Efficiency of Stenger Test in Confirming Profound Unilateral Pseudohypacusis PDF
Efficiency of Stenger Test in Confirming Profound Unilateral Pseudohypacusis PDF
Efficiency of Stenger Test in Confirming Profound Unilateral Pseudohypacusis PDF
Main Article
# 2009 JLO (1984) Limited
Objective: Conscious and deceptive exaggeration of hearing loss is termed pseudohypacusis. Even though
the Stenger test has been used in the management of pseudohypacusis for almost a century, its sensitivity,
specificity and predictive values for unilateral pseudohypacusis have not previously been reported, to our
best knowledge. We investigated the efficiency of the Stenger test in detecting unilateral pseudohypacusis,
accepting auditory brainstem response testing as the ‘gold standard’.
Materials and methods: Candidates with questionable profound or total hearing loss were enrolled in
the study. Pure tone audiometry, speech and tonal Stenger tests, and click test auditory brainstem
response measurement were performed. Accepting auditory brainstem response testing as the gold
standard, the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the Stenger test for unilateral, profound
pseudohypacusis were assessed.
Results: Two hundred military candidates were enrolled in the study. The sensitivity and specificity of
the Stenger test in verifying unilateral, profound hearing loss were 99.4 and 70 per cent, respectively.
The positive and negative predictive values of the test were 87.5 and 98.4 per cent, respectively.
Conclusion: The Stenger test is widely used for the evaluation of unilateral or asymmetrical
pseudohypacusis. In our opinion, it is a powerfully reliable test. More difficult cases require objective
electrophysiological testing to verify functional hearing loss and to exclude specific diagnoses that may
imitate pseudohypacusis.
Key words: Sensorineural Deafness; Pure Tone Audiometry; Auditory Brain Stem Response
From the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey.
Accepted for publication: 10 November 2008. First published online 19 March 2009.
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primarily on the Stenger effect, that is, a sound pre- even when the stimulus to the poor ear was higher
sented to both ears is perceived only in the ear in than the stimulus to the good ear, because the stimulus
which it is louder. Stenger test results are interpreted was perceived by the good hearing ear. If the patient
as negative when the hearing thresholds in the poorer chose not to respond to the test when the stimulus
ear are real, and as positive when the thresholds are to the poor ear was greater than the good hearing
faked or exaggerated. Estimating the real hearing ear thresholds, then the test was interpreted as posi-
thresholds of pseudohypacusis patients is also poss- tive, i.e. suggestive of pseudohypacusis.
ible using the Stenger test.8 Even though it has After Stenger testing had been completed, auditory
been used for almost a century, the Stenger test’s sen- brainstem response testing was performed under deep
sitivity, specificity and predictive values for unilateral sedation (induced by intramuscular injection of mida-
pseudohypacusis have not previously been reported, zolam (50 mg/kg)). An auditory evoked potential
to our best knowledge. system (Nicolet Compact Electrodiagnostic system;
Due to Turkish national military regulations, can- Nicolet Biomedical Instruments, Madison, Wisconsin,
didates with unilateral profound or total hearing USA) was used for recordings. Silver disc electrodes
loss (i.e. a pure tone average equal to or greater recorded potentials. The positive and reference elec-
than 90 dB HL) are deemed unsuitable for military trodes were placed on the forehead and the mastoid
service. Statutory regulations also require clinical skin, respectively, while another forehead electrode
practitioners to perform ABR testing to confirm served as a ground. Care was taken to attain an elec-
pure tone audiometry results. Since our institution trode impedance and an inter-electrode impedance
has been designated an official examining centre for difference of less than 5 and 1 kV, respectively.
hearing loss, military candidates who may potentially Click stimuli of alternating polarity and with a
present with pseudohypacusis are frequently referred duration of 100 ms were delivered monaurally at a
to us. Thus, taking advantage of our particular patient repetition rate of 20 per second to each ear through
population, and accepting ABR testing as the ‘gold a tubal insert earphone (Nicolet Biomedical
standard’, we investigated the efficiency of the Instruments). A total of 1500 sweeps was averaged.
Stenger test in detecting unilateral pseudohypacusis. Bio-electric signals were amplified 105 times and
band-pass filtered over 150 –3000 Hz. Analysis
time was set at 10 ms. The test commenced with an
Materials and methods 80 dB nHL stimulus. The hearing threshold calcu-
The study was performed in the otolaryngology lation was based on the V wave generated by the
department of the Gulhane Military Medical lowest stimulus intensity. The contralateral ear was
Academy, between August 2007 and March 2008. masked when necessary. Candidates with no V wave
Two hundred male candidates (mean age 22 at 100 dB nHL were diagnosed as having at least pro-
years + 3,4 standard deviation; range 20 to 32 found hearing loss (Figure 1). Detection of a V wave
years) had already been evaluated and referred to evoked by a stimulus intensity of less than 100 dB
our department with questionable profound or total nHL, in candidates whose pure tone audiograms
hearing loss. These men were enrolled in the study were suggestive of total or profound hearing loss,
and underwent pure tone and speech audiometry. was taken to indicate pseudohypacusis (Figure 2).
Speech and tonal Stenger tests were performed
immediately after pure tone audiometry. The tests
were performed with calibrated audiometers (Audio- Results
med AC-40; Interacoustics, Assens, Denmark) in a
sound-proof booth (Interacoustics). Earphones Two hundred candidates were referred to our insti-
(TDH-39; Telephonics, Farmingdale, USA) and a tution with a possible diagnosis of unilateral pro-
bone vibrator (B-71; Radioear, New Eagle, Pennsyl- found or total hearing loss. On ABR testing, which
vania, USA) were used for measuring air and bone we accepted as the gold standard, 190 (95 per cent)
conduction thresholds, respectively. An audiologist of the 200 candidates had a V wave which was ident-
who was unaware of the Stenger test results per- ified only at 100 dB nHL (confirming profound
formed click ABR testing. The sensitivity, specificity
and predictive values of the Stenger test for unilat-
eral, profound pseudohypacusis were assessed,
using the ABR test as the gold standard.
Stenger testing was performed immediately after
pure tone and speech audiometry. Stenger testing
began with presentation of a steady sound stimulus
to the good hearing ear, at 1000 Hz and 5 dB higher
than the threshold. The patient was asked to press
the button when he heard the stimulus. Simultaneous
stimuli at the same tone, beginning from 0 dB HL and
increasing in 5 dB increments, were given to the poor FIG. 1
hearing ear. Increment, by 5 dB-step was continued
Auditory brainstem response trace showing no V wave at
until the candidate ceased to respond or maximum 100 dB nHL, indicating at least profound hearing loss. The
intensity was achieved. The test was interpreted as x-axis presentes: time (ms: millisecond); the y-axis presents:
negative when the patient continued to respond amplitude (mV: microvolt).
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delayed auditory feedback speech test and the swing- above true values) but not significantly at 1 kHz.16
ing story test. However, these tests provide only quali- Although it can predict functional hearing loss, the
tative information and are thus no longer efficiency of the Stenger test is apparently affected
recommended for pseudohypacusis diagnosis. More- by interaural sensitivity differences and by the size
over, assessing objective hearing thresholds with of the functional component in the better ear.17,18
these tests is not always possible.1 – 4,15 Otoacoustic emission tests may also play a role in
Two different physiological effects play a significant the management of pseudohypacusis, but with two
role in the management of unilateral profound or total major drawbacks. These tests are easy and quick to
hearing loss: the ‘shadow curve’ and the Stenger perform, but test solely the integrity of the cochlea,
effect. If a profoundly hearing-impaired ear is stimu- specifically the outer hair cells. Thus, the presence
lated at 40 dB or more above the contralateral ear’s of otoacoustic emissions does not guarantee trans-
threshold, the contralateral ear perceives the stimulus. mission of neural signals to the central auditory path-
Thus, the audiogram of such an ear should show a ways. Additionally, otoacoustic emissions are only
similar pattern to the contralateral ear’s audiogram, abolished when cochlear hearing losses of up to
but with the threshold shifted nearly 40 dB higher. 40– 50 dB HL are present, depending on the type
This phenomenon is known as a shadow curve, and of emissions.19 Keeping these limitations in mind,
is not seen in patients feigning hearing loss.1,4,8 If otoacoustic emissions can be used to provide actual
the same tone is presented to both ears, the tone is threshold measurements when performed in combi-
perceived centrally as arising from one source nation with routine speech and pure tone
(binaural fusion). This ‘fused’ tone is localised only audiometry.1 – 4
to the ear that is better able to detect it; this phenom- Auditory evoked potentials provide an estimate of
enon is known as the Stenger effect. true hearing thresholds if a detectable evoked
Of the tests created specifically to detect pseudo- response is seen at a specific stimulus intensity. Audi-
hypacusis, the Stenger test is the best known. It can tory evoked potentials have been used to verify
be used for patients feigning asymmetrical hearing hearing sensitivity in pseudohypacusis cases.20 Fur-
loss with an interaural difference of at least 30 to thermore, the application of ABR testing is probably
40 dB. The test relies on the Stenger effect. The a potent force in motivating the patient to return to
Stenger test consists of presenting either a pure improved and even normal threshold levels through
tone or spondee word at a level just above the voluntary responses.21 Auditory brainstem response
threshold hearing in the better-hearing ear, simul- testing has the advantage of not depending on the
taneously with a signal just below threshold in the patient’s state of consciousness. The presence of
worse-hearing ear, while asking the patient to evoked potentials demonstrates only a synchronised
respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ regarding hearing a tone in neural discharge in response to noise stimuli; it
either ear. A patient with actual asymmetrical does not guarantee the perception of sound. The
hearing loss will respond ‘yes’, because he or she opposite is also true; the absence of a response
should hear the tone in their better-hearing ear, does not necessarily imply that a sound is not being
due to binaural fusion. Patients with functional perceived by the subject, as demonstrated by the dis-
hearing loss will, due to binaural fusion, hear the orders collectively known as auditory neuropathy.4
tone only in the worse-hearing ear, and will choose Click-evoked ABR thresholds result in reasonable
not to respond because they cannot tell that there predictions of the average behavioural thresholds at
is a stimulus above threshold in the better-hearing 2 and 4 kHz, thus limiting their utility in patients
ear. By using these techniques, and carefully present- with functional hearing loss who have underlying
ing the tone above threshold in the better ear while high-frequency hearing loss. However, cases have
slowly increasing the tone level in the ‘bad’ ear been reported in which click-evoked ABR thresholds
until the patient fails to respond, the actual threshold underestimated hearing loss at these frequencies.20,22
of the bad ear can be estimated.1,8 In the current study, click-evoked ABR measure-
Boyd et al. have reported an interesting study ments were used since these generally result in well
investigating the efficacy of the Stenger test, formed responses. The test also assisted in determin-
employed in two forms to estimate genuine hearing ing whether auditory neuropathy existed.20
thresholds in normally hearing volunteers simulating The assessment of sensitivity and specificity is one
total unilateral hearing loss. The Stenger test was approach to quantifying the diagnostic ability of a
carried out in its standard form and also in a modified test.23 In clinical practice, however, the test result is
form, in which a phase shift was introduced between all that is known, so clinicians need to know how
the signals delivered to the two ears, set to produce good that test is at predicting abnormality; in other
phase-induced lateralisation towards the ‘poor’ ear. words, what proportion of patients with abnormal
The standard test estimated hearing thresholds at a test results is truly abnormal? In the current study,
mean of 13.5 dB above the true thresholds, at five fre- the sensitivity and specificity of the Stenger test for
quencies from 250 Hz to 4 kHz. Hearing thresholds verifying unilateral profound hearing loss were 70
at the different frequencies were compared, and and 99.4 per cent, respectively. These findings mean
although thresholds were lower for the higher fre- that the Stenger test recognises 70 per cent of all pseu-
quencies, the apparent effect of frequency was not dohypacusis cases as pseudohypacusis, and that it also
statistically significant. The modified test, using a correctly detects 99 per cent of all hearing loss cases.
908 phase shift, was found to enhance the test at The positive and negative predictive values of the test
250 and 500 Hz (thresholds estimated at about 7 dB were 87.5 and 98.4 per cent, respectively. The Stenger
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ficity and predictive values for unilateral
pseudohypacusis have not previously been reported, Address for correspondence:
to our best knowledge. We investigated the efficiency Dr Abdullah Durmaz,
of the Stenger test in detecting unilateral pseudohy- Assistant Professor,
Dept of ORL & HNS,
pacusis, within a particular patient population and GATA Etlik 06018,
using a conventional auditory testing battery, accept- Ankara, Turkey.
ing ABR testing as the gold standard.
Fax: þ90 (312) 3045700
References E-mail: [email protected]
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