Predictors of Mesh Infection and Explantation After Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair

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The American Journal of Surgery (2017) 213, 50-57

Clinical Science

Predictors of mesh infection and explantation

after abdominal wall hernia repair
José Bueno-Lledó, Ph.D.*, Antonio Torregrosa-Gallud, Ph.D.,
Angela Sala-Hernandez, M.D., Fernando Carbonell-Tatay, Ph.D.,
Providencia G. Pastor, M.D., Santiago B. Diana, M.D.,
José I. Hernández, M.D.

Surgical Unit of Abdominal Wall, Department of Digestive Surgery, Politecnic ‘‘La Fe’’ Hospital,
University of Valencia, Valencia, 46008, Spain

KEYWORDS: Abstract
Mesh infection; BACKGROUND: The main objective was to identify predictive factors associated with prosthesis
Mesh explantation; infection and mesh explantation after abdominal wall hernia repair (AWHR).
Biofilm; METHODS: This is a retrospective review of all patients who underwent AWHR from January 2004
Abdominal wall to May 2014 at a tertiary center. Multivariate analysis identified predictors of mesh infection and
hernia; explantation after AWHR.
Hernia repair; RESULTS: From 3,470 cases of AWHR, we reported 66 cases (1.9%) of mesh infection, and 48
Prosthesis infection repairs (72.7%) required mesh explantation. Steroid or immunosuppressive drugs use (odds ratio
[OR] 2.22; confidence interval [CI] 1.16 to 3.95), urgent repair (OR 5.06; CI 2.21 to 8.60), and post-
operative surgical site infection (OR 2.9; CI 1.55 to 4.10) were predictive of mesh infection. Predictors
of mesh explantation were type of mesh (OR 3.13; CI 1.71 to 5.21), onlay position (OR 3.51; CI 1.23 to
6.12), and associated enterotomy in the same procedure (OR 5.17; CI 2.05 to 7.12).
CONCLUSIONS: Immunosuppressive drugs use, urgent repair, and postoperative surgical site infec-
tion are predictive of mesh infection. Risk factors of prosthesis explantation are polytetrafluoroethylene
mesh, onlay mesh position, and associated enterotomy in the same procedure.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

The use of the prosthesis in the abdominal wall hernia The risk of infection in AWHR appears to be higher than
repair (AWHR) has introduced new problems. Although other clean cases, but there is a wide range reported from
mesh has reduced hernia recurrence rates, it has its own 1% to 10%2 depending on the type of mesh, technique, and
set of complications. So, infection is one of the most patient population. Infection of abdominal wall prostheses
devastating complications after the implantation of any can have grave and costly consequences and severe impact
mesh.1 on the patient’s life because of prolonged hospitalizations
and multiple reinterventions and very elevated social costs.3
So, these are an incentive to explore any and all means that
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. might reduce the incidence of mesh infection.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 134-651-525-437; fax: 963-425-301.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Over the years, numerous types of prosthesis have been
Manuscript received November 19, 2015; revised manuscript March developed to provide greater strength and lower recurrence
16, 2016 rates, and at the same time, the risk of infection and other

0002-9610/$ - see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Bueno-Lledó et al. Mesh infection and explantation after hernia repair 51

complications have been decreased.4 Some known risk included postoperative SSI and history of previous surgical
factors for mesh infection have been reported: prolonged debridement. Hernia characteristics collected included emer-
operative time and type of mesh are the predictive factors gency repair, number of previous hernia repairs, type of
in heterogeneous series of groin hernia repairs or repair, drain use, concomitant repair (where another proce-
AWHR.5–7 On the other hand, postoperative surgical site dure was performed at the same time, such as enterotomy
infections (SSIs) or concomitant intra-abdominal proce- and ventral hernia repair), recurrent hernia, and hernia
dures have been related to mesh explantation in hernia location. In addition, the type of removed mesh and any
repair.8 But no previous study has been conducted consid- related intraoperative or postoperative complications were
ering factors relating the mesh infection and explantation also noted.
following AWHR together. Patients were followed up at 1 month, 3 months, and
The main purpose of this retrospective study was to 1 year after surgery (and subsequent annual reviews). Long-
identify the incidence, etiologies, and independent predictors term readmission or referral to another hospital was
associated with prosthesis infection and mesh explantation checked through the hospital database.
after AWHR. In the statistical analysis, a commercial software pro-
gram (SPSS, version 20.0) was used. Univariate analysis
was performed using Student t test to explore quantitative
Methods variables and ‘‘chi square’’ (or Fisher test) if they were
dichotomous. Univariate variables with significance values
A retrospective review was performed of all patients P less than .05 were included in a logistic regression anal-
who underwent AWHR from January 2004 to May 2014 at ysis, identifying independent predictors of mesh infection
a tertiary center. Only patients admitted for hernia repair and explantation, expressed in terms of ‘‘odds ratio’’
with prosthesis were considered. Patients with laparoscopic (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). The significance
hernia repair were excluded. level was P less than .05.
Prosthetic infection was diagnosed when pathogenic
organisms were found in the periprosthetic fluid obtained
by surgical drainage or percutaneous puncture using ultra-
sound. Minor infections, such as cellulites, that could be
Over the 10-year study period (January 2004 to May
treated with antibiotics alone were not included in the mesh
2014), 3,470 AWHR were performed at our hospital. At a
infection group. Patients who underwent subsequent mesh-
related infection were compared with patients without median of 50.6 months (range 14 to 85 months) of
postoperative follow-up, we reported 66 cases of mesh
infection: all factors related to mesh infection were
infection and 48 repairs (72.7%) required mesh explanta-
collected by retrospective revision of clinical data.
tion. The overall infection rate in AWHR was 1.9%.
The treatment of prosthetic infection consisted on
antibiotics according to antibiogram, percutaneous drainage,
or standard wound debridement under general or local Mesh infection
anesthesia. If the infection remained, despite these measures,
the prosthesis was removed. Mesh explantation was defined Characteristics were distributed equally in the subgroups
as any surgery where the prosthesis was partially or with and without prosthetic infection (Table 1). The average
completely removed in a subsequent procedure. Reasons age of the mesh infection group was 55.3 6 21.6 years, and
for abdominal reoperation and mesh explantation were the population was predominantly women (53.1%). Sixteen
documented. Further analysis of patients who required patients were diabetic, 50.5% had hypertension, and 13.5%
complete or partial mesh removal after the index surgery had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Approximately,
was compared with patients who did not require it. All 9% (307 of 3,404) of repairs were performed in patients
patients maintained prophylactic antithrombotic (subcu- with immunosuppressive therapy, mainly hepatic and kidney
taneous enoxaparin) and prophylactic dose of antibiotic at transplantation; of them, 5.4% (16 of 307) of patients devel-
the moment of mesh implantation. Patients who needed oped mesh infection. BMI superior to 30 was observed in 49
surgery of mesh explantation received antibiotic therapy cases (74.2%). Almost half of patients smoked at the
according to previous antibiogram. moment or had a history of using tobacco (46.9%).
Demographic variables including patient’s age and sex According to the type of hernia repair, we found mesh
were collected. The following medical comorbidities were infection in 6 patients with Lichtenstein repair (9% of
reported: body mass index (BMI), chronic obstructive pul- repairs with prosthesis infection), 2 patients with Rutkow–
monary disease, steroid use, immunosuppression, diabetes Robbins technique (3%), 5 cases in Rives–Stoppa technique
mellitus, smoking history, and American Society of Anes- (7.5%), 11 patients in component separation technique
thesiologist score. Types and sizes of mesh were identified (16.6%), 15 cases in preperitoneal repair (22.7%), and 27
using physician-abstracted operative notes and we further cases with Chevrel technique (40.9%).
classified into onlay, underlay, or inlay. Microbiology data In 22 patients, intestinal resection was planned in a
were collected on all patients. Additional variables of interest concomitant procedure with the ventral hernia repair
52 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol 213, No 1, January 2017

Table 1 Predictors of mesh infectiondunivariate and multivariate analyses

No mesh infection Mesh infection
group (%) group (%) Multivariate
Variables N 5 3,404 n 5 66 Univariate P OR (95% CI) Multivariate P
Age (mean 6 SD) 53.6 6 25.5 55.3 6 21.6 .116 1.21 (.91–1.49) .121
Male 1,528 (44.8) 31 (46.9) .241 2.14 (.97–4.69) .072
Female 1,976 (55.2) 35 (53.1)
.30 1,290 (37.8) 49 (74.2) .002 1.56 (.68–2.75) .093
%30 2,114 (62.2) 17 (25.8)
Yes 851 (25) 31 (46.9) .001 1.06 (.38–2.67) .930
No 2,553 (75) 35 (53.1)
Yes 667 (19.6) 16 (24.2) .089 1.82 (.96–3.46) .067
No 1,737 (80.4) 50 (75.8)
Steroid or immunosuppressive drugs use
Yes 291 (8.5) 16 (24.2) .020 2.22 (1.16–3.95) .016
No 3,113 (91.5) 50 (75.8)
ASA class
I–II 2,561 (75.2) 47 (71.2) .420 .55 (.19–1.57) .254
III–IV 843 (24.8) 19 (28.8)
Previous abdominal wall hernia repair
Yes 786 (23.1) 17 (25.7) .272 1.06 (.42–2.45) .098
No 2,218 (76.9) 49 (74.3)
Hernia defect location (EHS class.)
Groin hernia 1,801 (52.9) 8 (12.1) .060 1.12 (.74–2.33) .059
Midline hernia/umbilical hernia 1,358 (39.9) 54 (81.8)
(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5)
Lateral hernia (L1, L2, L3, L4) 245 (7.2) 4 (6.1)
Case status
Urgent 177 (5.1) 9 (13.6) .001 5.06 (2.21–8.6) .001
Elective 3,227 (94.9) 57 (86.4)
Type of repair
Lichtenstein 1,399 (41) 6 (9) .234 1.66 (.32–2.89) .088
Rutkow–Robbins 502 (14.7) 2 (3)
Rives–Stoppa 258 (7.5) 5 (7.5)
Preperitoneal technique 295 (8.6) 15 (22.7)
Component separation 298 (8.7) 11 (16.6)
Chevrel technique 652 (19.2) 27 (40.9)
Operative time in previous repair
,90 min 1,913 (56.1) 10 (15.1) .003 2.11 (.89–4.32) .056
91–179 min 1,036 (30.4) 22 (33.3)
.180 min 455 (13.5) 34 (51.6)
Mesh position
Overlay 2,025 (59.4) 55 (83.4) .017 2.01 (.55–3.89) .062
Underlay (preperitoneal/retromuscular) 1,335 (39.2) 11 (16.6)
Intraperitoneal 44 (1.4) 0
Type of prosthesis
PPL 2,408 (70.7) 42 (63.6) .231 .90 (.31–1.99) .122
PTFE/dual mesh 483 (14.1) 18 (27.2)
PVDF 319 (9.3) 3 (4.5)
Polyester 169 (4.9) 1 (1.5)
Biologic 25 (.8) 2 (3)
Prosthesis size
Standard (6 ! 11 cm; 7 ! 15 cm) 2,175 (63.8) 14 (21.2) .001 1.23 (.55–2.35) .099
Large (15 ! 15 cm: 20 ! 15 cm) 568 (16.6) 23 (34.8)
(continued on next page)
J. Bueno-Lledó et al. Mesh infection and explantation after hernia repair 53

Table 1 (continued )

No mesh infection Mesh infection

group (%) group (%) Multivariate
Variables N 5 3,404 n 5 66 Univariate P OR (95% CI) Multivariate P
Very large (20 ! 30 cm; 661 (19.6) 29 (44.0)
30 ! 30 cm or more)
Enterotomy (concomitant procedure)
Planned (intestinal resection 20 (.6) 2 (3) .002 1.41 (.45–3.20) .058
and hernia repair)
Unplanned 28 (.7) 4 (6.1)
no 3,356 (98.6) 60 (90.9)
Drain use
Yes 1,505 (44.2) 25 (37.8) .342 .69 (.23–1.43) .721
No 1,899 (55.8) 41 (62.2)
(Postoperative) Surgical wound infection
Yes 349 (10.2) 26 (39.3) .001 2.9 (1.55–4.10) .002
No 3,055 (89.8) 40 (60.7)
Statistically significant results are indicated in bold.
ASA 5 American Society of Anesthesiologist; BMI 5 body mass index; CI 5 confidence interval; EHS class. 5 European Hernia Society classification;
OR 5 odds ratio; PPL 5 polypropylene; PTFE 5 polytetrafluoroethylene; PVDF 5 polyvinylidene difluoride; SD 5 standard deviation.

(partial or complete colectomy in 18 cases and small bowel interval between mesh infection and reoperation to mesh
surgery in 4 cases). In 32 patients, enterotomy was removal was 7.3 months (range 1 to 16 months). The most
unplanned: 20 cases with intestinal perforation during common reasons for mesh explantation on univariate
adhesiolysis of the hernia sac and 12 urgent cases that analysis were BMI greater than 30 (P 5 .002), steroid
needed intestinal resection and prosthetic hernia repair. and immunosuppressive drugs use (P 5 .002), hernia defect
On univariate analysis, risk factors associated to mesh location (P 5 .047), operative time in previous repair
infection were BMI greater than 30 (P , .002), smoking greater than 180 minutes (P 5 .019), urgent repair (P 5
(P , .001), steroid or immunosuppressive drugs use .001), polytetrafluoroethylene mesh (P 5 .002), onlay posi-
(P , .020), urgent repair (P , .001), operative time in pre- tion (P 5 .001), and concomitant enterotomy (P 5 .002;
vious repair greater than 180 minutes (P , .003), onlay mesh Table 3).
position (P , .017), very large prosthesis size (P , .001), On multivariate analysis, the independent predictors of
concomitant enterotomy with hernia repair (P , .002), and mesh explantation because of infection were type of mesh
postoperative surgical wound infection (P , .001). (OR 3.13; CI 1.71 to 5.21, P 5 .001), onlay position
On multivariate analysis, immunosuppressive drugs (OR 3.51; CI 1.23 to 6.12, P 5 .003), and associated enterot-
use (OR 2.22; CI 1.16 to 3.95, P 5 .016), urgent repair omy in the surgical procedure (OR 5.17; CI 2.05 to 7.12, P 5
(OR 5.06; CI 2.21 to 8.60, P 5 .001), and development .001). So, adjusting for covariates, AWHR with expanded
of a postoperative SSI (OR 2.9; CI 1.55 to 4.10, P 5 polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) placed during an open
.002) were predictive of mesh infection. There was no repair were associated with a 3-fold increase in the hazard
difference in the infection rate among repairs of primary of mesh explantation compared with other variables. Patients
and recurrent hernias, prosthesis type, operative time, undergoing a concomitant enterotomy with prosthetic repair
type of repair, drain use, hernia defect location, obesity, were 5 times more likely to undergo subsequent mesh
or other comorbidities.
The types of contaminating organisms identified on
the infected mesh are listed in Table 2. Overall, gram- Table 2 Contaminating organisms identified on the infected
positive organisms were found in 78.6% and gram-
negative organisms in 21.4%. Eight of the 66 patients Microbiology Number of patients (%)
had polymicrobial infections. Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus aureus 29 (43.3)
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) MRSA 12 (18.2)
were the most common organisms, which were found in Staphylococcus epidermidis 10 (15.1)
61.5%. Escherichia coli 6 (9.1)
Anaerobic/Enterococcus 9 (13.6)
Pseudomona 4 (6)
Mesh explantation Proteus 4 (6)
Klebsiella 2 (3)
From 66 patients with mesh infection, we identified 48
MRSA 5 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
(72.7%) who required subsequent mesh explantation. The
54 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol 213, No 1, January 2017

Table 3 Predictors of mesh explantationdunivariate and multivariate analyses

Mesh No mesh
explantation explantation Multivariate
Variables n 5 48 n 5 18 Univariate P OR (95% CI) Multivariate P
Age (mean 6 SD) 56.9 6 22.8 53.1 6 19.4 .135 .51 (.11–1.03) .876
Male 20 (41.6) 7 (38.8) .252 2.01 (.77–3.61) .092
Female 28 (58.4) 11 (61.2)
.30 40 (83.3) 9 (50) .002 1.2 (.28–2.76) .343
%30 8 (16.7) 9 (50)
Yes 23 (48) 8 (44.4) .123 1.11 (.38–2.31) .076
No 25 (52) 10 (55.6)
Yes 11 (22.9) 5 (27.7) .091 1.48 (.76–3.21) .322
No 37 (72.1) 13 (72.8)
Steroid or immunosuppressive drugs use
Yes 15 (31.2) 1 (5.5) .022 2.22 (.36–4.91) .066
No 33 (68.8) 17 (94.5)
Average time of mesh infection in months 11.1 6 8.3 10.2 6 7.9 .320 .55 (.19–1.57) .688
since the previous mesh implantation (SD)
Previous abdominal wall hernia repair
Yes 3 (6.2) 5 (27.7) .061 1.11 (.32–2.11) .087
No 43 (89.5) 11 (61.1)
Hernia defect location (EHS class.)
Groin hernia 2 (4.2) 6 (33.3) .047 1.12 (.74–2.33) .434
Midline hernia/umbilical hernia 44 (91.6) 10 (55.6)
(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5)
Lateral hernia (L1, L2, L3, L4) 2 (4.2) 2 (11)
Wound infection 30 (62.5) 11 (61.1) .123 1.96 (.88–3.32) .909
Chronic sinus 16 (33.3) 6 (33.3)
Mesh extrusion 2 (4.2) 1 (5.5)
Operative time in previous repair (min)
,90 5 (10.4) 5 (27.7) .019 2.01 (.55–3.89) .104
91–179 12 (25) 10 (55.6)
.180 31 (64.5) 3 (16.6)
Case status
Urgent 8 (16.6) 1 (5.5) .001 .55 (.23–1.1) .072
Elective 40 (83.4) 17 (94.5)
Type of mesh
PPL 27 (56.2) 15 (83.3) .004 3.13 (1.71–5.21) .001
PTFE/Dualmesh 17 (35.4) 1 (5.5)
PVDF 2 (4.2) 1 (5.5)
Polyester 0 1 (5.5)
Biologic 2 (4.2) 0
Mesh position in hernia repair
Onlay 44 (91.6) 11 (61.1) .001 3.51 (1.23–6.12) .003
Sublay 4 (8.4) 7 (38.9)
Intraperitoneal 0 0
Prosthesis size
Standard (6 ! 11 cm; 7 ! 15 cm) 4 (8.4) 10 (55.6) .061 1.9 (.55–3.33) .089
Large (15 ! 15 cm: 20 ! 15 cm) 19 (39.5) 4 (22.3)
Very large (20 ! 30 cm; 30 ! 30 cm or more) 25 (52.1) 4 (22.3)
Enterotomy (concomitant procedure)
Planned (intestinal resection and hernia repair) 3 (6.2) 0 .001 5.32 (2.1–7.43) .001
Unplanned 3 (6.2) 0
(continued on next page)
J. Bueno-Lledó et al. Mesh infection and explantation after hernia repair 55

Table 3 (continued )

Mesh No mesh
explantation explantation Multivariate
Variables n 5 48 n 5 18 Univariate P OR (95% CI) Multivariate P
No 42 (87.5) 18 (100)
(Postoperative) surgical wound infection
Yes 21 (43.7) 5 (27.7) .023 .09 (.12–1.95) .080
No 27 (56.3) 13 (72.3)
Drain use
Yes 40 (83.3) 14 (77.7) .111 .65 (.23–1.12) .434
No 8 (16.7) 4 (22.3)
Statistically significant results are indicated in bold.
BMI 5 body mass index; CI 5 confidence interval; EHS class. 5 European Hernia Society classification; OR 5 odds ratio; PPL 5 polypropylene; PTFE 5
polytetrafluoroethylene; PVDF 5 polyvinylidene difluoride; SD 5 standard deviation.

explantation, in multivariate analysis. There was no associa- relates to the fibroblastic response of the organism to the
tion among comorbidities, prosthesis size, or postoperative polymer of the implanted mesh, which results in the devel-
surgical wound infection and subsequent explantation. opment of a thick fibrous capsule surrounding the mesh.
Consequently, when an infection is established, this capsule
restricts the penetration of antimicrobial agents into the in-
Comments fected mesh.16
Long-lasting infections on surgical meshes are consid-
Infection of a mesh results in increased patient ered as consisting of multiple different bacterial strains.6,17
morbidity because of secondary operations, impaired Most of our infections (78.6%) involved gram-positive or-
wound healing, functional loss of the abdominal wall, and ganisms, and S. aureus and MRSA were the most common
significantly extended hospital stay.9 With the high use of organism, which were found in 61.5%. This fact can sug-
synthetic materials for hernia repair, the number of patients gest that skin/deeper SSI was the root cause of some of
who will suffer such infections is likely to increase. It is the mesh infections. This is in agreement with other re-
because of this great morbidity that everything must be ported series in the literature that showed these organisms
done to prevent infection in these patients. Therefore, the as the predominant pathogen in incisional hernia mesh
study of risk factors in the mesh infection and explantation infections.16,17 According to these findings, any patient
after AWHR is essential to try to minimize its impact. who presents a mesh infection after an AWHR should be
In our cohort of patients followed for a median of placed on an antibiotic with activity against MRSA and
50.6 months, the overall mesh infection rate was 1.9%, and gram positives.18 On the other hand, our data set showed
of them, 72.7% underwent subsequent abdominal reopera- that 27% of infections were caused by gram-negative
tion and mesh explantation after AWHR. The literature organisms (mainly Enterobacteriaceae) and 24% were
reports a very wide range of infection rates for AWHR from polymicrobial. These data are higher than reported previ-
.5% to 30%,3,10 and mesh explantation in cases of pros- ously,9 possibly because of the frequent association of
thetic infection after AWHR is common.11 The time frame abdominal surgery with enterotomy and AWHR in our
from hernia repair to mesh infection in our series was group: of the 54 patients operated jointly, 6 had mesh
10.3 months (range 1 to 29 months) and the interval be- infection (11.2%).
tween mesh infection and reoperation to mesh removal In our analysis, treatment with corticosteroids or immu-
was a median of 7.3 months (range 1 to 16 months). This nocompromised agents represents a predictor of mesh
is in agreement with other authors, who have described infection but not explantation. This factor is important
the onset of infection of the mesh with a striking delay of because of significant incidence of incisional hernia repairs
up to 39 months after implantation, because of the after kidney, pancreatic, or hepatic transplantation.4 Her-
continuing presence of bacteria from the introduction dur- nias after abdominal organ transplantation are of particular
ing surgery onward.12,13 In most cases, the bacteria are pro- concern as patients are placed on immunosuppressive med-
tected from the immune response of the host and antibiotics ications postoperatively, which may increase the risk of in-
by a biofilm.14 cisional hernia formation because of an associated
This biologic response to surgically implanted prosthetic impairment in the wound healing process. In fact, to pro-
materials has been extensively studied.15 The initial reac- duce an overall reduction in the immune response, this
tion, characterized by acute inflammatory cell infiltration, medication also facilitates the development of bacterial bio-
is gradually replaced by fibroblasts (which infiltrate film, an essential factor in resistance of micro-organisms to
through the interstices of porous meshes) and a variable antibacterial mechanisms; bacteria secrete a sort of polymer
number of giant cells. The most important of these reasons gel within which they become encased and which protects
56 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol 213, No 1, January 2017

them from antibacterial agents and is a source of persistent coverage by muscle and fatty tissue protects against
or chronic infection.14 infection.27 This is supported by the low infection rate after
Our findings show that urgent repair and postoperative hernia repair by the preperitoneal technique or laparoscopic
SSI predispose mesh infection but not explantation. Other approach, from 0% to 3%.28 In our study, laparoscopy was
studies identified that SSI was associated with mesh an exclusion criteria because we have no experience in this
infection and removal; however, postoperative outcomes procedure. We have made fewer than 30 cases during the
to predict mesh explantation are not clinically useful.7,19 A study period, and we believe that the results from this anal-
distinction must be made between superficial wound infec- ysis would not be significant.
tion and deep graft infection. In case of superficial infec- Several main approaches to the prevention of mesh
tion, it occurs in the early postoperative period and do infection have been used; however, no definitive recom-
not seem to be influenced by the use of mesh. Combination mendation can be made in favor of the use of prophylactic
of antibiotics (for cellulitis) and drainage (for subcutaneous antibiotics (systemic or topical) in hernia repair.29 As our
collection) may result effective, and in these circumstances, study, clinical routine still uses a single prophylactic dose
removal of the prosthesis may not be necessary for com- of systemic antibiotics at the moment of implantation
plete healing.6 to prevent biomaterial-centered infections in the recov-
Therefore, we show that mesh explantation after ering patient. Unfortunately, there is little direct clinical
prosthesis infection is significantly more likely after evidence to base recommendations when implantable
repairs involving planned concomitant surgery on the mesh is used.30
gastrointestinal tract than those using ePTFE-containing Mesh coating has been a subject of research for a long
mesh products or those with onlay repairs. Clinical studies time. However, human studies on the efficacy of antibiotic-
that have been published on infection rates of abdominal coated mesh in the prevention of mesh infection would be
wall implants demonstrate that the incidence of infection difficult to carry out as a large number of participants will
depends heavily on the type of mesh and surgical be required to demonstrate a statistically significant
technique applied.6,7 According to our study, the type of result.31 Although our group did not use these materials,
prosthesis does not affect the appearance of prosthetic the wound can be rinsed with an antibiotic-containing solu-
infection but influences the need of explantation. So, tion, starting immediately after the dissection of the hernia
ePTFE and dual meshes need complete removal to solve sac. In randomized trials who underwent inguinal hernia
the chronic infection, whereas 36% of polypropylene repair, there were no deep infections after the application
(PPL) meshes does not require reoperation to remove of a single dose of cefamandole directly to the wound32
them. or gentamicin placed on the mesh in vivo33 or in vitro.34
PPL meshes show infection rates ranging from 2.0% to But at the present time, these measures are best reserved
4.2%.20,21 In contrast, ePTFE shows more wide-ranging for patients at high risk of infection, such as diabetic and
infection rates ranging from .5% to 9.2% when an open obese patients. A more recent study showed that diclofenac
surgical approach is used,22 and only up to 3% when and ibuprofen in the concentration obtained in vitro in the
a laparoscopic approach is used.23,24 In our experience, serum limit the formation of biofilm by S. aureus and E.
all meshes have the potential to become infected. coli35: the effect of isolates incubation in the medium
Although there is still not enough data in the literature with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was the decrease
to suggest that one material is far superior to another, it of the number of bacteria adjacent to the PPL surface.
has reported that conservative treatment (drainage and Finally, more important than the choice of antibacterial
antimicrobial agents only) allowed mesh preservation in is the observance of strict asepsis during mesh preparation
most of polyester or PPL meshes but not in infected and implantation.30 In recent years, we have applied
ePTFE ones.2,5 preventive measures such as careful and meticulous surgi-
The microporous surface of the ePTFE allows bacterial cal technique, avoiding bruises and dead spaces with suc-
contamination, but leukocytes cannot invade the 10-mm tion drains, manipulating the prosthesis as little as
pores.25 This fact may explain the pathophysiology of possible, avoiding direct contact between prosthesis and
chronic infections and later presentations that can be seen the skin, changing gloves when inserting the prosthesis,
with this mesh. An infected ePTFE patch should, therefore, preventing foreign bodies, and monitoring the state of
be removed early and the necessarily developing hernia the wound edges. It remains clear that bacterial contami-
recurrence should be closed later.13 Like other series,5,6,26 nation of the prosthesis happens during its initial
our data showed that, except in one case, all contaminated implantation.7
ePTFE patches had to be removed. So, AWHR with ePTFE In conclusion, infection has become one of the most
placed during an open repair were associated with a 3-fold prevalent and challenging complications in AWHR. Steroid
increase in the hazard of mesh explantation compared with or immunosuppressive drugs use, urgent repair, and devel-
other variables. opment of a postoperative SSI are predictive of mesh
Onlay mesh position is a predictive factor for mesh infection. Risk factors of explantation are polytetrafluoro-
explantation. Some authors have speculated that a reduction ethylene mesh, onlay mesh position, and associated enter-
in exposure to skin flora and the thickness of wound otomy in the same procedure.
J. Bueno-Lledó et al. Mesh infection and explantation after hernia repair 57

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