Equipment For Compouders

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Equipment for compouders

New extruder technology, dosing and mixing units,

pelletizers and laboratory equipment are among the exhibits
for masterbatchers and compounders to assess at K 2004.
Plastics Additives & Compounding outlines some of those on

The new Physica MCR rheometer series The company says these include the large, moulding and cooling and heating of
will be presented by Anton Paar (Hall 10, negative-flight conical BEX 2-72 C twin- polymer melt.
H59) including special temperature screw extruder with a performance range The company offers a static mixer for
control systems, which are optimized for of 40-250 kg/h and three parallel extruder extrusion. The advantages include that
the rheological characterization of models. The BEX 2-68-28 V has an thermal and composition gradients are
polymers. The company says that these output of 50-200 kg/h, while the BEX 2- virtually eliminated even when processing
temperature control systems enable rapid 92-28 V has an output of 150-350 kg/h, a high percentage of additives. In addition,
and virtually gradient-free heating and and the BEX 2-110-28 V has a the extrudate tolerances are lower due to
cooling from -150°C to +1000°C. performance range of 200-500 kg/h. uniform flow of melt inside the dies and/or
Depending on the requirements, these Among the exhibits of Berstorff GmbH heads. Colour distribution is uniform,
systems can be used with the basic model (Hall 15, A23) is the new ZE 42 BASIC which means a reduction in masterbatch
MCR 51 or the high-end rheometers twin screw extruder. The company says costs. Finally, the company says that the
MCR 301 and MCR 501. that the new-concept ZE BASIC series is mixer provides an improvement of
A comprehensive range of accessories such an integral part of its twin screw extruder mechanical and surface quality of the final
as disposable measuring systems, solid bar range and a high degree of standardization products.
and film fixtures for DMTA means that a favourable price/performance BKG Bruckmann & Kreyenborg (Hall 9,
measurements and many special ratio can be achieved. The company says A48) is exhibiting a number of options in
measuring cells is available. that as the name suggests, the ZE BASIC is pelletizing. The BKG CrystallCut® system
Atlas Material Testing Technology suitable for basic compounding duties, for PET processing with underwater
GmbH (Hall 10, C23) has introduced the such as the manufacture of masterbatch or pelletizing creates a product with a degree
new Xenotest® Beta+ with a modified the incorporation of mineral or reinforcing of crystallization of 45%. This means that
design. The features and benefits of the fillers. The new ZE BASIC is available there are neither high capital investment
new Xenotest® Beta+ include a modern with screw diameters from 26 to 77 mm. nor energy costs related to pre-
touch screen that is claimed to make From its range of high-performance crystallization in a further production
operation easy and user friendly. The large compounding twin screw extruders, process. In addition to this advantage, the
colour display presents both the status of Berstorff is showing a ZE 60 A UTX user gets an almost dust-free, even
the test programme and graphically machine. The extruder is designed for granulate with a bulk density that is by
displays the process of the test parameters. screw speeds up to 1200 rpm and a wide about 8% higher. This technology is
A Smart media card allows uploading of range of outputs from 100-3500kg/h. applicable not only for the production of
data directly to the test instrument or According to Berstorff, the many different new material but also for PET recycling.
downloading of instrument/test data for versatile combinations of barrel and screw The company has also introduced strand
further processing on computer. Possible configurations make this machine suitable pelletizer type ips-SG-E 30 (with a cutting
sources of interference in the laboratory, for many applications in compounding, width of 30 mm), from ips Intelligent
such as electromagnetic radiation or radio reactive extrusion and degassing. Pelletizing Solutions GmbH & Co. KG.
signals, can be eliminated by transmitting Advantages of the ZE UTX are claimed to According to the company, it is especially
data digitally be its compact design, high operator designed for the demands of laboratory use
Among other exhibits, Battenfeld friendliness and ease of maintenance, and the production of small quantities,
Extrusionstechnik (Hall 16, D22) is facilitated by the C-Clamp barrel particulary masterbatches. It widens the
extending its line of modular profile connections, generous feed throat and ips-SG-E range which previously
extrusion lines. Following the degassing apertures, the optimized comprised cutting widths of 60 and 110
introduction of the miniBEX, the winBEX temperature control system and the mm.
is in the medium-performance range. The integration of the auxiliary equipment in Throughput rates of 5 to 150kg/h meet
winBEX range also consists of five the machine base frame. the requirements of a wide range of
components - an almost completely pre- BE.ST GmbH (Hall 11, F64) is applications. The ips-SG-E 30 is claimed
assembled downstream package plus a presenting new static mixers and heat to be easy to clean and maintain and has a
choice of four twin-screw extruder models. exchangers for extrusion, injection very small footprint.

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004 ISSN1464-391X/04 © 2004 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.
Compounding equipment

Carter International Ltd (Hall 12, E51-6) together drying, blending and conveying
provides a service for all sectors of polymer technology into one package, custom-built
compounding. Carter Mixers are available to meet the needs of processors large and
now in both tangential and intermeshing small, from micromoulders to the largest
versions, in sizes suitable for the laboratory automotive and furniture producers. Up to
and production. five drying hoppers, each sized specifically
In addition to the supply of new mixers, for either multi-machine/long run or
Carter International Ltd also offers a full single-machine/short-run operations, are
support and engineering service to the factory assembled onto a sled-like base and
industry. This includes the supply of fitted with heaters, controls, dry-air
replacement rotors for continuous mixers manifolds and purge valves for easy place-
to replacement internal mixer bodies for and-play installation. Multiple sleds can be
all makes of machines. The company says integrated for larger installations. The
that spares are available for all major makes ResinWorks system can also include an
of internal mixers with a full on-site Octobin or bag station, allowing an almost
installation and maintenance service. The unlimited number of different materials
upgrade and repair of existing mill room (dried or un-dried) to be managed through
plant is a specialist service offered by the central resin distribution manifold and
Carter International including on-site control system. A Conair gravimetric
Calender roll grinding and specialist blender can mix different materials and
"Stellite" welding of mixer rotors and additives, which can then be conveyed to a
chambers. drying hopper or directly to processing
Dr. Collin GmbH (Hall 9, E77) is machines.
presenting a full range of laboratory and The company is also introducing the
pilot size polymer processing equipment. Carousel Plus Dryer, which offers
For compounders, the company says that processors more control over dew point
specific Collin features such as the and temperature in a package that is
modular system for flexible adaptation to simple, small, light and easy to use. Instead
any process and user-friendly machine of placing desiccant beads in a canister or
design and controls can be seen on the tower, the new Carousel Plus uses
Twin-Screw Kneader Type ZK 25 × 36 molecular sieve desiccant that is
L/D unit, which is designed for mixing impregnated into and bonded onto a fibre
and compounding or even reactive glass substrate that is then formed into a
extrusion. continuously rotating wheel. The result is
The company also offers testing units for a dryer that delivers rock-steady
obtaining the physical properties of temperatures and dew point levels, which
polymer compounds. The WROR (Wide are critical to processing many moisture
Range Online Rheometer) has three and temperature sensitive polymers.
capillaries measuring either in parallel or Coperion Werner & Pfleiderer (Hall 14,
series and the company says that it is the C17) has developed the two-stage
ideal tool for continuous production compounding extruder ZSK-NT for the
control either as a bypass of a production compounding of bimodal polyethylene.
extruder or compounder, or working in The company says that as a result of a
parallel with a film inspection line. special polymerization process, such
According to the company, the FPT-Filter polymers contain short polymer chains for
Pressure Tests units are the standard good processability and chains of high
devices for testing the quality of a molecular weight for good functional
compound. The new standard prEN properties.
13900-5 combines unique design for easy For small and medium-sized
operation with high testing speed because compounding operations, Coperion
of unique handling features and highly Werner & Pfleiderer is showing the ZSK
accurate data acquisition. MEGAcompounder PLUS, a further
Conair (Hall 10, B74) is introducing its improved version of the ZSK
ResinWorks system to Europe at K 2004. MEGAcompounder. A design
The company says that the system brings modification of the machine - an increase

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

in the specific torque at the screw shafts - differences between the process water This advantage is extremely useful for very
has enabled the throughput to be increased temperature and the die plate temperature, low viscosity materials (viscosity in part
by up to 20 % with the same size of as well as the fact that running surfaces are < 50 Pas), for example special types of
machine. usually made of hard metal and are PET, PA6 and PA6.6.
The laboratory and mini-batch extruder attached to the supports of the die plate, Entek Extruders (Hall 12, A33) is
ZSK 26 Mc is also being exhibited and which leads to high heat transfer and exhibiting its range of twin screw extruders
offers three new features. cooling of the die plate. and compounding lines, as well as dies,
The company says that a direct scale-up to Econ has used a ceramic with low heat screws and barrels.
the ZSK MEGAcompounder series is now conductivity as the material for the die Replacement screws can improve output
possible. The machine is supplied as a plate and this is mounted on the supports and productivity of an extrusion line,
compact unit with integral control with thermotechnical insulation. This according to ETA Kunststofftechnologie
cabinet, reducing floor space requirements means that the plastic melt is kept at the GmbH (Hall 16, F39). The company says
and permits quick and easy melt temperature until its output through that the screws are barrier designs with
commissioning. The higher values for all the nozzles and is only cooled when it special mixing zones for improving melt
drive power and torque compared with the enters the process water. quality at high output rates. They provide
predecessor model permit speeds of up to This creates both an extremely uniform, high melting capacity; constant specific
1,800 rpm and higher throughputs, but round, high quality granulate form with throughput rates at a high level; low
without hindering the production of very low working temperature of the supports pressure build-up meaning no wear;
small volumes right down to 1 kg batches. (melt protection) and increases user controlled melt temperature; wide
Dieffenbacher GmbH + Co. KG (Hall 1, friendliness and process stability by several processing range; and excellent
N13) is showing new developments in its factors. The company adds that as a homogeneity. They are suitable for
long-fibre thermoplastics processing, 'process water bypass system' is not grooved feed and smooth bore extruders
which is particularly applicable for the necessary in Econ pelletizing, this and injection moulding machines.
automotive industry. Dieffenbacher and significantly simplifies the start-up of the ETA grooved feed extruders are equipped
Fraunhofer ICT have expanded the LFT- system. with air-cooling in combination with
D/ILC (ln-Line-Compounding) process
for new materials and processes. In the
method developed by Dieffenbacher, the
plastics are compounded in the plant with
additives to make the compounds stiffer,
more flexible, or more temperature
resistant, depending on the requirements
of the final component. The reinforcing
fibres then are directly incorporated into
the plastics melt and the component is
formed. Technical thermoplastics, such as
ASA, ASP, ABS, SAN, PA6, PA6.6 and
PBT, have now been processed for the first
time. This material can be reinforced by
unidirectional or textile fibre- reinforced
thermoplastics in a one-step production
process for additional local strengthening
of the component (Tailored LFT).
Automotive applications include door
modules, dashboards, bumper
attachments, spare-wheel recesses and roof
modules. According to Dieffenbacher, the
redeveloped LFT-D/ILC technology also
offers savings of up to 35% in costs and
weight compared with manufacturing
from semi-finished products.
New technology has been developed by
Econ GmbH (Hall 9, D13) to prevent the
danger of individual holes 'freezing' during
the pelletizing process in normal
underwater pelletizers. This is due to big
Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004
Compounding equipment

systems are often used on injection, combination are mainly used in processing
extrusion and blow-moulding machines and compounding of plastics.
and as central-blender to feed several Gabo Qualimeter Testanlagen GmbH
processing machines where consistency (Hall 10, D20) is introducing a new
and high quality of the finished product is Gabometer®, an intelligent universal
required. Goodrich flexometer. It works basically in
According to the company, Gravimix the compression mode and can be
records the exact consumption of all equipped with up to three independent
materials, allowing for a precise calculation temperature measurement units in order
of the production costs. Due to the high to determine the heat build-up of the
and consistent dosing accuracy, the sample. A needle type thermocouple
additive percentage can be reduced to allows the measurement of the
lower tolerance limits without rejects or temperature inside the test specimen. The
loss in quality. The resulting saving in instrument can also be a complete high
additives leads to a direct reduction in power DMA/DMTS system providing
production costs. tensile, shear, creep and fatigue tests. An
The modular systems consist of a base- additional range of applications includes
frame with 2-10 component-hoppers material testing, thermal analysis,
depending on the model and application, components testing, quality control, and
pneumatically operated slide- or integrated relaxation/retardation tests.
dosing-valves and additive-hoppers with For the masterbatch and compounding
Ferlin Plastics Automation has made patented tube feeders. The parts in contact markets, Gala (Hall 9, D56) has
several improvements to its with the raw materials are made of stainless introduced the new Self-Cleaning Dryer.
Gravimix blending systems. steel. Gala says that its systems are easy to clean
Depending on the application, the and offer a high degree of flexibility in
performance and the model, the underwater pelletizing technology.
throughput range of the blending systems Gala's completely new Gala Form™ C-
electric heating in the feed section instead varies from 5-3000 kg/hr. The Gravimix PET technology (patent pending) will be
of water cooling. This system allows a blending systems can be installed directly introduced to the industry for the first
broader range of polymers to be processed, on the processing machine, on a time at the K 2004 show. This new C-PET
including technical polymers. platform/mezzanine floor or placed on a technology offers producers the advantage
Farrel (Hall 9, A24) offers a line of stand with integrated vacuum take-of box of crystalline pellets straight from the Gala
polymer processing equipment that next to the processing machine. Due to Form C-PET line. The company says that
comprises internal mixers, compounders, simple removable parts, cleaning and this eliminates the costly energy
mills, gear pumps, extruders, pelletizers material changeover is quick. requirements and extra steps where
and laboratory equipment. For plastics Fluitec (Hall 9, A41) supplies the additional heating was required to
compounding, the company has the mikromakro mixers, which are a transform PET pellets from the
FTX500® Co-rotating Twin-Screw combination of static mixing elements of amorphous to the crystalline state.
Extruder and the 'X' rotor of extended different geometries and diameters. Also for compounders, Gala has
length for polypropylene processing. Uniform pre-distribution is achieved in undertaken work on low wear glass fibre
Other compounding equipment includes the makro mixer, while in the mikro mixer compounding, as well as developing new
the Farrel Shaw range of Intermix® Series the best possible homogenization at the underwater pelletizer die plate designs for
5 Mixers. The Shaw Intermix line extends molecular scale is achieved. various applications.
the company's Banbury® mixer line of The company says that the mikromakro Gala says that it has also worked with
tangential mixers to offer alternative technology can be successfully applied in Atofina to develop further Gala Form
intermeshing designs. turbulent and laminar flow. With these Micropellets. The company adds that
Gravimetric blending equipment customized combinations it is possible to compared to ground powder, micropellets
manufacturer Ferlin Plastics Automation cope with high viscosity ratios and can are usually characterized by a higher bulk
(Hall 10, B45) has introduced several solve difficult mixing tasks with an density and a faster dry flow. This results in
improvements to its existing Gravimix® additive flow rate of <1% of the main excellent flow and packing properties that
blending systems and newly designed stream. are particularly useful in complex
blenders. The company says that the A low pressure drop is a typical feature of moulding applications. Second generation
systems are designed for efficient and the mikromakro mixers. They can also be metallocene Finacene M3581UV resin has
accurate dosing and blending of dry, free- delivered in a rectangular shape. The CSE- now proved to be easily converted into
flowing thermoplastic materials. The X® mixing elements in the mikromakro micropellets.

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

Gneuss (Hall 9, B37) has made a series of angel hair to be removed from the top Its D65 illumination source is calibrated in
detail improvements to the filtration deck, while good pellet and fines pass both the ultraviolet and visible regions for
system RSFgenius, which is now offering through the perforations to a lower deck. accurately measuring fluorescent samples.
an extended range of performance features. The lower deck is fitted with perforations Having an extended measurement range
The company says that in addition to its of a reduced diameter to remove the into the near infrared and near ultraviolet
efficient high-pressure screen cleaning and pellets. permits the measurement of camouflage
high number of automatic screen re-uses, Alfons Greiwing GmbH (Hall 11, D04) products and UV absorbing materials.
pressure consistency to ±1.5 bar, ±0.05% offers the Granu-Control plant for sorting UltraScan PRO uses diffuse/8º geometry
loss of melt as well as minimal dwell time damaged plastic granules with sub- with automated gloss component
of the melt, there are a number of new standard colour, form deviations and inclusion/exclusion.
features. These include an increased active foreign substances. All particles are HunterLab adds that it also features three
screen area of 3,000 cm2 and an increased classified according to form and colour. A sizes of sample measurement areas with
number of automatic screen re-uses of up colour control camera films the granules automated lens change.
to 400. There are finer micron rates down on a conveyor belt. Faulty objects in the UltraScan PRO includes EasyMatch® QC
to 1-2 microns and there is expanded stream are identified and blown away by software and is superior for research and
control and monitoring of the complete computer-controlled, variable nozzles. quality control applications in both
process due to an extensive process data The UltraScan PRO from Hunter Lab laboratory and production environments.
monitoring system. Fine tuning and (Hall 10, E11) measures both reflected Industrial Plastics Ltd (Hall 12, E51-9) is
servicing can be carried out without and transmitted colour and meets CIE and introducing its latest continuous flow
influencing the process. ASTM guidelines for accurate colour screen changer. The new filtration device
The company says that it is suitable for all measurement. The company says that the (screen changer), called 'contiflow', allows
polymers including highly corrosive instrument's 5nm optical resolution polymers to be filtered without
materials, such as polymers with enables the precise measurement of plastics interruption of the melt flow during a
fluorinated or brominated additives. having colorants with sharp cut-off screen change, says the company.
Gneuss has also introduced the characteristics. The sealing system enables the air to be
SFXmagnus, which is a new Rotary
Filtration System with an excellent price-
to-performance balance, claims the
company. The SFXmagnus is based on the
principle of the fully-automatic model
RSFgenius. It operates with a new drive
technology, offers an efficiency filtration
performance, but no integrated screen
cleaning. Therefore it is possible to lower
the production costs and to offer a high-
performance, pressure and process-
constant filtration system at low
investment costs. Therefore, the
SFXmagnus is suitable for applications in
which a process- and pressure-constant
filtration is required, however, due to a low
screen change frequency integrated
cleaning is not always necessary.
The main focus of Gough Engineering
(Hall 12, F53-1) is the Vibrecon® Pellet
Screen for the removal of fines, angel hair
and oversized pellets at a controlled rate, to
improve masterbatch quality. Product is
fed onto the perforated top decks, which
are available in a variety of diameters
ranging from 600mm (24 inches) through
to 1800mm (72 inches). Circular motion
of the deck(s) is generated through
motor(s) housed at the base of the unit.
The motion enables oversized pellets and

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

expelled from the incoming breaker plate mixers. The company says that its minimal amounts of residual material.
as it enters the melt flow. The 'contiflow' is heating/cooling mixers have capacities of Labtech Engineering (Hall 7.2, D27) of
ideally suited for all extrusion processes 5-500 kg per batch. Four to seven batches Thailand has recently signed a world
that cannot accept air emission in the can be achieved per hour depending on the manufacturing and marketing agreement
extruded product during a screen change. formulation. with Hoshipla of Japan to produce its
IPL manufactures seven different types of New developments include a container patented Sidecut strand pelletizer. Labtech
screen changers, ranging from 30mm mixer with a 500-litre capacity, with two says that this pelletizer uses an ingenious
diameter for outputs of 50 kg/h to 500mm mixing blades (upper and lower) that fan-shaped cutting wheel that cuts the
diameter for outputs up to 50 tons/hour. rotate co-axially at different speeds. The strands sideways with a scissors action. The
On show on the stand of INOEX (Hall company says that these mixers are suitable machine can be used to pelletize any type
10, D74) is the igs CF, a gravimetric for masterbatch and pigment of thermoplastic resin, even materials that
weighing machine for the processing of manufacturers. cannot be pelletized using conventional
poorly flowing fillers in high weight The K-Tron Feeder Group (Hall 10, A74) machines, such as soft PVC and
proportions. The main feature of this will introduce the BSP 150, the newest thermoplastic elastomers.
weighing machine is a pulsating inner part model of the Bulk Solids Pump™ Because of the gentle shear cut action
that prevents material blockages. The (BSP™) Feeder Family, to the European obtained with this Sidecut pelletizer, even
machine is able to process fillers such as market at the K Show. The BSP 150 is the highly filled and brittle strands can be
chalk, wood chips and recycled material, third model in the series with the BSP 100 pelletized without causing dust and
with throughputs of 1-1500 kg/h. It can and BSP 125. The company says that this shattering of the pellets.
be applied in the pipe, film and profile new concept for feeding bulk material uses The company adds that conventional
industry, as well as compounding. positive displacement action to feed free plastics, as well as the tough reinforced
Jogindra Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd., flowing materials with great accuracy, engineering types, are equally easy to
(Hall 9, B77 ) is a leading Indian supplier offering uniform discharge, consistent pelletize. Another feature of the Sidecut
of mixing equipment for the volume and gentle handling. pelletizer is that it can be used to produce
compounding of dry blends of rigid and The company is also introducing the K4G, extremely small, perfectly cut micropellets
plasticized PVC, ABS, PE, and PP. The which is designed as a complete package with diameters as low as 0.3 mm.
company's product line up includes for plastics compounding and other According to the company, the Sidecut
heating/cooling mixers (vertical and extrusion applications with one to eight pelletizer offers compounders great
horizontal), high speed mixers, cooling feeder modules. Key new features offered flexibility, with one pelletizer able to
mixers (vertical and horizontal), ribbon with the K4G system are the incorporation handle practically all types of compounds.
blenders, batch conveying systems of the new K-Tron Bulk Solids Pump The company adds that a traditional
(semi/fully automatic), masterbatch (BSP) feeder and the option of selecting pelletizer with a rotary cutting knife
mixers, container mixers and plastisol from six different feeder models to be cannot handle soft or brittle compounds
incorporated into the blender system. This so the only alternative until now has been
vastly extends the range of materials and to switch to die face cutting or similar
feed rates to be handled by one blending processes where the strands are cut hot on
system. Other features include a blender the extruder die face and then cooled via a
stand design that allows the rearrangement water system followed by drying of the
of any of these six types of feeders at any pellets.
feeder station, utilization of K-Tron's next The Sidecut pelletizer has been marketed
generation of weighing technology-- the and sold in Japan for several years under
SFT III, a compact blender frame with the name of Fan Cutter and has never
integrated support for vacuum refill before been introduced to markets outside
systems and utilization of K-Tron newest Japan.
feeder controllers, the Smart HiPo Among a number of products from its full
controller (KSHM) and the Smart Stepper range, Leistritz Extrusiontechnik GmbH
Controller (KSSM) for BSP feeders. (Hall 16, F22) is showing the smallest
K-Tron will also introduce a new twin screw extruder in its range,
microfeeder concept, Model MT12, demonstrating various applications. The
which will feed accurately at rates as low as company's control technology used with
The BSP150 feeder from 20 grams/hour. The compact feeder is extrusion lines will also be highlighted -
K-Tron. designed for ease of disassembly, allowing introducing the idea of the Leistritz
fast and easy cleaning. The feeder design Macromatex World.
also allows the feeder bowl to discharge Liad Weighing & Control Systems (Hall
almost completely when emptying, leaving 7, B05) has recently launched the

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

ColorSave Production Monitoring System (CPMS), which is an

advanced Web-based software system that monitors and controls
production. The company adds that this enables full management
of masterbatch/additive consumption - maximizing production
process efficiency.
CPMS integrates with the company's ColorSave 1000 gravimetric
masterbatch/additive feeders to provide a complete precision-
dosing and production-monitoring solution for injection-
moulding and extrusion machines. CPMS generates online real-
time and historical reports based on user-defined parameters and
acquired data.
The company says that the ColorSave 1000 series of gravimetric
feeders ensures precise masterbatch/additive dosing at the
injection-moulding machine throat - increasing accuracy,
homogeneity, and efficiency while significantly reducing costs and
wastage. The ColorSave 1000XT series of gravimetric feeders is
dedicated for extruders.
German company List (Hall 9, C24) is exhibiting the List kneader
for compounding, blending and grafting applications. The
company says that the large cross sectional areas of List kneader
reactors make it possible to incorporate light fillers such as Aerosil
or nanoparticles in a polymer. According to the company, this
distributive mixing in the radial direction ensures incorporation
times that are four times faster than conventional Z-mixers. In
addition, List technology can be processed in a continuous mode
while the Z-mixer stays in batch mode. Low shear rates ensure that
the particle structure of the filler will not be damaged during the
mixing process.
Used in the grafting process, the kneaders can provide more
residence time to accomplish the reaction under optimal surface
renewal conditions and low shear rates compared to extruders. This
technology will satisfy kinetics requiring residence times from five
minutes up to hours and for (co-)polymers in a concentrated phase
which are process limited due to shear sensitivity.
Lloyd Instruments (Hall 11, D03) is exhibiting its LFPlus test
machines to analyze the physical and mechanical properties of
polymers at different stages of manufacture using the same
machine. The company says that a simple changeover of grip or
fixture enables a wide range of raw materials and finished products
to be tested on the same Lloyd Instruments' test machine. This
increases cost-efficiency without compromising on quality for any
industry, whether in a quality control, research or training
environment. Testing for compliance with international standards
is essential in plastics manufacturing to ensure products meet
customer and market demands.
For example, on show at K, the LFPlus is the latest 1kN (225lbf )
single column machine with a modular design for an extended
choice of features. This machine is extremely easy to operate, with
a simple plug and play operation. Test speeds range from 0.05 to
1270mm/min (accuracy greater than 1% at full load) and unlike
other machines on the market, this machine features a deep
170 mm (6.9 in) throat and generous working area to
accommodate larger than average sized samples.
Among the new products on show from Maguire Products Inc.
(Hall 10, A26) include the Microblender® gravimetric blender,

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

which is the smallest of the company's rheometers and the Gemini advanced, is measurable down to 0.005 grams.
weigh scale blenders. Maguire says that it is modular and compact rheometer system Malvern Instruments says that its
introducing an improved version with with 'fluids to solids' capability, as well as Mastersizer 2000 is a fully automated
advanced dosing mechanism, mixed the Mastersizer 2000 laboratory-based particle size analyzer that uses the
chamber enhancements, improved particle size analyzer and the Parsum in- technique of laser diffraction to make
durability and easier clean-out. In line particle probe. measurements over the size range 0.02 to
addition, the LPD™ vacuum resin dryer A new melt tension or 'haul off' 2000 microns. It can handle amounts of
has an increase in capacity. There will also measurement apparatus for use with sample ranging from only a few milligrams
be a new LPD model for drying wood Malvern's latest generation Rosand RH7D up to bulk minerals and chemicals. The
flour for use in wood-plastic composites. and RH10D capillary rheometers will be instrument is driven by standard operating
Maguire is also introducing the shown. The RH7-D and RH10-D are procedures (SOPs), making it easy for
LineMaster™ extrusion yield control. The highly robust, floor-standing systems anyone to use and its software provides
company says that this blender-based designed to operate under high loading control and management of all
software is the first low-cost system for conditions. The melt tension apparatus measurement and data management tasks,
true yield control - simultaneous incorporates an automated spooling device guiding the user at every stage with online
adjustment of both extruder and haul-off for neat collection and storage of the help and advice. Measurement protocols
speeds to target yield as measured by the extrudate and can be operated directly can be developed quickly and easily and
weight of a specific length of extruded from the Rosand Flowmaster™ software. shared between systems and between sites.
product. The company says that the It has an exceptionally wide operating A choice of sample dispersion units means
response time has been reduced. range: melt take-up speeds can be set at up that the system can be used equally well for
Malvern Instruments (Hall 10, H65) will to 2000 metres per minute with a dynamic the measurement of both wet and dry
exhibit Malvern Rosand capillary range in speed of 100,000:1. Melt tension dispersions and it is a simple process to
change between the two types.
MANN+HUMMEL ProTec (Hall 9,
D60) offers a wide range of products for
materials handling in the plastics industry,
in particular for drying, crystallization,
dosing and conveying.
The latest developments of CAMPUS will
be presented by M-Base (Hall 7.1, D23).
The most important new development is
the availability of the complete CAMPUS
data set for easy downloading via the
Internet and the direct interactive access to
the data via CAMPUS WebView.
MCBase is the official CAMPUS® merge
program. It is used in the plastics industry
to merge the data of different CAMPUS
suppliers and realize direct comparison and
material searches over all producers.
Compared to CAMPUS, MCBase offers
several additional features. These include
facilities for searching for substitute
materials, calculating simulation
parameters (for example, viscosity and
creep), editing individual data and data
interfacing to CAE systems.
At K 2004 version 5.0 of MCBase will be
introduced. It is data compatible with the
new version CAMPUS 5.0. In addition, a
new module will be presented, which
allows the fitting of pvT data, according to
The Wood Flour Dryer from Novatec. the relevant material models.
Following the purchase of Motan,
Zeppelin Silo- und Apparatetechnik

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

GmbH (Hall 9, C22) is exhibiting a new material for each compartment in a cost- equipped with a batch tank.
blow-through type rotary valve, adding to effective manner. The GXB Series 20 The company has also developed an Inline
the company's portfolio of rotary valves, Gravimetric weigh scale blender uses Disperser Y-MIXTM to wet finely
pneumatic & gravity diverter valves, air exclusive pinch valve feeders for accuracy dispersed powders in a large liquid surface.
management packages, hopper loaders and and reliability in blending virgin, regrind, The Inline Disperser allows fine
associated components. The new blow- colour and additive materials at the homogeneous dispersions to be produced.
through valve incorporates some of the machine throat. Combined with the Multi- The extremely effective and high-quality
sealing technologies of Motan's MPC Task Touch Screen microprocessor-based pre-dispersion of the solid improves the
(Motan Pneumatic Conveying) range of controller, the blender provides advanced wetting of the particles. A particular feature
valves. By doing so the valve can achieve productivity that saves time, energy and is the dust and emission-free dispersion
tighter radial clearances and therefore offers money. that takes place in an enclosed process
reduced leakage rates suitable for Movacolor (Hall 11, D42) has developed a chamber. The company adds that
applications of up to 3 Bar (g). dosing device that can ensure a regular and compared to conventional rotor-stator-
According to the company, included under repeatable output and also create a wide systems, this machine needs significantly
the special solutions banner will be the range of application capabilities. The less energy for dispersing and has low
development of an Angel Hair Separator Movacolor dosing-cylinder® is a cylinder interference with foreign bodies in the
designed to be installed as a simple but that ensures that colorant lines up before it pigment suspension. Both temperature
effective in-line device for installation enters the main stream of material. sensitive products and materials with a
upstream of an elutriator. By removing Especially when low outputs are required, wide viscosity range can be processed.
'angel hair' and 'bird-nests' the system the dosing cylinder can substantially save Noris Plastic GmbH has two new twin
protects the elutriator from blockage and on colorants. screw compounding extruders - the smaller
improves its efficiency in removing dust Movacolor adds that a screw-type dosing ZSC 20 and the larger ZSC 25. The 20mm
particles. device gives an irregular output through and 25mm screw diameter extruders are
Downstream Motan have also developed a pulsations created by the screw itself, which co-rotating with intermeshing screw
new Elutriator Inlet that improves the means that the colorant to be dosed will be profiles. The company says that they both
distribution of product within the irregular in the main material. A twin screw well designed, offering good modular
elutriator again, improving dust separation feeder has a better performance, however, technology and functionality. Noris adds
efficiency. but cannot handle regrind (due to that the new machines offer high
Motan's Cross Cone Blender (CCB) will clamping) and the price is much higher performance and value for money.
also be on display. The CCB uses steel than compared to single screw feeders. The ZSC 20 is suitable for small to mid-
sheets welded into the cone of the silo to With a dosing cylinder, Movacolor says size runs of up to 40 kg/h, while the ZSC
create 13 zones with different velocity accurate dosing is ensured. The Movacolor 25 is ideally suited to a performance level of
profiles to give effective blending at low dosing cylinder works in combination with up to 100 kg/h, for laboratory use or
cost. The design is easy to apply to new or a stepper motor that ensures the exact smaller production runs.
retrofit applications primarily in the speed of the cylinder and thus the colorant. Applications include the modification of
plastics industry. NDC Infrared Engineering (Hall 10, plastics through reinforcing, filling,
Three sets of equipment will be exhibited A01) has a range of measurement and alloying, degassing and filtering, for
by Mould-Tek Industries Inc. (Hall 10, control solutions on display. These include example, as well as the development and
E76). The 'Herbie' Mini Blender, the HRB the FG710 infrared gauge for film small scale production of additive, colour
Series pneumatic hopper loader control thickness measurement, the model 312 X- and flame retardant batches. The machines
and the GXB Series 20 Gravimetric weigh Ray transmission and the Minitrak™ are also suitable for the development of
scale blender. scanner for large and small webs. wood-plastic compounds, colour
According to the company, the 'Herbie' According to Netzsch Feinmahltechnik compounds and direct extrusion.
mini blender provides blending capacities GmbH (Hall 9, A60), the advantages of its Norres Schlauchtechnik (Hall 7.1, A34) is
of up to 70 kilograms (155 pounds) per planetary mixing and kneading machines one of the leading producers of technical
hour with good accuracy and consistency, type PML and PMH include the hoses for highly abrasive environments for
batch after batch. It offers the processor a processing of viscous and pasty products. conveying mineral compounds and other
cost-effective way to blend virgin, regrind, Also fine pulverized and very light bulk materials. The hoses are made of
colour and additive materials at the components can be dispersed in liquids polyurethane, PVC, PE, TPE, metal,
machine throat. The HRB/PAL-4 quickly. silicon, Neopren, Hypalon and PTFE.
pneumatic hopper loader control provides The company supplies mixers with Other hoses are suitable for electrostatic
conveying capacities of up to 112 volumes of 0.7 l for laboratory machines up discharge applications.
kilograms (250 pounds) per hour, to 1600 l for production machines. All Among the laboratory machines on show
consistently and efficiently. It lets the machines have one thing in common - they from Brabender OHG (Hall 10, A22) is
processor maintain a constant inventory of are suitable for vacuum operation and are the stand-alone extruder E 19/25 D. The

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

via the SmartRegen function, highly

efficient drying process. Various
equipment options allow single hopper
operation with or without integrated
material conveying, as well as the dual
hopper operation with the SmartFlow
One of the new machines on show from
Pallmann Maschinenfabrik (Hall 9, A22)
will be the Polygrinder®-Systems,
machines for pulverizing of plastic
granules. The new Polygrinder-System,
type PM 300 was specifically designed for
the pulverizing of thermoplastics used in
applications such as compounding or
masterbatch production. The company
says that the compact system can be easily
The Sidecut strand pelletizer is being introduced to markets outside Japan by integrated into existing production lines.
Labtech Engineering. The company has also introduced
processes and systems for the production
company says that this extruder has been developed an integrated central system of Wood-Plastic-Composite granules. The
developed for quantities of up to 3 kg/h for that will be controlled by the M7-control. Palltrusion™ process is based on the
laboratories and small production runs. This control will operate and control all gentle preparation and drying of the feed
A large number of screws, die heads and the components connected to the central materials by means of frictional heat. Feed
downstream equipment is available for this system on the booth, including the battery materials - wood, plastics and additives -
extruder, allowing its use for all kinds of dryer Drymax, various sizes of the are continuously fed into the Palltruder®
polymers and other materials. According intelligent drying hopper Silmax, a via a gravimetrical dosing system. The type
to the company, this small processing coupling station with electrically coded of plastic and wood flour, as well as the
machine is suitable for developing new manifolds, as well as various Feedmax moisture content (maximum 8%) and the
products and recipes, as well as incoming vacuum loaders. corresponding mixing ratio are decisive for
or final inspection and quality control An innovative introduction will be the the throughput rate to be achieved. The
during production. network link and complete integration of material mixture is equally plastified with
Complete processing lines can be put the central drying system into the M7- frictional heat and pressure. Resulting
together by combining the stand-alone control and the networking of the Silmax steam is vacuumed off. The palltruded
extruder E 19/25 D with the appropriate drying hoppers via Can-Bus to the material is pneumatically transported into
downstream equipment, such as a Drymax dryer. The material handling a granulator that produces a homogeneous
pelletizer. system therefore offers the additional and uniform granule. Pallwood® can be
US company Novatec Inc. (Hall 10, B65) features of central material management instantly processed further or, depending
has a new Wood-Flour Dryer and show for all connected components, a uniform on the requirement, be conveyed to an
high-volume dryers for wood-plastic and centralized visualization of all intermediate bin in front of the
pellets on show at K 2004. The Nova operating modes and conditions, as well as production machine. The Palltruder® can
Drier™ - a compressed air/membrane the display of alarm conditions on the be easily adjusted to any customer
dryer - will also be on display. The different levels of the system. requirement in no time at all, says the
company will also exhibit a stainless steel For the first time, the compact dryer company.
version for medical moulders. A new Drymax C30 with 30 cubic metres per The OPT-5000 oxygen permeability tester
model, which can be run with or without a hour of dry air capacity will be displayed from Danish company PBI-Dansensor
membrane will be operating. with two separate and independent drying A/S (Hall11, C47) is specially designed to
Conveying products will include a hoppers. The air distribution will be provide an easy and a reliable test of the
Vacuum Loader for use with powders, handled via SmartFlow technology based oxygen transmission rate (OTR) through
Vacuum Chambers, an Easy-Clean J.I.T. on the actual material throughput of the films and foils. All operations are
Loader, Conveying Controls and a respective drying hopper. performed directly on the tester's touch
Portable Drying/Conveying System. A further show introduction will be the screen display. At the completion of
Nucon Wittmann (Hall 10, A04) is compact dryer Drymax C60, succeeding testing, the oxygen transmission rate is
exhibiting its materials handling the Drymax 60 dryer. The company says provided directly in ml/m2/24 hr.
equipment. The company says that it has that the new unit has an optimized and, With automated temperature control and

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

single- or dual-side relative humidity says has high efficiency SST screw says that the powder feeder may be
control, the OPT-5000 offers the technology and the latest in smart touch integrated into the X-Series Continuous
capability of measurement within a wide screen plc control systems. The new plc Gravimetric Blenders and Guardian
range of testing conditions. The tester's control system is fitted on all sizes of Gravimetric Batch Blenders. This allows
durable, ceramic solid-state oxygen sensor machines across the entire Alpha Range, accurate mixing of pellets and difficult
offers high sensitivity at low oxygen which allows network integration. powders in homogenous blends. The
concentrations and long life. Plasmac says that the SST screw company adds that it has also introduced a
Preparation and changing of samples is technology enables the Alpha to increase gravimetric liquid feeder for its
simple and fast using the sample holder its production efficiency significantly, with Continuous Gravimetric Blenders.
cards provided. No grease is required for some models demonstrating a jump in UK-based Process Developments Ltd
tight sealing of the sample in the chamber. kg/hr rate of output per kW of input (Hall 9, C26) is showing its AutoScreen
Pelletizer Knives Inc. (Hall 13, C47-7) power by 100%. At the same time, the range of continuous screen changers,
manufactures underwater pelletizer knives screw length, which was already renowned which are now also available for high
for OEM equipment, such as Kobe, JSW, for being one of the shortest available on friction materials such as polystyrene. New
Coperion Werner & Pfleiderer, Berstorff, the market, has been slashed by up to 12% controls for the AutoScreen are claimed to
Black Clawson and Gala. on some models. This further reduces the offer a choice of screen replacement at a set
Bulk material handling company Pelletron heat history of the material and constant rate, or at a rate that
(Hall 13, C47-11) will be exhibiting its consolidates the existing quality of the automatically adjusts to the current level of
new Flow-Enhancer, which increases the recycled granule. contamination. The company says that
capacity and efficiency of pneumatic The other alternative range of machines 95% of the AutoScreen filter ribbon is
transfer systems without changing available from Plasmac is the Integra used.
conveying line size. Pelletron says that its recycling extruder, which the company Q-Panel Lab Products (Hall 10, H27) is
unique design features ensure easy retrofit says is ideal for automatic and efficient introducing the Q-Sun Xe-1 range of
into existing systems. reprocessing of loose scrap, as well as off- Xenon Accelerated Lightfastness and
Key system benefits include: decreased spec reels. Weathering Test Chambers. The company
particle attrition due to reduced conveying Pomini (Hall 16, B06) is part of the adds that the integral chiller option allows
velocities; decreased noise levels when Techint Group. Pomini is the Rubber & thermally sensitive plastic materials (such
conveying plastic pellets; increased Plastics Machinery Business Unit of as films, mouldings and packaging
pressure level for optimum efficiency Techint SpA. The machines built by materials), to still be tested in an
without stepping the pipe; and optimized Pomini for the polymer processing field accelerated way with higher levels of
velocity profile throughout the entire are: discontinuous and continuous mixers irradiance, but at ambient temperature.
conveying system. (tangential and intermeshing), single/twin The chiller option (Q-Sun Xe-1C) is
The company has also introduced the P1 screw extruders and different types of available in two options. One has
Mini-DeDuster, a contaminant removal pelletizing heads. Techint Pomini's controlled light and temperature control
system for plastics product manufacturers technology for discontinuous mixing of features. The top model has an additional
and resin suppliers. The P1 Mini- plastics is represented by the Tangential water spray feature for enhanced realism
DeDuster is claimed to separate efficiently internal Mixer (PX) and the Intermeshing when testing for aqueous environment
plastic pellets from dust contaminants that internal Mixer (VIC). Techint Pomini's applications.
contribute to rejected parts, increased technology for continuous mixing of The display will also feature the large free-
scrap rates and costly production delays. plastics is represented by the Long standing Q-Sun Xe-3 range. The Xe-3
The company adds that it is the most Continuous Mixer (LCM), the LCM with range is gaining rapid acceptance in a
compact DeDuster in the Pelletron line. It Axial Discharge (LCM-AX) and the new variety of plastics related applications from
has the capacity to 'dedust' up to 100 kg of Techint Continuous Compounder roofing products to automotive grade
raw material per hour and can separate (TCC). plastics.
particles as small as 1 micron. The system By completing the X-Series and A new range of filters is available to allow
is ideal for mid-sized to small Guardian® product family Process greater choice in spectrum modification.
manufacturers that want to be more Control (Hall 11, G26) says that it is now This is required for materials where extra
competitive in the processing industries. able to offer solutions for nearly all speed is needed to accelerate a test or for
Large manufacturers that specialize in low- problems in the extrusion industry. fast screening of a new material.
volume processes also benefit from the The PF-Series powder feeder Process Resotec (Hall 11, E22) is introducing new
technology by producing cleaner products Control presented for the first time in modular extruder automation solutions.
with less scrap. 2003 is now available for throughput The Extrusion Pack systems have been
UK-based manufacturer Plasmac (Hall ranges between 80 grams per hour and extended and have a new structure. The
11, H74) has developed the Alpha 3,000 kilograms per hour. In addition to most important features of the new series
recycling extruder, which the company the stand-alone version Process Control include that all operating and visualization

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

units are built up on a PC platform, and for use with thermoplastics, synthetic and variety of different patented designed mixers
new touch screen operating units increase natural rubbers, and fluoropolymers. The like: Pulsar-mixer, Pulsar II- mixer, Z-mixer,
the ease of operation. barrel is split horizontally allowing for ease V-mixer and the Meltpro-Barrier screw.
UK company Rondol Technology Ltd. of clean down. The extruder can be fitted For cylinders they will highlight their high
(Hall 12, C51-10) has developed a with tube dies, profile dies or slot dies, or wear-resistant type Titan-2000 with the
compounding and extruding line offering used with a 3-roll cooling/polishing stack or company's special bi-metallic layer with
the performance capabilities of a twin-screw a blown film stack. spherical carbides that has the highest
compounder feeding directly into a In addition Rondol adds that the two pieces possible content of tungsten-carbide
crosshead single-screw extruder, but also of equipment can be used in the crosshead available on today's market.
allowing both pieces of equipment to be format with the twin-screw compounder The company is also introducing a new
used as stand-alone items. feeding directly into the single-screw Power-Purge System™ for cleaning screws,
Configuration 1 includes the twin-screw extruder. This is particularly useful where cylinders and valves without disassembling
compounding extruder. The company says reaction polymer extrusion systems are the injection unit. It is accomplished by
that this is a high-torque machine with co- being developed, or where extruded means of a newly patented designed valve in
rotating, intermeshing, self-wiping screws, materials with limited heat-processing combination with a cleaning compound.
which are fully configurable to suit a wide tolerances are used. The Melt Blender SMB from Stamixco
variety of applications. The machine, which A single touch-screen control panel (Hall 9, B14) is used on extruders where it
is available in versions ranging from 25:1 up recognizes which of the three machine mixes and homogenizes the polymer melt at
to 40:1 L/D ratio, has optimized configurations is being used and the die. This results in higher quality
screw/barrel free space ensuring that the automatically activates the relevant input product (film, foils, sheets, profiles, pipes,
equipment is not torque-sensitive, and in screens. filaments, foamed products) at lower cost
addition to being able to process quantities Rotex Europe (Hall 12, E51-1) is exhibiting while increasing the flexibility and process
of less than 200 g, can reach outputs of up to the Rotex Plastic Pellet Screener, which is stability of the extrusion line. The Melt
10 kg/hr even with the 25:1 version. said to overcome the problem of upstanding Blender is compact, has no moving parts
The compounder can be fitted with a strand pellets (longs) passing through the screener - and thus requires no maintenance.
die and used in conjunction with a cooling a problem with many vibratory screeners. It In the extrusion process, the Melt Blender
bath and pelletizer to produce pellets for use does not have a vertical component; eliminates differences in temperature and
in other processing applications such as therefore pellets remain flat on the screen composition gradients. This results in
injection moulding. deck instead of passing straight though. reduced colorant and additive usage, a streak
Secondly, the company says that its single- Utilizing a unique long stroke, gyratory free product, improved quality when using
screw extruder can be used to extrude a wide motion and exclusive 'Dual Velocity' drive, regrind material, wall thickness and gauge
range of materials. Various screw profiles the company says the Plastic Pellet screener control uniformity, foam size distribution
and materials of construction are available spreads the pellets evenly across the full uniformity, and improved surface quality
width of the screen area and stratifies the and mechanical properties.
material for exceptionally efficient fines Sysmetric (Hall 11, A21) plans and
removal. develops raw material dosing systems,
The range also includes the Rotex Screener. conveyors, control and data gathering
According to the company, the linear- equipment for plastics. The company says
gyratory motion of the screener guarantees that it handles complete projects from
high capacity performance and accurate and planning to production, installation, PLC
efficient screening of the product. This and writing of software for control and data
range of equipment is available in one to five gathering from production.
decks with screen areas from 0.5-10 m2. TA Instruments (Hall 10, A07) is
With its gyratory motion, Rotex claims the exhibiting the DSC Q1000, DMA Q800
Screener provides high efficiency even when and AR2000 rheometers, which are claimed
screening large volumes of product. Its 'ball to be powerful analytical tools for the
and bevel' system provides effective mesh characterization of polymeric materials used
cleaning, which prevents mesh blinding and in plastics compounding.
the machine may be housed in an isolation The Q1000 with Advanced Tzero ™
cradle for ease of installation and reduction Technology and Modulated® DSC
The TSM 50 Gravimetric batch blender of transmitted vibration. (MDSC®) is for high sensitivity
from TSM Control Systems. Spirex (Hall 11, A58) will show its full- measurements of heat flow and heat capacity
range of product lines for plasticating related events. MDSC permits detection of
screws, cylinders and front-end weak glass transitions (Tg), the ability to
components. The screw program contains a separate overlapping thermodynamic (Tg)

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004

Compounding equipment

and kinetic events (enthalpic relaxation) that that analyze and process materials for output data storage for many standard
are valuable in understanding the transitions rheological and thermal properties. These materials and a semi-automatic calibration
seen in compounded plastics. instruments analyze and measure viscosity, with quantity test function. A complete
The company says that the DMA Q800 is elasticity, processability and temperature- hopper loader control is integrated too.
a solids rheometer that allows related mechanical changes of plastics. The PPM-V-control is also suitable for the
characterization of a wide variety of solid Tinius Olsen (Hall 11, C43), now connection by a FieldBus-System to
polymers by measurement of their incorporating Hounsfield Test complete all functions; the control could
modulus and damping parameters over a Equipment, is displaying the H25KT and also be connected via Interface to a PC or
wide temperature range. Its advanced, non- H5KS Materials Testing Machines, a 500L other control systems. The PPM-V-control
contact, linear drive motor provides precise Laser Extensometer and 100S Contacting can work with volumetric and gravimetric
stress control. Output strain is measured Extensometer, a model 503 Charpy and dosing units or in a single mixing station.
via optical encoder technology that Izod Impact Tester, Specimen Notchers for The company is also introducing the
generates precise modulus and damping impact samples, the MP600 Melt Flow Colorette volumetric mixing station, which
measurements. A wide variety of clamping Indexer and a model 603 Deflection is designed for 2-4 components and has a
systems extends the utility of the design. Temperature and Vicat Tester. capacity of up to 500 kg/h. The company
The Q800 is especially useful for detecting TSM Control Systems (Hall 10, J54) will be says that the Colorette offers easy and clear
differences in high stiffness materials launching its new TSM50 Gravimetric batch handling and a faster return on investment.
commonly found in compounded plastics. blender at K 2004. The company says that X-Rite (Hall 10, G27) provides hardware,
The AR2000 provides versatile high-quality the blender is ideal for on-line/off-line software and support solutions that ensure
measurement of a wide variety of materials blending applications in both extrusion and colour accuracy and data communication.
including fluids of any viscosity, solids and moulding. This new blender has a The Teleflash 130 system measures the
polymer melts. Its innovative drive system throughput capability of up to 50 kg/h using colour of plastic pellets during the
provides unprecedented controlled stress batch (shot) size of 0.5 kg, and utilizes TSM's production process. The company says
and direct strain performance. Smart patented Micradose™ valves combined with that the construction of the instrument
Swap™ temperature control systems and patented reverse-flight auger mixing allows reproducible and repeatable
multiple measurement geometries technology. This enables very accurate blend measurements even under poor
complement the performance. The ratios, (even at low throughputs and under production conditions, such as the
AR2000 is ideal for viscoelastic vibration conditions) of better than 0.1% influence of pressure, dirt and humidity.
measurements (G', G", tan d) of polymeric being achieved. The system is modular, which supports the
components used in research and According to TSM, the pneumatic 'Self- user with his quality improvement
processing associated with plastics products. Clean' feature has been developed to program and with price reduction.
Testometric (Hall 12, E51-2) is showing provide the TSM50 blender with The company says that by using the
new advanced models of its AX and CX automatic mixing chamber clean-down Teleflash 130 system means that the
Strength Testing Machines. The company between jobs. number of measurements in the laboratory
says that they can be supplied with internal Other features include easily removable can be reduced, reducing the preparation
or external software that has international hoppers, compact design (height 600 required. Colour corrections can be
and customer standard test methods pre- mm), no double dosing of additives with defined quickly and the production of
installed. Models are available from 1N to regrind material, serial output and web waste material reduced. Continuous
300kN. server, Inventory Reporting facilities and control of colour allows rapid reaction
Machines are supplied with internal or self-optimizing software. times. The colour can be clearly defined
external software that covers all The TSM50 represents the smallest blender and when the target colour is achieved, real
international testing standards and has in its TSM range, which encompasses production can start.
user specific test methods pre- systems that can handle up to 3000kg/h. The Teleflash Compact system can
programmed. Test data can easily be Woywod GmbH & Co. KG, (Hall 10, produce reliable colour measurements of
transferred to other software packages for A76) is exhibiting its range of Plasticolor pellets and other materials that can be
report generation and statistical analysis. dosing units and mixing stations. The done in the laboratory.
Models are available with capacities from company has now introduced a special UK-based Xtrutech (Hall 12, C51-9) offers
1N to 300kN with a comprehensive range dosing unit for powders and other difficult a one-stop service centre for twin screw
of grips, extensometers, environmental materials. This unit will be shown extruders, providing service engineers and
chambers, furnaces and specimen integrated in a 4-fold volumetric mixing spare parts including screw elements, shafts,
preparation equipment. station. Woywod is also presenting a new barrels, machine upgrades, screw cleaning
Thermo Electron Corporation (Hall 10, control for Plasticolor volumetric dosing and re-configuration and process
A60) is a leader in analytical instruments. units and mixing stations (PPM-V-control. optimization. The company says that it offers
The company offers a comprehensive This new generation of controls offers this service for all makes of co-rotating twin-
range of material characterization products many practical functions such as integrated screw extruders.

Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2004


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