and responsibilities to create consistent bank-wide policies and standards.

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> Risk Management > 50

The scope of ICF is the development and maintenance or update of global internal control Risk model governance and validation
documents: policies, minimum standards, product control frameworks, support control frameworks Risk models are built according to ING’s internal risk modelling methodology standards and model
and process-related control standards. These global documents are designed by head office life cycle. After the review and documentation of each model by the Model Development (MD) and
functions, that entities and support functions have to adhere to. Domain ownership of policies and Model Risk Management (MoRM) departments, dedicated risk committees approve new and
minimum standards is with the 2nd Line of Defence, whereas product and support control changed models. After approval by the applicable risk committee, and where necessary by the
frameworks are owned by the 1st Line of Defence and are approved by 2nd line of Defence. Process regulator, the risk model is implemented. In addition, MoRM re-validates models on a regular basis.
control standards can be owned by both 1st and 2nd Line of Defence, related to the underlying Validation results and capital impacts are reported on a quarterly basis to senior management, the
processes involved. risk committees, and to the supervisor.

Domain owners are responsible for a specific risk domain and aim that their internal policies and The MoRM department is one of the cornerstones of ING’s risk model governance. The department
standards do not overlap with other documents. The ICF aims for single testing for multiple sets and maintains a model risk framework containing the (1) governance setting the
purposes meaning that the same control should not have to be tested more than once for different responsibilities, (2) the model risk appetite, (3) model risk management policies and standards as
functions. This means that the test results of one control can be used for more than one sign-off. well as (4) the model management inventory and tooling. MoRM monitors global model risk and
model performance.
The principal role of the independent ICF gatekeeper function is that of a quality assurance role and
provide advice for approval to the SB, EB, MBB and NFRC Bank. The ICF gatekeeper challenges the Last but not least, the validation teams provide independent model validation which starts with the
alignment of the internal control documents with the agreed methodology and taxonomy and determination that a model is appropriate for its intended use followed by an on-going process
verifies that the process of development and communication of internal control documents is whereby the reliability of the model is verified at different stages during its lifecycle: at conception,
executed in adherence to the process as described below and is a guardian of the ICF binding before approval, periodically after implementation and when significant changes to the model are
principles. made. The validation process contains a mix of developmental evidence assessment, process
verification and outcome analysis. When model validation identifies model risks, it provides
The process of developing internal control documents is standardised for each type of internal recommendations to address those.
control document. Domain owners should adhere to the standardised process, that includes the
following steps: domain owner identification, risk-based approach, impact assessment, approval
body and involvement of local entities for sounding on key and expected controls. The gatekeeper
Risk culture
oversees the steps above. The reputation and integrity of ING’s organisation are core elements to operate successfully in the
financial world. ING’s risk culture promotes awareness of collectively shared values, ideas and goals,
All policies, procedures and control standards are published on ING’s intranet and new and updated but also of potential threats and aligns the individual performance objectives with the short- and
documents are periodically communicated by means of a policy update to all country Chief long-term strategy. ING therefore aims to make risk responsibilities transparent within the different
Executive Officers (CEO’s) and to heads of business departments. levels of the organisation and hold every employee accountable for his/her actions.

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> Risk Management > 50

subject. The endorsement from the executive level and the emphasis on communication
Commonly seen as norms and traditions of behaviour of individuals and of groups within an strengthen the culture.
organisation, risk culture determines the way in which employees identify, understand, discuss,
and act on the risks the organisation is confronted with and the risks it takes. This is a continuous In addition to the above, a new Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Behavioural Risk was recently set up.
long-term commitment and journey. In this respect, The Orange Code has been set as a The purpose of this CoE is to strengthen ING’s management of risks by assessing behaviours within
declaration of who we are. It describes what we can expect from each other when we turn up to our organisation that could potentially impact our reputation and performance. This CoE will be
work each day. It is a set of standards that we collectively value, strive to live up to, and invite responsible for carrying out assessments on risk behaviour to identify, analyse and intervene in
others to measure us by. high-risk behaviours. These Behavioural Risk Assessments (BRAs) aim to accomplish the same
objective: to assess the risk culture within ING and to provide support in improving if needed.
The Orange Code is the sum of two parts, the ING Values and ING Behaviours, with integrity being
an important principle. The ING Values (being honest, prudent and responsible) are designed to be In the Netherlands, employees of all financial institutions – and that includes ING – are required to
non-negotiable promises we make to the world, principles we seek to stick to, no matter what. The take the Banker’s Oath. This legal requirement came into force on 1 April 2015 as part of the joint
ING Behaviours (take it on and make it happen, help others to be successful, and be always a step approach from all banks, known as ‘Future-oriented Banking.'
ahead) represent our way to differentiate ourselves. The Orange Code is embedded in The introduction of social regulations, the revision of the Dutch Banking Code, and the
commitments we make to each other and the standards by which we will measure each other’s implementation of a Banker’s Oath (with the associated rules of conduct and disciplinary law), are a
performance. way for Dutch banks to show society what they stand for and are accountable for, as both
individual banks and as a sector.
To support the further embedding of risk culture into business practices, ING has initiated different
programmes and issued several guidelines. Risk awareness is to be alert to potential threats that Lastly, ING aims to align its remuneration policy with its risk profile and the interests of all
can occur during day-to-day business, which can be specific to the sector, the region or the clients stakeholders. For more information on ING’s compensation and benefits policies and its relation to
ING is doing business with. Part of the training curriculum to increase risk awareness is the the risk taken, please refer to the “Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) Remuneration disclosure”
Promoting Integrity Programme (PIP), which is a long-term, global, educational, and behavioural published on the corporate website ing.com. https://www.ing.com/About-us/Annual-reporting-
change programme supported by the EB and MBB for all ING employees. With the programme, ING suite.htm
aims to gain a sound risk culture and that every employee in every part of the organisation
understands how his/her actions and behaviour can help earn and retain customer and stakeholder
Risk profile
trust. Additional modules with topics such as ‘Data@Risk’ (on dealing with data), ‘Let’s speak up’
This chart provides high level information on the risks arising from ING’s business activities.
and a KYC awareness module were added to the programme in 2018. To enhance risk awareness,
these topics are discussed between managers and employees through dialogue sessions that
managers organise within their teams to create a clear and consistent understanding of each

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> Risk Management > 50

are not effective enough. Further analyses of these findings may result in renewed and more
frequent risk identification, and/or assessment, and/or change of mitigating measures.

Risk cycle process

ING uses a step-by-step risk management approach to monitor, mitigate, and manage its financial
and non-financial risks. The approach consists of a cycle of five recurrent activities: risk
identification, risk assessment, risk control, risk monitoring, and risk reporting. In short, this implies:
determining what the risks are, assessing which of those risks can really do harm, taking mitigating
measures to control these risks, monitoring the development of the risk and if measures taken are
effective, and reporting the findings to management at all relevant levels to enable them to take
action when needed.
Risk identification
The recurrence is twofold. Firstly, the identification, assessment, review, and update of mitigating Risk identification is a joint effort of the commercial business and the risk management functions.
measures are done periodically. Secondly, the periodic monitoring exercise may indicate emerging Its goal is to detect potential new risks and determine changes in known risks. Regular risk
risks, known risks that are changing, risk levels that are changing, or that current control measures identification is essential for effective risk management. Potential risks that are not identified, will

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not be controlled and monitored and may lead to surprises later. Known risks may have changed Risk Appetite Framework
over time and as a consequence the existing mitigating measures and monitoring may be
The ING Group Risk Appetite Framework (RAF) combines regulatory requirements, bottom-up risk
inadequate or obsolete.
identification and assessment with the ING’s risk ambitions to set several overarching Risk Appetite
Statements. The ING RAF is embedded in the ING’s planning process via Risk Appetite Statements
Risk identification is performed periodically. In case of material internal or external change,
that are used as a boundary for setting ING’s strategic and financial planning. An assessment how
additional ad-hoc risk identification can be performed.
these plans compare vis-à-vis these boundaries is part of the quarterly review cycle of the Dynamic
Planning (DP) process. In this planning process, overseen by the EB/MBB, detailed budgetary targets
Risk assessment and control and objectives are set on a rolling three year basis.
Each identified risk is assessed to determine the importance, or risk level. This enables ING to decide
which of the identified risks need control measures and how strict or tolerant these measures Process
should be. Known risks are re-assessed to either confirm the risk level or detect change.
The RAF is focused on setting the risk appetite at the consolidated level and across the different risk
categories, and provides the principles for cascading this risk appetite down into the organisation.
The importance of a risk is assessed based on the likelihood the risk materialises and the
The RAF is approved by the SB on an annual basis, or more frequently if necessary, based on their
subsequent financial or reputational impact that may occur should the risk arise. Unlikely risks with
quarterly review in the EB, the MBB and the SB. It is therefore a top-down process, which bases itself
a potentially high impact need to be controlled. A risk that is likely to happen regularly, but is
on the ambition of the bank in terms of its risk profile and is a function of the capital and liquidity
expected to have a modest financial impact, may not be mitigated and have the consequences
levels and ambitions, the regulatory environment, and the economic context. The set of limits used
accepted based on the decision of business management.
are split based on the approval level needed for them. The limits that need SB approval are called
Boundary and the underlying metrics supporting the boundaries which need EB and MBB approval
Risks can be controlled by mitigating measures that either lower the likelihood the risk occurs or
are called instruments.
that lower the impact when they occur. The ultimate measure to lower risk is to stop the activity or
service that causes the risk (risk avoidance). Risk controlling and mitigating measures are defined
and maintained at both the bank wide and local level.

Monitoring and reporting

By monitoring the risk control measures, ING checks if they are executed, complied with, have the
expected mitigating effects and follow the development of the risks and their risk levels. Risk
reporting provides senior and local management with information needed to manage risk.

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Step 1. Identify & assess ING’s key risks

Setting the RAF starts with a multi-dimensional step to identify and assess the risks ING is facing
when executing its strategy, including detecting unidentified risks that are not yet controlled within
ING’s risk management function & assess their potential impact; benchmarking current risk
framework versus regulatory developments; re-assessing known risks to confirm risk level or detect
potential changes; and reflecting on the current set of Risk Appetite Statements.

ING has the ambition to be and remain a strong bank, resilient to possible adverse events on a
standalone basis, and able to address such developments based on its own strengths and
resources. To be able to execute the strategy, ING has formulated the following risk and capital
• have a rating strong enough to support the execution of ING’s Funding & Capital issuance plan;
• be able to restore the capital and liquidity position following a stress situation on its own
• be in a position to meet current and forthcoming regulatory requirements and targets; and
• have a risk profile that compares favourably to its main banking peers.

Step 2. Set Risk Appetite Framework

Based on ING’s risk assessment and risk ambition, specific targets are set for both financial and
non-financial risks. For financial risks, ING expresses its risk appetite as a tolerance from which key
ratios may deviate from their target levels where the high level risk ambition is translated into
quantitative targets for solvency risk, concentration risk, business risk and funding & liquidity risk,
whereas for non-financial risks, to assess that the organisation’s actual risk exposure is
commensurate with its strategic objectives and that exposure beyond the tolerance risk levels is
timely identified and acted upon.

Step 3. Cascade into statements per risk type and business unit
The bank wide risk appetite is translated per risk type, which is further cascaded down into the
organisation to the lowest level. Risk appetite statements are then translated into dedicated

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underlying risk limits which are used for the day-to-day monitoring and management of ING’s risks. The stress testing process of ING consists of several stages, which are:
The suite of risk appetite statements serve as inputs for the MTP process as well as for the • Risk identification & risk assessment: It identifies & assesses the risks ING or the relevant entity is
establishment of key performance indicators and targets for senior management. facing when executing its strategy based on the current and possible future economic, political,
regulatory and technological environment. It provides a description of the main risks related to
Step 4. Monitor and manage underlying risk limits the nature of ING’s business, activities and vulnerabilities.
In order to verify that it remains within the risk appetite framework, ING reports its risk positions vis- • Scenario definition & parameterisation: Based on the outcome of the previous step, a set of
à-vis its limits on a regular basis to senior management committees. The Quarterly Risk Update scenarios should be determined where the relevant scope and set of risk drivers is determined for
reflecting the exposure of ING against the risk appetite targets is submitted quarterly to the EB and each scenario, as well as the severity, the key assumptions and input parameters. The output of
the MBB and to the (Risk Committee of the) SB. this phase includes a quantitative description of the stress scenarios to be analysed, the relevant
output metrics and, when applicable, a narrative description.
• Impact calculation and aggregation: Based on the quantitative description of the stress scenarios
Stress testing determined in the previous step, the impact is determined for the relevant scenario, scope and
Stress testing is an important risk management tool that provides input for strategic decisions and horizon. The impact calculation and aggregation can be part of a recurring process or are part of
capital planning. The purpose of stress testing is to assess the impact of plausible but severe stress a specific process set-up for one-off stress tests.
scenarios on ING’s capital and liquidity position. Stress tests provide insights into the vulnerabilities • Scenario reporting: For each stress test, a report is prepared after each calculation which
of certain portfolios, with regards to adverse macroeconomic circumstances, stressed financial describes the results of the scenario, gives a recap of the scenario and its main assumptions and
markets, and changes in the (geo)political climate. parameters. It is complemented, if needed, with an advice for management action based on the
stress testing results.
Types of stress tests • Scenario control & management assessment: Depending on the outcomes of the stress test and
Within ING, different types of stress tests are performed. The most comprehensive type of stress the likelihood of the scenario, mitigating actions may be proposed. Mitigating actions may
tests are the firm-wide scenario analyses, which involve setting scenario assumptions for all the include, but are not limited to, sales or transfers of assets and reductions of risk limits.
relevant macroeconomic and financial market variables in all countries relevant to ING. These
assumptions usually follow a qualitative narrative that provides a background to the scenario. In Methodology
addition to firm-wide scenario analyses, ING executes scenario analyses for specific countries or Detailed and comprehensive models are used to calculate the impact of the scenarios. In these
portfolios. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses are performed, which focus on stressing one or more models, statistical analysis is combined with expert opinion to make sure that the results
risk drivers; usually without an underlying scenario narrative. Finally, ING performs reverse stress adequately reflect the scenario assumptions. The methodologies are granular and portfolio-specific
tests, which aim to determine scenarios that could lead to a pre-defined severe adverse outcome. and use different macroeconomic and market variables as input variables. The calculations are in
line with the IFRS9 calculations and standards integrated in January 2018. The stress testing
Process models are subject to review by the Model Risk Management department.

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Regulatory environment Targeted Review of Internal Models

After the turmoil in the financial markets and the subsequent need for governments to provide aid In order to make capital levels more comparable and to reduce variability in banks’ internal models,
to financial institutions, financial institutions have been under more scrutiny from the public, the European Central Bank (ECB) introduced the Targeted Review of Internal Models (TRIM) in June
supervisors and regulators. This has resulted in more stringent regulations intended to avoid future 2017 to assess the reliability and comparability between banks’ models. The TRIM aims to create a
crises in the financial system and taxpayer’s aid in the future. level playing field by harmonising the regulatory guidance around internal models with the
ultimate goal to restore trust in European banks’ use of internal models. The TRIM is expected to be
Basel III revisions, CRR/CRD IV and upcoming regulations finalised at the end of 2019 and could impact ING through more stringent regulation on internal
models as well as increases of RWA.
In Europe, some changes are currently made to the CRR/CRD IV, among others the formal
introduction of the Leverage Ratio and of Pillar 2 Guidance. This will be implemented in EU
regulation through the CRR II / CRD V, which is expected to be formalised in the first half of 2019. Top and emerging risks
Next to this, in December 2017, the Basel III revisions were formally announced by the Basel The risks listed below are defined as material existing and emerging risks that may have a
Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). These new prudential rules for banks consist of a revision potentially significant impact on our financial position or our business model. They may have a
to the standardised approach to credit risk, the introduction of a capital floor based on material impact on the reputation of the company, introduce volatility in future operation results,
standardised approaches, the use of internal models, the limitation of options for modelling or impact ING’s medium and long-term strategy including the ability to pay dividends, maintain
operating risks, and new rules for the establishment of risk-weighted items and unused credit lines appropriate levels of capital or meet liquidity and funding targets. An emerging risk is defined as a
at the banks. In Europe, this will be implemented through the CRR III / CRD VI in the coming years. risk that has the potential to have a significant negative effect on our performance, but whose
With this long implementation phase and the transposition into EU regulation still pending, some impact on the organisation is currently more difficult to assess than other risk factors that are not
question marks remain on how this will shape up. identified as emerging risks.

Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting The topics have emerged either as part of the annual Risk Assessment that is performed as part of
The BCSB239 principles are applied in the group risk data and risk reporting chain. In addition, the the Stress Testing Framework and the Risk Appetite Framework. The sequence in which the risks are
principles are incorporated in ING’s bank-wide internal control framework. This framework is rolled- presented below is not indicative of their likelihood of occurrence or the potential magnitude of
out bank-wide, expanding the application of the principles to key local entities (including D-Sibs) their financial consequences.
and expanding the application to regulatory reporting. ING considers BCBS239 principles as part of
its continuous improvement initiatives such that the key risk data aggregation and reporting During 2018, several changes were made to our top and emerging risks. The top risks in 2018 are
practices align with the BCBS239 principles. still related to cybercrime, Brexit negotiations, trade-restrictive measures and persistent low
interest rates in Eurozone. Also, climate change risk remains an emerging risk, reflecting the impact
a deterioration of the climate may have for the financial position and/or reputation of ING.

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Macroeconomic developments Cybercrime

The economic environment was marked in 2018 by accelerated economic growth in the United Cybercrime remains a continuous threat to companies in general and to financial institutions
States, driven by fiscal stimulus, while it slowed in UK in light of continued uncertainty about the specifically. Both the frequency and the intensity of attacks increase on a global scale. Threats from
UK’s future with the EU. In the Eurozone, the economic momentum slowed but remained strong. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), targeted attacks (also called Advanced Persistent Threats) and
Further, trade-restrictive measures were also sources of uncertainty. The persistence of a low Ransomware have intensified worldwide. ING builds on its cybercrime resilience through its
interest rate environment in Europe, where central banks held their rates at very low and even dedicated Cyber Crime Expertise and Response Team, further enhancing the control environment
negative levels in some countries, negatively impacted short-term as well as long-term market to protect, detect and respond to e-banking fraud, DDoS and targeted attacks. Additional controls
rates. The persistence of both low interest-rate levels and the small difference between short continue to be embedded in the organisation as part of the overall internal control framework and
and long-term rates impact ING’s net interest income. are continuously reassessed against existing and new threats.

The decision of the United Kingdom and EU to agree regarding leave the European Union (‘Brexit’) ING also works on strengthening its global cybercrime resilience including strong collaboration
remains a major political and economic event that continues to effect sentiment. Brexit against cybercrime with the financial industry, law enforcement authorities, government (e.g.
negotiations took place throughout 2018 and the year ended without an agreement on how the UK National Cyber Security Center) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
would leave the EU. ING continued to take steps throughout 2018 to prepare for various options,
such as applying for a banking licence in the UK, taking actions for contract continuity and working Climate change risk
to establish alternatives in the EU for those euro clearing activities that are expected to move from The climate is changing and this is an unparalleled challenge to our world. The causes of climate
London following Brexit. Economic growth in the UK has slowed against a background of continued change are complex but ING understands that it is attributed directly or indirectly to anthropogenic
uncertainty about the future relationship with the European Union. Although ING has activities in factors. As a financial institution, ING too has a responsibility to address climate-related risks which
the UK through the Wholesale Banking (WB) business line, no material asset quality deterioration may affect our clients or ING.
following the Brexit decision has taken place. ING can play a role in financing solutions to climate change. In addition to investing billions of euros
in wind farms, solar energy and geothermal power production to support the energy transition, ING
Furthermore, pessimism about macro-economic developments such as economic and geo-political will not only stop providing lending services to new coal-fired power plants and coal mines but also
situation in Turkey and a looming trade war between the US and China unsettled financial markets accelerate the reduction of financing to thermal-coal power generation to close to zero by 2025.
and dampened consumer confidence in 2018. The trade-restrictive measures negatively affected Decisions like this have been informed by energy transition risk assessment as well as our own
the economic growth in some key emerging markets (a.o. China). Further uncertainty about the internal climate ambition to steer our portfolio towards the goals of the Paris Agreement.
forthcoming budget in Italy led to a considerable increase in sovereign spreads and potential
economic recession. In this perspective, ING continued to carefully monitor international There are physical risks associated with climate change such as those caused by changes in the
developments. frequency of extreme weather and rising sea levels. Climate-related damage resulting from storms,
hail and rain may not be insured in many regions and countries of the world where ING or its clients
may have business interests. There are also risks inherent to the transition to a low-carbon
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economy and/or resulting from the implementation of the Paris Accord. These may impact the Belgium. The Financial Risk department is a Tier 2 level risk function, which has oversight at a
financial sector as a result of transition policy and technological developments. The market for consolidated level and is responsible for risk appetite setting, risk frameworks, model development
green finance is also changing, creating new opportunities and threats. ING is working to improve and policies.
its understanding of physical and transition risks related to climate change. We are increasingly
aware of these risks and are taking steps in the right direction. For example, ING already ING’s credit risk strategy is to maintain an internationally diversified loan and bond portfolio,
announced plans to achieve “greener” commercial real estate and mortgage portfolios. Another avoiding large risk concentrations. The emphasis is on managing business developments within the
example is the development of the Terra approach, where ING’s sector portfolios are compared business lines by means of a top-down risk appetite framework, which sets concentration limits for
with relevant climate scenarios to identify gaps and inform strategy, will greatly contribute to this countries, individual clients, sectors, products, secondary risk (collateral/guarantees) and
process. investment activities. The aim is to support relationship-banking activities, while maintaining
internal risk/reward guidelines and controls.
In order to have board-level oversight of strategic climate-related risk and opportunity
management, in 2018, ING established the Climate Change Committee (CCC). This executive Credit analysis at portfolio level is monitored using metrics such as economic capital, regulatory
committee is chaired by ING’s CRO and co-chaired by the board member responsible for Wholesale capital, exposure at default (EAD), probability of default (PD) and loss given default (LGD). To target
Banking. The CCC governs ING’s climate-related risk and opportunity management, strategy and effective use of ING’s capital, the risk appetite is monitored and managed at the portfolio level.
target-setting for the Group. Credit analysis at the transactional level focuses on the risk amount, tenor, structure of the facility
and profile of the borrower. ING’s credit risk managers make use of publicly available information,
information provided by the client, transaction data of the client via ING account, peer group
Credit risk comparisons, industry comparisons and quantitative techniques.
Within ING, the ultimate approval authority for credit proposals resides with the MBB. The MBB has
Credit risk is the risk of loss from the default and/or credit rating deterioration of clients. Credit risks
delegated authorities based on amounts, tenors and risk ratings to lower levels in the organisation.
arise in ING's lending, financial markets and investment activities. The credit risk section provides
Transactions are approved via a dual signatory approval system that requires an individual sign-off
information on how ING measures, monitors and manages credit risk and gives an insight into the
from both front office and credit risk management. For larger and higher risk credits a committee
portfolio from a credit risk perspective.
structure exists whereby the credit risk chair takes the final decision with advice from the respective
committee members, thereby ensuring accountability. Retail business units have delegated
Governance authority to decide within policies and mandates approved by credit risk. Any decisions outside
Credit risk is a Tier 1 level risk function within ING and is part of the second line of defence. It is those policies or above the delegated mandate require a specific credit risk approval.
managed within the CRO organisation by regional and/or business unit CROs, focusing on specific
risks in the geographical and/or business areas of their responsibilities. These are the CRO The credit risk function encompasses the following activities:
Wholesale Banking (WB), CRO Challengers & Growth Markets (C&G), CRO Netherlands and CRO • Measuring, monitoring and managing credit risks in the bank’s portfolio;

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• Challenging and approving new and modified transactions and borrower reviews; repay to ING, excluding any accrued and unpaid interest, discount/premium amortisations or
• Managing the levels of provisioning and risk costs, and advising on impairments; and impairments.
• Providing consistent credit risk policies, systems and tools to manage the credit lifecycle of all • Investment risk: is the credit default and risk rating migration risk that is associated with ING’s
activities. investments in bonds, commercial paper, equities, securitisations, and other similar publicly
traded securities. This can be viewed as the worst-case loss that ING may incur as a result of
The following committees are in place to review and approve transactions and policies from a credit holding a position in underlying securities whose Issuer's credit quality deteriorates or defaults.
risk point of view: All investments in the banking book are classified in the investment risk category. The primary
• The GCTP is authorised to approve policies, methodologies and procedures related to credit, purpose of ING’s investments in the banking books is for liquidity management.
trading, country and reputation risks on a high level for ING. • Money market (MM) risk: arises when ING places short-term deposits with a counterparty in
• The GCC(TA) is mandated to approve transactions with credit risks. order to manage excess liquidity. As such, money market deposits tend to be short-term in
• The CTRC is authorised to approve policies, models, methodologies and procedures related to nature. In the event of a counterparty default, ING may lose the deposit placed. Money market
credit risk on a more detailed and operational level (with the exception of issues which are risk is measured as the accounting value of the deposit, excluding any accrued and unpaid
mandated to the GCTP). interest or the effect of any impairment.
• The Model Development Committee (MDC) serves as a technical advisor to the CTRC and is a • Pre-settlement (PS) risk: arises when a client defaults on a transaction before settlement and
planning body for future model development. The committee has a delegated mandate to ING has to replace the contract by a trade with another counterparty at the then prevailing
approve credit risk models which cover smaller portfolios. (possibly unfavourable) market price. This credit risk category is associated with derivatives
• The Model Risk Management Committee (MoRMC) has been established to align overall model transactions (exchange traded derivatives, Over The Counter (OTC) derivatives and securities
strategy, model risk appetite, supporting model frameworks, policies and methodologies. financing transactions).
• The ING Provisioning Committee (IPC) is the approval authority for loan loss provisions (LLP) for all • Settlement risk: is the risk that arises when there is an exchange of value (funds or instruments)
entities. for the same value date or different value dates and receipt is not verified or expected until after
ING has given irrevocable instructions to pay or has paid or delivered its side of the trade. The risk
is that ING delivers but does not receive delivery from its counterparty. ING manages settlement
Credit risk categories
risk in the same way as other risks including a risk limit structure per borrower. Due to the short
Credit risk uses the following risk categories to differentiate between the different types of credit
term nature (1 day), ING does not hold provisions or capital for specific settlement risk. Although
a relatively low risk, ING increasingly uses DVP (Delivery versus Payment) and safe settlement
• Lending risk: arises when ING grants a loan to a client, or issues guarantees on behalf of a client. payment techniques to reduce settlement risk.
This includes term loans, mortgages, revolving credits, overdrafts, guarantees, letters of credit,
etc. The risk is measured as the accounting value of the financial obligation that the client has to

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For the reconciliation between credit risk outstandings categories and financial assets, refer to table below:

Reconciliation between credit risk categories and financial position

Credit risk categories Mainly relates to: Notes in the Annual Accounts
Lending risk -Cash and balances with central banks Note 2 Cash and balances with central banks
-Loans and advances to banks Note 3 Loans and advances to banks
-Loans and advances to customers Note 7 Loans and advances to customers
Note 4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Note 5 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
-Off-balance sheet items e.g. obligations under financial guarantees and letters of credit and undrawn
Note 43 Contingent liabilities and commitments
credit facilities
Investment risk -Debt securities Note 4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
-Equity securities Note 5 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
Note 6 Securities at amortised cost
Money market (MM) risk -Cash and balances with central banks Note 2 Cash and balances with central banks
-Loans and advances to banks Note 3 Loans and advances to banks
-Loans and advances to customers Note 7 Loans and advances to customers
Pre-settlement (PS) risk -Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (trading assets and non-trading derivatives) Note 4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
-Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (trading assets and non-trading derivatives) Note 15 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
-Securities financing
Settlement risk -Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (trading assets and non-trading derivatives) Note 4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
-Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (trading assets and non-trading derivatives) Note 11 Other assets
-Amounts to be settled Note 15 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Note 17 Other liabilities

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Credit Risk Appetite and Concentration Risk Framework estimated level is correlated to the risk rating assigned to a given country. By means of
The credit risk appetite and concentration risk framework is designed to prevent undesired high instruments, actual country limits are set (each of which should not exceed the country’s
levels of credit risk and credit concentrations within various levels of the ING portfolio. It is derived boundary), reviewed monthly and updated when needed. In the case of countries with elevated
from the concepts of boundaries and instruments as described in the Risk Appetite Framework. levels of geopolitical or severe economic cycle risk, the monitoring is performed on a more
frequent basis with strict pipeline and exposure management to protect ING from adverse
Credit risk appetite and concentration risk boundaries and instruments are set and reviewed on an impacts.
annual basis and require approval from the MBB, EB or SB. • Single name and industry sector concentration: Using the same concepts of boundaries and
instruments mentioned earlier, ING has established a concentration risk framework in order to
Credit risk appetite statements identify, measure and monitor single name concentration and industry sector concentration
Credit risk appetite is the maximum level of credit risk ING is willing to accept for growth and value (systemic risk).
creation. The credit risk appetite is linked to the overall bank-wide risk appetite framework. The • Product and secondary risk concentration: In addition, ING has established a concentration
credit risk appetite is expressed in quantitative and qualitative measures. Having a credit risk framework to identify, measure and monitor product concentration and secondary risk
appetite achieves: • Scenarios and stress tests: Stress testing evaluates ING’s financial stability under severe, but
• Clarity about the credit risks that ING is prepared to assume, target setting and prudent risk plausible stress scenarios, and supports decision-making that assures ING remains a financially
management; going concern even after a severe event occurs. In addition to the bank-wide stress testing
• Consistent communication to different stakeholders; framework as described in the Risk Management section, ING performs regularly sensitivity
• Guidelines on how to align reporting and monitoring tools with the organisational structure and analysis in order to assess portfolio risks and concentrations. These sensitivity analysis are
strategy; and consistent with the stress scenario established in the group wide credit risk appetite framework.
• Alignment of business strategies and key performance indicators of business units to ING’s credit • Product approvals: the product approval and review process is implemented to assess and
risk appetite by means of the Dynamic Planning. manage risks associated with the introduction of new or modified products. It safeguards that
sound due diligence is performed by relevant stakeholders and to have the relevant risks (credit,
Credit risk appetite is present across different levels within ING, at portfolio level as well as operational, compliance, etc.) adequately addressed in the Product Approval and Review Process
transaction level. The various credit risk appetite components at the portfolio and transaction levels (PARP).
together result in the credit risk appetite framework. • Sector policies: being detailed analyses of defined products and/or industries. They identify the
major risk drivers and mitigants, the internal business mandate, and propose the minimum risk
The credit risk appetite and concentration risk framework is composed of: (including business) parameters – and potentially the maximum product and/or portfolio limit -
• Country risk concentration: Country risk is the risk that arises due to events in a specific country to undertake that business. A sector policy is always prepared by the front office responsible for
(or group of countries). In order to manage the maximum country event loss ING is willing to the internal business mandate and requires an approval from the designated approval authority.
accept, boundaries are approved by the SB that ensure ING’s consolidated 3-year average result Sector policies may carry various names and/or may have geographical and/or business
before tax can absorb an estimated country event loss due to a country risk occurrence. The limitations (e.g. local vs global).

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• Reference benchmarks: being the maximum appetite of credit risk per legal one obligor group. It NGOs). The updated ESR policy framework is scheduled to be implemented in early Q2 2019, similar
is expressed as a (benchmark) exposure at the concentration risk level, which corresponds to to the publication on ing.com.
(maximum) internal capital consumption for credit risk. It is used as a reference amount in the
credit approval process and can be waived on the basis of proper credit risk arguments. Environmental and social risks for all lending transactions are reviewed during the periodic credit
• Credit approval process: The purpose of the credit approval process is that individual transactions reviews. ESR transactions, where funds will be used for asset based finance, may require enhanced
and the risk associated with these transactions are assessed on a name-by-name basis. For each ESR due diligence e.g. application of the Equator Principles. Such enhanced ESR evaluation is also
type of client there is a dedicated process with credit risk managers specialised along the required for any high-risk transaction, such as those that impact indigenous people etc.
business lines of ING. The credit approval process is supported by a risk rating system and
exposure monitoring system. Ratings are used to indicate a client’s creditworthiness which As the risk assessment activities are performed globally, each team involved must be familiar with
translates into a probability of default. This is used as input to determine the maximum risk ING’s environmental and social framework. Hence, ING makes a significant investment in internal
appetite that ING has for a given type of client (reference benchmark). The determination of the training programs to help CDUs, front office and risk management staff in assessing environmental
delegated authority (the amount that can be approved at various levels of the organisation) is a and social risks.
function of the risk rating of the client and ING’s credit risk exposure on the client.

Given the nature of the retail business, roles and responsibilities of the local credit risk policy are
delegated to local retail credit risk management. However, the global retail risk policy prescribes
no-go criteria and minimum standards for underwriting. Lending standards, including material
changes to those standards, should be approved by the global head of retail risk.

Environmental and Social Risk Framework

ING makes a positive contribution to global economic growth and sustainable development by
promoting responsible lending and investment practices. The ESR policy framework incorporates
assessment tools that are used in ING’s mainstream processes and systems. It is therefore fully
integrated into regular client and transaction reviews.

The ESR policy framework is reviewed every three years on the basis of significant changes
identified in the sectors that are more vulnerable to environmental and social risks and impacts. In
2018, a full review of the ESR policy framework was conducted to achieve more clarity on the
scope, governance and due diligence. This was done with the active participation of internal
stakeholders (per industry sector) and guidance from external stakeholders (clients, peer banks and
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Credit risk models • Scenario Simulation approach (Monte Carlo approach): This approach is the more complex of
the methods for PS risk calculations. It takes into account daily market conditions, including
Within ING, internal Basel compliant models are used to determine PD, EAD and LGD for regulatory
correlations between the risk factors and portfolio benefits. This Monte Carlo approach is
and economic capital purposes. These models also form the basis of ING’s IFRS 9 loan loss
currently used in ING for the largest volume of derivative products such as foreign exchange (FX)
provisioning (see “IFRS 9 models” below). Bank wide, ING has implemented around 100 credit risk
and interest rate derivatives.
models, for both regulatory capital and loan loss provisioning purposes.

ING recognises that the above approaches are not sufficiently accurate for certain trading products
There are two main types of PD, EAD and LGD models used throughout the Bank:
such as highly structured or exotic derivative transactions. For the assessment of risk exposures of
• Statistical models are created where a large set of default or detailed loss data is available. They
such complex products a bespoke calculation is made.
are characterised by a sufficient number of data points that facilitate meaningful statistical
estimation of the model parameters. The model parameters are estimated with statistical
There are no exposures under the advanced, Internal Model Method (IMM) under Pillar 1. Under
techniques based on the data set available;
Pillar 2 ING uses the IMM for FX and interest rate derivative exposures.
• Hybrid models contain characteristics of statistical models combined with knowledge and
experience of experts from risk management and front office staff, literature from rating
The figure below provides a high level summary of the application of model outcomes (PD, EAD and
agencies, supervisors and academics. These models are especially appropriate for ‘Low Default
Portfolios’, where limited historical defaults exist.

Pre-settlement measurement models

For regulatory capital, pre-settlement (PS) exposure is calculated using a marked to market (MtM)
plus regulatory-based add-on. For internal capital purposes ING uses a combination of the below
mentioned methodologies to calculate its PS exposures:

• MtM plus model based add-on approach: In this approach, the PS risk is calculated as the sum of
the MtM of the trade and a model-based add-on. The MtM fluctuates through the life of the
contract. The model-based add-on is product-specific, and takes into account the remaining time
to maturity, profiling per time-buckets etc. Add-ons are updated with a frequency that takes into
Credit risk model governance
account major market changes. This methodology is used for pre-deal exposure assessment of
All PD, EAD and LGD models used for regulatory capital and for IFRS loan loss provisioning are built
all ING financial markets products. Furthermore, it is used for post-deal risk calculations in the
according to ING’s internal credit risk modelling methodology standards and model life cycle. After
case of financial markets portfolios that do not justify the computational efforts and costs
a model validation by Model Risk Management (MoRM), the Model Development Committee (MDC)
associated with implementation of a Scenario Simulation approach;
advices the Credit & Trading Risk Committee (CTRC) on the final approval of the models. The model

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validation is focused on the following four key elements: process verification, conceptual
soundness, outcome analysis and review of developmental evidence.. Each model has both a credit Credit risk rating process
risk and a front office co-sponsor. Both the MDC and the CTRC have participation from senior credit In principle all risk ratings are based on a Risk Rating (PD) Model that complies with the minimum
risk management as well as the front office to ensure maximum alignment within the organisation. requirements detailed in CRR/CRDIV, ECB Supervisory Rules and EBA guidelines. This concerns all
The capital impact from the implementation of approved models is reported to the ECB in a borrower types and segments.
quarterly report. In addition, MoRM validates each model on a periodic basis. During such periodic ING’s PD rating models are based on a 1-22 scale (1=highest rating; 22=lowest rating) referred to as
validation, the model performance is analysed through back-testing and performance assessment. the ‘Master scale’, which roughly corresponds to the same rating grades that are assigned by
A five-grade colour footprint is assigned to each model during this time. If a model is considered external rating agencies, such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch. For example, an ING rating
insufficiently robust or if the back-testing indicates insufficient performance, then the model is re- of 1 corresponds to an S&P/Fitch rating of AAA and a Moody’s rating of Aaa; an ING rating of 2
calibrated or re-developed. corresponds to an S&P/Fitch rating of AA+ and a Moody’s rating of Aa1, and so on.

The 22 grades are composed of the following categories:

• Investment grade (Risk Rating 1-10);
• Non-investment grade (Risk Rating 11-17);
• Sub-standard (Risk Rating 18-19); and
• Non-performing (Risk Rating 20-22).

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The three first categories (1-19) are risk ratings for performing loans. The ratings are calculated in IT
systems with internally developed models based on data which is either manually or automatically
fed. Under certain conditions, the outcome of a manually fed model can be challenged through a
rating appeal process. Risk ratings for non-performing loans (NPL) (20-22) are set by the global or
regional credit restructuring department. For securitisation portfolios, the external ratings of the
tranche in which ING has invested are leading.

Risk ratings assigned to clients and reviewed, at least annually with the performance of the
underlying models monitored regularly. Over 90% of ING’s credit exposures have been rated using
one of the in-house developed PD rating models. Some of these models are global in nature, such
as models for Large Corporates, Commercial Banks, Insurance Companies, Central Governments,
Local Governments, Funds, Fund Managers, Project Finance and Leveraged Companies. While other
models are more regional or country specific, such as PD models for Small Medium Enterprise (SME)
companies in Central Europe, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, as well as residential
mortgage and consumer loan models in the various retail markets.

Rating Models for retail clients are predominantly statistically driven and automated, such that
ratings can be updated on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Models for large corporates, institutions
and banks are manually updated and are individually monitored on at least an annual basis.

IFRS 9 models
The IFRS 9 models determine expected credit loss (ECL) based on which collective loan loss
provisions are determined. The IFRS 9 models leverage on the AIRB models (PD, LGD, EAD). For this
purpose, regulatory conservatism is removed from the ECL parameters (PD, LGD and EAD). The IFRS
9 models apply two types of adjustments to the ECL parameters, namely 1) adjustment for
economic outlook and 2) adjustment for lifetime horizon, the latter which is only applicable for
stage 2 and stage 3 assets. The IFRS9 model parameters are estimated based on statistical
techniques and supported by expert judgement.

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Credit risk tools framework outlines roles and responsibilities relevant for the credit risk lifecycle and data quality
Credit risk policies
ING’s credit risk policies outline the rules, roles and responsibilities, through the credit lifecycle. All
Credit risk data lifecycle
credit risk policies are created according to policy development standards and reviewed on a
regular basis. Each policy has a credit risk sponsor and is created in close consultation with various The credit risk data governance framework used by ING is based on the credit risk data lifecycle.
stakeholders within credit risk, front office and, where applicable, other corporate departments. All The governance related to data delivery and exchange is described in various data agreements
policies require approval by the CTRC and, where applicable, by the GCTP. between data users and data suppliers.
The scope of credit risk data is the data set determined and assigned for ING’s external and internal
reporting requirements as well as our credit risk modelling requirements. Principally, data can be
Credit risk systems and data standards
categorised into one of the two following types:
The acceptance, maintenance, measurement, management and reporting of credit risks at all
• Atomic data: the lowest level of detail and provides the base data for all data transformations.
levels of ING is executed through promotion of single, common credit risk data standards and the
The guiding principles are that each data element is only input once, and has a clear data owner
integration into common credit risk tools that support standardised and transparent credit risk
and ‘home’ system or database which is leading throughout all uses of that data element. From
practices. ING has chosen to develop credit risk tools centrally. The philosophy is to use a single
the data ‘home’, the data may then be redistributed to other systems or databases that may
source of data, in an integrated approach that includes ING policy, the regulatory environment in
require that data in an automated Straight through Processing (STP) method. Depending on the
which we operate, and the daily processes which are active throughout the group. Application to
need, the data may be transferred in real time, near real time, daily, weekly or monthly.
these three areas is the essential requirement to aim for high data quality standards and discipline.
• Derived data: data derived from other data elements (atomic or derived) as a result of data
The customer-centric data model conforms to the three core business needs of ING:
transformations such as credit risk models, calculations and aggregation. Derived data is hosted
• To transact efficiently with our clients;
in the central credit risk system (Vortex).
• To be compliant with our internal and external obligations; and
• To monitor the risks we undertake.
A key component of credit risk data is that this data is continuously used throughout all the stages
of the credit risk management cycle. By using and re-using data, there is a continuous incentive for
Data Governance and Data Quality all data providers and users to assure high standard data quality with regards to data delivery and
ING recognises that information and underlying data are assets that are key (together with people, data usage.
processes and IT systems) to further develop its digital profile. Cooperation and mutual agreement
on global data management roles and responsibilities in ING are critical success factors to meet this The credit risk data lifecycle describes the interlinked stages of the lifecycle from data definition to
objective. As such ING has embraced multiple data management and governance initiatives data usage as shown in the next figure:
triggered by internal and external stakeholders (e.g. Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation
and Risk Reporting). In the Financial Risk and Risk COO departments, these principles are embedded
in credit risk data management and enshrined within the Data Governance framework. The

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processing and calculation stage. The last stage is the continuous improvement of data quality
which can be split into two categories:
• One-off issues and reoccurring issues that are identified, prioritised and subject to resolution;
• The periodic review of data quality rules and improvements based on lessons learned from
solving issues, audits and best practices.

Credit risk portfolio

• Data Definitions: this process step aims that atomic and derived credit risk data terms have a
single definition and definition owner throughout the organisation. It also facilitates that defined ING’s credit exposure is mainly related to traditional lending to individuals and businesses followed
data is fit for the purpose it will be used for. by investments in bonds and securitised assets. Loans to individuals are mainly mortgage loans
• Capture: aims that atomic data is captured by business units and is available for exchange secured by residential property. Loans (including guarantees issued) to businesses are often
according to pre-agreed standards and specifications. collateralised, but can be unsecured based on the internal analysis of the borrower’s
• Exchange: purpose of this step is that data exchange is executed as agreed between data owner creditworthiness. Bonds in the investment portfolio are generally unsecured, but predominantly
and data user. consist of bonds issued by Central Governments or equivalent entities, followed by EU and/ or OECD
• Processing & Calculation: processes delivered atomic data and uses it to calculate credit risk based financial institutions. Secured bonds, such as mortgage backed securities and asset backed
derived data. The outcome of this stage is used as an input for credit risk data aggregation in, for securities are secured by the underlying diversified pool of assets (commercial or residential
example, risk reporting. mortgages, car loans and/or other assets) held by the securities issuer. The last major credit risk
• Data Usage: facilitates data aggregation and usage such that it is fit for multiple purposes e.g. source involves pre-settlement exposures which arise from trading activities, including derivatives,
modelling, regulatory and statutory reporting. Data usage or distribution is facilitated according repurchase transactions and securities lending/borrowing transactions. This is also identified as
to the agreed purpose and data confidentiality, protection, security and retention rules. counterparty credit risk.

• Data Quality Assurance: establishes data quality management with the primary focus on how Unless specifically stated, the figures in the tables in the credit risk section includes ‘intercompany
credit risk data quality is managed throughout the credit risk data lifecycle. It covers the data loans’ to ING Group.
quality cycle, data quality criteria and relevant activities through the stages.
Portfolio analysis per business line
The data quality cycle consists of four stages: define, implement, monitor and improve. During the Risk rating buckets are defined based upon the quality of the exposures in terms of
data definitions step, data quality rules are determined. Having set the definitions, local data creditworthiness, varying from investment grade to non-performing loan ratings expressed in S&P,
quality rules are implemented in the source systems, and both successively and simultaneously, Moody’s and Fitch rating equivalents.
data quality rules are implemented in the central credit risk system. The next stage consists of data
validations, monitoring and control activities performed early in the data exchange and after data

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ING uses a common industry classification methodology based on the NAICS system (North
American Industry Classification System). This methodology has over 1,500 detailed industry
descriptions, which are aggregated into 22 industry classes at the highest level. Certain countries
require ING to report locally based on other industry classification methodologies, which are
generally derived from the NAICS classifications presented here.

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ING Bank portfolio per line of business, outstandings1,2,3,4,5

Retail Challengers & Growth
Wholesale Banking Retail Benelux Corporate Line Total
Rating class 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
1 (AAA) 25,179 20,110 466 482 16,390 14,803 29,333 6,842 71,368 42,237
2-4 (AA) 46,819 38,304 5,572 6,971 28,515 32,749 1,431 12 82,337 78,036
Investment grade
5-7 (A) 63,797 68,028 19,643 18,391 41,325 39,690 531 567 125,296 126,676
8-10 (BBB) 110,876 92,240 109,843 95,260 56,520 56,567 2,655 3,168 279,894 247,235
11-13 (BB) 93,299 92,305 66,887 77,868 42,968 40,104 957 982 204,111 211,259
Non-Investment grade 14-16 (B) 18,684 17,429 16,444 15,939 11,904 11,351 13 47,045 44,719
17 (CCC) 1,696 1,786 2,324 2,577 760 758 90 5 4,870 5,126
18 (CC) 1,444 1,546 1,491 1,599 600 341 3,535 3,486
Substandard grade
19 (C) 299 553 1,093 1,237 629 563 2,021 2,353
NPL grade 20-22 (D) 4,396 5,415 4,229 4,678 2,189 2,107 314 308 11,128 12,509

Total 366,489 337,716 227,992 225,002 201,800 199,033 35,324 11,885 831,605 773,636

Private Individuals 32 37 164,220 163,426 156,385 146,450 320,637 309,913
Commercial Banks 45,094 49,538 251 315 8,889 9,579 4,263 4,766 58,497 64,199
Natural Resources 52,498 52,666 1,151 872 863 1,132 54,512 54,670
Real Estate 38,481 36,180 12,219 11,552 2,353 1,972 53,053 49,704
Central Governments 32,356 29,699 1,306 2,481 6,244 9,207 3,131 3,131 43,037 44,518
Non-Bank Financial Institutions 37,023 32,623 2,139 2,289 623 2,427 762 769 40,547 38,108
Transportation & Logistics 27,036 24,462 2,699 2,661 741 770 30,476 27,893
Central Banks 28,962 17,014 199 6,124 2,672 27,116 3,214 62,202 23,099
Services 12,470 12,410 9,911 8,939 980 1,099 2 23,363 22,448
Food, Beverages & Personal Care 15,093 12,871 5,600 4,915 2,258 2,555 22,951 20,341
Lower Public Administration 3,459 3,613 5,296 4,959 8,227 11,706 16,982 20,278
General Industries 14,919 13,393 3,932 3,571 2,681 2,896 21,532 19,860
Chemicals, Health & Pharmaceuticals 10,248 8,399 6,253 6,246 1,070 1,264 17,571 15,909
Other 48,818 44,811 13,015 12,577 4,362 5,304 50 5 66,245 62,697
Total 366,489 337,716 227,992 225,002 201,800 199,033 35,324 11,885 831,605 773,636

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ING Bank portfolio per line of business, outstandings1,2,3,4,5 - continued

Retail Challengers & Growth
Wholesale Banking Retail Benelux Corporate Line Total
Region 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Netherlands 41,816 43,041 142,602 142,960 656 722 30,158 7,659 215,232 194,382
Germany 15,831 16,869 475 476 96,278 93,552 45 38 112,629 110,935
Belgium 36,546 22,419 79,362 76,396 671 667 16 116,595 99,482
Rest of Europe 4 149,499 143,897 5,083 4,735 66,900 66,706 1,516 77 222,998 215,415
Americas 64,621 56,086 294 222 1,572 2,549 15 1 66,502 58,858
Asia/Pacific 48,557 47,589 105 139 194 138 3,573 4,104 52,429 51,970
Australia 6,751 4,994 28 29 35,524 34,696 1 6 42,304 39,725
Rest of World 2,868 2,821 43 45 5 3 2,916 2,869
Total 366,489 337,716 227,992 225,002 201,800 199,033 35,324 11,885 831,605 773,636

1 Based on credit risk measurement contained in lending, pre-settlement, money market and investment activities. Overall the rating class concentration improved. Increased outstandings was observed for
2 Based on the total amount of credit risk in the respective column using ING’s internal credit risk measurement
methodologies. Economic sectors (industry) below 2% are not shown separately but grouped in Other. Investment grade rating classes (+13.1%), while the concentration in Non-Investment and
3 Geographic areas are based on country of residence, except for private individuals for which the geographic areas are based Substandard grade decreased by 1.9% and 4.8%, respectively.
on the primary country of risk.
4 The top 5 countries within Rest of Europe based on outstandings are Poland (EUR 32,244 million), Spain (EUR 30,156 million),
The NPL grade rating class decreased outstandings by 11.1%, mainly driven by Wholesale Banking
United Kingdom (EUR 28,610 million), Luxemburg (EUR 23,540 million) and Italy (EUR 19,948 million). and Retail Benelux. The NPL decrease in WB was largely visible in the industries Natural Resources,
5 For a reference to the Notes in the Annual Report we refer to the table 'Reconciliation between credit risk categories and Real Estate, Transportation & Logistics and Utilities, partially offset by an increased NPL
financial position'.
outstandings in Food, Beverages & Personal Care. The NPL decrease in Retail Benelux was mainly
seen for residential mortgage loans. The overall exposure for ING remained concentrated in the A,
During 2018, the total ING portfolio size increased by 7.5% to EUR 832 billion outstandings, mainly
BB and BBB rating classes.
driven by net volume growth and by foreign exchange rate changes. The net volume growth was
mainly visible in risk categories Lending (+8.9%) and Pre-Settlement (+15.5%), partially offset by a
Outstandings on AAA-rated assets increased by 69%, mainly due to increased central bank
reduced outstandings in Investment (-5.6%). The increase related to foreign exchange rate
exposures in Corporate Line as a result of liquidity management.
movements was mostly due to the appreciation of US Dollar (+5.0%) against the Euro, which was
largely offset by the depreciation of the Australian Dollar (-5.4%), New Turkish Lira (-25.1%) and
Central bank exposure within Europe and Americas increased across business lines contributing to
Polish New Zloty (-2.8%) against the Euro.
the growth observed in AAA/AA rated assets. The concentration in the BBB rating class for
Wholesale Banking increased largely driven by an increased outstandings to corporates and a
downgrade for one German financial institution shifting exposure from rating class A to BBB.

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Additional decreased outstandings in rating class A within Wholesale Banking was seen with Banque Centrale du Luxembourg and Bank of England. An increase was also seen with regulatory
corporates. reserve deposits with Deutsche Bundesbank within Retail Challengers & Growth Markets.

The rating distribution for Retail Benelux improved mostly driven by improved risk profile of Dutch Commercial Banks concentration decreased within Wholesale Banking, largely due to decreased
residential mortgages shifting outstandings from rating classes BB to BBB. Similar but smaller in Nostro / Loro exposures in the Netherlands and decreased export finance in China, which was
volume shift from rating classes BB to BBB was seen with residential mortgages in Belgium. The partially offset by increased trade finance in Republic of Korea. Non-Bank Financial Institutions
overall volume growth of Belgium residential mortgages was mainly concentrated in rating class concentration increased in Wholesale Banking mostly due to increased securities financing in the
BBB. Further positive risk migration in Retail Benelux was due to decreased defaulted exposures (- USA, while reduced concentration in Retail Challengers & Growth Markets was mainly due to lower
9.6%), mostly driven by the reduced defaulted exposures in Netherlands Retail (-18.7%). A securitization exposures in United States and Spain.
reduction of AA outstandings for Retail Challengers & Growth Markets (C&G) was seen mainly in
Germany, caused largely by lowered volumes of bond investments and money market assets with Within Wholesale Banking: Real Estate concentration increased mainly due to increased lending
Local / Regional Authorities. BB rating class increased outstandings in Retail Challengers & Growth exposures in United States, Luxemburg and Australia; Transportation & Logistics outstandinsg
Markets (C&G) mainly in Residential Mortgage Loans with the largest growth seen in Australia and increased mostly in Japan; Food, Beverages & Personal Care outstandings increased mainly in
Spain. United States, Switzerland and Luxembourg; Chemicals, Health & Pharmaceuticals outstandings
increased mostly in Germany and United States, while a decreased outstandings was seen in the
The main concentration in Private Individuals is related to mortgage lending. Mortgage volume Netherlands.
increased, mainly in Germany, Spain, Belgium and Poland, which was partially offset by a decline of
mortgage lending in the Netherlands. Overall the main contributor for the increased outstandings A reduced concentration of Lower public administration was seen within Retail Challengers &
in Private Individuals was Retail Challengers & Growth Markets. Growth Markets, driven by the reduction of bond investments with Local / Regional Authorities in
The outstandings concentration with Central Governments decreased following a reduction in
government bond exposures to Germany, France and Austria within Wholesale Banking and Retail Portfolio analysis per geographical area
Challengers & Growth Markets. This was partially offset by an increase in government bond The most noticeable outstandings trends in the Netherlands were the aforementioned decreased
exposures with Spain, USA and Poland. In Retail Benelux a decrease of central government volumes in residential mortgage loans and decreased Nostro / Loro exposures to Commercial
exposures was seen in Belgium. Banks. These were completely offset by the large increase in regulatory reserve deposit with the
Dutch Central Bank.
Within Central Banks, the increase in concentration in Corporate Line was solely driven by
increased deposits with the Dutch central bank, while in Wholesale Banking increased outstandings Increased outstandings in Belgium was mainly due to increased Securities Financing and Money
was seen with Banque Nationale de Belgique SA, partially offset by a reduction in exposures with Market Assets with Central Bank and due to residential mortgage volume growth. These were
slightly offset by a reduction of exposure with Belgian Central Government.

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Outstandings in Germany increased mainly due to increased regulatory reserve deposits with
Deutsche Bundesbank and increased residential mortgage lending, which was partly offset by
lowered volumes of bond investments and money market assets with Local / Regional Authorities.

The concentration of outstandings in the Rest of Europe increased, mainly in Spain, Poland and
Romania, while it decreased in France and Turkey. The increase of outstandings in the Americas
was largely driven by higher exposures to Corporates and Non-Bank Financial Institutions in the
United States. In Asia/Pacific, the concentration of outstandings remained relatively stable, with
noticeable increase of outstandings in Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Japan, partly
offset by a reduction of outstandings in China and Taiwan.

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ING Bank portfolio, outstandings by economic sectors and geographical area1,2

Region Total Total

Netherlands Belgium Germany Rest of Europe Australia Asia America Africa 2018 2017
Private Individuals 118,115 42,174 81,448 47,359 31,109 178 215 39 320,637 309,913
Commercial Banks 3,780 340 3,899 26,453 1,680 14,998 6,907 440 58,497 64,198
Natural Resources 2,186 1,348 778 24,308 940 14,665 9,205 1,082 54,512 54,670
Real Estate 18,659 9,689 1,201 16,385 2,912 969 3,227 11 53,053 49,704
Central Governments 7,772 6,127 2,769 19,128 374 232 6,304 331 43,037 44,518
Non-Bank Financial Institutions 3,615 1,351 2,539 16,150 625 3,235 13,029 3 40,547 38,108
Transportation & Logistics 4,207 2,063 446 11,710 811 7,101 3,499 639 30,476 27,893
Central Banks 25,721 18,343 5,690 9,174 226 3,041 7 62,202 23,099
Services 4,707 8,815 877 5,439 321 824 2,380 23,363 22,448
Food, Beverages & Personal Care 5,640 3,234 390 8,281 84 1,211 4,098 13 22,951 20,341
Lower Public Administration 523 5,544 6,566 1,808 1,619 922 16,982 20,278
General Industries 4,222 3,293 1,125 7,996 6 1,576 3,314 21,532 19,860
Chemicals, Health & Pharmaceuticals 4,341 3,410 1,109 5,042 147 541 2,981 17,571 15,909
Other 11,744 10,864 3,792 23,765 1,450 3,858 10,421 351 66,245 62,697
Total 215,232 116,595 112,629 222,998 42,304 52,429 66,502 2,916 831,605 773,636

Rating class
Investment grade 141,831 75,537 90,159 146,834 27,734 36,677 39,937 185 558,894 494,183
Non-Investment grade 68,568 37,484 21,268 71,260 14,125 15,330 25,463 2,528 256,026 261,105
Substandard grade 1,705 1,137 454 1,652 57 184 314 53 5,556 5,838
NPL grade 3,128 2,437 748 3,252 388 238 788 150 11,129 12,510
Total 215,232 116,595 112,629 222,998 42,304 52,429 66,502 2,916 831,605 773,636

1 Geographic areas are based on country of residence, except for private individuals for which the geographic areas are based
on the primary country of risk.
2 For a reference to the Notes in the Annual Report we refer to the table ‘Reconciliation between credit risk categories and
financial position’.

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Credit risk mitigation Cover valuation methodology

ING’s lending and investment businesses are subject to credit risk. As such, the creditworthiness of General guidelines for cover valuation are established to have consistent application within ING.
our customers and investments is continually monitored for their ability to meet their financial These general guidelines also require that the value of the cover needs to be monitored on a
obligations to ING. In addition, to determine the credit quality and creditworthiness of the regular basis. Covers are revalued periodically and whenever there is reason to believe that the
customer, ING uses various credit risk mitigation techniques and instruments to mitigate the credit market is subject to significant changes in conditions. The frequency of monitoring and revaluation
risk associated with an exposure and to reduce the losses incurred subsequent to an event of depends on the type of covers.
default on an obligation a customer may have towards ING. The most common terminology used
in ING for credit risk protection is ‘cover’. While a cover can be an important mitigant of credit risk The valuation method also depends on the type of covers. For asset collateral, the valuation
and an alternative source of repayment, generally it is ING’s practice to lend on the basis of the sources can be the customer’s balance sheet (e.g. inventory, machinery, and equipment), nominal
customer’s creditworthiness rather than exclusively relying on the value of the cover. Within ING, value (e.g. cash, receivables), market value (e.g. securities and commodities), independent
there are two distinct forms of covers: assets and third party obligations. valuations (commercial real estate) and market indices (residential real estate). For third party
obligations, the valuation is based on the value which is attributed to the contract between ING and
Cover forms that third party.

The asset that has been pledged to ING as collateral or security gives ING the right to liquidate it in
This section provides insight in the types of covers and to which extent exposures benefit from
cases where the customer is unable to fulfil its financial obligation. As such, the proceeds can be
collateral or guarantees. The disclosure differentiates between the risk categories (Lending,
applied towards full or partial compensation of the customer's outstandings exposure. An asset can
Investment, Money Market and Pre-settlement) and the most relevant cover forms mortgages and
be tangible (such as cash, securities, receivables, inventory, plant & machinery and mortgages on
financial collateral (cash and securities) and guarantees. ING obtains cover which is eligible for
real estate properties) or intangible (such as patents, trademarks, contract rights and licenses).
credit risk mitigation under CRR/CRDIV, as well as cover is not eligible. Collateral covering financial
market transactions is valued on a daily basis. To mitigate the credit risk arising from Financial
Third party obligation
Markets transactions, the bank enters into legal agreements governing the exchange of financial
Third party obligation, indemnification or undertaking (either by contract and/or by law) is a legally
collateral (high quality government bonds and cash).
binding declaration by a third party that gives ING the right to claim from that third party an
amount, if the customer fails on its obligations to ING. The most common examples are guarantees
The cover values are presented for the total portfolio of ING, both the performing and non-
(such as parent guarantees and export credit insurances), letters of comfort, or third party pledged
performing portfolio. The non-performing definition is explained in detail in the section ‘Credit
/ mortgages.
Restructuring’. To further the insight, also a breakdown of ING’s portfolio by industry and
geography is provided. For comparability reasons with previous tables, outstandings is used to
show ING’s portfolio.

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Exposures are categorised into different Value to Loan (VTL) buckets that give insight in the level of
collateralisation of ING’s portfolio. VTL is calculated as the cover value divided by the outstandings
at the balance sheet date. The cover values are indexed where appropriate and exclude any cost of
liquidation. Covers can either be valid for all or some exposures or a particular outstandings of a
borrower, the latter being the most common. For the purpose of aggregation, the coverage of all
outstandings is capped at 100%. Over-collateralisation is ignored in this overview for the VTL. Each
limit is subsequently assigned to one of the six defined VTL buckets: no cover, >0% to 25%, >25% to
50%, >50% to 75%, >75% to <100%, and ≥ 100%. As the nature of the Pre-settlement portfolio
determines that collateral is netted, these VTL buckets are not shown.

The next table gives an overview of the collateralisation of the ING’s total portfolio.

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Cover values including guarantees received – Total ING Bank - 2018

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Outstan- Financial CRR/CRDIV Non CRR/CRD Partially
dings Mortgages Collateral eligible Guaran-tees IV eligible No Cover covered Fully covered
Consumer Lending 318,804 547,832 3,509 280 25,760 39,166 6.6% 7.9% 85.4%
Business Lending 365,480 147,203 19,089 125,472 86,215 132,416 37.7% 23.5% 38.8%
Investment and Money Market 95,701 80 214 145 45 91.0% 8.8% 0.2%
Total Lending, Investment and Money Market 779,985 695,035 22,678 125,966 112,120 171,627 31.6% 15.3% 53.1%
Pre-settlement 1 51,620
Total Bank 831,605

1 More information on the credit risk mitigants can be found in the Pre-settlement section.

Cover values including quarantees received – Total ING Bank - 2017

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Financial CRR/CRDIV Non CRR/CRD Partially
Outstan-dings Mortgages Collateral eligible Guaran-tees IV eligible No Cover covered Fully covered
Consumer Lending 308,349 512,709 3,680 338 25,130 38,551 6.3% 9.3% 84.4%
Business Lending 320,153 134,667 15,185 99,569 90,777 128,985 35.3% 24.1% 40.6%
Investment and Money Market 100,449 59 117 522 99.5% 0.4% 0.2%
Total Lending, Investment and Money Market 728,951 647,376 18,923 100,024 116,429 167,536 31.9% 14.6% 53.6%
Pre-settlement 1 44,685
Total Bank 773,636

1 More information on the credit risk mitigants can be found in the Pre-settlement section.

Over the year, the collateralisation level of the total portfolio remained stable. Excluding the pre- of the difference from 2017. The decrease in ‘Guarantees’ is primarily attributed to the ‘Rest of
settlement portfolio, 53.1% of ING Bank’s outstandings were fully collateralised in 2018 (2017: Europe’ region, accounting for 81.1% of the decline.
53.6%). Since investments traditionally do not require covers, the percentage for ‘no covers’ in this
portfolio is close to 90%. Improved economic conditions in ING’s main markets contributed to
improved collateral valuations, observed in consumer lending, but an increase in non-lending
outstandings produced a slightly lower coverage ratio for business lending. The increase in lending
for ‘Other CRR/CRDIV eligible’ covers was mainly situated in the Netherlands, accounting for 43.1%

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Consumer lending portfolio Consumer lending portfolio – cover values

The consumer lending portfolio accounts for 38.3% of ING Bank’s total outstandings, primarily The below tables show the values of different covers and the VTL split between performing and
consisting of residential mortgage loans (98.5% of performing loans) and other consumer lending non-performing loans.
loans, which mainly comprise term loans, revolvers and personal loans to consumers. As a result,
most of the collateral consists of mortgages. The mortgage values are collected in an internal
central database and in most cases external data is used to index the market value (e.g. on a
quarterly basis the mortgage values for the Netherlands are updated using the NVM house price

A significant part of ING’s residential mortgage portfolio is provided in the Netherlands (39.5%),
followed by other main markets such as Germany (24.8%), Belgium & Luxembourg (13.5%) and
Australia (10.6%). Given the size of the Dutch mortgage portfolio, the valuation methodology to
determine the cover values for Dutch residential mortgages is provided below.

Dutch mortgages valuation

When a mortgage loan is granted in the Netherlands, the policy dictates maximum loan to market
value (LTMV) for an existing property and for construction property financing of 100% (in 2017:
101%). The cover values are captured in the local systems which are subsequently fed into a
central data system.
In case of newly built houses mostly the building /purchase agreement is sufficient as valuation. In
the case of existing houses three kind of valuations are allowed. If the LTMV is below 90% a (1) WOZ
(fiscal market value, determined by government authorities) or an (2) automated model valuation
(the Calcasa ING Valuation) is permitted. In most cases a valuation is performed by (3) certified
valuators that are registered at one of the organisations accepted by ING. In addition, the valuator
must be a member of the NVM (Nederlandse Vereniging van Makelaars – Dutch Association of Real
Estate Agents), VBO (Vereniging Bemiddeling Onroerend Goed – Association of Real Estate Brokers),
VastgoedPRO (Association of Real Estate Professionals) or NVR (Nederlandse Vereniging van

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Cover values including guarantees received – Consumer lending portfolio - 2018

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Financial CRR/CRD IV Non CRR/CRD
Outstandings Mortgages Colla-teral eligible Guaran-tees IV eligible No Cover >0% - 25% >25%-50% >50% - 75% >75% - <100% ≥ 100%
Residential Mortgages (Private Individuals) 285,976 535,664 2,839 96 23,741 33,350 0.1% 1.0% 7.3% 91.6%
Residential Mortgages (SME) 1 5,383 8,219 160 64 155 1,175 0.3% 0.8% 1.7% 7.5% 89.7%
Other Consumer Lending 23,937 156 493 107 1,694 3,965 84.7% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.5% 14.3%
Total Performing 315,297 544,039 3,492 268 25,591 38,489 6.4% 0.1% 0.1% 0.9% 6.8% 85.7%

Residential Mortgages (Private Individuals) 2,490 3,568 16 2 152 605 0.5% 0.2% 0.8% 2.9% 13.6% 82.0%
Residential Mortgages (SME) 1 134 218 5 9 24 0.4% 0.7% 2.4% 8.9% 87.7%
Other Consumer Lending 884 7 1 5 9 47 95.4% 0.5% 0.1% 0.2% 0.6% 3.2%
Total Non-performing 3,508 3,793 17 12 169 677 24.4% 0.2% 0.6% 2.2% 10.1% 62.4%

Total Consumer Lending 318,804 547,832 3,509 280 25,760 39,166 6.6% 0.1% 0.1% 1.0% 6.9% 85.4%

1 Consists mainly of residential mortgages to small one man business clients

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Cover values including guarantees received – Consumer lending portfolio - 2017

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Financial CRR/CRD IV Non CRR/CRD
Outstandings Mortgages Colla-teral eligible Guaran-tees IV eligible No Cover >0% - 25% >25%-50% >50% - 75% >75% - <100% ≥ 100%
Residential Mortgages (Private Individuals) 277,776 500,753 2,980 116 23,597 32,104 0.1% 1.2% 8.5% 90.2%
Residential Mortgages (SME) 1 4,882 7,411 68 67 155 1,342 0.4% 1.2% 1.6% 7.7% 89.1%
Other Consumer Lending 21,791 246 604 142 1,147 4,384 84.6% 0.3% 0.1% 0.2% 0.7% 14.1%
Total Performing 304,449 508,409 3,652 325 24,900 37,830 6.1% 0.1% 0.1% 1.1% 7.9% 84.7%

Residential Mortgages (Private Individuals) 2,883 4,046 26 4 211 646 0.8% 0.2% 0.6% 4.1% 18.9% 75.4%
Residential Mortgages (SME) 1 159 249 5 10 21 0.7% 1.9% 0.6% 1.8% 10.7% 84.2%
Other Consumer Lending 857 6 1 4 9 53 95.6% 0.3% 0.1% 0.2% 0.7% 3.0%
Total Non-performing 3,900 4,300 27 13 230 720 21.6% 0.3% 0.5% 3.1% 14.6% 59.9%

Total Consumer Lending 308,349 512,709 3,680 338 25,130 38,551 6.3% 0.1% 0.1% 1.1% 8.0% 84.4%
1 Consists mainly of residential mortgages to small one man business clients

The collateralisation of the consumer lending portfolio continued to improve over the year 2018.
The rise in collateralisation levels (1.0%) was due to improved housing prices observed in different For the residential mortgages portfolio, the cover type guarantees relates to mortgages covered by
mortgage markets, driven by the Netherlands as the main market. governmental insurers under the Nationale Hypotheek Garantie (NHG) in the Netherlands. The NHG
guarantees the repayment of a loan in case of a forced property sale.
ING Bank’s residential mortgage outstandings increased mainly in Germany (5.0%), Spain (15.3%)
and Belgium (5.6%). The largest contributor to increased mortgage outstandings among Business lending portfolio
performing loans was residential mortgages to private individuals (3.0%). Mortgage outstandings in Business lending accounts for 43.9% of ING Bank’s total outstandings (41.4% in 2017). In line with
the Netherlands decreased slightly (-1.4%) due in part to the run-off and transfer of WU Bank our objective to give stakeholders insight into the portfolio, we present the business lending
mortgages to NN Bank. Overall NPLs have shown an improvement, falling 10.1% from EUR 3.9 portfolio per industry breakdown in accordance with the NAICS definition and per region and main
billion to EUR 3.5 billion. A considerable portion of this decline in NPLs is observable in the market. Business Lending presented in this section does not include pre-settlement, investment
Netherlands. and money market exposures, which are outlined in the next sections.

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Cover values including guarantees received - Business lending portfolio – 2018

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Financial CRR/CRD IV Non CRR/CRD
Industry Outstandings Mortgages Collateral eligible Guarantees IV eligible No Cover >0% - 25% >25%-50% >50% - 75% >75% - <100% ≥ 100%
Natural Resources 52,774 1,170 2,142 20,718 17,944 17,648 28.2% 11.6% 11.4% 10.7% 12.4% 25.7%
Real Estate 52,438 93,179 1,498 1,823 7,399 9,172 4.3% 1.2% 2.2% 3.1% 7.6% 81.6%
Central Banks 34,366 6 100.0%
Transportation & Logistics 28,976 3,085 148 25,068 7,470 5,787 17.7% 6.1% 3.0% 4.5% 10.3% 58.5%
Commercial Banks 23,908 323 338 2,848 1,312 1,070 79.1% 2.3% 1.7% 0.3% 6.2% 10.4%
Services 22,248 9,379 2,889 5,802 7,480 15,631 34.2% 4.6% 4.2% 6.7% 5.7% 44.5%
Non-Bank Financial Institutions 20,806 1,581 9,163 20,788 5,529 11,558 33.7% 5.8% 3.1% 9.2% 7.0% 41.2%
Food, Beverages & Personal Care 20,999 7,376 302 8,842 7,380 15,257 29.1% 4.7% 6.8% 9.9% 11.5% 38.0%
General Industries 20,344 5,027 263 16,684 6,065 14,919 33.4% 5.7% 3.7% 8.4% 8.4% 40.4%
Chemicals, Health & Pharmaceuticals 16,439 8,634 203 4,364 3,899 6,485 35.7% 2.8% 3.8% 7.4% 12.0% 38.4%
Builders & Contractors 14,841 7,132 205 5,021 4,370 8,719 27.5% 8.5% 4.2% 8.1% 10.5% 41.1%
Utilities 14,442 376 616 3,529 3,447 4,426 43.0% 16.2% 4.1% 5.7% 3.8% 27.2%
Others 1 57,741 17,073 1,520 15,007 18,289 30,463 39.4% 5.3% 4.9% 5.5% 8.5% 36.3%

Total Business Lending 365,480 147,203 19,089 125,472 86,215 132,416 37.7% 5.3% 4.4% 5.8% 8.0% 38.8%
of which Total Non-performing 7,543 3,578 266 2,350 2,676 2,097 28.8% 3.8% 4.8% 9.0% 15.1% 38.4%

1 ‘Others’ comprises industries with outstandings lower than EUR 10 billion.

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Cover values including guarantees received - Business lending portfolio – 2018

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Financial CRR/CRD IV Non CRR/CRD
Region Outstandings Mortgages Collateral eligible Guarantees IV eligible No Cover >0% - 25% >25%-50% >50% - 75% >75% - <100% ≥ 100%
Africa 2,830 10 62 752 2,043 173 17.1% 4.6% 8.8% 9.9% 25.7% 33.8%
America 47,056 6,105 6,408 29,963 7,007 9,876 39.9% 5.6% 6.0% 6.8% 8.8% 32.9%
Asia 41,943 868 1,153 14,466 14,391 8,865 39.7% 7.0% 5.3% 7.5% 9.2% 31.4%
Australia 7,741 6,074 226 1,182 939 783 33.6% 3.4% 1.7% 3.7% 6.2% 51.3%
Belgium 49,464 34,299 990 8,567 18,601 36,642 25.0% 1.9% 3.1% 4.1% 6.3% 59.5%
Germany 15,167 2,288 71 669 1,366 3,395 62.6% 5.0% 2.5% 4.4% 2.4% 23.2%
Netherlands 84,664 56,558 2,976 35,393 7,553 13,955 43.5% 2.3% 2.7% 5.5% 9.7% 36.3%
Rest of Europe 116,614 40,999 7,204 34,481 34,316 58,726 34.9% 8.3% 5.7% 5.8% 7.2% 38.1%

Total Business Lending 365,480 147,203 19,089 125,472 86,215 132,416 37.7% 5.3% 4.4% 5.8% 8.0% 38.8%
of which Non-performing 7,543 3,578 266 2,350 2,676 2,097 28.8% 3.8% 4.8% 9.0% 15.1% 38.4%

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Cover values including guarantees received - Business lending portfolio – 2017

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Financial CRR/CRD IV Non CRR/CRD
Industry Outstandings Mortgages Collateral eligible Guarantees IV eligible No Cover >0% - 25% >25%-50% >50% - 75% >75% - <100% ≥ 100%
Natural Resources 50,754 1,090 2,359 20,529 16,162 18,501 32.6% 12.4% 10.5% 10.7% 9.2% 24.6%
Real Estate 49,098 81,749 1,641 1,363 7,179 8,084 6.4% 1.1% 0.9% 3.2% 9.3% 79.2%
Transportation & Logistics 26,352 3,151 139 21,428 6,983 7,734 19.2% 5.0% 1.3% 4.5% 12.9% 57.2%
Commercial Banks 26,265 324 126 2,370 1,624 746 86.2% 1.1% 0.2% 1.0% 2.3% 9.1%
Services 21,369 8,747 2,800 4,318 7,148 12,315 34.8% 4.0% 4.2% 5.8% 9.1% 42.1%
Food, Beverages & Personal Care 18,739 7,170 269 7,791 7,529 15,287 26.2% 4.2% 5.2% 10.7% 11.6% 42.1%
General Industries 18,711 4,676 210 6,529 6,152 12,169 36.9% 3.4% 6.0% 7.7% 8.5% 37.5%
Non-Bank Financial Institutions 17,394 1,774 5,362 13,018 5,070 10,255 36.4% 6.2% 5.0% 8.9% 2.6% 41.0%
Chemicals, Health & Pharmaceuticals 14,905 8,159 240 3,381 3,171 7,239 36.3% 2.6% 3.3% 7.6% 12.1% 38.0%
Builders & Contractors 14,242 6,517 230 4,789 4,535 7,886 35.4% 4.2% 5.0% 6.0% 8.9% 40.4%
Utilities 13,503 777 911 4,134 3,920 6,325 39.7% 8.7% 3.3% 4.8% 6.4% 37.1%
Others 1 48,821 10,534 899 9,918 21,302 22,444 49.7% 5.3% 4.4% 4.4% 8.3% 27.9%

Total Business Lending 320,153 134,667 15,185 99,569 90,777 128,985 35.3% 5.2% 4.3% 6.1% 8.6% 40.6%
of which Total Non-performing 8,531 4,132 441 3,261 2,947 2,877 23.2% 3.9% 6.1% 7.3% 17.0% 42.4%

1 ‘Others’ comprises industries with outstandings lower than EUR 10 billion.

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Cover values including guarantees received - Business lending portfolio – 2017

Cover type Value to Loan
Eligible Other
Financial CRR/CRD IV Non CRR/CRD
Region Outstandings Mortgages Collateral eligible Guarantees IV eligible No Cover >0% - 25% >25%-50% >50% - 75% >75% - <100% ≥ 100%
Africa 2,713 10 60 238 2,007 608 26.0% 3.7% 3.2% 9.0% 19.8% 38.2%
America 40,603 4,819 4,504 29,677 6,712 18,799 35.0% 3.5% 5.0% 7.4% 8.4% 40.7%
Asia 41,100 670 1,343 12,319 15,126 9,061 45.8% 10.2% 6.1% 6.4% 4.7% 26.9%
Australia 5,578 4,266 49 1,018 685 857 34.8% 1.3% 3.4% 4.6% 7.3% 48.6%
Belgium 46,993 32,474 1,280 6,483 18,514 27,670 27.5% 1.9% 2.7% 4.7% 6.4% 56.8%
Germany 11,952 2,067 41 575 1,485 3,400 56.3% 4.6% 4.3% 4.3% 3.6% 26.8%
Netherlands 62,391 51,973 2,406 24,229 8,233 13,005 26.5% 2.8% 3.5% 7.7% 15.1% 44.3%
Rest of Europe 108,822 38,389 5,502 25,029 38,014 55,585 37.8% 6.9% 4.7% 5.3% 7.6% 37.7%

Total Business Lending 320,153 134,667 15,185 99,569 90,777 128,985 35.3% 5.2% 4.3% 6.1% 8.6% 40.6%
of which Non-performing 8,531 4,132 441 3,261 2,947 2,877 23.2% 3.9% 6.1% 7.3% 17.0% 42.4%

The tables above provide the collateralisation of ING Bank’s business lending portfolio. Breakdowns Netherlands. Utilities were the only industry to experience a decrease in total covers (EUR
are provided per industry as well as by geographical region or market, which are defined based on 3,7billion), but while other industries’ cover levels grew, outstandings grew faster. Eligible financial
the residence of the borrowers. The risk profile of the business lending portfolio increased in 2018 collateral for Non-Bank financial institutions increased substantially (9.6%), and outstandings grew
as collateralisation coverage fell by 4.7%. Business lending growth exceeded the increase in total at 19.6%.
cover value in 2018, with business lending outstandings rising by EUR 45.3 billion while covers
increased by EUR 41.2 billion. The largest increases in outstandings were seen in the Netherlands (35.7%) and in the region
America (17.3%). The increase in the Netherlands was primarily due to a large increase in revolving
Broken down by industry, the largest increase in outstandings is attributable to Central Banks loans in the form of regulatory reserve deposits. As these deposits are not collateralised, this
(234.6%), mainly driven by a growth in Regulatory Reserve Deposits at the Dutch Central Bank. The increase had no effect in total cover amounts.
largest decrease in outstandings was observed in Commercial Banks (-8.8%), due primarily to a fall
in Nostro balances. Pre-settlement portfolio
ING uses various market pricing and measurement techniques to determine the amount of credit
The value to loan for no covers in the Netherlands increased substantially year over year from risk on pre-settlement activities. These techniques estimate ING’s potential future exposure on
26.5% to 43.5% in 2018. This coincided with an increase in fully covered outstandings in the
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individual and portfolios of trades. Master agreements and collateral agreements are frequently
entered into to reduce these credit risks. • The ‘Gross MtM before netting and collateral’ is the exposure calculated in accordance with the
Current Exposure Method (CEM, which in the EU regulation is referred to as the Mark-to-Market
ING matches trades with similar characteristics to determine their eligibility for offsetting. This method) without accounting for any netting or collateral benefit;
offsetting effect is called ‘compensation’. Therefore, ING reduces the amount by any legal netting • The ‘MtM after netting’ is the exposure, according to the CEM, taking into account the benefit of
that may be permitted under various types of Master Agreements, such as ISDA Master legally enforceable netting agreements (e.g. ISDAs), but without considering the benefit of
Agreements, Global Master Repurchase Agreements (GMRA), Global Master Securities Lending margin collateral (e.g. CSAs);
Agreements (GMSLA), etc. Lastly, the amount is further reduced by any collateral that is held by • The ‘MtM after netting and collateral’ is the exposure according to the CEM, taking into account
ING under Credit Support Annexes (CSAs) or other similar agreements. both the benefit of netting and marginal collateral. In other words, the gap between the ‘MtM
after netting’ and ‘MtM after netting and collateral’ is the liquid collateral (cash and securities);
The use of Central Clearing Parties (CCPs) for the settlement of derivative transactions continues to and
grow and consequently the credit risk shifts more and more from the trading Counterparties to the • The outstandings column represents CEM exposure (MtM after netting plus the Potential Future
CCPs. In 2018, the notional Pre-Settlement exposure that was cleared via CCPs formed 58.3% of the Exposure - PFE) at a 97.5% confidence level for derivatives and securities.
total notional (56.8% in 2017).
During 2018 the pre-settlement portfolio increased when expressed in terms of outstandings. The
As part of its securities financing business, ING entities actively enter into agreements to sell and pre-settlement portfolio was mainly concentrated in rest of Europe to a central counterparty
buy back marketable securities. These transactions can take many legal forms. Repurchase and clearinghouse and commercial banks in the UK, mostly consisting of Interest Rate Derivatives, FX
reverse repurchase agreements, buy/sell-back and sell/buyback agreements, and securities Derivatives, Securities Financing and Credit Derivatives. The outstandings increase was due to
borrowing and lending agreements are the most common. As a general rule, the marketable security financing to Belgian National Bank.
securities that have been received under these transactions are eligible to be resold or re-pledged
in other (similar) transactions. ING is obliged to return equivalent securities in such cases.

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Pre-settlement portfolio
2018 2017

Gross MtM MtM after Gross MtM MtM after

before netting MtM after netting and before netting MtM after netting and
Region and collateral netting collateral Out-standings and collateral netting collateral Out-standings
Africa 49 38 38 50 107 96 85 119
America 20,671 11,110 7,239 8,276 21,296 10,864 6,846 7,690
Asia 6,723 3,565 3,312 3,617 7,150 3,663 3,020 3,542
Australia 403 288 288 328 483 264 241 532
Belgium 13,623 2,600 2,561 12,097 5,165 3,761 2,880 2,215
Germany 3,713 1,429 1,256 2,018 4,481 2,091 1,397 2,264
Netherlands 6,114 3,192 2,407 4,243 6,701 4,174 2,771 4,062
Rest of Europe 95,887 19,788 17,341 20,991 104,788 22,404 17,637 24,260

Total Pre-settlement 147,183 42,009 34,442 51,620 150,171 47,316 34,877 44,685
of which Non-performing 19 19 19 25 23 25 25 29

Credit quality
Credit risk categories
Following the higher credit risk levels seen as a result of the financial crisis and economic downturn, Non-performing
credit quality has been improving since 2014 and also continued the improving trend in 2018. Regular Watch List Restructuring 1 1

Possible ratings 1–19 1–19 11–20 20-22

Typical ratings 1–14 15–17 18–20 20-22

Deterioration in risk Not significant Significant Significant Significant

Significant intervention Not required Not required Required Required
Includes impairments No No Yes Yes
Account Ownership Front Office Front Office Front Office Front Office
Credit Credit
Credit Risk Management Regular Regular Restructuring Restructuring
Credit Credit
Primary Manager Front Office Front Office Restructuring Restructuring
Accounting provisioning Stage 1/2 Stage 1/2 Stage 2/3 Stage 3

1 More information on the Restructuring and Non-performing categories can be found in the Credit restructuring section.

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The credit quality of the ING portfolio improved with non-performing outstandings which continued
to decrease. The reduction in the non-performing portfolio was due to repayments combined with Aging analysis (past due but performing): ING Bank consumer lending portfolio, outstandings1
positive rating migration to the performing portfolio. The decrease was mainly observed in Retail 2018 2017
Netherlands and Netherlands WB portfolio. The increase in the past due but performing portfolio Past due for 1–30 days 3,283 3,464
Past due for 31–60 days 892 724
mainly observed in Belgium & Luxembourg Retail portfolio.
Past due for 61–90 days 265 163
Total 4,440 4,352
Credit quality: ING Bank portfolio, outstandings
2018 2017 1 Based on consumer lending. The amount of past due but performing financial assets in respect of non-lending activities was
Neither past due nor non-performing 816,063 756,803 not significant.
Consumer lending past due but performing (1–90 days) 4,440 4,352
Non-performing 1 11,102 12,481 Total past due but performing exposure for consumer loans increased by EUR 0.1 billion. The
Total 831,605 773,636 improvement mostly in the 1-30 bucket has been driven by the Netherlands residential mortgages
1 Based on lending and investment activities
due to macro-economic factors (low unemployment, low inflation and increasing house prices),
while in the 31-60 and 61-90 days past due buckets an increase has been witnessed in the Belgium
residential mortgages portfolio, largely related to an operational impact of the merger with Record
Past due obligations
Bank (a difference in the repayments process). The increase has been partly offset by a decrease in
Retail Banking continuously measures its portfolio in terms of payment arrears and on a monthly
Australia and the rest of Europe.
basis determines if there are any significant changes in the level of arrears. This methodology is
principally extended to loans to private individuals, such as residential mortgage loans, car loans,
and other consumer loans. An obligation is considered ‘past due’ if a payment of interest or
principal is more than one day late. ING aims to help its customers as soon as they are past due by
communicating (e-mail, SMS, letter or outbound call) to remind them of their payment obligations.
In its contact with the customers, ING aims to solve the (potential) financial difficulties by offering a
range of measures (e.g. payment arrangements, restructuring). If the issues cannot be cured, for
example because the customer is unable or unwilling to pay, the contract is sent to the recovery
unit. The facility is downgraded to risk rating 20 (non-performing) when arrears exceed 90 days
past due and to risk rating 21 or 22 (no more cure) when the contract is terminated. The table
below captures all past due exposures starting from day 1.

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Aging analysis (past due but performing): ING Bank consumer lending (4) There is doubt as to the borrower’s ability to generate stable and sufficient cash flows to
portfolio by geographic area, outstandings1 service its debt.
(5) Restructuring of debt
Mortgages Other retail Total Total  ING has granted concessions relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty, the effect of which is a
Africa 1 1 reduction in expected future cash flows of the financial asset below current carrying amount.
America 3 3 3 Wholesale Banking has an individual name approach, using Early Warnings indicators to signal
Asia 2 2 1
possible future issues in debt service.
Australia 178 1 178 251
Belgium 1,483 387 1,870 1,671

Germany 502 104 606 497 Credit restructuring
Netherlands 924 11 934 1,062
Global Credit Restructuring (GCR) is the dedicated and independent department that deals with
Rest of Europe 383 463 847 866
non-performing loans and loans that hold a reasonable probability that ING will end up with a loss,
Total 3,474 966 4,440 4,352 if no specific action is taken. GCR deals with accounts or portfolios requiring an active approach,
which may include renegotiation of terms & conditions and business or financial restructuring. The
1 Based on consumer lending. The amount of past due but performing financial assets in respect of non-lending activities was
loans are managed by GCR or by units in the various regions and business units.
not significant.

ING uses three distinct statuses in categorizing the management of clients with (perceived)
Wholesale Banking: for business loans (governments, institutions, and corporates), ING classifies
deteriorating credit risk profiles, i.e. there is doubt as to the performance and the collectability of
the relevant obligors as non-performing when any of the following default triggers occur:
the client’s contractual obligations:
 The borrower has failed in the payment of principal or interest/fees and such payment failure
has remained unresolved for the following period:
• Watch List: Usually, a client is first classified as Watch List when there are concerns of any
potential or material deterioration in the credit risk profile that may affect the ability of the
 Corporates: more than 90 days; and
client to adhere to its debt service obligations or to refinance its existing loans. Watch List status
 Financial Institutions and Governments: from day 1, however, a research period of 14 calendar
requires more than usual attention, increased monitoring and quarterly reviews. Some clients
days will be observed in order for ING to establish whether the payment default was due to
with a Watch List status may develop into a Restructuring status or even a Recovery status.
non-operational reasons (i.e. the deteriorated credit quality of the financial institution) or due
to operational reasons. The latter does not trigger default.
• Restructuring: A client is classified as Restructuring when there are concerns about the client’s
financial stability, credit worthiness, and/or ability to repay, but where the situation does not
 ING believes the borrower is unlikely to pay; the borrower has evidenced significant financial
require the recall or acceleration of facilities nor the liquidation the collateral. ING’s actions aim
difficulty, to the extent that it will have a negative impact on the future cash flows of the
to maintain the going concern status of the client by:
financial asset. The following events could be seen as examples of financial difficulty indicators:
(1) The borrower (or third party) has started insolvency proceedings. • Restoring the client’s financial stability;
(2) NPL status of a group company/co-borrower. • Supporting the client’s turnaround;
(3) Significant fraud (affecting the company’s ability to service its debt) • Restoring the balance between debt and equity; and

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• Restructuring the debt to a sustainable situation. Non-performing Loans: ING Bank portfolio portfolio, outstandings by
• Recovery: A client is classified as in Recovery when ING and/or the client concludes that the economic sector and business lines
client’s financial situation cannot be restored and a decision is made to end the (credit) Retail
relationship or even to enter into bankruptcy. ING will prefer an amicable exit, but will enforce Wholesale Challengers &
Banking Retail Benelux Growth Markets Corporate Line Total
and liquidate the collateral or claim under the guarantees if deemed necessary.
Industry 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Private Individuals 1 1 2,163 2,567 1,535 1,526 3,698 4,094
Watch List, Restructuring and Recovery are discussed at least on a quarterly basis between the Natural Resources 925 1,673 43 21 54 48 1,022 1,742
Front Office, GCR, and the respective Credit Risk Management executives, at which time it may be Real Estate 823 1,149 333 367 3 7 1,159 1,523
decided to change the status of an account from Watch List to Restructuring or Recovery or vice Transportation &
599 749 177 219 28 16 804 983
Builders & Contractors 405 390 332 344 152 130 889 863

General Industries 373 340 186 152 135 120 693 612
Non-performing loans
Services 260 282 265 255 38 41 563 578
ING’s loan portfolio is under constant review. Loans with past due financial obligations of more than Food, Beverages &
372 164 294 304 109 102 775 570
90 days are reclassified as non-performing. For commercial lending portfolios, there generally are Personal Care
reasons for declaring a loan non-performing prior to being 90 days past due. These reasons include, Other 1 612 639 436 450 135 119 314 308 1,497 1,516

but are not limited to, ING’s assessment of the customer’s perceived inability to meet its financial Total 4,370 5,385 4,229 4,679 2,188 2,109 313 308 11,102 12,481

obligations, or the customer filing for bankruptcy or bankruptcy protection. 1 Economic sectors not specified in above overview are grouped in Other.

The table below represents the breakdown by industry of credit risk outstandings for lending and
investment positions that have been classified as non-performing.

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Non-performing Loans: ING Bank portfolio, outstandings by economic In Netherlands, EUR 973 million of the non-performing loan portfolio consisted of loans to private
sectors and geographical area individuals, of which EUR 834 million were residential mortgages. In Belgium, almost half of the
Region Total Total non-performing portfolio consisted of loans to private individuals of which EUR 883 million was
Netherl- Belg- Germ- Rest of Austr- Ame- residential mortgages. Similarly, in Germany, more than half of the non-performing portfolio
ands ium any Europe alia Asia rica Africa 2018 2017
Private Individuals 973 1,137 671 679 230 2 4 1 3,698 4,094 consisted of residential mortgages.
Natural Resources 105 27 169 116 192 322 91 1,022 1,742
Real Estate 369 213 33 542 1 1,159 1,523 Loan Loss Provisioning
Transportation &
348 50 1 299 42 10 55 804 983 As of 1 January 2018, the IFRS 9 accounting rules on loan loss provisioning have been
implemented. These accounting rules do not change the actual credit losses, but have an impact
Builders & Contractors 146 275 1 381 87 889 863
on the timing of when these losses are reflected in the P&L. Under IFRS 9 loan loss provisions are
General Industries 153 114 12 374 41 693 612
booked given expected losses, whereas under the IAS 39 accounting practice loan loss provisions
Services 148 256 115 7 36 563 578
Food, Beverages &
were booked from the moment losses were incurred. More specifically, loan loss provisioning
210 125 27 212 26 176 775 570
Personal Care becomes more forward-looking under IFRS 9 partly due to the fact that provisions will be based on
Other 1 670 238 3 477 55 55 1,497 1,516 the macroeconomic outlook, amongst other factors. Furthermore, loan loss provisioning will be
Total 3,122 2,435 748 3,248 387 237 777 148 11,102 12,481 calculated on the lifetime expected losses for assets that have experienced a significant
1 Economic sectors not specified in above overview are grouped in Other.
deterioration in credit quality. As a result of these elements, loan loss provisioning in the P&L could
become more volatile. More information on the impairment methodology for financial assets under
Non-Performing portfolio decreased within ING Bank over 2018. The overall outstandings decrease IFRS 9 can be found in ‘Note 1 Accounting policies’ under part b) IFRS 9 ‘Financial instruments’ -
in non-performing loans were due to positive risk migration and repayments. The biggest decrease Accounting policies applied from 1 January 2018 sub-section iv) Impairment of financial assets.
was witnessed in Netherlands Retail and Netherlands WB portfolio. In Netherlands Retail, the
biggest decrease was observed in residential mortgages portfolio.

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ING Bank portfolio per IFRS 9 stage and rating class1,2,3

2018 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Rating class Outstandings Allowance Outstandings Allowance Outstandings Allowance Outstandings Allowance
1 (AAA) 67,543 1 67,543 1
2-4 (AA) 63,357 3 21 63,378 3
Investment grade
5-7 (A) 95,514 11 1,694 97,208 11
8-10 (BBB) 247,452 54 3,968 5 251,420 59
11-13 (BB) 178,318 227 9,052 72 187,370 299
Non-Investment grade 14-16 (B) 25,241 197 18,723 388 43,964 585
17 (CCC) 294 8 3,987 157 4,281 165
18 (CC) 3,399 147 3,399 147
Substandard grade
19 (C) 1,979 156 1,979 156
NPL grade 20-22 (D) 10,575 3,139 10,575 3,139

Total 677,719 501 42,823 925 10,575 3,139 731,117 4,565

1 Total outstanding excludes non-IFRS 9 eligible assets (for such exposures no IFRS stage is available: mainly guarantees, 3 For a reference to the Notes in the Annual Report we refer to the table ‘Reconciliation between credit risk categories and
letters of credit and pre-settlement exposures). financial position’
2 Total provisions exclude EUR 2 million Purchased Credit Impaired.

Sensitivity analysis of key sources of estimation uncertainty

Of the total ING Bank portfolio, 81.5% of total outstandings is classified as stage 1, while stage 2 The introduction IFRS 9, with its inherent complexities and potential impact on the carrying
and 3 make up 5.1% and 1.3% of total outstandings, respectively. The remaining 12.1% of the amounts of our assets and liabilities, represents a key source of estimation uncertainty. In
outstandings is not measured in accordance to IFRS 9 impairments (mainly guarantees, letters of particular, the Group’s reportable ECL numbers are most sensitive to the forward-looking
credit and pre-settlement exposures). macroeconomic forecasts used as model inputs, the probability-weights applied to each of the
three scenarios, and the criteria for identifying a significant increase in credit risk. As such, these
Investment grade outstandings is 84.8% stage 1 and 1.0% stage 2. Non-Investment grade is 79.6% crucial components require consultation and management judgement, and are subject to
% stage 1 and 12.4% stage 2. Substandard grade is 96.8% stage 2, while 94.2% of NPL grade extensive governance.
outstandings is classified as stage 3 (the rest of the NPL outstandings is not eligible for IFRS 9).
• Forward-looking macroeconomics used as model inputs
As a baseline for IFRS 9, the Group use the consensus outlook for economic variables. The Oxford
Economics’ Global Economic Model (OEGEM) is then used to complement the consensus with

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consistent projections for variables for which there are no consensus estimates available (most Based on the above two sources of estimation uncertainty, analysis on the sensitivity of key
notably HPI and unemployment), and to ensure general consistency of the scenarios. forward-looking macroeconomic inputs used in the ECL collective-assessment modelling process
and the probability-weights applied to each of the three scenarios is presented below. The
The Group’s consensus view of the baseline scenario suggests economic growth will level off over countries included in the analysis are for the Group’s most significant geographic regions, in terms
the initial (three year) forecast period, as the pace of expansion in the main advanced economies of both gross contribution to reportable ECL, and sensitivity of ECL to forward-looking
and emerging markets is likely to wane. For the Eurozone, as output gaps close and monetary macroeconomics. Accordingly, the Group considers these portfolios to present the most significant
policy begins to normalize, growth is expected to decline. For the US, the near-term outlook is still risk of resulting in a material adjustment to the carrying amount of financial assets within the next
positive, but over the forecast period we expect growth to fall below the recent trend as the impact financial year. The Group also observes that, in general, the Wholesale business is more sensitive to
of tax cuts and of higher interest rates begin to take effect. The Group continues to monitor the the impact of forward-looking macroeconomic scenarios.
potential escalation of an international trade conflict, and the likely outcome of any Brexit deal,
which, at present remains unclear. Real GPD, Unemployment rate and HPI (in that order) are considered the variables with the largest
impact on the LLP. This is supported by statistical analysis. These forward-looking macroeconomics
The downside scenario sees a relatively synchronized global downturn with economic growth in (amongst others) are used in the calculation of the Group’s un-weighted ECLs, which are applied
advanced economies falling close to zero, and emerging markets suffering a pronounced the probability-weightings as disclosed, to arrive at the reportable ECL for collectively-assessed
slowdown. The upside scenario sees economic growth returning to rates not seen since the assets. Whilst the table does give a high-level indication of the sensitivity of the outputs to the
financial crisis and a return to pre-crisis unemployment rates. different scenarios, it does not provide insight on the interdependencies and correlations between
different macroeconomic variable inputs. Furthermore, in addition to forward-looking
• Probability weights applied to each of the three scenarios macroeconomics, there are a number of other model inputs and processes which contribute to the
The alternative scenarios are based on the forecast errors of the OEGEM. To understand the calculation of un-weighted ECLs. Any sensitivity analysis which relies on this data should consider
baseline level of uncertainty around any forecast, Oxford Economics keeps track of all its forecast these complexities.
errors of the past 20 years. The distribution of forecast errors for GDP, unemployment, house prices
and share prices is applied to the baseline forecast creating a broad range of alternative outcomes.

For the downside scenario, ING has chosen for the 90th percentile of that distribution because this
corresponds with how within risk management earnings at risk is being defined. The upside
scenario is represented by the 10th percentile of the distribution. The distribution of the scenarios
for economic growth, taking into account the applicable percentile of the distribution, is resulting in
the upside scenario to be weighted at 20%, the downside scenario to be weighted at 20% and
consequently, the base case scenario to be weighted at 60%.

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ING Bank: Sensitivity analysis1,2,3

Un-weighted Probability- Reportable United States
2019 2020 2021
ECL (Eur mln) weighing ECL (Eur mln)4 Real GDP 3.5 4.1 3.7
Netherlands Unemployment 2.5 1.7 1.5 58 20%
Real GDP 3.0 3.9 3.2 HPI 6.8 8.9 8.2
Upside Real GDP 2.7 1.8 1.8
Unemployment 2.8 2.4 2.2 438 20%
scenario Baseline
HPI 15.3 11.7 3.0 Unemployment 3.6 3.8 3.9 103 60% 119
Real GDP 2.2 1.7 1.6 HPI 4.3 3.4 2.9
Baseline Real GDP 0.2 -0.5 0.2
Unemployment 3.7 3.9 4.1 493 60% 507
Scenario Downside
HPI 4.4 3.2 2.9 Unemployment 5.1 6.6 7.2 228 20%
Real GDP 0.0 -0.5 0.5 HPI 1.8 -2.3 -3.3
Unemployment 5.0 6.3 7.0 615 20%
scenario 1 Real GDP, in % year-on-year change
HPI -6.5 -6.7 2.8
2 Unemployment in % of total labour force
3 House price index (HPI) in % year-on-year
Real GDP 3.2 3.6 1.9
Upside 4 Sensitivity does not include the effect of manual adjustments, which are not material
Unemployment 2.4 1.7 1.5 480 20%
HPI 6.7 5.9 5.9
Real GDP 1.7 1.6 1.3 • Criteria for identifying a significant increase in credit risk
Unemployment 3.2 3.2 3.3 528 60% 535 All assets in scope of IFRS 9 impairment and which are subject to collective ECL assessment are
HPI 3.2 2.4 2.4
allocated a 12 month ECL if deemed to belong in Stage 1, or a lifetime ECL if deemed to belong in
Real GDP -0.6 -0.9 0.6
Unemployment 4.3 4.8 5.3 613 20%
Stages 2 and 3. An asset belongs in Stage 2 if it is considered to have experienced a significant
HPI -0.4 -1.3 -1.5 increase in credit risk since initial origination or purchase. The stage allocation process involves an
Belgium asset’s derived PD being assessed against a set of PD threshold bandings, which determines the
Real GDP 2.7 3.0 2.3
Upside appropriate staging and ECL. The Group reports total ECL collective-assessment of EUR 1,391
Unemployment 5.8 5.6 5.5 351 20%
scenario million.
HPI 5.0 4.2 4.3
Real GDP 1.5 1.6 1.6
Unemployment 6.3 6.2 6.2 381 60% 390 The setting of PD threshold bandings requires management judgement, and is a key source of
HPI 3.4 3.4 3.4
estimation uncertainty. To demonstrate the sensitivity of the ECL to these PD thresholds bandings,
Real GDP -0.1 0.2 1.2
Downside analysis was run on all collectively-assessed assets, which assumed all assets were below the
Unemployment 7.8 8.6 8.5 455 20%
HPI 1.5 2.6 2.4 threshold, and apportioned a 12 month ECL. On the same asset base, analysis was run which
assumed all assets were above the threshold, and apportioned a lifetime ECL. This gave rise to a
hypothetical collective-assessment ECLs of EUR 888 million and EUR 3,333 million respectively.

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It should be noted that the lifetime PD thresholds are not the only drivers of stage allocation. An additional one year probation period is observed for forborne exposures that move from non-
asset can change stages by virtue of being in arrears, on a Watch List, being forborne etc. Refer to performing back to performing.
section of Note 1 ‘Accounting Policies’ for an exhaustive list. Furthermore, this analysis is
rudimentary in that other parameters would change when an asset changes stages. ING Bank: Summary Forborne portfolio1
2018 2017

Forbearance Of which: Of which:

Forbearance occurs when a client is considered to be unable to meet their financial commitments Of which: Non- Of which: Non-
Outstand Perfor- Perfor- % of total Outstand Perfor- Perfor- % of total
under their contract due to financial difficulties and ING decides to grant concessions towards the Business Line ings ming ming portfolio ings ming ming portfolio
client. Forborne exposures are exposures in respect of which forbearance measures have been Wholesale Banking 5,130 3,100 2,029 1.8% 6,162 2,776 3,386 2.1%
granted. Forbearance measures can be either modifications to existing contractual terms and Retail Banking 5,010 2,858 2,152 1.2% 5,657 3,074 2,583 1.3%
conditions or total or partial refinancing. Within ING, forbearance is based on the EBA Standards. Total 10,140 5,959 4,181 1.4% 11,819 5,849 5,969 1.6%

1 Undrawn commitments are excluded.

To identify forbearance, ING assesses clients with Early Warning Signals, Watch List, Restructuring,
Default or Recovery status. ING reviews the performance of forborne exposures at least quarterly, ING Bank: Summary Forborne portfolio by forbearance type
either on a case-by-case (business) or on a portfolio (retail) basis. 2018 2017

Of which: Of which:
For corporate customers, ING applies forbearance measures to support clients with fundamentally Of which: Non- Of which: Non-
sound business models that are experiencing temporary difficulties with the aim to maximise the Outstand Perfor- Perfor- % of total Outstand Perfor- Perfor- % of total
client’s repayment ability. Forbearance type ings ming ming portfolio ings ming ming portfolio
Loan modification 8,456 4,837 3,620 1.1% 9,752 4,562 5,190 1.2%
Refinancing 1,684 1,122 561 0.2% 2,066 1,287 779 0.2%
For ING retail units, clear criteria have been established to determine whether a client is eligible for Total 10,140 5,959 4,181 1.4% 11,819 5,849 5,969 1.6%
forbearance – generally as part of an automated process. Specific approval mandates are in place
to approve the measures, as well as procedures to manage, monitor and report the forbearance 1 Undrawn commitments are excluded.

ING implemented its forbearance policy in 2014. In 2016 based on a detailed re-assessment of the
relevant standards set by EBA and subsequent regulatory guidance, ING tightened the definitions
Exposures with forbearance measures can be either performing (Risk Ratings 1-19) or non-
under its forbearance policy. As a result of these revisions in definition and scope, performing
performing (Risk Ratings 20-22). ING uses specific criteria to move forborne exposures from non-
forborne exposures recognized by ING increased significantly in 2016 as measures taken in
performing to performing and to remove the forbearance statuses that are consistent with the
previous periods were then recognized as forbearance. Examples of measures taken were
corresponding EBA standards. An exposure is reported as forborne for a minimum of two years. An

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commercially justifiable measures, modifications of covenants as well as waivers of covenant Wholesale Banking
breaches. As per December 2018, Wholesale Banking forborne portfolio amounted to EUR 5.1 billion, which
represented 1.8% of the total Wholesale Banking portfolio.
As per December 2018 ING’s total forborne portfolio decreased by EUR 1.7 billion (14%) to EUR 10.1
billion, mainly driven by Wholesale Banking (EUR -1.0 billion). The scope of forbearance has been Wholesale Banking: Forborne portfolio by geographical area1
narrowed down in accordance with the policy ”Managing Special Assets: Watch List Restructuring 2018 2017
and Recovery”, and as from 2Q18 financial guarantees and letters of credit are excluded, reducing Of which: Of which:
total forborne portfolio by EUR 249 million. Of which: Non- Of which: Non-
Outstand Perfor- Perfor- Outstand Perfor- Perfor-
Region ings ming ming ings ming ming
Netherlands 1,148 687 461 1,593 816 777
Belgium 131 102 29 223 105 118
Germany 127 94 33 45 23 22
Rest of Europe 1,896 1,081 815 2,456 867 1,589
Africa 148 55 93 156 84 72
America 1,173 695 478 1,212 584 628
Asia 378 300 78 428 291 137
Australia 128 86 42 49 7 42
Total 5,130 3,100 2,029 6,162 2,776 3,386
1 Undrawn commitments are excluded.

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Natural Resources (EUR 0.5 billion), Real Estate (EUR 0.5 billion) and Builders & Contractors (EUR 0.3
Wholesale Banking: Forborne assets by economic sector 1
2018 2017
Of which: Of which:
Of which: Non- Of which: Non- Retail Banking
Outstand Perfor- Perfor- Outstand Perfor- Perfor- As per end of December 2018, Retail Banking forborne portfolio amounted to a total of EUR 5.0
Industry ings ming ming ings ming ming
billion, which represented 1.2% of the total Retail Banking portfolio.
Natural Resources 1,474 943 532 1,995 743 1,251
Real Estate 999 601 398 1,467 824 643
Transportation & Logistics 868 445 423 988 398 590 Retail Banking: Forborne assets by geographical area1
General Industries 405 193 212 329 140 189 2018 2017
Food, Beverages & Personal Care 244 161 83 199 139 60 Of which: Of which:
Chemicals, Health & Pharmaceuticals 189 171 19 56 52 4 Of which: Non- Of which: Non-
Utilities 181 30 152 177 9 168 Outstand Perfor- Perfor- Outstand Perfor- Perfor-
Builders & Contractors 146 37 109 435 174 261 Region ings ming ming ings ming ming
Services 138 85 53 289 137 151 Netherlands 2,461 1,514 946 3,036 1,727 1,309
Automotive 134 131 3 5 3 3 Belgium 1,046 383 663 1,096 399 697
Retail 118 84 34 82 56 26 Germany 462 337 126 541 432 109
Telecom 89 88 1 39 14 25 Rest of Europe 656 397 259 639 342 297
Other 144 132 12 101 86 15 Africa 1 1
Total 5,130 3,100 2,029 6,162 2,776 3,386 America 1 1 1 1
Asia 3 2 1 2 2
1 Undrawn commitments are excluded. Australia 381 225 156 342 172 170
Total 5,010 2,858 2,152 5,657 3,074 2,583
The main concentration of forborne portfolio in a single country was in the Netherlands with 22%
1 Undrawn commitments are excluded.
(2017: 26%) of the total Wholesale Banking forborne portfolio, and 23% (2017: 23%) of the total
non-performing forborne portfolio. The main concentration of forborne portfolio in a single country was in the Netherlands with 49%
Wholesale Banking forborne portfolio decreased by EUR 1.0 billion compared to 2017, of which the (2017: 54%) of the total Retail Banking forborne portfolio and 44% (2017: 51%) of the non-
non-performing forborne portfolio decreased by EUR 1.4 billion which was partially offset by the performing forborne portfolio. Retail banking forborne portfolio decreased by EUR 0.6 billion
increase in the performing forborne portfolio by EUR 0.3 billion. compared to 2017, of which EUR 0.4 billion driven by the consumer portfolio.

Wholesale Banking forborne portfolio were mainly concentrated in Natural Resources, Real Estate
and Transportation & Logistics. Together they accounted for 65% (2017: 72%) of the total
Wholesale Banking forborne portfolio and 67% (2017: 73%) of the total Wholesale Banking non-
performing forborne portfolio. Decreases in forborne portfolio were mainly visible in the industries
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Market risk
ING primarily plays three roles in its exposure to securitisations programs which are:
ING as Investor Market risk is the risk that movements in market variables, such as interest rates, equity prices,
ING’s goal is to maintain a portfolio of high quality liquid assets that meet the regulatory foreign exchange rates, credit spreads and real estate prices negatively impact the bank’s earnings,
requirements of CRR/CRD IV and the Delegated Act of October 2014 regarding liquidity. ING invests capital, market value or liquidity position. Market risk either arises through positions in banking
in high quality Asset Backed Securities (ABS) keeping close track of the securitisation investment books or trading books. The banking book positions are intended to be held for the long-term (or
positions via monthly monitoring reports and weekly update calls. Additionally, ING may invest in until maturity) or for the purpose of hedging other banking book positions. The trading book
securitisation positions in order to facilitate client business from its Disintermediation & Asset positions are typically held with the intention of short-term trading or in order to hedge other
Securitisation unit. positions in the trading book. This means that financial instruments in the trading books should be
free of trade restrictions. Policies and processes are in place to monitor the inclusion of positions in
either the trading or banking book as well as to monitor the transfer of risk between the trading
ING as Originator
and banking books.
ING occasionally originates its own securitisation transactions for economic and regulatory capital
purposes, as well as liquidity and funding purposes. Securitisations originated by a company may
ING recognises the importance of sound market risk management and bases its market risk
only be considered for balance sheet derecognition when the requirements for significant credit risk
management framework on the approach to identify, assess, control and manage market risks.
transfer have been fulfilled. ING has executed a very limited number of external transactions as
The approach consists of a cycle of five recurring activities: risk identification, risk assessment, risk
control, risk monitoring and risk reporting.

ING as Sponsor  Risk identification is a joint effort of the first and second lines of defence out of the three lines of
In the normal course of business, ING structures financing transactions for its clients by assisting the defence. See the Risk Governance paragraph under the General risk Management section for
them in obtaining sources of liquidity by selling the client’s receivables or other financial assets to a details of the “three line of defence” governance model. The goal of risk identification is to detect
special purpose vehicle (SPV). Senior positions in these transactions are often funded by the ING potential new risks and any changes in known risks;
administered multi-seller asset backed commercial paper (ABCP) conduit Mont Blanc Capital Corp.  Identified risks are assessed and measured by means of various risk metrics to determine the
(rated A-1/P-1). Mont Blanc Capital Corp. funds itself externally in the ABCP markets. In its role as importance of the risk to ING and subsequently to identify the control measures needed;
administrative agent, ING facilitates these transactions by providing structuring, accounting,  Risk control measures used by ING include policies, procedures, minimum standards, limit
funding and operations services. ING also provides support facilities (liquidity facilities) backing the frameworks, buffers and stress tests;
transactions funded by the conduit. Mont Blanc Capital Corp. is fully consolidated into the ING  Risk monitoring occurs to check if the implemented risk controls are executed, complied with
annual accounts. across the organisation, and are effective; and

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 Market risk management results and findings are reported to the necessary governing market instruments, such as interest rate swaps, to more sophisticated hedging strategies to
departments and approval bodies. address a combination of risk factors arising at the portfolio level.

The organisational structure facilitates top-down risk management by recognising that risk taking
and risk management to a large extent occur at the regional/local level. Bottom-up reporting from
A governance framework has been established defining specific roles and responsibilities of
regional/local units to head office units allows each management level to fully assess the market
business management units, market risk management units, and internal approval bodies per
risk relevant at the respective levels.

Several committees govern the communication between the parties involved in market risk
Supervision of market risk falls under the responsibility of the MBB and is delegated to the ALCO
management. Market Risk Model Committee (MRMC) is the highest dedicated authority within ING
function, where ALCO Bank is the highest approval authority and sets the market risk appetite.
for the approval of all trading and banking risk models, methodologies and parameters related to
ALCO Bank monitors ING’s adherence to the risk appetite for market risk and sets additional limits
market risk. Trading Pricing Model Committee (TPMC) approves pricing models for trading and
where appropriate. These limits are cascaded through the organisation through lower level ALCOs.
banking books. The Global Credit Trading Policy committee (GCTP) is the highest dedicated
This ALCO structure facilitates top-down risk management, limit setting, and the monitoring and
authority with representatives from Financial Risk, CRO Challengers & Growth Markets and CRO
control of market risk.
Wholesale Banking for the approval of policies, models, methodologies and parameters related to
credit risk and trading risk, and for the consideration of risk appetite and risk governance.
The monitoring and control of market risk is the responsibility of the Financial Risk (FR) department
Systematic risk reporting takes place by the Financial Risk and FI-FM Risk departments to the EB
and Financial Institutions – Financial Markets (FI-FM) Risk. FR and FI-FM Risk are the designated
and MBB, the senior executive management of the CRO function, and the senior executive
departments of the second line of defence that report to the CRO function and are responsible for
management of related business functions.
the design and execution of the bank’s market risk and counterparty credit risk management
functions in support of the ALCO function. FR focuses on the market risks in the banking books,
The FI-FM Risk Management Framework governs the boundary between trading books and banking
whereas FI-FM is responsible for counterparty credit risk and market risks resulting from the
books. It defines the activities ING considers to be trading according to a regulatory definition and
Financial Markets trading books. FR and FI-FM Risk are responsible for determining adequate policies
for own funds requirement purposes. The trading activity is systematically reviewed and positions
and procedures for actively managing market risk in the banking and trading books and for
are assessed against the mandates jointly by the first and second lines of defence. As specified in
monitoring ING’s compliance with these guidelines.
the framework, the transfer of risk or the transfer of positions between banking and trading books
is in principle not allowed but in exceptional cases when a re-designation is deemed necessary, the
FR and FI-FM Risk also maintain a limit framework in line with ING’s Risk Appetite Framework. The
re-designation should be approved by senior management.
businesses are responsible for adhering to limits that are ultimately approved by the ALCO Bank.
Limit excesses are reported to senior management on a timely basis and the business is required to
This market risk paragraph elaborates on the various elements of the risk management framework
take appropriate actions to reduce the risk position. To adhere to the established limit framework,
ING implements hedging and risk mitigation strategies that range from the use of traditional
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 Market risk economic capital for the trading and banking books; exposed to convexity and volatility risk. For the calculation of economic capital for this non-linear
 Market risks in the banking books; and interest rate risk, ING performs a Monte Carlo simulation.
 Market risks in the trading books.
Real estate price risk includes the market risks in both the real estate investment and the
development portfolio of the ING Wholesale Banking business line. The economic capital for real
Economic capital for market risk
estate price risk is calculated by stressing the underlying market variables.
Economic capital for market risk is the economic capital necessary to withstand unexpected value
movements due to changes in market variables and model risk.
While aggregating the different economic capital market risk figures for the different portfolios,
diversification benefits (based on stressed correlations) are taken into account as it is not expected
Economic capital for market risk is calculated for exposures both in trading portfolios and banking
that all extreme market movements will appear at the same moment.
portfolios and includes interest rate risk, credit spread risk, equity price risk, foreign exchange rate
risk, real estate risk, model risks and pension risk. Economic capital for market risk is calculated
using internally developed methodologies with a 99.95% confidence interval and a horizon of one Market risk in banking books
year. ING makes a distinction between the trading and banking (non-trading) books. Positions in banking
books originate from the market risks inherent in commercial products that are sold to clients,
For the trading books and the linear interest rate risk and equity investments in the banking books, Group Treasury exposures, and from the investment of our own funds (core capital). Both the
the Value at Risk (VaR) is taken as a starting point for the economic capital calculations for market commercial products and the products used to hedge market risk exposures in these products are
risk. The VaR is measured at a 99% confidence interval, a one day holding period. intended to be held until maturity, or at least for the long-term.

To arrive at the economic capital for market risk, a simulation based model is used which includes Risk transfer
scaling to the required confidence interval and holding period. In determining this scaling factor, An important element of the management of market risks in the banking book is the risk transfer
several other factors are also taken into account like the occurrence of large market movements process. In this process the interest rate, FX, funding and liquidity risks are transferred from the
(events) and management interventions. commercial books through matched funding to Group Treasury, where it is centrally managed. The

Embedded options, e.g. the prepayment option and offered rate option in mortgages in the
banking books, result in non-linear interest rate risk in the banking books. The embedded options
are economically hedged using a delta-hedging methodology, leaving the mortgage portfolio

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scheme below presents the transfer and management process of market risks in the banking
books: Interest rate risk in banking book
Interest rate risk in the banking book is defined as the exposure of a bank’s earnings, capital, and
market value to adverse movements in interest rates originated from positions in the banking book.

The management of interest rate risk follows the Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB)
framework as approved by ALCO Bank. This framework describes roles, responsibilities, risk metrics,
the policies and procedures related to interest rate risk management. Furthermore ALCO Bank sets
the risk appetite for interest rate risk, which is then translated into limits for the interest rate risk

ING’s approach to interest rate risk management, as set forth in this framework, is the
centralisation of risks from commercial books (that capture the products sold to clients) to globally
managed interest rate risk books. This enables a clear demarcation between commercial business
results and results on unhedged interest rate positions.

ING distinguishes between three types of activities that generate interest rate risk in the banking
• Investment of own funds (by Group Treasury);
The merge of Bank Treasury and Capital Management into Group Treasury was completed by the • Commercial business (e.g. Retail business); and
end of June 2018. • The strategic interest rate position (Group Treasury).

Risk measurement Below the three activities are described in more detail:
The main concepts and metrics used for measuring market risk in the banking book are described
below per risk type. Group Treasury is responsible for managing the investment of own funds (core capital), more
information can be found in the Capital Management section. Capital is invested for longer periods
to keep earnings stable.

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The commercial activities can result in linear interest rate risk, for example, when re-pricing tenors Customer behaviour in relation to mortgages, loans, savings and demand deposits is modelled,
of assets differ from those of liabilities. Also, interest rate risk can arise from customer behaviour based on extensive research. Per business unit and product type, exposures are typically
depending on the nature of the underlying product characteristics. Customer behaviour risk is segmented into different portfolios based on expected client behaviour. For each of the segments,
defined as the potential future value loss due to deviations in the actual behaviour of clients versus model parameters for example for the pass through rate and customer behaviour are determined
the modelled behaviour towards the embedded options in commercial products. General sources of based on historical data and expert opinion. Models are typically back tested at least semi-annually
customer behaviour risk include the state of the economy, competition, changes in regulation, and updated when deemed necessary. Model parameters and the resulting risk measures are
legislation and tax regime, and developments in the housing market. Since these risk factors approved by (local) ALCO.
cannot be (fully) mitigated, ING holds capital to be able to absorb possible losses as a result of
changed customer behaviour. Linear interest rate risk is transferred from the commercial business to the treasury book (Group
Treasury), if necessary, using estimations of customer behaviour. The originating commercial
From an interest rate risk perspective, commercial activities can typically be divided into three main business is ultimately responsible for estimating customer behaviour, leaving convexity risk and
product types: savings and demand deposits, mortgages, and loans. (unexpected) customer behaviour risk with the commercial business. Risk measurement and the
• Savings and demand deposits are generally invested with the goal to hedge their value and risk transfer process take place on a monthly basis, but more often if deemed necessary, for
minimize the sensitivity of the margin to market interest rates. Interest rate risk can arise when instance in volatile markets.
there is a lag between savings rate adjustments and the adjustments experienced through
market rates or when market rate changes cannot be passed on to clients. Interest rate risk is The commercial business manages the convexity risk that is the result of products that contain
modelled based on the stability of the deposit and the pass through rate. This takes into account embedded options, like mortgages. Here the convexity risk is defined as the optionality effects in
different elements, such as pricing strategies, volume developments and the level and shape of the value due to interest rate changes, excluding the first-order effects. In some cases, convexity
the yield curve. Savings volumes are typically assumed not to be sensitive to interest rate risk is transferred from the commercial books to treasury books using cap/floor contracts.
• Interest rate risk for mortgages arises through prepayment behaviour. In modelling this risk, Group Treasury manages the strategic interest rate position including capital investments. The
interest rate dependent pre-payments are considered. Next to the dependence on interest rates, main objective is to maximise the economic value of the book and to generate adequate and stable
modelled prepayment may include other effects such as loan to value, seasonality and the reset annual earnings within the risk appetite boundaries set by ALCO Bank.
date of the loan. In addition, the interest sensitivity of embedded offered rate options is
considered; and In the following sections, the interest rate risk exposures in the banking books are presented. ING
• Wholesale Banking loans typically do not experience interest rate prepayment behavior as they uses risk measures based on both an earnings and a value perspective. Net Interest Income (NII)-
are hedged from an interest rate risk perspective and therefore do not contain significant at-Risk is used to provide the earnings perspective and the Net Present Value (NPV)-at-Risk and
convexity risk. Basis Point Value (BPV) figures provide the value perspective. Please note that corrective
management actions are not taken into account in these figures although price adjustments are
included in the earnings risk measure.

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Developments relating to IRRBB NII-at-Risk banking books per business - year 1

2018 2017
During 2018 ING implemented the following refinements to the risk measurement for Interest Rate
Ramped, unfloored Ramped, unfloored
Risk in the Banking Book:
parallel ▼ parallel ▲ parallel ▼ parallel ▲
• Review of the risk appetite for Interest Rate Risk for the Banking Book;
• Annual review of the interest rates scenarios used for calculating NII-a-Risk and NPV-at-Risk; By business
Wholesale Banking –204 239 –185 201
• Implementation of scenarios for the interest rate sub-risk types tenor basis risk, vega optionality
Retail Banking Benelux –49 22 17 –48
risk and currency diversion risk;
Retail Challengers & Growth Markets 165 –186 101 –133
• With respect to the capital investments, the internal view on capital replication is reflected in the Corporate Line Banking –30 30 –24 13
NPV-at-Risk limit for the capital book as of July 2018; and Total –119 106 –91 33
• Savings model updates for market developments.
The NII-at-Risk is mainly influenced by the sensitivity of savings to interest rate movements due to
Net Interest Income (NII) at Risk pass through rate differences between savings rates and investment yields, but is partially offset
NII-at-Risk measures the impact of changing interest rates on (before tax) net interest income of by the sensitivity of mortgages. The investment of own funds only impacts the earnings sensitivity
the banking book with a time horizon of one year. This excludes credit spread sensitivity and longer marginally, as only a relatively small part has to be (re)invested within the 1-year horizon.
term earnings impact. The NII-at-Risk figures in the tables below reflect a parallel interest rate
shock with a time horizon of one year. Next to parallel scenarios, IRRBB monitoring and NII-at-Risk banking book per currency - year 1
management includes the impact of non-parallel scenarios and the impact over a longer horizon. 2018 2017

The NII-at-Risk asymmetry between the downward scenario and upward shock scenarios is Ramped, unfloored Ramped, unfloored

primarily caused by the convexity risk in the mortgage and savings portfolio due to the embedded parallel ▼ parallel ▲ parallel ▼ parallel ▲
options and pricing constraints. By currency
Euro –81 60 –83 9
US Dollar 20 –20 10 –20
Other –57 65 –19 44
Total –119 106 –91 33

Year-on-year variance analysis

The change in NII-at-Risk is mainly visible for Retail Banking Benelux and Retail Challengers &
Growth Markets. This is driven by the savings model updates for market developments in ING
Belgium, ING Germany, ING Netherlands, ING Spain and ING Poland. The annual update of the
interest rate scenarios also led to a limited increase in the NII-a-Risk for year 1.
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The NPV-at-Risk for the Corporate Line decreased in 2018, driven by the own funds long-term
Net Present Value (NPV) at Risk investments. The internal view on capital replication of the own funds long-term investments is
NPV-at-Risk measures the impact of changing interest rates on value. The NPV-at-Risk is defined as reflected in the NPV-at-Risk figures as of July 2018. The remaining NPV-at-Risk of EUR -38 million
the outcome of an instantaneous increase and decrease in interest rates from applying currency includes the mismatch position from the target investment profile. Further, the change in NPV-at-
specific scenarios. The NPV-at-Risk asymmetry between the downward and upward shock is Risk for Retail Banking Benelux was driven by updates in the savings model to reflect the most
primarily caused by convexity risk in the mortgage and savings portfolio. The NPV-at-Risk figures recent market developments in The Netherlands and Belgium.
are also calculated using the updated interest rate scenarios.
Basis Point Value (BPV)
BPV measures the impact of a one basis point increase in interest rates on value. To a large extent
The full value impact cannot be directly linked to the financial position or profit or loss account, as
the BPV and NPV-at-Risk reflect the same risk - the difference being that BPV does not reflect
fair value movements in banking books are not necessarily reported through the profit or loss
convexity risk, given the small shift in interest rates.
account or through Other Comprehensive Income (OCI). The value mutations are expected to
materialise over time in the profit and loss account if interest rates develop according to forward
rates throughout the remaining maturity of the portfolio. BPV banking books per currency
in EUR thousands 2018 2017
By currency
NPV-at-Risk banking books per business line Euro –12,116 –18,446
2018 2017 US Dollar –1,165 –1,417
unfloored unfloored Other 483 1,583
parallel ▼ parallel ▲ parallel ▼ parallel ▲ Total –12,797 –18,280

By business
Wholesale Banking –55 134 309 –184 Year-on-year variance analysis
Retail Banking Benelux –1,344 –269 –492 –468
The overall BPV reduced by EUR 5.5 million to EUR -12.8 million in 2018.
Retail Challengers & Growth Markets –521 –54 –368 –17
Corporate Line Banking –38 35 1,476 –1,404
Total –1,958 –153 926 –2,073

The asymmetry between the NPV-at-Risk for a downward and an upward shock scenario is
primarily caused by the convexity risk, which arises from (embedded) optionality in the savings and
mortgage portfolio.

Year-on-year variance analysis

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Foreign exchange (FX) risk in banking books Net banking currency exposures banking books
FX exposures in banking books result from core banking business activities (business units doing Hedges Net exposures
business in currencies other than their base currency), foreign currency investments in subsidiaries 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
(including realised net profit and loss), and strategic equity stakes in foreign currencies. The policy US Dollar 5,794 2,487 –1 4 5,793 2,491
regarding these exposures is briefly explained below. Pound Sterling 614 667 614 667
Polish Zloty 2,563 2,398 –526 –618 2,036 1,780
Australian Dollar 3,569 3,769 –2,398 –2,792 1,171 977
Governance – Core banking business Turkish Lira 1,219 1,828 1,219 1,828
Every business unit hedges the FX risk resulting from core banking business activities into its base Chinese Yuan 2,208 2,762 2,208 2,762
currency. Consequently, assets and liabilities are matched in terms of currency. Indian Rupee 917 937 917 937
Russian Rouble 460 549 –101 –154 359 395
Other currency 4,462 3,993 –2,057 –2,016 2,405 1,978
Governance – FX translation result Total 21,806 19,390 –5,084 –5,576 16,722 13,815
ING’s strategy is to keep the target CET1 ratio within a certain range when FX rates fluctuate, whilst
limiting the volatility in the profit and loss account. Therefore, hedge accounting is applied to the The regular USD funding to ING Capital LLC was replaced by evergreen funding (a loan without a
largest extent possible. Taking this into account, the CET1 ratio hedge can be achieved by contractual maturity) which is classified as a Net Investment in Foreign Operation. This brings the
deliberately taking foreign currency positions equal to certain target positions, such that the target FX position closer to the position needed for ratio hedging.
CET1 capital and risk-weighted assets are equally sensitive in relative terms to changing FX rates.
For a selection of emerging market currencies ING decided not to enter into foreign currency Equity price risk in banking books
hedges as allowed under the policy.

Risk profile – FX translation result
ING maintains a strategic portfolio with substantial equity exposure in its banking books. Local
The following table presents the currency exposures in the banking books for the most important offices are responsible for the management of the equity investment positions. Financial Risk is
currencies for the FX translation result. Positive figures indicate long positions in the respective responsible for monitoring the regulatory capital for equity investments on a monthly basis and
currency. As a result of the strategy to hedge the CET1 ratio a net foreign currency exposure exists. acts independently from ING’s / Local management when monitoring these positions.

In order to measure the sensitivity of the target CET1 ratio against FX rate fluctuations, the
Risk Profile
Historical Value at Risk is used based on historical series of last year’s FX rates. It measures the drop
Equity price risk arises from the possibility that an equity security’s price will fluctuate, affecting the
in the CET1 ratio from the target based on historical FX rates. Based on these time series and with a
value of the equity security itself as well as other instruments whose value react similarly to the
probability of 1%, the drop in the CET1 ratio would be 0.23%.
particular security, a defined basket of securities, or a securities index. ING’s equity exposure mainly

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consists of the investments in associates and joint ventures of EUR 1,203 million (2017: EUR 1,088 Governance
million) and equity securities held at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) of EUR Real Estate is a run-off business consisting of Real Estate Development and Real Estate Investment
3,228 million (2017: held in the Available-for-sale (AFS) portfolio, under IAS 39 for EUR 3,983 Management activities which are being wound down by sale of assets, strict execution of contract
million). The value of equity securities held at FVOCI is directly linked to equity security prices with maturity, or through portfolio sales.
increases/decreases being recognised in the revaluation reserve. Investments in associates and
joint ventures are measured in accordance with the equity method of accounting and the balance
Risk profile
sheet value is therefore not directly linked to equity security prices.
ING has two different main categories of Real Estate exposure on its banking books: first, its own
buildings which ING occupies, and second, development assets, which mostly consist of former Real
Year-on-year variance analysis Estate Development and Real Estate Investment Management activities. The total Real Estate
The revaluation reserve relating to equity securities at FVOCI moved from EUR 2,474 million per exposure amounts to EUR 0.9 billion (excluding property from foreclosures and third party interest).
year end 2017 to EUR 1,914 million per year end 2018. In 2018 the securities at FVOCI decreased by ING has EUR 0.1 billion recognised at fair value through profit and loss and EUR 0.8 billion is
EUR 560 million and is the result of the combined impact of IFRS 9 (EUR 42 million), and the recognised at cost or revalued through equity (with impairments going through profit and loss). A
decrease in the value of primarily Bank of Beijing and Kotak Mahindra Bank. split on the Real Estate exposure per continent and sector based on the risk management view is
shown below.
Revaluation reserve equity securities at fair value through other comprehensive income1
2018 2017
Gross unrealised gains n/a 2,478
Gross unrealised losses n/a –4
Positive re-measurement 1,923 n/a
Negative re-measurement –8 n/a
Total 1,914 2,474
1 The 2017 figures are presented as Available-for-sale under IAS 39. With the introduction of IFRS 9 these have
been classified as fair value through other comprehensive income.

Real Estate price risk in banking books

Real Estate price risk arises from the possibility that Real Estate prices fluctuate. This affects both
the value of Real Estate assets and the earnings related to Real Estate activities.

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mandates and limits, and performs the gatekeeper role in the product review process. The
Real Estate market risk exposure in banking books (by geographic area and sector type) management of market risk in trading portfolios is performed at various organisational levels. The
2018 2017 2018 2017 FI-FM Risk Management Framework defines policies and procedures for the overall management of
Continent Sector trading books. Trading activity is systematically reviewed and positions against the mandates are
Europe 824 827 Residential 64 72
assessed jointly by the first and second lines of defence.
Americas 27 25 Office 791 785
Australia - – Retail 2 8
Asia - – Industrial 16 12 Risk measurement
Other 61 82 Other 40 57
ING uses a comprehensive set of methodologies and techniques to measure market risk in trading
Total 913 934 Total 913 934
books: Value at Risk (VaR) and Stressed Value at Risk (SVaR), Incremental Risk Charge (IRC), and
Event Risk (stress testing). Systematic validation processes are in place to validate the accuracy and
Market risk in trading books internal consistency of data and parameters used for the internal models and modelling processes.
Within the trading portfolios, positions are maintained in the financial markets. These positions are
often a result of transactions with clients and may serve to benefit from short-term price Basel Committee/CRD IV
movements. In 2018, ING continued its strategy of undertaking trading activities to develop its ING follows the regulatory framework set out in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR/CRD IV)
client-driven franchise and deliver a differentiating experience by offering multiple market and for its regulatory capital calculations. ING is closely monitoring the progress on CRR II/CRD V
trading products. regulation. The CRR II will include among others the European regulations conform the
Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) standards by BCBS. In January 2019, the BCBS
Governance released the final FRTB standards. The requirements and timelines of FRTB capital will be specified in
CRR III regulations, FRTB capital requirements are expected to have a significant impact on the Pillar
The Financial Markets Risk Committee (FMRC) is the market risk committee that, within the risk
I calculations.
appetite set by ALCO Bank, sets market risk limits both on an aggregated level and on a desk level,
and approves new products. FI-FM Risk advises both FMRC and ALCO Bank on the market risk
appetite of trading activities. Value at Risk
FI-FM Risk uses the historical simulation VaR methodology as its primary risk measure. The VaR for
With respect to the trading portfolios, FI-FM Risk focuses on the management of market risks of market risk quantifies, with a one-sided confidence level of 99%, the maximum overnight loss that
Wholesale Banking (mainly Financial Markets) as this is the only business line within ING where could occur in the trading portfolio of ING due to changes in risk factors (e.g. interest rates, equity
trading activities take place. Trading activities include facilitation of client business and market prices, foreign exchange rates, credit spreads, implied volatilities) if positions remain unchanged for
making. FI-FM Risk is responsible for the development and implementation of trading risk policies a time period of one day. Next to general market movements in these risk factors, VaR also takes
and risk measurement methodologies, the reporting and monitoring of risk exposures against into account market data movements for specific moves in e.g. the underlying issuer of securities.
approved trading limits, and the validation of pricing models. FI-FM Risk also reviews trading A single model that diversifies general and specific risk is used. In general a full revaluation

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approach is applied, only for a limited number of linear trading positions and a limited number of VaR of ING. The loss was driven by Foreign Exchange and Equity positions. ING reports the
risk factors in commodity and equity risk classes a sensitivity-based approach is applied. The backtesting results on a quarterly basis to the ECB.
potential impact of historical market movements on today’s portfolio is estimated, based on
equally weighted observed market movements of the previous year (260 days). When simulating Stressed VaR
potential movements in risk factors, depending on the risk factor type, either an absolute or a The SVaR is intended to replicate a VaR calculation that would be generated on the bank’s current
relative shift is used. The data used in the computations is updated daily. ING uses VaR with a 1-day portfolio with inputs calibrated to the historical data from a continuous 12-month period of
horizon for internal risk measurement, management control, and backtesting, and VaR with a 10- significant financial stress relevant to the bank’s portfolio. To calculate SVaR, ING uses the same
day horizon for determining regulatory capital. To compute VaR with a 10-day horizon the one day model that is used for VaR with a 10-day horizon. The historical data period used currently includes
risk factor shifts are scaled by the square root of ten and then used as an input for the revaluation. the height of the credit crisis around the fall of Lehman Brothers, and is reviewed regularly. The
The same model is used for all legal entities within ING with market risk exposure in the trading historical data period is chosen so that it gives the worst scenario loss estimates for the current
portfolio. portfolio. The same SVaR model is used for management purposes and for regulatory purposes.
The same model is used for all legal entities within ING with market risk exposure in the trading
Limitations portfolio.
VaR has some limitations, such as the following: VaR uses historical data to forecast future price
behaviour. Future price behaviour could differ substantially from past behaviour. Moreover, the use Incremental Risk Charge
of a one-day holding period (or ten days for regulatory capital calculations) assumes that all
The IRC for ING is an estimate of the default and migration risks for unsecuritised credit products in
positions in the portfolio can be liquidated or hedged in one day. In periods of illiquidity or market
the trading book, over a one-year capital horizon, with a 99.9% confidence level. The same IRC
events, this assumption may not hold. Also, the use of 99% confidence level means that VaR does
model is used for all legal entities within ING with market risk exposure in the trading portfolio. Non-
not take into account any losses that occur beyond this confidence level.
securitised trading positions of ING, which are subject to specific interest rate risk included in the
internal model approach for market risk regulatory capital, are in scope of the IRC model. By model
Backtesting choice, equity is excluded from the model. For the calculation of IRC, ING performs a Monte-Carlo
Backtesting is a technique for the ongoing monitoring of the plausibility of the VaR model in use. simulation based on a Gaussian copula model. The asset correlations used in the Gaussian copula
Although VaR models estimate potential future trading results, estimates are based on historical model are determined using the IRB correlation formula. The rating change is simulated for all
market data. In a backtest, the actual daily trading result (excluding fees and commissions) is issuers over the different liquidity horizons (i.e. time required to liquidate the position or hedge all
compared with the 1-day VaR. In addition to using actual results for backtesting, ING also uses significant risks) within one year. Movements across different rating categories and probabilities of
hypothetical results, which excludes the effect of intraday trading, fees, and commissions. When default are governed by a credit-rating transition matrix. An external transition matrix is obtained
the actual or hypothetical loss exceeds the VaR, an ‘outlier’ occurs. Based on ING’s one-sided from Standard & Poor’s (S&P). The financial impact is then determined for the simulated migration
confidence level of 99%, an outlier is expected once in every 100 business days. In 2018 there was to default, or for the simulated migration to a different rating category, based on LGD or credit
one occurrence where actual and hypothetical daily trading loss exceeded the daily consolidated spread changes, respectively.

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The liquidity horizon has been set to the regulatory minimum of three months for all positions in The worst scenarios per market are combined across markets by assessing both independent
scope. ING reviews the liquidity horizons regularly based on a structured assessment of the time it events per market, and the worst events happening in all markets at the same time.
takes to liquidate the positions in the trading portfolio.
Other trading controls
ING periodically assesses the compliance of the IRC model with regulatory requirements by VaR and Event Risk limits are the most important limits to control the trading portfolios.
performing gap analyses, substantiating the modelling choices, and quantifying the impact of Additionally, limits have been set on SVaR and IRC. Furthermore, ING uses a variety of other
alternative approaches. controls to supplement these limits. Position and sensitivity limits are used to prevent large
concentrations in specific issuers, sectors, or countries. Moreover, other risk limits are set with
Stress Testing and Event Risk respect to the activities in complex derivatives trading. The market risk of these products is
Stress Testing and Event Risk are valuable risk management tools. Event Risk evaluates the bank’s controlled by product specific limits and constraints.
financial stability under severe but plausible stress scenarios and assists in decision-making aimed
at maintaining a financially healthy going-concern institution after a severe event occurs. In Risk profile
addition to the bank-wide stress test framework as described in the stress testing section, FI-FM The following chart shows the development of the overnight VaR under a 99% confidence interval
Risk performs separate stressed scenario tests under the Event Risk framework to monitor market and a 1-day horizon versus actual and hypothetical daily trading profits and losses. In calculation of
risks under extreme market conditions. Since VaR in general does not produce an estimate of the the hypothetical daily profit and loss, the trading position is kept constant and only the market
potential losses that can occur as a result of extreme market movements, ING uses structured movement is taken into account. The overnight VaR is presented for the ING trading portfolio from
stressed scenario tests to calculate Event Risk for monitoring the market risk under these extreme 2013 to 2018.
conditions. Event Risk is based on historical as well as hypothetical extreme scenarios. The result is
an estimate of the profit and loss caused by a potential event and its world-wide impact for ING.
The Event Risk number for the ING trading activity is generated on a weekly basis. Like VaR, Event
Risk is limited by ALCO Bank.

ING’s Event Risk policy is based on a large set of possible stress scenarios per risk type. In stress
scenarios, shocks are applied to prices (credit spreads, interest rates, equity, commodities, and fx
rates) and volatilities. Depending on the type of stress test, additional scenario assumptions could
be made, for example on correlations, dividends, or recovery rates. For example, for equity
products both a crisis scenario (prices decrease) as well as a bull scenario (prices increase) are
assumed. Scenarios are calculated based on events happening independently, jointly by region, or
in all countries simultaneously. This way, for each risk type, a large set of scenarios is calculated.

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1 CVA risk is not included in VaR. Reserves are not included in the P&L figures.

The risk figures in the table below only relate to the trading books for which the internal model
EU MR3: Internal Model Approach values for trading portfolios
approach is applied. amounts in millions of euros 2018 2017
VaR (10 day 99%)
1d VaR for Internal Model Approach trading portfolios 1 Maximum value 46 43
Minimum Maximum Average Year end 2 Average value 25 22
amounts in millions of 3 Minimum value 15 14
euros 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 4 Period end 40 17
Interest rate 3 4 7 15 5 7 4 4 Stressed VaR (10 day 99%)
Equity and commodity 1 1 10 4 3 3 7 2 5 Maximum value 139 96
Foreign exchange 1 1 10 4 4 2 9 1 6 Average value 73 56
Credit spread 3 3 6 8 4 5 6 5 7 Minimum value 41 33
Diversification 2 –8 –8 –13 –6 8 Period end 124 67
Total VaR 5 5 16 15 9 8 13 6 Incremental Risk Charge (99.9%)
9 Maximum value 107 158
1 The total VaR for the columns Minimum and Maximum cannot be calculated by taking the sum of the individual 10 Average value 62 114
components since the observations for both the individual markets as well as total VaR may occur on different dates. 11 Minimum value 40 78
12 Period end 58 78
In order to make sure that all the tables in the Market risk in trading books are aligned, the scope of all the tables has been
set to include all portfolios that are part of the trading book regulatory capital for both 2018 and 2017. In the Annual report Comprehensive Risk capital charge (99.9%)
of 2017 the table above included only the portfolios that are part of ING’s Financial Markets business line. 13 Maximum value n/a n/a
14 Average value n/a n/a
In 2018, the average VaR was at a slightly higher level compared to 2017. Over 2018, due to 15 Minimum value n/a n/a
position changes the trading portfolio saw an increase in the Foreign Exchange asset class. 16 Period end n/a n/a

Position changes in the portfolio led to higher minimum, average and maximum values for both the Regulatory Capital
10 day Historical VaR and 10 day Stressed VaR in 2018 compared to the statistics over the whole of According to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR/CRD IV), regulatory capital (own funds
2017. The overall decrease in IRC in 2018 was largely caused by decreased debt exposures to a requirements) for market risk can be calculated using the standardised approach or an internal
number of sovereigns and commercial banks. model approach. ING received regulatory approval to use an internal model to determine the
regulatory capital for the market risk in all trading books of ING. Market risk capital of trading books
is calculated according to the CRR, using internal VaR, SVaR, and IRC models, where diversification is
taken into account. Foreign exchange risk from the banking books are calculated using

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Standardised Approach with fixed risk weights. ING does not have a Correlation Trading Portfolio or EU MR2-A: Market risk under Internal Model Approach
any other securitisations in the trading book. 2018 2017

Capital Capital
requirem requirem
Standardised Approach
amounts in EUR millions RWA ents RWA ents
The market risk regulatory capital under Standardized Approach is fully driven by the foreign 1 VaR (higher of values a and b) 1,394 112 649 52
exchange risk in the banking books. The foreign exchange risk in the banking books in 2018 (a) Previous day's VaR (Article 365(1) (VaRt-1)) 529 42 209 17
increased slightly compared to 2017. Average of the daily VaR (Article 365(1)) on each of the
preceding sixty business days
(VaRavg) x multiplication factor ((mc) in accordance with
EU MR1: Market risk under Standardised Approach (b) Article 366) 1,394 112 649 52
2018 2017 2 SVaR (higher of values a and b) 3,217 257 1,750 140
(a) Latest SVaR (Article 365(2) (sVaRt-1)) 1,486 119 842 67
Capital Capital
requirem requirem Average of the SVaR (Article 365(2) during the preceding
amounts in EUR millions RWA ents RWA ents sixty business days (sVaRavg) x multiplication factor (ms)
Outright products (b) (Article 366) 3,217 257 1,750 140
1 Interest rate risk (general and specific) 3 Incremental risk charge -IRC (higher of values a and b) 767 61 1,205 96
2 Equity risk (general and specific) Most recent IRC value (incremental default and migration
risks section 3 calculated in accordance with Section 3
3 Foreign exchange risk 1,131 90 1,074 86
(a) articles 370/371) 727 58 981 78
4 Commodity risk
(b) Average of the IRC number over the preceding 12 weeks 767 61 1,205 96
Comprehensive Risk Measure – CRM (higher of values a, b
5 Simplified approach
4 and c)
6 Delta-plus method
Most recent risk number for the correlation trading portfolio
7 Scenario approach (article 377)
8 Securitization (specific risk) Average of the risk number for the correlation trading
9 Total 1,131 90 1,074 86 (b) portfolio over the preceding 12-weeks
8 % of the own funds requirement in SA on most recent risk
number for the correlation trading portfolio
Internal Model Approach (c) (Article 338(4))
Market risk Regulatory Capital increased during 2018 compared to 2017. The increase is mainly the 5 Total 5,378 430 3,604 288
result of risk position changes that resulted in higher VaR and Stressed VaR numbers. The increase
is offset by a decrease in IRC, which is the result of decreased debt positions in sovereigns and

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As part of the risk monitoring framework, FI-FM Risk actively monitors the daily changes of Most important interest rate and credit spread sensitivities at year-end3
amounts in EUR thousands 2018 2017
sensitivities of the trading portfolios. Sensitivities measure the impact of movements in individual
Interest Rate (BPV) 1 Interest Rate (BPV) 1
market risk factors (foreign exchange rates, interest rates, credit spreads, equity, and commodity
Euro –214 US Dollar 292
prices) on profit and loss results of the trading positions and portfolios. US Dollar 189 Russian Ruble –65
Great-Britain Pound –112 Japanese Yen 61
The following tables show the five largest foreign exchange trading positions, and interest rate and Taiwan New Dollar 96 Taiwan New Dollar 52
Polish Zloty 54 Great-Britain Pound –45
credit spread sensitivities. The credit spread sensitivities are furthermore split in different risk
classes and sectors. Due to the nature of the trading portfolios, positions change from day to day.
Credit Spread (CSO1) 2 Credit Spread (CSO1) 2
Germany 345 United States 464
Most important foreign exchange year-end trading positions1 United States 330 France 164
amounts in EUR millions 2018 2017 Russian Federation 177 United Kingdom 144
Foreign exchange Foreign exchange Netherlands 164 Supranational –92
US Dollar –957 US Dollar –144 France 151 Germany 89
Chinese Yuan Renminbi –18 Polish Zloty 29
Swiss Franc –14 South Korean Won 26 1 Basis Point Value (BPV) measures the impact on value of a 1 basis point increase in interest rates. The figures include
commodity risk in banking books.
Polish Zloty 14 Japanese Yen –21
2 Credit Spread Sensitivity (CS01) measures the impact on value of a 1 basis point increase in credit spreads. Exposures to
South Korean Won 14 Taiwan New Dollar 21
supranational institutions are not assigned to a specific country.
1 In order to make sure that all the tables in the Market risk in trading books are aligned, the scope of all the tables has been 3 In order to make sure that all the tables in the Market risk in trading books are aligned, the scope of all the tables has been
set to include all portfolios that are part of the trading book regulatory capital for both 2018 and 2017. In the Annual report set to include all portfolios that are part of the trading book regulatory capital for both 2018 and 2017. In the Annual report
of 2017 the table above included only the portfolios that are part of ING’s Financial Markets business line. of 2017 the table above included only the portfolios that are part of ING’s Financial Markets business line.

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Credit spread sensitivities per risk class and sector at year-end2

2018 2017
Funding and liquidity risk
amounts in EUR thousands
Corporate Institutions
Corporate Institutions
Credit Spread (CSO1) 1 Funding and liquidity (F&L) risk is the risk that ING Group or one of its subsidiaries cannot meet its
Risk classes financial liabilities when they are due at reasonable cost and in a timely manner. ING incorporates
1 (AAA) –6 90 –19 –233
funding and liquidity management in its business strategy and applies a funding and liquidity risk
2–4 (AA) 3 –24 4 –35
5–7 (A) 117 78 –19 79
framework in order to manage such risks within pre-defined boundaries.
8–10 (BBB) 245 –2 87 –23
11–13 (BB) 85 6 –70 –90 A high level overview of the F&L framework is provided in this graph.
14–16 (B) 37 13 –12 –
17–22 (CCC and NPL) 18 – –2 1
Not rated 1 – 3 –
Total 500 161 –28 –300

1 Credit Spread Sensitivity (CS01) measures the impact on value of a 1 basis point increase in credit spreads.
2 In order to make sure that all the tables in the Market risk in trading books are aligned, the scope of all the tables has been
set to include all portfolios that are part of the trading book regulatory capital for both 2018 and 2017. In the Annual report
of 2017 the table above included only the portfolios that are part of ING’s Financial Markets business line.

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Governance Funding & liquidity management strategy and objectives

Funding & liquidity risk management within ING falls under the supervision of the ALCO Bank The main objective of ING’s funding and liquidity risk management is to maintain sufficient liquidity
function which approves the funding and liquidity risk appetite that is subsequently cascaded to fund the commercial activities of ING under both normal market circumstances and in times of
throughout the organisation. In addition, the ICLAAP Committee focuses on technical liquidity stress across various geographies, maturities and currencies. This requires a diversified funding
documents and oversees business processes and deliverables concerning ILAAP. The EB and MBB, structure that takes into account all relevant opportunities and constraints.
staff departments from the CRO and CFO domain as well as Group Treasury have oversight of and
are responsible for managing funding and liquidity risk. ING’s funding consists mainly of retail and corporate deposits contributing 50% and 21% of the
total funding respectively. These funding sources provide a relatively stable funding base. The
ING’s liquidity risk framework is based on the three lines of defence concept whereby risk principles remainder of the required funding is attracted by Group Treasury through long term and short
are implemented, monitored and controlled in conjunction with both first and second line of term professional funding. Group Treasury manages the professional funding in line with the risk
defence functions. appetite ensuring sufficiently diversified and stable funding.

Group Treasury and Commercial Business lines are the first line of defence functions. Group ING Bank Funding Mix1
Treasury’s main responsibility is to manage ING’s (regulatory) liquidity and funding position by 2018 2017
Funding type
executing and maintaining access to the short and long term professional funding and by
Customer deposits (retail) 49% 51%
managing the liquidity buffer. Commercial Business lines are responsible for managing the funding Customer deposits (corporate) 24% 23%
and liquidity requirements from the originated business. Lending/repurchase agreement 7% 6%
Interbank 5% 5%
The second line Financial Risk function, both locally and at group level, is responsible for developing CD/CP 6% 4%
Public debt 8% 9%
and maintaining ING’s policies, standards, guidelines and risk appetite for F&L risk management.
Subordinated debt 2% 2%
Furthermore, the Financial Risk function measures funding & liquidity risks, is responsible for stress Total 100% 100%
testing activities and controls the liquidity requirements related to commercial products. The 1 Liabilities excluding trading securities and IFRS equity
Finance function is responsible for reporting and providing management information related to
funding and liquidity management. In 2018, customer lending growth outpaced customer deposit growth. As a result, the reliance on
professional funding activities increased as the additional lending growth was funded through short
term CD/CP issuance. The Loan-to-Deposit ratio at year-end 2018 has increased to 1.07 from 1.05
in 2017.

The long term debt is diversified across maturities and currencies. The main part of it is EUR or USD
denominated which is in line with the currency composition of customer lending.
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Funding & liquidity adequacy and risk appetite

ING Bank distinguishes several key drivers of future liquidity and funding needs:
• The boundaries set by current and future regulatory requirements;
• The boundaries set by risk appetite statements (EUR and USD currency);
• The findings from various stress tests;
• The boundaries regarding the distribution and transferability of liquidity; and
• Any funding/refinancing needs.

Based on all these perspectives, ING Bank assesses the current and future adequacy of its liquidity
position and, if deemed necessary, takes steps to further improve the position with the aim to
ensure that ING Bank has sufficient counterbalancing capacity. That is achieved through the
quarterly update of the Liquidity Adequacy Statement and the execution of the ILAAP process.

ING has a Funding & Liquidity framework in place such that ING has sufficient liquidity under
normal, adverse and stressed market circumstances. In general, ING considers the adequacy of its
F&L position through three main lenses: (i) Stress, (ii) Sustainability and (iii) Regulatory.
These risk appetite statements are subsequently translated into a number of metrics with
(i) Through the Stress lens ING considers its ability to withstand a period of prolonged F&L stress, appropriate boundaries and instruments that are used to measure and manage ING’s funding and
either idiosyncratic, market related or a combination of both, leading to customer deposit outflow liquidity adequacy.
or reduced access to funding markets;
ii) Through the Sustainability lens ING assesses the extent to which our customers, professional For the stress lens, the risk appetite is set such that there is sufficient counterbalancing capacity in
counterparties and investors are comfortable providing funding in tenors, currencies and the form of liquid assets under different internally defined stress scenarios. From the Sustainability
instruments that ING needs to sustainably fund its business (intraday, short term and long term) in perspective, an internally defined Stable funding to Loans ratio (supplemented by other metrics) is
a going concern situation; used to have a diversified funding base and to prevent overreliance on (short term) professional
(iii) Through the Regulatory lens ING ascertains that it is in the position to meet current and funding. Finally, the regulatory metrics Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and NSFR (Net Stable Funding
forthcoming regulatory requirements. Ratio) are monitored to comply with ING’s risk appetite and with regulatory requirements.

For each lens, ING has in place a set of risk appetite statements which define its risk appetite profile The LCR is a measure that compares the available buffer of High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) to Net
commensurate with the principles of liquidity adequacy. These are summarised in the next graph. outflows (Outflows- Inflows) in a 30-day stress scenario defined by the regulator. The liquidity

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buffer of ING is part of the counterbalancing capacity which serves as a cushion for liquidity needs position and provides insight into which entities, business lines or portfolios are vulnerable to which
under normal and stressed conditions. types of risk and/or under which scenarios.
The liquidity buffer consists mainly of ‘Level 1’ assets which are the most liquid ones and are
predominantly represented by government or central bank assets. Only assets that are freely The scope of the Funding & Liquidity Stress Testing framework includes the funding and liquidity
available (not pledged under existing contracts) for liquidity purposes are included in the buffer. The risks of the consolidated balance sheet of ING Groep N.V. including all entities, business lines, on-
size and composition of the Liquidity buffer is determined by ING’s risk appetite and regulatory and off-balance sheet positions as well as contingent assets and liabilities. The Net Liquidity
liquidity requirements. Position (NLP) and Time-to-Survive (TTS) are two pre-determined output metrics both of which are
affected as a result of the application of specific scenarios and parameters.
The Macroeconomic and Market environment are important considerations in the Funding and
Liquidity Framework. The Funding & Liquidity Stress Testing framework distinguishes between idiosyncratic and market-
Shifts in the macroeconomic environment are exogenous factors that ING has no control over but wide scenarios (and a combination of the two) and differentiates between stress events that
which may have a material impact on the F&L position both in terms of the strategic goals and in develop in a gradual or fast manner. The generic design of the Funding & Liquidity Stress Testing
terms of the risk framework. The main macroeconomic factors which are analysed on a regular framework, which is based on empirical evidence supplemented with expert judgment, can easily
basis include: be applied to a specific scenario for example as input for the firm-wide stress testing or reverse
 Global and local economic performances such as shifts in GDP, the inflation rate, unemployment stress testing.
rates and public deficit/surplus;
 Changing geopolitical trends; The outcomes of the stress tests are taken into consideration across all the key aspects of ING’s
 Monetary policy with special focus on the impact of eventual reversal of unconventional F&L risk framework and liquidity management:
measures taken by central banks in recent years on ING’s F&L position; and  risk appetite framework (through risk appetite statements);
 Regulatory requirements: understanding of the changing regulatory landscape and of the  risk identification and assessment;
different, sometimes contradicting, effects ING’s actions have on regulatory boundaries.  monitoring of the liquidity position;
 the contingency funding plan; and
In terms of the market environment, the strategic ambitions of ING, together with the design and  early warning indicators.
execution of funding plans, are always considered under current and projected market conditions. The Funding & Liquidity Stress Testing framework is also subject to regular internal validation.
Key emphasis is placed on understanding overall market trends and developments, credit ratings
and peer comparison. In line with ECB regulation, ING’s liquidity position is stress tested on a monthly basis under a
particular scenario that forms part of the F&L Risk Appetite Statement. In addition, the results of
the stress scenarios are monitored and evaluated on a regular basis and provide input for any
Liquidity Stress Testing
follow-up on the need for additional contingency measures.
The Funding & Liquidity Stress Testing forms part of the overall Funding & Liquidity framework. It
allows ING to examine the effects of exceptional but plausible future events on ING’s liquidity
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In the contingency funding plan, contingency liquidity risk is addressed which specifically relates to Governance
the organisation and planning of liquidity management in times of stress. The contingency funding
The Head of Corporate ORM, Corporate IRM, IVU and CSI report to the Global Head of Non-Financial
plans are developed in conjunction with the ING Recovery Plan and are tested on a regular basis
Risk. The Head of Financial Crime Compliance and the Head of Regulatory Compliance & Conduct
both centrally and at business unit level.
both report to the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO).

Non-financial risk and compliance risk The Global Head of Non-Financial Risk is responsible to develop the framework of non-financial risk
policies and standards within ING, and for monitoring the quality of non-financial risk management
Introduction in the ING entities.
The Non-Financial Risk (NFR) function encompasses Operational Risk Management (ORM),
Information Risk Management (IRM), the Independent Validation Unit (IVU) and Corporate Security The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) is the Global Head of the Compliance Risk Management
& Investigations (CSI). The Compliance Risk Management function encompasses the FCC (Financial function. This is an independent function responsible for developing and establishing the Bank-wide
Crime Compliance) and RCC (Regulatory Compliance & Conduct) teams. Risk controls for these policies and minimum standards for managing compliance risks. The CCO assists the SB, EB and
functional areas have been implemented by means of policies and minimum standards which MBB in managing ING’s compliance risks and control framework. The CCO is a permanent
apply to ING’s business processes in the entities. ING has a system of internal controls that is participant of the Risk Committee of the Supervisory Board. The CCO and the Global Head of Non-
reviewed and updated periodically and when necessary. ING’s goal is to create an environment of Financial Risks meet regularly the Chairman of the Risk Committee of the SB.
continuous improvement in managing non-financial and compliance risks. There is an
infrastructure in place enabling management to track events, compliance and non-financial risk Non-Financial Risk Committees (NFRCs) and Management Teams (MTs) measure, monitor and
issues. manage operational, information and compliance risks. The Bank NFRC is the primary approval and
oversight committee for non-financial risk matters. Additionally NFRCs exist at the Division and/or
ING believes that an effective control environment is essential to build and maintain sustainable Entity level providing input to the Bank NFRC. They are chaired by the first line of defence with the
businesses, and preserve and enhance the trust of its customers, employees and shareholders. The purpose to steer the risk management activities of the first and second lines of defence in their
Orange Code is a manifesto that describes our way of working and sets the foundation for the respective scope. Non-financial risk topics are an integral part of the agenda of regular MTs at
ethical standards ING expects from all its employees, business activities, and partners. It is various levels of the organisation. Since 2018, with the changes in guidelines issued by the EBA, a
comprised of ING Values, requiring all staff to act with integrity, whilst being honest, prudent and Group NFRC has been established covering the ING Group entities that are not in scope of the Bank
responsible - and the ING Behaviours - our way of being that makes us different from our NFRC.
The NFR and Compliance functions use a layered functional approach within divisions to support a
systematic and consistent implementation of the framework of policies and minimum standards
within ING. To avoid potential conflicts of interests, it is imperative that staff in this function are
independent and objective when advising business management on non-financial or compliance

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risk matters in their business unit or business line. To facilitate this, a functional reporting line to the Business Environment Assessment
next higher level within Operational Risk Management (ORM), Information Risk Management (IRM) The Business Environment Assessment (BEA) assesses internal control factors and external factors
and Compliance Risk Management is in place. The functional reporting line has clear that could influence the internal and external operating environment in the future, and which may
accountabilities with regard to objectives setting, remuneration, performance management and lead to unacceptable operational risk exposure and endanger achieving our strategic objectives.
appointment of new staff as well as a mandate to instruct, veto and escalate.

Scenario analysis
Framework Scenario analysis is a process used to consider the impact of rare, significant, yet plausible future
Non-financial risk is the risk of financial loss, legal or regulatory sanctions, or reputational damage events, taking into consideration alternative possible outcomes for those events, their severity and
due to inadequate or failing internal processes, people and systems; a failure to comply with laws, frequency. Input for scenario analysis includes the results of various internal and external
regulations and standards; or external events. ING has a framework for non-financial risks that assessments such as the BEA. Scenario analysis is an important component in the calculation of
supports and governs the process of identifying, measuring, mitigating, monitoring and reporting operational risk capital.
non-financial and compliance risks. It reflects the stages described in the Enterprise Risk
Management model of COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Internal events analyses
Commission). Analysis of internal non-financial loss data assists in identifying, quantifying, mitigating and
monitoring operational risk exposure. It provides insight into causes and effectiveness of associated
Processes aim at identifying key threats, vulnerabilities and the associated risks which might cause controls. Supporting the creation and sharing of Lessons Learned for significant internal events is
adverse events. Event identification is performed and precedes a risk assessment. Different one of the means by which NFR enhances the internal control framework of ING.
techniques for event identification exist within ING, such as Risk & Control Self-Assessments,
business environment assessment, scenario analysis, internal events analyses (e.g. lessons learned
External events inventories
based on information from event reporting), external events inventories, and monitoring.
External non-financial loss data provides valuable information about the losses experienced by
other entities outside ING, and assists ING to quantify its exposure to risk events that have not been
Risk & Control Self-Assessment experienced internally. External loss data is an important component in the calculation of
Risk & Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) of non-financial risks inherent to ING products, activities, operational risk capital.
people, processes and systems provide management with an understanding of the operational risk
profile. Based on the identification and assessment, internal controls are designed for the
Risk responses
mitigation of risks to remain within the risk appetite.
Business units and departments perform regular monitoring activities, BEAs and Risk & Control Self-
Assessments (RCSAs) to identify and assess risks. These are conducted with involvement of the
business and their ORM, IRM, Compliance and/or Legal departments. Based on the results of the risk

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assessment, response measures should be determined for the identified risks beyond the risk assessing scenario severities, with the ORM function validating and challenging the results. The
appetite. internal data are combined with external loss data (ORX) in the AMA capital calculation. Since April
2013, ING is allowed to use its AMA model for regulatory capital calculation purposes. ING reports
Risk response can be achieved through several combinations of mitigation strategies, for example, the regulatory capital numbers on a quarterly basis.
reducing the likelihood of occurrence, reducing the impact, risk avoidance, risk acceptance or
through the transfer of risk. Tracking takes place through ING’s global action tracking system iRisk. Risk mitigations
ING is currently not using any insurance or risk transfer mechanisms for the mitigation of risk in the
Risk appetite and reporting context of the AMA capital calculation.
The specific Non-Financial Risk appetite (defined as the acceptable and authorised maximum level
of non-financial risk) is approved by the MBB based on a proposal made by the Bank NFRC.
Operational risk
Adherence to this risk appetite is monitored quarterly through the NFR Dashboard which reports
the key non-financial risk exposures. The NFR Dashboard provides management at country, Definition
divisional and bank level with an overview of key risks within the non-financial risk areas including Operational risk is defined as the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed
compliance risks, information security risks, continuity risks, control & processing risks, fraud risks, internal processes, people and systems or from external events.
unauthorised activities risks, and personal and physical security risks, enabling management to
focus and set priorities. Risk categories
ING categorises operational risks in a number of risk areas:
The yearly objective setting process for both business management and NFR professionals aims to
keep improving the management of non-financial and compliance risks throughout ING to • Information (Technology) risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational
safeguard that ING stays in control of its current and future non-financial and compliance risks. damage due to breaches of confidentiality, integrity or availability within business processes or
information or lack of information quality;
The Non-Financial Risk reporting deliverables consist primarily of the quarterly Non-Financial Risk • Continuity risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational damage due to
Dashboard (NFRD) report and a monthly NFRD booklet. The iRisk system serves as the single source business disruptions (loss of people, processes, systems, data, premises);
of truth for NFR and Compliance risk management information and supports the three lines of • Control and processing risk are the risks of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational
defence in their Risk Management and Reporting activities. damage due to ineffective organisation structures and governance procedures (including unclear
roles and responsibilities and inadequate reporting structure), failed (transaction) processing
Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) (input, execution, output) or failing process management; monitoring and enforcement of risk
ING has an Operational Risk Capital model in place in which the risk profile is closely tailored to its mitigating measures; and risk culture;
internal risk profile and its divisions, by using scenario data for capturing severe unlikely risks and • Internal fraud risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational damage due to
internal losses, and RCSA data for capturing day-to-day risks. The business has a leading role in deliberate abuse of procedures, systems, assets, products and/or services of ING by employees
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(incl. temporary workers, third party contractors, internships and consultants) who intend to resulting in impairment of ING’s integrity, leading to damage to ING’s reputation, legal or regulatory
deceitfully or unlawfully benefit themselves or others; sanctions, or financial loss.
• External fraud risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational damage due to
deliberate abuse of procedures, systems, assets, products and/or services of ING by external Given the heavy reliance on IT systems in financial institutions, controls that monitor the various
parties (clients, potential clients or other third parties, including vendors and outside agencies) aspects of IT risk, such as integrity and confidentiality, are embedded in ING’s risk and control
who intend to deceitfully or unlawfully benefit themselves or others; framework.
• Unauthorised activity risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational damage
due to employees performing outside the normal course of their business, intentionally giving Business Continuity Management Framework
unauthorised approvals or overstepping their authority; The Business Continuity Management (BCM) policy and its accompanying minimum standard
• Personal and physical security risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational establish the principles, governance and framework around which BCM capability is designed, built
damage due to criminal and environmental threats that might endanger the security or safety of and maintained such that ING is prepared to respond to a variety of external and internal disruptive
ING personnel at work, people in ING locations, ING assets or assets entrusted to ING, people at events and can effectively recover from a severe business disruption at pre-defined service levels.
ING event locations, or might have an impact on ING organisation's confidentiality, integrity or ING’s BCM life-cycle is a business driven process.
availability; and
• Employment practice risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory sanctions or reputational damage
Main developments in 2018
due to acts that are inconsistent with employment, health and/or safety laws, regulations or
agreements, from payment of personal injury claims, or from diversity/discrimination events. Cybercrime & Fraud
 Cybercrime remains a significant threat to ING with attack methodologies capable of rapidly
Operational risk includes the related risk of reputation loss, as well as legal risk; strategic risks are evolving to adapt to new or enhanced security measures. Relatively unskilled, criminally
not included. Reputational risk is defined as the possibility that adverse publicity regarding ING’s motivated hackers are increasingly adopting the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs)
business practices and associations, whether accurate or not, will cause a loss of confidence in the typically used by more sophisticated nation-stated backed adversaries. Moreover, evidence
integrity of ING. Reputational risk is multidimensional and reflects the perception of other market suggests that sophisticated techniques are becoming more widely commoditised. In 2018 an
participants, like customers, counterparties, shareholders, investors or regulators that can uptick in “Cybercrime-as-a-Service” made large scale DDoS or phishing attacks increasingly
adversely affect ING’s ability to maintain existing, or establish new, business relationships and affordable and available for threat actors of all capability levels.
continued access to sources of funding (e.g. through the interbank or securitisation markets).  Controls continue to be embedded in the organisation as part of the overall internal control
framework and are continuously re-assessed against existing and new threats. The identification
Legal risk is defined as the risk related to (i) a failure (or perceived failure) to adhere to applicable and monitoring of threat actors and campaigns relevant to ING also informs this process as does
laws, regulations and standards, (ii) contractual liabilities or contractual obligations that are the closer alignment between IT security and fraud teams. In addition, ING continues to
defaulted or cannot be enforced as intended, or are enforced in an unexpected or adverse way, strengthen its global cybercrime and fraud resilience through extensive collaboration with
and (iii) liability towards third parties due to an act or omission contributable to ING (potentially)

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financial industry peers, law enforcement authorities, government (e.g. National Cyber Security Compliance risk
Center) and internet service providers (ISPs).
 Concerns over the potential impact of insider threat continues to increase but specific
Compliance risk is defined as the risk of impairment of ING’s integrity, leading to damage to ING’s
information relating to instances or trends in the financial industry remains limited.
reputation, legal or regulatory sanctions, or financial loss, due to a failure (or perceived failure) to
 The increasing use of third party vendors for services and the implementation of PSD2 is likely to
comply with applicable laws, regulations and standards and the ING Values as part of the Orange
represent fraud management and IT security challenges in the short term as criminal actors
Code. We aim to effectively manage compliance risks that could expose ING to reputational
target financial data outside the traditional banking environment.
damage, fines, civil and criminal penalties, payment of damages, court orders and suspension or
 Dealing with current and upcoming fraud threats effectively requires continuous improvement
revocation of licenses that would adversely impact our customers, staff, shareholders and other
of fraud prevention methodologies, automated fraud detection and better alignment of cross
border fraud response across ING.

The Compliance Risk Management function established a compliance control framework in which
User Access Management (UAM)
controls are defined based on laws, regulations, and standards that are part of the internal control
User Access Management (UAM) is one of the focus areas of ING and an important element in our
framework of ING applicable to non-financial risks. To support management in mitigating
control framework to mitigate the risk of unauthorized and / or inappropriate access to systems,
compliance risks, the Compliance Risk Management function supports training and advises the
processes and the data and information contained therein. Consequently, the User Access
business in managing compliance risks related to e.g. money laundering, terrorist financing,
Management processes, controls and practices are periodically reviewed, tested, adapted and
sanction and export control compliance, conflicts of interests, misselling, corruption and protection
improved by a dedicated UAM team to address ongoing developments in and outside ING. In 2019
of customers’ interests, Financial Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Common Reporting
process will continue to mature, with attention to standardization, harmonisation of processes, day
Standard (CRS), and US withholding tax and information reporting regulations.
to day practices and further automation of UAM controls.

Risk categories
Outsourcing Risk
ING categorises compliance risk into four conduct-related integrity risk areas:
In 2018, a new Sourcing Policy became effective which outlines the inherent critical and high risks
• Client conduct refers to the compliance risks arising from the relationship with or generated by
that can materialise during the sourcing life-cycle and the control objectives to effectively mitigate
the conduct of our clients and/or business partners, like money laundering or terrorist financing.
these risks. In addition the Support Control Framework (SCF) Sourcing defines the controls that have
Those risks are generally defined within ING as Financial Economic Crimes. Furthermore, client
to be implemented and tested to effectively mitigate the risks. The scope of sourcing encompasses
conduct refers also to the compliance risks relating to FATCA, CRS, and US withholding tax and
outsourcing to external providers as well as intra-group sourcing. In the second half of 2018, ING
information reporting regulations;
provided input to the EBA, via European Banking Forum (EBF), during the consultation round of its
• Personal conduct refers to the compliance risks arising from the conduct of ING employees;
draft Guidelines on Outsourcing. In 2019 NFR will perform a gap-analysis on the final guidelines in
order to identify and implement additional requirements.

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• Financial Services conduct refers to the compliance risks arising from or generated by the The FEC Policy and Minimum Standards set the requirements for all ING entities to guard against
conduct of ING when developing, marketing and/or selling products and services to its clients; involvement in criminal activity. The requirements in the FEC Policy cover minimum standards and
and controls related to: money laundering, terrorist financing, export trade controls, proliferation
• Organisational conduct refers to the compliance risks arising from the way the Bank is organising financing, sanctions (economic, financial and trade) and countries designated by ING as Ultra High
itself to develop its activities. This category covers for instance the licences required to perform Risk Countries (UHRC).
its regulated banking activities.
As a result of frequent evaluation of the businesses from economic, strategic and risk perspective
Controls aiming to mitigate the compliance risks associated with the above mentioned risk areas ING continues to believe that for business reasons doing business involving certain specified
are designed and applied to the day-to-day processes in the bank. The effectiveness of the controls countries should be discontinued. In that respect, ING has a policy not to enter into new
is tested periodically, and senior management has the responsibility that their processes are relationships with clients from these countries and processes remain in place to discontinue
compliant with applicable laws and regulations, ING’s internal policies, and the Orange Code. existing relationships involving these countries. At present these countries are Cuba, Iran, North
Korea, Sudan and Syria. Each of these countries is subject to EU and/or US sanctions regimes. Iran,
In cases where an employee of ING suspects an actual or potential irregularity or misconduct Sudan, and Syria are identified by the US as state sponsors of terrorism and are subject to US
within ING that leads or could lead to a violation of ING Orange Code, any ING policy and/or any economic sanctions and export controls.
applicable law, regulation or code, can be reported anonymously in line with the Whistle-blower
Policy, via internal or external channels next to normal reporting channels. Main developments in 2018
Regulatory developments
Financial Economic Crime (FEC) Policy and Minimum Standards Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is resource-intensive. Banks continue to be faced
The FEC Policy and Minimum Standards reflect relevant national and international laws, regulations with new and increasingly onerous regulatory requirements, and we expect the scope and extent
and industry standards. The FEC Policy is mandatory and applies to all ING entities, majority owned of regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate to generally increase further.
ING business, businesses under management control, staff departments, product lines and to all
client engagements and transactions. Regulation is becoming increasingly more extensive and complex. An example is the
implementation of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), which like FATCA requires financial
Management of ING entities maintain local procedures aiming at enabling them to comply with institutions to report detailed client-related information to the competent authorities. Customer
local laws, regulations and the FEC Policy and Minimum Standards. Where local laws and due diligence (CDD) and transaction monitoring impose obligations on financial institutions to
regulations are more stringent, the local laws and regulations are applied. Likewise the FEC Policy maintain appropriate policies, procedures and controls to detect, prevent and report money
and Minimum Standards prevail when the standards therein are stricter than stipulated in local laundering , terrorist financing, and fraud.
laws and regulations and if not specifically forbidden.
Despite our efforts to comply with applicable laws and regulations, there are a number of risks in
areas where applicable regulations are unclear, or under development, are in conflict with each
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other, or where regulators revise their guidance or courts set new legal standards. Meeting these FEC/KYC
requirements within the strict timelines that are set poses a significant challenge for banks. ING will In September 2018, ING was impacted by the EUR 775 million settlement agreement with the
continuously work on embedding in our IT systems and data the processes and procedures needed Dutch Public Prosecution Service related to the previously disclosed criminal investigations that
for effective compliance and developing its people to have the right knowledge and skills. found serious shortcomings in the execution of customer due diligence requirements to prevent
financial economic crime at ING Netherlands in the period investigated (2010-2016).
4th AML Directive
The 4th AML Directive, as issued by the European Union, has been incorporated into the update of The implementation and execution of policies and procedures related to anti-money laundering
the ING Financial Economic Crime Policy and Minimum Standards, which has been renamed Know (AML) is an ongoing activity. In addition, ING has taken a number of specific measures to
Your Client (KYC) Policy, incorporating also KYC-related requirements of the FATCA/CRS policy, as strengthen its management of compliance risks and address the root causes of the shortcomings.
well as certain elements of the Environmental Social Risk policy. The main changes in this Directive These measures are being implemented as part of the bank-wide, global Know Your Customer (KYC)
(compared to the 3rd AML Directive) are related to: the establishment of an Ultimate Beneficial Enhancement Programme, a multi-year improvement programme with integral steering. This
Owner (UBO) register (at national level with the potential to share the information within the specific programme was officially launched early in 2017 and is expected to run until end-2020. ING
European Economic Area (EEA)) and a stronger approach towards the application of due diligence is committed to periodically providing the Dutch central bank (DNB) with regular updates on the
on ING’s customers. The implementation date of the Directive was 26 June 2017. The progress made.
implementation of the directive into Dutch law has taken place in July 2018.
The KYC Enhancement Programme encompasses all client segments in all ING business units,
On 5 July 2017 the European Commission presented a new proposal for a Directive amending the leveraging on experiences from the enhancement programme already started in the Netherlands.
4th AML Directive (so called 5th AML Directive). The aim of the proposal is to tackle new means of The programme consists of three parts: (a) look-back analysis on past deficiencies in post-
terrorist financing, increase transparency to combat money laundering and help strengthen the transaction monitoring. The look-back analysis consists of screening of transactions executed in the
fight against tax avoidance. On 8 June 2018, the EU Council adopted its position on the proposed past. In case unusual transactions are identified, ING is committed to following the applicable
Directive. reporting process; (b) enhancement of customer due diligence files with the aim to document
In addition, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) issued their final Guidelines on risk factors sufficiently the knowledge the bank has about its clients in the line with past and new
on 26 June 2018, which became applicable by 26 June 2018. These Guidelines promote a common requirements; (c) structural solutions that should support getting sustainably better in addressing
understanding of the risk-based approach to AML/CFT and set out how it should be applied in the money laundering risks in our portfolio and complying with laws and regulations.
context of the 4th EU AML Directive. Furthermore, on 22 September 2018 the ESAs also issued their
final Guidelines to prevent the abuse of funds transfers for terrorist financing and money The structural solutions comprise five pillars:
laundering purposes. These guidelines applied from six months after the date on which they are • Development and global roll-out of KYC risk appetite statements, KYC risk assessments on
issued. clients, capability structure and maturity assessments. Setting acceptance criteria based on
which clients are on-boarded, transactions are processed or taxes are withheld. This pillar covers

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also the use of a uniform risk assessment methodology for KYC-related integrity risks and a ING recognises that fighting Financial Economic Crime requires close cooperation with other banks
common taxonomy to measure effectiveness. and supervisory and regulatory authorities. ING is therefore working with the Dutch Banking
• Development and global roll-out of a bank-wide KYC digital service platform, including Association (NVB) and the Dutch central bank (DNB) on harmonising efforts in the fight against FEC
processes and tooling around CDD, screening and workflow management. This includes the and participates actively in various working groups and project teams in this area. As such, ING
fulfilment of the client acceptance and maintenance life cycle within one global digital platform. actively participates in public-private partnerships to combat FEC, such as participating in the FEC
All required screening components (name screening, pre-transaction screening, adverse media Council PPS (‘FEC-RAAD Public Private Cooperation’) in which Dutch authorities and financial
screening) will be incorporated into the client acceptance due diligence process. Once a customer institutions cooperate on supervision, control, prosecution or investigation with financial sector
is onboarded, ongoing screening and monitoring of transactions can then be activated. parties to strengthen the integrity of the sector. This is done by means of preventative action to
• Translation of risk assessment outcomes into scenarios and alert definitions that can be identify and combat threats to integrity. ING believes that introducing clear accountabilities and
applied in transaction monitoring. This includes the design and definitions of the applicable standard processes across the financial industry will allow ING to manage and control KYC activities
financial economic crime (FEC) and client activity monitoring (CAM) scenarios per entity, the and integrity risks more effectively.
building of the alert definitions (including data feeds) and migration to a central tool where
relevant and possible, and validating and testing the approach from risks to alerts. As previously noted, in connection with the above-mentioned investigations ING also received
• Set up central KYC organisation that defines standards and drives global execution and information requests from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). ING has received a
improvements. This includes the set-up of the new KYC organisation now in place. As of 4Q 2018, formal notification from the SEC that it has concluded its investigation and, based on the
we have strengthened the KYC governance by including the heads of the business lines in the information at that time, the Division of Enforcement does not intend to recommend SEC
KYC Committee. Going forward we will further develop the global KYC function to ensure enforcement action against ING.
structural embedding of standardised and uniform ways of working, with regular improvement
cycles and support of advanced technologies and insights. Financial Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
• Develop and rollout KYC communication and awareness initiatives and set up a behavioural Under provisions of US tax law commonly referred to as FATCA, non-US financial institutions are
risk department that performs risk assessments. In its internal communications, ING has made required to provide certain information on their US account holders and/or certain US investors to
it clear that non-financial risk and compliance are just as important as financial risk and will be the US Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”). A 30% withholding tax will be imposed on ‘withholdable
embedded in ING’s DNA. An online training module to enhance awareness of KYC was rolled out payments’ made to non-compliant non-US financial institutions. As part of the actions taken to
to all employees worldwide. MBB members spent a considerable amount of time engaging with comply with FATCA and other US withholding tax regulations, ING is for example updating and
staff to explain and discuss our responsibility as gatekeepers of the financial system. In these strengthening its withholding compliance programme and reviewing, amending and filing the
meetings, the impact of the settlement, the root causes, the shortcomings and our commitment necessary tax returns and information reports.
and efforts to enhance were discussed. ING started behavioural risk assessments during which
more than 100 interviews were held and more than 200 surveys were done to understand better Many countries, including the Netherlands, have entered into agreements (‘intergovernmental
how people, teams and departments interact and work together. Based on these insights, agreements’ or ‘IGAs’) with the US to facilitate the type of information reporting required under
actions for improvement will be considered. FATCA. While the existence of IGAs will not eliminate the risk of the withholding described above,

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these agreements are expected to reduce that risk for financial institutions and investors in the signatory countries) was executed in 2017. Other signatory countries commenced their
countries that have entered into IGAs. IGAs often require financial institutions in those countries to information exchange in 2018.
report information on their US account holders to the taxing authorities of those countries, who
then passes the information to the IRS. In 2018, the OECD has introduced two new measures to tackle global tax avoidance/evasion:
 Mandatory Disclosure Rules for Addressing CRS Avoidance Arrangements and Opaque Offshore
If the Bank cannot rely on IGA or satisfy the requirements, certain payments to the Bank may be Structures
subject to withholding under FATCA. Certain payments may also be subject to other US withholding  Preventing Abuse of Residence by Investment (RBI) and Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Schemes
tax regulations. The possibility of such withholding and the need for account holders and investors to Circumvent the CRS
to provide certain information may adversely affect the sales of certain of the Bank’s products. In
addition, compliance with the terms of such IGAs and with FATCA, any regulations or other These measures are in the process of being implemented in local laws. With regard to the
guidance promulgated thereunder, or any legislation promulgated under an IGA, and offering mandatory disclosure rules for EU jurisdictions, this was done via the amendment to Directive
products that generate ‘withholdable payments’, may substantially increase the Bank’s compliance 2011/16 (“DAC6”). See below.
costs. Failure to comply with FATCA and other US withholding tax regulations could harm our
reputation and could subject the Bank to enforcement actions, fines and penalties, which could DAC6 (EU2018/822, an amendment to EU Directive 2011/16)
have a material adverse effect on our business, reputation, revenues, results of operations, financial DAC6 imposes mandatory disclosure requirements for taxpayers and intermediaries involving the
condition and prospects. reporting of cross-border arrangements affecting at least one EU Member State that fall within one
of a number of “hallmarks”. These hallmarks are broad categories setting out particular
In December 2018, the US IRS released proposed regulations that aim to reduce taxpayer burden characteristics identified as potentially indicative of aggressive tax avoidance. The reporting
with respect to certain requirements under Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 (FATCA) of the US code. obligations apply to “intermediaries” (financial institutions like ING may fall under this term) or, in
some circumstances, the taxpayer itself. There will be a mandatory automatic exchange of
Common Reporting Standard (CRS) information on such reportable cross-border schemes via the Common Communication Network
Similarly, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (‘OECD’) has developed a (CCN) between the Member States which will be set-up by the EU. Although DAC6 is not effective
Common Reporting Standard (‘CRS’) and model competent authority agreement to enable the until 1 July 2020, taxpayers and intermediaries need to monitor cross-border arrangements
multilateral and automatic exchange of financial account information. CRS requires financial already as of 25 June 2018.
institutions to identify and report the tax residency and account details of non-resident customers
to the relevant authorities in jurisdictions adhering to CRS. As of 29 October 2018, 104 jurisdictions MiFID II
(‘signatory countries’), including the Netherlands, have signed a multilateral competent authority Integrity and transparency in financial markets are essential for public and investor confidence. The
agreement to automatically exchange information pursuant to CRS. The majority of countries revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive European legislation (MiFID II) came into effect in
where ING has a presence have committed to CRS. The EU has made CRS mandatory for all its January 2018. A central programme continued in 2018 to support ING’s commitment to embed the
member states. The first information exchange by the Netherlands (as for approximately half of revised legislation throughout the organisation.
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GDPR criminal conduct, unethical conduct or other misconduct by or within ING. The awareness campaign
As per 25 May 2018 the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became effective. was supported by the launch of a revised whistleblower policy and a mandatory global e-learning.
GDPR affords greater protection to individuals and requires more control on data and transparency
regarding the use of data by companies. In 2018 ING continued its central programme, which was Compliance Risk Culture Monitoring
initiated in 2016, to implement these GDPR standards. The Compliance Risk Management function continued to enhance its control framework by
monitoring on drivers for conduct or the ‘soft controls’. By assessing both hard controls and soft
Awareness & Learning controls, such as leadership, group dynamics and decision making via in-depth interviews with ING
staff, ING further strengthens the mitigation of compliance risks and provides management with
Promoting Integrity Programme
knowledge and tools how to further develop a sound risk and integrity-led culture throughout the
The Promoting Integrity Programme was started in 2010 and consists of e-learning modules on key
global ING organisation. In addition to Compliance Risk Culture Monitoring, ING is further developing
bank-wide topics that can be followed-up with dialogue sessions in which managers discuss the
in the area of hard control monitoring on the Orange Code values.
issues raised with their teams. The programme is sponsored by board members and senior
managers and is created for the benefit of every employee in every part of ING to enhance the
understanding of how their actions and behaviour can help earn and retain customer and Dilemma Dialogue
stakeholder trust. In 2018, integrity led behaviour was addressed by means of the mandatory PIP As also stated in our Orange Code, balancing the rights and interests of all involved is key to
e-learning ‘Dealing with Dilemmas’ and ‘Data@Risk’ which were rolled out globally. ongoing viability of the bank. ING employees are expected to take the time and effort to reflect on
dilemmas or difficult decisions they have to take, and to do so in a sustainable manner. To support
this ING enrolled the Orange Code Dilemma Dialogue model. This is a decision making model that
Compliance Forum ING
takes employees through the steps of analysing an issue or dilemma, defining stakeholders, listing
In 2018, we continued training the Compliance Officers within ING worldwide in the Compliance
arguments and weighing them to make clear what in the specific case is the right thing to do. The
Forum ING. This forum is about building expertise and sharing experience. The focus is on regulatory
launch of the Dilemma Dialogue model was supported by a mandatory e-learning for all staff and
developments, innovation and the future of compliance – what compliance officers can do to Think
additional training to all compliance staff to enable them to facilitate the dialogue on dilemmas in
Forward. Participants are engaged in lively discussions on current topics, take part in workshops and
their own local business unit.
plenary sessions to experience and develop the new ways of working within ING. Participants can
connect with colleagues from across the globe and share knowledge and views on the compliance
function of the future. Part of the Compliance community was trained in 2017 and in 2018 the
remainder has been trained.

A speak-up awareness campaign was launched for all ING Bank employees to enhance the
awareness to raise any concern related to breaches of the Orange Code, any suspected or actual

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> Capital management > 51

Business Risk
51 Capital management
Business Risk for ING has been defined as the exposure to value loss due to fluctuations in
volumes/margins as well as expenses. It is the risk inherent to strategy decisions and internal Group Treasury (“GT”) is the result of a merger between Capital Management and Bank Treasury
efficiency. Business risk capital is calculated via the variance-covariance methodology for expense which was approved by the ING management board in 2017. The merger is a logical continuation of
risk, covering the risk that expenses will deviate from the expected expenses over the horizon of the the efforts that were done since the creation of Bank Treasury in 2011 to streamline ING’s
relevant activities. This risk primarily relates to the (inflexibility) to adjust expenses, when that is operations related to capital, funding, liquidity and balance sheet management.
needed. Expense risk only concerns non-financial expenses (e.g. staff and IT expenses); financial This empowers GT to manage the balance sheet holistically. GT covers the full spectrum all the way
expenses are not in scope. from day-to-day operational management to the more strategic advisory function, and all the way
from cash management, to liquidity and funding management to solvency and capital
Governance and risk management GT Capital Management, part of the Balance Sheet & Capital Management, is responsible for
ING applies an explicit Risk Appetite Statements regarding business risk, focusing on earnings maintaining the adequate capitalisation of ING Group and ING Bank entities, to manage the risk
stability and diversification of the business mix, as avoiding to put all eggs in one basket reduces associated with ING’s business activities. This involves not only managing, planning and allocating
the risk that volumes and/or margins will suddenly drop due to unexpected changes in the business capital within ING Group, ING Bank and its various entities, but also helping to execute necessary
environment for certain markets and products. Furthermore, the underlying risk types (expense risk capital market transactions, term (capital) funding and risk management transactions. ING takes
and volume-margin risk) are also mitigated and managed in a different way. Expense risk is an integrated approach to assess the adequacy of its capital position in relation to its risk profile
monitored and managed via the financial performance of the bank and the local units, whereby and operating environment. This means Capital Management takes into account both regulatory
the reported expense numbers are compared on a quarterly basis with the projected cost/income and internal metrics and requirements as well as the interests of key stakeholders such as
ratio. Deviations from this ambition are monitored as part of the financial projections that are shareholders and rating agencies.
discussed continuously within different parts of the organisation.
ING applies the following main capital definitions:
 Common Equity Tier 1 capital - Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital is defined as shareholders’
equity less regulatory adjustments. CET1 capital divided by risk-weighted assets equals the CET1
 Tier 1 capital – Tier 1 capital is defined as CET1 capital including Additional Tier 1 (hybrid)
securities and other regulatory adjustments. Tier 1 capital divided by risk-weighted assets equals
the Tier 1 capital ratio.

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 Total capital – Total capital is Tier 1 capital including subordinated Tier 2 liabilities and regulatory Policies
adjustments. Total capital divided by risk-weighted assets equals the Total capital ratio.
The activities of Capital Management are executed on the basis of established policies, guidelines
 Common Equity Tier 1 ratio ambition – Common Equity Tier 1 ratio ambition is built on potential and procedures. For Debt and Capital Issuance there are additional policies and limits that guide
impact of a standardised and pre-determined 1-in-10-year stress event (i.e. at a 90% confidence
the execution of capital market transactions.
level with a 1-year horizon) as described in the Risk Management section.
 Leverage ratio – Leverage ratio is defined as Tier 1 capital divided by the total exposure amount.
 Bail-inable capital – Total capital, Senior HoldCo and Opco debt qualify as Bail-inable capital. Processes for managing capital
Besides measuring capital adequacy, Capital Management also ensures the availability of sufficient
ING also applies the following risk appetite definitions: capital through target and limit setting for the above mentioned metrics for ING Group and ING
 RAF – Risk appetite framework which includes Solvency, Liquidity & funding risk, Credit risk, Bank. Additionally, Capital Management ensures adherence to the set limits and targets by
Market risk and Non-Financial risk appetite statements planning and executing capital management transactions. The ongoing assessment and
 FX ratio hedging – the objective is to protect the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio of ING consolidated monitoring of capital adequacy is
figures against FX fluctuations.
 Capital investment hedge. embedded in the capital planning process. Following the dynamic business planning process, ING
prepares a capital and funding plan on a regular basis for all its material businesses and assesses
continuously the timing, need and feasibility for capital management actions in scope its execution
strategy. Sufficient financial flexibility should be preserved to meet important financial objectives.
The capital position remained robust in 2018 reflecting strong profitability based on core lending
ING’s risk appetite statements set targets and are at the foundation of the capital plan. These limits
growth, with a lower risk weight and complemented with the optimisation of the capital structure.
are cascaded to the different businesses in line with our risk management strategy.

ING Bank N.V. has a fully-loaded Common Equity Tier 1 ratio and a phased-in Common Equity Tier 1
Adverse planning and stress testing are integral components of ING’s risk and capital management
ratio of 12.9%, thereby complying with CRR/CRD IV solvency requirements. ING Bank N.V. paid
framework. It allows us to (i) identify and assess potential vulnerabilities in our businesses, business
€2,517 million of dividend to ING Group in 2018. The fully loaded in Tier 1 ratios (including
model, portfolios or operating environment; (ii) understand the sensitivities of the core assumptions
grandfathered securities) decreased from 14.7% to 14.5%, while the phased-in Tier 1 ratio
used in our strategic and capital plans; and (iii) improve decision-making and business steering
(including grandfathered securities) remained stable at 14.6%, primarily reflecting developments in
through balancing risk and return following a foresighted and prudent management approach. In
ING Bank’s Common Equity Tier 1 ratio. The Banks’s fully loaded and phased-in total capital ratio
addition to internal stress test scenarios reflecting the outcomes of the annual risk assessment, ING
(including grandfathered securities) decreased from 18.3% to 17.2% and 18.2% to 17.2%,
also participates in regulatory stress test exercises. ING participated in the 2018 EU-wide stress test
conducted by EBA.

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Capital adequacy assessment Regulatory requirements

As at 1 January 2014, the CRR/CRD IV capital rules entered into force. The capital position table Capital adequacy and the use of required regulatory capital are based on the guidelines developed
reflects own funds according to the Basel 3 rules as specified in the CRR/CRD IV. As CRD IV will be by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (The Basel Committee) and the European Union
phased-in gradually until 2019, the table shows the CRD IV positions according to the 2019 end- Directives, as implemented by the Dutch Central Bank (Dutch Central Bank until 3 November 2014,
state rules and the 2018 rules. ING reports these metrics for ING Group and ING Bank. During 2018, the ECB thereafter) for supervisory purposes. In 2010, the Basel Committee issued new solvency
ING Group and ING Bank were adequately capitalised. and liquidity requirements that superseded Basel II. The minimum requirements, excluding buffers,
for the CET 1 ratio is 4.5%, the minimum Tier 1 requirement is 6% and the Total capital ratio is 8%
ING Bank NV capital position according to CRR/CRD IV of all risk-weighted assets.
(fully-loaded) (phased-in)
2018 2017 2018 2017
Shareholders’ equity 44,173 43,662 44,173 43,662 ICAAP/SREP process
Interim profit not included in CET1 capital1 –174 –44 –174 –44 Annually, ING provides in-depth documentation on its Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment
Other adjustments –3,621 –3,043 –3,568 –3,017
Process (ICAAP) in the scope of ECB’s Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP). This
Regulatory adjustments –3,794 –3,087 –3,742 –3,061
Available common equity Tier 1 capital 40,379 40,576 40,431 40,602
submission includes all ICAAP related documentation such as information on ING’s internal capital
models, risk measurement, assessment and aggregation, risk appetite framework, capital planning
Additional Tier 1 securities2 5,179 4,989 5,179 4,989 both under base case and adverse scenarios including stress testing. Based on this documentation
Regulatory adjustments additional Tier 1 62 53 62 –374 and continuous supervisory dialogue, the ECB conducts the SREP assessment of ING and its main
Available Tier 1 capital 45,619 45,618 45,671 45,217
subsidiaries. This assessment covered four areas: business model, internal governance and risk
Supplementary capital Tier 2 bonds3 8,248 11,086 8,248 11,086
management, risks to capital and risks to liquidity and funding on a yearly basis.
Regulatory adjustments Tier 2 66 47 69 –44
Available Total capital 53,933 56,751 53,988 56,259 Ratings
Risk weighted assets 313,572 309,287 313,572 309,287 Main credit ratings of ING at 31 December 2018
Standard & Poor’s Moody’s Fitch
Common equity Tier 1 ratio 12.88% 13.12% 12.89% 13.13% Rating Outlook Rating Outlook Rating Outlook
Tier 1 ratio 14.55% 14.75% 14.56% 14.62% ING Bank N.V.
Total capital ratio 17.20% 18.35% 17.22% 18.19% Long-term A+ Stable Aa3 Stable A+ Positive
1 The interim profit not included in CET1 capital as per 31 December 2018 (€174 million) includes €44 million for 4Q 2018 (Full Short-term A-1 P-1 F1
year 2018: €2,646 million).
2 Including €3,271 million which is CRR/CRD IV-compliant (2017: €3,123 million) and €1,907 million to be replaced as capital
recognition is subject to CRR/CRD IV grandfathering rules (2017: €1,866 million).
ING’s key credit ratings and outlook are shown in the table above. Each of these ratings reflects
3 Including €8,079 million which is CRR/CRD IV-compliant (2017: €8,995 million), and € 168 million to be replaced as capital only the view of the applicable rating agency at the time the rating was issued, and any
recognition is subject to CRR/CRD IV grandfathering rules (2017: €2,091 million). explanation of the significance of a rating may be obtained only from the rating agency.

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A security rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and each rating should be
evaluated independently of other ratings. There is no assurance that any credit rating will remain in
effect for any given period of time or that a rating will not be lowered, suspended or withdrawn
entirely by the rating agency if, in the rating agency’s judgment, circumstances so warrant. ING
accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the ratings.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 257

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Authorisation of Consolidated Annual Accounts

Authorisation of Consolidated Annual Accounts

Amsterdam, 4 March 2019

The Management Board Banking

The Supervisory Board R.A.J.G. (Ralph) Hamers, CEO and chairman of the Management
G.J. (Hans) Wijers, chairman Board Banking
H.J.M. (Hermann-Josef) Lamberti, vice-chairman T. (Tanate) Phutrakul, CFO
J.P. (Jan Peter) Balkenende S.J.A. (Steven) van Rijswijk, CRO
E.F.C.B. (Eric) Boyer de la Giroday M. I. (Isabel) Fernandez Niemann, head of Wholesale Banking
H.W. (Henk) Breukink R.M.M. (Roel)Louwhoff, COO/CTO
M. (Mariana) Gheorghe A. (Aris) Bogdaneris, head of Challengers & Growth Markets
M. (Margarete) Haase R.B. (Roland) Boekhout, head of Market Leaders
R.W.P. (Robert) Reibestein

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 258

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Parent company statement of financial position

as at 31 December before appropriation of result

in EUR million 2018 2017 in EUR million 2018 2017

Assets Liabilities
Cash and balances with central banks 1 30,508 7,390 Deposits from banks 12 60,300 59,133
Short-dated government paper 2 517 712 Customer deposits 13 315,012 306,512
Loans and advances to banks 3 72,553 87,827 Debt securities in issue 14 91,552 84,080
Loans and advances to customers 4 344,672 336,567 Other liabilities 15 41,361 48,248
Debt securities 5 37,844 36,404 General provisions 16 797 1,247
Equity securities 6 7,103 12,103 Subordinated loans 13,957 16,370
Investments in group companies 7 32,815 32,325 Total liabilities 522,979 515,590
Investments in associates and joint ventures 8 932 808
Intangible assets 9 1,097 855 Equity 17
Equipment 10 431 412 Share capital 525 525
Other assets 11 38,680 43,849 Share premium 16,542 16,542
Revaluation reserves 2,187 2,898
Legal and statutory reserves 1,317 1,415
Other reserves 19,155 17,416
Unappropriated result 4,447 4,866
Total equity 44,173 43,662

Total assets 567,152 559,252 Total liabilities and equity 567,152 559,252

References relate to the accompanying notes. These form an integral part of the Parent company annual accounts.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 259

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Parent company statement of profit or loss

for the years ended 31 December

in EUR million 2018 2017

Interest income 14,577 28,957
Interest expense –8,214 –22,599
Net interest income 18 6,363 6,358

Investment income and results from participating interests 19 3,123 2,958

Commission income 1,948 1,791

Commission expense –532 –463
Net commission income 20 1,416 1,328

Results from financial transactions 21 655 314

Other income 22 –53 120
Total income 11,505 11,078
Staff expenses 23 3,030 2,837
Depreciation and amortisation 24 244 223
Other expenses 25 2,656 1,980
Addition to loan loss provisions 137 194
Total expenses 6,066 5,234
Result before tax 5,439 5,844
Taxation 26 832 825
Result after tax 4,607 5,019

References relate to the accompanying notes. These form an integral part of the Parent company
annual accounts.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 260

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Parent company statement of changes in equity

Share Share Revaluation Legal and Unappropriated
in EUR million capital premium reserves statutory reserves Other reserves results Total
Balance as at 31 December 2017 525 16,542 2,898 1,415 17,416 4,866 43,662
Effect of change in accounting policy –358 –287 –393 –1,038
Balance as at 1 January 2018 525 16,542 2,539 1,128 17,023 4,866 42,624

Realised and unrealised revaluations equity and debt instruments and other revaluations –385 –100 56 –429
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or loss –25 –29 –54

Changes in cash flow hedge reserve 54 288 342

Unrealised revaluations property in own use 4 –6 3 1
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit asset/liability 1 5 6
Exchange rate differences and other –386 –386
Total amount recognised directly in equity –352 –228 59 –521
Net result 160 4,447 4,607
–352 –68 59 4,447 4,087

Transfer from unappropriated results 4,866 –4,866

Dividends –2,517 –2,517
Employee stock options and share plans 59 59
Changes in the composition of the group and other changes 256 –336 –80

Balance as at 31 December 2018 525 16,542 2,187 1,317 19,155 4,447 44,173

Changes in individual components are presented in Note 17 ‘Equity’.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 261

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Share Share Revaluation Legal and Unappropriated

in EUR million
capital premium reserves statutory reserves Other reserves results Total
Balance as at 1 January 2017 525 16,542 3,806 1,914 16,650 4,103 43,540

Unrealised revaluations available-for-sale investments and other revaluations –476 182 –294
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or loss –21 –69 –90

Changes in cash flow hedge reserve –365 –150 –515

Unrealised revaluations property in own use 3 –2 26 27
Remeasurement of the net defined benefit asset/liability –49 19 –30
Exchange rate differences and other –891 –891
Total amount recognised directly in equity –908 –911 26 –1,793
Net result 153 4,866 5,019
–908 –758 26 4,866 3,226

Transfer from unappropriated results 4,103 –4,103

Dividends –3,176 –3,176
Employee stock options and share plans 69 69
Changes in the composition of the group and other changes 259 –256 3
Balance as at 31 December 2017 525 16,542 2,898 1,415 17,416 4,866 43,662

Changes in individual components are presented in Note 17 ‘Equity’.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 262

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information

Notes to the parent company annual accounts

amounts in millions of euros, unless stated otherwise

Basis of presentation Parent company equity and related reserves

The total amount of equity in the Parent company annual accounts equals Shareholders’
ING Bank N.V. is a company domiciled in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and is registered at the
equity (parent) in the Consolidated annual accounts. Certain components within equity
Commercial Register of Amsterdam under number 33031431.
are different, as a result of the following presentation differences between the parent
company accounts and consolidated accounts:
The Parent company annual accounts of ING Bank N.V. are prepared in accordance with the
• Unrealised revaluations including those related to cash flow hedges within consolidated group
financial reporting requirements included in Part 9 of Book 2, of the Dutch Civil Code. In accordance
companies, presented in Other reserves - Revaluation reserve in the consolidated accounts, are
with subsection 8 of section 362, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, the recognition and measurement
presented in the Share of associates and joint ventures reserve in the parent company accounts;
principles applied in these Parent company annual accounts are the same as those applied in the
• Foreign currency translation on consolidated group companies, presented in Other reserves -
ING Bank Consolidated annual accounts, reference is made to Note 1 ‘Accounting policies’ of the
Currency translation reserve in the consolidated accounts, is presented in the Share of associates
Consolidated annual accounts.
and joint ventures reserve in the parent company accounts;
Investments in group companies are accounted in the Parent company accounts according to the
• Revaluations on investment property and certain participations recognised in income and
equity method.
consequently presented in Retained earnings in the consolidated accounts, is presented in the
Share of associates and joint ventures reserve in the parent company accounts.
A list containing the information referred to in Section 379 (1), Book 2, of the Dutch Civil Code has
been filed with the office of the Commercial Register of Amsterdam, in accordance with Section 379
A legal reserve is carried at an amount equal to the share in the results of associates and joint
(5), Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
ventures since their first inclusion at net asset value less the amount of profit distributions to which
rights have accrued in the interim. Profit distributions which can be repatriated to the Netherlands
without restriction are likewise deducted from the Share of associates and joint ventures reserve.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 263

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Cash and balances with central banks > 1

Notes to the Parent company statement of financial position

1 Cash and balances with central banks 4 Loans and advances to customers
Amounts held at central banks amount to EUR 29,540 million (2017: EUR 6,559 million). In 2018, the Loans and advances to customers
movement in Cash and balances with central banks reflects ING’s liquidity management. 2018 2017
Non-subordinated receivables from:
ING Groep N.V. 132 367
2 Short-dated government paper Group companies 50,517 52,825
Third parties 292,622 281,975
Short-dated government paper includes international government paper amounting to EUR 517
343,272 335,167
million (2017: EUR 710 million) for the company.
Subordinated receivables from:
3 Loans and advances to banks Group companies 1,401 1,400
344,672 336,567
Loans and advances to banks
2018 2017
As at 31 December 2018, receivables included in Loans and advances to customers that are part of
Non-subordinated receivables from:
Group companies 29,102 31,111 the trading portfolio amount to EUR 12,081 million (2017: EUR 19,476 million).
Third parties 41,910 55,806
71,012 86,917 Loans and advances to customers includes receivables with regard to securities which have been
acquired in reverse repurchase transactions amounting to EUR 31,299 million (2017:EUR 22,001
Subordinated receivables from:
million) for the company.
Group companies 1,540 867
Third parties 0 43
72,553 87,827 5 Debt securities
Debt securities by issuer
As at 31 December 2018, Loans and advances to banks includes receivables with regard to
2018 2017
securities, which have been acquired in reverse repurchase transactions amounting to EUR 26,858 Public sector 23,919 25,420
million (2017: EUR 36,817 million). Other 13,925 10,984
37,844 36,404

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 264

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Equity securities > 6

Debt securities analysed by listing Changes in equity securities (excluding trading)

2018 2017 2018 2017
Listed 35,462 33,961 Opening balance 2,759 2,970
Unlisted 2,382 2,443 Effect of change in accounting policy –2
37,844 36,404 Balance as at 1 January 2018 2,757
Additions 26 254
Changes in unrealised revaluations –572 –310
Debt securities – subordinated and non subordinated
Provision for impairments –1
2018 2017
Disposals 1 –9
Non-subordinated debt securities issued by:
Exchange rate differences –16 –171
Third parties 37,197 36,404
Other changes 2 26
37,197 36,404
Closing balance 2,199 2,759

Changes in debt securities (amortised cost and FVOCI) The cost or purchase price of the shares in the trading portfolio approximates their fair value. As at
2018 2017
31 December 2018 the cost or purchase price of shares excluding trading portfolio is EUR 1,914
Opening balance 22,336 27,624
million lower (2017: EUR 2,134million lower) than the carrying amount.
Effect of change in accounting policy 8,077
Balance as at 1 January 2018 30,413
Additions 16,606 8,396
Amortisation –102 –93
Changes in unrealised revaluations –259 –255
Disposals and redemptions –16,677 –12,896
Exchange rate differences 302 –445
Other changes –45 5
Closing balance 30,240 22,336

6 Equity securities
Equity securities analysed by listing
2018 2017
Listed 6,895 11,890
Unlisted 208 213
7,103 12,103

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 265

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Investments in group companies > 7

7 Investments in group companies Changes in investments in group companies

2018 2017
Investments in group companies
Opening balance 32,325 32,946
2018 2017
Effect of change in accounting policy –511
Interest Statement of financial Interest Statement of financial
Repayment of capital injection –178 –707
held (%) position value held (%) position value
Revaluations 198 19
ING België N.V. 100 10,256 100 10,211
Results from group companies 3,025 2,825
ING Holding Deutschland GMBH 100 8,200 100 8,086
Dividends received –1,647 –1,986
ING Bank (Australia) Limited 100 2,757 100 2,675
Capital contribution 73 26
ING Financial Holdings Corporation 100 2,484 100 2,101
Exchange rate differences –546 –788
ING Bank Slaski S.A. 75 2,316 75 2,084
Other changes 76 –10
ING Bank A.S. 100 1,305 100 1,476
Closing balance 32,815 32,325
ING Mauritius Investments I Limited 100 920 100 939
ING Real Estate B.V. 100 443 100 454
ING Australia Holdings Limited 100 726 100 1,014
8 Investments in associates and joint ventures
ING Corporate Investments B.V. 100 588 100 546
Other (including financing companies) 2,819 2,739 Investments in associates and joint ventures
32,815 32,325 2018 2017
Interest Statement of financial Interest Statement of financial
held (%) position value held (%) position value
As at 31 December 2018, Investments in group companies includes credit institutions of EUR 17,809 TMB Public Company Limited 25 832 25 737
million (2017: EUR 17,637 million). Other 100 71
As at 31 December 2018 listed investments in group companies amount to EUR 2,316 million 932 808
(2017: EUR 2,084 million).

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 266

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Intangible Assets > 9

Changes in investments in associates and joint ventures 10 Equipment

2018 2017
Changes in equipment
Opening balance 808 777
2018 2017
Effect of change in accounting policy –23
Opening balance 412 444
Balance as at 1 January 2018 785
Additions 137 90
Additions 66 54
Depreciation –114 –114
Share of results 98 42
Disposals –2 –11
Dividends received –20 –22
Exchange rate differences –2
Disposals –45 –25
Other changes –2 5
Revaluations –2 1
Exchange rate differences 39 –24 Closing balance 431 412
Other changes 10 5
Closing balance 932 808 Gross carrying amount as at 31 December 1,471 1,311
Accumulated depreciation as at 31 December –1,040 –899
Net carrying value 431 412
9 Intangible Assets
Changes in intangible assets 11 Other assets
Goodwill Software Other Total
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Other assets by type
Opening balance 422 509 431 384 2 2 855 895 2018 2017
Additions 202 279 188 481 188 Derivatives 32,107 33,871
Disposal –8 –0 –8 Deferred tax assets 365 387
Amortisation –125 –108 –125 –108 Income tax receivables 72 138
Impairments –1 –28 –1 –28 Accrued interests and rents 28 3,784
Exchange rate differences –99 –87 0 –99 –87 Other accrued assets 342 838
Other changes –14 3 –14 3 Pension asset 510 520
Closing balance 525 422 570 431 2 2 1,097 855 Other receivables 5,256 4,311
38,680 43,849
Derivatives includes transactions with group companies of EUR 13,100 million (2017: EUR 10,170

Other receivables includes EUR 3,438 million (2017: EUR 2,343 million) related to transactions still to
be settled at balance sheet date. As at 31 December 2018, an amount of EUR 239 million (2017:
EUR 372 million) is expected to be settled after more than one year from the balance sheet date.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 267

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Deposits from banks > 12

12 Deposits from banks

Deposits from banks 14 Other liabilities
2018 2017
Other liabilities
Group companies 29,595 28,528
Third parties 30,705 30,605
60,300 59,133 2018 2017
Derivatives 28,525 31,757
Trading liabilities 5,359 5,411
13 Customer deposits Accrued interest 19 3,989
Costs payable 1,231 1,669
Customer deposits by group companies and third parties Income tax payable 345 306
2018 2017 Other taxation and social security contribution 66 49
Group companies 63,348 59,344 Other amounts payable 5,814 5,067
Third parties 251,665 247,168 41,361 48,248
315,012 306,512 Derivatives includes transactions with group companies of EUR 8,798 million (2017: EUR 7,931
Customer deposits by type
2018 2017
Other amounts payable includes EUR 3,285 million (2017: EUR 2,884 million) related to transactions
Savings accounts 120,873 121,533
still to be settled at balance sheet date. As at 31 December 2018, an amount of EUR 518 million
Credit balances on customer accounts 100,196 93,248
Corporate deposits 61,022 70,440 (2017: EUR 649 million) is expected to be settled after more than one year from the balance sheet
Other 32,922 21,291 date.
315,012 306,512

15 General provisions
General provisions
2018 2017
Deferred tax liabilities 241 389
Pension liabilities and other staff-related liabilities 12 9
Reorganisations and relocations 304 493
Other 240 356
797 1,247

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 268

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Subordinated loans > 16

As at 31 December 2018, an amount of EUR 385 million (2017: EUR 297 million) is expected to be 17 Equity
settled after more than one year from the balance sheet date.
2018 2017
16 Subordinated loans Share capital 525 525
Share premium 16,542 16,542
Subordinated loans by group companies and third parties Revaluation reserves 2,187 2,898
2018 2017 Legal and statutory reserves 1,317 1,415
Group companies 10,358 8,177 Other reserves 19,155 17,416
Third parties 3,598 8,193 Unappropriated result 4,447 4,866
13,957 16,370 Total equity 44,173 43,662

Subordinated loans by type Share capital

2018 2017 Ordinary shares (par value EUR 1.13)
Capital debentures 4,734 9,228 Number x 1,000 Amount
Private loans 9,222 7,142 2018 2017 2018 2017
13,957 16,370 Authorised share capital 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,808 1,808
Unissued share capital 1,134,965 1,134,965 1,283 1,283
Issued share capital 465,035 465,035 525 525
The subordinated loans rank subordinated to the other liabilities in a winding-up of ING Bank.

No changes occurred in the issued share capital and share premium in 2018 and 2017.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 269

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Equity > 17

Changes in revaluation reserves

Equity securities at Debt instruments
fair value through at fair value Net defined benefit
other through other assets/- liability
Property in own Available-for-sale comprehensive comprehensive Cash flow hedge remeasurement
2018 use reserve reserve income income reserve reserve Credit liability Total
Opening balance 10 2,352 480 56 2,898
Effect of change in accounting policy –2,352 2,117 49 –173 –358
Balance as at 1 January 2018 10 2,117 49 480 56 –173 2,539
Unrealised revaluations 4 –578 5 188 –381
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or loss –25 –25
Changes in cash flow hedge reserve 54 54
Change in net defined benefit assets/liability 1 1
Closing balance 14 n/a 1,538 29 534 57 16 2,187
Opening balance 7 2,849 845 105 3,806
Unrealised revaluations 3 –476 –473
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or loss –21 –21
Changes in cash flow hedge reserve –365 –365
Change in net defined benefit assets/liability –49 –49
Closing balance 10 2,352 480 56 2,898

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 270

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Equity > 17

Changes in legal and statutory reserves

Share of associates and joint
2018 ventures reserves Currency translation reserve Statutory reserves Capitalised software Total
Opening balance 1,238 –1,645 1,478 344 1,415
Effect of change in accounting policy –287 –287
Balance as at 1 January 2018 952 –1,645 1,478 344 1,128
Result for the year 160 160
Unrealised revaluations available-for-sale investments and other –129 –129
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or loss
Changes in cash flow hedge reserve 288 288
Unrealised revaluation property in own use –3 –3
Changes in net defined benefit asset/liability remeasurement reserve 5 5
Exchange rate differences and other 19 –405 –386
Changes in composition of the group and other changes 121 132 253
Closing balance 1,252 –2,050 1,638 476 1,317
Opening balance 1,098 –795 1,325 286 1,914
Result for the year 153 153
Unrealised revaluations available-for-sale investments and other 182 182
Realised gains/losses transferred to the statement of profit or loss –69 –69
Changes in cash flow hedge reserve –150 –150
Unrealised revaluation property in own use –2 –2
Changes in net defined benefit asset/liability remeasurement reserve 19 19
Exchange rate differences and other –41 –850 –891
Changes in composition of the group and other changes 201 – 58 259
Closing balance 1,238 –1,645 1,478 344 1,415

The Statutory reserves include non-distributable reserves of EUR 1,638 million (2017: EUR 1,478
The Share of associates and joint ventures reserve includes the following components: Reserve for million) related to the former Stichting Regio Bank and the former Stichting Vakbondspaarbank SPN
non-distributable retained earnings of associates of EUR 758 million (2017: EUR 652 million), that cannot be freely distributed in accordance with the article 23.1 of the articles of association.
Revaluation reserve of associates and joint ventures EUR 963 million (2017: EUR 1,079 million),
Currency translation reserve of EUR –18 million (2017: EUR -37 million) and Net defined benefit Changes in the value of hedging instruments that are designated as net investment hedges, are
asset/liability remeasurement reserve of EUR –451 million (2017: EUR –456 million). included in the line Exchange rate differences and other.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 271

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Equity > 17

Changes in other reserves The reserve for cash flow hedges is included in the Share of associates and joint ventures reserve on
Retained a net basis. The Revaluation reserve, Share of associates and joint ventures reserve and Currency
2018 earnings Total translation reserve cannot be freely distributed. Retained earnings can be freely distributed, except
Opening balance 17,416 17,416
for an amount equal to the negative balance in each of the components of the Revaluation reserve
Effect of change in accounting policy –393 –393
Balance as at 1 January 2018 17,023 17,023 , Share of associates and joint ventures reserve and the Currency translation reserve. Unrealised
Transfer from unappropriated result 4,866 4,866 gains and losses on derivatives, other than those used in cash flow hedges, are presented in the
Dividends –2,517 –2,517 statement of profit or loss and are therefore part of Retained earnings and are not included in
Employee stock options and share plans 59 59 Share of associates and joint ventures reserve.
Changes in the composition of the group and other changes –277 –277
Closing balance 19,155 19,155
The total amount of non-distributable reserves, in accordance with the financial reporting
requirements per Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, is EUR 7,603 million (2017: EUR 7,603
Changes in other reserves
2017 Retained earnings Total
Opening balance 16,650 16,650 Reference is made to Note 20 ‘Equity’ and the Capital Management section in the consolidated
Transfer from unappropriated result 4,103 4,103 annual accounts for additional information, including restrictions with respect to dividend and
Dividends –3,176 –3,176
repayment of capital.
Employee stock options and share plans 69 69
Changes in the composition of the group and other changes –230 –230
Closing balance 17,416 17,416

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 272

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Net interest income > 18

Notes to the Parent company statement of profit or loss

18 Net interest income

Net interest income

2018 2017 2018 2017
Interest income on loans 10,039 9,384 Interest expense on deposits from banks 186 152
Interest income on impaired loans 69 51 Interest expense on customer deposits 1,824 1,813
Negative interest on liabilities 380 418 Interest expense on debt securities 1,449 1,567
Total interest income on loans 10,488 9,853 Interest expense on subordinated loans 700 753
Interest expense on trading derivatives n/a 13,801
Interest income on available-for-sale securities n/a 331 Interest expense on other trading liabilities n/a 353
Interest income on financial assets at fair value through OCI 146 Interest expense on securities at fair value through profit or loss 784
Interest income on held-to-maturity securities n/a 70 Interest expense on non-trading derivatives (no hedge accounting) 789 678
Interest income on financial assets at amortised cost 35 Interest expense on non-trading derivatives (hedge accounting) 2,102 3,221
Interest income on trading derivatives n/a 13,837 Other interest expense 29 242
Interest income on other trading portfolio n/a 596 Negative interest on assets 351 19
Interest income on securities at fair value through profit or loss 967 Interest expense 8,214 22,599
Interest income on non-trading derivatives (no hedge accounting) 607 498
Interest income on non-trading derivatives (hedge accounting) 2,294 3,621
Other interest income 41 151
Interest income 14,577 28,957 Net interest income 6,363 6,358

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 273

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Investment income and results from participating interests > 19

19 Investment income and results from participating interests 21 Results from financial transactions
Investment income and results from participating interests Results from financial transactions
2018 2017 2018 2017
Results from shares and other non-fixed income securities 125 89 Results from securities trading portfolio –737 643
Results from group companies 3,025 2,825 Results from currency trading portfolio 183 1,228
Results from associates, joint ventures and other participations –27 44 Results from non-trading derivatives 866 –1,392
3,123 2,958 Other 344 –165
655 314

20 Net commission income In 2018, Other includes EUR 341 million (2017: EUR -269 million) related to fair value changes on
Fee and commission income trading derivatives.
2018 2017
Funds transfer 789 753
Securities business 321 243 22 Other income
Insurance broking 38 30
In 2017, Other income includes EUR 121 million related to a tax charge at ING Australia Holdings
Asset management fees 52 37
Ltd, for which a full reimbursement is expected to be received from NN Group. The remainder of
Brokerage and advisory fees 266 256
Other 483 472 Other income is made up of a number of small items, which are individually insignificant.
1,948 1,791

23 Staff expenses
Fee and commission expenses
Staff expenses
2018 2017
Funds transfer 279 261
Securities business 113 68 Staff expenses
5 – Salaries 1,671 1,630
Asset management fees 4
Brokerage and advisory fees 35 36 – Social security costs 226 204
Pension costs and other staff related benefit costs 289 275
Other 100 93
Other management fees 843 728
532 463
3,030 2,837

Remuneration of Senior management, Management board and Supervisory board

Reference is made to Note 48 ‘Related parties’ (page 171 up to and including page 174) in the ING
Bank Consolidated annual accounts.

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 274

Contents | Who we are | Report of the Management Board | Corporate governance | Consolidated annual accounts | Parent company annual accounts | Other information
> Depreciation and amortisation > 24

24 Depreciation and amortisation 27 Maturity of certain assets and liabilities

Depreciation and amortization Analysis of certain assets and liabilities by maturity
2018 2017 Maturity
Depreciation of equipment 114 114 Less than 1–3 3–12 1–5 Over 5 not
Amortisation of software and other intangible assets 129 109 2018 1 month months months years years applicable Total
244 223 Assets
Loans and advances to banks 17,534 5,255 7,357 14,946 8,644 18,818 72,553
Loans and advances to
25 Other expenses customers 34,752 10,948 22,987 85,938 161,846 28,201 344,672

Other expenses Liabilities

2018 2017 Deposits from banks 23,750 666 2,266 19,235 2,061 12,321 60,300
Computer costs 480 420 Customer deposits 229,952 19,539 15,974 16,739 14,951 17,856 315,012
Office expenses 214 217 Debt securities in issue 2,760 12,227 21,789 31,157 9,480 14,139 91,552
Travel and accommodation expenses 87 85 Subordinated loans – – 0 1,700 6,497 5,760 13,957
Advertising and public relations 193 215
External advisory fees 293 275
Regulatory costs 483 450 Analysis of certain assets and liabilities by maturity
Addition/(releases) of provision for reorganisations and relocations –42 –33 Maturity
Other 948 351 Less than 1–3 3–12 1–5 Over 5 not
2017 1 month months months years years applicable Total
2,656 1,980
Loans and advances to banks 19,392 6,946 7,740 14,033 5,841 33,875 87,827
26 Taxation Loans and advances to
customers 39,044 8,295 28,552 79,013 162,187 19,476 336,567
Taxation by type
2018 2017 Liabilities
Current taxation 878 689 Deposits from banks 20,662 2,523 1,696 18,705 1,999 13,548 59,133
Deferred taxation –46 136 Customer deposits 221,145 14,218 31,920 16,292 7,104 15,833 306,512
832 825 Debt securities in issue 3,182 12,877 14,466 33,700 10,481 9,374 84,080
Subordinated loans 11,376 4,994 16,370

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> Assets not freely disposable > 28

28 Assets not freely disposable Irrevocable facilities

2018 2017
Assets not freely disposable
Group companies 3 86
2018 2017
Third parties 51,242 45,051
Equity and debt instruments 8,374 11,359
51,245 45,137
Lending 64,668 68,150
Banks 12,691 3,423
Other assets 536 548 30 Other
86,269 83,480
The table includes assets relating to securities lending as well as sale and repurchase ING Bank has issued guarantees as participant in collective arrangements of national banking funds
transactions and as a participant in required collective guarantee schemes. For example, ING Bank N.V. provided
a guarantee to the German Deposit Guarantee Fund (‘Einlagensicherundsfonds’ or ESF) under
section 5 (10) of the by-laws of this fund, where ING Bank N.V. indemnifies the Association of
29 Contingent liabilities and other commitments
German Banks Berlin against any losses it might incur as result of actions taken with respect to ING
Contingent liabilities by type Germany. The ESF is a voluntary collective guarantee scheme for retail savings and deposits in
2018 2017 excess of EUR 100,000.
Guarantees 52,495 28,233
Irrevocable letters of credit 7,961 7,688
Other – 223 ING Bank N.V. has issued statements of liabilities in connection with Section 403 Book 2 of the
Contingent debts 60,456 36,144 Dutch Civil Code and issued third party guarantees (and third party letters of comfort/awareness) in
a limited number of cases. Third party guarantees are used when ING Bank N.V. is requested to
Irrevocable facilities 51,245 45,137 issue a guarantee to a third party creditor of one of its subsidiaries in order to guarantee the
111,701 81,281
(financial) performance of this subsidiary.

Contingent debts
Claim agreements
2018 2017
Group companies 36,260 15,855 In the ordinary course of business we have entered into a number of agreements whereby we are
Third parties 24,196 20,289 provided and being provided indemnifications related to sale of our past businesses and
60,456 36,144 agreements whereby we made detailed arrangements regarding allocation and handling of claims.

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> Proposed appropriation of results > 31

Fiscal unity
ING Bank N.V. forms a fiscal unity with ING Groep N.V. and several Dutch banking entities for 32 Subsequent events
corporation tax purposes. ING Bank N.V. and ING Groep N.V. and its banking subsidiaries that form
There are no subsequent events to report.
part of the fiscal unity are jointly and severally liable for taxation payable by the fiscal unity.
Settlements of corporate income tax paid or received are executed by ING Bank N.V.

31 Proposed appropriation of results

For 2018, it is proposed that the result, insofar at the disposal of the General Meeting, will be
appropriated as follows. A total dividend payment of EUR 2,646 million, including interim dividend
of EUR 2,473 million and a final dividend of EUR 173 million. The remainder of the result will be
appropriated to the Other Reserves.

In May and September 2018 ING Bank N.V. paid EUR 868 million and in November 2018 ING Bank
N.V. paid EUR 737 million interim dividend to ING Groep N.V.

Proposed appropriation of result

Net result 4,607
Addition to reserves pursuant to Article 24 of the Articles of Association 1,961
Proposed to be added to the Other Reserves pursuant to Article 24 of the Articles of Association 2,646

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Authorisation of Parent company annual accounts

Amsterdam, 4 March 2019

The Supervisory Board The Management Board Banking

G.J. (Hans) Wijers, chairman R.A.J.G. (Ralph) Hamers, CEO and chairman of the Management
H.J.M. (Hermann-Josef) Lamberti, vice-chairman Board Banking
J.P. (Jan Peter) Balkenende T (Tanate). Phutrakul, CFO
E.F.C.B. (Eric) Boyer de la Giroday S.J.A. (Steven) van Rijswijk, CRO
H.W. (Henk) Breukink M. I. (Isabel) Fernandez Niemann, head of Wholesale Banking
M. (Mariana) Gheorghe R.M.M (Roel) Louwhaff, COO/CTO
M. (Margarete) Haase A. (Aris) Bogdaneris, head of Challenders & Growth Markets
R.W.P. (Robert) Reibestein R.B (Ronald) Boekhout, head of Market Leaders

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Articles of Association – Appropriation of results

Appropriation of results
The result is appropriated pursuant to Article 24 of the Articles of Association of ING Bank N.V., the
relevant stipulations of which state that the result shall firstly be appropriated to the Stichting
Regio Bank Reserve, respectively the Reserve Stichting Vakbondsspaarbank SPN or charged to that
reserves in proportion to the ratio between the Stichting Regio Bank Reserve, respectively the
Reserve Stichting Vakbondsspaarbank SPN and the company's equity at the end of the relevant
financial year and that the remainder shall be at the disposal of the General Meeting.

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(21) the outcome of current and future legal and regulatory proceedings, (22) operational risks,
Disclaimer such as system disruptions or failures, breaches of security, cyber-attacks, human error, changes in
Certain of the statements contained herein are not historical facts, including, without limitation, operational practices or inadequate controls including in respect of third parties with which we do
certain statements made of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are business,
based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and (23) risks and changes related to cybercrime including the effects of cyber-attacks and changes in
uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those legislation and regulation related to cybersecurity and data privacy, (24) the inability to protect our
expressed or implied in such statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ intellectual property and infringement claims by third parties, (25) the inability to retain key
materially from those in such statements due to a number of factors, including, without limitation: personnel, (26) business, operational, regulatory, reputation and other risks in connection with
(1) changes in general economic conditions, in particular economic conditions in ING’s core climate change,
markets, (2) changes in performance of financial markets, including developing markets, (3) (27) ING’s ability to achieve its strategy, including projected operational synergies and cost-saving
potential consequences the United Kingdom leaving the European Union or a break-up of the euro, programmes and (28) the other risks and uncertainties detailed in the most recent annual report of
(4) changes in the fiscal position and the future economic performance of the US including ING Groep N.V. (including the Risk Factors contained therein) and ING’s more recent disclosures,
potential consequences of a downgrade of the sovereign credit rating of the US government (5) including press releases, which are available on www.ING.com. (29) this annual report contains
potential consequences of a European sovereign debt crisis (6) changes in the availability of, and inactive textual addresses to internet websites operated by us and third parties. Reference to such
costs associated with, sources of liquidity such as interbank funding, (7) changes in conditions in websites is made for information purposes only, and information found at such websites is not
the credit and capital markets generally, including changes in borrower and counterparty incorporated by reference into this annual report. ING does not make any representation or
creditworthiness, (8) changes affecting interest rate levels, (9) inflation and deflation in our principal warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of, or take any responsibility for, any
markets, (10) changes affecting currency exchange rates, (11) changes in information found at any websites operated by third parties. ING specifically disclaims any liability
with respect to any information found at websites operated by third parties. ING cannot guarantee
investor and customer behaviour, (12) changes in general competitive factors, (13) changes in or that websites operated by third parties remain available following the filing of this annual report or
discontinuation of ‘benchmark' indices (14) changes in laws and regulations and the interpretation that any information found at such websites will not change following the filing of this annual
and application thereof, (15) changes in compliance obligations including, but not limited to, those report. Many of those factors are beyond ING’s control.
posed by the implementation of DAC6, (16) geopolitical risks, political instability and policies and
actions of governmental and regulatory authorities, (17) changes in standards and interpretations Any forward looking statements made by or on behalf of ING speak only as of the date they are
under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the application thereof, (18) made, and ING assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements,
conclusions with regard to purchase accounting assumptions and methodologies, and other whether as a result of new information or for any other reason.
changes in accounting assumptions and methodologies including changes in valuation of issued
securities and credit market exposure, (19) changes in ownership that could affect the future This document does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any
availability to us of net operating loss, net capital and built-in loss carry forwards, (20) changes in securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction.
credit ratings,

ING Bank Annual Report 2018 288

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