DS Question List Ioe
DS Question List Ioe
DS Question List Ioe
1. What are the major goals of distributed system? Explain the need of transparency in
distributed system along with the challenges in achieving that. - 2069 Chaitra
2. Define distributed system. Differentiate between an autonomous system and a distributed
system with examples. - 2069 Sample-Question
3. “Distributed system acts as a single coherent system to its end user”. Justify the statement
with its features and examples. - 2069 Sample-Question
4. Why do we need a distributed system? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of
distributed system in detail. - 2069 Sample-Question
5. What are the main characteristics (design goals or objectives or requirements) of a
distributed system? - 2069 Sample-Question
6. Why there are challenges in achieving some requirements of a distributed system?
Explain the challenges associated with different requirements of distributed system. -
2069 Sample-Question
7. Define transparency. “Transparency is one the most important feature of a distributed
system”, justify the statement with example. Explain the challenges in achieving the
transparency in distributed system. - 2069 Sample-Question
8. Explain the different models of distributed system. - 2069 Sample-Question
9. Explain the different types of distributed systems: grid, cluster, cloud. - 2069 Sample-
1. How do you convince that middle-ware plays the important role in Distributed System?
Explain the operation of RPC in client server communication in Distributed System. -
2069 Chaitra
2. What do you mean by file and directory service? Explain the operation of SUN NFS with
its architecture. - 2069 Chaitra
3. Define distributed objects. How distributed objects communicate with other? - 2069
4. Define distributed objects? What are the needs of event notification during the
communication among distributed objects? Explain the distributed event notification
architecture in detail - 2069 Sample-Question
5. Define distributed file system (DFS)? What are the different requirements of the
distributed file system? - 2069 Sample-Question
6. Define distributed file system (DFS)? How does DFS encourage sharing a storage device,
explain in detail with the help of a distributed file service architecture. - 2069 Sample-
7. Define transparency in distributed system. Give the reason for “access transparency is not
maintained by conventional RPC”. How can it be solved, explain with detail modern
RPC procedure. - 2069 Sample-Question
8. Define name service and explain its types. Explain the collection of name servers as a
distributed system for the resolution of resource names along with resolution methods. -
2069 Sample-Question
Chapter -3
1. Why network operating system (NOS) is widely preferred over distributed operating
system (DOS) in practical distributed systems? Explain DOS as a middle-ware. - 2069
2. What are the different operating system layers? Explain the importance of each of the
layers. - 2069 Sample-Question
3. Differentiate between network operating system and distributed operating system. - 2069
4. Eventhough a distributed operating system is needed in a distributed system to perform a
particular task; it is not widely popular in use, why? What and how a DOS in realized in a
practical distributed system? - 2069 Sample-Question
5. Define middleware and explain its importance in distributed system with suitable
diagram. - 2069 Sample-Question
6. Define and differentiate between process and threads. Explain the importance of threads
in distributed system with suitable examples. - 2069 Sample-Question
7. Briefly explain the different types of operating system architectures. (Monolithic and
microkernel architectures) - 2069 Sample-Question
1. Why network operating system (NOS) is widely preferred over distributed operating
system (DOS) in practical distributed systems? Explain DOS as a middle-ware. - 2069
2. What is IDL? Explain CORBA RMI with its services. - 2069 Chaitra
Chapter -5
1. Define logical and physical clocks. Explain Lamport time-stamp algorithm along with an
example. - 2069 Chaitra
2. What is logical clock synchronization? What is the need of logical clock synchronization
in distributed system? Justify the need with suitable example along with a logical clock
synchronization algorithm. - 2069 Sample-Question
3. Define vector clock. Explain the clock synchronization algorithm using vector clock
along with an example. - 2069 Sample-Question
4. Define logical and physical clocks. How can you synchronize the physical clock in a
distributed network, explain with suitable algorithm. Also make a comment on the
algorithm if any and suggest the solution. - 2069 Sample-Question
5. Define clock synchronization. What is the need of clock synchronization? Explain the
Lamport’s clock synchronization algorithm along with an example. - 2069 Sample-
6. Define event ordering, causal ordering, and global ordering with suitable examples. -
2069 Sample-Question
Chapter -6
1. Present a practical scenario where you need an election algorithm. Explain an election
algorithm with example that is suitable to your scenario. - 2069 Chaitra
2. Define distributed mutual exclusion. In how many ways the mutual exclusion can be
achieved in distributed system? (see all mutual exclusion algorithms) - 2069 Sample-
3. How does mutual exclusion maintain synchronization in distributed system? Explain
Ricart-Agrawala mutual exclusion algorithm along with an example. - 2069 Sample-
4. What is the need of an election algorithm; explain with few practical examples. Explain
any one of the election algorithms by justifying its need. - 2069 Sample-Question
5. In what situations are the following election algorithms suitable? A) Bully B)Ring (also
see another names for Bully and Ring) - 2069 Sample-Question
6. What is the need of multicast communication and consensus in distributed system,
explain in brief. - 2069 Sample-Question
1. What do you mean by Distributed Deadlock? Explain the two-phase commit protocol
of handling distributed transaction. - 2069 Chaitra
2. What are the flat and nested transactions? Describe the methods for concurrency control
in distributed system. - 2069 Chaitra
3. Define transaction and nested transaction with examples. Explain how an atomicity is
gained in transactions. - 2069 Sample-Question
4. Define concurrency control and its need in any transaction. What are the major goals and
mechanisms of concurrency control? - 2069 Sample-Question
5. Define concurrency control. Explain the different methods of concurrency control. Also
make a comparison among them. - 2069 Sample-Question
6. Define distributed transaction and nested distributed transaction with examples. - 2069
7. What are the needs and roles of atomic commitment protocol (ACP) in distributed
transactions? Explain different ACPs (two-phase and three-phase) in detail. - 2069
8. Define distributed concurrency control. Explain the different methods of concurrency
control in distributed transactions. Also make a comparison among them (same as
Q.N.38) - 2069 Sample-Question
9. Define distributed deadlock in distributed transaction. Explain the deadlock resolution
technique with an example. - 2069 Sample-Question
10. Explain transaction recovery techniques with example (log file, shadow paging etc.) -
2069 Sample-Question
Chapter 8
1. What do you mean by Distributed Deadlock? Explain the two-phase commit protocol of
handling distributed transaction. - 2069 Chaitra
2. What are the flat and nested transactions? Describe the methods for concurrency control
in distributed system. - 2069 Chaitra
3. Define transaction and nested transaction with examples. Explain how an atomicity is
gained in transactions. - 2069 Sample-Question
4. Define concurrency control and its need in any transaction. What are the major goals and
mechanisms of concurrency control? - 2069 Sample-Question
5. Define concurrency control. Explain the different methods of concurrency control. Also
make a comparison among them. - 2069 Sample-Question
6. Define distributed transaction and nested distributed transaction with examples. - 2069
7. What are the needs and roles of atomic commitment protocol (ACP) in distributed
transactions? Explain different ACPs (two-phase and three-phase) in detail. - 2069
8. Define distributed concurrency control. Explain the different methods of concurrency
control in distributed transactions. Also make a comparison among them (same as
Q.N.38) - 2069 Sample-Question
9. Define distributed deadlock in distributed transaction. Explain the deadlock resolution
technique with an example. - 2069 Sample-Question
10. Explain transaction recovery techniques with example (log file, shadow paging etc.) -
2069 Sample-Question
Chapter -9
1. What do you mean by faults, failures and errors? How do you handle faults in Distributed
System? Explain process resilience approach in brief. - 2069 Chaitra
2. Define fault tolerance. Explain how fault tolerance is ensured in distributed system. What
are the different fault tolerance techniques? - 2069 Sample-Question
3. Explain process resilient with example. - 2069 Sample-Question
4. Explain reliable client-server communication. - 2069 Sample-Question
Chapter 10
What is IDL? Explain CORBA RMI with its services. - 2069 Chaitra