DeltaOHM HD2301.0 Thermo Hygrometer Manual en

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REV. 1.

June, 28th 2012


Our instruments' quality level is the results of the product continuous development. This
can bring about differences between the information written in this manual and the
instrument that you have purchased. We cannot entirely exclude errors in the manual, for
which we apologize.
The data, figures and descriptions contained in this manual cannot be legally asserted. We
reserve the right to make changes and corrections without prior notice.

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1. Input for probes, 8-pole DIN45326 connector.

2. Battery symbol: displays the battery charge level.
3. Function indicators.
4. Secondary temperature display line.
5. DATA/ENTER key: during normal operation displays the maximum (MAX), the minimum
(MIN) and the average (AVG) of current measurements; in the menu, confirms the current
6. CLR/ESC key: during normal operation resets the maximum, the minimum and the average of
current measurements; in the menu, it resets the value set with the arrows.
7. HOLD/ key: freezes the measurement display during normal operation; in the menu,
increases the current value.
8. UNIT/MENU key: it allows selection of the unit of measurement; when pressed together with
the DATA key, it allows to open the menu.
9. REL/ key: during normal operation enables the relative measurement (displays the difference
between the current value and the logged value when the key is pressed); in the menu, decreases
the current value.
10. ON-OFF/AUTO-OFF key: turns the instrument on and off; when pressed together with the
HOLD key, disables the AutoPowerOff function.
11. MAX (maximum value), MIN (minimum value) and AVG (average value) symbols.
12. Main display line of relative humidity and other derived measurements.
13. Line for symbols and comments.

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1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................. 6

2. DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 7

3. THE PROGRAMMING MENU ............................................................................................................................... 10

4. PROBES AND MEASUREMENTS.......................................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Measurement of relative humidity ......................................................................................................................... 11

4.1.1 Performing the measurement.......................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.2 Calibration of the combined humidity/temperature probe.............................................................................. 12
4.2 Direct input into Pt100 and Pt1000 Temperature probes ....................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Temperature measurement ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.2.2 Connecting the TP47 connector for the 4 wire Pt100 and 2 wire Pt1000 probes ........................................... 14
4.2.3 Direct connection of 4 wire Pt100 sensors ..................................................................................................... 16
5. WARNINGS ................................................................................................................................................................ 17

6. INSTRUMENT SIGNALS AND FAULTS .............................................................................................................. 18

7. LOW BATTERY WARNING AND BATTERY REPLACEMENT ..................................................................... 19

7.1 Warning about battery use ..................................................................................................................................... 19

8. INSTRUMENT STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 20

9. NOTES ABOUT WORKING AND OPERATIVE SAFETY ................................................................................. 20

10. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................... 21

10.1 Technical information on the Thermohygrometer .............................................................................................. 21

10.2 On line instrument probes and modules technical data ....................................................................................... 22
10.2.1 Temperature probes Pt100 sensor using sicram module ................................................................................... 22
10.2.2 Relative humidity and temperature probes using sicram module...................................................................... 23
10.2.3 4 wire Pt100 and 2 wire Pt1000 Probes ............................................................................................................ 23
11. ORDER CODES ....................................................................................................................................................... 24

11.1 Probes complete with SICRAM module .............................................................................................................. 24

11.2 Temperature probes without SICRAM module ................................................................................................... 26
11.3 Accessories .......................................................................................................................................................... 26

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issued by



Si certifica che gli strumenti sotto riportati hanno superato positivamente tutti i test
di produzione e sono conformi alle specifiche, valide alla data del test, riportate
nella documentazione tecnica.
We certify that below mentioned instruments have been tested and passed all production
tests, confirming compliance with the manufacturer's published specification at the date of
the test.

Le misure effettuate presso un Laboratorio di Taratura Accredia sono garantite da

una catena di riferibilità ininterrotta, che ha origine dalla taratura dei campioni di
prima linea del Laboratorio presso l’istituto metrologico nazionale.
Measurements performed in an Accredia Calibration Laboratory are guaranteed by a
uninterrupted reference chain which source is the calibration of the Laboratory first line
standards at the national metrological institute.

Tipo Prodotto: Termo-Igrometro

Product Type: Thermo-Hygrometer

Nome Prodotto: HD2301.0

Product Name:


35030 Caselle di Selvazzano (PD) Italy
Via Marconi, 5
Tel. +39.0498977150 r.a. - Telefax +39.049635596
Cod. Fisc./P.Iva IT03363960281 - N.Mecc. PD044279
R.E.A. 306030 - ISC. Reg. Soc. 68037/1998

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The Thermohygrometer Model HD2301.0R is a portable instrument that measures an environment's

temperature and relative humidity.
It is fitted with a large LCD display for excellent visualization of the measured data. The
Thermohygrometer Model HD2301.0R measures:
• relative humidity and temperature using combined probes, fitted with a Pt100 temperature
sensor or thermocouple;
• temperature only by immersion, penetration, or contact probes. The sensor can be a Pt100 or
When the combined humidity/temperature probe is connected, the instrument calculates and
displays the following data:
• absolute humidity,
• dew point,
• partial vapour pressure.
The probes are fitted with the automatic detection SICRAM module, with the factory calibration
settings already being memorized inside.

The units of measurement are the following:

1. %RH % of relative humidity
2. g/m3 Grams of vapour in a cubic meter of dry air
3. hPa Partial vapour pressure (hPa)
4. Td Dew point (°C or °F)
5. °C/°F Temperature in Celsius (°C) or Fahreneit (°F) degrees.

Using the Max, Min and Avg function of this instrument respectively obtains the maximum,
minimum or average values.
Other available functions are:
• the relative measurement REL;
• the HOLD function;
• the automatic turning off which can also be disabled.

For further details see chapter 2.

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The keyboard of the Thermohygrometer HD2301.0R is composed of double-function keys. The
function on the key is the "main function", while the one above the key is the "secondary function".
When the instrument is in standard measurement mode, the main function is active.
In the menu, the secondary function is enabled; press the DATA+UNIT keys together to open the
The pressing of a key is accompanied by a short confirmation "beep": a longer "beep" sounds if the
wrong key is pressed. Each key specific function is described in detail below.


This key has two functions:

• ON/OFF: to turn the instrument on press ON, to turn it off press OFF.
The turning on enables all display segments for a few seconds, starts an Auto-test including the
detection of the probe connected to the input, and sets the instrument ready for normal
measurement. The following is displayed:

mm min 23
k µ cm s


• AUTO/OFF: the AutoPowerOff function can be disabled by simultaneously pressing this key
and the "HOLD" key when turning the instrument on.

During turning on, should no probes be connected, the "NO_PRBE_SER_NUM" message is

displayed in the line for symbols for a few seconds, and in the main line a series of dashes appears
while the "ERR" message replaces the temperature.
When the probe is inserted into a functioning instrument, the "NEW_PROB_DET" (New probe
detected) message appears: as the data are captured upon turning the instrument on, it is necessary
to turn it off and on again.
Caution! Replace the probes when the instrument is off.

Disabling of the automatic turning off

The instrument has an AutoPowerOff function that automatically turns the instrument off after about
8 minutes if no key is pressed during the intervening time.
At the switching on, press simultaneously the ON/OFF key and the HOLD key to disable this

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In this case, remember to turn the instrument off using the ON/OFF key: disabling of the automatic
turning off is shown by the blinking battery symbol.


The "CLR" key has two functions:

• CLEAR (CLR): allows to reset the maximum (MAX), minimum (MIN) and average (AVG)
value of the captured measurements;
• ESC: once the MENU has been opened with the DATA+UNIT keys, the CLR key will allow to
cancel the parameters set using the  and  arrows.


The "DATA/ENTER" key is used for the following functions:

• DATA: during normal measurement, by pressing this key once the maximum (MAX) value of
the measurements captured by the probe connected to the instrument is displayed, updating it
with the acquisition of new samples;
- by pressing this key again the minimum (MIN) value is displayed;
- by pressing this key a third time the average (AVG) value is displayed.
The acquisition frequency is once a second.
The MAX, MIN and AVG values remain in the memory until the instrument is on, even after
exiting the DATA calculation function. When the instrument is off, the previously memorized
data are cleared. Upon turning on, the instrument automatically starts memorizing the MAX,
MIN and AVG values.
To reset the previous values and start with a new measurement session, press CLR until the
FUNC_CLRD message appears.
• ENTER: once the MENU has been opened with the DATA+UNIT keys, the DATA key will
perform the ENTER function and the MENU can be browsed and the displayed parameter

HOLD/ key

The "HOLD" key is used for the following functions:

• HOLD: by pressing this key the current measurement is frozen and the "HOLD" message will
appear in the upper left-hand corner of the display. To return to the current measurement, press
the key again.
• : once the MENU has been opened with the DATA+UNIT keys, the  key will allow to
increase the value of the selected parameter.
Pressed together with the ON/OFF key, during turn on, the AutoPowerOff function is disabled (see
the description of the ON/OFF key).

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The "UNIT" key is used for the following functions:

• UNIT: by pressing this key the unit of measurement of the main input quantity is selected: the
unit of measurement will appear in the upper part of the display; the measured value will be
displayed in the central line. By repeatedly pressing the UNIT key, the desired unit of
measurement can be selected between the following:
1. %RH % of relative humidity
2. g/m3 Grams of vapour in a cubic meter of dry air
3. hPA Partial vapour pressure (hPa)
4. Td Dew point (°C or °F)
By now pressing UNIT, the %RH unit of measurement is displayed again in the comment line
and, simultaneously, the unit of temperature measurement blinks. Use the  and  arrows, if
you wish to change the temperature display from degrees Celsius (°C) to degrees Fahreneit (°F),
or vice-versa. Confirm by pressing the UNIT key or wait for the unit of measurement to stop
blinking (about 15 seconds timeout).
• MENU: in the menu two items can be set (see chapter 3):
1. Probe type
2. Probe calibration
- the menu is opened by pressing simultaneously DATA+UNIT: the first item of the instrument
programming menu will appear;
- use the  and  arrows (respectively located above the HOLD and REL keys) to modify the
displayed value;
- press DATA/ENTER to confirm the modification and go onto the next item;
- press CLR/ESC to cancel the modification;
- to exit the menu, press the UNIT/MENU key again.

REL/ key

The "REL" key is used for the following functions:

• REL: it displays the difference between the current value and that measured on pressing the key
for both measurements: main and secondary. The "REL" message is displayed on the left. To
return to the normal measurement, press the key again.
• : once the MENU has been opened with the DATA+UNIT keys, the  key will allow to
decrease the value of the selected parameter.

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To access to the menu press simultaneously the following keys:

The items to be set are listed in this order:

1. Probe type: the "PRBE_TYPE" message is displayed in the comment line. The main line
in the center of the display shows the type of probe connected to the instrument. The
following probes can be connected to the input:
• humidity/temperature combined probes with "Pt100" sensor complete with SICRAM
• humidity/temperature combined probes with "thermocouple K" sensor complete with
SICRAM module
• temperature probes "Pt100" complete with SICRAM module
• direct 4 wire "Pt100" probes complete with TP47 module
• 2 wire "Pt1000" probes complete with TP47 module
NOTE: The probes fitted with SICRAM module, and Delta Ohm "Pt1000" probes, are
automatically detected by the instrument upon turning on. The type of probe is
configured by the instrument and cannot be modified by the user.
If the direct 4 wire "Pt100" probes and the "Pt1000" probes that are not manufactured by
Delta Ohm are connected to the instrument, the NO_PRBE_SER_NUM message is
displayed. In this case the probe type must be entered manually by the user:
- use the  and  arrows (respectively located above the HOLD and REL keys) to
modify the type of probe;
- press DATA/ENTER to confirm the modification and go onto the next item;
- press CLR/ESC to cancel the modification;
- to exit the menu, press the MENU key again.

2. User calibration procedure of the combined humidity/temperature probe: the probes

are calibrated in our laboratory at 23°C at the relative humidity points of 75%RH, 33%RH
and 11.4%RH. On request, the probes can be checked at different isotherms.
For the Calibration sequence, see chapter 4.1.2, paragraph "Calibration of the combined
humidity/temperature probe".

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The instrument HD2301.0R works by using combined humidity/temperature probes (temperature
with a Pt100 sensor or thermocouple K) and with temperature only probes with 4 wire Pt100, or 2
wire Pt1000.
The combined humidity/temperature probes are fitted with SICRAM module that acts as an
interface between the sensor on the probe and the instrument. There is a microprocessor circuit with
a permanent memory inside the module that enables the instrument to recognize the type of probe
connected and to read its calibration information.
The Delta Ohm Pt1000 probes are automatically detected while the direct 4 wire Pt100 temperature
probe is not automatically detected by the instrument and must be set up in the Probe type menu
item (please see the menu description on chapter 3).
Note: temperature/humidity probes having code ended with “R” (p.e. HP472ACR), can be used
with instruments with HD2301.0R code. These probes cannot be used with instruments HD2301.0
(without “R” letter).

The probe is detected during turn on, and this cannot be performed when the instrument is
already on, therefore if a probe is connected and the instrument is on, it is necessary to turn it
off and on.


The humidity probes are "humidity and temperature" combined probes:

• the humidity sensor is a capacitative type sensor;
• while according to the model the temperature sensor is either a Pt100 or a thermocouple K.
The instrument measures relative humidity %RH and temperature, and starting from the fixed
barometric pressure value of 1013.25mbar it calculates the following resulting quantities:
1. g/m3 grams of vapour in a cubic meter of dry air
2. hPa Partial vapour pressure (hPa)
3. Td Dew point (°C or °F)

4.1.1 Performing the measurement

To perform the measurement, proceed as follows:
• introduce the probe in the area of whose parameters you wish to measure,
Caution! Keep the probe far from elements that might interfere with measurement such as: heat or
sources of cooling, walls, air-streams, etc.
Avoid temperature drops that might cause condensation.
• a reading taken when no heat drop occurs is practically immediate;
NOTE: in conditions involving heat drops, it is necessary to wait until the probes and their
housing have reached a thermal equilibrium in order to prevent heat irradiation or absorption on the
relative humidity sensor which would cause a faulty measurement.
• since temperature affects relative humidity; move the probe like a fan in order to speed the
response time in the presence of heat drops.

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4.1.2 Calibration of the combined humidity/temperature probe

Caution! To calibrate the probes correctly, a knowledge of and abiding by the physical phenomena
on which the measurement is based is fundamental: this is the reason why it is recommended to
abide by what is reported below carefully and only to perform new calibrations if technically

The probes are calibrated in our laboratory at 23°C at the points of 75%RH, 33%RH and 11.4%RH.
On request, the probes can be checked at different isotherms.
The calibration of the temperature sensor by the user is not required: the sensor is calibrated
in the factory and the Callendar Van Dusen parameters are recorded in the SICRAM module.

In order to calibrate the instrument correctly, it is very important for the probe and the
saturated solutions to maintain the same temperature and that this is as stable as possible
during the entire calibration operation.

Important: use saturated solution HD75, HD33 and HD11 with “R 2009” label.

Calibration sequence:
1. Unscrew the sensor protection on the top of the probe.
2. In its place screw the bored cap with the threaded ring very well at the base (there are two
types of thread: M24x1.5 and M12x1, so use the appropriate one).
3. Open the cap for the 75%RH saturated solution.
4. Should there be any drops of solution inside the measuring chamber, dry them with some
blotting paper.
5. Insert the probe in the container, making sure the cap at the base is screwed well. The
measuring chamber must be closed perfectly, otherwise it will not get saturated: it is
essential that no air passes through it.
6. Wait at least 30 minutes.
7. Press simultaneously the DATA and UNIT keys to open the menu;
8. Press DATA/ENTER to reach the second menu item: the message
"PROB_CAL_EXIT_OR_75_OR_33_OR_11" is shown in the upper part of the display.
9. To proceed with the calibration:
• using the  and  arrows, select 75% (placed respectively upper the HOLD and REL
• confirm by pressing DATA/ENTER.
NOTE: to exit without calibrating the probe, use the  and  arrows until the message
"nonE" appears in the central display and press UNIT.
• the relative humidity read by the probe is shown;
• if necessary, correct the value of the saturated solution against the 75.0% proposed by the
instrument using the arrows  and .
The temperature is that measured by the Pt100 or TC sensor.

To confirm the calibration point

• press DATA/ENTER. The instrument returns to the calibration main page and displays
To proceed with another point, select it using the arrows and confirm with UNIT.

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10. To return to measurement mode, use the  and  arrows until the message "nonE" appears
in the central display and press UNIT.
11. Remove the probe from the 75%RH container and close it immediately using its cap.

Calibrating the points at 33%RH and 11%RH

Repeat the points from 3) to 9) using the saturated salts at 33%RH and 11%RH
When completed, unscrew the ring with the cap, and screw the protection grid back on the
sensors. The calibration is now complete.

Important notes:
1) Do not let hands touch the RH sensor
2) The sensor base is in alumina so it could easily break
3) During the entire calibration cycle keep the temperature as constant as possible; plastic
materials are poor thermal conductors, therefore some time is needed for them to reach a
thermal equilibrium
4) In case no satisfactory results are obtained, check that:
• the sensor is not faulty, corroded or dirty
• the measuring chamber is perfectly closed during calibration
• the saturated solutions are not exhausted. A saturated solution at 11%RH or 33%RH is
exhausted when there is no more salt inside between the two walls but only a thick liquid: in
this case the chamber cannot reach its saturation anymore. For the saturated solutions at
75%RH, check that the salt is not dry (crystallized): in order to reach the saturation, it needs
to be wet.
5) Storage of the saturated solutions: the saturated solutions must be stored in a dark environment
at a constant temperature of about 20°C with the container well closed inside a dry room.

Temp. Lithium Magnesium Sodium

°C Chloride Chloride Chloride

0 11.23 ± 0.54 33.66 ± 0.33 75.51 ± 0.34

5 11.26 ± 0.47 33.60 ± 0.28 75.65 ± 0.27
10 11.29 ± 0.41 33.47 ± 0.24 75.67 ± 0.22
15 11.30 ± 0.35 33.30 ± 0.21 75.61 ± 0.18
20 11.31 ± 0.31 33.07 ± 0.18 75.47 ± 0.14
25 11.30 ± 0.27 32.78 ± 0.16 75.29 ± 0.12
30 11.28 ± 0.24 32.44 ± 0.14 75.09 ± 0.11
35 11.25 ± 0.22 32.05 ± 0.13 74.87 ± 0.12
40 11.21 ± 0.21 31.60 ± 0.13 74.68 ± 0.13
45 11.16 ± 0.21 31.10 ± 0.13 74.52 ± 0.16
50 11.10 ± 0.22 30.54 ± 0.14 74.43 ± 0.19
55 11.03 ± 0.23 29.93 ± 0.16 74.41 ± 0.24
60 10.95 ± 0.26 29.26 ± 0.18 74.50 ± 0.30
65 10.86 ± 0.29 28.54 ± 0.21 74.71 ± 0.37
70 10.75 ± 0.33 27.77 ± 0.25 75.06 ± 0.45
75 10.64 ± 0.38 26.94 ± 0.29 75.58 ± 0.55
80 10.51 ± 0.44 26.05 ± 0.34 76.29 ± 0.65
85 10.38 ± 0.51 25.11 ± 0.39
90 10.23 ± 0.59 24.12 ± 0.46
95 10.07 ± 0.67 23.07 ± 0.52
100 9.90 ± 0.77 21.97 ± 0.60

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The instrument accepts the input of Platinum temperature probes with resistances of 100Ω (Pt100)
and 1000Ω (Pt1000).
The Pt100 are connected to 4 wires, the Pt1000 to 2 wires; the excitation current was chosen in
order to minimize the sensor self-heating effects.
All probes with module are calibrated in the factory, the 2 or 4 wire probes with direct input are
checked for conformity with class A tolerance according to norm IEC751 - BS1904 - DIN43760.
The probes with SICRAM module and the Delta Ohm Pt1000 probes are detected by the
instrument; the model configuration is required for the other probes (please see the description of
the Probe Type menu item on chapter 3).

4.2.1 Temperature measurement

The temperature measurement by immersion is carried out by inserting the probe in the liquid for at
least 60 mm; the sensor is housed in the end part of the probe.
In the temperature measurement by penetration the probe tip must be inserted to a depth of at least
60 mm, the sensor is housed in the end part of the probe.
NOTE: when measuring the temperature on frozen blocks it is convenient to use a mechanical tool
to bore a cavity in which to insert the tip probe.
In order to perform a correct contact measurement, the measurement surface must be even and
smooth, and the probe must be perpendicular to the measurement plane.
So as to obtain the correct measurement, the insertion of a drop of oil or heat-conductive
paste between the surface and the probe is useful (do not use water or solvents). This method
also improves the response time.

4.2.2 Connecting the TP47 connector for the 4 wire Pt100 and 2 wire Pt1000 probes
All probes produced by Delta Ohm are provided with a connector.
The Thermohygrometer Model HD2301.0R also work with direct 4 wire Pt100, and 2 wire Pt1000
probes manufactured by other producers: for the instrument connection is prescribed the TP47
connector to which the probe's wires should be welded.

The instructions to connect the Platinum probe to the TP47 module are provided below.
The TP47 module is supplied complete with fairlead and gasket for 5 mm maximum diameter
Do the following to open the module and connect a probe:
1. unscrew the fairlead;
2. extract the gasket;
3. remove the label using a cutter;
4. unscrew the ring on the opposite side as illustrated in the figure:

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5. open the two module shells: the printed circuit to which the probe must be connected is housed
inside. On the left there are the 1…4 points on which the sensor wires must be welded. The
JP1…JP4 jumpers are in the center of the board. These must be closed with a tin bead for some
type of sensors:

4 Not Used
3 Ni1000
2 Pt1000
1 Pt100 3 wires

Caution! Before welding, pass the probe cable through the fairlead and gasket.
6. Weld the wires as shown in the table:

Sensor TP47 Board connection Jumper to close

4 JP4
Pt100 3 JP3
Pt100 4 wires 4 wires 2 JP2 None
1 JP1

4 JP4
Pt1000 3 JP3
Pt1000 2 wires 2 wires 2 JP2
1 JP1

Ensure the welds are clean and perfect.

7. Once the welding operation is complete, close the two shells;

8. Insert the gasket in the module;
9. Screw the fairlead and the ring.
10. At the other end of the module, enter the ring with the O-Ring.
11. Make sure the cable is not twisted while you are screwing the fairlead. Now the probe is ready.

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4.2.3 Direct connection of 4 wire Pt100 sensors

Sensor Direct soldering to the connector 4 wire Pt100 sensors can be soldered directly
to the pins of the flying female connector
without making use of the TP47 board. The 4
wires of the Pt100 sensors have to be soldered
as indicated in the figure on the left.
In order to use this type of probe it is
Pt100 necessary to set up the menu item “Probe
4 wires Type” as described at page 10.
The P100 probe is recognized upon turning on
the instrument: connect the probe when the
View of the soldering side instrument is switched off and then turn it on.
of the flying female connector

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1. Probes are not insulated from their external casing; be very careful not to come into contact with
live parts (above 48V). This could be extremely dangerous for the instrument as well as
for the operator, who could be electrocuted.
2. Do not expose the probes to gases or liquids that could corrode the material of the sensor or the
probe itself. Clean the probe carefully after each measurement.
3. Do not bend the probe connectors or force them upward or downward.
4. Do not bend or force the contacts when inserting the probe connector into the instrument.
5. Do not bend, deform or drop the probes, as this could cause irreparable damage.
6. Always select the most suitable probe for your application.
7. Do not use the temperature probes in presence of corrosive gases or liquids. The sensor
container is made of AISI 316 stainless steel, while the contact probe container is made from
AISI 316 stainless steel plus silver. Avoid contact between the probe surface and any sticky
surface or product that could corrode or damage it.
8. Above 400°C and below –40°C, avoid violent blows or thermal shocks to Platinum temperature
probes as this could cause irreparable damage.
9. To obtain reliable measurements, temperature variations that are too rapid must be avoided.
10. Temperature probes for surface measurements (contact probes) must be held perpendicular
against the surface. Apply oil or heat-conductive paste between the surface and the probe in
order to improve contact and reduce reading time. Whatever you do, do not use water or solvent
for this purpose. A contact measurement is always very hard to perform. It has high levels of
uncertainty and depends on the ability of the operator.
11. Temperature measurements on non-metal surfaces usually require a great deal of time due to the
low heat conductivity of non-metal materials.
12. Avoid taking measurements in presence of high frequency sources, microwave ovens or large
magnetic fields; results may not be very reliable.
13. Clean the probe carefully after use.
14. The instrument is water resistant and IP67, but should not be immersed in water. The probe
connectors must be fitted with sealing gaskets. Should the instrument fall into the water, check
for any water infiltration. Gently handle the instrument in such a way as to prevent any water
infiltration from the connectors' side.

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The following table lists all error indications and information displayed by the instrument and
supplied to the user in different operating situations:

Display indication Explanation

This appears in the display central line when a
--- temperature only probe is connected. In the lower line
the temperature is shown correctly.
PRBE_TYPE Type of probe connected
BATT TOO LOW - CHNG NOW Battery discharged - replace it immediately
CAL Program error: it appears after turning on for a few
LOST seconds. Contact the instrument's supplier.
CAL__11_ UP DOWN Calibration at 11%RH, use the arrows to correct the
value proposed
CAL__33_ UP DOWN Calibration at 33%RH, use the arrows to correct the
value proposed
CAL__75_ UP DOWN Calibration at 75%RH, use the arrows to correct the
value proposed
This appears if the probe has already been detected by
ERR the instrument, but is disconnected. At the same time an
intermittent beep is issued.
FUNC CLRD max, min and average values cleared
This message appears when a probe is inserted into a
NEW PROBE DET functioning instrument. Turn the instrument off and then
back on again.
NO_PRBE_ SER_NUM The connected probe's serial number is absent

nonE No selection
Measurement overflow: indicates that the probe is
measuring a value exceeding the measuring range.
PLS_EXIT >>> FUNC RES_FOR_ Please exit using ESC >>> function reserved to factory
FACT ONLY calibration
PRBE_SER #### #### Serial number #### #### of the connected probe
PROB A probe with SICRAM module has been inserted when
ERR not admissible for that specific instrument.
This appears if the probe has already been detected by
PROB COMM LOST the instrument, but is disconnected. At the same time an
intermittent beep is issued.
PROB_CAL_EXIT_OR_75_OR_33_ Probe calibration - exit or select 75, 33 or 11%RH
SYS Instrument management program error. Contact the
ERR instrument's supplier and communicate the numeric code
# # reported by the display.

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The battery symbol

on the display constantly shows the battery charge status. To the extent that batteries have
discharged, the symbol "empties". When the charge decreases still further it starts blinking.

In this case, batteries should be replaced as soon as possible.

If you continue to use it, the instrument can no longer ensure correct measurement. The memory
data are maintained.
If the battery charge level is insufficient, the following message appears when you turn the
instrument on:
The instrument issues a long beep and turns off. In this case, replace the batteries in order to
turn the instrument back on.
To replace the batteries, proceed as follows:
1. switch the instrument off;
2. unscrew the battery cover counter clockwise;
3. replace the batteries (3 1.5V alkaline batteries - type AA);
4. screw the cover on clockwise.

Malfunctioning upon turning on after battery replacement

After replacing the batteries, the instrument may not restart correctly; in this case, repeat the
After disconnecting the batteries, wait a few minutes in order to allow circuit condensers to
discharge completely; then reinsert the batteries.


• Batteries should be removed when the instrument is not used for an extended time.
• Flat batteries must be replaced immediately.
• Avoid batteries leaking.
• Always use good quality leakproof alkaline batteries. Sometimes on the market, it is
possible to find new batteries with an insufficient charge capacity.

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Instrument storage conditions:
• Temperature: -25…+65°C.
• Humidity: less than 90%RH without condensation.
• Do not store the instrument in places where:
• humidity is high;
• the instrument may be exposed to direct sunlight;
• the instrument may be exposed to a source of high temperature;
• the instrument may be exposed to strong vibrations;
• the instrument may be exposed to steam, salt or any corrosive gas.
The instrument case is made of ABS plastic: do not use any incompatible solvent for cleaning.


Authorized use
The technical specifications as given in chapter TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS must be
observed. Only the operation and running of the measuring instrument according to the instructions
given in this operating manual is authorized. Any other use is considered unauthorized.

General safety instructions

This measuring system is constructed and tested in compliance with the EN 61010-1 safety
regulations for electronic measuring instruments. It left the factory in a safe and secure technical
The smooth functioning and operational safety of the measuring system can only be guaranteed if
the generally applicable safety measures and the specific safety instructions in this operating
manual are followed during operation.
The smooth functioning and operational safety of the instrument can only be guaranteed under the
environmental and electrical operating conditions that are in specified in chapter TECHNICAL

Do not use or store the product in places such as listed below:

• Rapid changes in ambient temperature which may cause condensation.
• Corrosive or inflammable gases.
• Direct vibration or shock to the instrument.
• Excessive induction noise, static electricity, magnetic fields or noise.

If the measuring system was transported from a cold environment to a warm environment, the
formation of condensate can impair the functioning of the measuring system. In this event, wait
until the temperature of the measuring system reaches room temperature before putting the
measuring system back into operation.

Obligations of the purchaser

The purchaser of this measuring system must ensure that the following laws and guidelines are
observed when using dangerous substances:
ƒ EEC directives for protective labour legislation
ƒ National protective labour legislation
ƒ Safety regulations

- 20 -
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 140 x 88 x 38 mm
Weight 160 g (complete with batteries)
Material ABS
Display 2x4½ digits plus symbols
Visible area: 52 x 42 mm
Operating conditions
Operating temperature -5 ÷ 50°C
Warehouse temperature -25 ÷ 65°C
Working relative humidity 0 ÷ 90%RH without condensation
Protection degree of the case IP67
Batteries 3 1.5V type AA batteries
Autonomy 200 hours with 1.8Ah alkaline batteries
Power absorbed with instrument off < 20 μA
Input for probes 8-pole male DIN45326 connector
Unit of Measurement %RH - g/m3 - hPa - Td - °C - °F
Measurement of relative humidity by Instrument
Measurement range 0 ÷ 100%RH
Resolution 0.1%RH
Accuracy ±0.1%RH
Drift after 1 year 0.1%RH/year
Measurement of temperature by Instrument
Pt100 and Pt1000 measurement range -200 ... +650 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
Accuracy ±0.1 °C
Drift after 1 year 0.1 °C/year
EMC standard regulations
Safety requirements for electrical equipment. EN61010-1
EMC Generic standards. Immunity. EN61000-6-2:2005
EMC Generic standards. Emission standards. EN61000-6-3:2007
Electrostatic discharge immunity test. EN61000-4-2 level 3
Radiated RF electromagnetic field immunity test. EN61000-4-3 level 3
Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test. EN61000-4-4 level 3
Immunity to conducted disturbances. EN61000-4-6
El. Interference - Line-conducted disturbances. EN55022:2007 class B
El. Interference - Radiated emissions. IEC/CISPR 22 class B

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Model Type Application range Accuracy

±0.25°C (-196°C…+350°C)
TP472I Immersion -196°C…+500°C
±0.4°C (+350°C…+500°C)
TP472I.0 Immersion -50°C…+300°C ±0.25°C (-50°C…+300°C)
±0.25°C (-50°C…+350°C)
TP473P.I Penetration -50°C…+400°C
±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
TP473P.0 Penetration -50°C…+300°C ±0.25°C
±0.3°C (-50°C…+350°C)
TP474C.I Contact -50°C…+400°C
±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
TP474C.0 Contact -50°C…+300°C ±0.3°C
TP475A.0 Air -50°C…+250°C ±0.3°C
±0.3°C (-50°C…+350°C)
TP472I.5 Immersion -50°C…+400°C
±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
±0.3°C (-50°C…+350°C)
TP472I.10 Immersion -50°C…+400°C
±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
TP49A.O Immersion -70°C…+250°C ±0.25°C
TP49AC.O Contact -70°C…+250°C ±0.25°C
TP49AP.O Penetration -70°C…+250°C ±0.25°C
TP875.I thermometer -30°C…+120°C ±0.25°C
Ø 150mm
TP876.I thermometer -30°C…+120°C ±0.25°C
Ø 50mm
TP87.O Immersion -50°C…+200°C ±0.25°C
Solar panels +4°C…+85°C ±0.25°C
TP879.O For compost -20°C…+120°C ±0.25°C

Common characteristics
Temperature drift @20°C 0.003%/°C

Note: probes identified by the last letter “I” in the ordering code are made with wire wound sensor,
probes identified by the last letter “O” are made with thin film sensor.

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Temperature Application range Accuracy

sensor %RH Temperature %RH Temp.
HP472ACR Pt100 0...100%RH -20°C…+80°C ±0.3°C
Thermocouple K 0...100%RH -20°C…+80°C ±1.5%RH (0...90%RH), ±0.5°C
HP473ACR Pt100 0...100%RH -20°C…+80°C ±2.0%RH (elsewhere) ±0.3°C
for T=15…35°C
HP474ACR Pt100 0...100%RH -40°C…+150°C ±0.3°C
HP475ACR Pt100 0...100%RH -40°C…+150°C ±0.3°C
±(1.5+1.5% reading)% RH
HP475AC1R Pt100 0...100%RH -40°C…+180°C ±0.3°C
elsewhere in
HP477DCR Pt100 0...100%RH -40°C…+150°C ±0.3°C
temperature range
HP478ACR Pt100 0...100%RH -40°C…+150°C ±0.3°C

Common characteristics
Relative humidity
Sensor Capacitive
Temperature drift @20°C max 0.02%RH/°C
Response time %RH at constant temperature 10sec (10Æ80%RH; air speed=2m/s)
Temperature with sensor Pt100
Temperature drift @20°C 0.003%/°C
Temperature with thermocouple K - HP572ACR
Temperature drift @20°C 0.02%/°C

For HP 480 probe for measuring humidity in pipes, apply the above specifications with the
following exceptions:

HP 480
Temperature Measuring range -40 ... +60°C
Humidity Dew Point TD -40 ... +60°C DP
Environmental Operating temperature -40…+60°C
conditions Operating pressure 16 bar max

10.2.3 4 WIRE Pt100 AND 2 WIRE Pt1000 PROBES

Model Type Application range Accuracy

TP47.100.O 4 wire Pt100 -50…+250°C 1/3 Din
TP47.1000.O 2 wire Pt1000 -50…+250°C 1/3 Din

Common characteristics
Temperature drift @20°C
Pt100 0.003%/°C
Pt1000 0.005%/°C

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HD2301.0R The kit is composed of the instrument HD2301.0R, 3 1.5V alkaline batteries,
operating manual and case.



TP472I Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 3 mm, length 300 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP472I.0 Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 3 mm, length 230 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP473P.I Pt100 sensor penetration probe. Stem Ø 4 mm, length 150 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP473P.0 Pt100 sensor penetration probe. Stem Ø 4 mm, length 150 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP474C.I Pt100 sensor contact probe. Stem Ø 4 mm, length 230 mm, contact surface Ø 5
mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP474C.0 Pt100 sensor contact probe. Stem Ø 4 mm, length 230 mm, contact surface Ø 5
mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP475A.0 Pt100 sensor air probe. Stem Ø 4 mm, length 230 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP472I.5 Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 6 mm, length 500 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP472I.10 Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 6 mm, length 1000 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP49A.O Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 2.7 mm, length 150 mm. Cable length 2
m. Aluminium handle.
TP49AC.O Pt100 sensor contact probe. Stem Ø 4 mm, length 150 mm. Cable length 2 m.
Aluminium handle.
TP49AP.O Pt100 sensor penetration probe. Stem Ø 2.7 mm, length 150 mm. Cable length 2
m. Aluminium handle.
TP875.I Globe-thermometer Ø 150 mm with handle, complete with SICRAM module.
Cable length 2 m.
TP876.I Globe-thermometer Ø 50 mm with handle, complete with SICRAM module.
Cable length 2 m.
TP87.O Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 3 mm, length 70 mm. Cable length 2 m.
TP878.O Pt100 sensor contact probe for solar panel. Cable length 2 m.
TP878.1.O Pt100 sensor contact probe for solar panel. Cable length 5 m.
TP879.O Pt100 sensor penetration probe for compost. Stem Ø 8 mm, length 1000 mm.
Cable length 2 m.

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HP472ACR Combined probe %RH and temperature, dimensions Ø 26x170mm. Connection

cable length 2 m.
HP572ACR Combined probe %RH and temperature - thermocouple K sensor. Dimensions Ø
26x170mm. Connection cable length 2 m.
HP473ACR Combined probe %RH and temperature. Dimensions handle Ø 26x130mm, probe
Ø 14x120mm. Connection cable length 2 m.
HP474ACR Combined probe %RH and temperature. Dimensions handle Ø 26x130mm, probe
Ø 14x215mm. Connection cable length 2 m.
HP475ACR Combined probe %RH and temperature. Connection cable length 2 m. Handle Ø
26x110mm. Stainless steel stem Ø 12x560mm. Point Ø 14x75mm.
HP475AC1R Combined probe %RH and temperature. Connection cable length 2 m. Handle
80mm. Stainless steel stem Ø 14x480mm.
HP477DCR Combined sword probe %RH and temperature. Connection cable length 2 m.
Handle Ø 26x110mm. Probe's stem 18x4mm, length 520 mm.
HP478ACR Combined probe %RH and temperature. Connection cable length 5 m. Stainless
steel stem Ø 14x130mm.
HP 480 Probe with cable for the measurement of humidity in the air pipes. Cable length
2m. 1/4" Italian standard Quick-fit. Measuring chamber in AISI 304.

- 25 -

TP47.100.O Direct 4 wire Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Probe's stem Ø 3 mm, length 230
mm. 4 wire connection cable with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47.1000.O Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probe's stem Ø 3 mm, length 230 mm. 2 wire
connection cable with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47 Only connector for probe connection: direct 4 wire Pt100, 2 wire Pt1000 (the
connection instructions are outlined on page 14).


HD11 Saturated solution at 11.3%RH@20°C for calibration of relative humidity probes,

ring M12×1.
HD33 Saturated solution at 33.0%RH@20°C for calibration of relative humidity probes,
ring M12×1.
HD75 Saturated solution at 75.4%RH@20°C for calibration of relative humidity probes,
ring M12×1.

Protection for humidity probes (thread M24×1.5)

P1 Protection grid in stainless steel for Ø 26 mm probes.
P2 Protection in 20μ sintered polyethylene PE for Ø 26 mm probes.
P3 Protection in 20μ sintered bronze for Ø 26 mm probes.
P4 Complete cap in 20μ sintered polyethylene PE for Ø 26 mm probes.

Protection for humidity probes (thread M12×1)

P5 Protection grid in stainless steel for Ø 14 mm probes.
P6 Complete protection in 20μ sintered AISI 316 for Ø 14 mm probes.
P7 Complete protection in 20μ PTFE for Ø 14 mm probes.
P8 Stainless steel and Pocan grid protection for probes Ø14mm.

- 26 -
- 27 -
All DELTA OHM instruments are subject to accurate testing, and are guaranteed for 24 months from the
date of purchase. DELTA OHM will repair or replace free of charge the parts that, within the warranty
period, shall be deemed non efficient according to its own judgement. Complete replacement is excluded
and no damage claims are accepted. The DELTA OHM guarantee only covers instrument repair. The
guarantee is void in case of incidental breakage during transport, negligence, misuse, connection to a
different voltage than that required for the appliance by the operator. Finally, a product repaired or
tampered by unauthorized third parties is excluded from the guarantee. The instrument shall be returned
FREE OF SHIPMENT CHARGES to your dealer. The jurisdiction of Padua applies in any dispute.
The electrical and electronic equipment marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of in public
landfills. According to the UE Directive 2002/96/EC, the European users of electrical and
electronic equipment can return it to the dealer or manufacturer upon purchase of a new one.
The illegal disposal of electrical and electronic equipment is punished with an administrative fine.
This guarantee must be sent together with the instrument to our service centre.
IMPORTANT: Guarantee is valid only if coupon has been correctly filled in all details.

Instrument Code: ‰ HD2301.0

Serial number


Date Date
Inspector Inspector

Date Date
Inspector Inspector

Date Date
Inspector Inspector

Safety requirements for electrical equipment. EN61010-1
EMC Generic standards. Immunity for industrial environments. EN61000-6-2:2005
EMC Generic standards. Emission standards. EN61000-6-3:2007
Electrostatic discharge immunity test. EN61000-4-2 level 3
Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test. EN61000-4-3 level 3
Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test. EN61000-4-4 level 3
Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by RF fields. EN61000-4-6
Electromagnetic Interference - Line-conducted disturbances. EN55022:2007 class B
Electromagnetic Interference - Radiated emissions. IEC/CISPR 22 class B

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