Experimental Determination of The Gas Constant

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The document describes an experiment to measure the gas constant R by generating hydrogen gas from the reaction of magnesium and hydrochloric acid. Key relationships between pressure, volume, temperature and moles of gas are described by the ideal gas law and various gas laws.

The three gas laws described are Boyle's law relating pressure and volume, Charles' law relating volume and temperature, and Avogadro's law relating volume and amount of gas.

Van der Waals developed an equation to describe real gases which accounts for attractive forces between gas molecules. The equation is P + a(n^2/V^2)(V - nb) = RT

Experimental determination of the gas constant

Janiel Omboy and Justin Jalem

Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, Philippines

Abstract. The report focuses on measuring the gas constant R in a laboratory setting hence experimentally by
calculation employing the ideal gas law equation. This process includes finding out the properties of gas such as
pressure, volume, number of moles and temperature, and their relationship that are being quantified by the universal
gas constant R. To obtain the necessary data, an experiment involving the utilization of a single reaction between
magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid to generate hydrogen gas is carried out. Prior to the computation after the
accumulation of required values, the experiment produces a satisfactory average experimental gas constant of
0.08656 L-atm/mol-K which only has a less than 5 percent relative error from the universal gas constant R.

Ultimately, a universal constant quantifies the
Gas laws discover the relationship of pressure, temperature, relationship between the properties of a gas involved in the
volume and amount of gas and they have been around to said laws. [5] This is the gas constant R that is equal to the
help scientists in finding these measurable properties. product of the pressure and the volume of one-gram
Proponents of its fundamental laws namely Jacques Charles molecule of an ideal gas divided by the absolute
[1], who described how gases tend to expand when heated temperature. [6]
and came up with the law of volume; Robert Boyle[2], who
stated how the pressure of a gas tends to increase as the PV
volume of the container decreases; and Amedeo
R= (0)
Avogadro[3], who formulated on an equal number of
molecules of different gases under the same conditions of In the case of its connection to pressure in atmospheres,
temperature and pressure, equal volumes. Equations of their volume in liters, and temperature in Kelvin, gas constant R
ideals are expressed below: has the value and units of R = 0.08206 L atm mol−1 K−1.
Also, it is in typical energy units of Joules where R = 8.314 J
(1) Charles’ Law, mol−1 K−1. [5]
One method to measure the ideal gas constant R in a
laboratory setting is the determination of various properties
V ∝T → V = yT of a gas through making use of a single reaction between
Where y is a constant depending on amount of gas and magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid to generate
pressure and volume V is directly proportional to hydrogen gas. [9] The reaction is shown below.
temperature T. [4]
Mg (s)+2 HCl(aq) ⟶ MgCl2 (aq)+ H 2( g)
(2) Boyle’s Law,
Speaking of ideal gas, its law which is called equation of
state or simply ideal/perfect gas law, is the combination of
P ∝1 V → PV =x the previously cited basic laws. [4] Moreover, the properties
of the gaseous state predicted by the ideal gas law are within
Where x is a constant depending on amount of gas at a given
5% for gases under ordinary conditions. In other words,
temperature and pressure P is inversely proportional to
given a set of conditions, the ideal gas equation can
volume V. [4]
calculate the properties of a gas to be within 5%. [7]
(3) Avogadro's Law,
However, gases can swerve from the theoretical outcome
due to existence of attractive forces between its molecules.
V ∝n → V =zn Hence, Dutch physicist Johannes Van Der Waals developed
an equation for describing the deviation of real gases from
the ideal gas. The pressure of real gases is actually lower
than of the ideal gas equation and the volume of real gas is
Where z is a constant depending on pressure and
much larger than of the ideal gas. [4] These conditions are
temperature and volume V is directly proportional to the
considered in the van der waals equation that is,
amount of gas n. [4]
Title of the conference

The volumes of the hydrogen gas were measured by

n V observing the changed of volume inside the burette and
[ ( ) ]( )
P+ a
V n
−b =RT conducted in three trials, the volumes were 27.40, 32.05,
and 25.60 mL respectively as shown in Table 1. The
temperature of the hydrogen gas was measured on the water
bath, it was assumed that the temperature of the hydrogen
Where the constants a and b have positive values and are gas and the water is equal after five minutes of the reaction
characteristic of individual gases. The rest are properties of magnesium and hydrochloric acid by zeroth law of
present in the ideal gas equation. thermodynamics. The number of moles of the hydrogen gas
was determined using the stoichiometry calculation using
the balanced reaction of the magnesium and hydrochloric
Materials and Methods acid. The local pressure of 0.998 atm was given by the
Magnesium ribbons Thermometer instructor. The pressure of the hydrogen gas was determined
Sand paper Beaker using equation (2), the pressure of the water vapor was
Copper wire Burette clamp obtained using the temperature of the water bath and the
Paper towel Burette stand vapor pressure was taken on the existing literature [10]. The
50-mL Burette Cork (with holes) vapor pressure of water at 32 and 33 degrees Celsius were
6 M HCl aqueous Distilled water 0.04709 and 0.04968 atm respectively. The gas constant was
Funnel Ruler calculated using equation (1). The average experimental gas
constant, R was 0.08656 L-atm/mol-K and the percent error
calculated that was compared to the gas constant in the
2.1 Determination of gas constant existing literature was 4.43 percent.
Obtain three ribbons of magnesium (Mg), a piece of P Atm =PH + PWater Vapor (0)
sandpaper and a length of copper wire. The Mg ribbon was 2

placed on a paper towel and the oxide coating of the Mg

ribbon was carefully sanded. The cleaned Mg ribbon was Table 1. Experimental data
weighed at approximately 0.02xx grams and its mass was
recorded. The Mg ribbon was carefully wrapped around the Trial Mass (g) Volume (mL) Temperature
end of the copper wire. The uncalibrated portion of the
1 0.0240 27.40 33
obtained 50 mL burette was measured using another burette. 2 0.0287 32.05 32
Distilled water was initially poured into the burette and 10 3 0.0224 25.60 32
mL of 6 M HCl aqueous was cautiously poured into the
initially filled burette using a funnel, then distilled water Table 2. Gas constant calculation data
was added until it reaches the brim of the burette. The
copper wire with the Mg ribbon on one end was hanged Trial Pressure Moles Gas Constant Percent
inside the open end of the burette, then a cork or stopper was H2 (atm) (10-4) L - atm Error
( )
inserted into this end to hold it in place, the burette was mol-K
inverted quickly into a large beaker with three-fourth 1 0.948 9.87 0.08595 4.742
distilled water. Clamp the inverted burette on a burette 2 0.951 11.81 0.08458 3.071
stand. The reaction will occur as soon as the acid diffuses 3 0.951 9.22 0.08656 5.483
down the tube and reaches the Mg ribbon. Hydrogen gas
was generated, it fills the burette by forcing the water out of
the tube and into the beaker via water displacement until no Conclusion
Mg ribbon is left and no further gas is formed. If the Mg The average value of gas constant obtained from the
ribbon breaks free, make sure that all its entirety will still experiment is close to the universal one from the existing
react. Once all the Mg ribbon has reacted, make sure the literature with a relative percent error of 4.43 percent. The
burette is in an accurately vertical position, and record the methods in conducting the experiment present a reliable
solution level. The level difference between the water level sense in measuring a gas constant, considering that the
inside the burette and the level of the water inside the beaker number of moles of the gas was obtained through firstly
was recorded. Temperature was measured using weighing the mass of the magnesium strips then applying
thermometer into the beaker that was filled with water after stoichiometric calculation; its pressure was acquired from
two to three minutes after the reaction of Mg ribbon and the the recorded atmospheric pressure minus the water vapor
acid was completed. Three replicates of the experiment were pressure; the volume occupied by the gas; and the room
done. temperature was taken. After all the aforementioned
processes were performed, the gas constant R can then be
Results and Discussion attained through the ideal gas law equation. Apparently,
there could be a method providing a more accurate outcome
however, it is not further recommended inasmuch as the
3.1 Gas constant current experimentation delivered proper data to arrive on a
desirable result.
Title of the conference

[1] Jacques Charles. (2020, February 27). Retrieved from
[2] Boyle’s law. (2020, March 2). Retrieved from
[3] The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2019,
December 12). Avogadro's law. Retrieved from
[4] Libretexts. (2019, June 5). Gas Laws: Overview.
Retrieved from
[5] (n.d.). Retrieved from
[6] Gas constant. (n.d.). Retrieved from
[7] Libretexts. (2019, June 5). The Ideal Gas Law. Retrieved
[8] (n.d.). Retrieved from http://hyperphysics.phy-
[9] Libretexts. (2019, June 5). 10: Experimental
Determination of the Gas Constant (Experiment).
Retrieved from
[10] Keenan J.H., e. a. (2003). Properties of Saturated Steam
and Water (Steam Table), SI Units. In C. J.
Geankoplis, Transport Process and Separation
Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations) 4th
Edition (pp. 962-963). MInnesota: Pearson

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