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BTL Div./dept..

Procedure BTL Page 1/2

Date Effective Revision
Title Purchase Requisition (PR)
Jan. 2004 02

Scope: This procedure is applicable in ICS of all stores

Purpose: To raise general demands for purchase or repair of items.
- End user feed demand in system at his terminal
- Head of department approves demands of his concerned departments
- I/C (Stores) check the validity of demand and forwarded it to purchase dept.
- Store personnel sends system generated mail to all requisite departments

Definitions: PR Purchase Requisition

ICS Inventory Control Section
ROL Re-Ordering Level:
These are the fast moving items for which main stores ICS. receives sanctioned
quotas from different dept. (based on their avg. consumption). Store is
responsible for maintaining its minimum stock level.
Demands are fed by the end user in system, while feeding system give him full support
regarding stocks of that particular item in all five stores of our SBUs alongwith pending
demand, pending PO,s avg. consumption, last issue quantity, and number of days since
last issue of that demanding item.

Head of department approves demands in the system of his concerned departmernts

He also get acquainted with all necessary information by the system regarding where
that particular item is needed e.g. cost center, department wise stocks etc.

- Nature and source of the demand is selected by the user whether urgent, normal,
Local or import
- For repairable items separate code is got opened by the end user with complete descrip-
tion of work required.
- If demanded item is required as per sample, "SAMPLE" should be delivered,
alongwith sample tag bearing complete information about sample, to main stores ICS.
These samples are then handed over to Purchase dept. by main stores
and their receipt is taken on daily purchase requisition report where these samples are
mentioned separately
- Item specification should be written completely in item code

- Names, IP address and passwords of authorized signatories are fed in the system
- If demanded item is new & imported then remarks should be given for justification.

- A separate demand should be raised for items regarding office supply or furniture
& fixture (after getting them write-off from General admin if that have been got
issued earlier and become unusable any more due to deteriorate condition.

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Date Effective Revision
Title Purchase Requisition (PR)
Jan. 2004 02

- Incomplete purchase requisition in any respect are not forwarded to purchase dept.

In-charge store reads demands carefully and check all necessary auspects like stocks
avg. consumption, pending demand, pending PO. He negociate it with concerned dept.
in case if item is there in stock of some other dept. except the demanding dept.

Demanded item is written "AVAILABLE" on seeing the stock availability in stores

or availability in stores in near future for the sake of inventory control.

Finally I/C Stores send the demand to purchase dept.

System allots unique document # to maintain its record

Store helper delivers its copies as under for further proceedings:

System copy to Buying office / Purchase Office

Mail copy for Self record in general demands file

Mail is send to Requisition dept.(for their information & record)

Note: Demands regarding ROL items are raised by main stores.

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Date Effective Revision
Title Inspection & Goods Receipt Note (IRN)
Jan. 2004 03

Scope: This procedure is applicable in ICS of all Stores

Purpose: Receipt of supply/goods from RS.

- RS. hands over the IGP to ICS of store
- IC get the supply in accordance with IGP's approved quantity.
- KPO feeds the data.
- Store helper delivers the IGP's to concerned dept.

Definitions: - ICS. Inventory Control Section

- RS. Receipt Section
- IC Inventory Controller
- KPO Key Punch Operator
- IGP. In-ward Gate Pass
- SIR. Store Issue Requisition
- GRN Goods Receipt Note
- RS gets the quality of in-coming items inspected from technical staff of respective requisite
department on IGP, which is also used as inspection report. Remarkes in case of rejection
are given on IGP, that are also fed in system.Location Bin # are printed on IGPs in system
for proper placement. As per policy inspection should be got cleared within 48 hours in routine
except some special cases.
Main Stores IC receives the Inward Gate Pass from RS with duly affixed code sticker
(printed through system) on each and every item
With the help of store helper he places the items in there respective locations bins
- In case of shortage, RS provides the SIR (for the quantity issued on temporary slip)
duly signed by the authorized signatories. For example items directly received by dept.
- RS in-charge finally feeds its GRN (Goods Receipt Note) on seeing all formalities
Copies of daily GRN report is distributed as follows

- Billing Section
- Accounts
- Self record of RS.
Copies of IGPs is distributed as follows
- Gate - Concerned Dept.
- RS. - Accounts

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Date Effective Revision

Title Store Issue Requisition (SIR) / Store Transfer Note (STN)
Jan. 2004 01

Scope: This procedure is applicable in all stores

Purpose: Issue / Transfer of goods from store to end user.
- Authorized indenting officer sanction the issue requisition.
- I/C Stores check the validitiy of SIR.
- Concerned IC issue the requisite item.
- Bearer of SIR or TN takes the supply according their demand.
ICS. Inventory Control Section
PR. Purchase Requisition

IC Inventory Controller
KPO Key Punch Operator
IRN. Inspection & Receipt Note
SIR. Store Issue Requisition
STN. Store Transfer Note

Main stores IC's checks the information as follows:

- Date,dept/section name,cost center,item description,unit of measurement,required

quantity,item code
- If required stock item does not belongs to the requisite dept. Then requisite get the
stock transferred from the concerned department through prescribed form
- If requisite item falls in replacement category but getting issued for the first time,
then "NEW" is written along with authorized signature on SIR.
- New parts/items are replaced with old parts/items and the same are deposited in
the Main Stores as replacement on SIR at the time of issue of new parts/items.

- Replacement Parts/items categories are as under:

1) Items/parts of value more than Rs. 500/=

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Date Effective Revision
Title Store Issue Requisition (SIR) / Store Transfer Note (STN)
Jan. 2004 01

2) All types of machinery spare parts

3) Bearings (All kinds)
4) Belts (All kinds)
5) Tools
- Record of such receipt on replacement is maintained in the system

- If emergency falls, temporary issue slip can also be entertained with signature of any
senior personnel like Foreman,Supervisor or equal to their level to avoid any production
loss, and its system generated issue note is got procured from relevant dept. (on the very
next day or on arrival of indenting officer) completed in all respects as mentioned above.

- Store personnel issue the items to the bearer after getting his signature on system
generated SIR.
These SIR's are handed over on daily basis to accounts for re-checking
Store helper maintain the SIR record with its detailed report

- Store maintains the list of authorized persons in user authority form, from where system
matches the password alloted and IP address of that concerned terminal
- Stocks are being maintained department wise and item wise simultaniously, End user
can only get their concerned items issued from store. System doesn’t give permission to
get the material issued concerning to other department, but give detail of stock dept. wise
along with age of that item lying with store.
- Only concerned department has right to change the entitlement of his demanded stock
for giving permission to other than requisite dept. for getting the material issued from store

- At this level issue slip doesn’t affect the store stocks, so he is authorized to change
any required quantity before this slip is finalized in store.

- While finalizing the issue store personnel checks the required quantity, he can
decrease the required quantity on seeing its last issue quantity and days.
- After finalizing store personnel issues the items concerning to his particular store head
on seeing location bin number printed on the SIR.

Issue of Flour
Labour office issues a list of entitled / deserving employees as per company policy
to stores which manages its procurement.
After receiving of flour , labour office issue slips to worker with stamp and
signed by the authority to get the desired items from Main Stores. Main Stores issues
these to worker and keeps these slip. On completion of all monthly issue, slips are
sent to labour office for their record.

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Date Effective Revision
Title Store Issue Requisition (SIR) / Store Transfer Note (STN)
Jan. 2004 02

Issue of Tools
To control cost and the pilferage chances, Main Stores issues tools on proper
documented SIR. A separate tools record register is maintained in the system

While leaving the organization, he submits the issued item on his name & get
clearance. These received items may be issued to some one else with same
procedure but this time issued on FOC base, record of which is maintained in system.

Issue of SIR Book

For proper maintaining of record & to control the issue, SIR Books are issued to
dept. heads on SIR duly signed by signing authority and a separate register is
kept maintained for this purpose in system software. No one can use issue slip
of other dept. for getting the material issued in stores where manual SIR is received
and fed by stores in system software.

Stock transfer within one SBU

If some dept. needs an item that belong to some other dept.
then demanding dept. asks the concerned dept. for transfer of entitlement in the system
Only the concerned department to which that item belongs can change the entitlement.
Once the entitlement is transferred then the new entitled dept. can get the item issued
from store.

Stock transfer from one SBU to other

If some dept. needs an item that belong to some other dept. of other SBU. Then demand-
ing dept. asks the store personnel to get the item transferred from other SBU. Which he
does after consulting with the concerned dept. In this way stocks decreases with value in
the SBU from where item is transferred, and stocks increases with same quantity and
value of that SBU to which it is being transferred.
A system generated mail is sent to both SBU for awareness. At the month end complete
detailed report is sent to all stores and accounts dept. of all SBUs for proper recording.

Sale of inventory items

Cost center is select as out side issuance for those items that are sold out from inven-
tory, as per our gate pass policy.
While selecting cost center as out side issuance system restrict the user to feed its purp-
ose whether sale, rejection, sample whatever, along with party name towards it is being
sent out.
This information is linked with gate pass data base. So while making its OGP,system gets
the information automatically and reduces the chance of wrong entry.
At the month end complete detailed report is sent to accounts dept. for proper book keep-

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Date Effective Revision
Title Disposal of Replacement
Jan. 2004 01

Scope: This procedure is applicable at Main Stores & its allied sub-stores.

Purpose: Proper disposal of replacements.


- IC's. received replacements from dept. & prepares monthly Replacement Form
for the disposal of items.
- Incharge Stores get them examined by technical staff.(if necessary) & signs
the report.

Replacement It is the old item for which concerned technical staff from dept. thinks not usable
any more to produce quality product and requires new one in exchange of old one.

IC Inventory Controller

- Replacement is received at the time of issue and all IC,s stored their repacement at
designated areas.

- Concerned store staff write down the replacement on Replacement Form while
issuing replaceable items, and at the month end same list is got signed by
I/C Stores, who checks the report and ask the technical staff for review of items (if
he think so) and finally forward the list alongwith items to purchase / audit ddept., for
proper waste management through store helper (ICS). The record of such lists is
kept maintained in file called Replacement Disposal.

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Date Effective Revision

Title Disposal of Slow Moving/Dead Stores
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable in Main Stores (ICS.)

Purpose: To sort out and to dispose off those items which are no more required in future.

- KPO makes the reports.
- ED. & I/C(Stores) check and sign the report.
- Store Helper takes the report to concerned dept.
- Purchase dept. takes necessary measures for proper disposal.
- KPO Key Punch Operator
- ED. Executive Director
- ICS Inventory Control Section

- A computer generated report is prepared annually showing last issue/receipt for
stock items and is sent to concerned dept. through ED. after
examining & signing by incharge stores, for sorting out those items that are no
more required in future.

- Concerned depts. sort out and mark the useless items that latterly sent to
Purchase through ED. for proper disposal, by incharge stores.
Cases are pursued through reminders until disposal of slow moving/dead stock.

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Date Effective Revision

Title Re-Ordering Level (ROL)
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable in ICS. Of all stores

Purpose: To control the inventory or to maintain minimum stock level (MSL) for
commonly used items.

- Incharge (Stores) provides the avg. consumption of regularly used items to
concerned depts.
- Concerned dept. gives (MSL.)
- Incharge (Stores) maintains the (MSL.)

MSL. Minimum Stock Level.
ROL. Re-Ordering Level
ICS. Inventory Control Section
Main Stores (ICS.) provides avg. consumption of commonly used items as per
dept. request.

Head of the dept. studies the report deeply and calculates their monthly
consumption. After finalizing the report, sends it back to stores for their monthly
Stores(ICS.) is responsible to maintain its (MSL.) by raising demands

Main Stores(ICS.) issues these items according to their approved quota, in case
of non-availability of one item, some other parallel item may be issued to avoid
production loss, that may cause variation in stock level.

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Date Effective Revision

Title Checking of Stores
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable in all stores of BTL.

Purpose: To reconcile the data with physical stocks, for data reliability.

- Main Stores ICS. staff checks their concerned items.
- Incharge Sores randomly re-checks the items by store helpers.
- External auditors counter check the data for audit purpose.

ICS. Inventory Control Section
Main Store ICS. staff checks the items in their respective head physically and
tally them with their respective loc bin wise movement on daily basis for assurance of
accuracy of data, any difference is reported to I/C Stores, who too checks the stock
Stock evaluation reports & daily consumption reports are properly filed to ensure the
proper store closing in term of values on daily basis.

At the end of every month complete item wise stock report is got audited by finance
or audit dept. to ensure that physical stocks are in accordance with the stocks in books
Monthly stock reports, Out side issuance report, Stock transfer summery report is forw-
arded to accounts for their book keeping.

At the end of fiscal year inventory list of stores is handed over to external auditors
for audit purpose who checks the stores physically and reconcile them with their
respective stock reports. At the end of the audit, auditor countersigns the report. Its
record is kept maintained in stock report file.

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BTL Div./dept.. Procedure BTL Page 1/2
Date Effective Revision
Title New Item Code
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable at main stores (ICS.)

Purpose: To avoid duplication of record & items standardization.


- Computer operator feeds this new code into the computer.

The stores have been divided into 16-different heads as per nature of the items, like;

(1) Spinning, (2) Weaving, (3) Processing, (4) Dyes, (5) Chemicals, (6) Packing,
(7) Electric, (8) Hardware, (9) Oil & Lubes, (10) Construction, (11) Stationary,
(12) Bearings, (13) Tools, (14) General, (15) Power Genr and (16) V-Belts.

Further more within one store head, items of similar nature are grouped and a
category no. is allotted for uniqueness.

For example;
16 - 01 - 01 - 001 - 005
XX - XX - XX - XXX - XXX




Category DYES
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BTL Div./dept.. Procedure BTL Page 2/2

Date Effective Revision
Title New Item Code
Jan. 2004 00

Store staff determines & checks thoroughly newly approved item for its verification,
concerned dept. may also be consulted for determining new item head & its newness.

After verification of item from LOV list of value of items that this item doesn’t exist, code is
opened in its concerned head. System software automatically allote next code to this item
in accordance with its category.

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BTL Div./dept. Procedure BTL Page 1/1

Date effective Revision
Title Control Of Quality Records
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable in Main Stores(ICS.)

Purpose: To establish documented procedure for identification, collection, indexing, access,

filing, storage, maintenance and disposition of quality records.

I/C(Stores) is responsible to;

* Check time to time & confirm the proper maintenance of quality records.
* Arrange the deposition of quality records.

Procedure :

1. Collection, identification, assessment, filing and storage of quality records are done
as per list of quality records.

2. Indexing of quality records are carried out as per central document and data control

3. On completion of retention time, responsible person give its information to his

concerned dept. head and gets approval and makes arrangements either to sent
old records to archive or discard.

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BTL Page 1/1
Main Stores
Sr.# Description File # Main Store Arch.
1 Approved Quota 2 -
2 Authorized Signatories File 5 -
3 Correspondence File 1
4 E.Mail Record 2
5 ISO Training 2 3
6 ISO Manual For ever
7 Items Written Off / Dispose Off File 2 3
8 MIS. Reports 1
9 Regularized Cases 2 3
10 Physical Assessment of Store File 2
11 Policies & Orders File For ever
12 Dept Stk <> IM Stk 1
13 Slow Moving Dead Store File 2 2
14 Monthly Stock Taking File 2 3
15 Surplus Items 1 1
16 Cancelled GPs & GRNs 1 -
17 Outstanding ROGPs & RIGPs 2 3
18 Dyes n Chemicals Critical Items 1
19 Civil Works For ever
20 MSDS ( Material Safety Data Sheets ) For ever
21 Stock Movements 1 1
22 Important Documents / Misc. Doc. For ever
23 Scrap Sale 2
24 MRN 2 2
25 Printed Samples ( Company Wide ) For ever
26 Ahmad Lace 2
27 Work Orders 1
28 Dispatch Advice 1

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BTL Page 1/1















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Date effective Revision

Title Handling, Storage and Preservation
Jan. 2004 02

Scope: This procedure is applicable in all stores of BTL

Purpose: Proper handling & storage throughout the process, to avoid damage, or deterioration
of stores.

* Store staff is responsible for its concerned head of items.
* I/C Stores is responsible for the activities involved in this procedure.
* ED. takes decision for an appropriate action.
Procedure :
Material is stacked or placed in bins properly to avoid any sort of damage or deterioration.
Proper measures are taken, (as per instructions of supplier if given) for better preservation
of goods.

While unloading and placing the goods in their respective bins or during stacking extra
care is taken (supplier instructions are followed, if any).

1.1 Instruments for handling

1.11 Bins:
Small items are often stored within bins. Which have their number that can be located
from the system while issuing or receiving the particular item.

1.12 Racking:
Racks are fabricated sections and are placed at adjustable height. These can
accommodate full pallet load, used for the items that are large in size & heavy in weight.

1.13 Temporary Storage:

Usually heavy weight items are stacked in temporary storage areas on floor.
Under inspection items are oftenly stored in temporary storage areas.

1.14 FIFO:
FIFO (First in First out) method is adopted in main stores considering the following
impartial aspects:
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Date effective Revision
Title Handling, Storage and Preservation
Jan. 2004 02

- Delivery Schedule
- Store capacity
- Store location

Unloading of locally purchased items is made by the supplier's representative, whereas

out-station material is stacked by contractor's labor (Paledar) in presence of receipt
room's representative.

All items are stored in their respective bins or stacked properly as per nature of item.
In order to detect the deterioration, expiry or any sort of damage, stores items are
physically inspected half yearly, in every September & March by concerned store staff
alongwith I/c Stores and also counter checked by end user. Report of deteriorated/
obsolete items are forwarded to ED. for their decision for an appropriate action.
Chemicals are especially stacked in accordance with the storage instructions given in MSDS

2.1 Safety Instructions

2.11 Necessary usable fire instruments are placed at easy approach in stores.

2.12 Outsiders are not allowed in store areas. (Except end-users, for issuance of material)
2.13 Hazardous / inflammable items are stacked separately with proper marking
2.14 Smoking is not allowed in or near the store areas.

2.2 Storage Instructions

2.21 Training is being provided to all store staff, how to handle, store, preserve and deliver
the material. Different material has different methods as per their nature, pl. consult MSDS

2.22 Total material is placed category/shade wise & batch wise.

2.23 Stacking is made at easy approachable height.

2.24 Common usable items, e.g. (Stationery, Tools) and other pilferagable items are placed
under lock n key.

2.3 Accidental Handling of Chemicals ( spillage / fire )

2.31 Wear protective equipments like Googles, Gloves, Gumboot and or Mask were necessary
2.32 Place hazardous chemicals in dick area / containments at separate location properly marked
2.33 Place inflammable items separately under non-sparking lights
2.34 Fire extinguish media should be properly placed in reachable location
2.35 If fire expolde shower high stream of water on surrounding drums to cool down their temp.
2.36 Properly place the MSDS at the location where the chemicals is stacked, and at commom place
2.37 Do as mentioned on MSDS for Storage and for first aid

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Date effective Revision
Title Product Identification and traceability
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable in all stores of BTL

* Receipt section is responsible to affix item code sticker / identity tag to the items.
* Concerned store staff is responsible for proper identification of items.
* I/C Stores is responsible for the activities involves in this procedure.

GRN. Goods Receipt Note
PR. Purchase Requisition
PO. Purchase Order

Procedure :

Hard Material
While receiving the fresh approved supply from receipt section according to GRN's,
main stores personnel check the identity tag / code sticker having information about item name
item code, IGP#, and requisite department, store location and bin number. This all information is
system printed on item code sticker, If item is going to be received for the first time then Loc.Bin
number entry will appear blank and will be updated by the store personnel in the system for
onward reference.
Dyes & Chemicals
Dyes/Chemicals are stacked in racks or on floor as per nature of item, location of
which can be traced-out from their respective location and bins as mentioned in the system,
For prompt traceability this information is printed on SIR that helps the store personnel in issu-
ance of material. Dyes and chemicals are stacked batch wise for FIFO purpose.
Mostly packings of dyes/chemicals have clear identification of item nature,
and its supplier name. Nevertheless identification plates are also used where needed.

Shelf Life:
Shelf life stickers are used for the identification of their expiry dates.

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Date effective Revision

Title Product Identification and traceability
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable in Main Stores and its three allied sub-stores.

* Receipt section is responsible to affix identity tag to the items.
* Concerned store staff is responsible for proper identification of items.
* I/C Stores is responsible for the activities involves in this procedure.

IRN. Inspection & Receipt Note
GD. General Demand
PO. Purchase Order

Procedure :

Hard Material
While receiving the fresh approved supply from receipt section according to IRN's,
main stores personnel check the identity tag having information about item, supplier,
GD.#/PO.# and requisite department, alongwith others and fill up their concerned portion
like bin # & item code #. Same bin # is written on bin stock card for traceability.

Dyes & Chemicals

Dyes/Chemicals are stacked in racks or on floor as per nature of item, location of
which can be traced-out from their respective bin stock cards. Items are stacked in
batch wise. Mostly packings of dyes/chemicals have clear identification of item nature,
and its supplier name. Nevertheless identification plates are also used where needed.

Shelf Life:
Shelf life stickers are used for the identification of their expiry dates.

Document name Document #

Shelf Life Sticker (63202/PR.11/18)

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Date effective Revision
Title Inventory Analysis
Jan. 2004 00

Objective: To avoid build-up of Dead stocks in future and to provide comprehensive

information regarding Inventory position to the SBU/Division heads.

Scope: All divisions

Responsibility: In-charge Main Store

Procedure : 1) Monthly Inventory Analysis Report is updated by store

2) Information of report updation is given to users through E-mail by Main Store.

3) I/c Main Store closely analyses the Inventory position of each division and make a case
of each abnormality and sends to concerned division/section head/in-charge, GMs
and ED.

4) I/c Main Store is responsible to follow those cases till any logical end of the issue.

5) Inventory of every division should be analyzed at least once in 3-months.

6) I/c Main Store will keep the record of these cases for at least 1-year on computer.

GM. General Manager
ED. Executive Director

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indicates needle bearing

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Purchase Purchase
Date Effective Revision
Title Puchase Order PO
Jan. 2004 00

Scope: This procedure is applicable in purchase department of all SBUs

Purpose: To raise general purchase order for purcurement of demanded items from vendors
To fullfil the specified requirements and needs
- End user feed demand in system at his terminal
- Head of department approves demands of his concerned departments
- I/C (Stores) check the validity of demand and forwarded it to purchase dept.
- Purchase dept. generate PO,s

Definitions: PO Purchase Order

CS Comparative Statement
PR Purchase Report
ICS Inventory Control Section
ED Executive Director
All record are being maintained in system software.
Demands are fed by the end user in system, while feeding system give him full support
regarding stocks of that particular item in all five stores of our SBUs alongwith pending
demand, pending PO,s avg. consumption, last issue quantity, and number of days since
last issue of that demanding item.

Head of department approves demands in the system of his concerned departmernts

He also get acquainted with all necessary information by the system regarding where
that particular item is needed e.g. cost center, department wise stocks etc.

- Nature and source of the demand is selected by the user whether urgent, normal,
Local or import
- For repairable items separate code is got opened by the end user with complete descrip-
tion of work required.
- If demanded item is required as per sample, "SAMPLE" should be delivered,
alongwith sample tag bearing complete information about sample, to main stores ICS.
These samples are then handed over to Purchase dept. by main stores

- Item specification should be written completely in item code

- All vendors have been categorised as per their nature of business, and same is the case
with item codes that are interlinked with vendors
- In case of regular items and pre decided rates PO,s are prepared in routine.
ED. decision is got in case of fluctuation in rates of routine items, new high valued items
and or irregular items.
- Demand is negociated with the end user (regarding its consumption, its function or for clear
specificatio) if so required.

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Purchase Purchase
Date Effective Revision
Title Purchase Order
Jan. 2004 02

- In case of new, irregular and or highly priced item quotation are sought from already listed
vendors and or some potential vendors.
These enquires / quotation are sought in shape of e.mails, fax or on phones in case of emer-

CS is prepared from received quotations and are presented to ED. For approval of most com-
pitent supplier, after reading it between lines, sources of quotation are mentioned on CS for
ED's checking purpose.

After getting approval from ED. PO is developed as per conditions of CS. Monitory,tax, freight
and other necessary terms are clearly mentioned in PO.

System automatically assigend next serial number as PO number to each and every vendor

Same procedure is adopted for service charges / repairing demands, for which a separate
job / order form completely filled is received from requisite dept. in case of maintenance /
fabrication of any task / work.

Samples / items for repairing are sent to vendors in accordance with gate pass policy.

Cash purchase are also handdled in the same way, by generating Pos,considering purchaser
as vendor.

Daily purchase report dully signed by ED. Sent to internal audit dept. for varification as they

Goods are handed over to store receiving section in accordance with PO,s as mentioned on
BTL Div./dept.. Procedure BTL Pag 1/2
Purchase Purchase
Date Effective Revision
Title New Vendor Registration
Jan. 2004 03

Scope: This procedure is applicable in purchase department of all SBUs

Purpose: For selection of new potential vendor to meet requirements and needs of end user in case
of existing / listed vendor don’t meet the requirement.
- Purchase dept. is responsible to seek out potential vendor.
- ED. Approves the new vendor

Definitions: - ED. Executive Director

- Market is viewd for potential vendor for following reasons

Manufacture is preferred on distributor

Distributor is preferred on general supplier
When existing supplier doesn’t meet the requirement in case of volume of time frame
For getting counter productr to our routine item

- Supplier is evaluated on following grounds

Market Repute
Its financial setup
Work experience

Prepared By Checked By Approved by

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Purchase Purchase

Date Effective Revision

Title New Vendor Registration
Jan. 2004 01

On varification of all above factors new vendor form is filled and got approved by ED.

After getting approval new vendor code is registered in system by purchase department and
accounts department

Performance of existing / listed suppliers is evaluated six monthly by seeing their supplies
and rejections, its behaviour / services etc.

ED. Makes decision for those suppliers for whose performance is not satisfactory.

Prepared By Checked By Approved by

Date Effective Revision

nd user (regarding its consumption, its function or for clear

Date Effective Revision

ought in shape of e.mails, fax or on phones in case of emer-

otations and are presented to ED. For approval of most com-

tween lines, sources of quotation are mentioned on CS for

O is developed as per conditions of CS. Monitory,tax, freight

ext serial number as PO number to each and every vendor

d in the same way, by generating Pos,considering purchaser

eceiving section in accordance with PO,s as mentioned on

Date Effective Revision
Date Effective Revision

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