03A How To Operate CCC S3 Antisurge Control PDF

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CCC S3+ Antisurge Controller

How To Operate
The CCC S3+

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

• 4 Displays

• 8 Buttons

• 14 Lamps :
Green Lamp Normal Operation

Part of normal control, but a warning

that the system is in non-standard
Yellow Lamp status – this might be MANUAL,
Fault Condition – this might be
Red Lamp Safety On, TRANSFAIL, COMERR or

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

The three-digit Deviation readout normally

displays the deviation of the operating
point from the Surge Control Line. Positive
values indicate an acceptable margin of
safety, negative values indicate unsafe
This readout can also display the
denominator of the Application Function or
the process variables of any Limiting

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

The three-character Alternate readout is

normally blank. However, it will display
“POC” whenever the recycle flow rate is
elevated by the Performance Override (see
Chapter 6) feature and will display the
number of surges the Safety On algorithm
has detected whenever the DISPLAY
SURGE COUNT key is held down.
This readout can also display the
numerator of the Application Function or
the set points of any Limiting Control

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

The three-digit Output readout normally displays

the Actuator Control Signal, which reflects both
the actual output signal and control valve
position, but is not a measurement of either:
When using Output Reverse, OUT will display 100
minus the actuator control signal.
When using Valve Dead Band Compensation, the
displayed value will jump if the control action reverses.
In a Valve Sharing application, the position of the
recycle valve is displayed by the primary Antisurge
Controller and the OUT readouts of all secondary
controllers are blank.
If the RESET key is held down, this readout will display
the anti-surge control response. That signal represents
the intended recycle or blow-off flow, prior to any output
Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

The 12-character AUXiliary readout

displays a variety of controller and process
By default, it displays the Status (operating state) of the
controller. Provided they are enabled, pressing the
MENU key once selects the Measured Variables menu,
while pressing it a second time selects the Calculated
Variables menu. You can cycle through the enabled
variables in any of these groups by pressing the
If Auxiliary Display Reset [MODE:D LOCK 9] is enabled,
this readout will revert to displaying the operating state
60 seconds after the MENU or SCROLL key was last
If the DISPLAY LIMIT key is held down, this readout will
indicate which of the Limiting Control Loops’ variables
are being displayed.

Status The Operating State of the controller displays as one of

the following:
Status RUN indicates the antisurge valve is being modulated to
protect a running compressor from surge.
Status STOP indicates a normal shutdown has ramped the anti-surge
valve open.
Status ESD indicates an emergency shutdown has opened the
antisurge valve as fast as possible.
Status OFF indicates this controller is modulating its valve to satisfy
the recycle requirements of a companion valve-sharing controller,
even though its own compressor is shut down.
Status PURGE indicates the valve is being held fully closed to allow
residual process gas to be flushed from the compressor.
Status TRACK indicates this controller is operating as a redundant
backup for another Antisurge Controller or is tracking a designated
analog input.

Pressing the SCROLL key while any of the above is being

displayed cycles through the following:

DGI= 1234567, where each digit appears if that discrete input is

asserted or is replaced by an underscore if it is not.
DGO= 12345, where each digit appears if that discrete output is
energized or is replaced by an underscore if it is not.
Total B=##.#, where ##.# is the distance between the surge limit and
control lines.
f1(X)= #.##, f2(X)= #.##, f3(X)= #.##, or f5(X)= #.##, where the
displayed numbers (#.##) are the results of the corresponding
proximity-to-surge Characterizing Functions when they are being
calculated. Whenever a particular characterizer is not being calculated,
its result will display as “–.– –”.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

Application Function
When the RESET key is held down, the
ALT readout will display one-half of the
numerator of the chosen proximity-to-
surge Application Function, while the
DEV readout will display one-half of its
denominator. For example, if fA Mode 31
is selected,
ALT would display K· f1(R)·Ps /2
DEV would display ∆ P o,c /2

This provides an alternate indication of

how closely the compressor is operating
to its surge limit. If this ALT readout is
greater than this DEV readout, the
compressor is either in surge or the
controller is incorrectly tuned.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

Limiting Control Loops

If you have enabled one of the Pressure Limiting
control loops, its status can be determined by
holding down the DIS-PLAY LIMIT key. The DEV
readout will then display that pressure, the ALT
readout will show its set point, and the AUX readout
will identify the displayed pressure (discharge or
suction). If both limiting loops have been enabled,
the readouts will alternate between them each time
you press the DISPLAY LIMIT key.

For example, if only discharge pressure limiting is

enabled, pressing DISPLAY LIMIT would always
display that pressure on the DEV readout, its limiting
control threshold on the ALT readout, and “Dis-
charge” in the AUXiliary readout.
Provided these pressures are directly measured (via
CH2 and CH3), their limiting readouts use the same
scaling as the corresponding Measured Variables. If
either is calculated from the other and the pressure
rise across the compressor, its limiting readouts are
scaled as percentages

Controller Measured Variables

The ability to display each of the Measured Variables, its label, and its numeric
format are independently configured. Their default labels are listed in the
following table:

Input Label Input Label

CH1 ∆ Po CH5 D Temp
CH2 D Press CH6 S Temp
CH3 S Press CH7 Chan 7
CH4 Speed CH8 Chan 8

If one of these variables is currently displayed, pressing SCROLL

repeatedly will cycle through all of the enabled measured variables. The
last one selected will be the first one displayed the next time you press
MENU while the controller STATUS is displayed.

Auxiliary Window

For Display .....Press Menu Button .....Press Menu Button

Status Differential Pressure Polytropic Head Exponent

...Press Scroll Button Discharge Pressure Compressor Ratio
( D Press ) ( Rc )
...Press Scroll Button Suction Pressure Temperature Ratio
( S Press ) ( Rt )
...Press Scroll Button Speed Rotational Speed
( Speed ) ( Speed )
...Press Scroll Button Discharge Temp Mass Flow Rate
( D Temp ) ( Flow )
...Press Scroll Button Suction Temp
( S Temp )
...Press Scroll Button User Defined
Chan 7
...Press Scroll Button User Defined
Chan 8

Auxiliary Window

For Display .....Press Menu Button .....Press Menu Button

Status Differential Pressure Polytropic Head Exponent

...Press Scroll Button Discharge Pressure Compressor Ratio
( D Press ) ( Rc )
...Press Scroll Button Suction Pressure Temperature Ratio
( S Press ) ( Rt )
...Press Scroll Button Speed Rotational Speed
( Speed ) ( Speed )
...Press Scroll Button Discharge Temp Mass Flow Rate
( D Temp ) ( Flow )
...Press Scroll Button Suction Temp
( S Temp )
...Press Scroll Button User Defined
Chan 7
...Press Scroll Button User Defined
These are what can be viewed in8the Auxiliary Window Display
Some of the displays may not be needed for your application
Calculated Variables

This menu can be configured to display any of the following calculated

Rc is the Compression Ratio.
Rt is the Temperature Ratio.
Hpr is the Reduced Head.
Sigma is the Polytropic Head Exponent.
Speed is the Displayed Speed.
Flow is the Displayed Flow.
UsrQ is the Displayed Net Flow.

As with measured variables, each of these readouts can also be

independently enabled or disabled, displaying one calculated variable
allows you to SCROLL to the others, and the last one displayed is the
first shown the next time you invoke this MENU.
In the event that one or more of the inputs used to calculate these
variables fail, the controller can substitute default values for either
those inputs or the calculated variable. The resulting fallback value
would then be displayed.
Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

LED Indicators
One of these LEDs will always be lit:
The Green Auto LED lights to indicate
automatic operation. It flashes if the
default output fallback strategy is active.
The Yellow Manual LED lights to indicate
manual operation. It flashes when
operating in manual with Manual
Override enabled (no automatic
You can toggle between these modes by
pressing the AUTO/MAN key. Automatic or
manual operation can also be selected via serial

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

LED Indicators

If the controller is being manually

operated, the yellow RT LED will be lit
when the margin of safety is below the
threshold for the Recycle Trip response
and will stay on only until an adequate
margin of safety is restored.
If the controller is operating
automatically, the RT LED remains lit
until the Recycle Trip response decays
to zero, even if an adequate margin of
safety has been restored.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

LED Indicators
If the red SO LED is lit, the Safety On
response has detected one or more surges
and increased the surge control margin to
prevent additional surging. You can
determine how many surges were detected by
pressing the DISPLAY SURGE COUNT key.
The SO LED will remain on until the RESET
key is.

The yellow Limit LED is lit when either the

discharge pressure is above its threshold or
the suction pressure is below its limit. This
will increase the recycle rate above the level
needed for surge protection alone. The
DISPLAY LIMIT key can be used to display the
value and set point of each limiting variable.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

LED Indicators
When redundant controllers have been
installed, the green Tracking LED of the active
controller (the one actually controlling the
compressor) will be off and that of the
tracking controller will be lit. It will flash if
Output Tracking is active or if the Remote
Low Output Clamp is above the internal Low
Output Clamp, even if the control signal is
above both clamps.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

LED Indicators
The red TranFail LED is lit when any
analog input signal is beyond its
Transmitter Testing range (the Transmitter
Status Test [MODE:D ANIN –] will identify
the offending inputs).

The yellow Fallback LED is lit when one of

the controller’s Fallback Strategies is
being used, usually because a required
analog or serial input has failed (some
insight can be gained by examining the
TranFail and ComErr LEDs).

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

LED Indicators
The red ComErr LED is lit when the
controller fails to detect an expected
transmission on its Port 1 or Port 2 serial
communication network. The exact
meaning of this condition depends on
which features are enabled (for example,
load-sharing, performance override
control, or speed tracking). The offending
port can be identified and additional
diagnostic information obtained by using
the Serial Port 1 Test [MODE COMM – 3]
and Serial Port 2 Test [MODE COMM – 2

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

LED Indicators
The red Fault LED is lit when an internal
fault has been detected, as described in
the Fault Indicators section in Chapter 8
of IM300/H. If this LED is lit but the Fault
relay is not de-energized, check the cable
connecting the Front Panel to the CPU
PCB for loose connections.

The controller’s output signal is totally
unpredictable when the Fault LED is lit.
Process disruptions or damage can result if
it is not immediately disconnected from your

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

Control Keys
The AUTO/MAN key toggles the controller
between automatic and manual operation
(the green Auto or yellow Manual LED will
light to indicate which mode is selected).

The Raise and Lower keys vary the

actuator control signal when manual
operation is selected. Momentarily
pressing the Raise key will increment that
signal by 0.1 percent, while holding it down
increases the output in steadily larger
increments (it takes about 20 seconds to
change the control signal by a full 100
percent). The Lower key reduces the
output in a similar fashion.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

Control Keys
Each time a surge is detected, the controller
increases the surge control margin by
adding the Safety On Incremental Bias.
Pressing the DISPLAY SURGE COUNT key
temporarily displays that surge count in the
ALT readout, while pressing the RESET
SAFETY ON key resets it to zero and
restores the original surge control margin.

If RESET SAFETY ON is held down, the ALT and DEV

readouts will display the numerator and denominator
of the Ss proximity-to-surge variable, and the OUT
readout will display the control response prior to any
control valve compensations. Because this key also
resets the Safety On response, however, you should
avoid viewing these variables while the SO indicator
is lit.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

Control Keys

To avoid repeated surging, do
while the SO LED is lit unless
the causes of the surging have
been identified and corrected.
Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

Control Keys

If the DISPLAY LIMIT key is held down, the DEV

and ALT readouts will display the value and set
point for one of the limiting variables, while the
AUX readout displays “Discharge” or “Suction”
to indicate which of those pressures is being
If both limiting loops are enabled, the displays
will alternate between them each time DISPLAY
LIMIT is pressed. Pressing this key does not
affect the operation of the control algorithms —
you can examine these variables at any time
without disturbing your process.

Series 3+ Antisurge Controller

Control Keys

The MENU and SCROLL keys select the

information displayed by the AUX readout.
Pressing Menu advances that display through
the available menus, while pressing Scroll
advances it to the next item in the currently
selected menu.

End of This Session

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