Irregular Verbs by Patterns For Adding

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Group 1: Verbs don´t take any change Group 4 Verbs take “ught” ending for the past and past participle
Present or Base F. Past Form Past Participle Meaning Present or Base F. Past Form Past Participle F Meaning
1 Bet Bet Bet Apostar 1 Bring Brought Brought Traer
2 Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Transmitir 2 Buy Group 9: Bought
Verbs add “N” or –“EN” to the Past Participle
Bought Comprar
3 Burst Burst Burst Estallar / explotar 3 Present
Catch or Base F. Past Form
Caught Past Participle F
Caught Meaning
Atrapar / agarrar
4 Cast Cast Cast Repartir / elegir 41 (A)wake
Fight (A)woke
Fought (A)woken
Fought Despertar
Pelear / luchar
5 Cost Cost Cost Costar / valer 52 Seek
Be (am – is - are) Sought
Was - Were sought
Been Ser Buscar
/ estar
6 Cut Cut Cut Cortar 63 Teach
Bear Taught
Bore Taught
Born - Borne Enseñar
Nacer / soportar
7 Fit Fit Fit Encajar / cuadrar 74 Think
Beat Thought
Beat Thought
Beaten Pensar
Vencer / derrotar / batir

8 Hit Hit Hit Golpear 5 Bite Bit Bitten Morder / picar

9 Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir / lastimar / doler 6 Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Group 5: Verbs change “y” into id
10 Let Let Let Permitir / dejar 7 Break Broke Broken Romper / partir
Present or Base F. Past Form Past Participle F Meaning
11 Put Put Put Colocar / poner 8 Choose Chose Chosen Seleccionar / escoger
1 Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Incrustar / embutir
12 Quit Quit Quit Renunciar 9 Do Did Done Hacer
2 Lay Laid Laid Colocar / presentar
13 Read Read Read Leer 10 Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
3 Pay Paid Paid Pagar
14 Set Set Set Ajustar / acomodar 11 Drive Drove Driven Manejar / conducir
4 Say Said Said Decir
15 Shut Shut Shut Cerrar 12 Eat Ate Eaten Comer
16 Split Split Split Rajar / partir / dividir 13 Fall Fell Fallen Caer / caerse
17 Spread Spread Spread Esparcir / extender 14 Fly Group 6: Flew
Verbs take the sameFlown
past and past participle
18 Thrust Thrust Thrust Clavar / encajar 15 Present
Forbidor Base F. Past Form
Forbade Past Participle F Prohibir Meaning
19 Upset Upset Upset Perturbar 116 Dig
Foresee Dug
Foresaw Dug
Foreseen Cavar / Excavar
20 Wet Wet Wet Mojar / orinar 217 Find
Forget Found
Forgot Found
Forgotten Hallar / Encontrar
318 Grind
Forgive Ground
Forgave Ground
Forgiven Machacar
419 Hang
Forsake Hung
Forsook Hung
Forsaken Colgar
Group 2: Verbs take a vowel change “i” to “a” to “u” 520 Lose
Freeze Lost
Froze Lost
Frozen Perder
Group 7: Verbs
Present or Base F. change
Past Formto “t” ending in past and
Past Participle F past participle
Meaning 621 Shine Shone Shone Brillar
Conseguir / llegar / entender /
Get Got Gotten
Present recibir / obtener
1 Begin or Base F. Past Form
Began Past Participle F Comenzar Meaning
Begun 722 Sit Sat Sat
Give Gave Given DarSentarse
21 Bend
Drink Bent
Drank Bent
Drunk Doblar
Beber 823 Spin Spun Spun
Go Went Gone Ir / Hilar
morir/ dar vueltas
32 Build
Ring Built
Rang Built
Rung Construir
Timbrar / llamar / sonar 924 Stand Stood Stood Estar de pie
Grow Grew Grown Crecer / cultivar
43 Creep
Shrink Crept
Shrank Crept
Shrunk Arrastrarse / gatear
Encoger 10
25 Stick
Hide stuck
Hid Stuck
Hidden Pegar
esconder / esconderse
54 Feel
Sing Felt
Sang Felt
Sung Sentir
Cantar 11
26 Sting
Know Stung
Knew Stung
Known SaberPicar / pinchar
/ esconder
Mantener /guardar / conservar
65 Keep
Sink Kept
Sank Kept
Sunk Naufragar / hundir 12
27 String
Mistake Strung
Mistook Strung
Mistaken Equivocarse // tender
Ensartar errar
6 Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse
7 Spring Sprang Sprung Brincar 13
28 Win
Ride Won
Rode Won
Ridden Ganar
Montar / cabalgar
87 Leave
Stink Left
Stank Left
Stunk Salir //dejar
Apestar oler mal 14
29 Wind
Rise Wound
Rose Wound
Risen Enredar
Elevar / rebanar
/ surgir
98 Lend
Swim Lent
Swam Lent
Swum Prestar
Nadar 15
30 Withhold
See Withheld
Saw Withheld
Seen Ver Retener / detener
9 Light Lit Lit Iluminar / alumbrar
31 Withstand
Shake Withstood
Shook Withstood
Shaken Resistir
Agitar / padecer
/ sacudir / temblar
10 Lose Lost Lost Perder
32 Show Showed Shown Mostrar
11 Mean Group 3: Verbs
Meantwith the same present
Meantand past participle
Significar / Querer decir
33 Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
12 Present
Meet or Base F. Met Past Form Past
Met Participle F Reunirse Meaning
/ conocer
1 Become Became Become Volverse /llegar a ser 34 Steal Stole Stolen Robar
13 Rend Rent Rent Desgarrar 35 Swear Swore Sworn Jurar / maldecir
2 Come Came Come Venir
314 Send
Run Sent
Ran Sent
Run Enviar
Correr 36 Take Took Taken Tomar / coger
15 Shoot Shot Shot Disparar / fotografiar 37 Tear Tore Torn Rasgar
16 Sleep Slept Slept Dormir 38 Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar / lanzar
17 Spend Spent Spent Gastar 39 Wear Wore Worn Usar / llevar puesto
18 Sweep Swept Swept Barrer 40 Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirar
19 Weep Wept Wept Llorar 41 Write Wrote Written Escribir
Group 8: Verbs change to “d” ending in past and past participle
Present or Base F. Past Form Past Participle F Meaning
1 Behold Beheld Beheld Contemplar / mirar
2 Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar
3 Breed Bred Bred Criar / procrear
4 Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
5 Flee Fled Fled Huir / escapar
6 Foretell Foretold Foretold Predecir / presagiar
7 Have / Has Had Had Tener – haber
8 Hear Heard Heard Oír
9 Hold Held Held Sostener
10 Lead Led Led Guiar / orientar /dirigir

11 Make Made Made Hacer / fabricar

12 Sell Sold Sold Vender
13 Shoe Shod Shod Calzar / herrar
14 Slide Slid Slid Deslizarse
15 Stand Stood Stood Estar de pie
16 Tell Told Told Decir / contar
17 Understand Understood Understood Entender

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