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Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Industrial Construction Project

Best Practices and Value Improving
GO Productivity - Caitlin Marshall

November 2016

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Project Planning Best Practices ..................................................................................................................... 2
Risk Management Best Practices ................................................................................................................ 12
Collaboration Best Practices ....................................................................................................................... 14
Skills and Competencies Best Practices ...................................................................................................... 20
Value Improvement Practices ..................................................................................................................... 24
Change Management Best Practices .......................................................................................................... 27

Project Planning Best Practices

Best Practice Source Benefit Cost

Strategic Master Planning JL Thesis Developing realistic plans that will Unknown
(need to be developed) result in high predictable outcomes
Front End Planning CII Measured - High Measured
Constructability CII 4-7% impact cost and schedule Unknown
Modularization CII Identified but not quantified -High Unknown
Workface Planning and COAA Estimated High ~14% Estimated 0.5-2%
Advanced Work Packaging
Project Rework Reduction Tool COAA Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Leadership Communication COAA Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Construction Execution Plan COAA Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Engineering Rework Checklist COAA Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Stage Gate Review CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Scope Planning CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Work Breakdown Structure CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Project Scheduling CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Estimating CDC Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown
Project Management Plan CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Implementation Planning CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Earned Value CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown
Status Reporting CDC Unmeasured, Medium Impact? Unknown

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Strategic Master Planning Source: Jim Lozon’s Thesis

Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: unknown

Benefits: Costs: unknown
Developing realistic plans that will result in high
predictable outcomes
The BP has not been developed as yet. An abstract for the to be developed BP can be something like:
“The Collaborative Execution Planning Best Practice is designed to address the reality of project
execution in a multi-projects environment. The Best Practice tackles the root-causes of each challenge
found in project organizations and introduces collaboration tools that PMs can use to better engage
the project team, suppliers and stakeholders.”


Name: Front End Planning Source: CII
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Measured – inside document
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Measured – inside document
Safety: High Impact
The central premise of the Front End Planning Research Team effort has been that “teams must be
working on the right project in a collaborative manner (alignment), and performing the right work
(scope definition) during pre-project planning.” (RS113-1, p. 1)
TOOL 1: The Project Definition Rating Index has been developed to assist project teams in developing
a complete project definition package for industrial projects. A lower PDRI score indicates a more
well-defined project scope, and a higher success factor indicates a more successful project. The PDRI
can benefit both owner and contractor companies. (RS113-1, pp. 7)
TOOL 2: Project Team Alignment is the process of incorporating all of those distinct priorities and
requirements into a uniform set of project objectives that meet the business needs for the proposed
facility. The research identified these 5 categories that need to be addressed effectively to achieve
alignment: (RS113-1, p. 11)
IR113-2 PDRI Project Definition Rating Index – Industrial Projects $308
IR113-3 Alignment During Pre-Project Planning: A Key to Project Success $308
IR113-1 Pre-Project Planning Tools: PDRI and Alignment $40
RR113-12 Team Alignment During Pre-Project Planning of Capital Facilities $195

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

RR113-11 Project Definition Rating Index PDRI for Industrial Projects $195
PDRI Educational Materials – Instructor’s Guide, Participant Handbook, Classroom Kit
Alignment Educational Materials – Instructor’s Guide, Participant Handbook, Classroom Kit

Name: Constructability Implementation Source: CII
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Measured – 10 to 1 return
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
4.3% / 7.5% schedule / better quality
Safety: High Impact
Ranked Second in Schedule impact and Third in
Cost savings impact out of all best practices
CII defines constructability as “the optimum use of construction knowledge and
experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operations to achieve overall
project objectives.”
Companies with formal constructability programs will likely have cost effective
construction on their projects due in part to greater teamwork and communications.
To achieve maximum benefit from the constructability program, it should be
introduced early in the project and continued throughout the design and construction
Commitment to constructability is the responsibility of the entire team; however, the
owner is the driving force behind the success of the program. Companies should
assess their current constructability program, identify the barriers, eliminate the
barriers, and propose methods for overcoming barriers to constructability and
evaluate preferable barrier breakers
Includes lessons learned BP, maturity of implementing constructability and an
implementation tool.
SP34-1 Constructability Implementation Guide 2006 $257
SD-82 Project Level Model and Approaches to Implement Constructability $195
Educational Materials: Instructor’s Guide $730, Participant Handbook $350

Name: Modularization Source: CII
Consideration Practices/Planning-for-Modularization/Topics/RT-171
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2002

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Benefits: Costs: not measured

Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Identified but not quantified
Safety: High Impact
Identified but not quantified
RT171 creates a systematic method and a decision framework to appropriately consider the
implementation of prefabrication, preassembly, modularization, and off-site fabrication
(PPMOF) practices during the concept and detailed scope phases. A series of questions are
provided to screen for modularization options as an execution strategy. An Excel spreadsheet
provides context for strategic analysis of PPMOF during scoping. At the end of this process,
recommendations are made along with a top ten list of factors favoring PPMOF and a top ten
list of barriers favoring stick-built. Finally, guidance is provided for tactical analysis concerning
cost comparisons and risk of PPMOF strategies during scoping and detailed design.
IR171-2 Prefab, Preassembly, Modularization and Offsite Fab: decision framework and tool $205
IR171-1 Prefab, Preassembly, Modularization and Offsite Fab: decision framework $26
Education Materials: Instructor’s Guide $1000, Participant Handbook $500, Classroom Kit $3400

Name: Industrial Modularization Source: CII
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2014
Benefits: Costs: not measured
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Identified but not quantified
Safety: High Impact
Identified but not quantified
Modularization entails the large-scale transfer of stick-build construction effort from the jobsite
to one or more local or distant fabrication shops/yards in order to exploit one or more strategic
advantages. However, the construction industry has been slow to achieve high levels of
modularization and has reached a ceiling in terms of the percentage of stick-built work hours
being exported offsite. RT283 addressed the question of what changes or adaptations in
traditional project work processes are required to create an optimal environment for broader
and more effective use of modularization. The research effort led to the development of five
distinct solution elements: 1) business case process, 2) execution plan differences, 3) critical
success factors, 4) standardization strategy, and 5) modularization maximization enablers.
IR283-2 Industrial Modularization: Five Solution Elements $171
RS283-1 How to Optimize, How to Maximize $40

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Workface Planning and Advanced Source: COAA
Work Packaging practice-and-all-supporting-instructional-
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2013
Benefits: Costs: ~0.5% - 2% project
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact ~14% Contractor-heavy: must build and maintain
Safety: High Impact work packages and reporting on progress
Productivity: High Impact AWP requires more: software and ppl (1-2%)
Workface planning involves breaking down a large scope of work into 2 week packages of work that
have items needed listed out, safety requirements, resources, quality specs, drawings, and all other
information needed to conduct the work.
This best practice provides the use of construction work packaging for planning purposes with regards
to the workface. The overall practice of project planning and management is guided by principles and
tools in this collection. Here you can find overall path of construction process flows down to individual
process flows and job descriptions to implement work packaging and front end planning of a project.
All instructional documents have been combined here for easier printing, each individual item can be
found in the library as supporting documents. This best practice was released in 2013 at the request
of the COAA Construction Performance Committee.
100+ files of
Templates and examples
Job descriptions
Instructional documents
*Several presentations from past Best Practice Conferences

Name: Project Rework Reduction Tool Source: COAA
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Estimated at 10%
Safety: Medium Impact
This tool targets reducing overall project direct cost of redoing work. Supported by
research, this tool targets the highest factors causing rework on a project by
conducting project assessments at key points during the project. The resulting project
rating helps identify areas of weakness that need to be addressed before the problem
becomes a reality on the construction site. To support improvements in key weakness

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

areas of the project this tool includes a database of best practices relevant to the
specific problems on the project. Supporting documents have been merged together
for easier printing, individual items may be found in the library. This best practice was
developed in 2006 at the request of the Construction Performance Committee. Year:
2006 Version: v1 File size: 6 MB
Measuring and Classifying Rework Report

Name: Leadership Communication Source: COAA
Checklist rework-reduction-tool/
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
This tool provides a thorough and comprehensive checklist targeting key areas of
project management around roles, communication and change management in order
to prevent project rework or failure. Released in 2006. Year: 2006 Version: v1
File size: < 1MB
One file, connected with Project Rework Reduction Tool

Name: Construction Execution Plan Source: COAA
Checklist rework-reduction-tool/
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
This tool is part of the Project Rework Reduction model, is simply an excel document
with a thorough checklist of items to have in an execution plan.
Excel file

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Engineering and Rework Checklist Source: COAA
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
This tool is part of the Project Rework Reduction model and tool provides a thorough
and comprehensive checklist by engineering discipline for guiding quality of
engineering and prevention of rework. Released in 2006. Year: 2006 Version: v1
File size: < 1MB
Files: Excel file

Name: Stage Gate Review Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: unknown
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
The Stage Gate Review is the evaluation process by which a project is authorized to
progress from one life cycle phase to the next, giving the project an opportunity to be
checked against the original purpose and current environment viability. It is a
collaborative practice in which all participants play an important role in assessment
the project’s overall health and quality of execution – informing if the project is ready
to move onto the next phase.
Stage Gate Review template, assessment template, examples of -Concept, Plan, Initiate- and job aid

Name: Scope Planning Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2007
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

This best practice document outlines the standard practice of defining and scope:
what is in scope, out of scope, stakeholders, project justification, project objectives.
This document also includes a few recommendations around scope control. Attached
to the WBS best practice.
Stakeholder Analysis template, and the related WBS documents

Name: Work Breakdown Structure Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a practice that organizes and defines the entire
scope of a project in a way that relates work elements to each other and to the
project’s goals. The WBS defines the ‘what’ but not the ‘who’ or the ‘when’. This
activity is done to understand the full scope includes Project Management, Project
Risk, HR, Performance Management, Financial Management, Budgeting/Funding,
Acquisition, Development plans etc.
WBS Guide, Template, Dictionary template, Checklist

Name: Project Scheduling Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
After the Scope is defined and broken down into the WBS, then a schedule is applied
which answers the ‘who’ and ‘when’ for each work element. This best practice also
includes some recommendations around reviewing and maintaining the schedule.
Microsoft Project Practices Guide
Project Schedule Template and Checklist

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Estimating Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Safety: High Impact
This document provides a good summary of the best practice around estimating project costs with
some useful recommendations.

Project Estimating Practices Guide
Project Estimating Template
Project Estimating Checklist

Name: Project Management Plan Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Not measured
This document provides a summary of the Project Management Plan best practice including key
elements of a plan, what activities and timeline needed to use this best practice and key behaviours
that influence it. Nov 30 2006
Project Management Plan Template and Checklist

Name: Implementation Planning Source: CDC
Area of Use: Implementation Year Released: 2007
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Not measured
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the practice of Implementation Planning and to
describe the practice overview, requirements, best practices, activities, and key terms related to these
requirements. This document is developed with a more general field of application and has familiar
concepts such as Project Charter and risk management etc. June 30th 2007
Main pdf file only

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Earned Value Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Safety: High Impact
This document provides a good summary of the best practice around using Earned
Value as a measurement and basis for management of a project. Earned Value
provides a measurement that allows the project team to readily compare how much
work has actually been competed against the amount of work that was planned to be
accomplished. The practice of monitoring, reviewing and reacting to fluctuation sin EV
is known as Earned Value Management.
CDC Earned Value Management Spreadsheet

Name: Status Reporting Source: CDC
Area of Use: Project Planning Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
This document provides a good summary of the best practice around project
management activities of status updating with some useful recommendations.
Project Status Reporting Template, instructions and checklist

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Risk Management Best Practices

Best Practice Source Benefit Cost
Project Risk Assessment CII Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment CII Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown
Risk Management CDC Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown

Name: Project Risk Assessment Source: CII
Area of Use: Risk Management Year Released: 2014
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Safety: High Impact
RT181 developed a structured risk identification and assessment process known as the
International Project Risk Assessment (IPRA). The IPRA has been tailored to address the
specific issues typically encountered by those working in an international setting. The tool
focuses on the international aspects and does not address issues considered basic to the
project. As outlined in this summary, research has shown that the tools and techniques
developed by the project team can assist in improving the overall success of international
capital projects.
SP181-3 Adding Value through a Practical and Proactive Risk Management Process $40
IR181-2 Integrated Project Risk Assessment IPRA $257
Risk Assessment on International Projects: a management approach $40

Name: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Source: CII
Area of Use: Risk Management Year Released: 2013
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
ROI 1:10
Safety: High Impact
This material is a summary and examination of a CII research team’s findings
resulting from a survey of 104 contractor and owner organizations worldwide. The
topic provides an overview of when, why, and how probabilistic approaches are used,
and documents the kinds of successes organizations were achieving through
probabilistic risk management. In addition, the research team examines the benefits

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

as well as barriers of implementing probabilistic controls at three levels of risk

analysis: identification, deterministic, and probabilistic.
The research pool included Owners and Contractors and varied among markets
include horizontal, vertical, and process types of projects.
Additional findings allowed the team to holistically categorize "risk triggers" into four
groups: Project Cost, Delivery Method, Novelty, and Project Location(s).

IR280-2 Applying Probabilistic Risk Management in Design and Construction Projects $308
RS280-1 Probabilistic Risk Management in Design and Construction Projects $40

Name: Risk Management Source: CDC
Area of Use: Risk Management Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Unmeasured varies, could be very high
Safety: High Impact
This document provides a good summary of the best practice around risk
management including definition, process elements, templates and parts of a Risk
Management Plan.
Risk Management Plan Template
Risk Log Template
Risk Management Checklist

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Collaboration Best Practices

Best Practice Source Benefit Cost
Partnering CII 10% Cost, 50% Quality, 20% Schedule Unknown
Alignment CII Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown
Team Communication CII Proven Better Communication has Unknown
Team Building CII Measured, inside report Measured, inside report
Dispute Resolution CII Avoiding costly claims unknown, setting up
Contractor Prequal. COAA Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown
Communication CDC Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown
Issue Management CDC Unmeasured, High Impact? Unknown

Name: Partnering Source: CII
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 1996
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Cost: 10% reduction
Quality: 50% rework, 80% less reorders
Schedule: 20% reduction
Safety: High Impact
48k hours -> 3million without lost time accident
Other: 30% job satisfaction improvement
Partnering’s bottom line: a construction industry process that strengthens both projects and
partners, tightens schedules, safeguards quality, and enhances each partner’s competitive
edge. This publication presents five implementation phases for partnering, each having
objectives and key success factors. The team also identified benchmarks that verify the
benefits achievable through partnering in the areas of cost, schedule, safety, and quality.
RS102-1 Model for Partnering Excellence $40
IR102-2 Partnering Toolkit $308
RR102-11 The Partnering Process – It’s Benefits, Implementation and Measurement – N/A

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Alignment Source: CII
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 2015
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Safety: High Impact
Given that projects are now more complex than ever, project teams must understand
that “alignment doesn’t just happen,” it takes discipline to achieve and maintain. For
construction success, the industry must revisit and reinvest in its provisions for
alignment. Overall the research recommends that organizations review their internal
provisions and procedures for alignment.
Effective alignment, starting in front end planning and continuing through the project,
is key to successful execution during construction and startup. RT310 found that
effective alignment practices can support more predictable project outcomes and that
they complement successful execution of project disciplines such as Advanced Work
Packaging and modularization.
Key findings around Project Execution Plan, Supplier Engagement, Alignment
Procedures, Automation and Implementation Tool.
RS310-1 Effective Project Alignment for Construction Success $40
RS310-2 Effective Project Alignment for Construction Success (including implementation tool) $257

Name: Team Communication Source: CII
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 1996, reviewed in 2011
Benefits: Costs: Unknown
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
“Project Success” Directly Correlated to
Communications Effectiveness
Safety: Medium Impact
In 1996, the research team for RT105 Project Team Communications, investigated
ways of measuring the effectiveness of project communications and evaluated the
relationship between communication effectiveness and project success. The team, on
the basis of its findings, developed Implementation Resource 105-2, Compass:
Communications Project Assessment Tool. The tool was designed to enable project

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

managers to assess project team communications during the execution phases of an

EPC project. The tool targets three project groups: project management, engineering,
and construction.
RS105-1 Compass: An Assessment Tool for Improving Project Team Communications $40
RR105-11 As Assessment tool for Improving Team Communications $195 (research)
IR105-2 Compass: Communications Project Assessment Tool $308 (tool)

Name: Team Building Source: CII
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 1993
Benefits: Costs: included in paper
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Details inside research report
Safety: Low Impact
An effective team building process can bring significant, not simply marginal,
improvements in project execution and results. Use of team building represents a
“step change” in the way projects are managed and in the ultimate project
Key Point – The research team did not focus on teams in general, but instead on the
team building process. What is the team building process? It is a process that brings
together a diverse group of individuals and seeks to resolve differences, remove
roadblocks, and proactively build and develop the group into an aligned, focused, and
motivated work team that strives for a common mission and for shared goals,
objectives, and priorities.
RS37-1 Team Building: Improving Project Performance $40
SD-87 Team Building: Implications for Design/Construction Process $195
VC-605 Maya Project: Success through Team Building $258 DVD cost-benefit analysis

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Dispute Resolution Source: CII
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 1996, reviewed 2006
Benefits: Costs: unknown, setting up boards, lawyers
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact
Safety: Medium Impact
Productivity: Medium Impact
In the construction industry, disputes are not uncommon. The CII Dispute Prevention and
Resolution Research team was formed to review the causes and administrative costs of such
claims, recommend procedures for avoiding claims, and investigate alternatives for early,
equitable settlement of claims. They further set out to understand the nature of such disputes
as well as the steps required to prevent and resolve disputes in the contract administration
process. Additional focus was applied to investigating alternative dispute resolution and
techniques that prevent disputes from occurring or aid in timely on-site resolution.
Through research, surveys, and a pilot Dispute Review Board (DRB), RT 23 found
that there are five main conclusions:

1. The industry must change.

2. The change requires three steps.
3. DRBs work.
4. Project personnel must remain directly involved.
5. Owners hold the key to implementing the system.

RS23-1 Disputes Prevention and Resolution Techniques in Construction Industry $40
IR23-2 Prevention and Resolution of Disputes using dispute review boards $257
SP23-3 Disputes Potential Index, tool (obsolete)
SD101 DPI – Dispute Potential Index: a study (obsolete)
SD95: Dispute Prevention and Resolution reference $195

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Contractor Pre-qualification Source: COAA
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 2013
Benefits: Costs: unmeasured
Cost / Quality /Schedule: High Impact
Safety: High Impact
COAA Contractor Prequalification Guideline has been prepared in 2013 as a guide for
owners and contractors to facilitate prequalification of contractors and subcontractors
for industrial construction in Alberta. Its purpose is to ensure that owners have access
to contractors with the capabilities, capacity and expertise to perform required
services. Implementing the best practices provided in this document will improve the
contractor selection process, reduce the duration and effort to complete
prequalification, and reduce costs for owners and contractors. This best practice was
developed at the request of the COAA Contracting Committee. Year: 2013
Version: v1 File size: < 1MB
One file PDF best practice
Some presentations when it was presented 2011, 2013

Name: Communication Management Source: CDC
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: minimal
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact Potentially added meetings, but likely much
Safety: Low Impact? better quality meetings than without the BP
Productivity: Medium Impact
This best practice provides key elements and recommendations to ensure effective communication
throughout project management and delivery. This best practice references PMI body of knowledge
around a Communication Management Plan with the key elements of stakeholder identification and
analysis, communication matrix, and project meetings/reporting. Nov 30 2006
1 summary file, links to other resources
Communication Management plan Template
Communication Management Plan Checklist
Stakeholder Analysis Log Template

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Communication Matrix Template

Status Report Template
Status Report Instructions
Meeting Agenda Template
Meeting Minutes Template
Project Kick-off Meeting Checklist/Agenda Example
Project Meeting Checklist/Agenda Example
Sign in Roster Template

Name: Issue Management Source: CDC
Area of Use: Collaboration Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: minimal
Cost / Quality /Schedule: Medium Impact Potentially added meetings, but likely much
Safety: Medium Impact better quality meetings than without the BP
Productivity: Medium Impact
This best practice is a sister practice to Risk Management and involves identifying and controlling
issues as they are raised on a project. Nov 30 2006
1 summary file, links to other resources
Issue Log

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Skills and Competencies Best Practices

Best Practice Source Benefit Cost
Competency Verification COAA Unknown Unknown
Apprenticeship COAA Unknown Unknown
Apprentice Mentoring COAA Unknown Unknown
Essential Skills COAA Unknown Unknown
She Works COAA Unknown Unknown
Foreman Skills Development COAA Unknown Unknown
Absenteeism Tracking Tool COAA Unknown Unknown

Name: Competency Verification Source: COAA
Area of Use: Skills and Competencies Year Released: 2011
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Unknown -below
This best practice provides methods to help employers verify that workers employed on a
work site meet legislated requirements and construction industry expectations around
competency. Includes three levels: Certifications, Training, and Experience.
Includes tools for surveying the employee’s experience, supervisor skills, electrical worker
PDF report includes the following templates:
• CV00A Worker Limitation Experience • CV00B Work History / Experience • CV00C Supervisor Skills
Assessment • CV00D Electrical Worker Tool History Page | 4 • CV00E Electrical Worker Experience
• CV001 Aerial Work Platform - Competency Verification • CV002 Harness and Lanyard - Competency
Verification • CV003 Respiratory Protective Equipment - Competency Verification • CV004 Hand
Signals - Competency Verification • CV005 Powder Actuated Tool - Competency Verification • CV006
Chop Saw - Competency Verification • CV007 Chain/Lever Hoists - Competency Verification • CV008
Grinder, Zip Cut - Competency Verification • CV009 Ladder Use - Competency Verification • CV010
Boomtruck - Competency Verification

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Apprenticeship Source: COAA
Area of Use: Skills and Competencies Year Released: 2005
Benefits: Costs: unknown
The best practices outlined in this booklet are based on key learning experiences from two
mentoring programs and a study on the effectiveness of apprentices on large industrial
projects in Alberta. This booklet aims to enhance the on-the-job portion of apprenticeship
learning so that both apprentices and journeymen can have positive learning experiences. In
2005 this best practice was developed at the request of the COAA Workforce Development
Committee. Year: 2005 Version: v1 File size: 2 MB
PDF report
Presentation from 2014 workshop

Name: Apprentice Mentoring Source: COAA
Area of Use: Skills and Competencies Year Released: 2007
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Unknown -below
The Apprentice Mentoring Program (AMP) was developed by a group of industry
stakeholders as a best practice of the Construction Owners Association of Alberta (COAA). It
is provided to companies free of charge, and is intended to help improve the skills and
knowledge of apprentices on a work site so they are more able to effectively contribute to a
project’s success. The key benefits and potential cost savings associated with this program
will arise from improvements in areas such as safety, teamwork, quantity and quality of work,
attendance and turnover, scheduling, reduced rework, and usage of tools, equipment and
materials. This best practice was developed in 2007 at the request of the COAA Workforce
Development Committee. Year: 2007 Version: v1 File size: 4 MB
PDF report

Name: Essential Skills Source: COAA
Area of Use: Skills and Competencies Year Released: Unknown
Benefits: Costs: unknown

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Unknown -below
This summary document describes essential skills and a network of training providers called
CINESTRA to implement an essential skills program within a company. The essential skills
are reading, writing, math, document use, oral communication and ESL. Year: NOYR
Version: v1 File size: < 1MB
PDF report

Name: She Works Source: COAA
Area of Use: Skills and Competencies Year Released: 2012
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Unknown -below
This collection of best practices provides guides to recruitment and retention of tradeswomen
in response to the general increase in shortage of skilled trades people. These best practices
include pre-trades training programs, interviewing, workplace respect, communication styles
and She Works training for supervisors or HR staff. The She Works training is provided by
Women Building Futures and there are other references and resources available in this
document. This best practice was prepared by the Women in Construction sub-committee
requested by the Workforce Development committee in 2012. Year: 2012 Version: v1
File size: 3 MB
PDF report

Name: Foreman Skills Development Tool Source: COAA UoA
Area of Use: Skills and Competencies Year Released: 2008
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Unknown -below
This best practice provides methods to measure a foreman's skill level in six key areas of
responsibility. The Foreman Skills Development Tool consists of three questionnaires for self-
assessment, peer review and supervisor review and also incorporates project performance
data in order to provide baselines and support to a foreman training program. This tool was
developed by University of Alberta Hole School of Construction Engineering at the request of
COAA's Workforce Development Committee in 2008. Year: NOYR Version: v1 File size:
PDF report
Workshop presentations

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Absenteeism Tracking Tool Source: COAA / UoA
Area of Use: Skills and Competencies Year Released: ?
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Unknown -below
This best practice provides methods to track absenteeism, a tool developed by Aminah at the
University of Alberta
PDF report
Workshop presentations

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Value Improvement Practices

Value Improvement Practice Source Benefit Cost

Optimizing Engineering Value CII Targeting 80% cost growths due to Varies depending
design deviations on strategy
Constructability Reviews CII 4.3% project cost, 7.3% schedule 10% of savings
Design for Maintainability CII Wide-ranging benefits Unknown
VIPS IPA Unmeasured, high impact Unknown

Name: Optimizing Engineering Value Source: CII RT-245
Area of Use: Front End Loading 2 (Design basis Year Released: 2015
Benefits: Cost reduction 80% of cost growth Costs: Highly varying depending on strategies
targeted implemented

Sixty-four engineering strategies were identified and defined by Research Team 245, in collaboration
with the strategies previously identified by Research Team 233. Sixteen are considered fundamental
and should be implemented on most, if not all, projects.
It is important that the engineering strategies selected be properly aligned with the Owner’s relative
prioritization of project objectives. A complete tabular presentation of objectives supported by each
strategy is presented in Appendix B of the Research Report.
This best practice also comes with a selection tool to help projects identify which strategies are best
suited to their situations.
IR245-2 Maximizing engineering value and design effectiveness tool $205
IR245-3 Evaluation tool $205
RS245-1 research summary $26.30

Name: Constructability Reviews – Source: CII RT-034

Implementation Support
Area of Use: Front End Loading 2 (Design basis Year Released: 2014
Benefits: Cost reduction 4.3% Costs: 10 to 1 return (10% of savings)
Schedule 7.5%

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Improved quality and safety, minimizes rework

This roadmap presents the recommended comprehensive approach to implementing
constructability by identifying 20 steps within these six milestones:

 Commit to implementing constructability – 4 steps

 Establish corporate constructability program – 3 steps
 Obtain constructability capabilities – 4 steps
 Plan constructability implementation – 4 steps
 Implement constructability – 3 steps
 Update corporate program – 2 steps

SP31-1 Implementation guide $257
WS34-01: 2 DVD set overview concepts, tools, roadmap $300
SD-82 project level implementation plan $195
EM-11 Instructors guide $729, Participant handbook $350

Name: Design for Maintainability Source: CII RT-142
Area of Use: Front End Loading 2 (Design basis Year Released: 2002
Benefits: Cost reduction 4.3% Costs: 10 to 1 return (10% of savings)
Schedule 7.5%
Improved quality and safety, minimizes rework

Abstract: Design for Maintainability is the first step of an effective maintenance program,
linking maintenance goals to the design process. If adequate measures for cost-effective
maintainability are not integrated into the design and construction phases of a project, the risk
increases that 1) reliability will be adversely impacted and 2) total life cycle costs will increase
significantly. Appropriate levels of maintainability seldom occur by chance. Front end
planning, setting objectives, disciplined design implementation, and feedback from prior
projects are all required. It is vital to identify critical maintainability and reliability issues and
integrate them into facility project designs to achieve long-term facility owning and operating
RS142-1 Research summary $26.30
RS142-2 Guidebook $171.27
EM-11 Instructors guide $800, Participant handbook $350, classroom kit $2,289

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Value Improving Practices Source: IPA / Team Focus Group website

Area of Use: Front End Loading 2 (Design basis Year Released: Unknown, prior to 2008
Benefits: unmeasured, high impact Costs: unknown

Abstract: These VIPs can be implemented separately, and do not come as a complete package. The
project team should select the most appropriate ones for the specific project and implement them on
the project.
A. Class of Facility Quality: Definition of the best value facility classifications to meet the Business
Plan requirements in terms of specific aspects.
B. Technology Selection: Identification and evaluation of the technology most appropriate to meet
the defined business need
C. Process Simplification: Reduction of unnecessary investment and operating processing costs.
D. Design to Capacity:Avoidance of over-sizing components and systems to meet the defined
business need.
E. Design to Cost: Controls Cost throughout the design process by defining not-to-exceed cost
targets for each system or sub-system of the project or product.
F. Waste Minimization: Reduction of waste at source and re-use of waste for cost-effectiveness.
G. Customized Standards / Specifications / Practices: Customizing of standards, specifications and
practices that are appropriate to the application and not excessive to the defined needs of the
specific facility.
H. Energy Optimization: Maximization of total return on investment by judicious selection and use
of plant utilities and equipment.
I. Facility Optimization: Reduction in overall return in investment and operating costs by
combining or making unnecessary one or more chemical or physical processing steps.
J. Constructability: Analysis of a design by experienced construction personnel to reduce costs and
save time during construction.
K. Value Engineering: Identification of alternatives for meeting functionality and quality
requirements at the least life-cycle cost.
L. Strategic Master Planning: Needs identification and alignment of organization and long range
infrastructure development.
M. Life Cycle Value Impact Assessment: In conjunction with external stakeholders, a triple bottom
line (social, environmental and financial) approach to determining most appropriate solution for
the total life cycle.
N. Systems Optimization: reviews to optimize an in-service process or facility.
O. Reliability Improvement: Provide an effective way to cost justify maintenance activities, decrease
equipment downtime and identify solutions with a high return.
P. Risk Assessment & Management: Risk-based decision making and management of risks.
Q. Supply Chain Optimization: Integration of the entire supply chain (e.g. suppliers and installers)
for full potential in terms of optimizing cost, schedule and quality.
R. Partnering: Trust based process that focuses owner and service provider(s) on creative
cooperation and avoidance of confrontation for mutual financial benefit.

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

S. Performance Criteria & Measures: Performance Criteria and Measures allow stakeholders to
explicitly model required performance (e.g. functionality, schedule, various impacts, etc.) for a
specific situation and use the model to evaluate alternate solutions, independent of cost.
Files: None – must contact consultant

Change Management Best Practices

Best Practice Source Benefit Cost
Project Change Management CII Unknown Unknown
Benchmarking Best Practices CII Measures all BP’s Measures all BP’s
Project Change Management CDC Unknown Unknown
Implementation Planning CDC Unknown Unknown
Lessons Learned CDC Unknown Unknown

Name: Project Change Management Source: CII
Area of Use: Implementation Year Released: 1995 / 2000
Benefits: Costs: unknown
The Research Team decided that significant
savings in total installed costs of construction
projects are achievable by improving
management of changes. Owners and
contractors can profit from increased
efficiency. Schedules can be made more
reliable, and end-user satisfaction can be
From an analysis of the data, the team concluded that projects cannot endure numerous
changes that amount to a significant proportion of the original scope without suffering a
significant decline in overall cost performance. This conclusion is especially evident in labor
productivity, both in engineering and construction. By analyzing and predicting the
productivity impacts of a change, especially when considering the specific crafts affected over
short periods of time (e.g., months), the project team can make better decisions about how to
implement a change most efficiently. Also, it is clear that the later a change is implemented,
especially near project completion, the less ability the project team has to efficiently
implement the change and to recover schedule losses.
RS43-2 Quantitative Effects of Project Change $40
SP43-2 Project Change Management $257
*training materials on Scope Control and Change Management $549 + $379 + $2,399

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Name: Benchmarking on use of Best Source: CII
Practices Practices/Benchmarking-Metrics/Topics/BM-
Area of Use: Implementation Year Released: 2016
Benefits: Measured! Costs: Measured!

This report shows cost/benefit analysis for all the best practices from CII, in-depth proof of impact on
project performance from implementing best practices and includes some measurements on culture

BMM2010-4 CII Value of best Practices Report $123
BMM2003-4 Benchmarking and Metrics Value of Best Practices Report (unavailable)
PAC2016-4 CII Value of Best Practices Report (unavailable)

Name: Project Change Management Source: CDC
Area of Use: Implementation Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: unknown

Best Practices and VIP Handbook 2016

Not measured
This best practice references PMI change management system as a collection of formal
procedures that define how project deliverables and documentation will be controlled,
changes and approved. This is more along the lines of Document Control, or Dispute
Resolution, or Request for Information or Change Request management. November 30th
Change Management Plan Template
Change Management Log to record and manage change
Checklist for effective Change Management
Change Request Form example

Name: Lessons Learned Source: CDC
Area of Use: Implementation Year Released: 2006
Benefits: Costs: unknown
Not measured
This document provides guidance around the best practice of collection Lessons Learned and
references the PMI best practice in this area. The focus of this best practice is to document
the cause of issues and reasoning behind corrective actions and then to promote
improvements on the next project. November 30 2006
Lessons Learned Log template


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