Simple Past Tense Vs Simple Present Tense

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Simple Past Tense vs Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense

It is used to describe an action that It is used to talk about something
is regular, true or normal. that started and finished at a
definite time in the past.
- Katherine always goes to the Examples:
swimming pool. - Last night I played my guitar
- Oranges grow on trees. loudly.
- Kyoto was the capital of
Time expressions: now, right now,
Japan for 1100 years.
at the moment, today, nowadays,
this week, etc. Time expressions: yesterday, last
week, an hour ago, this morning,
last year, etc.
Simple Past Tense vs Simple Present Tense
- I was sad yesterday, but I am happy right now.
- She is a teacher now, but she was a student in 2005.
- They were noisy last night, but they are quiet now.

I. Fill in the blanks with present tense or past tense.

1. She ______________ (go) to Australia in 1994 and she liked it
very much.
2. My father usually ______________ (like) his steak well-done.
3. The dog  ______________ (eat) its toy last night.
4. The policeman ______________ (talk) to the burglar yesterday.
5. I often see her mother but she never ______________ (speak) to
6. The gentleman ______________ (speak) to his servant 2 hours
7. The kangaroo always ______________ (carry) its baby.
8. My friend ______________ (talk) a lot every day.
9. The man ______________ (drive) to the supermarket last
10. My brothers ______________ (leave) for England last week.

II. Circle the correct answer.

1. Priya __________ her teeth every morning.
a. brush
b. brushes
c. brushed
d. brushing

2. She always ___________ in dance competitions.

a. participates
b. participated
c. participating
d. participate

3. Tarun __________ to the sports centre to play tennis last week.

a. go
b. goes
c. going
d. went

4. ___________ Priya play with you?

a. is
b. are
c. do
d. does

5. The boys __________ play badminton las Sunday.

a. didn’t
b. don’t
c. doesn’t
d. aren’t

6. School always _______ for Easter holidays.

a. closed
b. closes
c. close
d. is closing

7. Last year we _______ the ferry to an island.

a. take
b. took
c. are taking
d. takes

8. We always ______ to church at midnight on Easter Eve every

a. went
b. go
c. goes
d. are going

III. Write questions to the answers, use a correct tense.

1. What time…………………………………….? I go to work at 7 00
every day.
2. Why……………………………………? Because I didn’t feel well
3. What…………………………….at the party yesterday? She was
wearing a black dress.
4. How much………………………….? It costs 2000 $
5. Where…………………. last night? I was in the cinema.

IV. Find and correct the mistake.

1. He always walked his dog. .
2. He were happy yesterday.
3. This sauce is great. It taste very good.
4. They went to the swimming pool everyday.
5. Ken didn’t goes to school yesterday.

V. Reading Comprehension

Becky was visiting Aunt Agatha at her house at the

beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Becky had
built a giant sand castle that morning. Aunt Agatha
took pictures of the castle to send to Becky’s
parents. It was a great big sand castle. Later that
morning, Becky and Aunt Agatha went swimming in
the ocean. It was fun to jump with the waves. Then,
they went in the house and ate sandwiches and
strawberries for lunch.
Becky wanted to play on the beach that afternoon.
Aunt Agatha told her it was too hot to go outside without a hat on.
Becky didn’t have a hat. Aunt Agatha told her not to worry, she could
wear one of hers. Becky tried on four hats. The pink one was really pretty,
but it had a big bow in the back that was too long for Becky. The green
hat was too fancy for Becky. She did not like that hat at all. The blue hat
was nice, but it had an ugly bird on it. Then, Becky saw a big brown hat
with a yellow ribbon on it. That hat was made of straw. It was a perfect
hat for the beach. It was too big for Becky’s head but she didn’t care. It
was a great hat.
Answer the following questions

1. Where was Becky?

2. Who was Becky visiting?
3. Why didn’t Becky like the blue hat?
4. Why didn’t Becky want to wear the pink hat?
5. Why did Aunt Agatha want Becky to wear a hat?
6. Why did Becky like the brown hat?

VI. April fool’s day

a. Listen to a radio programme and complete the sentences.
1. Today is ______________________ and yesterday we had
2. Call number - - and share
your April Fool’s jokes.
3. When Suzy was fooled, she felt rather
____________________ at first.
4. It was Suzy’s __________________ who played the joke on
her for April Fool’s Day.
5. Suzy put some __________________ inside the cheese

b. Listen again and decide if these sentences are true or

false. Correct the false ones.
1. Mum was at the supermarket yesterday morning. True
/ False
2. The first thing Suzy’s brother found was the ketchup.
True / False
3. Suzy’s brother couldn’t tidy up everything. True /
c. Listen again and answer these questions. Write complete
1. What was the joke?
2. What did Suzy make her brother do?
3. Why couldn’t he do it?
4. Why does the presenter call Suzy “nice big
5. Why was Suzy’s joke “very hot”?

VII. At the zoo

a. Listen to Angela talk about her visit to
the zoo. Tick () the animals she saw.
Angela saw …


b. Listen again and answer these questions:

1. When did Angela go to the zoo?

2. Who did Angela take to the zoo? Why?
3. What animals did they see at the aquarium? And how
many did they see?
4. What did they see after lunch?
5. What animals couldn’t they see because they were

c. Read the descriptions. Write the names of each animal.

1. It can cause malaria.

2. It’s the biggest mammal.

3. This animal lives in the desert.

4. It’s yellow or brown. It lives in Africa.

5. It’s very small. It flies in the air.

6. It lives in the sea. It’s got a lot of teeth.

7. In North America, it’s brown or black.

In the Arctic, it’s white.

8. You see this animal at the San Fermines in Pamplona.

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