ENGR 3050 Capacitive Displacement Sensor Lab Introduction

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ENGR 3050 Sensors, Measurements, and Controls

Laboratory Design Project #1

Capacitive Displacement Sensor

Introduction and Background:

Continuous displacement measurements are often required in various industrial applications. Different
physical principles can be utilized to develop displacement measuring devices. For example, resistive
devices (e.g., potentiometers), inductive devices (e.g., LVDT), capacitive devices, ultrasonic devices, and
radio frequency devices (e.g., radar) are well-known for displacement, distance, or position
measurements. Each of these devices (transducers) has different signal type, sensitivity, operating,
range, size, and cost that need to be considered when designing an appropriate displacement
measurement system. For example, a non-contact ultrasonic displacement sensor is a device that
measures changes in distance as a function of echo pulse return time from a fixed point to a movable
object. These devices can be manufactured into small and rugged packages, but they can be expensive.
Capacitive displacement sensors measure changes in distance as a function of the change in the
capacitance associated with the capacitor plates. Capacitive displacement sensors have been
extensively used in a variety of applications ranging from the chemical manufacturing industry to simple
systems such as monitoring the fuel level in automobiles. Additionally, capacitive sensors are broadly
utilized for level, pressure, and flow measurement, because all of these variables can be derived from
displacement after some simple mathematical treatment. Therefore, it is beneficial to investigate and
design a capacitive displacement sensor.

The underlying principle of the capacitive-based displacement sensor we are going to investigate is
based on the physics of capacitors and their ability to store charge. Consider the simple configuration of
a cylindrically parallel plate capacitor shown in Figure 1.
Fixed plate


Movable plate
Figure 1. Capacitive displacement sensor using two cylindrically parallel plates.

The two conductive plates make up the capacitive elements that can store electric charge. The
capacitance (in units of Farads) is based on the overlapping area of the two plates ( Ao =2πRx ) in square
meters, the distance between the plates (d) in meters, the permittivity of space (o) in Farads/meter,
and the relative permittivity of the dielectric material between the plates (ka), which is unitless. The
capacitance is principally given by

k a  o Aa
C (Eq. 1)
A change in any one of the independent variables in Eq. 1 can be used in the sensing process. Based on
the configuration of the cylindrically parallel plates in Figure 1, a change in the displacement will
produce a change in the value of the overlapping area Aa between the two plates. Hence, the sensing
element produces a change in capacitance (an electric signal) with respect to a change in displacement
(a physical measurand). For this cylindrical geometry, the relationship between the capacitance C and
the displacement x can be represented by the following equation (when x>>b):
2k a  o x
C (Eq. 2)
ln(b / a )

C = capacitance in Farads (F)

o = permittivity of space in Farads/meter (F/m)
ka = relative permittivity of the air (unitless)
x = displacement of the movable plate, also the overlap length (m)
a = radius of the inner plate (m)
b = radius of the outer plate (m)

Figure 2 illustrates a capacitive transducer that will be used in your design. The probe material, length,
and other configurations can be designed for a variety of applications. The signals can be acquired using
wired connections, or some systems can be designed to transmit data using radio-frequency (RF) signals
for remote operation if the application desires so. A sensor manufacturer includes all the information in
their product specifications. (Example specifications for commercial liquid level probes are provided in
the appendix.)

Fixed plate Movable plate

Figure 2. A capacitive displacement transducer.

In this four week laboratory project you are to design a capacitive digital displacement sensor. You will
use the transducer shown above as the sensing element, design and build a circuit that produces an
electric signal proportional to the displacement, acquire this signal using LabVIEW, and graphically
display the measured displacement on a computer.

Overall Project Objectives: You will achieve one objective each week in the next four weeks:

1. Signal conditioning circuit design and development.

2. Software (LabVIEW VI) design.
3. Data acquisition and instrument finalization.
4. Instrument characterization and specification.

A block diagram of the main components and concepts of the instrument is provided below to illustrate
the workflow and interconnection of the device.
Sensing 555 Frequency
x C f f Signal x
Movable rod Element: Oscillating Counting Rod
position Capacitor Circuit (Analog- displacemen
(Analog) (Analog) Digital) t

Materials, equipment, and software:

 Feedback capacitive displacement transducer (TK294H)
 Feedback linear transducer test rig (TK294)
 Micrometer
 Sort resistors
 Capacitors
 LM555 Timer
 ELVIS station
 Multimeter
 Wires


Example Specifications for Commercial Capacitive-Based Probe Liquid Level Meters:

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