DLP W1&2 Diss2 E3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)
I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able:

1. To explain the definition of social sciences and applied social sciences through data retrieval
2. To differentiate social sciences and applied social sciences through compare and contrast graphic
3. To explain the different disciplines of social sciences and the applied social sciences.
4. To explain clearly public perception about the work of social sciences and applied social science
practitioners through infomercial campaign.
II. Subject matter

Topic: Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society

Reference: The Padayon Series Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences authors: Arleigh
Ross D. Dela Cruz, PhD, Cecile C. Fadrigon, PhD Cand. Diana J. Mendoza, PhD
DISS 2 Module
Materials: PowerPoint, Projector, Visual Aid presentation
III. Procedure

 Introduction

Good morning!
I’m glad to see you too. You may take your seat.
Is anyone absent for today?
That’s great! I’m glad that all of you are present.

 Review of the past lesson

Before we proceed to our lesson, let’s conduct a short review regarding to the prerequisite subject, or your subject last
semester, so can you tell me about the said prerequisite subject?

We have learned about the basic concepts, subjects and methods of inquiry in the disciplines that comprise the Social

Very Good! A precised idea about the previous lesson. It then discusses influential thinkers and ideas in these

 Motivation

Data Retrieval Chart Completion

Nov. 4-8, 2019

Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)

Direction: Complete the data retrieval chart. Classify the following disciplines and categorize them if
they belong to the Pure Social Sciences or to the Applied Social Sciences.

Compare and Contrast with Bubble Map

Disciplines to be categorized:

Counselling History
Geography Social Work
Psychology Anthropology
Sociology Political science
Demography Communication

Applied Social

Pure Social

Guide Questions:
1. What are the disciplines under applied social sciences?
2. What are the disciplines under pure social sciences?
3. How do they differ from one another?

Nov. 4-8, 2019

Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)

 Lesson proper

Defining Social Sciences – is made of several disciplines and these include history, political science, sociology,
psychology, economics, geography, demography,anthropology and linguistics. As a body of scientific knowledge, the
social sciences provide diverse set of lens that help us understand and explain the different facets of human society.
The varieties of lens that social sciences study refer to the different fields of the social sciences that investigate
human society.

Branches of the Social Sciences

 Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange of goods
and services in society.
Economics has different subfields:

 Environmental economics- studies the allocation of natural resources

 Labor economics-focuses on the study of the decision- making and behaviors of employees
and the relationships between employers and their employees.
 Business economics- examines the behavior of companies and firms by studying the factors
that result in profit maximization, price setting, production goals, and the role of incentives.
 Monetary economics- on the other hand, studies the nation’s production, inflation, income,
interest rates, and monetary policies.

 Anthropology is the scientific study of humans and their cultures in the past and present time.

Anthropologist are trained in the different areas:

 Cultural anthropology studies the development of human culture based on ethnologic,
linguistic, social, and psychological data analysis. It explains how people in other societies
live and affects their environments to their respective lives.
 Physical anthropology studies human biological nature, particularly its beginning , evolution,
and variation in prehistory
 Archeology studies human life in the past through the examination of things left behind by the

 History is systematic study of human past events in order to understand the meaning, dynamics,
and relationship of the cause and effects of events in the development of societies.

History has several subfields:

 Political history studies history of political institutions
 Economic history studies the development of economic institutions and other economic
 Social history studies the history of ordinary lives of people like women, children, ethnic
groups, and the different sectors of society from historical point of view.
 Environmental history looks into the history of the interaction of humans with the
 History of medicine and public health examines the history of public health and human

Nov. 4-8, 2019

Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)

 Business history studies the history of the development of businesses, companies, and
 Biographies studies the history of great persons in history

 Political Science primarily studies human behaviour in relation to political systems, governments,
laws, and international relations.

Political has several fields of study:

 Domestic politics studies public opinion, elections, national and local governments.
 Comparative politics studies politics within countries and analyzes the similarities and
differences between among countries
 International Relations focuses on the study of political relationship and interaction between
and among countries
 Public administration studies national and local governance and bureaucracy
 Public law examines legal systems, civil rights , and criminal justice

 Psychology studies how the human mind works in consonance with the body to produce thoughts
that lead to individual actions.

Psychology subfields:

 Experimental psychology studies of humans and animals examines how and why learning
takes place
 Developmental psychology studies the ways people change and behave as they go through
their life
 Personality psychology studies human nature and differences among people
 Environmental psychology studies the effects of surroundings on a person’s attitude and

 Sociology a systematic study of people’s behavior in groups

Sociology subfields:

 Applied sociology focus on the use and proper application of sociological theories, methods
and skills to examine data, solve problems and communicate research to the public.
 Urban sociology studies societal life interactions in urban areas through the application of
sociological methods like statistical analysis and ethnographies
 Cultural sociology analyzes the development of social institutions, norms and practices.
 Rural sociology studies the social life of people in rural areas
 Medical sociology examines the societal aspects of health and medicine of people
 Sociology of educationanalyzes how social forces and institutions like politics, economic
systems, and culture affects school and educational systems.
 Political sociology examines how social structure affects and influences politics.

Nov. 4-8, 2019

Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)

 Military sociology is a sociological study of the military organization, the different civilian
and military relationships, war experiences, and the use and control of force

 Geography is the study of interaction between people and their environments.

Geography subfields:

 Physical geography studies the natural features of the earth , including land, water , and
 Human geography studies how people create cultures in their natural environments

 Demography according to the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2016)
demography is the scientific study of human populations across time.

Major subfield:
 Population studies or social demography analyse demographic data to define, explain, and
foresee social phenomena. It also studies social – status composition and population

Defining the Applied Social Sciences-branch of study that applies the different concepts, theoretical
models, and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the different
problems and issues. The applied social sciences is utilized to provide alternative solutions to the diverse
problem of the society.

Three main career tracks for applied social scientist:

 Counseling is one of the fields of applied social sciences as an application of the social sciences,
counseling provides guidance, help, and support to individuals who are distraught by a diverse set
of problems in their lives.

 Counseling can be done by the following:

Guidance counselor and life coaching are applications of the social sciences and these
professions, expert help are given to individuals who needed guidance or advice pertaining to
their business successes, general conditions and personal life transitions, relationships and

Life coach analyzes the present condition of the client, discovers different obstacles or
challenges that a client faces, and provides a certain course of action to make the client’s life

Career counseling is needed by people who are in the process of entering the job market,
searching for possible career change, or those wanting career advancements.

Personal growth counseling concentrates on the evaluation of different aspects of a client’s


Nov. 4-8, 2019

Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)

 Social work practitioners help individuals, families, and groups, communities to improve their
individual and collective well-being.

 Communication Studies- Applied social science provide adequate training for careers in the
field of journalism and mass communication because of multidisciplinary knowledge and
skills that graduates learn from social sciences.

 Follow up activity

Contextualizing Social Science Disciplines

Identify the appropriate discipline applicable in the given situation. Explain your answer.


1. Evaluation of the career path with
respect to the qualification of the
individual employees in your company.
2. An analysis of the consumption
patterns among housewives in a
middle-income community.
3. A description of the different cultural
practices if the Igorots.
4. An analysis of the voting behaviour
among young adults.
5. An analysis on the causes of fraternity
wars and gang violence.
6. A policy recommendation on how to
raise the incidence of birth in countries
that have an aging population.
7. A study on what causes severe
depression which leads to suicide.
8. An inquiry in how colonial occupation
has changed the values of the native

Nov. 4-8, 2019

Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)

IV. Evaluation: Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

Social Science Applied Social


How are they alike?


How are they different?

__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________

Guide Questions:

1. What is the connection between social sciences and the applied social sciences?
2. How do they differ from one another?
3. What is the difference between counselling and social work?
Why do we consider journalism and communication studies as fields of the applied social

V. Assignment
Research for the following topics:
- Counseling
- Roles ,functions and areas of counseling
Nov. 4-8, 2019
Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Asian Institute of Science and Technology
Plaza Naning Victoria Bldg. Baliwag, Bulacan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences 2
(DISS 2)
Lesson 1-2: Emergence of the Social Sciences
(Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)
- Clientele and audiences in counseling


Ms. Jonalyn DV. Mempin Somea Marie V. Bautista

Teacher School Principal


Jonald Grace C. Zafra
Academic Head Teacher
Editha A. Bulos

Date: Nov. 9, 2019

Nov. 4-8, 2019

Date: Week: 1-2 Quarter: First
Nov. 11-15, 2019
Disciplines and Ideas in the
Subject: Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Social Sciences 2

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