FP010CALL Trabajo CO Ardila Jaime Molina Piñeyro

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Assignment – FP010 CALL



This assignment must be done in pairs and has to fulfil the following conditions:

- Length: 6 to 8 pages (without including cover, index or appendices –if there are
- Font type: Arial or Times New Roman.
- Font size: 11.
- Spacing: 1.5.
- Alignment: Justified.

Use the following Word document as the template for the assignment. Follow the
guidelines of presentation and format, as for quotes and bibliographical references,
which are detailed in the Study Guide.

Submit the assignment following the procedure specified in the Evaluation document.
Assignments must not be sent to the tutor’s e-mail.

The assessment criteria can be found in the Evaluation document.

Assignment – FP010 CALL


Elaborate a sequence of three activities using technology. To do this, do not

forget to include:

 Teaching context (location, educational level, number of students,

nationality, age, english level, etc.);
 type of activity (pre-reading, etc.);

 objectives of the activities;

 content (functions, grammar, vocabulary, culture, etc.) that students

should master;

 skills that will be worked on in each activity;

 timing for each activity;

 how students will be evaluated.

Assignment – FP010 CALL

Important: you have to write your personal details and the subject name on the
cover (see the next page). The assignment that does not fulfil these conditions
will not be corrected. You have to include the assignment index below the cover.

Assignment – FP010 CALL

Name and surname(s):Ardila Pulido Yefferson, Jaime Molina Victor, Piñeyro,

Romina Paola
Login: ARFPMTFL2463801, COFPMTFL2519944, COFPMTFL2530797
Group: 2017-02
Date: August, 5th


The ESL classroom is discovering the incorporation of new technologies, a variety of

ways of making and giving classes through technology, options available to use that
are constantly evolving. It is a fact that learning English should be fun, and due to the
compatibility with the younger generations, technology is the best option to enhance
not only the learners’ interest and motivation in the classroom but also technology aims
to prepare learners to be successful and independent outside the classroom and there
are more and more benefits that will be explored. Nowadays, it is very common to
listen to the expression ‘technology integration’, which is the process of implementing
high-tech devices in the classroom. However, the implementation is not an easy job
since there are some barriers that interfere such as the lack of teacher’s preparation for
the use of these technologies, school and government funding limits, infrastructure.
Etc. In fact, technology experts argue that there is a big difference between
implementing the technology in the classroom and actually intertwining it with the
education process.

ACTIVITY 1: There is and there are; (next to, behind, etc)

Teaching context:
The students are between 10 and 11 years old, they are in the fifth grade, most of
them live in the rural sector in Saravena Colombia, their intensity has recently
increased from 2 to 4 hours a week they are in the A1 level and it seeks to strengthen
the skills of writing and speaking.

Assignment – FP010 CALL

 To learn expressions there is, there are, to describe images that are assigned
to them by means of tablets or computers.
 To ask questions orally that inquire about different aspects using there is, there
are and prepositions.
 To indicate spatial order in a place, relying on place prepositions along with
there is, there are.

Next to, near, behind, in front of, on, in.
There is / are, There is / are not, is / are there?


Students should work on integrated skills, especially those of output writing and
speaking. Initially, the meaning of the prepositions of place and space will be explained
graphically. Below is the video of british council kids
This activity is subtitled and highlights there is / are, at the end of the video it is
intended that students can infer the meaning and proceed to explain.
Later, an activity is done in pcs, or tablets, in which the students receive an image of a
place, and make a written description of it, using the prepositions of place and there is /
Initially, during the first hour of class the students will learn about the prepositions of
place in graphic form.
In the next class, the students watch the British council video on TV, so the teacher
explains in a timely manner the grammatical aspects of there is, there are, there is not,
there are not, is there ?, are there?
In the third class, students receive an image on the Tablet or laptop, and their task is to
make a written description of what they see.

Assignment – FP010 CALL

In the fourth and final class, the teacher asks the students to share what each one had,
to show his / her image through the TV and to make the description verbally; Other
colleagues should ask questions about what they see, and give their points of view.

At the end of the previous activities, the students talk about that her/his activity taking
into account:
Correct use of the prepositions.
Description of what the image contains indicating spatial order. Interaction with
colleagues asking if their image contains something in particular.

Teaching context: The activity consists of teaching the rules to form plural nouns
through the use of some technological devices and the internet. The target population
is a group of 42 students from seventh grade, ages 11 to 14. They take English classes
4 hours per week. According to the CEFR their English level is A1.

 to recognize how to form plural nouns
 to memorize the rules through some games

 To express quantities of common topics using plural nouns and the verb ‘to

 Personal pronouns
 Nouns: brothers, legs, dogs, eyes, books. Etc.
 Numbers: one, two, three, four…

 Video beam
 Speaker
 Markers
 Board
 Internet

Assignment – FP010 CALL

 Youtube

 Before the activity (15 min)
Opening lesson: The teacher (T) will make a review about the verb ‘to have’ which
was already studied. T will write some nouns with their plural endings in capital letters
or with different color, on the board and the students have to make sentences using the
nouns and the verb. E.g. I have two boxES, I have two markerS, He has three
notebookS, she has four pencilS, you have six copIES. (extra points for correct
 Warm-up (15 min)
- T will open a slide with the question ‘What is PLURAL NOUNS’. T will elicit the
- T will play a video with the definition of ‘plural’ and some examples.
- After the video T will ask again for a definition of plural nouns. The students will
take notes. It is important to say that the purpose of the video is to raise interest
among the students to know the whole rules, which come in the procedure.
- Procedure (30 min)
- T will explain the topic through some slides (APPENDIX 1).
- T will ask for doubts. If there isn’t any, it is time to practice.
- T will divide the group by rows (5). Each row has to take a piece of paper (T will
explain the activity: Each student in the row has to write a sentence in the same
paper, the last student has to write the last sentence and then runs towards the
teacher. The row that finishes first with the right answer will be the winner)
- Then, T will display the ‘fill in the gap’ exercise on a slide.
- Follow up activity (10 min)
- T will give to the students a worksheet to work individually.
- Evaluation (45 min)
- T will give divide the group in two teams as well as the board, the winner will get the
best grade (5) and the other will get a passing grade (3). Which makes the games
more interesting and competitive. The students will not feel evaluated.
- GAME 1: Board race: T will display a list of singular nouns using the video beam.
Each of the students of the team has to write one of those words in plural.
GAME 2: Board race (variation): In each team there will be a marker to pass among the
students while the teacher plays ‘eenie meenie miney moe’. The students from each

Assignment – FP010 CALL

team who get the marker, stand up at the back of the classroom. Then T will say a
singular noun and the students run to write its equivalent plural.

Research work about the World Cup

Teaching context: A2 secondary school students from diverse cultural backgrounds.


● To promote teamwork and encourage students to use digital tools such

as blogs, podcasts and youtube videos.
● To practice writing, speaking, reading and listening skills by means of a
web quest search

 Countries and nationalities

Computers, cellphones, overhead projectors, cd players, microphones.

This year, the world cup has been the centre of attention for many pupils, especially
teenagers and adults. This is a good opportunity to apply a topic based approach
including technology by means of which the pupils will acquire the language indirectly
and at the same time they will be making use of digital resources.

As a first part of this project, the students will go on a web quest in which they will find
out more about the host country for the world cup, investigating about History and
Geography of Russia. In order to do this, the students will be allowed to take their
cellphones, tablets or netbooks to the class which they will use for pedagogical
purposes in order to search for information, under the guidance of the teacher.
The teacher will provide the site the students can visit:
www.activityvillage.co.uk/russia . This site will provide the students with useful
information about the factfile of the country. With this information, the students will
elaborate a visual presentation for which they will be able to choose between power

Assignment – FP010 CALL

point programme or Prezi online presentations, which they will, then, share with their

Once the students have searched about Russia and shared with their classmates the
information they have gathered, they will go on to search about the different countries
involved in the world cup, the cultural variety, customs, flags and other particular
aspects. For this purpose, the students who will have already been divided in groups
will be assigned different countries to investigate about and they will prepare activities
for their classmates to solve involving audios or videos. For this purpose, the teacher
will suggest a website to the students from where they can download podcasts to be
shared in class: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/thai/features/6-minute-english/ep-
This time, the students will have to create a video in which they will act out a news
programme telling their classmates about events in that country. For this activity they
will use a video editor which they can download to their cellphones:
https://filmora.wondershare.com/es/. Once their videos are ready they will project those
videos using the overhead projector of the classroom and asking questions to their
classmates. The teacher in this case will act as a monitor.


-Participation Of the group in search of information, preparation of work and oral

-Using Relevant and concise information
-Correction Spelling and syntax.
-Completing Tasks.
-Design of the visual material.
-Clarity and consistency in the oral presentation.
-Use Of computer tools.

It seems that today it is impossible not to involve technology in the classroom, but in
spite of that if it is not planned in advance, it will be completely excluded. In these three
activities, we have tried to apply, the knowledge learned in the subject Computer
Assisted Language, in the teaching of English.

Assignment – FP010 CALL

  You do not have to be a computer expert, but make use of the available tools; in this
case, video beam, tv, internet, youtube, among others, it could also be perceived, that
technology becomes not only an ally, but also the best materials, the best resources,
and even, sometimes they require less investment of time in preparation than
traditional materials.

It is up to the teachers, the task of making the technology fulfill its purpose, and not
becoming a distractor

Assignment – FP010 CALL


Assignment – FP010 CALL


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