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GROUP: 203


Pollution is anything that makes our environment dirty. It render our land, water and air harmful
for the living being. It has increased over the course of human progress, especially during the past
The major causes of pollution in today’s world are industries, burning of fossil fuels, garbage,
sewage, smoke etc. In essence, in all forms it threatens the life over this planet earth.
The pollution today is entirely man made. Many things that mankind has created or invented during
the past century, are the actual causes of increase in global warming. For example, the pesticides,
chemicals, poisonous substances to kills weeds and insects etc.
This is a serious global problem. Nothing is immune from its impacts. It has spread to far and
wide. Every part of our world has started to face the grave impacts of pollution.


The water that we drink a natural gift of God. The pure drinking water is essential for living a
healthy, stronger and prosperous Life. It refers to the fact that the water that we drink is
contaminated. It contains many harmful substance into it. The dangerous materials or elements
found in water bodies are due to the pollution spread by mankind everywhere.
Water pollution is the sad reality of the world today. The substances that make the water dirty
include :
1. Sewage of cities that fills the water bodies directly.
2. The waste from Industries that directly discharges into the water bodies.
3. Other substances into water bodies due to the pollution of soil or environment.
Nowadays, the sea pollution becomes a serious problem for the whole world. When technology in
this world grows to be more advance, the sea pollution will become more serious. Sea pollution
can cause many different problems. The problem inside that is damage the health and well of
humans, plants and animals. Water from the sea is the primary source used by the human, animals
and plants. So the sea is polluted will affect the organism in the sea and human was eating the
organism in the sea. This will make the origination of serious disease to human and animals. When
this problem was happen, this is damage the ecosystem in whole world.
The first cause that leads to sea pollution is oil spill. The factory of petroleum often pollutes water;
this is the mistake of human that they cannot control the oil spill from the factory.
The second cause that leads to sea pollution is chemical pollution. Usually this type of pollution
is making by the unconscionable human. Some of the factory waste out released into the sea.
Everyday there are many case of this type pollution.
Another cause is the sewage. There are many country was built the sewage pipeline because the
human thought that the sea would reduce the sewage. If there are too much sewage discards into
the sea, this will pollute the sea. In this modern world, there are many countries in development.
As conclusion, the causes of sea pollution are oil spill, chemical pollution and sewage. Those will
make many effects, which are marine pollution, hypoxia and water quality.


Test 34 Education

2-5 years old : play school, nursery
5-12/13 years old : junior school
12/13-18 years old: secodary comprehensive school, grammar school
18+ years old : college, university, further
1. false
2. true
3. true
4. true
5. false
6. false
7. false
8. false

1. resit
2.do, revising
3. pass, grades, continuosassement, mark
4. skip
5. did


1. School leaving age

2. Grants
3. Secondary school
4. Lecturer or tutor
5. Evening classes

1. Nipped in the bud

2. A budding poet
3. Grass roots
4. The rootof the problem
5. To reap rewards
6. To take roots
7. The seeds of discontent


1. To go back to his roots

2. Firmly rooted in the west of England
3. Toook some time to take root
4. Sowed the roots
5. A number of branches
6. She put down some roots
7. Took root from her interest in mountain climbing
8. Hundred budding actors every year

Fade-> lose color and strenght
Shrivel-> dry up , lose volume
Flourish-> do very well , look strong and healthy
Sprout-> poliferate, lots of new grouth
Germinate-> start to grow succesfully
Weed out-> remove what if felt to be negative
Prune back-> cut back ,trying to improve results on the long term
Wilt-> lose vitality
Reap-> gather the results of what you worked for
Wither-> cause bad feelings , gradually die

1. Budding- friendship , singer, dancer

2. Flourishing – partnership , friendship, business
3. Withering – heart, field of flowers ,, ability
4. Fading - sun, light , feelings
5. Deeply rooted- person,ideas, grass


1.my anxiety
2. when you learn all night for an exam
3. my friendship with a special person
4. when I had to leve England

1. It means a teacher likes me

2. It means it may be filled with mold
3. It means someone lives luxuriously
4. ME! It means it’s a lazy person.:)


1. All that carbon dioxide emissions from cars and factories are a major problem.
2. These flowers here are an endangered species,so it’s illegal to pick them .
3. A lot of wild animals have to survive in shrinking habitats.
4. Most of Patagonia is represented by pristine enviroments .
5.We have to look after finite resources.
6.If uncotroled deforestation continues, there will be no forests left ten years from
7.Burning fossil fuels cause a lot of polution.
8.The sea will get higher due to global warming.
9. Increasing populations shown by demographic projections endageres economic
10. Ecological balance is very delicate.

Noun – climate -> Adjective- climatic

Noun- demography->Adjective- demographic ->Adverb - demographically
Noun- project ->Verb- project- > Adjective- projectable
Noun- sustainer-> Verb- sustain->Adjective – sustenable-> Adverb –sustainingly


1. Boom and gloom – doom and gloom

2. Attainable development- sustainable development
3. Worst place scenery- worst case scenario
4. Greenhouse affect- greenhouse effect
5. Green potentials – green credentials

1. Amphibians- creatures wich live on land and water
2. threaneted species – endagered species
3. 1. Human greed

4. threts


1 population

3.3. Human population

1 result
2 resources
3 grow

3.4. Global Warming

1 issue
2 consequences
3 droughts

3.5. Lack of water

1 issues
2 enough
3 parts


1 produces
2 polluted
3 produces
4 controversial


1 expanding
2 incorect
3 global


1 soil
2 caused
3 transportation


1 worldwide
2 sollution
3 safe


1 explanation
2 forests
3 fuel
4 supports
5 threatned


Argue-> argument
Recycle-> recycling
Achieve-> achievement
Aware-> awareness
Pollute-> polution
Burn-> burning
Involve-> involvement
Appear-> appearance
Improve-> improvement
Distant-> distance
Consume-> Consumtion
Contribute-> contribution
Press-> pressure
Organise-> organisations
Develop-> deelopment
Produce-> production


Ever-> whenever
Depend-> independence
Consider-> consideration
Solve-> solution
Dramatic-> dramatically
Difficult-> difficulty
Pollute-> pollution
Poison-> poisonous
Wide-> widened
Increase-> increasing
Former-> formerly
Pave-> pavements
Park-> parked
Entertain-> entertainment
Convenience-> convenient
Sad-> saddened
Free-> freedom
Wait-> waiting
Grass-> grassy
Scape-> landscape

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