Emcee Script

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Emcee Script

Introduction to #HeartTheHate:

Part 1:

We’ve all been invariably bullied, whether we’ve realised it or not – for being too fat, too
thin; for being dark or too white; for being short or too tall; for our dressing sense and the
people we hang out with. There are umpteen possibilities for us to be termed as imperfect and
unfit for a certain occasion, crowd or a setup. This subconsciously breaks us inside, making
us vulnerable preys to our predators, the cyberbullies.

How dearly we want to be helped; we wait for our friends to stand up, or someone else,
anybody at all. But many a times we ourselves shy away from helping others… we talk about
it, we share our thoughts with others, we discuss the situation, but we fail to take action.

And since we’ve gathered here, let’s Heart The Hate with CDM. And together we can beat
any bully, without a fight, without words, without abuses or anything negative at all.
Let’s Heart the Hate with Purple Hearts and overpower the crooked minds with Purple heart.

Part 2:

We have all been on a trip, right? We are also the selfie generation. So, we love to click
pictures.So, just imagine - You go for a trip and click these nice pictures, put them on social
media and someone completely random comments ‘Hey you look so fat’; ‘You need to hit
the gym’; ‘You’d look prettier if you reduce’ or something like ‘Why are you still single?’
Is it familiar? Has this ever happened to you?
Sounds like a comment many of us would ignore but it may make you feel low about
yourself. Believe it or not, even if it is subtle, this is cyberbullying. We have all either faced it
or seen someone else experience the same.
Now the idea is to spread the word about cyberbullying with CDM and #HeartTheHate.

Part 3:

How wonderful it is to imagine a world without hatred? Imagine how the bullyng rate will
drop and how everyone will feel safe to walk in college, with confidence and on a self-
appreciating note. We would feel so comfortable to share our hearts out on social media,
without the fear of any judgements.

But all this is possible only when we take a strong stand against cyberbullying. Purple Hearts
can be the first step against this. So, let’s Heart The Hate with CDMand start a revolution.

For the installation:

Let’s start the Heart to hate revolution right here with CDM. Click a photograph in the
special heart shape ball pit with a trust fall photo booth to support the Purple Heart with a
friend you would like to support in the most innovative way. It’s the coolest thing I’ve seen in
a while. Share it on social media and show us you CDM Heart to hate moment to avail heart
to hate friendship bands and heart to hate pop sockets.

Not just that bit grab a purple sticker with a message against cyber bullying to cover the
bullies’ comment on the ‘Stop The Shame’ wall. The wall showcases the work of
cyberbullies on our social media posts. Many of us might be able to even relate with these as
being victims or simply witnesses. Let’s start using purple hearts to overpower the negativity
with hearts from now on, starting with the wall itself. Tie the friendship band to the friend
you know you’d always stand up for and heart the hate. Let them know that you care. And
together, let’s Heart The Hate.

 First 20 – 30 likes on #heartthehate post will get interesting goodies from Cadbury
 Play few min to win it games for crowd engagement
 Q&A Questions with students on Cadbury

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