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International Engineering Research Journal Page No 301-306

Design and Development of Hydraulic Rotational

Jib Crane

Mr.Ganesh T. Borle Dr . Sanjay S. Lakade

PG Student, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, HOD, Mech. Department, Pimpri Chinchwad College of
SPPU, Pune, Maharashtra, India Engineering, SPPU, Pune, Maharashtra, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— In this paper we proposed the novel design of jib man with the use of mechanical advantage. The hydraulic
crane with a rotational movement of horizontal arm with respect cranes are also used in the industry, which are efficient but
to vertical column in 180° angle and fabricate a rotating they only have the ability to lift the load and put it down at
hydraulic jib crane for Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME some other position. The general arm design in hydraulic
sector) and sponsored by TIFAC Institute New Delhi. To make it
crane is such that it can moves in the vertical plane only, i.e. it
very general purpose effective so that even small workshop
owner can also use it, the rotational hydraulic jib crane is has constrained motion. The aim of project is to redesign the
developed to lift load having capacity 1000 kg by using a locally hydraulic crane and give its arm the rotational ability so that it
available material, Crane structure consists of chassis, vertical can rotate in angular direction.[4]
column, horizontal arm, and the hydraulic pump with cylinder In present scenario hydraulics theory is being used widely
assembly. In this project we eliminate all electrical equipment to in material handling processes through cranes. Design of crane
reduce the cost and the lifting of weight is done by hydraulic varies with the loads to be handled and the operations to be
cylinder which will operate manually. To analyze the load on the performed like Crawler Cranes, Truck Cranes, and Floor
crane we used the numerical simulation software i.e. Ansys and Cranes. But the problem is that the cost is the main factor in
for dynamic simulation Adams view.
purchasing material handling system because it directly affects
Keywords— Jib Crane, Material Handling ,MSME sector etc. the price of the final product and also for small work the large
crane used it is wastage of energy. Handling of heavy objects
is a daily activity in machine shops, welding and fabrication
workshops. Handling of material in inaccessible areas where
I. INTRODUCTION other cranes are not preferable, and also the available crane in
market cost is more and small scale industries cannot afford.
I n material handling the cranes play an important role in
modern manufacturing industries. The cranes reduce the
workers fatigue and increase the overall efficiency of The static, modal and harmonic analysis study of a column
production processes with good safety. Material Handling mounted jib crane of 1.5 Ton capacity using ANASYS
includes movement of material, goods and products for software carried by Suresh Bollimpelli is used as guideline for
storage, control and protection. Jib Crane consists of an this project. In that paper crane was modeled using CATIA
inclined member that can rotate about pillar at center and and calculation of stresses obtained manually and also using
suspend the load from the outer end of the inclined member. software, the jib crane consists of a base which is fixed to the
Hydraulic crane is use to transmit forces from one point to ground at the bottom. The bottom side of post is connected to
another to lift heavy loads.To eliminate hydraulic equipment the ground with the help of a fixed support. The trolley is
to reduce the cost and weight of the structure by means of moved with the help electric motor mounted in the trolley
some mechanical linkages i.e. mechanical Lever to rotate the itself. „I‟ section jib is used in crane and the wheels run along
crane in angular position and also angular locking the length of the jib. The trolley with hoisting machinery used
arrangement is provided to stabilize the design.[2] to lift or lower the load by connecting it with a hook. The load
Crane consists of a wire ropes or chains that can be used hook can perform three separate motions, these beings the
both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. hoisting, longitudinal steer of the trolley, and pivoting of the
Primarily crane is used for lifting heavy things and crane through 180 degrees. Each motion is controlled
transporting them to other places. It uses one or more simple independently by controllers which is situated cage or in a
machines to move loads beyond the normal capability of a suitable position for controlling from the floor by pendant
International Engineering Research Journal Page No 301-306

chains.[1] • Allowable ultimate tensile strength = 410

The study done by Asmita Jadhav includes the design,
analysis and production of a hydraulic floor crane having arm
motion in the vertical and horizontal plane with 180 degree
rotation. In this paper they design a crane on the basis of A. FindingArm Length and load at hydraulic ram force.
customer requirement and the rotation of boom is done by
using a pinion and gear box arrangement is used. The hand
calculation of stability and the cylinder design also done but
they are not accurate as per the data assumed but stability
calculation is useful for calculation and they developed a
prototype model and did an experimentation i.e. lifting various
weights for various position.[3]

1. Also studied the catalog of the various crane

developing companies like Vestil manufacturing
from this company site I got the basic concept
generate and various hydraulic material handling
equipment. Figure2: Free Body Diagram of Load acting on Fulcrum point
2. Hydraulic cylinder catalog with variable sizes of and hydraulic cylinder effort
cylinder with stroke length varies and manually
applied load by human.
3. Catalogs of Caster wheel manufacture companies. For Finding the lengths between the effort and the total length
the simple moment equation is used and the addition of
II. DESIGN METHODOLOGY vertical and horizontal forces are balanced to get the hydraulic
The Analytical calculation for maximum bending stress and ram force and the lengths.
the maximum deflection of arm to be calculated and after that
the Finite Element analysis using Ansys, Adams software will
be compared Calculation for Finding the distance between the
. Effort, Load and Fulcrum point
Sr.No length L1 W(N) Ltotal Ra(N)

1 500 10000 1450 29000

2 600 10000 1650 27500

3 500 10000 1850 37000

4 600 10000 1625 26815

Table1: Calculation for Finding the distance between the Effort, Load and
Fulcrum point
Figure1: Flow chart of Design methodology
W= Load to be lifted (N)
L=Total length (mm)
Materials are the key factor in material handling system i.e. it Ra=Effort required to lift the horizontal arm (N)
cannot fail when the dynamic loading is applied to the
From above table we took the Total length 1850mm and
equipment. Generally the mild steel is used for manufacturing length from effort to fulcrum point is 500mm and the
of structure. hydraulic cylinder ram force required to lift the load is
37000N. This force is developed manually by pushing the
• Material of structure = Mild Steel lever of the hydraulic cylinder.
• Allowable Yield strength = 250 N/mm2
International Engineering Research Journal Page No 301-306

B. Arm Bending Stress Calculation for Square and Here the horizontal arm and the frame are the most critical
Rectangular cross section elements in the crane. So here we only took these two
components of crane for FEA. We selected two cross section
of horizontal arm for FEA i.e. Rectangular and Square cross
Length Height Thickness σb(N/mm2) σall(N/mm2) FOS section.

A. Square Arm Analysis:

50 120 5 236.1702128 250 1.058559
50 120 5 197.8723404 250 1.263441 Consider a rectangular cross section for analysis having
100 100 5 157.5203252 250 1.587097 cross section 100×100×5mm. Here we selected standard cross
100 100 5 188.0081301 250 1.32973 section for analysis.
50 120 4 239.1033983 250 1.045573
50 120 4 285.3814753 250 0.87602
100 100 4 227.6524837 250 1.098165
100 100 4 190.7358647 250 1.310713
Table2:Arm Bending stress and FOS calculations
From above table we get the bending stress for the cross
rectangular cross section is 236.17 N/mm2
And for square cross section bending stress value is 157.52
N/mm2 Figure4: Von-mises Stress Analysis of Square arm 100×100×5 mm.
Refer figure1 for calculating Bending stress we required
moment to be calculated, so for first iteration moment will be
taken at fulcrum point and for second iteration moment taken In above figure the stresses in Square cross section of arm
at effort point. For design of jib crane with good safety we is shown and the Load is applied i.e.10000N at end of the arm
have to choose factor of safety equals to 1. and Pin of Fulcrum point is fixed due to that the arm motion is
Here we final the cross section of arm as rectangular free in upward and downward directions. And also a Cylinder
120×50×5 dimension of arm. Ram force is applied at effort point 37000N. The maximum
stress induced is 502.95 Mpa but this stress level is observed
at corner point of pin but maximum stress in arm is obtained is
C. CAD Modeling 188.23 Mpa and stress level is in safe region.

Figure3: CAD Model of the complete Jib Crane.

Figure5: Deflection of Square cross section 100×100×5mm
Figure 2 shows the complete Rotational Jib Crane with dead Here we use the same Boundary Conditions as stated
weight is rest on the frame. above and the Directional Deformation is calculated using
Ansys FEA Software. And the maximum deflection obtained
is 2.80mm but the 2.75mm deflection is obtained at the end
Finite element analysis is most useful technique to finding point of arm. Here we got maximum deflection as compared to
the strength of structural steel working under known load and rectangular cross section arm.
Boundary conditions. Before going to Finite element analysis
first we have to developed CAD model in itself in numerical B. Rectangular Arm Analysis:
software or on Commercial CAD software which will reduce
Consider a rectangular cross section for analysis having
time. Accuracy of FEM results will depends on number of
cross section 120×50×5mm.
parameters i.e. Boundary Conditions, Loading Conditions,
Proper meshing, Selection of material, expertize of analyst.
International Engineering Research Journal Page No 301-306

Figure6: Von-mises Stress Analysis of Rectangular arm 120×50×5 mm

In above figure the stresses in rectangular cross section of

arm is shown and the Load is applied i.e.10000N at end of the
arm and Pin of Fulcrum point is fixed due to that the arm Figure8: Von-mises Stress Analysis of Frame structure
motion is free in upward and downward directions. And also a
Cylinder Ram force is applied at effort point 37000N. The The maximum stress obtained in frame is 471.92 Mpa,
maximum stress induced is 837.29 Mpa but this stress level is after supporting plate is attached to bottom of vertical column
observed at corner point of pin but maximum stress in arm is then after that the stress level also reduce.
obtained is 228.42 Mpa and stress level is in safe region.


Multibody Dynamic analysis is done in ADAMS VIEW
software for finding actual condition of jib crane. In Adams
view here we can find the stability of crane i.e. whether the
rotational jib crane is stable during working condition or not
with respect to time analysis. Actual forces acting on crane
can be found out and also the forces acting on each wheel.

Figure7: Deflection of Rectangular cross section 120×50×5mm

Here we use the same Boundary Conditions as stated

above and the Directional Deformation is calculated using
Ansys FEA Software. The deflection in horizontal arm is
found to be 0.05776mm and it‟s negligible in consideration.

C. FEA analysis of Frame Structure:

Frame is also the important parameter in design in crane

Figure9: Rotational Jib crane model in Adams View
because, If the frame is bends then stability of crane is not
proper so that load on frame is also to be calculate. Load from
the end of arm is transferred to the frame i.e. Moment will be
transferred and also the load.

Moment applied = 1850×10000 Nmm.

Force Applied = 10000 N.
The Boundary conditions are used wheels are fixed, Load and
moment is applied.

Figure10: Forces acting on the Right Front Wheel in Adams view

International Engineering Research Journal Page No 301-306

From above figure we get the forces acting on the each wheel, The Analytical and Numerical analysis of the important
from that force we can select the wheel size and capacity of parameters are evaluated i.e. Arm of Jib crane and also the
wheel to bear load in dynamic conditions. frame of Jib crane. Bending stresses are compared for two
cross sections are given below,
Load acting on each wheel is about 7000N so according to that
Type of
Selected wheels are, Cross Size Analytical Numerical
Size of wheel Load
Wheel Material of
Diameter Carrying Rectangular 120x50x5 236N/mm2 228.42N/mm2
Type wheel
and width capacity
Fixed Square 100x100x5 188N/mm2 188.63N/mm2
Castors 200×50 mm 9000 N Cast Iron Table3: Arm Selection results.
Castor From analytical and Numerical analysis cross section the
200×50 mm 4500 N Cast Iron rectangular cross section is good the deflection is minimum in
case of rectangular cross section.
 The complete jib crane model is manufactured and tested
for various loading condition. Actually the crane is design
at end point the load is lifted up to 200Kg but in testing the
loads trials are done for 100Kg,130Kg,150Kg and during
lifting there is no toppling that means the stability of crane
is ok.
Figure9: First rotating castor wheel and second Fixed Castor wheel.
In many companies they are using overhead cranes for lifting
small load that will cause extra cost investment so customized
crane is required. The Horizontal Arm is numerically checked
for Rectangular and square cross sections. Results show a
better solution for rectangular cross section in bending stress
and in case of deflection of arm.
In present work a novel approach for designing of rotational
jib crane is proposed for Micro Small Medium Enterprises
(MSME) and implemented successfully and they will be

We would like to thank Mr. Ravindra Kolhe for their help and
insight on this research.

[1] K. Suresh Bollimpelli, “Design and Analysis of column mounted
Fig 10:Manufacturing of Jib crane model Jib Crane”, International journal of research aeronautical and
mechanical engineering ISSN (Online):2321-3051,2015.

[2] V. Josh Ananthvino, “Design and Fabrication of a hydraulic Floor

crane”, International journal of Biotech trends and technology
(IJBTT)-Volume2Issue1 number-Jan2012.

[3] Asmita Jadhav, “Optimization in Design of Rotating Hydraulic

Crane”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-3, Issue-2,
December 2013.

[4] Muhammadu Masin MUHAMMADU, “Design, fabrication and

testing of hydraulic crane”, Journal of Nature and Science 2012.

Figure 11:Actual jib crane model during testing

International Engineering Research Journal Page No 301-306

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