Comparison of Concurrent Mobile OS Characteristics

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Comparison of Concurrent Mobile OS Characteristics

Sourav Goswami1, Soham Bhattacharya2, Anindya Sen3
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India

Abstract- It is challenging for the mobile industry to supply the requirements. An operating system is the soul of the mobile
best features of the devices with its increasing customer device, and every mobile industry want to provide best
requirements. Among the progress of technologies, the mobile features in their mobile devices. This paper intends to explore
industry is the fastest growing; as it keeps pace with rapidly different OS perspectives, features & suitability for mobile
changing market demands. This paper compares between the
devices and compares between Android, iOS, KaiOS,
currently available mobile devices based on its user interface,
security, memory utilization, processor, and device architecture. Windows, Sailfish OS, and Fire OS.
The mobile products launched from 2015-19 are used for 1.2 Background
comparison. Current results after comparison with earlier study
found that many mobile devices and features became obsolete in The mobile operating system models are used to provide
a short time span supporting the aggressive growth of mobile various interfaces of communication between the software
industry. components at the application layer, middleware layers, and
Keywords- Mobile OS, Security, GUI, Mobile Architecture, hardware devices. The operating system models were
Processor, Memory Utilization compared based on the parameters like user interfaces,
processors, memory utilization, security, power management,
I. INTRODUCTION connectivity, cross plat-forming, cloud readiness and,

T oday’s life is more connected than a few years back. execution of software on diversified hardware components
Mobile phones are essential and we cannot think of life and as a development platform. These parameters are
without it today. With availability of powerful mobile indicative for exploring a mobile operating system, which is
operating system, and considering the unprecedented fast user friendly and helpful for the developer. Features like
growth in mobile communication technology, mobile camera, global positioning system (GPS), browser,
computing is projected to have the most potential for future messaging, and music are also gaining popularity in mobile
growth. The technology growth rate of mobile industry has operating systems. However, in the present study, emphasis
surpassed the growth rate of all other industries setting a mark has been given to the operating system features. Among
in human evolution. One needs to keep up with the rapid different operating systems, Android and iOS has taken over
evolution of new mobile phones. The challenging demand the market largely because of their uniqueness.
requirement by its wide spread customer base has mobile II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
phone manufacturers produce mobile phones with multiple
useful features. Given the broad choice of selectable feature In this method of mobile OS comparison, we took mobiles
with their issues, and multiple vendors, currently it has with different OS, and compared their user interfaces,
become difficult for a customer to decide which mobile phone processors, memory utilization, security, power management,
is best for their own use. This work provides a tabular connectivity, cross plat-forming, cloud readiness, performance
comparison of five features of different phones across major of software on diversified hardware components, and as a
vendors to give a helpful insight about concurrent mobile development platform.
phones. This work uses the mobile products launched between 2.1 Processor (System On Chip (SOC))
the years 2015-2019. Current results were compared with the
earlier work [1] and found that many mobile devices and A SOC is a chip that integrates all components of a computer
features which ranked high in consumer attraction at one time or other electronic system. These components typically
became obsolete in a short time span indicating the aggressive include a CPU, memory, I/O ports and secondary storage. All
growth of mobile industry. these devices are on a single substrate or microchip. SOC are
very common in the mobile computing (such as in
1.1 Motivation Smartphone) and edge computing markets.SOC are typically
Mobile operating system allows a user to effectively utilize fabricated using metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS)
their time by being in constant touch with their official work technology, and are commonly used in embedded systems and
while utilizing their commuting and travelling time. Hundred the Internet of Things.
of frequency bands and different operating systems providing Android OS: Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 plus is having
thousands of features to the customers seem to be a mind octa core CPU (Clock Speed 2.96GHz) &Adreno 640 GPU
boggling market. This creates confusion for the customers to having on chip graphics memory of 1024 kb
choose the right mobile and operating system to fulfil their Page 89
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

iOS: A13Bionic processor is having Dual Cluster HexaCore Android OS : It is based on Linux.
(2.66 Ghz) and a quad core GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).
iOS: It is based on Unix.
Apart from it an octa-core NPU (Neural Processing Unit) is
also added to it. KaiOS: It is based on Linux.
KaiOS:HTML 5 based firefox OS is used in KaiOS which is Windows OS: It is based on Windows Kernel NT.
having Dual core (Clock Speed 1.1 GHz) in Jio Phone and
Sailfish OS:It is based on Meego OS which is again based on
Quad Core(Clock Speed 1 GHz) in Jio Phone 2.
Windows:Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 is having octa-core
2.3 User Interface (UI)
CPU (Clock Speed 1.8 Ghz) which is being used in Nokia
Lumia 950 XL having Adreno 430 GPU having Graphics The user interface (UI) is the space where interactions
memory of 1536 kb. between humans and machines occur. The goal of user
interface design is to produce a user interface which makes it
Sailfish OS: Sailfish OS is being used in Sony Xperia mobile
easy, efficient, and user-friendly to operate a machine in the
sets which used to run on Android OS and it is based on
way which produces the desired result. In a Mobile Unit, the
UI helps the OS to take the commands from the user and drive
2.2 Operating System (OS) the SOC or main hardware as per the user requests.
A program that acts as an interface between the user and Android OS: Android provides variety of pre-built UI
computer hardware is the Operating System. It controls the components such as structured layout objects and UI controls
execution of all types of programs. Some of important that allow you to built graphical user interface for your app
functions of an operating System are Memory Management, (Figure 1). Android also provides other UI modules for
Processor Management, Device Management, File special interfaces such as dialogues, notifications and
Management, Security, Control over system performance, Job menus.
accounting, Error detecting aids, Coordination between other
software and users. A mobile OS is software which drives the
SOC or the main hardware.

(Example – ASUS ROG Phone 2, Black Shark 2 pro)

Figure 1. Shows Android’s several contact GUI[2].

iOS: Throughout the system, text is legible at every size, interface light and airy, while ensuring that content is
icons are precise and lucid, adornments are subtle and paramount. Touch and discoverability heighten delight and
appropriate, and a sharpened focus on functionality motivates enable access to functionality and additional content without
the design. Content typically fills the entire screen, while losing context. Transitions provide a sense of depth as you
translucency and blurring often hint at more(Figure 2). navigate through content.
Minimal use of bezels, gradients, and drop shadows keep the Page 90
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Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Figure 2. Represents iOS 13 User Interface (Supports human healthcare app too) [3]

KaiOS: KaiOS apps are created from UI Components which rem. On a screen with density of 140, 1 rem is equal to 10
define common interface elements. By following UI pixels which is a baseline QVGA resolution on a 2.8 inch
components, apps achieve a consistent appearance across the display.
system. The units of spacing defined in KaiOS are specified in

Figure 3. Nokia 8110 4G having KaiOS User Interface [4]

Windows: The Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler is an resource is any non-executable data used by an application,
application development tool used to add UI and other and includes such things as dialog boxes, menus, strings,
resources to a Windows-based application (Figure 4). A cursors, icons, bitmaps, and so on. Page 91
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Figure 4. Representing Windows 10 User Interface [5].

Sailfish: Sailfish OS works with natural hand movements via way people interact with their devices. It uses gestures, user
gestures. Everything is always under thumb. Sailfish UI are interactions, the UI framework and more.
user friendly, simple, and fast (Figure 5). It can change the
Sailfish OS is a Linux based mobile operating system.

Figure 5. Representing the user interface of Sailfish OS

2.4. Connectivity social media platforms by using certain mechanisms in their

architecture. Mobile connectivity is essential as it brings
Connectivity refers broadly to the social connections
people and technologies together.
constructed through mediated communications systems.One
aspect of this is the ability of the social media to accumulate Android OS (having Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 plus as
economic capital from the user’s connections and activities on an SOC): In addition to providing standard network Page 92
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Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

connectivity, Android provides APIs to let an app connect and (Near Field Communication), WiFi6 (Speed of 0.6-9.6Gbps at
interact with other devices with protocols such as Bluetooth a frequency of 2.4/5 GHz), P2P, USB 3.1 (Speed till
5.0 (Speed till 2Mbps and having range 100 meter), NFC 10Gbps),SIP (System Integrity Protocol).

Figure 6: Android application connectivity with server.

iOS: A13 Bionic provides Bluetooth 5.0 which provides a faster than 3G, NFC for payments (Near Field
speed of 48 Mbps at a frequency of 2.4 to 2.485MHz. Wifi6 Communication), Dual-SIM compatibility, and Wi-Fi
802.11ax is also added to SOC providing a maximum speed 802.11b/g/n providing speed upto 54Mbps and uses higher
of 9.6Gbps. frequency till 5GHz for higher speed. It also provides
Bluetooth 4.1 (Speed 24Mbps) and USB 2.0 (480 Mbps).
KaiOS: KaiOS does offer all the connectivity options
including 4G/LTE (Long Term Evolution) which is 10 times

Figure 7: KaiOS feature phone connectivity [6].

 Windows: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac(Speed 433 –  WLAN hotspot connection sharing.

6933Mbits/sec), GPS, Bluetooth v4.10, NFC, FM radio,  Flight mode handling for disabling/restoring
3G, and 4G with support for Band 40 used by some LTE connectivity
(Long Term Evolution) networks in India.  Cellular network registration
 SailFish:  Operator queries.
 Core modem management.
 Wi-Fi and cellular mobile data scanning and  Phone calls, SMS and MMS.
connections. Page 93
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

 Bluetooth connections for making calls via the iOS:App should use little as little as memory as possible
Bluetooth HandsFree Profile (HFP). making more memory available to other apps and system
 SIM operations, including PIN and PUK codes and services. iOS monitor apps total memory usage at run time
SIM ToolKit (STK) access. and if the amount exceeds predetermined limit, the system
 Supplementary service code handling including terminates that app.
USSD/GSM Codes. KaiOS: 3G/4G LTE, 256M/512M RAM/ROM or 512M/4G
 Audio Gateway for Headset Profile (HSP) and RAM/ROM, Wi-Fi, GPS, Single/Dual Sim, NFC support for
HandsFree Profile (HFP) for making calls via mobile payments, Single Camera (back), Dual Camera (front
Bluetooth headsets. & back).
 Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) for
playback of multimedia audio over a Bluetooth Windows: Windows 10 still uses a page file when it has to.
connection. However, now when computer’s memory tarts to fill up,
 SyncML client & server (SyncML) for Windows 10 will start compressing old pages of memory so
synchronization of contact data. they take up less space, similar to what happens when you
 OBEX Object Push (OPP) for file exchange services. create a ZIP archive of multiple files. So, for example, if you
have an app running that you haven’t touched in a while,
 Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP) for exchanging
rather than copying the information about that app to your
phonebook data with a car kit[7].
hard drive, Windows will simply make it smaller, but keep it
2.5. Memory Utilization in memory.
The memory utilization of OS basically defines the amount of 2.6. Architecture
RAM used by a system at a particular time and it is not
Architecture consists of multiple layers of hardware, software,
managed as a single unit as a disk and it is not as a single
and firmware interface with the help of which the upper layer
component like CD or floppy but it is rather than a collection
which is user interface is linked to core layer that is the main
of small components called page where each page consumes a
hardware (SOC). The information received at the upper layer
memory of about 1 to 8 kb. Memory utilization means to
and the main core layer (hardware) is not directly linked but
provide the efficient way to give the proper storage and
they are linked with various types of connectivity layers.
provide it back to the user in the best time as required. Smart
Mobile architecture is basically the path which connects the
phones SOCs mostly use LPDDR2 SDRAM, where the “LP”
activities done by the user in the UI (applications) with the
stands for low-power and DDR stands for “double data rate”.
SOC through various types of layers inbuilt.
Android: LPDDR4X (Low Power Double Data Rate 4X) is
Android: Consist of 4 layers and 5 sections. Linux Kernel,
used here, which is 15% more efficient than LPDDR4 More
Libraries, Android Libraries, Android Runtime, Application
android manufacturers include more RAM in their smart-
phones than Apple does. If you use multiple apps each day
then RAM usage won’t hit much more than 2.5-3 Gb. Each
Android smart-phone comes with fixed amount of RAM. It is
part of phone’s motherboard and it is not upgradable.

Figure 8. Android Architecture Representation Page 94
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

IOS: Consists of 4 layers- Cocoa Touch, Media Layer, Core Services, Core OS (Figure 9).

Figure 9. iOS Architecture Representation[8].

KaiOS: Consists of 3 layers- Front End, Gecko, Gonk (Figure 10).

Figure 10. KaiOS Architecture Representation[9]. Page 95
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Windows: 2 main components- User Mode, Kernel Mode (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Windows OS Architecture Representation [10].

SailFish: Consists of 3 layers – Base Kernel Layer, Middle Ware Layer, App/UI layer (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Sailfish OS Architecture Representation[11]. Page 96
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

2. 7. Security permission model, process isolation, a secure mechanism for

IPC, and the ability to remove any unnecessary or insecure
Security of OS means the specified steps required to keep the
parts of Kernel (Figure 13).
OS secure from various types of malware, threats, viruses or
hacking from remote places. It is basically a process of Mobile security application for Google’s android platform
ensuring OS confidentiality. Mobile device security in OS is help android smartphone and tablet mobile devices from
the most essential part of the software as it provides the most malware threats as well as unauthorized access following
secure way to protect the data of the users. accidental loss or theft of the device.
Android: The Linux Kernel provides android with a set of
security measures. It grants the operating system user based

Figure 13. Represents Android Security Layer showing 5 different layers as Application, Application Framework, Android Runtime, Linux Kernel and Hardware
layer [12]

Linux Kernel has direct link to Hardware Section. Application attempts to use or modify it. Apps provided with device like
layer has no direct access to hardware layer. Application layer Safari and Mail are signed by Apple (Figure 14). Third party
has to move through application framework, android runtime apps must also be validated and signed using an Apple-issued
and Linux Kernel to access hardware section. certificate. Mandatory code signing extends the concept of
chain of trust from the OS to apps, and prevents third part app
iOS: The integrated and secure software and hardware that are
from loading unsigned code resources or using self-modifying
platform for iphone, ipad, ipod touch. Encryption and Data
protection- the architecture and design that protects user data
if the device is lost or stolen, or if an unauthorized person Page 97
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Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Figure 14. Represents iOS connection with server Security Layer uses IDS (intrusion detection system) as well as iCloud. IDS provides better security as it has
separate APN tokens and public key for different users but icloud provides only single encryption key.

KaiOS: The KaiOS uses multi layered security model that is defence-in-depth strategy that provides comprehensive
designed to mitigate exploitation risks at every level (Figure protection against threats.
15). Front level counter measures are combined with a

Figure 15. Represents KaiOS Security Layer. Gaia layer ( web content ) is connected to device layer through Gecko and Gonk[13]. Page 98
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Gonk having low- level processes is directly connected to Windows: Windows Security continually scans for malware
Device layer whereas the upper layer (user interface layer) (malicious software), viruses, and security threats (Figure
that is Gaia is connected to Gecko layer(having web api) first , 16). The built-in security automatically prevents viruses and
then Gonk and at last it is connected to main device. other threats from running on your device, and will
receive security updates automatically.

Figure 16.Represents Windows Security layer [14].

SailFish OS: Sailfish OS currently uses a two-level security end-to-end encryption to avoid man-in-the-middle or other
architecture. Applications available in the Harbour are contamination attacks [15].
rigorously tested to ensure that no malicious applications are
2.8 Power Management
installable by end users. Furthermore, applications available in
the Harbour run at a lowered privilege level, so that they do Mobile Power management is basically the inbuilt software
not have access to the user's data.Sailfish OS devices can be which provides the best way to run the device having the least
updated with so called "hotfixes" for specific security issues power consumption so that it can be made run for longer time.
outside of the normal release update cadence. This allows
Android: Falls into 2 categories- App standby: The system
vendors to provide users with security updates as they become
limits app access to resources like CPU or
available, with minimal delay. These fixes are provided as
package updates via the normal package management battery based on user’s usage pattern (Figure 17). Battery
systems, and are fully versioned and delivered securely with Saver Improvements: When the battery saver is turned on, the
system places restrictions on all apps. Page 99
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Figure 17. Android Security Power Management Layer

iOS: For iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus, The Windows operating system uses power-management
iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 plus, iOS dynamically hardware to put the computer into a low-power sleep state
manages performance peaks to prevent the device from instead of shutting down completely, so that the system can
unexpectedly shutting down so that iPhone can still be used quickly resume working.
by the user. This performance management works by looking
at the combination of device temperature, battery state of
charge as well as battery impedance. It dynamically manages
the maximum performance of some system components such
as CPU and GPU, in order to prevent unexpected shutdowns
(Figure 18).

Figure 19. Windows Power Management[17].

SailFish OS: Sailfish OS 3.0.2. Oulanka comes with a battery

saving mode, which is enabled by default when the battery
goes lower than 20%. Additionally, users can also specify the
battery saving threshold themselves by going to the “Battery”
section in the settings menu.
Cross Platform
Phone Gap is now being used as cross platform for Android
and IOS (BLACKBERRY OS is isolated)
Android:Phone Gap now owned by adobe is a cross
Figure 18. iOS Battery Charge Level [16]. platform development tool that relies on web technologies to
KaiOS:It brings support of 4G/LTE, GPS, and Wi-Fi, as well create for Android and IOS. You can use HTML, CSS and
as HTML5-based apps and longer battery life, to non-touch JavaScript to build a mobile app with a native look and feel,
devices. without needed to write the same code twice for different
Windows: Its power management makes computers instantly
accessible to users at the touch of a button or key (Figure 19). Page 100

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Figure20: Phone Gap is used as cross platform for Android and IOS.

IOS: Phone Gap now owned by adobe is a cross platform Qt Creator integrated development environment (IDE).
development tool that relies on web technologies to create for
Sailfish OS build engine for cross compilation.
Android and IOS [18].
The Sailfish OS Emulator.
Kai OS: Its cross platform availability is its best feature and
that is not ending soon. Platform of Firefox os can be used. Tutorial, Design and API Documentation.
SailFish: Sailfish OS SDK is a collection of tools for Repositories for additional libraries and open source code.
developing SailfishOS applications. It includes:

Table I Page 101

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Table 1. Comparison table on OS various parameters


Performance analysis on the basis power efficiency. Here we
have used mobiles of different OS and have played a movie
“Train to Busan” on You Tube. Here at first we made the cell
phones 100% charged and then played the movie on
individual “You Tube” having same version, and noted down
its power efficiency after 15mins, 30mins and 1 hour and
made a graph of the power consumed. The slope of the graph
can be used to compare performance between two
independent mobile OS.
Android OS (Redmi Note 5 Pro)

Figure 22: Power remained after video playing of 15 minutes. Since, movie
was going on Youtube continuously for 15 minutes, so Wi-fi, Awake and
Screen on shows a continuous blue line in the above figure.

Figure 21 : 100% charge (Redmi Note 5 Pro). Since, it is fully charged, so

Wi-fi, Awake and Screen on shows a continuous blue line in the above figure.

Figure 23: Power remaining percentage after video playing of 30 minutes.

Since, movie was going on Youtube continuously for 30 minutes, so Wi-fi,
Awake and Screen on shows a continuous blue line in the above figure. Page 102

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Figure 25: ANDROID OS power efficiency graph

Figure 24: Power remaining percentage after video playing of 1 hour. Here,
movie was going on Youtube continuously for 1 hour, so Wi-fi, Awake and
Screen on shows a continuous blue line in the above figure.

iPhone 6s

Figure 26: 100% Charge (iPhone 6S). Page 103

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

Figure 27: Power efficiency graph of iPhone 6s.

KaiOS (Jio Phone, INDIA)

Figure 28: Power efficiency of Jio Phone (INDIA)

Figure 29: Overall power efficiency graph of Android OS, IOS, KaiOS. Page 104

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume IX, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2278-2540

IV. CONCLUSION because of sudden fall in the world market share, due to which
they didn’t update their OS features and further stop using
User Interface: Android and IOS provides the best UI, but
advanced SOC’s in their ongoing production of cell phones.
android is preferred more as it is pocket friendly as compared
This at last results in the shutdown of their existence in the
to IOS.
world market.
Security: IOS provides the best security as in third party apps
are also validated and signed using an Apple-issued
certificate. [1] ‘OS COMPARISON’ by Sourav Goswami, Anindya Sen.
(INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS, 2020, Pg-76, Issue-IX)(Poster
Power Management: Linux is the most efficient OS for Presentation).
servers. Windows is the most efficient for desktops when MS [2]
software is required or the software is only available on [3]
Windows. [4]
Memory Utilization: LPDDR 5 is used in IOS A13 Bionic, makes-it-super-easy-to-install-windows-10-for-arm/
while LPDDR4x is used in Android OS (Qualcomm, [6]
Snapdragon 855 plus), while in Windows, LPDDR4 is used. [7]
So IOS is having the best memory utilization in terms of [9]
speed as well as memory storage. [10]
SOC: IOS A13 Bionic processor provides the best speed as Sailfish-OS-and-the-companys-strategies-for-collaborating-
well as efficiency due to its dual cluster hexa-core (2.66 GHz with_fig1_303098168
) and quadcore GPU, while Android OS ( Qualcomm, [12]
Snapdragon 855 plus) octa-core CPU is having speed of 2.96 entations2015/Elenkov_AndroidSecurityArchitecture.pdf
GHz. US/docs/Archive/B2G_OS/Architecture
Current results were compared with the earlier work [1] and protection/security-policy-settings/security-policy-settings
found that many mobile devices and features which earlier [15]
ranked high in consumer attraction at one time had became [16]
obsolete in a short time span indicating the aggressive growth [17]
of mobile industry. The list includes mobile OS as android-and-ios-using-java/
BLACKBERRY, Bada, Meego. All these didn’t continue Page 105

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