IDC SOP # 10 RIH With DC's and Drill Pipe (Bit On Bottom)

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SOP / Task Risk Assessment / TBT

Document Name: DM-43 Activity: RIH with DC’s, HWDP and Drill Pipe (Bit
Revision No. #10 on Bottom)
Task Supervisor Name: Position:
Signature: Date:

General Guidelines
 Task Supervisor shall be competent to perform / supervise the activity
 Task Supervisor to ensure the steps in this SOP are relevant to the task
 Task Supervisor must sign document acknowledging review with crew
 Task Supervisor must ensure a TBT is conducted with all relevant crew members to ensure
they are aware of their Responsibilities, Job Steps, Hazards and Precautions
 Task Supervisor to ensure all persons involved with task sign the document
 The Task Supervisor shall oversee the entire activity, if the Task Supervisor leaves the work
site, the job Stops or an alternate competent person is nominated as the new Task
 If the activity changes:
o Stop the job
o Review the change and ensure an adequate plan is in place before restarting the job

Task Risk Assessment - Refer to detailed job steps

Basic Steps Hazard Precaution
1 RIH with Drill Collars Well Control Ensure well controls and fluid level
and Bit WAH/Falling checks is monitored and full
Potential Dropped Objects Make sure proper fall arrestors and
Unsafe Lifting operations climb assists are used by derrick men
Pinch points, hand injuries when going to and from monkey
Struck by or caught between board and while POOH
pipe and tongs Derrick man to be trained and
Hand injury while installing competency assessed for working at
dog collar the monkey board
Derrick man to follow Working at
Heights procedures
Register the ascent into the Working
Aloft Register
Respect the Red Zone management
Anytime the blocks are moving the
floor hands to clear the floor
Use rope to tail in the stands, never
stand in front of the stand’s
direction of movement
Beware of hand placement when
stabbing stands and using drill collar
Utilize tong handles when operating
Ensure correct lifting equipment is
used when running tubulars
Safe body placement when
operating tongs
Never place hands under dog collar
when installing or removing
2 RIH with HWDP Well Control Same Precautions in Step 1
Potential Dropped Objects
Unsafe Lifting operations
Pinch points, hand injuries
Struck by or caught between
pipe and tongs
3 RIH with Drill Pipe Well Control Same Precautions in Step 1
Potential Dropped Objects
Unsafe Lifting operations
Pinch points, hand injuries
Struck by or caught between
pipe and tongs

Documents required for performing job

PTW Additional Risk Assessment Energy Isolation Cert. Lifting Cert.
Lift Plan Rescue Plan Man Riding Cert.
Additional Documents Explain: Complete working aloft register if tools required in derrick

Required Equipment / Tools

Item Item Item
Hydraulic Tongs Slips Tailing ropes
Chain Tongs Elevators

TBT Attendees: (All personnel involved in task must sign)

Names Position Signature

Detailed SOP Job Steps

Step 1: RIH with Drill Collars and Bit
 Task Supervisor to hold pre-job safety meeting to review job steps, hazards and precautions
with personnel
 Close blind rams. Hang sign on weight indicator and conduct Flow checks while out of hole
 Prepare for running DC’s by ensuring rig floor is clear of tripping and slipping hazards and
check tongs, slips and elevators to ensure good condition and correct size of tools
 Ensure PTW and Rescue Plan in place prior to derrick man ascending derrick
 Unlock the blocks, put on the balance strap and position the elevators towards the derrick
 Send blocks up for the first stand of drill collars and derrick man signals driller when to stop
blocks. Derrick man to use monkey board winch to let out collar, positions into elevator and
latches them closed around first drill collar
 Driller picks up slowly on the blocks until pin end of DC is up about one foot off the rig floor
 The derrick man lets the DC in and floor hands controlling bottom with a rope, slipping rope
to allow bottom of DC to come towards rotary table. Remove winch and rope from around
drill collar
 Screw the bit sub on bottom of drill collar if not already on, install float if required and screw
on bit. Small bits can be made up by hand. Big bits are to be set into bit breakers in rotary
table. Reverse rotary table and put draw works back into forward
 Torque up bit and bit sub to the recommended / correct torque value
 With everybody clear, bleed pressure w/ choke, Open blind rams
 Remove bushings if in rotary, lower bit and first stand of Drill collar into well and replace
bushing. If bushing is already out set slips around drill collar, install safety clamp
 Send the returns to the trip tank to monitor the returns to ensure correct volumes, alert
driller if not OK
 Open elevators and send blocks up derrick to connect to next stand of drill collar, pick up
and stab into the stump. Screw the top stand in with chain tongs. Follow steps above when
tailing in DC
 Place tongs around connection and tighten connection to recommended torque. Stand away
from tongs to torque
 Pick up to neutral weight of drill collars, remove safety clamp and continue to pick up on DC
to pull slips. Lower drill collar into hole and repeat above steps until all drill collars have been

Step 2: RIH with HWDP

 Change elevators to run HWDP and install balance strap. Ensure correct size elevators are
 Send the blocks to the derrick man to latch onto first stand of Heavy Weight Drill Pipe
(HWDP). Ensure use of ropes to control bottom of HWDP
 Screw on cross over from DC to HWDP on bottom of HWDP stand. Torque the crossover and
HWDP to correct value with tongs
 Stab crossover into the stump and make up with chain tongs
 Position tongs across connection and torque crossover and HWDP to correct value
 Remove dog collar and put away, pull slips as driller picks up and change slips to fit HWDP
 Lower first stand of HWDP into well, set slips at correct height, open elevators and repeat
steps to run rest of HWDP into hole

Step 3: RIH with Drill Pipe

 If applicable change elevators to fit drill pipe and reinstall balance strap. If not continue with
elevators used for HWDP
 Position the elevators and send blocks up to latch onto first stand of drill pipe. Adjust speed
of blocks so derrick man can safely latch elevators onto DP. When derrick man latches onto
DP the momentum of the blocks should bring the stand just high enough to stab in the
stump. Ensure personnel are in position to control bottom of DP
 Position DP over stump and stab in. Pull on spinner & spin in the joint. Position tongs across
connection and make up to recommended torque
 Pick up on DP while pulling slips and RIH with DP stand. Repeat steps until DP reaches
needed depth
 Flow check and fill pipe as required. Normal is filling every 2000 feet

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