Grade 9-Physics

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 Which is TRUE about uniformly accelerated  How should a baseball catcher move his

motion? hand to feel a lesser force?

 Study position vs. time graph which shows  Why do safety nets are placed below deadly
uniformly accelerated motion mid-air circus performances?
 How long, in hours, does it take for a bus to  A 10g stationary ball is hit by a child with an
cross a 70.0 meter-wide intersection after impulse of 56.0Ns. At what speed will the
the light turns orange, if it accelerates at a ball move toward the goal?
constant rate of 7.00 m/s2?  How much impulse will a tennis player hit an
approaching ball with a force of 50N in 0.2
 What is the final velocity of a racer in
10.00s if he accelerates at 3.00 m/s2?
 What is the momentum of a 50 kg boy
 How far, in meters, will a ball travel in 2 sec running at 4 m/s?
when it is dropped from a 80.0 m high  What is the difference in momentum,
tower? between a 50 kg athlete running at 2 m/s
 How long, in second, will it take for a and a 1000 kg car travelling at 1m/s?
boulder rolling on a vertical cliff to reach a  What is the final velocity of two identical cars
velocity of 60 km/h? that attached together after collision?
 Will a canon that is dropped from a roof and  What would be the final velocities of two
a ball that is fired horizontally reach the identical balls approaching each other with
ground at the same time? the same speed when they collided in a
 Describe the projectile perfectly elastic collision?
 What is the final velocity when two trains of
different masses collide and couple each
other as illustrated below?

 What is the vertical velocity of the projectile

at the highest point in m/s?
 What is the velocity of the projectile at the
same height?  What is the difference between elastic and
 What is the direction of acceleration of a inelastic collision?
projectile when air resistance is negligible?  What is the energy transformation in a
 What is the horizontal acceleration of a thermal power plant run by steam?
projectile when air friction is neglected?  What is the energy transformation in the
 What angle will give the longest range for a battery operated flashlight?
projectile?  How is kinetic energy different from potential
 What happens to the height of the projectile energy?
as the angle of release increases?
 What angle will give same range?
 Two identical projectiles A and B are fired
at the same angle. The initial speed of B is
twice that of A. What is the range of B as
compared to the range of A?
 What are the factors that affects
 What will produce greater momentum?
 A cart rolling down a plane comes to a stop  At which point/s do/does the pendulum
when it hits a hand along its path. What will attain the HIGHEST potential and
change the momentum of the cart? HIGHEST kinetic energy respectively?
 What will result to LESS damage when a
car suddenly lost its break?  At which points are the kinetic energy equals
 What should a boxer do in order to the potential energy?
received less head damage during a

 A skateboarder travels from Location 1
to Location 4 as shown below.  How does geothermal power plant work?

At which location does the skateboarder

have the MOST kinetic energy and the
highest potential energy?
 Explain conservation of energy?
 An archer pulls back the bowstring to shoot
an arrow with an average force of 20 N at a
distance of 0.2 m. How much energy in
joules is stored in the bow?
 A 1 kg brick falls on the ground from a 5 m
high roof. What is the approximate KE, in
joules, of the brick just before it touches the
 What is the KE of a ball thrown upward if it
has 100 J of KE as it returns to its original
level after encountering air resistance?
 What will happen when heat is added to a
 What is the efficiency of machine if it only
does 90 J of work with 400 J of energy
 Which pair of temperatures of two reservoirs
will a heat engine be MOST efficient?

A. 700 K and 100 K

B. 700 K and 300 K
C. 1140 K and 400 K
D. 1140 K and 1140 K

 Steam engines operate by boiling the water

to produce steam. What enables the
system to do work?
I. the thermal energy from the steam
II. the chemical energy from the wood or
coal in the engine
III. the thermal energy supplied by the
burning wood or coal in the engine

I. I C. I and II
II. II D. I and III

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