Unit 9: Preserving The Environment: A-Phonetics

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I- Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. allergy B. announcement C. evidence D. principle
2. A.composer B. invention C. position D.submarine
3. A.employment B. violence C. pesticide D.influence
4. A.property B.solution C.advantage D.pollutant
5. A.chemical B.erosion C.charity D.neighbourhood
6. A.disposal B.depletion C.volunteer D.assignment
Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box.
Forest loss threats ecosystems clearing
Habitats use farms fauna demand
Agriculture is a major land (1)………………… Around 50% of the world’s habitable land
has already been converted into farming land. Agricultural (2)…………………… provide
important (3)……………… for many wild plant and animal species. This is especially the
case for traditional farming areas that cultivate diverse species.
However, rising (4)…………………… for food and other agricultural products has seen
large – scale (5)…………….. of natural habitats to make room for farming.
Recent examples include the conversion of lowland (6)……………….. in Indonesia into oil
palm plantations, and of large areas of the Amazon rainforest and Brazilian savanna to
soybean and cattle (7)………………
This ongoing habitat (8)………………………… threatens entire ecosystems as well as
many species. Expanding oil palm plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia, for example, pose
the most significant (9)…………….. to endangered (10)…………… including Asian
elephants, Sumatran rhinoceros, and tigers.
II. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the sentences.
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1. Air –conditioning systems have chlorofluorocarbon that is one of the well – known
environmental……………….( pollute)
2. ……………..of hotels, recreation and other facilities often leads to increasing sewage
pollution ( construct)
3. Waste water has polluted seas and lakes surrounding tourist…………….damaging the
flora and fauna. ( attract).
4. The Earth’s natural resources should be consumed at a………………level. (sustain)
5. Dealing with resource…………….requires a broad range of strategies. (deplete)
6. Experts predict that the world’s rain forests could completely disappear in 100 years at the
current rate of……………( deforest)
7. Mining is an extractive industry, often with huge……………and social impacts.
8. In the 1990’s, public……………..of preserving the environment began to develop.
9. A great ………………..would be to start planting small gardens on the roofs of the
buildings in the cities. (solve)
10. With approximately 4 billion trees being cut down………..to satisfy the world’s need for
paper alone, preserving the………… of forests continues to be an important ………………
(annual – deplete – prior)
III. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
Protecting Biodiversity
Protecting biodiversity is now very essential since biodiversity is crucial for reducing
climate pollution. If we don’t protect biodiversity, the effects could be as harmful as the
effects of global (1)………… itself. This is especially true with tropical (2)……………..
they are critical to fighting climate change and (3)……………… to more species than any
other ecosystem type. In other words, protecting biodiversity is essential for our well –
being, and biodiversity helps to (4)……………. the nature. Biodiversity is an important part
of sustainable development. As we know, sustainable development is considered as a major
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target for industry as well as planning system. However, the only (5)……………. to achieve
this target is to protect biodiversity. Tiny plants that grow also absorb large (6)…………. of
carbon dioxide. That is why protecting biodiversity is essential.
In fact, biodiversity protection is very much important since biodiversity is a fundamental
component of (7)………. on Earth. It creates complex (8)…………… that could never be
reproduced by humans. The (9)…………………of that biodiversity is immeasurable, and
thus must be protected. Finally, we both want and need biodiversity. We continue harming
the natural environment without realizing the impact. We should be aware (10)………….
protecting biodiversity.
IV. Change the following sentences in direct speech to reported speech.
1. Nam’s father said to him, “ Think about packing before you buy products”
2. Mr Tuan said to his students, “ Turn off lights and other electrical devices when you
don’t need them”.
3. Mai said to Anna, “ Don’t buy any products made from wildlife skins.”
4. Mai said to Nick, “ Don’t buy wood products from rainforest countries unless you
know they come from eco-friendly suppliers."
5. Mary said to Kevin. “ Join an organization or an Internet group that is working to
protect rainforests or wildlife.”
6. Mai’s mother said to her, “ When you finish unpacking your groceries, save the bags
and use them to collect your rubbish.”
7. Anna said that, “Comics, newspapers and magazines can become wrapping paper.”
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8. Nam said that, “ Pesticides can cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment
because they are designed to skill or affect living organisms.”
9. The scientist said that, “ Trees and vegetation give us the oxygen that we breathe
while they also help to absorb carbon dioxide which is released into the air.”
10. Kevin said that, “ Plastics do not break down very easily which create a landfill
I. Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.
Birds and Their Nests
Birds differ in their behavior just as much as their physical traits. They even use very
different methods to build their nests. Some bird nests have the art of architecture beyond
our imagination. Birds build their nests in many different places and environments. Some
live on high branches, some live in bushes and some of them even nest on the ground. Birds
use their nests mainly to hatch their eggs and raise their offspring.
Because of the destruction of trees, plants, bushes, ect., these birds are losing their habitats
and breeding grounds. There is a great lack of optional breeding areas for birds. Proper
breeding areas for birds are decreasing at an alarming rate. Nowadays, it is hard for birds to
find even the space to build nests.
Some birds build nests on naturally formed tree hollows on ancient trees. But unfortunately,
there are very less old trees left in our country except rural areas. Ducks are going towards
extinction because they build their nest on old trees using the hollows, and we have almost
no such trees. We know that birds play an invaluable and irreplaceable role in nature.
We should not destroy or harm any bird’s nest. We can teach our children to observe birds
and nests and how they take care of their eggs. If we can encourage our children like this, it
will be a great start to their education.We need to let people know how to keep enough open
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space around their homes where birds will feel safe. This is not just for the birds; it will help
us too. We will gain more in the long run if we preserve the forests for our leisure and for
animals and birds.
Task 1: Match a word in column B, writing the answer in each blank.
1. Traits (n) A. The best possible
2. Offspring(n) B. Empty space in something
3. Optional (adj) C. Particular characteristics
4. Hollows (n) D. Extremely useful
5. Invaluable(adj) E. The young of an animal
Task2: Read the passage again, and answer the questions below.
6. Where do birds build their nests?
7. What do birds build their nests for?
8. What is the effect of deforestation on birds?
9. What can we teach our children in order to protect birds?
10. What can people do to preserve birds?
II. Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.
River Pollution
River pollution occurs when pollutants are not removed from sewage and are discharged into
the river. River water is a very important source of freshwater required to sustain life.We
need a constant supply of fresh water for drinking, cooking and washing. Animals living
near the river, as well as fishes and aquatic plants, also depend on clean river water.
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When heavy rainfall occurs, pollutants accumulated within the boundaries of the catchment
area may be washed into river channels. These pollutants include a variety of agronomicals
like fertilizers and insecticides.
Waste water containing cleaning detergents, oil and other pollutants like industrial waste
may be discharged into the river channels through our drainage systems. Industrial waste
may contain sulfur, resulting in increasing the activity of the river water. Sometimes, rubbish
such as plastic bags and bottles, are also washed into the river channel.
Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column b, writing the answer
in each blank.
1.Sustain (v) A. ( about an animal or a plant) living in water
2.Aquatic (adj) B. To increase over a period of time
3.Accumulate(v) C. The area from which rain flows into a river or a
4.Catchment area (np) lake
5.Channel (n) D. A part of a river
E. To keep somebody or something alive or healthy
Task2: Read the passage again, and answer the questions below.
6.When does river pollution occur?
7.What is the important role of fresh water to humans and animals?
8.What happens when heavy rainfall occurs in a polluted area?
9.How may waste water be discharged into the river?
10What is the effect of industrial waste on the environment?
III: Read the passage carefully, and answer the questions below.
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Environmental Impacts of Tourism

Negative impacts from tourism occur when the level of visitor use is greater than the
environment’s ability to cope with this use. It can put enormous pressure on an area and lead
to impacts such as soil erosion, increased pollution, discharges into the sea, natural habitat
loss, increased pressure on endangered species and heightened vulnerability to forest fires.
Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most critical natural resources. The tourism
industry generally overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and
personal use of water by tourists. This can result in water shortages and degradation of water
supplies, as well as generating a greater volume of waste water.
Golf course maintenance can also deplete fresh water resources. In recent years, golf tourism
has increased in popularity and the number of golf courses has grown rapidly. Golf course
require an enormous amount of water every day and, as with other cause of excessive
extraction of water, this can result in water scarcity.
Tourism can create great pressure on local resources like energy, food, and other raw
materials that may already be in short supply. Because of the seasonal character of the
industry, many destinations have ten times more inhabitants in the high season as in the low
season. A high demand is placed upon these resources to meet the high expectations of
tourists for proper heating, hot water, ect.
In areas with high concentrations of tourist activities and appealing natural attractions, waste
disposal is a serious problem. In mountain areas, trekking tourists generate a great deal of
waste. Tourists on expedition leave behind their garbage, oxygen cylinders and even
camping equipment. Some trails in the Peruvian Andes and in Nepal frequently visited by
tourists have been nicknamed “Coca – Cola trail” and ‘Toilet paper trail”
1. When do environmental impacts of tourism occur?
2. What impacts does tourism cause in an area?
3. What effects does the tourism industry leave on water sources?
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4. Why are golf courses harmful to the environment?
5. Why can tourism create great pressure on local resources?
6. Why do some trails in the Peruvian Andes and in Nepal have the nickname of “ Coca-
Cola trail” or ‘ Toilet paper trail”?
Use the given words/ phrases to make sentences about erosion. You have to add some
words or make some changes when necessary.
1. Agriculture/ use/ soils and water/ resource/ food production.
2. At/ same time/ it / impact/ these resources.
3. Agriculture production/ continue/ rely/ inorganic fertilisers/ pesticides.
4. Inappropriate farming practices/ lead/ soil erosion/ nutrient loss.
5. Soil erosion/ removal/ soil/ wind and water.
6. Erosion/ lead/ soil degradation/ eventually complete destruction
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