ME8351-Manufacturing Technology-I

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2018 – 19

Prepared by

Dr.P.MATHIVANAN, Professor /Mech.

Mr.K.ARUMUGAM, Asst .Prof./Mech.
Mr.T.KARTHICK, Asst .Prof. /Mech.





Sand Casting : Sand Mould – Type of patterns - Pattern Materials – Pattern allowances –Mouldings
and Properties and testing – Cores –Types and applications – Moulding machines– Types and
applications; Melting furnaces : Blast and Cupola Furnaces; Principle of special casting
processes : Shell - investment – Ceramic mould – Pressure die casting - Centrifugal Casting -
CO2process – Stir casting; Defects in Sand casting.
PART-A (2 marks)
Q. No Questions Level Competence
1 Define the characteristics of core. BT1 Remembering

2 Give the names of the alloys which are generally die cast. Why are BT2 Understanding
aluminum alloys preferably cast in cold chamber die casting machines?
Point out the types of furnace used for melting ferrous material and
3 BT4 Analyzing
4 Define core print. BT1 Remembering
Point out the factors to be considered in calculating the shrinkage
5 BT4 Analyzing
6 Write the application of core prints BT6 Creating
7 Differentiate sand blasting and shot blasting. BT4 Analyzing
8 List out the casting defects occur due to improper ramming. BT1 Remembering

9 Examine the causes for the formation of blow holes in the sand casting. BT1 Remembering

10 Differentiate Shrinkage and Porosity. BT4 Analyzing

11 Name the Materials used for making Patterns BT1 Remembering
Compare the advantages of metal moulds over sand (expendable)
12 BT4 Analyzing
13 Illustrate the function of flux in melting metals and alloys. BT3 Applying
14 Describe the essential requirements of a core sand briefly BT2 Understanding
15 Explain about pattern briefly. BT5 Evaluating
16 Define Casting. BT1 Remembering
17 Generalize the properties of molding sand BT6 Creating
18 Classify the different types of patterns. BT3 Applying
19 Discuss any four casting defects. BT2 Understanding
20 Explain the ideal profile of a sprue. BT5 Evaluating
PART –B (13 marks)

Q. No. Questions BT Competence

1 (i) Describe the preparation of sand moulding process BT-2 Understanding
(ii)Explain the various types of pattern used in Mould Making. BT-4 Analyzing
2 (i) Classify the materials used for pattern making and write about BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)What are the allowances given while making Pattern? Explain BT-4 Analyzing
3 (i) Classify the different types of moulding sand and explain. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Explain the method of moulding sand testing BT-5 Evaluating
4 (i) Describe the various properties required for the moulding sand. BT-1 Remembering
(ii) Explain types of cores and its application BT-4 Analyzing
5 Identify and Explain the various steps involved in sand core
manufacturing. BT-1 Remembering
6 (i) Explain squeeze Jolting machine with neat sketch. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain sand Slinger machine with neat sketch. BT-4 Analyzing
7 (i) Explain the Jolting Machine with neat sketch.
BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain construction and operation of Blast furnace with Analyzing
necessary sketch
8 (i) Describe the constructional feature of cupola furnace. BT-1 Remembering
(ii)Describe the operation of Cupola furnace with necessary sketch. BT-2 Understanding
9 (i) Enumerate the steps in sequence for producing Shell Moulding. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain lost wax - Investment casting processes with neat sketch BT-4 Analyzing
10 (i) Explain ceramic moulding with a sketch. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)With the help of neat Sketch, describe in detail, the process of
producing components by pressure die casting. BT-1 Remembering
11 (i) Describe with a neat sketch of cold chamber die casting machine. BT-2 Understanding
(ii)Describe the procedure of making castings by the true centrifugal
BT-2 Understanding
casting and write it advantages and disadvantages.
12. (i) Briefly describe hot chamber die casting process. BT-2 Understanding
(ii)Describe any one type of Centrifugal casting with neat diagram BT-1 Remembering
13 Explain how the pipes and cylinder liners are made by centrifugal BT-4 Analyzing
casting process.
14 (i)Explain stir casting method with a sketch. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Name any five casting defects and Explain the remedies for those BT-1 Remembering
PART-C (15 marks)
Q.No BT Competence
Questions Level

1 Recommend t h e s a f e t y r u l e s a n d r e g u l a t i o n s f o l l o w e d in BT-5 Evaluating

metal casting industry (foundry) in India.
Recommend a suitable casting process for making small toys with
2 BT-5 Evaluating
suitable example.
Chocolate is available in hollow shapes. What process is used to make
3 BT-6 Creating
these candies.
4 Describe the steps to select a suitable pattern, and explain the various BT-6 Creating
stages in moulding process with neat sketches in order to produce the
casting for the following diagram.
Operating principle, basic equipment, merits and applications of: Fusion welding processes Gas
welding - Types – Flame characteristics; Manual metal arc welding – Gas Tungsten arc welding- Gas
metal arc welding – Submerged arc welding – Electro slag welding; Operating principle and
applications of : Resistance welding - Plasma arc welding – Thermit welding – Electron beam welding
– Friction welding and Friction Stir Welding; Brazing and soldering; Weld defects: types, causes and

PART-A (2 marks)

Q.No BT Competence
Questions Level
1 Explain why shielding of weld area during welding is required BT-4 Analyzing
2 Point out the different types of Oxyacetylene flame by sketches BT-4 Analyzing
3 List out the various types of welding. BT-1 Remembering
4 List out the flame characteristics. BT-1 Remembering

5 Define the role flux in welding operation BT-1 Remembering

6 Explain the principle of manual metal arc welding BT-4 Analyzing

Define spelter and give the composition of some commonly used BT-1 Remembering
List the advantages of AC equipment over DC equipment in arc BT-1 Remembering
9 Explain the difference between soldering and brazing. BT-5 Evaluating

10 Define Brazing process. BT-1 Remembering

11 Define Soldering Process. BT-1 Remembering

12 Define Friction welding. BT-1 Remembering
13 Formulate the process parameters in FSW. BT-6 Creating
14 Explain thermit welding briefly. BT-5 Evaluating
Differentiate between transferred and non transferred plasma arc BT-2 Understanding
Evaluate why is spot welding commonly used in automotive bodies BT-5 Evaluating
and in large appliances.
17 Show that the seam welding is an application of spot welding. BT-3 Applying
18 Give the meaning of Nugget in Electric Resistance Welding. BT-2 Understanding
19 List any four welding defects. BT-1 Remembering

20 Examine the causes of Welding defects. BT-3 Applying

PART B (13 marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence

1 Describe various types of welding joints with neat sketch and list out BT-1 Remembering
the types of edge preparation before Welding Process.
2 (i)Distinguish between Gas Welding and Arc Welding. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Distinguish between MIG and TIG Welding. BT-4 Analyzing
3 (i)List out the types of arc welding process and list out the arc BT-1 Remembering
welding Equipments and selection factors for power sources
(ii)Describe with neat sketch the various components of Oxy- BT-1 Remembering
Acetylene gas welding equipment
4 (i)Explain the various types of oxy-acetylene flames with sketches. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain the Manual Metal Arc Welding Process with neat sketch. BT-4 Analyzing
5 (i)Explain about the equipment and operation of GTAW process. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Explain about the Advantages and Disadvantages of GTAW BT-5 Evaluating
6 (i)Explain Gas metal Arc Welding Process with Neat diagram BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain the Advantages, Disadvantages and Application of Gas BT-4 Analyzing
Metal Arc Welding Process
7 (i)Describe the submerged arc welding process with neat diagram BT-1 Remembering
(ii)State its advantages and application of submerged arc welding BT-1 Remembering
8 (i)Describe the process of Electro Slag Welding and mention their BT-1 Remembering
major application.
(ii)Explain the Resistance spot welding Process with a neat sketch BT-4 Analyzing
9 (i)Explain with neat sketch the principle of resistance welding. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Differentiate between upset welding and flash welding. BT-4 Analyzing
10 (i)Explain the Advantages, Disadvantages and limitation of BT-4 Analyzing
Resistance Welding Process
(ii)Explain in detail the Plasma Arc Welding process and write its
BT-4 Analyzing
applications and demerits
11 (i)Explain Thermit welding Process with neat sketch. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Briefly explain the principle of operation advantages and
limitations of Electron beam Welding. BT-4 Analyzing
12 (i)Explain the principle and application of Friction Welding Process. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Explain the principle of Friction Stir Welding. BT-4 Analyzing

13 (i)Explain the advantages of Friction Stir Welding. BT-4 Analyzing

(ii)Compare and Contrast Brazing and Soldering Process. BT-5 Evaluating
14 Classify and enumerate the various welding defects with causes of BT-3 Applying
occurrences and describe a method of detecting cracks on a weld
PART-C (15 marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence

How do you compare ac and dc arc welding? What are the advantages
1 of each of the several sources of current for arc welding? What do you BT-6 Creating
understand by the term "polarity" and what is the
advantage/disadvantage of having different polarities?
2 Explain why so many different welding process have been developed. BT-5 Evaluating
3 Summarize suitable NDT methods to examine welding defects. BT-6 Creating
4 Briefly discuss about under water welding. BT-6 Creating
Hot working and cold working of metals – Forging processes – Open, impression and closed die
forging – forging operations. Rolling of metals– Types of Rolling – Flat strip rolling – shape rolling
operations – Defects in rolled parts. Principle of rod and wire drawing – Tube drawing – Principles of
Extrusion – Types – Hot and Cold extrusion.
PART-A (2 marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence

1 Define hot working of metals BT-1 Remembering
2 Define cold working of metals BT-1 Remembering
3 Analyse why surface finish of a rolled products better in cold rolling BT-4 Analyzing
than in hot rolling
4 Define angle of bite in rolling BT-1 Remembering
5 Define lateral Extrusion BT-1 Remembering
6 Classify the various forming processes BT-3 Applying
7 Identify various defects in rolled parts BT-1 Remembering
8 Summarizes the effects of cold working. BT-5 Evaluating
9 Define forging BT-1 Remembering
10 Differentiate between compound dies and progressive dies BT-4 Analyzing

11 List out some common applications where extrusion is used. BT-1 Remembering
12 Point out the advantage of cold extrusion BT-4 Analyzing

13 Name the types of forging machines. BT-1 Remembering

14 Define upsetting and Drawing down in forging operation. BT-1 Remembering
15 Sketch the different types of rolling mills BT-3 Applying

16 Differentiate between hot and cold forging BT-4 Analyzing

17 Differentiate extrusion and forging BT-4 Analyzing

18 Define fullering BT-1 Remembering

19 Explain recrystalisation temperature BT-4 Analyzing

20 List out any four parts that can be manufactured by shape rolling BT-1 Remembering
Q.No PART-B (13 marks) BT Competence
1 (i)Explain hot working and cold working processes. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain various forging operation BT-4 Analyzing

2 (i)Explain the steps involved in drop forging with neat sketches BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)With suitable sketches describe open die forging. Creating
3 (i)Formulate the advantages and limitations of closed die forging. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain the Precision forging Process with neat sketch and Remembering
also compare with Closed Die Forging process
4 (i)Explain flashless forging operation. BT-6 Creating
(ii)Explain about Impression die forging BT-4 Analyzing
5 (i)Explain in detail about the defects occurred in forging operations. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Draw a simple sketch showing rolling process and make a short BT-4 Analyzing
note on deformation of grains in rolling
6 (i)Describe the ring rolling and thread rolling process BT-1 Remembering
(ii) Classify and write notes on various Rolling Stand Arrangement in
detail. BT-3 Applying
7 (i) Discuss the types of Rolling mills. BT-2 Understanding
(ii)Discuss the types defects in rolled parts. BT-2 Understanding
8 A 300 mm wide strip 25 mm thick is fed through a rolling mill with BT-3 Applying
two powered rolls each of radius = 250 mm. the work thickness
is to be reduced to 22 mm in one pas at a roll speed of 50 rev/min. the
work material has a flow curve defined by K = 275 MPa and n = 0.15
and the coefficient of friction between the rolls and the work is
assumed to be 0.12. Determine if the friction is sufficient to permit the
rolling operation to be accomplished. if so, calculate the roll force,
torque and horsepower.

9 (i) Explain in detail about wire drawing BT-4 Analyzing

(ii) Explain with neat sketches the process of tube drawing of metals. BT-4 Analyzing
10 (i) Explain with a neat sketch the process of Rod Drawing. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii) Explain about Hot and Cold Extrusion. BT-5 Evaluating
11 Explain the forward and backward extrusion process. BT-4 Analyzing
12 Analyze and Sketch variation in pressure during the Extrusion BT-4 Analyzing
process by direct and indirect methods.
13 (i) Compare direct and indirect Extrusion process. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii) Write short notes on impact extrusion and hydro static extrusion. BT-4 Analyzing
14 With neat diagram explain the process of forward extrusion and also BT-5 Evaluating
explain how hollow sections can be produced in this process
PART-C (15 marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence

1 Formulate the mathematical expression for the flat strip metal rolling BT-6 Creating
process to calculate the rolling load.
2 Inspect various plastic components in your car, and identify the
BT-6 Creating
processes that could have been used in making them.
3 Explain a suitable process to form heads in fasteners such as nails and
BT-5 Evaluating
4 Recommended the safety rules regulation in smithy shop. BT-6 Creating
Sheet metal characteristics – shearing, bending and drawing operations – Stretch forming operations–
Formability of sheet metal – Test methods –special forming processes-Working principle and
applications – Hydro forming – Rubber pad forming – Metal spinning– Introduction of Explosive
forming, magnetic pulse forming, peen forming, Super plastic forming – Micro forming.

PART-A (2 marks)
Q.No Questions Level Competence
1 Define shear angle. Why is it given in punches and dies? BT-1 Remembering
2 Define flanging. BT-1 Remembering
3 List out test methods for testing formability of material BT-1 Remembering
4 Distinguish between piercing and blanking BT-2 Understanding
5 Examine how sheet metal operations classified and what are they. BT-3 Applying
6 Formulate the categories of sheet metal working processes. BT-6 Creating

7 Explain spring back effect and how it is overcome in sheet metal work. BT-4 Analyzing

8 Point out the various types of sheet metal dies. BT-4 Analyzing

9 Discuss spring back in bending operation. BT-2 Understanding

10 Differentiate between stretch forming and bending. BT-4 Analyzing

11 Analyze the Purpose of detonator in explosive forming. BT-4 Analyzing

12 Point out the basic requirement of super plastic forming. BT-4 Analyzing

13 Differentiate between a cut -off operation and a parting operation BT-4 Analyzing

14 List the advantages of super plastic forming processes. BT-1 Remembering

Analyse the reason for providing proper clearance between the punch
15 BT-4 Analyzing
and die in a shearing operation.
16 Define lancing operation that is done on sheet metals. BT-1 Remembering
17 Explain the limitations of Explosive forming. BT-5 Evaluating
18 List out the advantages of hydro forming process. BT-1 Remembering
19 Defines peen forming. BT-1 Remembering
20 Define micro forming. BT-1 Remembering

PART-B (13 marks)

Q.No Questions Level Competence
1 Summarize the sheet metal characteristics BT-5 Evaluating
2 (i)Write a short notes on sheet bending and perforating operation BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Explain the important factors of Bending operations. BT-4 Analyzing
3 Write short notes on the following
a. Shearing
b. Blanking BT-1 Remembering
c. clearance in shearing
d. Spring back in bending
4 Explain the different types of bending process. BT-4 Analyzing
5 (i)Explain various sheet metal drawing operations with sketches.
BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Describe with a neat sketch any two type of stretch forming
BT-1 Remembering
6 (i)Explain the Formability of sheet metals and formability test methods. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Compare Conventional forming with high strain rate forming
technique. BT-5 Evaluating
7 (i)Explain with a neat sketch hydro forming. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Describe Rubber Pad Forming with suitable sketch. BT-1 Remembering
8 (i)Explain Metal spinning operation with a diagram. BT-4 Analyzing
(i)Summaries the advantages and application of metal spinning. BT-5 Evaluating
9 (i) Formulate the process variables in Explosive Forming and BT-6 Creating
Explain explosive forming with sketch.
(ii)Describe Magnetic Pulse Forming with a neat sketch. BT-1 Remembering
10 (i)Explain peen forming with sketch. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Describe super plastic forming and Explain with neat sketch. BT-1 Remembering
11 (i)Explain Micro forming. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Describe the die cutting and slitting operations. BT-2 Understanding
12 (i)Describe the nibbling and notching operations. BT-2 Understanding
(ii)Explain in detail the Coining and Embossing Process. BT-4 Analyzing
13 (i)Point out the advantages and limitation of compound dies over BT-4 Analyzing
Progressive dies.
(ii)Analyse the reasons to provide proper clearance between the punch. BT-4 Analyzing
14 (i)Differentiate single die and multiple operation die with neat sketch BT-2 Understanding
(ii)Discuss the advantages and limitations of single and multiple die BT-2 Understanding
PART-C (15 marks)
Q.No Questions Level Competence
1 Recommend the steps involved in manufacturing metal kitchen sinks BT-6 Creating
with neat sketches.
2 Examine some of the products in your home that are made of sheet BT-5 Evaluating
metal , and discuss the process by which you think they were made.
3 Inspect sheet metal parts in an automobile, and describe your thoughts BT-6 Creating
as to which of the process were used in making them. Comment on
the reasons why more than one process had to be used .
4 Explain a method for manufacturing, honeycomb panels for aircraft BT-5 Evaluating
Types and characteristics of plastics – Moulding of thermoplastics – working principles and Typical
applications – injection moulding – Plunger and screw machines – Compression moulding, Transfer
Moulding – Typical industrial applications – introduction to blow moulding –Rotational moulding –
Film blowing – Extrusion – Thermoforming – Bonding of Thermoplastics.
Part-A (2 marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence

1 Define polymerization. BT-1 Remembering
2 List out any four types of adhesives used in adhesive bonding of BT-1 Remembering
3 Analyse the need for rotational moulding in manufacturing plastic BT-4 Analyzing
4 Point out some applications of transfer moulding. BT-4 Analyzing
5 Define Elastomers. BT-1 Remembering
6 Discuss a few application of plastics BT-2 Understanding
7 Define reinforced plastics and where is it applied. BT-1 Remembering
8 Point out the industrial uses of fibres and filaments. BT-4 Analyzing
9 Explain briefly film blowing. BT-4 Analyzing
10 Point out some examples of reinforced plastics. BT-4 Analyzing
11 Name the types of plastics. BT-1 Remembering
12 Define Thermoforming. BT-1 Remembering
13 Define polythene. BT-1 Remembering
14 Name the common Thermosetting plastics. BT-1 Remembering
15 List out the different type’s compression moulds. BT-1 Remembering
16 Define Pulse forming. BT-1 Remembering
17 Explain Calendaring in processing of Plastics. BT-5 Evaluating
18 Describe briefly the principle of film blowing. BT-2 Understanding
19 Name two differences between thermoplastics and thermosetting BT-1 Remembering
20 Name two adhesive that are used for adhesive bonding of plastics. BT-1 Remembering
PART-B (13 marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence

1 (i)Explain the types of Plastics. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)State the purpose of the following plastics BT-5 Evaluating
2 Discuss about a few Commercial Plastics. BT-2 Understanding
3 (i)List out and write the various processes of joining plastics. BT-1 Remembering
(ii)Summarize the various differences between thermoplastics and BT-5 Evaluating
thermosetting plastics.
4 (i)Explain the injection blow moulding process. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Enumerate injection moulding of plastic BT-2 Understanding
5 products.
(i)Describe the process Equipment for Injection moulding. BT-2 Understanding
(ii)Explain the working principle of plunger and screw type injection Evaluating
6 (i)Explain Positive, semi positive and flash type Compression. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)State the typical industrial applications of Transfer moulding. BT-1 Remembering
7 (i)Explain transfer moulding. Discuss its advantages and limitations. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Explain the process of compression moulding with neat diagram. BT-5 Evaluating
8 (i)Compare blow moulding and rotational moulding. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Explain the Process Rotational moulding. BT-4 Analyzing
9 (i)Explain the Extrusion blow moulding process. BT-4 Analyzing
(ii)Describe the Blown-film Extrusion process. BT-1 Remembering
10 (i)Explain the calendaring process. BT-5 Evaluating
(ii)Enumerate and write about various methods of bonding Analyzing
11 (i)Discuss in detail the various thermosetting and thermoplastic BT-2 Understanding
compound and their application.
(ii)Describe any two types of thermoforming process. BT-1 Remembering
12 Explain various types of thermoforming method shaping BT-4 Analyzing
13 Explain the structure of thermo plastic and thermosetting plastics. BT-5 Evaluating
14 Explain the various methods of Bonding of Thermoplastics. BT-5 Evaluating
PART –C (15 marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Explain a method for manufacturing, plastic ball point pen outer
BT-5 Evaluating
2 Recommend a suitable manufacturing process for producing plastic
BT-6 Creating
bottles and plastic foot balls.
3 An increasing environmental concern is the long time required for
degradation of polymers in landfills. Recommend the trends and BT-6 Creating
developments in the production of biodegradable plastics.
4 Inspect several electrical components, such as light switches, outlets
BT-6 Creating
and circuit breakers and describe the process used in making them.

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