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 What is retaining wall

 Parts of retaining wall
 Types of retaining wall
 Earth pressures
 Principles of the design of retaining wall
 Drainage of back fills
 Theories required to solve problem
 Design of retaining wall
What is a Retaining wall?

Retaining wall is a
structure used for
maintaining the
ground surfaces at
different elevations on
either side of it.
All permanent walls and components shall be
designed for a minimum service life of 75 years.

Corrosion protection is required for all permanent

and temporary walls in aggressive environments.

Retaining walls are usually built to hold back soil


They are also provided to maintain the grounds at

two different levels.
Wall Slab


Types of retaining walls

1. Gravity Retaining Walls

2. Semi-Gravity Retaining Walls
3. Cantilever Retaining Walls
4. Counter fort Retaining Walls
Gravity Walls

The “gravity wall” provides stability by

virtue of its own weight , and therefore,
is rather massive in size.
It is usually built in stone masonry, and
occasionally in plain concrete
 The thickness of wall
is also governed by
need to eliminate or
limit the resulting
tensile stress to its
permissible limit .
 Plain concrete
gravity walls are not
used for heights
exceeding about 3m,
for obvious economic
 Stress developed is very low.
 These walls are so proportioned
that no tension is developed
anywhere and the resultant of
forces remain within the middle
third of the base.
Semi-Gravity Walls
Semi-gravity walls resist
external forces by the
combined action of self
weight, weight of soil
above footing and the
flexural resistance of the
wall components.
concrete cantilever wall is an
example and consists of a reinforced
concrete stem and a base footing.
These walls are non-proprietary.
Cantilever Wall
 The “Cantilever wall ” is the
most common type of
retaining structure and is
generally economical for
heights up to about 8m.
 The structure consists of
vertical stem , and a base
slab, made up of two
distinct regions, viz., a heel
slab and a toe slab
 “Stem” acts as a vertical
cantilever under the lateral
earth pressure
 “Heel slab” acts as a
horizontal cantilever under
the action of weight of the
retained earth (minus soil
pressure acting upwards from
 “Toe slab ” acts as a
cantilever under the action of
resulting soil pressure acting
 It resists the horizontal
earth pressure as well as
other vertical pressure by
way of bending of various
components acting as
 May be L shaped or T
Counterfort Wall
 Stem and Heel slab are strengthened by
providing counterforts at some suitable
 The stability of the wall is maintained
essentially by the weight of the earth on
the heel slab plus the self weight of the
 For large heights, in a
cantilever retaining
wall, the bending
moments developed in
the stem, heel slab and
toe slab become very
large and require large
 The bending moments
can be considerably
reduced by introducing
transverse supports,
called counterforts.
Counterfort wall are placed at regular
intervals of about1/3 to ½ of the wall
height, interconnecting the stem with
the heel slab.

Type equation here.

The counterforts are concealed within
the retained earth on the rear side of the
The counterforts subdivide
the vertical slab (stem)
This wall is into rectangular panels
economical for and support them on two
heights above and themselves behave
(approximately) 7m. essentially as vertical
cantilever beams of T-
section and varying depth.

When the soil behind the wall is

prevented from lateral movement
(towards or away from soil) of wall,
the pressure is known as earth
pressure at rest.

This is the case when wall has a

considerable rigidity.

Basement walls generally fall in

this category.

If a retaining wall is allowed to move

away from the soil accompanied by a
lateral soil expansion, the earth
pressure decreases with the increasing

A shear failure of the soil is resulted with

any further expansion and a sliding
wedge tends to move forward and
downward. The earth pressure associated
with this state of failure is the minimum
pressure and is known as active earth

If a retaining wall is allowed to move

towards the soil accompanied by a lateral
soil compression, the earth pressure
increase with the increasing compression
in the soil.
Principle of the design of
retaining wall

Ability of the retaining wall structure to overcome the

horizontal force applied to the wall

Factor of safety = 1.5


Ability of the retaining wall structure to overcome the

overturning moment created by the rotational forces
applied to the wall.

Factor of safety = 1.5


Ability of the underlying soil to support the weight of the

retaining wall structure.

Factor of safety = 2.0


There should be no tension at the base of the

when the eccentricity (e) is greater than b/6 ,
tension develops at the heel

Weep Holes

Sand + Stone Filter


Drainage Pipes f 100-200 mm @ 2.5 to 4 m

DRAINAGE (Alternate)

Perforated Pipe

Suited for short walls


• The soil mass is semi-infinite, homogeneous, dry and
• The ground surface is plane which may be horizontal
or inclined.
• The back of the wall is vertical and smooth(No
shearing stresses are developed between the wall
and soil).
• The wall yields about the base and satisfies the
deformation conditions for plastic equilibrium.
When soil surface is horizontal:


1  sin 
Cah =
1  sin 
When soil surface is inclined:



cos d  cos d  cos 

2 2
C a = cos d
cos d  cos d  cos 
2 2
Coulomb’s Theory

• The back fill is homogeneous, dry ,cohesionless ,
isotropic and ideally plastic material.
• The slip surface is plane which passes through the
heel of the wall.
• The wall surface is rough. The resultant earth
pressure on the wall is inclined at an angle of δ to
the normal to the wall, where δ is the angle of the
friction between the wall and the backfill.
• The sliding wedge itself acts as rigid body.
where KA is the active earth
pressure coefficient.
General proportions of gravity
retaining wall

When surface is inclined:

When surface is horizontal:
General proportions of cantilever
retaining wall
 Bulkheads are very similar in design and
construction as standard retaining walls.
The primary difference in definition
between a bulkhead and retaining wall is
that a bulkhead is retaining earth on one
side, and is partially surrounded by water
on the other.
 Materials used in the construction of bulkheads
vary, but generally are the same as those used for
the construction of the piers.
 Masonry is often used as a bulkhead material.
Masonry can take the form of brick, block, or poured

 The largest problem with the bulkhead systems is

erosion of the backfill area. As the backfill begins to
erode, the granular surface is affected, as is the
drainage. The increase in hydrostatic pressure,
coupled with the lateral forces of the earth itself,
tend to push the units over.
Anchored Bulkhead

What is anchored bulkhead?

If tie rods or anchor rods are anchored
close to the upper ends of sheet pile walls, the sheet
pile walls are called bulkheads or anchored sheet pile
walls. The tie or anchor rods are buried in the backfill
at a considerable distance from the back of the wall.
The ties or anchored rods reduce the lateral
deflection, the bending moment and the depth of
Anchored bulkhead are extensively used in water front
structures. They are constructed by driving a row of sheet pile
to the required depth. The soil in front of the wall is dredged
out to required depth in front of the wall and behind the wall it
is backfilled by suitable soil. The wall is supported at the top by
tie rods and at the bottom by passive earth resistance.
How Anchored Bulkhead determined?
In anchored bulkheads the depth of penetration is
determined by:

 The free earth support method

 The fixed earth support method
Free Earth Support Method:

In free earth support method

the depth of penetration is not
sufficient to provide end
restraint. The wall is assumed
to be freely supported by tie
rods at the top and by the
passive earth resistance of soil
at the bottom. The forces
acting on the wall as well as
the deflected shape of the
wall are shown in Fig.1 below.
T = Tension in the tie rod per unit length
d = Depth of penetration below dredge line
pa = Active pressure in the wall
ppm = Mobilized passive resistance = ppF
The depth of penetration d is found out by taking moment of all forces
about the line of action of the tie rod.
Or, Pa×23(h+d)−a−Ppm×23(d+h)−a=0
Once d is known, the tension in the tie rod is found out by summing all
the horizontal forces i.e.,
pa – ppm – T = 0
In order to guard excess dredging, scouring and presence of pockets of
weak soils the depth of penetration is increased by 20 to 40 %. With this
increasing the depth of penetration, a factor of safety of 1.5 to is
Fixed Earth Support Method:
 In fixed earth support method, the depth of
penetration is adequate and soil below the dredge
line provides considerable anchorage. The wall acts as
propped cantilever beam and cannot rotate
freely at its lower end as shown in Fig.3 and the point
of contra flexure lies close to the dredge line.
 Prevention of free rotation at the bottom develops
full passive resistance at the back of the wall above
the lower end. This resistance is replaced by a
concentrated force RD at 0.2 d above the lower end of
the pile
In the analysis, two beams, one above the point of
contraflexure and another below the point of contraflexure, are
considered. The position of the point of contraflexure, y is a
function of angle of internal friction of the soil ɸ. For sands, y is
given by,
ɸ 20 30 40
Y 0.25h 0.08h -0.006h

For approximate analysis 'y' may be assumed as zero and the point of
contrafiexure lie at the dredge level.
By considering the upper beam, the unknown forces RC and T can be found out by
∑M and ∑H = 0.
. In the case of lower beam as shown in Fig.3 force RD and depth of
penetration d are not known.
. By taking moment of all forces about the base of the pile the depth of
penetration can be
found out. The depth of penetration thus obtained by fixed earth support
methodis increased by 20 to 40 %.

1.Check the stability of a cantilever concrete retaining

wall having a stem thickness of 0.4m uniform
throughout, 6.0m height bed block thickness 0.8 m
and a projection of 2.5 m on the heel side and 1.5 m on
the toe side. The unit weight of the wall material is
25kN/m3. The soil has a unit weight of 18 kN/m3 and an
angle of internal friction of 360.Take in to account a
uniform surcharge on the ground of 50kN/m2. The
ground level on the toe side is 1.2 m high above the
base of the wall
2.A gravity retaining wall is shown
in Fig. 3. Calculate the factor of
safety with respect to
overturning and sliding, given the
fallowing data:Wall dimensions: H
= 6 m, x1 = 0.6 m, x2 = 2m, x3 = 2 m,
x4 = 0.5 m, x5 = 0.75 m,x6 =0.8m, D
= 1.5 m.Soil properties:
γ1 = 16.5kN/m3,φ 1' = 320, 2 =
18kN/m3,φ 2' = 22, c2'=40kPa. Use
the Rankine active earth pressure
in your calculations.
3.Figure 1 shows a section of a
cantilever wall with dimensions and
forces acting there on. Check the
stability of the wall with respect to
(a) overturning, (b) sliding, and (c)
bearing capacity.
4.For the cantilever retaining wall shown in
Fig. 2, let the fallowing data be given:Wall
dimensions: H = 6.5 m, x1 = 0.50 m, x2 = 1.2
m, x3 = 1.35 m, x4 = 2.1 m, x5 = 1.0 m,D = 2.0
m, Φ= 150.Soil properties: 1 = 19.5kN/m3,
φ1' = 360, 2 = 17.0 kN/m3, φ2' = 10, c2'= 50
kPa.Calculate the factor of safety with
respect to overturning, sliding and bearing

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