EagleBurgmann - B-WSE - E1 - Sealing Competence in Water Applications - EN - 21.05.2019 PDF

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Sealing competence

in water applications
Full-Service Partner EagleBurgmann:
Bearing up against all waters.

Market standards Pump manufacturer, OEM System operators

50 million seals of the EagleBurgmann MG1 Installed in countless pumps series of Major end users of water technology
series have been successfully deployed as nearly all well-known manufacturers systems rely on EagleBurgmann.
pump shaft seals throughout the world since worldwide are EagleBurgmann seals: Standardized sealing technology and
1978. The elastomer bellows seal has as small and large series, with individual adaptive service contribute to the success:
become the established standard in water material combinations and versions – and in Improved availability and cost effectiveness.
applications. excellent quality.

Media to be sealed

Product diversity There isn't a medium for which

From individual construction to large series EagleBurgmann hasn't already found a sealing
seals, from 6 mm (0.24") to more than 500 mm solution: from ultrapure water to sludge,
(19.69") shaft diameter – EagleBurgmann from drinking water to highly contaminated
offers a unique range of products. process water.
The sealing specialist
for all water applications
Projects, EPC Innovation

EagleBurgmann is an experienced sealing Using innovative coating technology EagleBurgmann is one of the world's leading
partner for BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) to eliminate "Bad Actors" and increase the system suppliers of sealing technology for
projects: Early integration guarantees the pump´s period of use: challenging situations water and wastewater applications. For more
correct technical configuration and realizes are best solved with EagleBurgmann's than 130 years we have been successfully
economic advantages. DiamondFace.
supplying this complex market with its many
application scenarios. Numerous pump
manufacturers and users rely on
EagleBurgmann seals.

Best sealing technology

from a single source

EagleBurgmann seals are applied in all types

of pumps, macerators and aerators to seal
the shaft. Applications are all primary and
secondary processes in water extraction,
distribution and transport, in water treatment
and wastewater treatment, as well as
agricultural irrigation and flood control.
The demands of manufacturers, operators and
the environment regarding safety, leak
tightness and ruggedness are challenging.
EagleBurgmann responds with not only
the most technically safe but also the most
cost-effective solution. EagleBurgmann
supplies everything from one source – without

Full service partner

with a global presence

Research and development, consulting,

engineering, design, production and a broad
range of modular services are competencies
that our customers demonstrably use to their
benefit. Our comprehensive network of
production facilities and sales and service
centers means we are never far away,
wherever you are in the world.
Sealing technology:
A key component in the operation
of industrial plants.

Reliability and maximum


No industrial system can operate without seals. The reliability of the entire system depends on many Sealing technology also often offers considerable
The number of sealing locations and media to be individual parts. And this is where seals play an potential for cost reduction – through process-
controlled is correspondingly large, as is the number important role. As key components they not only compatible design and standardization, for example.
of plant components that need to be sealed: rotating protect the respective media and processes to be The right product portfolio and knowledge of the
equipment, such as pumps, agitators and sealed, but by preventing leaks they also contribute processes and standards used allows EagleBurgmann
compressors; instruments, valves and flanges, not to towards the protection of humans and the to implement solutions that are not only technically
mention pipes and ducts carrying gases and liquids. environment. As such, they influence the process safe and reliable but economically first-rate as well.
reliability, availability, and economic viability of the

Sealing solutions
for any requirement

Several factors play a major role when

choosing the product, the product type, the
materials used, and how it is operated:
process conditions, sealing location, operating
conditions, and the medium to be sealed.

No matter what requirements our customers

have, we know how these factors affect
functionality and economic viability, so we
convert this know-how flawlessly into
long-term, reliable sealing solutions.
EagleBurgmann has all the expertise it needs
to manage and support the entire
development, life and service cycle of its
sealing solutions.

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Experience, demand and commitment:
The building blocks for perfected sealing concepts
for water applications.

Reliable market partner Consulting and engineering High-level research

with a global presence with meaning and development

With over 60 subsidiaries and 250 locations Technical expertise is gained from knowledge. It is We invest a great deal in research and development
worldwide, we use our global focus to the benefit of not just knowledge of sealing technology but also of in order to consistently improve the performance of
our customers. Thus our production network, which the utilized pumps, plants and systems and the water our products. EagleBurgmann carries out publicly
has plants in Europe, Asia, North and South America, and wastewater technical processes and operating sponsored research projects and works together with
will always ensure that we can produce in line with conditions. institutes and universities. Joint projects with
market requirements and on attractive terms and can customers and suppliers are a regular source of new
supply regional markets. Knowledge management helps us keep our solutions.
comprehensive knowledge up to date and make it
We also have a comprehensive network of sales and available to the entire company. We use databases, Two large research and development centers in
service centers which covers every important courses and training to develop our employees Germany and Japan combined with a worldwide
economic region. Being close to our customers also and bundle our expert knowledge from all around network of testing facilities allow us to respond
means we are precisely acquainted with their the world. flexibly to the requirements of our customers.
processes and individual requirements.
Our dedicated and committed employees use this
EagleBurgmann is part of the German Freudenberg wide and varied know-how to give our customers
Group and the Japanese Eagle Industry Group. well-founded advice on how to choose the best
We are equipped with all the resources we need to technical and economical sealing solution as well as
offer optimum support to major customers at the how to calculate and design according to need.
international level and be their long-term, reliable

Broad standard product Protection of humans, Modular service concept
portfolio and custom solutions the environment and industrial plants ensures maximum flexibility

A largely standardized and modularly structured Safety is an elementary requirement for industrial Products and services are two sides of the same
product series is an essential part of our seal sealing technology. Ultimately, it's about protecting coin. Professional installation and commissioning,
portfolio. But we also offer individual solutions and humans, the environment, products and resources. practical knowledge transfer, intelligent provision of
provide the necessary development, engineering and A lot of what EagleBurgmann does goes far beyond spare parts as well as regular servicing and
production capacity. Using the latest calculation and the legal requirements. This sense of responsibility maintenance extend operating periods and protect
design methods, such as 3D-CAD, we adapt our is part of the company culture and is firmly anchored investments.
products to customer-specific requirements or design in the guiding principles of the group.
new solutions. The need for services varies according to operator
Our environmental management system is ISO 14001 and system and is as diverse as the industry itself.
EagleBurgmann produces in accordance with the certified and our work safety management system Failure mode analysis, tailored on-site services and
most exacting internal and external standards. fulfills OHSAS 18001. Regular audits and numerous engineering services related to sealing technology
We use ultra-modern equipment, optimized and training courses raise awareness in employees and are playing an increasingly important role.
standardized production processes and a great management alike. This develops a culture in which
vertical production range – and excellent employees everyone feels responsible for work safety, the Whether individual sealing systems, critical process
provide the reliable base. Our quality management environment and health protection. Within the elements, specific plant units, or a comprehensive
systems are certified e.g. in accordance with company and on our customers’ premises. service agreement for entire plants - our
ISO 9001. TotalSealCare modular service concept has the
solution for every requirement. The individual service
modules can be combined as needed to ensure
maximum flexibility.

Comprehensive product portfolio:
Sealing solutions for every requirement.

An overview of the Mechanical seals Mechanical seals Mechanical seals Magnetic couplings
EagleBurgmann product lines for pumps for agitators for compressors

Our comprehensive product portfolio covers all the

requirements of water-related applications and their
peripherals. From mechanical seals for pumps,
agitators and compressors via magnetic couplings,
carbon floating ring seals, seal supply systems,
compression packings and gaskets to single and
multiple layered fabric, rubber or steel expansion
joints. EagleBurgmann has an entire Dry-running, gas and liquid The complete sealing The most consistent sealing
range of liquid and gas lubricated seals for steel or program for all types of technology for areas of
Based on a decades-old partnership with our lubricated seals for sealing glass-lined tanks. For sealing compressors from a single application with very high
customers, we have developed a product range of pump shafts. These are in normal and sterile source. Available versions are requirements. Hermetically
available as standard seals or processes. Economic and single / double seal, tandem sealed magnetic couplings
standard high-grade solutions which satisfy many of special versions, as single technical requirements are and tandem seal with guarantee leak-free and
the various requirements. We also design and or multiple seals, full or completely satisfied through intermediate labyrinth. maintenance-free pumping
manufacture special and one-off customer-specific semi-split. A wide range of the rugged construction Rugged, non-wearing and and mixing. Media are
solutions to suit individual applications. high-grade material qualities designed for practical contract-free for the most reliably kept in closed
and surface technologies, application and the choice stringent of permanent system circuits.
such as the innovative of materials. requirements.
This may mean a large series seal or an engineered DiamondFace coating, rounds
one-off solution: EagleBurgmann products are rugged, off the program.
reliable and easy to install, and they offer a very
attractive cost-benefit ratio.

On the following pages we introduce our product

portfolio; this is followed by a number of sample
applications from real life, categorized by the fields
of: Water extraction, water treatment, water
transportation, wastewater technology, flood control
as well as industrial and special water applications.

You will find further references at our website Successful and proven mechanical seals for water applications
eagleburgmann.com, or gladly upon request.

Cartex-SN / Cartex-DE EK777

MG1 / eMG1 elastomer bellows seal M7N BT-AR

Carbon floating ring seals Seal supply systems Compression packings Gaskets Expansion joints Special products

Maintenance-free compact Mechanical seals and The economical and reliable Ready to install seals or sheet As the flexible connecting Special applications require
labyrinth cartridge seals with magnetic couplings need method of sealing pump materials. State-of-the-art elements in air and exhaust innovative and specific
high operational performance supply units for flushing, shafts and valve spindles. materials, material ducts and also pipeline solutions. In addition to
and low leakage. cooling, pressurization, A broad product range, combinations and production systems, the task of expansion special seals and sealing
and leakage compensation innovative materials, material methods allow us to supply joints is to compensate elements for marine
according to application, combinations and special a multitude of versions, pressure and temperature technology and the aerospace
type, and mode of operation. impregnating agents and variations, and shapes. fluctuations, vibrations and industry, we also provide
EagleBurgmann supplies lubricants enable solutions for misaligned joints. They also high-quality metal bellows,
the entire range from even the most demanding must be reliably tight and diaphragm couplings and
a single source. requirements. media-resistant. sealing systems for rotary
Standard expansion joints and kilns.
customer-specific solutions
of fabric, rubber or metal are
the optimal solution.

DiamondFace seal face coating

Innovative technology
A microcrystalline layer with all the attributes of natural
diamond is applied to the sliding faces by chemical vapor
deposition in a vacuum furnace.

Outstanding properties
Seal faces with DiamondFace are extremely hard and
SHV Unitex
resistant to wear, offer excellent thermal conductivity and
demonstrate greatest chemical resistance. The layer adhesion
exceeds all known practical requirements.

Convincing advantages
For mechanical seals this means a considerably longer
service life with accordingly extended maintenance intervals
and greatly reduced life cycle costs.
MG9 Splitex HGH split mechanical seal

From water procurement to wastewater treatment:
Sealing solutions for all applications.

Following the oil and gas and energy production, Water is becoming an ever-increasing valuable Wells, water pipe networks, drainage systems,
the water market is the third largest market commodity. Not the least because the megacities of sewage treatment plants, desalination and
worldwide. It covers the extraction of drinking water the world and agriculture are recording increased water treatment plants, agricultural irrigation –
via water treatment, from the transport through pipe demand. At the same time, large quantities of water different types, sizes and capacities of pumps are in
systems to the end consumer, the transport and are being provided for industrial applications. use in all primary and secondary processes.
treatment of wastewater and on to the flood control Whether chemicals, power plant technology or paper The requirements are as diverse as the fields
of entire cities. production, the automobile industry or metal of application and the machine portfolio. Excellent
processing, every industry consumes variously sealing technology by EagleBurgmann proves on
conditioned process water for the manufacture of a daily basis that saving resources, reliability and cost
nearly every product. effectiveness can work together excellently.

On the other hand, nearly one billion people have no

access to clean water. To redress this need, states,
municipalities and the industry are working worldwide
for even better solutions for the set-up and
maintenance of infrastructure, for a way to use fresh
water and save resources, and to find a more careful
and environmentally-friendly treatment of wastewater
and a sustainable flood control.

Water extraction Water treatment Water transport

Surface water

Drinking water treatment, reverse-osmosis process

Pipelines, building services,

irrigation and drainage, extinguishing water

Spring water


The medium of water The challenge here lies in sealing the rotating We present the situation, the challenge for the
equipment in water applications: depending sealing technology, and solutions in six fields on the
Water is not just water. It forms a widely varied on the purity, solid or gas content, the dissolved topic of water to provide an overview of the versatility
media group of completely demineralized deionized substances or the pH value, "water" places the of the applications and solutions of EagleBurgmann.
water, from drinking water, mineral water, brine, highest demands on the utilized construction and
thermal water, pit water, seawater, brackish water, face materials of the mechanical seal and also
rainwater to the partial currents of the most often enough on the type of seal.
various wastewater compositions e.g. gray and black
water with a high percentage of solids and pollutants For drinking water applications, not only does the
and, not least, different compositions of industrial resistance of the materials play a role, but also the
process water. safeness of the utilized face and structural materials
of the seal must meet the strictest of standards and
be certified with, e.g. FDA, WRAS, ACS or KTW.

Industrial and special water Wastewater technology Flood control

applications Major water technology projects

Reliable sealing in water extraction.

Drinking water is often pumped as groundwater For these applications requiring longevity and However, EagleBurgmann solutions are also deployed
or spring water to the surface from very great depths. reliability, EagleBurgmann applies rugged seals: in the volute casing pumps of water extraction,
Tubular casing and submersible motor pumps are the million-fold proven elastomer bellows seal MG1, whether as dry or wet installation: the MA/MD and
used here and are either seated directly in the for example. As a universal seal it is used as single Cartex series cartridge seals and the HJ977GN,
borehole or are operated underwater in deep wells. or double seal in submersible motor pumps. LA200, LB500 or M3N component seals are
Since these aggregates are difficult to access, the The MG1-MG1 tandem sealing system is operated convincing because they are easy to install and
components must be absolutely reliable. with an unpressurized oil quench between the seals. reliable in operation, even when the medium to be
This makes it predestined for an extremely long conveyed is extremely polluted.
operating period.

Water extraction

Rainwater Pumping station

Wells Filter system

Surface water

Spring water


The tradition-steeped manufacturer, Oddesse, from The Lar reservoir is located in a nature reserve Installed in the Zapadnaya pump station to the
Oschersleben, Germany, deploys EagleBurgmann type approx. 50 km northeast from Tehran. The Iranian southwest of Moscow are two Indar vertical pumps.
MG9 mechanical seals in his successful submersible capital is primarily supplied with drinking water from They deliver hourly up to 5,000 m³ drinking water to
motor pumps. The pumps are used, among others, in there. 32 Amacan pumps from KSB are used here in the city of the Russian capital. Both machines are
water procurement, in the industry and agriculture, continuous operation to deliver the untreated water. equipped with EagleBurgmann M74 component
in mining, shipbuilding and in the offshore sector. They are sealed with specially designed seals. Shaft diameter: 120 mm (4.72"), temperature:
Operating conditions: Temperature: t … 80 °C EagleBurgmann MG4 elastomer bellows seals. t … 20 °C (68 °F), pressure: p = 9 bar (131 PSI),
(176 °F), frequency: … 50 und 60 Hz, rotational rotational speed: n = 980 min–1.
speed: n … 3,600 min–1.

The drinking water pump station in the Dutch town of At the Wahnbach dam approx. 25 km southeast from An extensive major project for water procurement and
Manderveen deploys vertical type CFU centrifugal the German city of Cologne, a pumping station delivers supply of the South European country of Montenegro
pumps from Johnson Pumps. They have been reliably untreated water for the drinking water supply of was realized by Xylem Austria, Lowara Vogel.
delivering over 3.6 million cubic meters of drinking approx. 800,000 inhabitants in the Bonn, Rhein-Sieg, The untreated water is first delivered from the Bolje
water in continuous operation since 2013. The pumps Ahr region to the nearby treatment plant. Sestre water extraction station by four vertical Vogel
are sealed with EagleBurgmann M7N mechanical The water is extracted in various depths from the volute casing pumps to the treatment plant and then
seals with drinking water approved materials. Further approx. 50 meter deep reservoir with a pumping on to the Reljici pumping station (photo) located
operating data: Temperature: t = 15 °C (59 °F), capacity of 1,600 ... 3,200 m³/h. Installed here are 30 km away. Here the drinking water is pumped by six
pressure: p = 6 barg (87 PSIG), rotational speed: Ritz pumps which are sealed with EagleBurgmann Vogel multistage pumps to the high-level tank located
n = 1,450 min–1. Cartex-SN cartridge single seals. Operating conditions: 6 km away. From there it supplies the northern
Pressure: p = 11 bar (160 PSI), rotational speed: coastal area (73 km towards Croatia) as well as the
n = 1,400 min–1. southern coastal area (34 km towards Albania).
All pumps are equipped with EagleBurgmann types
M74 and H74 mechanical seals.

The Swiss city of Geneva and its surrounding region

are supplied with up to 80 % of their drinking water
from Lake Geneva and up to 20 % from groundwater.
The Bella Vista groundwater pumping station
operated by SIC, the regional service provider,
delivers water whenever the lake water treatment
plant is switched off. The station was equipped in
2012 with a 6-stage Wilo EMU borehole pump with
a power of 275 kW. EagleBurgmann MG1 are used
to seal the shafts. Shaft diameter: 70 mm (2.76").

Focus on sealing materials.

Various processes are used for the treatment of Structural materials deployed in drinking water and Together with our customers and suppliers we
drinking water, depending on the quality of the food must be declared safe by national certification continue to develop better solutions. And so our new
untreated water. Mechanical, physical or chemical authorities. As a result, the materials will often need generation of eMG1 and eMG elastomer bellows
treatment: the end product is water as comestible. several certificates and approvals, e.g. as per KTW seals received an innovative, series-optimized silicon
To guarantee top quality, the utilized medium- (Materials in Contact with Drinking Water), Germany; carbide high performance material: eSic-Q7 is
contacting seal materials need to be foodstuff FDA (Food and Drug Administration), USA; or WRAS a friction and wear optimized face material with
approved. (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme), UK. hydrodynamic properties. In practice this means up to
50 % longer operating periods, expanded emergency
EagleBurgmann has the corresponding certificates running properties and reduced power consumption.
for each medium-contacting material of its seals. The eSiC face material can be used in numerous
In addition to the quality recognized as safe, water applications.
our customers - regardless whether OEM or
operator – can rely on the unlimited performance
of our face materials: long operating periods,
the least wear and optimal leak tightness are the
distinguishing features of our seals.

Water treatment


Untreated Drinking
Filters water tank Ion Degassing water tank
exchanger tower

Pumping station

Ventilation Purge air Rinsing water

Grundfos BioBooster A/S develops and distributes Shut-off devices from KSB Service AG are installed in SPX-Johnson type CFB 200-400 pumps for the
a new generation of compact, decentralized and the municipal water supply and in water supply and recirculation of separated water are installed in
modular sewage treatment plants for water treatment treatment plants. The valve spindles here are sealed a membrane ultrafiltration plant of the Dutch Water
of hospitals (shown here the system of the hospital with EagleBurgmann Chemstar compression packings Treatment Company. The medium is very aggressive,
at Herlev, Denmark), among others. made of 100 % PTFE with a PTFE dispersion has a solids content of 50 mg/l and exhibits dissolved
These plants run maintenance-free in continuous impregnation. Valve and seal are subject to pressures solids of up to 3,800 mg/l. The mix also includes
operation. Their central components are new types up to 25 bar (508 PSI) and temperatures up to 65 °C toxic hydrogen sulphide (H2S) which requires reliable
of BioBooster filter units, each of which contain (149 °F). leakage detection. The pumps are sealed with
three EagleBurgmann MG1 shafts seals. They EagleBurgmann Cartex-DN double seals. The seals
effectively prevent contaminated water from leaking are supplied by means of the EagleBurgmann
into clean water. TS1016 system as per API Plan 53.

SWM Services GmbH at the Unterföhring location in Different KSB Etanorm pumps are installed in all The drinking water treatment plant in Choisy Le Roi,
Munich, Germany, is a considerable contributor for areas of the water treatment plant of Sinergy Kft., France, encompasses an area of 16 ha, making it one
supplying the Bavarian state capital with drinking a member of the Alteo Group, in the Hungarian town of the world's largest plants of this type. Approx.
water. To guarantee the outstanding quality of the of Tiszaújváros. Water from the Tisza river is pumped 1.8 million inhabitants of Paris and its surrounding
drinking water, the supply network pipeline is sealed with 7 bar (102 PSI) in the filtration. The separated area are supplied with drinking water procured from
with EagleBurgmann 9107/KH EPDM jacketed permeate is discharged with 1 bar (15 PSI), the the Seine. The operator Veolia had recently made
rubber-steel-gaskets. procured drinking water is fed with 3 bar (44 PSI) considerable investments in the renewal of the
pressure in the water conduits. All pumps are reliably technical facilities. As such, ITT Flygt installed
sealed with EagleBurgmann MG13 mechanical seals. single-stage vertical non-clogging SSF/SSFV pumps
Further operating conditions: Temperature: which are equipped with EagleBurgmann HGH210
t = +20 °C … +40 °C (+68 °F … +104 °F), semi-split mechanical seals. Operating conditions:
rotational speed: n = 1,475 … 2,975 min–1. Medium: untreated river water, flow rate: 15,000 m³/h,
pressure: p = 4.5 bar (65 PSI), rotational speed:
n = 420 min–1.

Sealing technology in reverse osmosis processes.

Seawater desalination plants are already ensuring The seawater is drawn in by tubular casing pumps or The high to extremely high salt content of seawater
a sustainable supply of drinking water to many large submersible motor pumps, then added to the and the separated brine and high pressures
countries today. filter systems by booster pumps, usually single-stage up to 60 bar (870 PSI) require a technically sound
axially split volute casing pumps. configuration of seal and materials.
In the last few years it was possible to considerably
reduce the energy expenditure for the osmosis The purified water is then pressed through several The preferred seals are EagleBurgmann SHV, Cartex
process. This opens new perspectives for the new multistage high pressure pumps into the actual and H75 mechanical seals. Structural materials
construction of such major water technology projects. reverse osmosis system. The separated brine is of choice are often Hastelloy® and Superduplex due
The requirements towards pumps and their shaft returned to the ocean, the procured drinking water is to their resistance.
seals along the reverse osmosis process chain vary pumped into tanks for remineralization. Additional
greatly. pumps are used in energy recovery.

Seawater desalination


Secondary treatment unit


Reverse osmosis plant

Energy recovery

With a daily production amount of 318,500 m³ of In Tungun, a suburb of Gold Coast in Queensland, The seawater desalination plant at La Caleta on
drinking water, the Tuaspring Desalination Plant is the Australia, a seawater desalination plant in continuous Tenerife, Spain, produces 10,000 m³ of drinking water
largest seawater desalination plant in Southeast Asia. standby operation ensures that the drinking water each day, thus covering roughly 40 % of the
It went into production in 2014 as the second supply of the surrounding cities is maintained. requirement of the surrounding communities.
Singapore plant and is operated by Hyflux. Several Nine ERU pumps from Nijhius are deployed in the The plant operated by Ayuntamiento de Adeje was
Sulzer type AFP submersible pumps with 90 mm recirculation of filtered seawater. The shafts of the built completely underground for ecological reasons.
(3.54") shaft diameter are installed in the seawater pumps are sealed with EagleBurgmann SHV1 All five Sulzer ZF-200 high pressure booster pumps
removal. They are sealed with an EagleBurgmann mechanical seals. They have been operating are sealed with EagleBurgmann type SHV mechanical
MG1 in a special face material combination. faultlessly since 2008 without flushing. Operating seals. Operating conditions: Pressure in the seal
Operating conditions: pH 7 … 9, temperature: conditions: Temperature: t … 28 °C (82 °F), chamber: p = 55 bar (798 PSI), rotational speed:
t = +26 °C … +36 °C (+79 °F … +97 °F), pressure: p = 65 bar (943 PSI), rotational speed: n = 1,679 min–1.
rotational speed: n = 1,480 min–1. n = 1,500 min–1.

Horizontal shaft, double suction turbine pump type C The Spanish company Abengoa operates a reverse Fapmo centrifugal booster pumps (type 600700H)
of Ebara, Japan. These large pumps exhibit a high osmosis plant as DBOOT project (Design, Build, Own, deliver water from the Red Sea to the reverse
degree of efficiency, e.g. when pumping water in the Operate and Transfer) in Skikda in Algeria. osmosis in Yanbu/Marafiq, Saudi Arabia. The complex
concentration process of seawater desalination 100,000 m³ of drinking water is procured daily from consists of a 690 MW power station and two
plants. Successfully sealed with two each the Mediterranean Sea. The shafts of the Sulzer inlet desalination plants with a daily drinking water
EagleBurgmann EK777 single seals and supplied in pumps (type ZE-400) are sealed with EagleBurgmann capacity of 60,000 m³. EagleBurgmann Cartex-QN
acc. with API Plan 31+65. Operating conditions: H75. Due to the high proportion of sand, cartridge seals, supplied in accordance with API Plan
Shaft diameter: 180 mm (7.09"), temperature: EagleBurgmann cyclone separators ZY203 32, reliably seal the pumps.
t = 30 °C (86 °F), discharge pressure: 33.9 barg (API Plan 11) are installed to protect the seal. Shaft diameter: 158 mm (6,22"), temperature:
(491.7 PSIG), rotational speed: n = 1,190 min–1. Pressure: p = 6 bar (87 PSI). t = 20 °C, 44 °C, 80 °C (68 °F, 111 °F, 176 °F),
seal chamber pressure: p = 0,8 barg (1.6 PSIG).

A multistage type MNRO6 high pressure pump of The desalination plant Al-Zawrah in the Ajman emirate
Fapmo, France, was delivered for the reverse osmosis was planned and built by the Spanish Cadagua. It has
process for the expansion of the seawater desalination a daily drinking water production of approx. 45,600 m³.
plant Sur in Sharqiyah, Oman. It is sealed with an Seven KSB RPH pumps are installed in the reverse
EagleBurgmann SHV2 mechanical seal. Operating osmosis plant. They are sealed with EagleBurgmann
conditions: Temperature: t = +22 °C … +50 °C SHV1 mechanical seals. Temperature: t = +18 °C …
(+72 °F … +122 °F), pressure: p = 71 bar +35 °C (+64 °F … +95 °F), pressure: p = 63 bar
(1,030 PSI), rotational speed: n = 3,150 min–1. (914 PSI), rotational speed: n = 2,770 min–1.
Seals for continuous performance.

Water transport means transportation across large The consumer, on the other hand, is requesting more It is not always necessary to master ultimate
distances through pipelines or in the drinking water continuous and less high performance. Whether challenges for the applications in the sector of water
pipes of municipal networks and up to fine pressure boost pumps in the drinking water network transport and distribution. Availability, longevity and
distribution within buildings: Pumps keep the medium or pumps in heating circuits - they often run for years ruggedness - those are the properties sought by the
under pressure and in movement. Large dimension without any interruptions to speak of - also thanks sealing technology.
pipeline pumps with a pumping capacity of to the mechanical seals of EagleBurgmann.
15 - 20,000 cubic meters per hour are no longer Impressive proof: The end user of a centrifugal pump Whether in irrigation and drainage, in swimming
uncommon, and the demand for higher performance needed to replace the installed EagleBurgmann M3N pools or garden pumps or in fire extinguisher pumps:
is growing increasingly. after 16 (!) years of hot water operation. EagleBurgmann supplies the optimal seal in each
case. From the BT-AR small large series seal to
Engineered Systems for pumps with a shaft diameter
of up to 500 mm.

Water transport

High level tank City supply

Mobile supply
Private households

Multistage Hilge sterile pumps of the Contra series For the regional transport of wastewater, the German A Swiss paper producer operates Karhula (Sulzer)
are also installed for the distribution and storage of pump manufacturer Wilo SE deploys EagleBurgmann double suction centrifugal pumps of the type ZPP
various qualities of pharmaceutical waters. They are Buratex compression packings of graphite coated 11-250. They are installed as mixer pumps in pulp
CIP and SIP capable and also EHEDG certified; parts cotton in his centrifugal pumps. Challenges, such as treatment and as headbox pumps. After four pumps
with product contact are executed in the Hygienic the high solids content, pressures up to 10 bar with two sealing points each were retrofitted to
Design. Successfully sealed with EagleBurgmann (145 PSI) and temperatures up to 35 °C (95 °F) are EagleBurgmann Splitex split mechanical seals, the
type SHJ mechanical seals. Typical operating not a problem for the shaft seal. The pump case is availability of the system increased significantly.
conditions: Temperature: t = +20 °C … +90 °C reliably sealed with EagleBurgmann Burasil Universal Operating conditions: Medium: Water with pulp
(+68 °F … +194 °F), pressure: p = 2 … 9 bar fibrous material gaskets (see picture). content <5 %, temperature: t = 40 °C (104 °F),
(29 … 131 PSI), steam sterilization at pressure: p … 3 bar (44 PSI), rotational speed:
+121 °C … +135 °C (+250 °F … +275 °F). n = 1,050 min­­–1.

Nijhuis HGT1-350.500 extinguishing water pump skids The paper production has installed numerous pumps Speck BADU 90/15 pumps have been among the
are deployed in the Tempa Rossa oil field in Italy, for conveying the central medium water in different most successful swimming pool pumps on the market
which is operated by Total E&P Italia. The water is qualities and compositions. To pump fresh water, for decades. A reliable shaft seal plays a significant
provided as required with a volume of 1,330 m³/h and one end user from Switzerland uses an Allweiler part in that. Type BT-AR EagleBurgmann BT elastomer
a pressure of 8.4 bar (122 PSI). NHT100-200 volute casing pump. After packings with bellows seals are installed in the BADU series after
The horizontally split pumps with bearings on both flushing were retrofitted to EagleBurgmann Unitex they had been qualified in extensive practical tests on
sides are usually sealed with EagleBurgmann Buraflon cartridge seals without flushing, the operating costs the systems of the pump manufacturer in
compression packings, but Cartex-SN cartridge seals dropped significantly. Operating conditions: Neunkirchen/Germany. Operating conditions: Shaft
are installed in this case. Temperature: t = 20 °C (68 °F), pressure: p … 5 bar diameter: 20 mm (0.79"), temperature range:
(73 PSI), rotational speed: n = 2,900 min–1. t = +28 °C … +38 °C (+82 °F … +100 °F),
pressure: p = 0.8 bar (11 PSI), flow rate: 15 m³/h,
rotational speed: n = 2,850 min­­–1.

The UNIBAD bathing water circulating pumps with

integrated hair and fiber filter, from the German pump
manufacturer Herborner Pumpentechnik, are deployed
in bathing complexes, water entertainment areas, and
theme parks. The pumps are sealed with
EagleBurgmann MG1 single elastomer bellows seals
made of non-wearing materials. Operating conditions:
Temperature: t … 40 °C (104 °F), pressure: p … 4 bar
(58 PSI), rotational speed: … 1,800 min­­–1.

Wastewater pumps sealed properly.

The pumping of wastewater places great demands on The protection of the seal and functionality of the EagleBurgmann seals for the wastewater sector are
the installed circulation, submersible and eccentric pumps are guaranteed by the interaction of various the suitable solution for all operating and process
screw pumps and the macerators and aerators. Solids measures: openly configured seal compartment, conditions. The optimal seal is available depending
content, gas content and alternating medium A-shaped seal cover, product-protected springs, on the solids content of the medium: For <5 %, e.g.,
composition also stress the shaft seals to a high self-cleaning large dimension single springs in the the elastomer bellows seals of the MG series
degree. Clogging or plait development in wastewater rotating part of the seal and resistant materials of with large exterior spring, for <10 % the HJ977GN
pumps is very problematic anyway. Sensitive zones seal faces and stationary seats and secondary seals. with protected spring (also perfectly suited for
are the gap between the impeller and housing, the plait-developing media). EagleBurgmann cartridge
impeller inlet edges and the mechanical seal seals of the Cartex series are deployable even up to
compartment. 40 % solids in the medium.

Wastewater technology

Municipal and industrial Mechanical purification stage

Pumping station Grids/Lifting gear
for biological
Sand catcher/Grease separator Presettlement tank cleaning stage

for sludge
Biological purification stage
of mechanical
cleaning stage
Activation basin Final
settlement tank End filter
Introduction point

Receiving water
for sludge
Return sludge

The UNIPUMP wastewater block pumps of the The pumping station Laakwijk in The Hague, Hidrostal screw centrifugal impeller pumps of the
German manufacturer Herborner Pumpentechnik are Netherlands, was modernized in 2013 and equipped PeroClean / Selfclean series are the solution for
preferably installed in process engineering plants, e.g. with Nijhuis type RW1-500.735 high performance preventing deposits in the pump sump. The system of
for the safe function of wastewater transport systems pumps. The wastewater from households and screw centrifugal impeller, special suction head and
on ships. The pumps are sealed with an accumulated surface water within the municipal areas adapted pump sump sets solids and fibrous materials
EagleBurgmann MG1 single elastomer bellows seal is pumped here to the sewage treatment plants of of the wastewater in rotational motion, thus enabling
made of non-wearing materials. Optionally available Delfland. Operating conditions: Pressure: 2.8 bar complete suction. The correct shaft seals for this
in double version with quench for dry running (40 PSI), capacity: 3,400 m³/h. Double shaft seals of pump series are EagleBurgmann MG1 in tandem
prevention. Operating conditions: Temperature: the type EagleBurgmann Cartex-DN are installed here. arrangement with materials adapted to the product
t … 60 °C (140 °F), pressure: p … 6 bar (87 PSI), They are supplied by an EagleBurgmann QFT2000 and atmosphere side. Delivery head: h = 15 m,
rotational speed: n … 3,600 min–1. quench tank. rotational speed: n = 2,850 min–1.

Dewatered sewage sludge (dry residue content up to Installed in the central sewage treatment plant of the An ultra-modern wastewater system was recently
36 %) with admixtures of caustic lime is pumped by Polish city of Poznan are 12 Netzsch NEMO eccentric erected on Germany's second largest island of
a Seepex hopper pump BTI 17-24. The demanding screw pumps of the type NM125 for the recirculation Usedom in the Baltic Sea. Among others, it includes
application is sealed with EagleBurgmann Cartex-QN of sewage sludge - two machines each per digestion eight pump stations each equipped with several Wilo
in cartridge design. Further operating conditions: tower. They are reliably sealed with rugged EMU FA pumps. The wastewater is pumped to the
Temperature: t = 20 °C (68 °F), pressure: p = 12 bar EagleBurgmann MG1. The pumps have been running sewage treatment plants in the Polish Świnoujście
(174 PSI), delivery rate: 1 … 4 m³/h. faultlessly to the satisfaction of the end user for over a 100 km long pressure line network.
nearly 20 years. Operating conditions: Temperature: The wastewater system is challenged by the different
36 °C (97 °F), delivery rate: 80 m³/h, rotational seasonal workloads. During the summer there is 40 %
speed: 130 min–1. more wastewater to manage. The reliability of the
pumps is secured, not least, by EagleBurgmann MG1
elastomer bellows seals in tandem arrangement.

The Gut Großlappen purification plant is one of two Vertical shaft mixed flow pump of Ebara Japan. These
sewage treatment plants which cleans the household large VZ type pumps are applied in e.g. wastewater
and industrial wastewater of the German city of treatment plants. EagleBurgmann has experience in
Munich. The pipe systems of the treatment plant are providing mechanical seals of the S series.
reliably sealed with EagleBurgmann Burasil universal Shaft diameter: 220 mm (8.66"), rotational speed:
fibrous material gaskets. The seal consists of n = 259 … 370 min–1.
high-grade aramid fibers and special functional fillers
with NBR rubber.
Seals for flood control and
major water technology projects.

Climate change, environmental protection and growth Even the required seals for these gigantic pumps can Well-known manufacturers of large pumps and end
are causing more large cities to specifically sometimes weigh more than 300 kg. Due to the users of water projects worldwide rely on
collect and drain rainwater and surface water, or cramped conditions and the vertical pump EagleBurgmann sealing technology. Our proven HGH
storm water from coastal regions. Deep shafts and construction, mechanical seals are often executed in type split seal has become the reliable established
large-scale tunnel systems are being built for that split design. Since the pumps are difficult to access standard for major water technology projects e.g. in
purpose in London or Tokyo, for example. At the in the 100 m deep shafts, the seals must hold up China, Azerbaijan, USA, India or Russia.
bottom of the collecting shafts, which in London have until the respective pump inspection.
a diameter of over 30 meters, super pumps are
installed which impress with mega data: weighing And the sealing technology challenges continue
over 50 t, with more than 12 MW drive power, over to increase: EagleBurgmann is designing and building
100 meters delivery head and a volume throughput split seals for multistage pumps with shaft diameters
of over 300 cubic meters per second. over 500 mm (19.69") and for static pressure peaks
of up to 50 bar (725 PSI) for a recent pump storage
power plant.

Flood control,
major water technology projects

Water transfer

Flood control

Wilo EMU pumps in various sizes are set up dry in In the Indian State of Karnataka, the major project Horizontal shaft mixed flow / axial flow pumps of
a pump station in the German Saxon city of "Tunga Lift Irrigation Scheme" pumps water over Ebara (type HZ/HS) are highly efficient and applied
Heidenau. They ensure that rainwater and flood water great distances for agricultural irrigation in the e.g. for conveying river water. EagleBurgmann has
from the Elbe with 2 m³/s are pumped to the nearby northern regions. The water is taken from the river experience in providing special double mechanical
river. EagleBurgmann MG1 single seals have proven Tunga near the city of Shimoga. Several Andritz high seals of the S series. Shaft diameter: 140 mm
to be the utilized seal. Further operating conditions: performance pumps have been installed for that. (5.51"), rotational speed: n = 185 min–1.
Delivery head: h = 7 m, rotational speed: Pumping capacity: 375 … 500 l/min. To seal the
n = 585 min–1. shafts with a diameter of 420 mm (16.54"),
EagleBurgmann HGH300S1 are installed. Further
operating conditions: Temperature:
t = +5 °C … +35 °C (+41 °F … +95 °F),
pressure: p = vacuum  … 10 bar (145 PSI).

In a segment of the Yellow River project in China, Draining the 2,000 m high plateau where Mexico City The Lee Tunnel project in London, Great Britain, will
Ebara vertical centrifugal pumps are installed to is located is problematic due to the extraordinary realize a gigantic system for collecting and disposing
pump river water over a 450 km long pipeline. geographical situation. Frequently occurring heavy of rainwater in the municipal region. It is one of
They must overcome a total altitude difference of rainfall causes entire districts to be flooded. As a Europe's largest water technology projects. The pipes
600 meters. Sealing occurred with EagleBurgmann result, the National Water Commission – Conagua have a diameter of 7 meters and a length of over
HGH200S1. Since the installation the beginning of – realized a mega project to dispose of the surface 7 km; the collecting shafts with several mega pumps
the 2000s, the seals have been working faultlessly water in the municipal area. The La Caldera pump installed at the base run to depths of up to 80 meters
despite the solids charged medium. For inspections station forms the core of this project. It has and have a diameter of over 30 meters. The pumping
and in order to carry out maintenance work on the a capacity of 40 m³/s. The water is collected here capacity of every single pump is 1,950 … 3,050 l/s,
shaft seal, the seals have been equipped with and conveyed out of the municipal area. The pump rotational speed: 350 min–1. Split seals of the type
a pneumatically activated EagleBurgmann station was equipped by KSB, with 24 pumps of the EagleBurgmann HGH300S1 are installed as shaft
shut-down seal. type KRT, among others. They are sealed with seal. Shaft diameter: 400 mm (15.75").
EagleBurgmann MG1 elastomer bellows seals in
various hard/hard and hard/soft material

Process oriented:
Seals for industrial and special water applications.

Water is a universal medium. It is sometimes very The requirements towards sealing technology are just EagleBurgmann can respond to industrial
dominant in industrial applications, such as in pulp as diverse as the applications. Machine, process requirements with a broad product range, from large
and paper production, and sometimes very special, conditions, sealing location, operating conditions and series to customer-specific individual design.
such as e.g. as ultrapure water in the washing the medium to be sealed indicate the direction for EagleBurgmann seals are standard in many sectors
processes of wafer technology, or as conditioned feed the choice and technical configuration of the sealing and industries. For example, our Cartex series: over
water in power plant technology and in water system and reliable application. 500,000 seals found satisfied users in nearly all
reinjection on oil platforms. areas of the industry. Since its market launch, more
than 50 million units of our MG1 elastomer bellows
In addition there are numerous specific water seals have been installed worldwide in all types of
applications that differ either due to the special water, wastewater and chemical pumps..
challenge of the medium and/or the application
(e.g. ultrapure water, hot water) or the particularity of
the machine (e.g. pump as turbine).

Industrial and special

water applications

and processes

Media to be sealed Machines

to be sealed

At Vreughdenhil Dairy Foods, one of the world's The pumps in an ultrapure water plant in Germany The ULA oil platform operated by BP in the
largest manufacturers of milk powder, process water are sealed with EagleBurgmann M7N component Norwegian North Sea applies multistage Indar
is pumped by 13 Homa type CMX24/34 pumps at the seals. The medium is pumped with a temperature of submersible pumps as seawater lift pumps.
Gorinchem, Netherlands location. The pump cases 30 °C (86 °F). It has a conductivity of ≤1 μS/cm. They convey seawater to the platform for various
are made of stainless steel. The correct seals in this An effective equipotential bonding must be ensured applications. The four pumps are sealed with
case are EagleBurgmann MG1 in tandem in order to prevent the resulting problem of EagleBurgmann MG1 in seawater resistant materials.
arrangement. Temperature: t = 40 °C (104 °F), electrochemical corrosion at the sliding faces of the Operating conditions: Temperature:
pressure: p … 3 bar (44 PSI), rotational speed: seal. The entire system is correspondingly grounded t = +5 °C … +15 °C (+41 °F … +59 °F),
n = 960 min–1 or 1,450 min–1. for that reason. rotational speed: n = 1,765 min–1.

The Norwegian manufacturer Jets Vacuum A/S Two KSB pumps are installed at ST Microelectronics The Italian company LGB Elettropompe in Padua is
supplies toilet vacuum systems for different in France to pump ultrapure process water specialized, among others, in the manufacture of
applications, such as for ships and offshore (σ = 0.05 μS/cm) for the manufacture of electronic high-grade electrical pumps. The Z220V-SX series is
installations. The Vacuumarator pumps are installed components. After retrofitting the shaft seal to an installed in commercial and industrial dishwashers.
directly in the line network. They generate EagleBurgmann HRC1 with DiamondFace coating of The series seal is supplied by EagleBurgmann BT. The
a continuous vacuum which makes the system the seal faces, operating periods were extended by BT-AR elastomer bellows seal with correspondingly
independent from exterior influences and pumps gray a factor of 250. Operating conditions: designed materials is the right solution. Operating
water and solids to the wastewater cleaning station. Temperature: t = +20 °C (68 °F), range: Medium: Water with detergents (2 g/l),
EagleBurgmann supplies specially designed MG97 pressure: p = 2 bar (29 PSI), temperature: t = 75 °C (167 °F), pressure: p = 1 bar
elastomer bellows seals for the first fit of these rotational speed: n = 3,000 min–1, (15 PSI), rotational speed:
vacuum pumps. sliding velocity: vg = 10 m/s (33 ft/s). n = 2,800 min–1.

LUK Oil operates the ISAB refinery to the north of the Grundfos type NK250-400 pumps are installed in the Two Amamix type KSB submersible motor agitators
Italian city of Syracuse on Sicily's west coast and has district heating grid of the Danish city of Esbjerg. for circulating drilling mud are installed in the USA.
retrofitted its Flowserve 20LNH multistage pumps They function as boiler feed, mixing and distributor The continuously operating machines prevent the
with respectively two EagleBurgmann Splitex split pumps for hot water which is moved at temperatures dissolved solids from settling in the emulsion. The
mechanical seals. The pumps convey seawater in of up to 110 °C (230 °F). The delivery capacity is installed EagleBurgmann HJ97G mechanical seals
cooling towers. Temperature: t = +32 °C … +40 °C 960 m³/h. Grundfos installs EagleBurgmann MG13 with encapsulated springs are the optimal solution for
(+90 °F … +104 °F), pressure: p … 4 bar (58 PSI), elastomer bellows seals as standard shaft seal in their such highly viscous media. Operating conditions:
rotational speed: n = 980 min–1. The 6-inch seals are NK series. Density: 2.1 g/cm³, temperature: t = 60 °C (140 °F).
operated with API Plan 02.

Reverse running pumps for generating power are Magna Steyr is an Austrian automobile manufacturer The Nassfeld ski resort in Carinthia, Austria relies on
deployed wherever turbines are not economical. with a large production location in Graz. A sprinkler modern artificial snow technology in terms of snow
The municipal works of Kufstein, Austria, operate system is installed throughout the entire production guarantee. To that end, an extended system of pump
a drinking water power plant in the Theaterhütte plant which, in emergencies, can prevent a fire from stations and pipelines were installed in a number of
high-level tank. A KSB Etanorm M80-250 is installed spreading. This system uses diverse pump types which expansion stages. In 2015, the manufacturer Lowara
here to generate electricity (19.5 kW). Pumping are sealed with EagleBurgmann Cartex cartridge seals Vogel supplied four additional high pressure pumps,
capacity: 50 l/s. (see picture), MG elastomer bellows seals, M2 and three volute casing pumps as booster pumps before
A plant in Breech, Germany, (photo) has installed M3 component seals or with packings. Ruggedness is the filters and one volute casing pump as medium
eight KSB Etanorm M150-310 in parallel connection a requirement for all components when the availability pressure pump for the valley region. In sum, approx.
to build up pressure. When run in reverse, they are of use of the system is tested on a regular basis. In 1,440 m³/h is pumped with up to 50 bar (725 PSI)
used as turbines. Medium: Water, pumping capacity this process, the pumps are operated with closed gate from the reservoir to the system. The shaft seals in
146 l/s, power 55 kW. EagleBurgmann MG13 valves up to their workload limit. the high pressure sector are EagleBurgmann H75, the
mechanical seals are installed in both cases. They low pressure range uses EagleBurgmann MG12.
have been operating without faults for over 10 years.

MTU Friedrichshafen, Germany, is one of the leading A Worthington pump from 1924 in the Littleton Pump The Dutch company Duijvestin is growing tomatoes
manufacturers of large diesel engines. Diesel engines Station to the west of London pumps water from the in Pijnacker, one of Europe's largest greenhouse
of e.g. the type BR2000 are used to power ships. Thames to the Queen Mary Reservoir. After 90 years systems in Europe. The heating of the 13.5 hectare
The engine is cooled with two separate pumps over the seal system of packings was retrofitted to an complex was converted to geothermal heat in 2010.
two circuits. One pump drives the cooling circuit in efficient EagleBurgmann HGH200 split mechanical Pumps of the SPX Johnson CombiLine series ensure
the engine. The coolant is successfully sealed with seal. The seal has been running faultlessly since it the hot water is lifted up from the 2,000 meter
EagleBurgmann MG97S6 with special materials. was commissioned. The operator of the plant, Thames depths. The pumps are sealed with EagleBurgmann
Temperature: t = -20 °C … +100 °C (-4 °F … 212 °F), Water, thus achieved significantly improved Mtex-DE metal bellows seals in double version.
pressure: p = 2 … 4 bar (29 … 58 PSI), rotational maintainability and availability of the pump station. They are supplied by an EagleBurgmann TS1016
speed: n … 3,200 min–1. Medium: River water, outlet pressure: p = 1.2 barg system in accordance with API Plan 53A.
The second pump, a MG9 is also installed here, (17.4 PSIG), rotational speed: n = 140 min–1. Operating conditions: Temperature:
pumps seawater through a plate heat exchanger, thus t = +70 °C ... +75 °C (+158 °F …  +167 °F),
lowering the temperature of the water in the cooling pressure: p = 4.5 barg (65.3 PSIG), rotational speed:
circuit of the engine. Temperature: t = +5 °C … +35 °C n = 2,950 min–1.
(+41 °F … +95 °F), pressure: p = 2 … 4 bar
(29 … 58 PSI), rotational speed: n … 3,200 min–1.

TotalSealCare Service:
We have the idea, our customers the choice.

1 5
The idea behind TotalSealCare is quite simple.
Consulting & engineering Seminars & training
Divided into seven modules one will find everything
that makes up the best service. From full servicing of After all seals are established and analyzed in The EagleBurgmann Academy offers an extensive
all installed seals, to stock management and on a system, we prepare standardization concepts range of continuing education programs in seal
to engineering, training and electronic documentation. based on an as-is status. The anticipated results technology. For service and maintenance
are to reduce the number of seal types, the sizes personnel, skilled staff and engineers from
Advantages: reduced costs, increased plant and materials used and to improve the key various branches of the industry, such as refining,
availability and greater reliability. figures of the system. We advise on the codes of chemicals, power generation, foodstuffs, paper
practice and statutory regulations and indicate and pharmaceuticals. Our range includes group
And the best thing about this is that our customers the actions that need to be taken. seminars, individual training and seminars

2 6
only choose the services they actually need. specifically tailored to specific requirements.
Because the modules are individually combinable, These seminars are held at our premises or
TotalSealCare can compile a service offer that a location of customers' choice.
corresponds to requirements and needs.
Custom-tailored and unique in its flexibility and In the plant or in the service center, qualified
transparency. fitters and technicians look after all aspects of
Technical analysis & support
seal maintenance: installation, startup, servicing,
conversion, overhaul and repair. We record and A team of seal specialists is responsible for
document functionally relevant data (fault rectifying process malfunctions or “bad actors”.
causes, measures for repair, costs). This means We use the latest methods such as thermography
it is possible to assess seal operating times and or data logging to diagnose positions that are
maintenance costs on a continuous basis, critical to the operation of the system and work
thereby defining measures for extending service out measures to rectify this. In our research and

3 7
intervals. development centers, we perform realistic tests
on test rigs or in original pumps. The objective is
to extend the MTBF and increase system
serviceability through individual and constructive
On-site service solutions.
Our on-site service includes components of
overhaul service, conversions and service
container. We deploy a service unit directly on
Service agreements
the customers' premises: equipped with the basic
suite of seals, or a stock of seals discussed in Our customers are offered specific agreements
advance, and staffed by qualified personnel. that can be combined from the six service
On-site, our work includes producing the modules. Whether for individual seal systems,
necessary gaskets, ensuring that the critical process elements, specific system areas
documentation is complete and advising our or an extensive seal service for complete plants:
customers on selecting and installing seals. Our the modular structure of our service makes it
range of services is rounded off by complete possible to satisfy individual requirements.

conversions (e.g. in accordance with TA-Luft). With our tried-and-tested monitoring instrument,
SealCare Pro, we can also record all seal-related
data for documentation and evaluation purposes.
Inventory management
Based on the customers' individual requirements
and the applicable quality regulations, we
develop a concept for inventory management of
complete seals and spare parts.
We also optimize stocking on site or in the
EagleBurgmann service center. This means for
our customers reduces administration overhead
and they can concentrate on their key operations.

Algeria · Angola · Argentina · Australia · Austria · Bahrain · Bangladesh · Belarus · Belgium · Botswana · Brazil · Bulgaria · Cameroon · Canada · Chile · China · Colombia
Congo · Cyprus · Czech Republic · Denmark · Ecuador · Egypt · Estonia · Finland · France · Gabon · Germany · Ghana · Great Britain · Greece · Hungary · India · Indonesia
Iraq · Ireland · Israel · Italy · Ivory Coast · Japan · Jordan · Kazakhstan · Kenya · Korea · Kuwait · Latvia · Lebanon · Libya · Lithuania · Madagascar · Malaysia · Mauritius
Mexico · Morocco · Myanmar · Namibia · Netherlands · New Zealand · Nigeria · Norway · Oman · Pakistan · Paraguay · Peru · Philippines · Poland · Qatar · Romania
Russia · Saudi Arabia · Serbia · Singapore · Slovak Republic · Slovenia · South Africa · Spain · Sudan · Sweden · Switzerland · Taiwan · Thailand · Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia · Turkey · Ukraine · United Arab Emirates · Uruguay · USA · Venezuela · Vietnam · Yemen · Zambia · Zimbabwe · www.eagleburgmann.com/world

B-WSE / E1 / 3.000 / 05.16 / 9.7.3 © EagleBurgmann Group Marketing, Germany

EagleBurgmann, a joint venture of the German Freudenberg Group and the Japanese Eagle Industry eagleburgmann.com
Group, is one of the internationally leading companies for industrial sealing technology. Our products [email protected]
are used everywhere where safety and reliability are important: in the oil and gas industry, refining
technology, the petrochemical, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, food processing, power, water,
mining, pulp & paper, aerospace and many other spheres. Every day, more than 6,000 employees in
more than 60 subsidiaries contribute their ideas, solutions and commitment towards ensuring that
customers all over the world can rely on our seals. Our modular TotalSealCare service underlines our
strong customer orientation and offers tailor-made services for every application.

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