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“Engineering Solution to Medical Field: Esight”

Mr.Makarand Bharat Patil

Final Year(Mechanical Engineering)

Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering &

Technology,Warananagar, Tal.- Panhala
Dist.-Kolhapure- 4116113

Email Id:[email protected]

Contact No:-8308351737
• Be ready to replicate the manner sighted
ABSTRACT: folks see by “instantaneously” auto-
focusing between short-range vision
Esight is an “electronic glasses” that let the (reading a book or text on a smart phone) to
legally blind actually see. This technology is not mid-range vision (seeing faces or
being used in India. A high speed, high resolution observation TV) to long-range vision
camera within the middle of the Esight electronic (looking down a corridor or outside a
glasses captures what a user is viewing in real window), with none perceptible lag time.
time. This paper aims at components and working
of Esight and to overcome the major drawback of • Be a complicated, comprehensive medical
Esight glasses that is, it is wire connected device device that would replace all the numerous
by making it wireless. single-task helpful devices that area unit
presently offered however don't offer actual
sight (e.g. white canes, magnifying devices,
KEYWORDS: Legal blindness, Esight glasses service animals, Braille machines, CCTV
and components, Working of Esight, Advantages scanners, text-to-speech code, etc.).
and Disadvantages.
• Provide true quality so a wrongfully blind
individual may use ESight, not simply to
INTRODUCTION: visualize whereas sitting down however be
severally mobile (e.g. walking, exercising,
travel to figure or college, taking a plane,
enjoying golf, etc.).
Esight is an eccentric wearable medical device that
strengthens the functional vision of an individual
• Enable wrongfully blind people to severally
person who has the constitutionally blind. Esight
perform nearly all Activities of Daily
doesn’t require any type of surgery. Esight allows
individuals with vision loss to truly see. What they Living (ADLs).
are doing with their fresh reconditioned sight is up
to them. Other than in operation a automobile, this
extends to just about all freelance Activities Daily It took a few years of labor, investments of tens of
Living (ADLs). numerous greenbacks, many proprietary innovations
and far trial-and- error operating with several
LITERATURE SURVEY: wrongfully blind people, but, the top result was
ESight: electronic glasses that alter the wrongfully
blind to really see. Today, ESight is proud to be the
ESight’s founder, a successful electrical engineer, biggest, most knowledgeable and best-funded R&D
has 2 sisters who are lawfully blind. In 2006, he work within the world dedicated to non-surgical
said, “If I will assemble groups of engineers UN sight restoration for the visually impaired.
agency will build unimaginable product for the
business market, why not assemble associate LEGAL BLINDNESS:
degree engineering team which will build
electronic glasses that will let my sisters see?”
"Legal blindness" means having low vision means
The ESight engineers had a singular vision for a
that even with regular glasses, contact lenses,
completely new and revolutionary sort of
medication, or surgery you may find it difficult to
resolution they needed to make. For ESight to be
perform everyday tasks. It is a visual acuity of
actually helpful for the lawfully blind, the
20/200 or worse in the better-seeing eye with best
technology would have to:
conventional correction (meaning with regular
glasses or contact lenses).
• Be a cushy, wearable and hands-free
device, permitting wrongfully blind people
to use each of their hands whereas they use
Esight to visualize.

Esight are wearable electronics glasses that allow the

legally blind to actually see. Esight can autofocus on
short, medium and long range objects. Esights many
unique features such as 24 times zoom, image contrast
enhancement, reverse color display makes a vital use.
Esight does not work for people who are totally or
profoundly blind. It consists of following components,

1. Headset : The headset worn mounted on

Carrier frames just above or in front of the
eyes, houses a high definition camera, OLED
“Snellen Eye Chart” screen.

2. Processing Unit: Esight users carry a small

light weight processing unit that adjusts every
METHODOLOGY: pixel of video in real time. The processing unit
also houses the battery which powers Esight.
Esight is currently subject of a major new clinical 3. Carrier Frames: The frames support the
trial. The mission that “Everyone deserves to see”. weight of the Esight headset and distribute it
It is proud to announce that Esight is available for around the wearer’s heat to ensure comfort.
purchase in 33 more countries all over the world.
Be a cushy, wearable and hands-free device, 4. Carrier: Finally, to support complete and
permitting de jure blind people to use each of their
unimpeded mobility. Esight offers multiple
hands whereas they use ESight to ascertain. Be carrying options that allow Esight to be used
ready to replicate the method quick-sighted hands free.
individuals see by “instantaneously” auto-focusing
between short-range vision (reading a book or text
on a Smartphone) to mid- range vision (seeing
faces or observance TV) to long-range vision
(looking down a hall or outside a window), with
none perceptible lag time. Be a complicated,
comprehensive medical device that might replace
all the numerous single- task helpful devices that
square measure presently on the market however
don't give actual sight (e.g. white canes,
magnifying devices, service animals, Braille
machines, CCTV scanners, text-to-speech
software package, etc.).give true quality so a de
jure blind individual might use ESight, not simply
to examine whereas sitting down however be
severally mobile (e.g. walking, exercising,
traveling to figure or faculty, taking a plane,
enjoying golf, etc.).
ESight, permits the lawfully blind or those living
with low vision to visualize with 20/20 vision. The
glasses capture the user’s surroundings and
remodel the footage into a type additional
appetizing for the blind eye – primarily, filling in
each user’s blind spot.

➢ A high-speed, high resolution camera within

the middle of the ESight electronic glasses Esight can be used in more effective way and on large
captures what a user is observing in real scale in upcoming days. Thinking about the future
time. Esight can be,
➢ Smaller in size
➢ ESight’s powerful computer instantly
➢ More feature rich
processes the high definition video and
displays it on 2 OLED screens ahead of the ➢ Less expensive
user’s eyes victimization leading edge

➢ ESight’s proprietary algorithms enhance the

video feed.

➢ Full color video pictures are clearly seen by

the ESight user with new visual clarity and
no perceptible latency or delay.

➢ ESight users will simply management color,

contrast, focus, brightness and magnification
(24X) employing a sleek controller and
intuitive interface.

➢ ESight users will take photos, and stream ADVANTAGES:

video and games utilizing ESight’s Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and

➢ HDMI capabilities. ➢ Magnification from 1.5 x to 24x

➢ Easy to handle
SOLUTION TO DRAWBACK: ➢ Auto-focus enables the wearer to quickly
change their view

The major drawback of the Esight glasses is it is ➢ Separate contrast and brightness features
not wireless which can create several accommodate different lighting
difficulties for user while using it. We can use ➢ Six custom color modes help the wearer makes
the bluetooth or NFC technology to connect the reading easier
glasses with the mobile devices. By using
wireless technology, it is flexible to handle the ➢ Software is easily updated via computer to
device. We can adjust the clarity or zoom of the keep Esight current
pictures with the help of mobile device. By
connecting with the mobile we can able to get ➢ Customized with the wearer own prescription
the notifications by mobile directly to the lenses
eyewear device. The Esight glasses can be ➢ Unique tilt feature enables the wearer to
paired with single mobile device by using the alternate between walking and stationary
MAC address so that others cannot be able to activities like reading or watching TV

➢ Available in single size

➢ Expensive
➢ Battery backup
➢ Esight cannot fully restore sight


Here by, we conclude the above technology by

introducing a new technique of wireless to Esight
eyewear product which makes the user to use the
product more conveniently and which also reduces
the burden of carrying of the adjustable device
where ever the user goes. By the above introduced
technology the user can get the notifications directly
on the eyewear device.


1. "Wearable technology expands mobility for

visually impaired". Ophthalmology Times. 1
April 2016
man- with-rare-eye-disorder-wont-let-his-
diagnosis-stop- him-from-seeing-again-

blind- see/44437/

et- helps-the-legally-blind-see-


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