Space Frame Design

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International Conference on Innovative and Smart Structural Systems for Sustainable Habitat (INSHAB-

2008). Coimbatore,03–05 January 2008


Dr. Bayar Jafar Alsulayfani a, Tarek Edrees Saaed b
Professor, College of Engg. - University of Mosul – Iraq, e-mail: [email protected]
Assistant Lecturer, College of Engg. - University of Mosul – Iraq,
e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Space frame are used commonly to cover large span areas such as stadium, aircraft hangars.
Three types of elements shapes are used to analyzed the roof with different parameters ( structural
modeling frame or truss, span of frame, element shape, element size, element depth ) to obtain the
maximum deflection and the weight of steel required to construct the roof. STAAD PRO software is used
to analysis and design the structure. This research aims to conclude a practical relationship between
element size and depth of element for any space frame span, in addition, to establish another statistical
relationship between all studied parameters to show the significant of each parameter on the design of the
structure expressed in form of histograms.

Key words: Roofing system; Space frame; Steel structures; Large span trusses.

A growing interest in space frame structures has been witnessed worldwide over the last half
century. The search for new structural forms to accommodate large unobstructed areas has
always been the main objective of architects and engineers. With the advent of new building
techniques and construction materials, space frames frequently provide the right answer and
satisfy the requirements for lightness, economy, and speedy construction. Significant progress
has been made in the process of the development of the space frame. A large amount of
theoretical and experimental research programs was carried out by many universities and
research institutions in various countries. As a result, a great deal of useful information has been
disseminated and fruitful results have been put into practice. In the past few decades, the
proliferation of the space frame was mainly due to its great structural potential and visual beauty.
New and imaginative application so space frames are being demonstrated in the total range of
building types, such as sports arenas, exhibition pavilions, assembly halls, transportation
terminals, airplane hangars, workshops, and warehouses. They have been used not only on long-
span roofs, but also on mid- and short-span enclosures as roofs, floors, exterior walls, and
canopies. Many interesting projects have been designed and constructed all over the world using
a variety of configurations. Some important factors that influence the rapid development of the
space frame can be cited as follows:
First, the search for large indoor space has always been the focus of human activities.
Consequently, sports tournaments, cultural performances, mass assemblies, and exhibitions can
be held under one roof. The modern production and the needs of greater operational efficiency
also created demand for large space with a minimum interference from internal supports. The
space frame provides the benefit that the interior space can be used in a variety of ways and thus
is ideally suited for such requirements. Space frames are highly statically indeterminate and their
analysis leads to extremely tedious computation if by hand. The difficulty of the complicated
analysis of such systems contributed to their limited use. The introduction of electronic
computers has radically changed the whole approach to the analysis of space frames. By using
computer programs, it is possible to analyze very complex space structures with great accuracy
and less time involved. Lastly, the space frame also has the problem of connecting a large
number of members (sometimes up to 20) in space through different angles at a single point. The
emergence of several connecting methods of proprietary systems has made great improvement in
the construction of the space frame, which offered simple and efficient means for making
connection of members. The exact tolerances required by these jointing systems can be achieved
in the fabrication of the members and joints .


If one looks at technical literature on structural engineering, one will find that the meaning of the
space frame has been very diverse or even confusing. In a very broad sense, the definition of the
space frame is literally a three-dimensional structure. However, in a more restricted sense, space
frame means some type of special structure action in three dimensions. Sometimes structural
engineers and architects seem to fail to convey with it what they really want to communicate.
Thus, it is appropriate to define here the term space frame as understood throughout this research.
It is best to quote a definition given by a Working Group on Spatial Steel Structures of the
International Association: A space frame is a structure system assembled of linear elements so
arranged that forces are transferred in a three-dimensional manner. In some cases, the constituent
element may be two-dimensional. Macroscopically a space frame often takes the form of a flat or
curved surface.
A space frame is usually arranged in an array of single, double, or multiple layers of
intersecting members. Some authors define space frames only as double layer grids. A single
layer space frame that has the form of a curved surface is termed as braced vault, braced dome, or
latticed shell. Occasionally the term space truss appears in the technical literature. According to
the structural analysis approach, a space frame is analyzed by assuming rigid joints that cause
internal torsions and moments in the members, whereas a space truss is assumed as hinged joints
and therefore has no internal member moments. The choice between space frame and space truss
action is mainly determined by the joint-connection detailing and the member geometry is no
different for both .

Space frames can behave as hinged skeletons (i.e., space truss), or as rigid space frames, both of
them are studied here for three spans in each case. Three types of models (elements) with
different sizes have been studied:
Figure (1) explains the shape of these elements, while table (1) shows the element’s dimensions
a: which represent length of element , D : represent Depth of element.


Element (3) Element (2) Element (1)

Fig. (1) Elements Shape.

Table (1): Element Dimensions.

Structural Elements Studied Spans

Analysis Used Span = 30 m Span = 60 m Span = 120 m
Type Element Size (m) Element Size (m) Element Size (m)
D a1 a2 a3 D a1 a2 a3 D a1 a2 a3
as a frame Elements 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 5 . 0 5.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
(1) & (2) 1.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 7 . 5 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
& (3) 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 10.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 20.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 12.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 25.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
as a truss Elements 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 5 . 0 5.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
(1) & (2) 1.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 7 . 5 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
& (3) 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 10.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 20.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 12.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 25.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Total Number Of Solution =

The structural analysis for the structure has been carried considering the structure as space frame
and space truss for three spans (30.0 m, 60.0 m, 120.0 m) as shown in fig. (2) below using
STAAD PRO2006 software for structural analysis to obtain the maximum expected deflection for
the structure and to design the structure for all cases using the facility of (Group command) in the
software for top chord member, bottom chord member and web to obtain the optimum weight of
the structure.

120.0 m 60.0 m 30.0 m

120.0 m 60.0 m 30.0 m

Fig. (2) General Roof Layout.
The aim of this research is to study some parameters (variables) which believed to affect the
design of space frame or space truss structures and to determine the percentage of influence of
each variables on the maximum deflection & total steel weight of structure, this will be done by
the statistical analysis of results obtained using the Multiple Regression Analysis with SPSS 13.0
Software. The results of structural analysis and design have been statistically analyzed and the
results shown in table (2).
Table (2): Statistical Analysis Results.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Dependent Variables standardized Standardized
Cases R2 Sigma Sign. Rem.
Variable Entered Coefficients Coeff. (ts)
Span 112.052 1.298 0.000
Steel Model 250.250 0.063 0.100 NS
Weight of Size 0.851 0.001 -279.658 -0.530 0.000
Roof Depth 33.073 0.076 0.321 NS
Case (constant) -3891.386
(1) Span 7.691 2.060 0.000
Model 13.347 0.078 0.046 NS
Deflection Size -10.758 -0.472 0.000
0.846 0.001
of Roof Depth -20.601 -1.090 0.000
(constant) -59.423
Span 114.271 1.265 0.000
Steel Model 249.681 .060 0.113 NS
Weight of Size 0.854 0.001 -257.261 -0.466 0.000
Roof Depth 26.466 0.058 0.443 NS
(constant) -4028.310
Span 7.577 2.045 0.000
Model 12.458 0.073 0.093 NS
Size 0.807 0.001 -10.809 -0.477 0.000
of Roof
Depth -20.829 -1.110 0.000
(constant) -66.803
Span 113.162 1.28 0.000
Model 249.965 0.062 0.021
Size -268.460 -0.497 0.000
Weight of
Depth 0.852 0.001 29.770 0.067 0.211 NS
Case 134.750 0.020 0.444 NS
(constant) -66.803
Span 7.634 2.047 0.000
Model 12.903 0.075 0.009
Size -10.784 -0.473 0.000
Depth 0.827 0.001 -20.715 -1.097 0.000
of Roof
-19.722 -0.071 0.015
(constant) -33.530
In which:
Col. (1) ( Cases ) : represent type of data set used for statistical analysis :
1. Truss: analysis results of structure modeled as space truss which
is assumed as hinged joints and therefore has no internal
member moments.
Frame: analysis results of structure modeled as space frame
which is assumed as rigid joints that cause internal torsions and
moments in the members.
Truss & Frame: Statistical analysis for the results of space truss, space
frame together to show how much this assumption affects the results.
Col. (2) (Dependent Variable) : Target variables.
Col. (3) (Variables Entered) : Studied variables.
Col. (4) (R2) : Coefficient of determination.
Col. (5) (Sigma) : Significant level of equation.
Col. (6) (Un standardized Coefficients (B)): Coefficients for the equations
Col. (7) (standardized Coefficients (ts)): Coefficients to evaluate influence of each variable
Col. (8) ( Significant ) : To measure the significant of each variable

Col. (9) ( Remarks ) :

The Un standardized Coefficients of column (6) table (2) can expressed in form of equations as
shown below:
For Truss:

Wt.ST=112.052*(Span) +250.25*Element-279.658*(Size)+33.073*(Depth)-3891.386 …(1)

Def. =7.691*(Span) +13.347*Element-10.758*(Size)-20.601*(Depth)-59.423 …(2)

For Frame:

Wt.ST =114.271*(Span) +249.681*Element-257.261*(Size)+26.466*(Depth)-4028.310 …(3)

Def.=7.577*(Span) +12.458*Element-10.809*(Size)-20.829*(Depth)-66.803 …(4)

For Truss & Frame:

Wt.ST =113.162*(Span) +249.965*Element-

268.46*(Size)+29.770*(Depth)+134.750*(TR(1) or FR(2))-4161.973 …(5)

Def. =7.634*(Span) +12.903*Element-10.784*(Size)-20.715*(Depth)-19.722*(TR(1) …(6)

or FR(2))-33.530
(a): structural analysis as space truss. (a): structural analysis as space truss.

(b) : structural analysis as space frame. (b) : structural analysis as space frame.

(c) : structural analysis as space frame & space truss. (c) : structural analysis as space frame & space truss.
Fig.(4) : Statistical analysis for the results obtained Fig.(3) : Statistical analysis for the results
from structural analysis of structure to show obtained from structural analysis of structure to
significant of each variable on Steel weight. show significant of each variable on deflection.
R Square = 0.896 R Square = 0.874

(d) : Space Truss - Span 120 m. (a) : Space Frame- Span 120 m.

R Square = 0.51 R Square = 0.903

(e) : Space Truss - Span 60 m. (b) : Space Frame - Span 60 m.

R Square = 0.794 R Square = 0.885

(f) : Space Truss - Span 30 m. (c) : Space Frame - Span 30 m.

Fig. (5): Relation between size of element, depth of element
and deflection of structure.
1. The studied variables ( span, model, size, depth and truss or frame really affect the design of
structure ( through weight of steel & deflection of structure ) about 80% - 85% as explained
in table (2)-Col.(4) and the remaining 20% -15% may be due to another unstudied factors.
2. The significant of each variables (compared to other variables) is explained in fig.(3) &
fig.(4) which show that the depth of element is more significant than element size in
deflection calculation while the matter is reverse in steel weight calculations, also analysis
approach (assumption), as a space frame or as a space truss is significant for deflection but
not significant for steel weight calculations.
3. The relation between deflection, size of element and depth of element is shown in figure(5) ,
the relation may be expressed in form of equations as follows :

For Truss:
Span 30.0 m:
Z =646.303-104.833*X-386.078*Y+35.5*X*X-7.0*X*Y+81.778*Y*Y …(7)
Span 60.0 m:
Z =513.325-9.793*X-59.513*Y+0.887*X*X-0.696*X*Y+2.658*Y*Y …(8)
Span 120.0 m:
Z =1380.744-24.99*X-72.271*Y+0.77*X*X-0.539*X*Y+1.742*Y*Y …(9)
For Frame:
Span 30.0 m:
Z =463.006-100.7*X-222.289*Y+33.333*X*X-4.933*X*Y+43.111*Y*Y …(10)
Span 60.0 m:
Z =513.325-9.793*X-59.513*Y+0.887*X*X-0.696*X*Y+2.658*Y*Y …(11)
Span 120.0 m:
Z =1395.366-25.397*X-76.423*Y+0.733*X*X-0.491*X*Y+1.828*Y*Y …(12)

Z: represent desired deflection for proposed roof.

X: represent depth of used element.
Y: represent size of used element.

1. Tien T. Lan, 1999. “Structure engineering handbook”. Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC.
2. Schueller Wolfgang, 1982. “Horizontal-Span Building Structures”. John wiley & sons,
New York.
3. STAAD PRO2006 software manual,
4. Adrian Gheorghiu and Virgil Dragomir, 1978. “Geometry of structural forms”. applied
science publishers LTD , London.

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