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This is to bring in your notice that these questions are prepared by myself after
long study in each subject. No question has been picked from any book/paper if
any question found out resembles with any textbook or multiple choice question
book will be merely a coincidence, for which I m not be held responsible in any
way. Any posted question might have came in previous exams of any university or
any admission exam all over the world which will also regarded as a coincidence. I
have prepared these questions and answers as per my knowledge, in order to
help the students who are going to appear in various dental examinations all over
the world without any remuneration. The answers will be posted on the
subsequent day so that students might spent enough time for analyzing each and
every option.

Time: 30 minutes

Q1) Inner enamel epithelium is derived from

a. Enamel organ

b. Dental papilla

c. Dental follicle

d. None of the above

Q2) The distal contact area of mandibular lateral incisor is at

a. Incisal third

b. Middle third

c. At the junction of incisal and middle third

d. Cervical third

e. None of the above

Q3) Unassisted normal maximum lateral movements can be done upto

a. 4-6 mm

b. 6-8 mm

c. 8-10 mm

d. 10-12mm

e. 12-14 mm

Q4) If the mandible moves to the right then which of the following will be

a. Right will be non working condyle and Left will be working condyle

b. Right will be working condyle and Left will be non working condyle

c. Left and Right both are working condyles

d. Left and Right both are non working condyles

Q5) In permanent molars the root canals join the pulp chamber at what level of
cementoenamel junction?

a. At the same level

b. Cervical to the cementoenamel junction

c. Apical to the cementoenamel junction

d. None of the above

Q6) Lingual developmental groove is most commonly found in which teeth?

a. Mandibular molars

b. Mandibular premolars

c. Maxillary premolars

d. Maxillary molars

Q7) Which of the following cusp is having the smallest pulp horn in permanent
mandibular first molar?

a. Mesiolingual

b. Mesiobuccal

c. Distolingual

d. Distobuccal

e. Distal

Q8) Which surface of the permanent maxillary first molar should be given special
attention while doing the root planing?

a. Mesial

b. Distal

c. Buccal

d. Lingual

Q9) In normal intercuspation, the mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent maxillary

first molar occludes with the which of the following?

a. Mesiobuccal groove of mandibular first molar

b. Buccal groove of the mandibular first molar

c. Distobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar

d. Lingual groove of the mandibular first molar

e. None of the above

Q10) Which of the following is the supporting cusp of the permanent maxillary
first molar?

a. Mesiobuccal

b. Distobuccal

c. Mesiolingual

d. None of the above

Q11) "Buck tooth" apperance is seen in which malocculsion?

a. Class I

b. Class II

c. Class III

d. Class IV

Q12) What is the relationship of curve of Spee and vertical overlap of teeth?

a. Increase in Curve of Spee reduce the vertical overlap

b. Decrease in Curve of Spee Increase the vertical overlap

c. Increase in Curve of Spee increase the vertical overlap

d. None of the above

Q13) Which of the following gingival fibres attach the cementum of one tooth to

a. Apical

b. Circular

c. Dentogingival

d. Alveogingival

e. Transseptal

Q14) Which of the following is first formed dentin and is not mineralised ?

a. Predentin

b. Peritubular dentin

c. Interglobular dentin

d. Both A & B

Q15) Birbecks granules is seen in?

a) Melanocytes

b. Langerhan cells

c. Merkel's cells

d. None of the above

Q16) Which of the following gland is purely mucous?

a. Glossopalatine

b. Palatine

c. Anterior Lingual glands

d. All of the above

Q17) Projections of ameloblast are known as?

a. Tomes fibres

b. Tomes processes

c. Tomes granular layer

d. None of the above

Q18) In ideal intercuspation, the distoincisal cusp of the mandibular right central
incisor opposes which of the following?

a. Mesial marginal ridge of the right maxillary central incisor

b. Lingual fossa of the right maxillary central incisor

c. Distal mariginal ridge of the right maxillary central incisor

d. Mesial marginal ridge of the left maxillary central incisor

e. Distal marginal ridge of the left maxillary central incisor

Q19) Bifurcation is commonly seen in which of the following premolar?

a. Maxillary first premolar

b. Maxillary second premolar

c. Mandibular first premolar

d. Mandibular second premolar

Q20) Which of the following statement is correct?

a. Dentinoenamel junction is usually scalloped and the convexities of the scallop is

directed towards the enamel

b. Circumpulpal dentin is formed after root completion and forms the bulk of
primary dentin

c. Dead tracts are seen as black in transmitted light and white in reflected light

d. All of the above

Q21) In ideal occlusion, Mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular second molar

occludes with which of the following?

a. Mesial marginal ridge of maxillary first molar

b. Mesial marginal ridge of maxillary second molar

c. Occlusal embrasure of the maxillary first and second molar

d. Occlusal embrasure of the maxillary second and third molar

e. None of the above

Q22) According to Posselt's envelope of motion, Which of the following statement

is correct?

a. Envelope is drawn in saggital plane

b. Centric occlusion point is posterior to the centric relation point

c. Chewing function takes place usually in few millimeters of Centric relation

d. All statements are correct

Q23) Which of the following structure is found in both enamel and dentin?

a. Contour lines of Owen

b. Incremental lines of Von Ebner

c. Incremental lines of Retzius

d. Hunter Schreger's lines

Q24) Total absence of teeth is called as

a. Oligodontia

b. Anodontia

c. Hypodontia

d. Hyperdontia

Q25) Height of contour of lingual surface of anterior teeth is located in?

a. Incisal third

b. Middle third

c. Cervical third

d. None of the above

Q26) Distolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with which of the

a. Occlusal embrasure of the mandibular second premolar and first molar

b. Distal marginal ridge of the mandibular first molar

c. Distal marginal ridge of the mandibular second molar

d. Central fossa of mandibular first molar

e. Central fossa of mandibular second molar

Q27) Most numerous fibres of the periodontal ligament are?

a. Oblique fibres

b. Apical fibres

c. Horizontal fibres

d. Transseptal fibres

Q28) Stippling is present in

a. Attached gingiva

b. Marginal gingiva

c. Central core of interdental papillae

d. B & C

Q29) Fusion of two teeth from a single enamel organ is called as

a. Fusion

b. Gemination

c. Concrescence

d. Dens invaginatus

Q30) Which of the following is posterior lingual gland?

a. Von Ebner gland

b. Glossopalatine gland

c. Glands of Blandin and Nuhn

d. None of the above

Q31) Occlusal outline shape form of Maxillary first premolar is?

a. Rhomboid

b. Heart shaped

c. Hexagonal

d. Trapezoidal

Q32) Which of the following primary molar tooth does not resemble any
permanent tooth?

a. Maxillary first molar

b. Maxillary second molar

c. Mandibular first molar

d. Mandibular second molar

Q33) Organic lining of the dentinal tubules is called as?

a. Lamina limitans

b. Lamina propria

c. Lamina lucida

d. Lamina densa

Q34) Which is the largest cusp of the permanent maxillary first molar?

a. MB

b. ML

c. DB

d. DL

Q35) Primary mandibular first molar erupts by what age?

a. 2- 6months

b. 6-10 months

c. 10-14 months

d. 14-18 months

e. 18-22 months

Q36) Most prominent labial ridge is seen in which of the following permanent

a. Maxillary central incisor

b. Maxillary lateral incisor

c. Maxillary canine

d. Mandibular central incisor

e. Mandibular lateral incisor

Q37) "Prickle layer" is another name of

a. Statum granulosum

b. Stratum spinosum

c. Stratum basale

d. Stratum corneum

Q38) Which of the following decidous tooth resembles permanent maxillary first

a. Maxillary first molar

b. Maxillary second molar

c. Mandibular first molar

d. Mandibular second molar

Q39) In ideal occlusion, distobuccal cusp of the permanent mandibular first molar
occludes with which of the following tooth structure?

a. Central fossa of the maxillary first molar

b. Central fossa of the maxillary second molar

c. Mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary first molar

d. Distal marginal ridge of the maxillary first molar

e. None of the above

Q40) When condyles are in most anterior and superior position, the jaw position
is called as

a. Centric occlusion

b. Rest position of mandible

c. Centric relation

d. None of the above

Q41) A kid named John, who is a 19 months old boy. At this age ow many teeth
will be present in his mouth?

a. 4

b. 8

c. 12

d. 16

e. 20

Q42) Which of the following does not contain taste buds?

a. Foliate papillae

b. Filliform papillae

c. Fungiform papillae

d. Circum vallate papillae

Q43) How many point angles are there in permanent posterior teeth?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

Q44) Remnant of the primary enamel cuticle after eruption is

a. Nasmyth's membrane

b. Reduced enamel epithelium

c. Primary attachment epithelium

d. Secondary attachment epithelium

Q45) Mesial marginal developmental groove is found in which of the following


a. Maxillary first premolar

b. Maxillary second premolar

c. Mandibular first premolar

d. Mandibular second premolar

Q46) "Plexus of Raschkow" is found in which layer?

a. Odontoblastic layer

b. Cell free zone

c. Cell rich zone

d. Pulpal core

Q47) Outer and inner enamel epithelium is first seen in which tooth development

a. Bud stage

b. Cap stage

c. Bell stage

d. In all the above mentioned stages

Q48) Which of the following is the longest tooth in mouth?

a. Maxillary central incisor

b. Maxillary lateral incisor

c. Maxillary canine

d. Maxillary first premolar

Q49) "Triangular" shape pulp chamber is seen in cross section of which of the
following tooth?

a. Maxillary central incisor

b. Maxillary lateral incisor

c. Mandibular central incisor

d. Mandibular lateral incisor

Q50) Enamel hypoplasia occurs due to the disturbance in which of the following

a. Initiation

b. Histodifferentiation

c. Morphodifferentiation

d. Apposition


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