Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures: Xiaoming Huang, Mengyao Ma, Li Cheng, Lizhao Liu

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Physica E 115 (2020) 113701

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Hydrogenated ψ-graphene: Band gap engineering and optical properties

Xiaoming Huang a, Mengyao Ma a, Li Cheng b, Lizhao Liu b, c, *
School of Ocean Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin Campus, Panjin, 124221, China
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin Campus, Panjin, 124221, China
Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams (Dalian University of Technology), Ministry of Education, Dalian, 116024, China


Keywords: Hydrogen passivation was predicted to be an effective method to open the band gap of ψ-graphene by the density
ψ-graphene functional theory calculations. A critical H coverage of ~60% was found, above which the hydrogenated
Hydrogen passivation ψ-graphene opens a band gap. The band gap can be tailored within a wide range of 0–3.57 eV by changing the H
Band gap engineering
coverage. Meanwhile, the opened band gap brings the hydrogenated ψ-graphene different optical properties from
Optical property
the pristine ψ-graphene. Generally, the ψ-graphene possesses the major absorption peaks similar to graphene,
except for the redshift of sub-π peak features caused by the pentagons and heptagons. However, hydrogen
passivation can result in quite different optical properties from the pristine ψ-graphene for both the absorption
peaks and delay. As the H coverage decreases, the absorption coefficient of the hydrogenated ψ-graphene drops
independently on the light polarization. Particularly, the absorption delay will be improved during removing the
H atoms due to lowering of band gap, which is useful for selective optical absorption.

1. Introduction within 0.72 eV [13]. Band gap engineering by doping is closely related
to the dopants and doping density. Some dopants can increase the band
In the fabrication and application fields of graphene, pentagons and gap but some will lead to a gap decrease instead [14]. The surface
heptagons are usually regarded as defects, which may play prominent passivation is an effective way to tailor the band gap of graphene
roles on the properties of graphene [1–4]. However, recent predictions through introducing sp3 carbons. It was suggested that hydrogen
show that pentagons and/or heptagons can even serve as building blocks passivation can continuously open the band gap of graphene up to
for novel two-dimensional (2D) carbon nanomaterials, such as 4.66 eV at the fully H-passivated configuration, i.e. graphane [23].
penta-graphene [5], phagraphene [50] or ψ-graphene [6], and The opened band gap of graphane also brings the different optical
Stone-Wales graphene [7], just like the cases (e.g. carbon nanotorus and properties from its graphene precursor. For in-plane polarization (E ? c),
carbon nanocoil) in carbon nanotubes [8]. The penta-graphene the absorption spectrum indicates an optical metallicity of graphene
completely composes of pentagons with coexistence of sp2 and sp3 car­ with a singularity at zero frequency [24,25], but shows a semi­
bon atoms, exhibiting a large indirect band gap above 2.2 eV [5,9,10] conducting property of graphane [26–28]. Moreover, the absorption
and a negative Poisson’s ratio of 0.068 [5]. On the other hand, the peaks of graphane shift a lot away from these of graphene for both the
ψ-graphene and Stone-Wales graphene are formed of pentagons, hexa­ in-plane and out-of-plane (E k c) light polarization. The main absorption
gons and heptagons with only sp2 carbons. Quite different from the peaks of graphane locate at 9.8 and 11.7 eV for E ? c, and 6.8 and
penta-graphene, the ψ-graphene is metallic due to no sp3 carbons. 13.2 eV for E k c [27], away from those of graphene (4 and 14 eV for E ?
The metallicity of ψ-graphene limits its applications in electronics c, and 11 and 14 eV for E k c) [24]. Besides, transition from valence band
and optoelectronics. Therefore, band-gap engineering is essential to maximum to conduction minimum is forbidden for the graphane since
ψ-graphene. As for band-gap engineering of graphene, there are several the absorption is zero in the band gap region [27]. Thus, band gap en­
possible methods, such as strain [11–13], doping [14–18], introducing gineering is also important for the optical applications of
vacancies, and surface adsorption [19,20] or passivation [21–23]. Both graphene-based materials.
the uniaxial and shear strains can open the band gap of graphene Inspired by the band-gap engineering of graphene by hydrogen
through shifting the Dirac cones, but only result in a small band gap passivation, employing the density functional theory (DFT) we

* Corresponding author. School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin Campus, Panjin, 124221, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Liu).
Received 3 July 2019; Received in revised form 27 August 2019; Accepted 2 September 2019
Available online 3 September 2019
1386-9477/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Huang et al. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 115 (2020) 113701

Fig. 1. Schematic to show the process of exploring the stable model of ψ-graphane from adding one (a) and two (b) H atoms to twelve H atoms (c). The inequivalent
carbon atoms are highlighted in grey different color depths, and the hydrogen atoms are highlighted in light blue. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

investigated the hydrogenated ψ-graphene, aiming to tailor the elec­ k. Then, the adsorption coefficient a(ω) can be further obtained from the
tronic and optical properties of ψ-graphene by hydrogen passivation. It ε(ω) by the following equation:
was found that hydrogen passivation is an effective approach to open the
�pffiffi � �qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi �1=2
band gap of ψ-graphene in a wide range and brings different optical aðωÞ ¼ 2 ω ε1 ðωÞ2 þ ε2 ðωÞ2 ε1 ðωÞ : (4)
properties, which should be useful for the application of ψ-graphene in
nanodevices. So far, the DFT method has been greatly improved and proven to be
one of the most accurate methods to calculated the properties of most
2. Computational methods solids, including the electronic [35–37], thermoelectric [38–40], and
optical [41–45] properties. Thus, the theoretical results presented here
Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) [29] based on the are reliable and useful to the real applications of ψ-graphene.
plane-wave pseudopotential technique was employed for the DFT cal­
culations. The exchange-correlation interaction was described by the 3. Results and discussion
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional within the general gradient
approximation (GGA) [30] and the ion-electron interaction was treated 3.1. Structural models
with the PAW pseudopotential [31,32]. The Monkhorst-Pack k-mesh
grid [33] of 0.01 Å 1 and a well-tested value of 520 eV for kinetic energy Based on idea of hydrogenated graphene [23], we first explored the
cutoff were used to ensure the convergence of total energy. To avoid the stable model of fully hydrogenated ψ-graphene through comparing the
interaction between the structure and its periodic images, a vacuum binding energy (Eb), which is defined as:
thickness of ~18 Šwas adopted. All the structural models were fully ��
relaxed using the conjugate gradient algorithm until the force on each Eb ¼ Ehydrogenated ψ graphene Eψ graphene nEH n; (5)
atom was less than 0.01 eV Å 1 and the energy was converged to
10 6 eV. Based on the equilibrium structures, both the electronic and where Ehydrogenated ψ -graphene, Eψ -graphene and EH are the total energies of
mechanical properties of hydrogenated ψ-graphene were calculated by hydrogenated ψ-graphene, ψ-graphene and an isolated H atom respec­
using the same scheme. tively. The n is the number of H atoms in the hydrogenated ψ-graphene.
The optical properties were calculated using the linear response Similar to the definition of graphane, the fully hydrogenated ψ-graphene
method within the random phase approximation (RPA) approach with is called ψ-graphane hereafter.
including changes of the Hartree and the exchange correlation potential According to Li et al.’s report [6], there are four inequivalent carbon
[34]. The dielectric function ε(ω) can be written as: atoms in the unit cell of ψ-graphene, as labeled by C1, C2, C3 and C4 in
Fig. 1. To find the optimal sites for adding H atoms, we first placed one H
εðωÞ ¼ ε1 ðωÞ þ iε2 ðωÞ: (1) atom in the four inequivalent sites separately. It was found that C1, the
one shared by a pentagon and a heptagon, is the best site for adding one
The real part ε1 ðωÞ in form of the 3 � 3 Cartesian tensor εαβ was
H atom with a binding energy of 2.68 eV/atom, as illustrated in
calculated by:
Fig. 1a. Afterwards, we put two H atoms in different sites. The two H
Z ∞ εð2Þ ’ ’ atoms prefer to locate at two neighbor carbon atoms up and down,
2 αβ ðω Þω
αβ ðωÞ ¼ 1 þ P dω’ ; (2) agreeing well with the case of graphane [21,46]. As a result, there are
π ω ’2 ω2
five possible structures for adding two H atoms, with the two H atoms in

where P is the principal value. On the other hand, The imaginary part (C1, C1), (C1, C2), (C2, C3), (C2, C4) and (C3, C4) respectively. Through
comparing the binding energy, the structure with H atoms siting in (C2,
ε2 ðωÞ in form of the 3 � 3 Cartesian tensor εð2Þ
αβ was obtained from the
C3) is the most stable one with a binding energy of 3.09 eV/atom
equation of states [34]:
among the five structures, as shown in Fig. 1b. According to the rule of
4π 2 e2 1 X up-and-down H pairs, we finally obtain the stable structure of
αβ ðωÞ ¼ lim 2w!δðεc! εv! ωÞ � ⟨uc! ! ju !⟩
k þe q v k ψ-graphane will fully covered H atoms with a binding energy of
Ω q→0 q2 ! k k k α

c;v; k (3) 3.59 eV/atom, as shown in Fig. 1c. It can be noticed that due to the
� ⟨u ! ! juv! ⟩* ; existence of pentagons and heptagons in ψ-graphane, some H atoms
c k þ e βq k
must lie in the same side, but still form the up-and-down patterns be­
where Ω is the volume of the primitive cell, q is the magnitude of the tween two neighbor sameside H pairs, as marked by a red oval in Fig. 1c.
Bloch vector of the incident wave ! q , c and v correspond to the con­ To investigate the effect of H coverage, we started from a 4 � 4
! ψ-graphane supercell of 100% H coverage, which has 192 C atoms and
duction and valence band states, k is the Bloch wave vector, ! e α and !
eβ 192 H atoms, i.e. C192H192. Then, the hydrogenated ψ-graphene with
are the unit vectors for the three Cartesian directions, w! is the k-point different H coverages can be obtained by removing the H atoms. As
weight, and u is the cell periodic part of the wavefunction at the k-point mentioned above, there are two kinds of H pairs, lying up and down and

X. Huang et al. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 115 (2020) 113701

generated 10 structures. After optimization, two optimal structures with

low energy were kept for further study of electronic properties.

3.2. Electronic properties

To demonstrate the role of H coverage on tailoring the band gap of

ψ-graphene, the electron density of states (DOS) of hydrogenated
ψ-graphene models with different H coverages were calculated. As
shown in Fig. 3a, the ψ-graphane at 100% H coverage is an insulator
with a large band gap of 3.57 eV. No defect states were found near the
Fermi energy. This indicates that hydrogenation is an efficient way to
tune the electronic properties of ψ-graphene, making the metallic
Fig. 2. Schematic to remove the sameside H pairs row by row. Each row of ψ-graphene be insulating. Further removing the H atoms will decrease
sameside H pairs were masked in shadow. By removing one to four rows of the band gap. In particular, the H coverage of 60.4% is a critical point.
sameside H pairs, the hydrogenated ψ-graphene models with the chemical For the hydrogenated ψ-graphene at 60.4% H coverage, the most stable
formulae C192H176, C192H160, C192H144, and C192H128 were obtained.
one among the 10 randomly generated structures is metallic, as shown in
Fig. 3b, but the second stable one is semiconducting with a small band
in the same side. It was found that the energy cost of removing one gap of 0.58 eV, as shown in Fig. 3c, which is only 0.005 eV/atom higher
sameside H pairs was 0.04 eV/atom lower than removing one up-and- in binding energy than the most stable one. After this critical point, the
down H pairs. Moreover, removing two neighbor sameside H pairs hydrogenated ψ-graphene with lower H coverage is always metallic.
like the case highlighted by red oval in Fig. 1c is easier than removing We further plotted the relationship between the band gap and the H
one sameside H pairs. Therefore, we first removed the sameside H pairs coverage to illustrate a clear dependence of band gap on the H coverage,
row by row. In the 4 � 4 ψ-graphane supercell, there are four rows of as presented in Fig. 3d. It can be noticed that once removing one row of
sameside H pairs. By removing them row by row, the structural models sameside H pairs, the band gap drops sharply from 3.57 eV at 100% H
with H coverages of 91.7% (C192H176), 83.3% (C192H160), 75% coverage to 2.31 eV at 91.7% H coverage, with a decrease ratio of 35%.
(C192H144), and 66.7% (C192H128) can be obtained respectively, as pre­ Continuously removing the sameside H pairs leads to a gentle decrease
sented in Fig. 2. Further decreasing the H coverage will remove the up- of band gap from 2.31 eV at 91.7% H coverage to 2.16 eV at H coverage
and-down H pairs. In this case, following the work on hydrogenated of 66.7% with only 7% decrease. However, during further removing the
graphene [23], the Monte Carlo method was adopted to randomly up-and-down H pairs, the band gap drops dramatically again from
removed the up-and-down H pairs. For each H coverage, we randomly 2.16 eV at H coverage of 66.7% to ~1.50 eV at 63.5% H coverage.

Fig. 3. DOS of the hydrogenated ψ-graphene with different H coverages (a–c) and band gap dependence on the H coverage (d). The Fermi energy is set to be zero.

X. Huang et al. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 115 (2020) 113701

Fig. 4. Imaginary part of dielectric function (Imε) of the ψ-graphene and ψ-graphane for E ? c (a) and E k c (b), as well as the DOS of the ψ-graphene (c) and
ψ-graphane (d).

Particularly, the H coverage of 60.4% is a critical point where the hy­ Fermi level [6]. Since the long range pentagon/heptagon defects only
drogenated ψ-graphene begins to be metallic. Below this critical H play remarkable roles below the π plasmon energy [49], the 14 eV peak
coverage, the hydrogenated ψ-graphene structures will be metallic, such contributed by σ→σ* transition of graphene is well kept in ψ-graphene.
as the one with an H coverage of 55.2%. Previously, it was found that the Moreover, the Imε of ψ-graphene is similar to the cases of B/N-doped
hydrogenated phagraphene with 60% H coverage has a band gap graphene [25], which can be simply understood by considering the
ranging from 2.65 to 0 eV depending on the structural details [51]. pentagon as B doping and heptagon as N doping. On the other hand, due
Therefore, the critical H coverage predicted here is quite consistent with to the hydrogen passivation in ψ-graphane, the absorption peaks shift a
that in hydrogenated phagraphene. lot from those of ψ-graphene in E ? c. As shown in Fig. 4a, the two
In general, H passivation is an effective way to tailor the band gap of absorption peaks of ψ-graphane locate at 10.7 and 12.7 eV, with a
ψ-graphene, which can achieve continuous gap opening up to 3.57 eV. blueshift to those (9.8 and 11.7 eV) of graphane [27]. From the DOS
The tunable band gap of hydrogenated ψ-graphene makes it promising presented in Fig. 4d and the reported data of graphane [27], we can infer
in electronics and optoelectronics. that the peak at 10.7 eV is due to the electron transition of C 2p and H 1s
orbitals to C 2p orbitals, and the one at 12.7 eV originates from the
electron transition of C 2s, C 2p and H 1s orbitals to C 2p orbitals.
3.3. Optical properties Then, for E k c shown in Fig. 4b, the Imε of graphene has two peaks at
11 and 14.5 eV originated from π→σ* and σ→π* transitions respectively,
In addition to the band gap engineering, we also considered the ef­ also consistent with previous reports [24,25,47]. The prominent ab­
fect of H coverage on the optical properties of hydrogenated ψ-gra­ sorption in the frequency of the ψ-graphene ranges from 10 to 18 eV,
phene. First, the imaginary part of dielectric function (Imε) was plotted with three peaks at 11, 13 and 16 eV. According to the DOS of the
to study the optical absorption properties of both the ψ-graphene and ψ-graphene in Fig. 4c, we can infer that the peak at 11 eV mainly roots
ψ-graphane, as well as the graphene for comparison. As shown in Fig. 4a, from the electron transition of C 2pz orbitals to C 2s, C 2px and C 2py
for E ? c, the Imε of graphene shows two pronounced peaks at 4 and 14 orbitals, which is believed to be π→σ* transition [24]. Then, the peaks at
eV, which originated from π→π* and σ→σ* interband transitions sepa­ 13 and 16 eV come from the electron transition of C 2s, C 2px and C 2py
rately [24]. The calculated Imε of graphene agrees well with previous orbitals to C 2pz orbitals, which is σ→π* transition [24]. Compared with
reports [24,25,47], indicating the validity of our method. The Imε of graphene, the electron localization [6] induced by pentagon-heptagon
ψ-graphene generally resembles the feature of graphene with two main defective rings may cause the relative high intensity of 16 eV peak in
peaks at 2.6 and 14 eV. From the DOS shown in Fig. 4c, the peak at ψ-graphene, similar to the cases of local field effects [24]. In addition,
2.6 eV results from the electron transition of C 2pz orbitals to C 2pz or­ the ψ-graphane has two peaks located at 6.8 and 13.5 eV, which are the
bitals, which is due to π→π* interband transition [24]. Then, the peak at same as the case of graphane [27]. From the DOS of ψ-graphane shown
14 eV is mainly contributed from the electron transition of C 2s, C 2px in Fig. 4d, the peak at 6.8 eV is mainly resulted from the electron tran­
and C 2py orbitals to C 2s, C 2px and C 2py orbitals, corresponding to sition from the higher occupied C 2p orbitals to the lower unoccupied C
σ→σ* interband transition since the σ electrons come from sp2 hybrid­ 2p orbitals. Then, the 13.5 eV peak mainly comes from the electron
ization [24]. However, compared with the 4 eV peak from π→π* tran­ transition from the lower occupied C 2p and H 1s orbitals to the C 2p
sition of graphene, the 2.6 eV peak of ψ-graphene shows a prominent orbitals. However, compared with graphane, the relative intensity of
redshift. This redshift can be explained by the topology-induced reso­ 8.5 eV peak in ψ-graphane is degraded due to incorporation of penta­
nant π states due to existence of pentagons and heptagons in ψ-graphene gons and heptagons, similar to the effect of Stone-Wales defects [28].
[48], as indicted by the increased in the local density of states near the

X. Huang et al. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 115 (2020) 113701

Fig. 5. Absorption coefficient of the hydrogenated ψ-graphene with different H coverages for E ? c (a) and E k c (b).

Particularly, in the band gap area (3.57 eV) of ψ-graphane, the Imε is and 14 eV from σ→σ* interband transition for E ? c, and with peaks at
zero for both the E ? c and E k c, which implies there is no direct 11 eV from π→σ* transition and 14.5 eV from σ→π* transition for E k c.
transition from the valence band maximum to the conduction band However, hydrogen passivation can lead to quite different optical
minimum, agreeing well with graphane [27]. Besides, significant ab­ properties. The absorption peaks of the ψ-graphane shift a lot from those
sorption delays can be observed, which are 2.8 eV for E ? c and 1.4 eV of the pristine ψ-graphene for both the in-plane and out-of-plane po­
for E k c. Also, the different optical response for E ? c and E k c indicates larization. As the H coverage decreases, the absorption coefficient of the
the optical anisotropy of ψ-graphane. hydrogenated ψ-graphene drops for both the E ? c and E k c. Especially,
Afterwards, absorption coefficient spectra of the hydrogenated the absorption delay is remarkable reduced during lowering the H
ψ-graphene with different H coverages were presented to show the effect coverage. Therefore, the tunable electronic and optical properties of
of H coverage on the optical properties. As shown in Fig. 5a, for E ? c, ψ-graphane by controlling the H coverage make it promising in device
the hydrogenated ψ-graphene always possesses the major absorption applications.
peaks at ~11.8 and ~13.0 eV despite of the H coverage. While, the
absorption coefficient of the two peaks degrades smoothly with a Conflicts of interest
descent ratio of ~9% as the H coverage decreasing from 100% to 60.4%.
However, since decreasing the H coverage will drop the band gap of the The authors declare no conflict of interest.
hydrogenated ψ-graphene, the absorption delay is highly improved. For
the H coverage ranging from 91.7% to 66.7%, the absorption starts from Acknowledgements
the photon energy of ~2.5 eV, with a delay of only ~0.2 eV. Moreover,
removing H pairs bring the feature of graphene with an absorption peak This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
at 4.0 eV due to π→π* interband transition. The more H pairs are of China (Nos. 11504040, 11604039 and 11574040), and the Funda­
removed, the more features of graphene appear. mental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Nos.
On the other hand, for E k c illustrated in Fig. 5b, the absorption DUT16RC(4)66, DUT16LAB01, DUT16LK03 and DUT18LK07). L.Z. Liu
coefficient of the major peak at 13.5 eV drops remarkably as the H acknowledges the support by the State Key Laboratory of Low-
coverage decreasing. The descent ratio from 100% to 60.4% H coverage Dimensional Quantum Physics, Tsinghua University (KF201804). The
even reaches ~40%, much higher than the change of major peak for E ? calculations are supported by Supercomputing Center of Dalian Uni­
c. But, the absorption coefficient at the 6.8 eV peak only slightly de­ versity of Technology.
creases with removing the H atoms. Moreover, as the H coverage
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