Real World Software Testing

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Real World Software Testing


• Software Testing
– Importance
• Challenges and Opportunity
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs


• Quality
– QA
– QC
What is Quality ?

• Quality from the

– Customer’s Viewpoint Fit for use, or other customer needs
– Producer’s Viewpoint Meeting requirements
Quality Function

• Software quality includes activities related to both

– process, and to the
– product
• Quality Assurance is about the work process
• Quality Control is about the product
What is Quality Assurance?

• Quality assurance activities are work process oriented.

• They measure the process, identify deficiencies, and suggest
• The direct results of these activities are changes to the process.
• These changes can range from better compliance with the process to
entirely new processes.
• The output of quality control activities is often the input to quality
assurance activities.
• Audits are an example of a QA activity which looks at whether and
how the process is being followed. The end result may be suggested
improvements or better compliance with the process.
What is Quality Control?

• Quality control activities are work product oriented.

• They measure the product, identify deficiencies, and suggest
• The direct results of these activities are changes to the product.
• These can range from single-line code changes to completely
reworking a product from design.
• They evaluate the product, identify weaknesses and suggest
• Testing and reviews are examples of QC activities since they usually
result in changes to the product, not the process.
• QC activities are often the starting point for quality assurance (QA)
Prevention and Detection

Prevention is better than cure . . .

. . . but not everything can be prevented!



QA and QC Summery

• QA • QC
• Assurance • Control
• Process • Product
• Preventive • Detective
• Quality Audit • Testing
Quality... it’s all about the

• Does this software product work as advertised?

– Functionality, Performance, System & User Acceptance ...

• Will the users be able to do their jobs using this

– Installability, Compatibility, Load/Stress ... testing

• Can they bet their business on this software product?

– Reliability, Security, Scalability ... testing
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs


• Testing
– What is testing
– Objectives of Testing
What is Testing?

• Testing is the process of demonstrating that errors

are not present
• The purpose of testing is to show that a program
performs its intended functions correctly
• Testing is the process of establishing confidence
that a program does what it is supposed to do
• These definitions are incorrect in that they describe
almost the opposite of what testing should be
viewed as
What is objective of Testing?

• Objective of testing is to find all possible bugs (defects) in a work

• Testing should intentionally attempt to make things go wrong to
determine if things happen when they shouldn't or things don't happen
when they should.
What is Testing?

• DEFINATION: Testing is process of trying to discover every

conceivable fault or weakness in a work product.
• Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding
an error.
• A good test is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet
undiscovered error.
• A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error
The purpose of finding defects is to
get them fixed

• The prime benefit of testing is that it results in

improved quality. Bugs get fixed.
• We take a destructive attitude toward the program
when we test, but in a larger context our work is
• We are beating up the program in the service of
making it stronger.
Secondary benefits include

• Demonstrate that software functions appear to be working according to

• That performance requirements appear to have been met.
• Data collected during testing provides a good indication of software
reliability and some indication of software quality.
What is Testing Summary

• Identify defects
– when the software doesn’t work
• Verify that it satisfies specified requirements
– verify that the software works
Mature view of software testing

• A mature view of software testing is to see it as a

process of reducing the risk of software failure in the
field to an acceptable level [Bezier 90].
What exactly Does a Software
Tester Do?

• The Goal of a software tester is to find defects,

• and find them as early as possible,
• and make sure they get fixed.
What does testing mean to
• Testers hunt errors
– Detected errors are celebrated - for the good of the work product
• Testers are destructive - but creatively so
– Testing is a positive and creative effort of destruction
• Testers pursue errors, not people
– Errors are in the work product, not in the person who made the
• Testers add value
– by discovering errors as early as possible
How testers do it?

• By examining the user’s requirements, internal structure and

design, functional user interface etc
• By executing the code, application software executable etc
Testing Involves

• Generate test conditions cases

• Create required test environment
• Execute tests
• Report and track defects
• Test reporting
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs


• Software Development and Software Testing Life

– Verification and Validation
Basic form of Testing

• Basic form of Testing

– Verification &
– Validation

Requireme Release for

nts Use

Functional Build
Specs. System

Design Build

Development Coding
Progressive distortion
Relative cost to fix software




Req Spec Design Development


Requireme Release for

nts Use

Functional Build
Specs. System

Design Build

Development Coding
Verification & Validation

Requireme Review Release for Acceptan

nts Use -ce Test

Functional Specs Review Build System

Specs. Test Plan System Test

Design Design Review Build Integration

Revised Test Software Test

Development Coding Code Unit

Activity Review Test
Test Life Cycle Model
Testing happens throughout the software life cycle

Requireme Review Release for Acceptan

nts Use -ce Test

Functional Specs Review Build System

Specs. Test Plan System Test

Static Design Design Review Build Integration

Testing Revised Test Software Test
Development Coding Code Unit Testing
Activity Review Test

What is Verification?
• Verification is process of confirming whether software meets its
• The process of reviewing/ inspecting deliverables throughout the life cycle.
• Inspections, walkthroughs and reviews are examples of verification
• Verification is the process of examining a product to discover its defects.
• Verification is usually performed by STATIC testing, or inspecting without
execution on a computer.
• Verification is examining Product Requirements, Specifications, Design,
Code for large fundamental problems oversight, omission.
• Verification is a “human” examination or review of the work product.
• Verification
– determining if phase completed correctly
• “are we building the product right?”
What is Validation?

• Validation is process of confirming whether software meets users

• The process of executing something to see how it behaves.
• Unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing are examples of
validation techniques.
• Validation is the process of executing a product to expose its
• Validation is usually performed by DYNAMIC testing, or testing
with execution on a computer.
• Eg. If we use software A on hardware B and do C then D should
happen (expected result)
• Validation
– determining if product as whole satisfies requirements
• “are we building the right product?”
Some test techniques
Static Dynamic
Walkthroughs Structural Non-functional Functional
Control Usability Partitioning
Data Flow
Flow Performance
Value Analysis
Branch Condition

• Reviews
• Walkthrough
• Inspection
Verification “What to Look For?”

• Find all the missing information

• Who
• What
• Where
• When
• Why
• How
Peer Review

• Simply giving a document to a colleague and asking

them to look at it closely which will identify defects
we might never find on our own.

• Informal meetings, where participants come to the meeting;and

the author gives the presentation.
• Objective:
– To detect defects and become familiar with the material
• Elements:
– A planned meeting where only the presenter must prepare
– A team of 2-7 people, led by the author
– Author usually the presenter.
• Inputs:
– Element under examination, objectives for the walkthroughs
applicable standards.
• Output:
– Defect report

• Formal meeting, characterized by individual

preparation by all participants prior to the meeting.
• Objectives:
– To obtain defects and collect data.
– To communicate important work product information .
• Elements:
– A planned, structured meeting requiring individual
preparation by all participants.
– A team of people, led by an impartial moderator who assure
that rules are being followed and review is effective.
– Presenter is “reader” other than the author.
– Other participants are inspectors who review,
– Recorder to record defects identified in work product
Checklists : the verification tool

• An important tool specially in formal meetings like

• They provide maximum leverage on on verification
• There are generic checklists that can be applied at a
high level and maintained for each type of inspection
• There are checklists for requirements,functional
design specifications, internal design specifications,
for code
Fundamental Validation strategies

• White-box testing
• Black-box testing
White-box testing
White-box testing

• White box tests require knowledge of the internal

program structure and are derived from the internal
design specification or the code.
• They will not detect missing function (I.e. those
described in the functional design specification but not
supported by the internal specification or code)
Black-box testing




Black-box testing

• Are derived from functional design specification,

without regard to the internal program structure.
• Tests the product against the end user, external
• Is done without any internal knowledge of the product
• It will not test hidden functions (i.e functions
implemented but not described in the functional design
specification), and errors associated with them will not
be found in black-box testing.
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs


• Software Development and Software Testing Life

– Verification and Validation
Validation activities

• Low-level testing
– unit (module) testing
– integration testing
• High-level testing
– function testing
– system testing
– acceptance testing
Unit Testing

• Unit testing is the process of testing the individual

components of a program
• The purpose is to discover discrepancies between
the module’s interface specification and its actual
Unit Testing

• Carried out at earliest stage

• Focuses on the smallest testable units/ components
of the software
• Typically used to verify the control flow and data flow
• It requires the knowledge of the code hence
performed by the developers
Unit testing

• Testing a given module (X) in isolation may require:

1) a driver module which transmits test cases in the form of input arguments to X
and either prints or interprets the result produced by X
2) zero or more “stub” modules each of which simulates the function of a module
called by X. It is required for each module that is directly subordinate to X in the
execution hierarchy. If X is a terminal module (I.e. it calls no other modules), then
no stubs are required
Build scaffolding for incomplete programs
• Stubs and drivers are code that are (temporarily) written in order to
unit test a program
• Driver – code that is executed to accept test case data, pass it to the
component being tested, obtain result (or pass/fail).
– main () {
• Stub is a dummy subprogram . . . May do minimal data manipulation,
print verification of component entry, return
– assignTA(prof, course) {

print “You successfully called assignTA for,” prof, course

Integration Testing

• Integration testing is the process of combining and

testing multiple components together
• To assure that the software units/ components
operate properly when combined together
• To discover errors in the interface between the
components, Verify Communication Between Units
• It is done by developers/ QA teams
Types of Integration Problems

• Wrong call orders

• Wrong parameters
• Missing functions
• Overlapping functions
• Resource problems (memory etc)
• Configuration/ version control
Function Testing

• Function testing is the process of attempting to

detect discrepancies between a program’s functional
specification and its actual behavior
• It verifies that the software provides expected
• Includes positive and negative scenarios i.e. valid
inputs and invalid inputs
System Testing

• System testing is the process of attempting to

demonstrate that a program or system does not meet
its original requirements and objectives, as stated in
the requirements specification
• It tests business functions and performance goals
when the application works as a whole
• It verifies software operation from the perspective of
the end user, with different configurations/setups
System Testing

• Is performed by a testing group before the product is

made available to customers. It can begin whenever
the product the product has sufficient functionality to
execute some of the tests or after unit and integration
testing are completed.
• It can be conducted in parallel with function testing,
because the tests usually depend on functional
interfaces, it may be wise to delay system testing
until functional testing has demonstrated some pre-
defined level of reliability, e.g. 40% of the function
testing is complete.
The steps of system testing are:

• Decompose and analyze the requirements

• Partition the requirements into logical categories
and, for each component, make a list of the detailed
• For each type of system testing:
• For each relevant requirement, determine inputs
and outputs
• Develop the requirements test cases
• ….
The steps of system testing are:

• Develop a requirements coverage matrix which is

simply a table in which an entry describes a specific
subtest that adds value to the requirements
coverage, the priority of that subtest, the specific test
cases in which that subtest appears
• Execute the test cases and measure logic coverage
• Develop additional tests, as indicated by the
combined coverage information
Types/ Goals of System Testing

• Usability testing • Compatibility testing

• Performance Testing • Installability testing
• Load Testing • Recovery Testing
• Stress Testing • Availability testing
• Security Testing
• Configuration testing
Usability Testing

• How easy is it for users to bring up what they want?

• How easily can they navigate through the menus?
Usability Testing

• Usability testing is the process of attempting to

identify discrepancies between the user interface of
a product and the human engineering requirements
of its potential users.
• Usability testing collects information on specific
issues from the intended users.
• It often involves evaluation of a product’s
presentation rather than its functionality.
Usability Testing

• Usability testing involves having the users work with

the products and observing their responses to it.
• Unlike Beta testing, which also involves the user, it
should be done as early as possible in the
development cycle.
• The real customer is involved as early as possible,
even at the stage when only screens drawn on paper
are available.
Meaningful message from
Microsoft's Access.

•Hmmm...what would you do?

Meaningful message from
Microsoft's Excel.
Lotus N otes
Rational ClearCase
irrational message
Performance testing

• To determine whether the program meets its

performance requirements
• The IEEE standard 610.12-1990 (Software Engineering
Terminology) defines performance testing: Testing
conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or
component with specified performance requirements.
Performance testing

• Many programs have specific performance efficiency

• Performance testing focuses on performance
parameters such as
– transaction response time,
– throughput etc.
• e.g. in database systems the response time relates to
the time to obtain a report after clicking on a specific
Load Testing

• Load testing is subjecting a system to a statistically

representative (usually) load.
Stress Testing

• The IEEE standard 610.12-1990 (Software Engineering

Terminology) defines
• stress testing: Testing conducted to evaluate a
system or component at or beyond the limits of its
specified requirements.
Stress Testing

• Stress testing is subjecting a system to an unreasonable load

while denying it the resources (e.g., RAM, Disc, CPU, network
bandwidth etc.) needed to process that load.
• The idea is to stress a system to the breaking point in order to
find bugs that will make that break potentially harmful.
• The system is not expected to process the overload without
adequate resources, but to behave (e.g., fail) in a decent
manner (e.g., not corrupting or losing data).
• Bugs and failure modes discovered under stress testing may
or may not be repaired depending on the application, the
failure mode, consequences, etc. The load (incoming
transaction stream) in stress testing is often deliberately
distorted so as to force the system into resource depletion.
Configuration testing

• To determine whether the program operates properly when the

software or hardware is configured in a required manner
• It is the process of checking the operation of the software with
all various types of hardware.
• e.g. for applications to run on Windows-based PC used in
homes and businesses.
• The PC : different manufacturers such as Compaq, Dell,
Hewlett Packard, IBM and others.
• Components : disk drives, video, sound, modem, and
network cards.
• Options and memory
• Device drivers
Compatibility testing

• Testing whether the system is compatible with other

systems with which it should communicate
• It means checking that your software interacts with
and shares information correctly with other software
• e.g.What other software (operating systems, web
browser etc.) your software is designed to be
compatible with?
• Upgrading to a new database program and having all
your existing databases load in
Security testing
• It attempts to verify that protection mechanisms
built into a system will protect it from improper
• Security is a primary concern when
communicating and conducting business
especially business critical transactions
• Checking
– How the website authenticates users?
– How the website encrypt data?
– How safe is credit card or user information?
– How does the website handle access rights?

• To identify the ways in which the installation

procedures lead to incorrect results
• Installation options
– New
– Upgrade
– Customized/Complete
– Under normal & abnormal conditions
• Important - Makes first impression on the end user
Recovery testing

• To determine whether the system or program meets

its requirements for recovery after a failure
Acceptance Testing

• System testing performed by end users to determine

whether the software is ready for final deployment
Acceptance testing

• Acceptance testing is the process of comparing the

end product to the current needs of its end users.
• It is usually performed by the customer or end user
after the testing group has satisfactorily completed
usability, function, and system testing
• It usually involves running and operating the
software in production mode for a pre-specified
Acceptance testing

• If the software is developed under contract,

acceptance testing is performed by the contracting
customer. Acceptance criteria are defined in the
• If product is not developed under contract, the
developing organization can arrange for alternative
forms of acceptance testing
Acceptance Testing

• ALPHA and BETA testing are each employed as a

form of acceptance testing
• Often both are used, in which case BETA follows
• Both involve running and operating the software in
production mode for a pre-specified period
• The ALPHA test is usually performed by end users
inside the development organization. The BETA test
is usually performed by a selected subset of actual
customers outside the company, before the software
is made available to all customers
Alpha testing

• At developer site by Customer

• Developer
– Looking over the shoulder
– Recording errors, usage problems
• Controlled environment
Beta testing

• At one/ more customer sites by end user

• Developer not present
• “live” situation, developer not in control
• Customer records problems (real, imagined) and
reports to developer
Final Candidate testing

• Testing before final release

• Also called Golden candidate testing

• Why retest?
– Because any software product that is actively used and
supported must be changed from time to time, and every new
version of a product should be retested
Progressive testing and regressive

• Most test cases, unless they are truly throw-away,

begin as progressive test cases and eventually
become regression test cases for the life of the
Regression testing

• Regression testing is not another testing activity

• It is a re-execution of some or all of the tests
developed for a specific testing activity for each
build of the application
• Verify that changes or fixes have not introduced new
• It may be performed for each activity (e.g. unit test,
function test, system test etc)
Regression Test

• Testing software that has been tested before.

– Why?
• Peripheral testing for bug fixes
• Retesting the old version functionality with the new version
Smoke Testing

• Smoke testing determines whether the system

is sufficiently stable and functional to warrant
the cost of further, more rigorous testing.
• Smoke testing is also called Sanity testing.
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs


• Software Development and Software Testing Life

– Verification and Validation
Validation methods

• The following are commonly used Black Box

methods :
– equivalence partitioning
– boundary-value analysis
– error guessing
Equivalence Partitioning

• An equivalence class is a subset of data that is

representative of a larger class.
• Equivalence partitioning is a technique for testing
equivalence classes rather than undertaking
exhaustive testing of each value of the larger class.
Equivalence Partitioning

• If we expect the same result from two tests, you

consider them equivalent. A group of tests from an
equivalence class if,
– They all test the same thing
– If one test catches a bug, the others probably will too
– If one test doesn’t catch a bug, the others probably won’t
Equivalence Partitioning

• For example, a program which edits credit limits

within a given range ($10,000-$15,000) would have
three equivalence classes:
– Less than $10,000(invalid)
– Between $10,000 and $15,000(valid)
– Greater than $15,000 (invalid)
Equivalence Partitioning

• Partitioning system inputs and outputs into

‘equivalence sets’
– If input is a 5-digit integer between 10,000 and 99,999
equivalence partitions are <10,000, 10,000-99,999 and >99,999
• The aim is to minimize the number of test cases
required to cover these input conditions
Equivalence Partitioning

• Equivalence classes may be defined according to the

following guidelines:
– If an input condition specifies a range, one valid and two
invalid equivalence classes are defined.
– If an input condition requires a specific value, then one valid
and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.
– If an input condition is boolean, then one valid and one
invalid equivalence class are defined.
Equivalence Partitioning Summary

• Divide the input domain into classes of data for which test cases can be
• Attempting to uncover classes of errors.
• Based on equivalence classes for input conditions.
• An equivalence class represents a set of valid or invalid states
• An input condition is either a specific numeric value, range of values, a set of
related values, or a Boolean condition.
• Equivalence classes can be defined by:
• If an input condition specifies a range or a specific value, one valid and two
invalid equivalence classes defined.
• If an input condition specifies a Boolean or a member of a set, one valid and
one invalid equivalence classes defined.
• Test cases for each input domain data item developed and executed.
Boundary value analysis

• “Bugs lurk in corners and congregate at

Boris Beizer
Boundary value analysis

• A technique that consists of developing test cases

and data that focus on the input and output
boundaries of a given function.
• In same credit limit example, boundary analysis
would test:
– Low boundary plus or minus one ($9,999 and $10,001)
– On the boundary ($10,000 and $15,000)
– Upper boundary plus or minus one ($14,999 and $15,001)
Boundary value analysis

• Large number of errors tend to occur at boundaries of the input

• BVA leads to selection of test cases that exercise boundary values
• BVA complements equivalence partitioning. Rather than select any
element in an equivalence class, select those at the ''edge' of the class
• Examples:
• For a range of values bounded by a and b, test (a-1), a, (a+1), (b-1), b,
• If input conditions specify a number of values n, test with (n-1), n and
(n+1) input values
• Apply 1 and 2 to output conditions (e.g., generate table of minimum
and maximum size)
Example: Loan
2-64 chars.
Customer Name
Account number 6 digits, 1st
Loan amount requested
Term of loan
£500 to £9000
Monthly repayment

Term: 1 to 30 years
Minimum £10
Interest rate:
Total paid back:
valid: non-zero
first character:
invalid: zero

number of digits: 5 6 7
invalid invalid

Conditions Valid Invalid Valid Invalid

Partitions Partitions Boundaries Boundaries
Account 6 digits <6 digits 100000 5 digits
number 1st non-zero >6 digits 999999 7 digits
1st digit =0 0 digits
Error Guessing

• Based on the theory that test cases can be developed based upon the
intuition and experience of the Test Engineer

• For example, in an example where one of the inputs is the date, a test
engineer might try February 29,2000 or 9/9/99
Error guessing

• Error guessing is an ad hoc approach, based on

intuition and experience, to identify tests that are
considered likely to expose errors
• The basic idea is to make a list of possible errors or
error prone situations and then develop tests based
on the list.
• Eg. Where one of the input is the date, a test
engineer may try February 29, 2000
• A=B/C What if C is 0?
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs


• Software Development and Software Testing Life

– Verification and Validation
White-box methods for internal-
based tests

• There are thre basic forms of logic coverage:

– statement coverage
– decision (branch) coverage
– condition coverage
Statement coverage

Execute all statements at least once

• This is the weakest coverage criterion.
• It requires execution of every line of code at least once.
• Many lines check the value(s) of some variable(s) and make
decisions based on this. To check each of the decision-making
functions of the line, the programmer has to supply different
values, to trigger different decisions. As an example consider
the following:
• If (A<B and C=5)
• SET D=5
Statement coverage

• If (A<B and C=5)

• SET D=5

• To test these lines we should explore the following cases:

a) A<B and C=5 (Something is done, then D is set to 5)
b) A<B and C!=5 (Something is not done, D is set to 5)
c) A>=B and C=5 (Something is not done, D is set to 5)
c) A>=B and C!=5 (Something is not done, D is set to 5)
Decision (branch) coverage

Execute each decision direction at least once

• For branch coverage, the program can use case (a)
and any one of the other three.
• At a branching point a program does one thing if a
condition (such as A<B and C=5) is true, and
something else if the condition is false. To test a
branch, the programmer must test once when the
condition is true and once when it’s false.
Condition coverage

Execute each decision with all possible outcomes at least once

• This checks each of the ways that the condition can
be made true or false.
• This requires all four cases.
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs


• Software Development and Software Testing Life

– Verification and Validation
Test Planning

• It is the process of defining a testing project such

that it can be properly measured and controlled

• It includes test plan, test strategy, test requirements

and testing resources
Test Design

• It is the process of defining test procedures and test

cases that verify that the test requirements are met

• Specify the test procedures and test cases that are

easy to implement, easy to maintain and effectively
verify the test requirements.
Test Development

• It is the process of creating test procedures

and test cases that verify the test requirements
• Automated Testing using Tools
• Manual Testing
Test basis

• The basis of test is the source material (of the product under test) that
provide the stimulus for the test. In other words, it is the area targeted
as the potential source of an error:
• Requirements-based tests are based on the requirements document
• Function-based tests are based on the functional design specification
• Internal-based tests are based on the internal design specification or
• Function-based and internal-based tests will fail to detect situations
where requirements are not met. Internal-based tests will fail to detect
errors in functionality

• An activity in which a system or component is

executed under specified conditions, the result are
observed or recorded, and an evaluation is made of
some aspect of the system or component.
• A set of one or more test cases.
Two basic requirements for all
validation tests

• Definition of result
– A necessary part of a test case is a definition of the expected
output or result.
• Repeatability
Test Case

• A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results

developed for a particular objective
• The smallest entity that is always executed as unit, from
beginning to end
• A test case is a document that describes an input, action, or
event and an expected response, to determine if a feature of an
application is working correctly
• A test case should contain particulars such as test case
identifier, test case name, objective, test conditions/setup,
input data requirements, steps, and expected results
• Test case may also include prerequisites
Test Case

• A "test case" is another name for "scenario". It is a particular

situation to be tested, the objective or goal of the test script. For
example, in an ATM banking application, a typical scenario
would be: "Customer deposits cheque for $1000 to an account
that has a balance of $150, and then attempts to withdraw
• Every Test Case has a goal; that is, the function to be tested.
Quite often the goal will begin with the words "To verify that ..."
and the rest of the goal is a straight copy of the functional test
defined in the Traceability Matrix. In the banking example above,
the goal might be worded as "To verify that error message 63
('Insufficient cleared funds available') is displayed when the
customer deposits a cheque for $1000 to an account with a
balance of $150, and then attempts to withdraw $200".
Test Case Components

• The structure of test cases is one of the things that stays remarkably the
same regardless of the technology being tested. The conditions to be tested
may differ greatly from one technology to the next, but you still need to know
three basic things about what you plan to test:
• ID #: This is a unique identifier for the test case. The identifier does not imply
a sequential order of test execution in most cases. The test case ID can also
be intelligent. For example, the test case ID of ORD001 could indicate a test
case for the ordering process on the first web page.
• Condition: This is an event that should produce an observable result. For
example, in an e-commerce application, if the user selects an overnight
shipping option, the correct charge should be added to the total of the
transaction. A test designer would want to test all shipping options, with each
option giving a different amount added to the transaction total.
Test Case Components

• Procedure: This is the process a tester needs to perform to invoke the condition
and observe the results. A test case procedure should be limited to the steps
needed to perform a single test case.
• Expected Result: This is the observable result from invoking a test condition. If
you can’t observe a result, you can’t determine if a test passes or fails. In the
previous example of an e-commerce shipping option, the expected results
would be specifically defined according to the type of shipping the user selects.
• Pass/Fail: This is where the tester indicates the outcome of the test case. For
the purpose of space, I typically use the same column to indicate both "pass"
(P) and "fail" (F). In some situations, such as the regulated environment, simply
indicating pass or fail is not enough information about the outcome of a test
case to provide adequate documentation. For this reason, some people choose
to also add a column for "Observed Results."
• Defect Number Cross-reference: If you identify a defect in the execution of a test
case, this component of the test case gives you a way to link the test case to a
specific defect report.
• Sample Business Rule
• A customer may select one of the following options for shipping when
ordering products. The shipping cost will be based on product price
before sales tax and the method of shipment according to the table
• If no shipping method is selected, the customer receives an error
message, "Please select a shipping option." The ordering process
cannot continue until the shipping option has been selected and
Characteristics of a good test

• An excellent test case satisfies the following criteria:

– It has a reasonable probability of catching an error
– It is not redundant
– It’s the best of its breed
– It is neither too simple nor too complex
Test Execution

• It is the process of running a set of test

procedures against target software build of the
application under test and logging the results.
• Automation
Test evaluation

• It is the process of reviewing the results of a

test to determine if the test criteria are being
What should our overall validation
strategies be?

• Requirements-based tests should employ the black-box

strategy. User requirements can be tested without knowledge
of the internal design specification or the code.
• Function-based tests should employ the black-box strategy.
Using the functional-design specification to design function-
based tests is both necessary and sufficient.
• Internal-based tests must necessarily employ the white-box
strategy. Tests can be formulated by using the functional
design specification.
Real World Software Testing

Software Quality Testing Labs

Effective way to report a defect

"A problem well stated is a problem half solved."

- Charles Kettering

• Testing
• Defect
• Defect report
– Summary
– Description
– Severity
– Priority
• Defect tracking
How many testers does it take to
change a light bulb?

• None. Testers just noticed that the room was dark.

Testers don't fix the problems, they just find them
What is Testing?

• Objective of testing is to find all possible bugs

(defects) in a work product
• Testing is process of trying to discover every
conceivable fault or weakness in a work product
The purpose of finding defects

• The purpose of finding defects is to get them fixed

• The prime benefit of testing is that it results in
improved quality. Bugs get fixed
What exactly Does a Software
Tester Do?

• The Goal of a software tester is to find defects,

• and find them as early as possible,
• and make sure they get fixed.

• The best tester isn’t the one who finds the most bugs
or who embarrasses the most programmers. The best
tester is the one who gets the most bugs fixed.
- Testing Computer Software
What Do You Do When You Find a

• Report a defect

• The point of writing Problem Reports is to get bugs

- Testing Computer Software
What is definition of defect?

• A flaw in a system or system component that causes

the system or component to fail to perform its
required function.

- A defect, if encountered during execution, may cause

a failure of the system.
Some typical defect report fields

• Summery • Priority
• Date reported • System Info
• Detailed description • Status
• Assigned to • Reproducible
• Severity • Detected by
• Detected in Version • Screen prints, logs, etc.
Blank defect report
What is the most important part of
the defect report?
Who reads our defect reports?

• Project Manager
• Executives
• Development
• Customer Support
• Marketing
• Quality Assurance
• Any member of the Project Team
Example 1
Example 2
Downstream affects of a poorly
written subject line

# ID Status Build Severity

Subject Entered By

1 310103 Open 6.6.00 2 - High

2 - High
Login box problem
2 310174 Open 6.5.20 3 - Medium
3 - Medium
Result Pane
3 310154 Open 6.5.20 2 - 1
- High
Admin modiule - Cannot creat a new
employee record
What may happens to these

• What if your Manager or Team lead is in a meeting

where they are looking at hundreds of defects for
possible deferral

• The Product team cannot make the right decisions

about this software error
A better summary line
What is the 2nd most important part
of the defect report?
Who reads the description part of
the defect report?

• Development
• Project Manager
• Customer Support
• Quality Assurance
• Any member of the Project Team
Example 1
Example 2
What’s missing in these

• The product build that the error was found on.

• Operating System that it was tested on.
• Steps to reproduce.
A better description:
How serious is the defect?

Sev. Desc. Criteria

1 Show Core dumps, Inability to install/uninstall the product, Product

Stopper will not start, Product hangs or Operating System freezes,
No workaround is available, Data corruption, Product
abnormally terminates

2 High Workaround is available, Function is not working according

to specifications, Severe performance degradation, Critical
to a customer
3 Medium Incorrect error messages, Incorrect data, Noticeable
performance inefficiencies

4 Low Misspellings, Grammatical errors, Enhancement requests.

Cosmetic flaws
How to decide priority?

Priori Desc. Criteria

1 Show Immediate fix, block further testing, very visible

2 High Must fix before the product is released

3 Medium Should fix if time permits

4 Low Would like fix but can be released as is

Not all bugs are created equal

Defect Severity Priority

Data corruption ? ?

Misspelling ? ?
An example of a bug:

• Jane Doe is typing a letter using a word processor

program. The program is version 2.01 and runs only
on Windows NT. Jane had typed something in
incorrectly and pressed Escape. When she pressed
Escape the program exited. Jane opened the
program again, only to find that ALL of her work was
gone. Annoyed with what happened Jane got up &
walked away.
Investigate the bug further?

• Repeat the scenario & see if the user is prompted to

save there work?

• What happens if you open a file & make changes and

then press Escape? Are you prompted to save?

• What if you are typing text in and then you open a file
on top? Does your work get replaced with the file
that was just opened?
What is the bug?

• Jane was not prompted to save her work. When she

pressed Escape, all of it was lost when the program
What is the condition?

• When Jane presses Escape.

What part is the Failure?

• The user is not prompted to save changes, nor are

they automatically saved. All of the changes are lost.
Every bug has a condition and a

• Condition – is usually the circumstances or the steps

that were executed prior to the bug appearing.

• Failure – is the bug itself.

What we need to write in the defect

• What are the conditions and the Failure?

• Use the Failure info. for your Subject line
• Steps to reproduce the Software Error
• Determine the Severity & Priority
• Include the OS & build number
• Information on other conditions tested
Report bugs as soon as possible
Likelihood of bug being

Serious Bug
fixed Bug

Minor Bug

Project Start Time Project End

Defect Tracking

• Monitoring defects from the time of recording until

satisfactory resolution has been determined.
Change Request Life Cycle

Change Postponed Change request

request is resolved
submitted UnAssigned in some
to database approved way.

Submitted Assigned Resolved Validated

Outcome of
Change Change change
request request request
is open. is assigned is verified.
Duplicated to engineer.

Reject Fix

• Testing Computer Software - Cem Kaner

• Software Testing - Ron Patton
Effective way to report a defect

"A problem well stated is a problem half solved."

- Charles Kettering

• Testing
• Defect
• Defect report
– Summary
– Description
– Severity
– Priority
• Defect tracking
Test Plan Objectives

• To identify the items that are subject to testing

• To communicate , at high level, the extent of testing
• To define the roles and responsibilities for test
• To provide an accurate estimate of effort required to
complete the testing defined in the plan
• To define the infrastructure and support required.
Why Planning and not the Plan

• The test plan is simply a by-product of the detailed

planning process that’s undertaken to create it. It’s
the planning process that matters, not the resulting
• The ultimate goal of the test planning process is
communicating the software test team’s intent, its
expectations, and its understanding of the testing
that’s to be performed.
Why Planning and not the Plan

• The result of the test planning process must be a

clear, concise, agreed-on definition of the
product’s quality and reliability goals
• Defines the scope and general directions for a
testing project
• Describe and justify test strategy
• The Software test plan is the primary means by
which software testers communicate to the product
development team what they intend to do
Test plan - Outline

• Test-plan identifier • Test deliverables

• Introduction • Testing tasks
• Test items • Environmental needs
• Features to be tested • Responsibilities
• Features not be tested • Staffing and training needs
• Approach • Schedule
• Item pass/fail criteria • Risks and contingencies
• Suspension criteria and • Approvals
resumption criteria

Source: ANSI/IEEE Std 829-1998, Test Documentation

Test Plan Details

1. Test-Plan identifier
– Specify unique identifier
2. Introduction
– Objectives,Background,scope and references are
– Summarize the software items and software features to
be tested.The need for each item and its history may be
Test Plan Details

3. Test items
- identify the test items including their
version/revision level.
- Supply references to the following item
documentation e.g.
- Requirements specification,design
specification, User guide, Operations guide,
Installation guide
-Reference any incident reports relating to the
test items.
Test Plan Details

4. Features to be tested
- identify all software features and combinations of
software features to be tested.
- identify the test-design specification associated
with each feature .

5. Features not to be tested

- identify features and significant combination of
software features which will not be tested and the
Test Plan Details

6. Approach
Describes the overall approach to testing.
Specify the major activities , techniques, and tools
which are used to test the designated group of
- The approach should be described in sufficient
detail to permit identification of major testing tasks
and estimation of time required to do each one.
- Specify any additional completion criteria,
constraints .
Test Plan Details

7. Item pass/fail criteria

specify the criteria to be used to determine
whether each item has passed or failed testing.

8. Suspension criteria and resumption requirements –

criteria used to suspend all or a portion of the
testing activity.
specify the testing activities which must be
repeated , when testing is resumed.
Test Plan Details

9. Test deliverables
identify the deliverable documents. Such as
- test plan
- test design specifications
- test case specifications
- test procedure specifications
- test logs
- test incident reports
- test summary reports
- test input data and test output data
- test tools(e.g modules, drivers and stubs)
Test Plan Details

10. Testing tasks

- identify the set of tasks necessary to prepare for
and perform testing.identify all intertask
dependencies and any special skills required.
Test Plan Details

11. Environmental needs

- Hardware
- Software
- Security
- Tools
- Publications
Test Plan Details

12. Responsibilities
- Identify groups responsible for managing,
designing, preparing, executing, checking and
- these groups may include – testers, developers,
operation staff, user representatives, technical
support team.
Test Plan Details

13. Staffing and training needs

- specify test staffing needs by skill level.
- identify training options for providing necessary
Test Plan Details

14. Schedule
- estimate the time required to do each testing
- specify the schedule for each testing task
- for each resource(i.e. facilities, tools, and staff)
specify its period of use.
Test Plan Details

15. Risks and contingencies

-identify the high risk assumptions of the test plan.
Specify contingency plans for each .
-e.g. delayed delivery of test items might require
increased night shifts scheduling.
Test Plan Details

16. Approvals
- specify the names and titles of all the persons
who must approve the plan.
Example – Payroll system

• The system is used to perform following major

– Maintain employee information
– Maintain payroll history information
– Prepare payroll checks
– prepare payroll tax reports
– Prepare payroll history reports
Identifier – TP1
1. Objective –
i. To detail the activities required to prepare for
and conduct the system test.
ii. To communicate to all responsible parties the
tasks which they are to perform and the schedule
to be followed in performing the tasks.
iii. To define the sources of the information used
to prepare the plan.
iv. To define the test tools and environment
needed to conduct the system test.
Introduction contd.
• Background
– History
• Scope
– This test plan covers a full system test for corporate
payroll system.
• References
– List of documents used as sources of information for the
test plan.
Test items
• All items which make up the corporate payroll
• Documents which provide basis for defining
correct operation
– Requirements documents
– Design description
– Reference manual
• Items to be tested are
– Program modules,User procedures,operator procedures
Features to be tested
• Database conversion
• Complete payroll processing for salaried
employees only
• For hourly employees only
• For all employees
• Periodic reporting
• Security
• Recovery
• performance
Features not to be tested

• Certain reports will not tested because they are

not to be used when the system is initially
• e.g
– Training schedule reports
– Salary reports

• The test personnel will use the system

documentation to prepare all test design, case,
and procedure specifications.
• Personnel from the payroll accounting
departments will assist in developing the test
designs and test cases.
Testing done will be for the
following :

• Verification of converted database using “data

base auditor”---for checking value ranges within a
record & required relationships between the
• Counting input & output records
• Payroll processing – using sets of records of
employees. salaried employees, hourly employees,
Merged set of these two.
• Security testing -It is an attempted access without
proper password to
-Online data entry &
-Display transactions
Testing done will be for the
following :

• Recovery testing
• Performance testing
– Performance will be evaluated against the performance
requirements by measuring the run times of several jobs
using production data volumes.
• Regression
– Regression test will be done on a new version to test the
impacts of the modifications
Item pass /fail criteria

• The system must satisfy standards requirements for

system Pass/Fail stated in development standards &
• The system must also satisfy memory requirements
– must not be greater than 64K
• Entry criteria – integration testing must be
• Exit criteria – execution of all test cases and
completion of testing.
Suspension Criteria & Resumption

• SUSPENSION : for e.g.Inability to convert employee

information database will cause suspension of all
activities. Show stopper defects .
• RESUMPTION:After suspension has occurred a
regression test will be run. Arrival of build with fixed
Test deliverables
The following documents will be generated by the
system test group & will be delivered to
configuration management group
• System test plan
• System test design specifications
• System test case specifications
• System test logs
• System test incident report log
• System test incident reports
• System test summary
Testing tasks

• Prepare test case specifications

• Prepare test procedure specifications
• Build the employee information data
• Execute the test procedures
Environmental needs

• Hardware: Testing will be done on the XYZ h/w

• Software:
Operating s/w:the production operating s/w will be
used to execute test cases
Communications s/w

Following groups have responsibility

• System test group
• Development project group
• Corporate payroll department.
Staffing & training needs
Following staff is needed
Test group:
• Test Manager 1
• Senior Test Analyst 1
• Test Analyst 2
• Test Technician 1
Payroll supervisor: 1
The corporate Pay roll department personnel must
be trained to do the data entry transactions .

Prepare a task list for the same with dates ***

Risks & contingencies

• If the testing schedule is significantly impacted by

system failure, the development manager has agreed
to assign a full-time person to test group to do

• Testing
• Defect
• Defect report
– Summary
– Description
– Severity
– Priority
• Defect tracking
Test Reporting

• Test reports are a means of communicating test

status and findings both within the project team and
to management
• Test report are a key mechanism available to the test
manager to communicate the value of testing to the
project team and IS management.
Test Reporting

• Reports usually focus on the test work products

produced, defect identified during the test process,
the efficiency of the test an test status.
• The frequency of test reports should be at the
discretion of the team, and the extensiveness of the
test process. Generally large testing projects will
require much more interim reporting than will small
test projects with very limited test staff.
Test Reporting

• Requirements Tracing
• Function Test Matrix
• This maps the system functions to the test case that validates that
• The function test matrix show that tests must be performed in order to
validate the functions. This matrix will be used to determine what tests
are needed, and the sequencing of tests. It will also be used to
determine the status of testing
• In a large testing project, it is easy to lose track of what has been tested and
what should be tested. The question often arises, "Is the testing comprehensive
• A simple way of determining what to test is to go through the source documents
(Business Requirements, Functional Specifications, System Design Document,
etc.) paragraph by paragraph and extract each requirement. A simple matrix is
built, with the following format:
Test Assets

• As we develop our software we also create test

assets/ test ware such as
– Test Plan
– Test Cases
– Test Data
– Test Results
– Defect Reports
Section Requirement Test Case
An account number must be entered, of 8 digits and a 1
Func Spec 3.1 digit checksum. Invalid account numbers must be 147
diagnosed with an appropriate error message.
The account number must exist in the Customer
Func Spec 3.1 Database; if not, an appropriate error message must be 148
Given a valid account number, the customer details must
Func Spec 3.2 be retrieved from the Customer Database and displayed 149
on the CD-102 screen form.
• Basically, the Traceability Matrix relates each functional requirement to a specific test case.
Thus if someone says, "Did we test that the account numbers must be valid?", the matrix
indicates which test case does that test.
• The Traceability Matrix is created before any test cases are written, because it is a complete
list of what has to be tested.
• Sometimes there is one test case for each requirement; other times, several requirements
can be validated by one longer test case.
• Frequently, there are NO business requirements available; although this is a major mistake
(as no one has documented what the business needs), such is life. In this case there won't
be a source reference document, so there is no "traceability"; the matrix is then simply
called a "Test Matrix".
Requirements Tracing/ Function Test Matrix

• The test case numbers can be color coded or coded

with number or symbol to indicate the following:
• Black: Test not yet developed
• Blue: Test developed and executed
• Red: Test developed but not executed
Requirements Tracing/
Function Test Matrix

Requirement/ Test Case Number

A 1 2 9
B 15
C 45 46 47
D 73 74 75
n m
Functional Testing Status Reporting

• Objective: The purpose of this report is to present what functions have been fully tested,
what function have been tested but contain errors, and what functions have not been
tested. The report will include 100 percent of the functions to be tested in accordance with
the test plan
• Example: A sample of this test report showing that 50 percent of the functions tested have
errors, 40 percent are fully tested, and 10 percent of the functions have not been tested is
illustrated in the above graph
• How to Interpret the Report: The report is designed to show status. It is intended for the test
manager and/or customer of the software system. The interpretation will depend heavily on
the point in the test process at which the report is prepared. As the implementation date
approaches, a high number of functions tested with uncorrected errors, plus functions not
tested, would raise concerns about meeting the implementation date.
Functional Testing Status Report

Tested Not Tested
Functions Working Timeline

• Objective: The purpose of this report is to show the status of testing and the
probability that the development and test groups Will have the system ready on
the projected implementation date
• The example of the functions working timeline (Figure) shows the normal
projection for having functions working. This report assumes a September
implementation date and shows from January through September the percent
of functions that should be working correctly at any point in time. The actual
line shows that the project is doing better than projected.
• How to Interpret the Report: If the actual is performing better than the planned,
the probability of meeting the implementation date is high. On the other hand, if
the actual percent of functions working is less than planned, both the test
manager and development team should be concerned and may want to extend
the implementation date or add additional resources to testing and/or
Functions Working Timeline



40 Actual


Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Defects Uncovered versus
Corrected Gap Timeline
• Objective: The purpose of this report is to show the backlog of detected but uncorrected
defects. It merely requires recording defects when they have been detected, and recording
them again when they have been successfully corrected.
• Example: The example in graph shows a project beginning in January with a projected
September implementation shows the cumulative number of defects uncovered in test and
the second line shows the cumulative number of defects corrected by the development
team, which have been retested to demonstrate that correctness. The gap then represents
the number of uncovered but uncorrected defects at any point in time.
• How to interpret the Report: The ideal project would have a very small gap between these
two timelines. If the gap becomes large, it is indicative that the backlog of uncorrected
defects is growing and the probability of the development team correcting them prior to
implementation date is decreasing. The development team needs to manage this gap to
ensure that it remains minimal.
Defect Uncovered versus Corrected Gap Timeline


80 Gap

60 Detected
40 Corrected


Build 2 3 4 5
Average Age Uncorrected Defects
by Type




Critical Major Minor
Defect Distribution Report

• Objective: The purpose of this report is to show how defects are distributed among the
modules/units being tested. It shows the total cumulative defects uncovered for each
module being tested at any point in time.
• Example: The defect distribution report example shows eight units under test and the
number of defects that have been uncovered in each of those units to date. The report
could be enhanced to show the extent of testing that has occurred on the modules. For
example, it might be color coded by the number of tests, or the number of tests might be
incorporated into the bar as a number, such as the number 6 for unit that has undergone
six tests at the point in time that the report was prepared.
• How to Interpret this Report: This Report can help identify modules that have an excessive
defect rate. A variation of the report could show the cumulative defects by test. Foe
example, the defects uncovered in test 1, the cumulative defects uncovered by the end of
test 2, the cumulative defects uncovered by test 3, and so forth. Certain modules that have
abnormally high defect are ones that frequently have ineffective architecture, and are
candidates for rewrite rather than additional testing.
Defect Distribution Report

Number of Defects






• Testing
• Defect
• Defect report
– Summary
– Description
– Severity
– Priority
• Defect tracking
Why not just "test everything"?

Avr. 4 menus
3 options / menu

system has Average: 10 fields / screen

20 screens 2 types input / field
(date as Jan 3 or 3/1)
(number as integer or decimal)
Around 100 possible values

Total for 'exhaustive' testing:

20 x 4 x 3 x 10 x 2 x 100 = 480,000 tests
If 1 second per test, 8000 mins, 133 hrs, 17.7 days
(not counting finger trouble, faults or retest)

10 secs = 34 wks, 1 min = 4 yrs, 10 min = 40 yrs

How much to test?

Number of Cost of
Missed Bugs Testing

Optimal Amount
of Testing

Amount of Testing
How much testing?

• It depends on RISK
– risk of missing important faults
– risk of incurring failure costs
– risk of releasing untested or under-tested software
– risk of losing credibility and market share
– risk of missing a market window
– risk of over-testing, ineffective testing
Testing addresses risk

• So, risks help us both to determine what to test and

how much to test. It is risk that helps the tester to
prioritize the tests which WILL be run above all the
tests which COULD be run.
What is Risk?

• Risk can be defined as a combination of the

likelihood of a problem occurring, and the impact it
would have on user
Risk Analysis
Which quadrant's pieces need the
most testing?

Rare, but devastating Yipe!

Harmless Annoying
Each piece of the system is
assigned values
High Impact and high Likelihood,
need the most testing
Each piece with high Impact needs
attention, even if the Likelihood value is low
Next we test the high Likelihood
Risk Based Testing

2 - High Risk 1 - Very High Risk

Impact of Failure

4 - Low Risk 3 - Moderate Risk

Low Likelihood of Failure High

When should you stop testing?

• When the desired number of test cases have been executed

• All identified defects have been addressed
• When cost of testing outweigh potential cost of not fixing a
• When you are confident that the system works correctly
• It depends on the risks for your system

• Testing
• Defect
• Defect report
– Summary
– Description
– Severity
– Priority
• Defect tracking
How does a client/server
environment affect testing?

• Concurrency
• Configuration
• Portability
• Performance
– Load
• Peak load testing
– Stress
• Database
– Integrity
– Validity
– Volume testing
How can World Wide Web sites be

• Web applications are special kind of client/server

• What additional tests are required?
e-Business Application Testing
• Content is dynamic
– Personalization means every user gets a different
• Wide variety of browsers and platforms
– Every environment has potential problems
• The application keeps changing
– New builds every day!
Most Common Problems in

• Quality/Content
– Broken Links
• Error 404
– Missing Components
• Navigation support
• Browser compatibility
Common Web Site Testing
 General page layout
• frames
• images
• tables
 Functional testing
• of each transaction
• using different sets of valid data
• across different browsers
 Regression testing
• hardware and software upgrades
• web site enhancements
General Page Layout
Frame Image

Functional Testing
(for each transaction and with valid and invalid

an order


E - Commerce Cart

an order

Create new
Functional Testing
(verify web site works for different browsers)

Create Create
an order an order

View View
Shopping Shopping
Cart Cart

Delete Delete
an order an order

Create new Create new

account account
Regression Testing

Build 1.i Build 2.0

Create Create
an order an order

View View
Shopping Shopping
Cart Cart

Delete Delete
an order an order

Create new Create new

account account

• Testing
• Defect
• Defect report
– Summary
– Description
– Severity
– Priority
• Defect tracking
Testing Tools

• Capture/Playback - Capture user interaction with

application, playback and compare against a baseline
(Automated functional testing tools)
• Test Management: Create test documents (test plans,
cases), track test execution progress during test
• Performance/Stress Test: Measure performance of
application under expected load and stress
• Defect Tracking: Report errors found during test
execution, track through fix and re-test.
Why Use Testing Tools?

No Testing Manual Testing Automated Testing

• Time consuming ✔Speed
• Low reliability ✔Repeatability
• Human resources ✔Coverage
• Inconsistent ✔Reliability
Which Test Cases to Automate?

 Tests that need to be run for every build of the

web site (sanity level, regression test)
 Tests that use multiple data values for the same
actions (data driven tests)
 Identical tests that need to be executed using
different browsers
 Mission-critical pages
 Transaction with pages which won't change in
short term
Which Test Cases to Automate?

 Time-consuming manual tasks

 Tests that require detailed information from
application internals (e.g. SQL, GUI attributes)
 Multi-user scenarios
 Stress/ Load
 Tests which are inexpensive to automate

More repetitive execution?

Better candidate for automation.
Which Test Cases Not
to Automate?
 Usability testing
– "How easy is the web site to use?"
 One-time testing
 Ad hoc/random testing
– based on intuition and knowledge of web site
 Tests without predictable results

Improvisation required?
Poor candidate for automation.
Test automation is based on a
simple economic proposition

• If a manual test costs $X to run the first time, it will

cost just about $X to run each time thereafter,
• If an automated test costs $Y to create, it will cost
almost nothing to run from then on.
• $Y is bigger than $X, ranging from 3 to 30 times as
big, with the most commonly cited number seeming
to be 10. Suppose 10 is correct for your application
and your automation tools. Then you should
automate any test that will be run more than 10
Thank You!
CMM- Capability Maturity
• It is an industry-standard model for defining and
assessing the maturity of a software company’s
development process .
• It was developed by SEI(Software engineering
Institute) and Carnegie Mellon University, under
direction of the U.S. DoD.
CMM levels
• Its 5 levels provide a simple means to assess a
company’ software development maturity and
determine the key process areas they could
improve to move up to the next level of maturity.
• Level 1: Initial – Ad hoc and chaotic process. A
project’s success depends on heroes and luck.
Unpredictable and poorly controlled.
CMM levels
• Level 2 : Repeatable – Project level thinking. Can
repeat previously mastered tasks.
• Level 3 : Defined – Organizational level thinking.
Process characterized, fairly well understood and
• Level 4 : Managed – Process measured and
controlled. Process is under statistical control.
Product quality is specified quantitatively
• Level 5 : Optimizing – focus on process
improvement. New technologies and processes
are attempted.
Verifying requirements

• To ensure that users’ needs are properly

understood before translating them into design.
• Written from customer or market perspective.
• Properties of good requirements specifications
– Precise, unambiguous, and clear
– Consistent
– Relevant
– Testable - i.e. measurable
– Traceable
– Achievable
Verifying the functional design

• Functional design is the process of translating

user requirements into the set of external
• Written from an engineering perspective
• Checklist for functional design specification
covers certain items like
– Check if each requirement has been implemented.
– What’s missing
– Watch for vague terms like – some, sometimes, often,
mostly, most etc.
Verifying the internal design

• Internal design is the process of translating the

functional specification into detailed set of data
structures, data flows, and algorithms.
• Internal design checklist covers items like
– Does the design document contain a description of the
procedure that was used to do preliminary design?
– Is there a model of the user interface to the computing
– Is there a high-level functional model of the proposed
computing system?
Verifying the code

• Coding is the process of translating the detailed design

specification into a specific set of code.
• Verifying the code involves the following activities
– Comparing the code with the design specification
– Examine the code against a language-specific checklist
• Code checklist – sample items
– Data reference errors – unintialized variables
– Data declaration errors – variables with similar names
– Computation errors – target variable type smaller than the
right hand expression

• How do we measure how thoroughly tested a

product is ?
– The measure of “testedness” for a software are the
degrees to which the collective set f test cases enhance
• Requirements coverage
• Function coverage
• Logic coverage
• procedure(a, b, x)
if((a > 1) & ( b = 0))
x = x/a;
if((a = 2) | (x > 1))
x = x + 1;
Statement coverage
• It is determined by assessing the proportion of
statements visited by set of proposed test cases.
• 100% statement coverage is where every
statement in the program is visited by at least
one test.
• Disadvantage
– it is insensitive to some control structures.
– It does not report whether loops reach their termination
Decision/Branch coverage

• It is determined by assessing the proportion of

decision branches exercised by the set of
proposed test cases. 100% branch coverage is
where every decision branch in the program is
visited by at least one test.
• Disadvantage –it ignores branches within Boolean
expressions which occur due to operators.
Condition coverage

• It is determined by assessing that each condition

in a decision takes all possible outcomes at least
• it measures the sub expressions independently of
each each other.
• Has better sensitivity to the control flow than
decision coverage.
Volume Testing

• To determine whether the program can handle the

required volumes of data.
Number of

1 2 64 65
invalid valid invalid

Valid characters: A-Z

-’ a-z Any
space other

Conditions Valid Invalid Valid Invalid

Partitions Partitions Boundaries Boundaries
Customer 2 to 64 chars <2 chars 2 chars 1 chars
name valid chars >64 chars 64 chars 65 chars
invalid chars 0 chars
valid: non-zero
first character:
invalid: zero

number of digits: 5 6 7
invalid invalid

Conditions Valid Invalid Valid Invalid

Partitions Partitions Boundaries Boundaries
Account 6 digits <6 digits 100000 5 digits
number 1st non-zero >6 digits 999999 7 digits
1st digit =0 0 digits

499 500 9000 9001

invalid valid invalid

Conditions Valid Invalid Valid Invalid

Partitions Partitions Boundaries Boundaries
Loan 500 - 9000 <500 500 499
amount >9000 9000 9001
Equivalence Partitioning

• Naturally, we should have reason to believe that test cases are

equivalent. Test are often lumped into the same equivalence
class when:
– They involve the same input variable
– They result in similar operations in the program
– They affect the same output variables
– None force the program to do error handling or all of them do.
Equivalence Partitioning

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