Data Protection India

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Data protection law in India is currently facing many problem

and resentments due the absence of proper legislative

framework. There is an ongoing explosion of cyber crimes on a
global scale. The theft and sale of stolen data is happening
across vast continents where physical boundaries pose no
restriction or seem non-existent in this technological era. India
being the largest host of outsourced data processing in the
world could become the epicentre of cyber crimes this is mainly
due absence of the appropriate legislation. The Data Security
Council of India (DSCI) and Department of Information
Technology(DIT) must also rejuvenate its efforts in this regard
on the similar lines. However, the best solution can come from
good legislative provisions along with suitable public and
employee awareness. It is high time that we must pay attention
to Data Security in India. Cyber Security in India is missing and
the same requires rejuvenation. When even PMO's cyber
security is compromised for many months we must at least now
wake up. Data breaches and cyber crimes in India cannot be
reduced until we make strong cyber laws. We cannot do so by
mere declaring a cat as a tiger. Cyber law of India must also be
supported by sound cyber security and effective cyber

Indian companies in the IT and BPO sectors handle and have

access to all kinds of sensitive and personal data of individuals
across the world, including their credit card details, financial
information and even their medical history. These Companies
store confidential data and information in electronic form and
this could be vulnerable in the hands of their employees. It is
often misused by unsurplous elements among them. There
have been instances of security breaches and data leakages in
high profile Indian companies. The recent incidents of data
thefts in the BPO industry have raised concerns about data

There is no express legislation in India dealing with data

protection. Although the Personal Data Protection Bill was
introduced in Parliament in 2006, it is yet to see the light of day.
The bill seems to proceed on the general framework of the
European Union Data Privacy Directive, 1996. It follows a
comprehensive model with the bill aiming to govern the
collection, processing and distribution of personal data. It is
important to note that the applicability of the bill is limited to
personal data' as defined in Clause 2 of the bill.

The bill applies both to government as well as private

enterprises engaged in data functions. There is a provision for
the appointment of, Data Controllers, who have general
superintendence and adjudicatory jurisdiction over subjects
covered by the bill. It also provides that penal sanctions may be
imposed on offenders in addition to compensation for damages
to victims.

The bill is clearly a step in the right direction. However due to

the paucity of information, the bill is still pending.

While the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act), contains

provisions regarding cyber and related IT laws in India and
delineates the scope of access that a party may have to on
data stored on a computer, computer system or computer
network, the provisions of the IT Act do not address the need
for a stringent data protection law being in place.

The Information Technology Act, 2000 has recently been

amended to meet challenges in cyber crime, the amended Act
is yet to come into force, it has introduced two important
provisions that have a strong bearing on the legal regime for
data protection. These are sections 43A and 72A, inserted into
the IT Act by the amendment Act. But the provisions pertaining
to data security and confidentiality are grossly inadequate. In
recent years the incidents of data theft in BPO has raised
concern about the data privacy when one of its employees sold
personal data belonging to a large number of British nationals
to an undercover reporter from the British tabloid The Sun'. The
incident sparked off a debate among the offshore industry
circles, media and the legal world as to how safe foreign data is
in Indian hands. Hence, the amendments, are more of a knee-
jerk reaction from the Government to the recent data thefts and
other incidents, India has more to do with issues related to
cyber crimes and e-commerce transactions than data

The provisions purportedly for data protection' jut out as an ugly

patch work on the IT Act and do not offer any comprehensive
protection to personal data in India. In these circumstances the
question to be asked is, Being a major IT power in the global
map today, can India afford to deal with an important issue
such as this in the manner in which it has dealt with in the
amendments to the IT Act?.

The Recent amendments to IT Act are

Section 43A states that if a body corporate possessing, dealing

or handling any sensitive personal data or information in a
computer resource which it owns, controls or operates is
negligent in implementing and maintaining reasonable security
practices and procedures, and thereby causes wrongful loss or
wrongful gain to any person, this body corporate will become
liable to pay damages as compensation to the affected person.

The term body corporate is wide enough to include a company,

a firm, sole proprietorship or other association of individuals
engaged in professional or commercial activities. And then
regarding reasonable security practices and procedures include
security practices and procedures desiring to protect
information unauthorised damage, use, modification, disclosure
or impairment as may be specified either
(i) in an agreement between the parties; or
(ii) in any law in force; and in the absence of an agreement or
law, as may be prescribed by the Union government,
This mainly means that the contracting parties may specify in
their contract the extent of security they demand from the
disclosing parties in case of breach they are liable to pay the

However, the amendment Act has not specified the meaning of

the term sensitive personal data or information and merely
states that it would mean such personal information as may be
prescribed by the Union government in consultation with such
professional bodies or associations as it may deem fit.
Section 72 is limited to information being obtained by virtue of a
power granted under the IT Act. The purview of section 72A, on
the other hand, is wider than the existing section 72 and
extends to disclosure of personal information of a person
(without consent) while providing services under a lawful
contract and not merely disclosure of information obtained by
virtue of powers granted under the IT Act.

The term intermediary is added to section72A. This has been

defined under the amendment Act to mean (with respect to any
particular electronic record) a person, who on behalf of another
person receives, stores or transmits that record or provides any
service with respect to that record and includes telecom service
providers, network service providers, Internet service providers,
Web-hosting service providers, search engines, online payment
sites, online auction sites, online market places and cyber

On comparing the Indian law with the law of developed

countries the proper requirement for the Indian law can be
analysed. U.K. has its Data Protection Act (DPA) of 1998. This
Act is basically instituted for the purpose of providing protection
and privacy of the personal data of the individuals in UK.

According to this Act , the persons and organizations which

store personal data must register with the information
commissioner, which has been appointed as the government
official to oversee the Act. The Act put restrictions on collection
of data. Personal data can be obtained only for one or more
specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further
processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or
purposes. The personal data shall be adequate, relevant, and
not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which
they are processed.

Both U.S and the European Union focus on enhancing privacy

protection of their citizens, U.S takes a different approach to
privacy from that of the European Union. US adopted the
sectoral approach that relies of mix of legislation, regulation,
and self regulation. In U.S, data are grouped into several
classes on the basis of their utility and importance. Thereafter,
accordingly a different degree of protection is awarded to the
different classes of data. Whereas the provisions of IT Act deal
basically with extraction of data, destruction of data, etc.
Companies cannot get full protection of data through that which
ultimately forced them to enter into separate private contracts
to keep their data secured. These contracts have the same
enforceability as the general contract.

The European Union has enforced a comprehensive Directive

on Protection of personal Data to all its member countries. The
US has also complied with the EU directive through the Safe
Harbour Agreement to facilitate business from the EU
countries. It would be wise for India to comply with the EU
directive as well, as it has a lot at stake.

Despite the efforts being made for having a data protection law
as a separate discipline, our legislature have left some lacuna
in framing the bill of 2006. The bill has been drafted wholly on
the structure of the UK Data Protection Act whereas today's
requirement is of a comprehensive Act. Thus it can be
suggested that a compiled drafting on the basis of US laws
relating to data protection would be more favourable to the
today' requirement.
Unauthorised use or transfer of this credit data attracts
prohibitive fines. Credit information can be used only to identify
the credit worthiness of a potential customer and cannot be
used or transferred to unauthorised persons for any other
purpose. The IT Act again, protects credit data exclusively
which is just one aspect of personal data.

Any piecemeal legislation is insufficient; we need

comprehensive data protection legislation that will protect the
rights of data subjects, that will vehemently prohibit the use of
collected data for any purpose other than for which it has been.
The Information Technology Act, 2000 is not data or privacy
protection legislation perse. It does not lay down any specific
data protection or privacy principles. The Information
Technology Act, 2000 is a generic legislation, which articulates
on range of themes, like digital signatures, public key
infrastructure, e-governance, cyber contraventions, cyber
offences and confidentiality and privacy. It suffers from a one
Act syndrome. It would be erroneous to compare the
Information Technology Act, 2000 provisions with the European
Directive on Data Protection (EC/95/46), OECD Guidelines on
the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal
Data, 1980, and the Safe Harbor principles of the US.

In fact the Information Technology Act, 2000 deals with the

issue of data protection and privacy in a piecemeal fashion.
There is no an actual legal framework in the form of Data
Protection Authority, data quality and proportionality, data
transparency etc. which properly addresses and covers data
protection issues in accordance with the principles of the EU
Directive, OECD Guidelines or Safe Harbor Principles.
Accordingly, even if the new proposed amendments to the
Information Technology Act, 2000 were adopted, India would
still lack a real legal framework for data protection and privacy.

Absence of the Data protection law is huge blow to outsourcing

industry in India . The US, European Union customers are
protected by a comprehensive privacy Directive, and part of
that privacy protection is the requirement, placed on
companies, not to transfer personal data to countries which do
not offer an adequate level of protection. The result is that
European Trades Unions have cited data protection as an issue
which should be taken into account in many international out-
sourcing deals. Stop the flow of personal data, which in turn will
affect our outsourcing industry very badly.

For sustaining and encouraging the BPO boom, India needs to
have a legal framework that meets with the expectations, both
legal and of a public nature, as prevail in the jurisdictions from
which data is being shipped to India. In practical terms the
biggest hurdle is for India to have its framework of domestic
data protection laws officially adjudged and publicly perceived
as adequate. The EU officially declares and lists adequate'
countries in terms of its 1995 Data Protection Directive. Only a
handful of countries like Argentina, Canada, Australia and
Switzerland, have so far made it to this white list. If India were
also to make it to this list by enacting a suitable legislation,
industries within the EU Member states would be able to export
data to India without having to follow otherwise compulsory
difficult and cumbersome procedures.

India rather than limit itself to being a supplier of services to

corporate America and Europe, India sees itself as the place
where such corporations can establish themselves. Thus by
creating a good data protection law India could extend well
beyond being a mere supplier of services to the world's multi-
national corporations. In effect, it wants to establish corporate

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