Olimpiada 2014-2

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Class:V-th grade


I. Choose the right form:

1. He’s a doctor. He …………….. in a hospital. a) working; b) is working; c) works.
2. Anna likes …………….. out with her friends. a) going; b) to go; c) to going.
3. She …………… the letter now. a) reads; b) read; c) is reading.
4. The blue dress is ……………. the red one. a) very nice; b) nicer than; c) more nice than.
5. My …………….name is Jane. a) mother’s; b) mothers’; c) mother
6. Where ……………. Tom work? a) does; b) is; c) do
7. They ……………………… now. a) are swiming; b) are swim; c) are swimming.
8. What time …………………. for school? a) does she live; b) does she leave; c) do she leave.
9. The ……………..arrived too late. a) firemen; b) fireman; c)firemens.
10. I can see two ………….. in the lake. a) fishs; b) fishes; c) fish.

II. Complete the gaps with the right words: to, bags, find, his, timetable, arrives, tickets, railway, when, in.

It’s 8 o’clock 1)……….. the morning. George and his sister are at the 2)……….. station to buy tickets for an afternoon
train 3)……… Brasov. First they look at the 4)……………. to find out 5)…………… the afternoon trains leave. They
6)………….. a very convenient train: it leaves at 5.30 in the afternoon, and it 7)……………….. in Brasov at 8 in the
evening. George tells 8) ………… sister: ‘Let’s buy the 9)…………….. We leave at 5.30, we have plenty of time to pick
our 10)……………”.

III. Write a letter to a friend of yours telling him/her about your new school and your new town.
You should include information about the people, the new school, the new colleagues, the
place, the activities. Do not use more than 100 words. Start and end your letter in an
appropriate way. Your name is John / Jane.
Class:VI-th grade

I. Choose the correct answer:

1.Where …you…….. ?
a. Does… works b. do…work c. are…working
2. Would you like …… to distant places?
a. Travelling b. travel c. to travel
3. My ambition is …….. my own business.
a. Starting b. to start c. started
4. I need a pen, but I haven’t got ……..
a. Ones b. a pen c. one
5. ……. you …….. English at the moment?
a. Do you study b. are you studying c. have you studied
6. When……. you…… ? On Sunday.
a. Do you leave b. are you leaving c. are you living
7. I’m sorry I’m late.……. I come in, please?
a. Can b. Could c. May
8. Jane ………. go to school tomorrow.
a. Have to b. had to c. has to
9. You …… lie in the sun for too long. It’s dangerous.
a. Must b. can’t c. mustn’t
10. What time…. you…… to bed last evening?
a. Did you went b. do you go c. did you go

II. Use the verbs given in the Past tense to fill in the blanks:
chase, feel, be, shout, drive, stop, begin, try, take, come
Gordon and Celine decided to go to Red Rock Safari Park. First, they 1) ___________ into the park and Gordon
2)____________ the car. He 3)____________ some pictures of the lions. After that, he 4)___________ to start the car
again. Suddenly, smoke 5)_______________ to come out of the engine. A few minutes later, the front of the car
6)__________ on fire, so Celine beeped the horn and 7)____________ for help. Just then, a park ranger
8)______________ along in his jeep to help them. Finally, another jeep arrived and 9)____________ the lions away.
Gordon and Celine 10)_____________ very lucky to be alive.

III. Write a composition with the following ending: “That’s how a true friendship starts.” (120 – 150 words)
Class:VII-th grade

I. Choose the right form:

1.Bags _____________ every day by my father.
a. are carrying b. are carried c. carries
2. Los Angeles is the city _____________ I want to live.
a. where b. when c. who
3. He was ______________ by horror movies.
a. terrifying b. terrified c. terrify
4. When he arrived home, the phone __________________
a. rang b. rung c. was ringing.
5. She remembered his name after he _____________
a. left b. had left c. was leaving
6. Mike’s car is _____________than his friend’s car.
a. smaller b. more smaller c. more small
7. How long ago __________the last war?
a. is b. has been c. was
8. He ______________that dog home a month ago.
a. brought b. bought c. has brought
9. I was buying some roses when we ____________
a. were meeting b. meet c. met
10. They thanked me a lot for what I _______________
a. have done b had done c. do

II. Fill in the gaps with one of the words: wrote, only, near, following, ago, time, thanked, read, a, much:

It was twenty years 1)…………. and I was living in Paris. I had a little flat 2)…………….the cemetery and I
didn’t have 3)………………money. A lady 4) ……………. a book of mine and 5) ……………to me about it. I answered,
I 6)…………….her and she wrote to me another letter. She said that she wanted to meet me and have 7)
……………..conversation with me, but her 8)……………..was short and the 9)……………..free time she had was on the

III. Write a 150-word story ending with the following line: And so, we’ll never know what really happened.
Make sure you have a beginning, a body and an ending. Give your story a catchy title.

I. Choose the correct answer: (1,6 p)

1.She asks a lot of questions, ______ she?
a.Aren’t b. doesn’t c. can’t d. should
2.I bet she _______ talk to you.
a.Is b. would c. should d. won’t
3.We __________ waiting for you for ages.
a.Are waiting b. have been waiting c. will wait d. has waited
4.We ____ all ____ our lunch.
a.Would. ..have b. has …had c. have...had d. had .. has
5.Can you please give ____the CD?
a.Myself b. hers c. me d. our
6.Help _______ to lunch!
a.Myself b. yourselves c. yours d. me
7.There _______ be much left on the ship now.
a.Must b. can’t c. shouldn’t d. mustn’t
8.I put my hand in the water again, but the crab _________.
a.Went b. has gone c. goes d. had gone
9.When he __________, his brothers were all laughing.
a. woke up b. was waking up c. wakes up d. had woken up
10.You ___________ talk loudly in a church.
a. can’t b. mustn’t c. should d. have to

II. Complete the following text with the words: gentle, over, now, largest, all, was, navy, there, summer,
It was an afternoon in the _________________of 1545. The Mary Rose was the second ______________ship in the
English _________________and had lots of heavy guns. A _________________wind had been blowing _________day,
but suddenly _________________was a storm. The wind filled the sails and the Mary Rose leant _______________in the
water. It leant further and further. Water poured in _________________the gun holes and the ship capsized. Over 650
sailors and soldiers were drowned. The wreck of the Mary Rose _____________ discovered in 1971. Divers raised the
ship and you can _____________see it in museum in Portsmouth.

III. Continue the sentence bellow, in 150 – 170 words:

It was early in the morning and …

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