ICE UK Specification For Ground Investigation - Intro

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The document discusses guidance for improving site investigations and obtaining better value for construction projects. It also mentions publications from the Site Investigation Steering Group and ICE Publishing.

The Site Investigation Steering Group is a national collaboration formed to provide advice on site investigation to clients, construction professionals, and to promote good practice.

The second edition of the series updates documents from 1993 and includes Effective Site Investigation, UK Specification for Ground Investigation, and Guidance for Safe Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Land.

UK Specification for Ground Investigation

Site Investigation in Construction series

Prepared under the guidance of the Site Investigation Steering Group, the series
aims to provide guidance to help improve the quality of site investigation and obtain
better value for money for the construction industry and its clients.

The second edition of the series, published by ICE Publishing, updates the documents
published by Thomas Telford Limited in 1993 and includes:

Effective Site Investigation

ISBN 978-0-7277-3505-8

UK Specification for Ground Investigation

ISBN 978-0-7277-3506-5

Guidance for Safe Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Land

ISBN 978-0-7277-3507-2

To read more about these books as well as the importance of the ground in
construction and the consequences of inadequate site investigation go to:

The Site Investigation Steering Group is a national collaboration between

professional and governmental bodies, trade sector organisations, and Infracos
formed to provide advice on site investigation to clients and their construction
professionals and to set out good practice.
UK Specification for Ground Investigation
Second edition

Site Investigation Steering Group

Prepared by

Soil Mechanics (Environmental Scientifics Group)

and the Association of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Specialists

on behalf of Site Investigation Steering Group

Published by ICE Publishing, 40 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP.

Full details of ICE Publishing sales representatives and distributors can be found at:

Associate Commissioning Editor: Jennifer Barratt

Production Editor: Imran Mirza
Market Development Executive: Catherine de Gatacre

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-0-7277-3506-5

# Thomas Telford Limited 2012

Cover images courtesy of excavator # Adivin 2008; drill bit #

Peter Ingvorsen 2005; wind turbine farm # Rafa Irusta 2006

ICE Publishing is a division of Thomas Telford Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the

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Contents Acknowledgements
Foreword and essential reading
Introduction xi


Specification and Notes for Guidance 1
1 Information 1
2 Definitions 2
3 General requirements 7
4 Percussion boring 20
5 Rotary drilling 24
6 Pitting and trenching 30
7 Sampling and monitoring during intrusive investigation 35
8 Probing and cone penetration testing 43
9 Geophysical testing 45
10 In situ testing 47
11 Instrumentation 51
12 Installation monitoring and sampling 56
13 Daily records 59
14 Geotechnical laboratory testing 61
15 Geoenvironmental laboratory testing 65
16 Reporting 68
17 References and bibliography 75
Appendix I. Groundwater standpipes and piezometers 79
Appendix II. Ground gas monitoring standpipe 83
Schedules (for completion) and Notes for Guidance 85
Schedule 1. Information and site-specific requirements 86
Schedule 2. Exploratory holes 128
Schedule 3. Investigation Supervisor’s facilities 130
Schedule 4. Specification amendments 132
Schedule 5. Specification additions 133
Notes for guidance
Notes on Specification clauses are presented alongside Specification clauses
Notes on preparation of the Schedules are presented alongside or immediately preceding Schedules

Annex 1 Bill of Quantities for Ground Investigation
(not part of the Contract unless specified in the Contract documentation) 135
Preamble 135
Preamble amendments and additions (for completion) 142
Bills of Quantities: Works items (for completion) 142
A General items, provisional services and additional items 144
B Percussion boring 146
C Rotary drilling 148
D Pitting and trenching 152
E Sampling and monitoring during intrusive investigation 154
F Probing and cone penetration testing 156
G Geophysical testing 157
H In situ testing 158
I Instrumentation 162
J Installation monitoring and sampling 164
K Geotechnical laboratory testing 166
L Geoenvironmental laboratory testing 170
Summary of Bill of Quantities 171
Appendix A. Rates for ground practitioners and other personnel 172
Appendix B. Long-term sample storage 173
Notes for guidance
Notes on the Bill of Quantities are presented immediately prior to relevant bill
(Notes on the preamble are presented alongside preamble items)

General comments 175
Example A (greenfield site to be developed with a lightweight single-storey building) 176
Example B (contaminated site to be developed for two-storey housing) 209
Example C (contaminated site to be developed for industry with heavy machinery) 259

Feedback (user recommendations) 307

Acknowledgements This document is part of the Site Investigation in Construction series. The
documents have been prepared under the guidance of the Site Investigation
Steering Group, a body with a wide membership, sponsored by the Ground Forum
and the Institution of Civil Engineers, with the aim of providing guidance for the
effective investigation of UK construction sites.

The first edition of the Site Investigation in Construction series was published in
1993 by Thomas Telford Limited. Since then the documents have become the
industry standard, but there have been many advances and regulatory changes
affecting ground investigation, particularly in respect of contaminated ground,
dealing with waste materials and different investigatory techniques.

The second edition is based on the first edition but represents a major revision and
extension of the series with the aim of bringing together the whole site investigation
industry and is intended for general application to all ground investigation work.
Input has been provided by key client organisations such as the Highways Agency,
Network Rail, British Waterways and National House-Building Council.


The following organisations, associations and professional bodies are all
represented on the Site Investigation Steering Group chaired by Professor Chris

Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists

British Drilling Association
British Geotechnical Association
British Geological Survey
British Tunnelling Society
British Waterways
Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)
County Surveyors Society
Engineering Group of the Geological Society
Environment Agency
Federation of Piling Specialists
Ground Forum
Highways Agency
Institute of Field Archaeologists
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Institution of Civil Engineers
International Geosynthetics Society (UK Chapter)
National House-Building Council (NHBC)
Network Rail
Pipe Jacking Association
Specialist in Land Condition

Thanks are extended to the individuals who comprised the Site Investigation
Steering Group for giving their time, experience and expertise in helping to
progress the revision of the series. Particular thanks are given to employers who
have supported individual’s membership of the steering group.

Prof Chris Clayton University of Southampton (Chairman)

Mr Derek Smith Coffey Geotechnics Ltd (Secretary)
Mr Martin Ball Formerly British Waterways
Mrs Madeleine Bardsley Enviros
Mr Terry Clark Geotechnics Ltd
Mr Jim Cook Buro Happold
Mr Andrew Dukes Highways Agency
Mr Eifion Evans Network Rail
Mr Keith Gabriel Gabriel GeoConsulting Ltd
Mr Dick Gosling Environmental Scientifics Group
Mr Bob Handley Aarsleff Piling Ltd
Mr John Harris Thames Water
Mr Peter Hinton Institute for Archaeologists

Mr Peter Hobbs British Geological Survey
Mr Hugh Mallett Buro Happold
Mr Keith Montague CIRIA
Mr Paul Nowak Atkins Ltd
Mr Neil Parry Geotechnical Engineering Ltd
Mr David Shohet National House Building Council
Mr Ian Stanley Carillion Trenchless Solutions
Mr Brian Stringer British Drilling Association
Mr Mike Summersgill CIWEM
Mr Steve Wade Skanska Ltd
Mr John Wilson CECA
Mr Graham Woodrow Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

UK Specification for Ground Investigation

This document, part of the updated Site Investigation in Construction series, was
written by Soil Mechanics, a trading division of the Environmental Scientifics
Group (ESG), in association with and under contract to the Association of
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS).

The AGS, ESG and the Highways Agency are thanked for their technical and
financial contribution to the writing of this Specification which was carried out
under the guidance of the AGS Steering Group, comprising:

AGS Steering Group

Mr Mike Groves (Chair) Halcrow formerly of White Young Green

Mr Raphael Lung Highways Agency
Mr Terry Clark Geotechnics Limited
Mr Nick Burt Halcrow
Dr Madeleine Bardsley SKM Enviros
Miss Victoria Ferguson Alcontrol

Soil Mechanics (Environmental Scientifics Group)

Dr Mike Atkinson Chief Author

Mr Peter Whittlestone Project Manager
Mr Julian Lovell Project Manager

The authors acknowledge the technical contributions made by many other

members of ESG staff and other colleagues of AGS Steering Group members
during the drafting of the document.

Input has been obtained from key client organisations and the UK Specification
for Ground Investigation has been endorsed by both the Highways Agency and
Network Rail.

Foreword and Site Investigation Steering Group: This Specification, the UK Specification for
Ground Investigation, is one of the suite of three documents that comprise the Site
essential reading Investigation in Construction documentation. This Specification should be read in
conjunction with Effective Site Investigation and Guidance for Safe Investigation of
Potentially Contaminated Land.

Specification: This Specification retains the essentials of the original format,

including associated Schedules and Notes for Guidance. The Specification has been
written to be contract and measurement neutral so it may be used with any form of
Conditions of Contract and Method of Measurement. The NEC3 Engineering and
Construction Contract (2005) provides one such suitable form of conditions. The
Specification clauses meet current practice and standards at the time of publication.

Schedules: All the relevant Schedules must be completed for each investigation in
order to fully detail both the information provided to the contractor and work
which is to be undertaken. If necessary, the Schedules (and the Bill of Quantities)
can be extended to provide for increased levels of technical complexity to meet the
needs of an individual project, e.g. where a site contains or may contain
archaeological remains, scheduled monument(s) or is of an environmentally
sensitive nature (SSSI, AONB, etc.). Where a Schedule is not relevant then the
words ‘Not required’ should be inserted alongside the Schedule title; where none of
the sub-items are required they can then be omitted for brevity. Those Schedules
which are not required for the particular investigation should also be listed in
Schedule S1.5.

Bill of Quantities: A Bill of Quantities, together with a Preamble which defines

payment details, is provided in an Annex. The Bill of Quantities is drafted to be
compatible with the Specification and Conditions of Contract, such as NEC3
Engineering and Construction Contract (2005) (Option B or Option D). It is
provided so that the majority of ground investigations can make use of it as the
standard form in the Contract: the Bill items correspond to those of the
Specification. However, some procurers may opt to use the Specification on its own
with alternative forms of Contract and to use a formal method of measurement
and item coverage (with an appropriate Bill of Quantities). The contract
documentation must make it clear whether the Bill of Quantities in the Annex is to
be adopted for the particular investigation.

Notes for Guidance: Notes for Guidance, which do not form part of the contract,
are provided for the Specification, Schedules and Bill of Quantities.

Ground Practitioners: The involvement of one or more ground practitioners of

suitable experience, relevant to the work required, is essential in the planning,
procurement and supervision of ground investigation work.

Desk Study: A properly designed and executed desk study is essential for all
ground investigations. The results of the study need to be provided to the
contractor undertaking the investigation.

CDM (Construction Design & Management Regulations 2007): CDM defines

construction work as the carrying out of any building, civil engineering or
engineering construction work and includes, amongst others, ‘the preparation for
an intended structure, including . . . exploration, investigation . . . and excavation’.
This clearly includes both the intrusive and non-intrusive parts of the ground

Pre-construction Information: Under CDM, Pre-construction Information that

includes details of any safety hazards must be provided at tender stage. Such
details would include underground services, site categorisation (see Guidance for
Safe Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Land, etc.).

Feedback: Feedback is important and it is recognised that the Specification and

accompanying documentation will benefit from updating in the future. Users are
invited to submit recommendations for revision by email (see page 307).

Introduction Use of the UK Specification for Ground Investigation
The UK Specification for Ground Investigation is intended for general use in ground
investigation, for contracts of any size. The emphasis is on encouraging carefully
designed and safely executed good-quality work.

The Specification is independent of the Conditions of Contract, although the

NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (2005) Conditions of Contract, will
often be the most convenient and appropriate to apply. It has been assumed that
the Employer will appoint an Engineer, or equivalent person e.g. Project Manager,
as defined in the Conditions of Contract. If an independent Engineer/Project
Manager is not appointed, the Employer should nominate an appropriate
individual to act as the Engineer/Project Manager who may, for instance, be
employed by the Contractor. It has further been assumed that technical direction
of the investigation will be the responsibility of the Investigation Supervisor, an
experienced ground practitioner, who may be the Engineer/Project Manager or
someone appointed to assist and advise the Engineer. Where the roles of Engineer/
Project Manager and Investigation Supervisor are combined and fulfilled by a
member of the Contractor’s staff, the investigation will become a ‘Design and
Investigate’ form.

Depending upon the complexity of the investigation, other specialists may need to
be involved in the work in order that the full range of disciplines (e.g. geotechnics,
contamination, waste assessment, geophysics, archaeology, ecology and safety)
relevant to the specific investigation are adequately covered. Appropriately
qualified and experienced ground practitioners may be from the staff of the
Engineer, may be independent specialist consultants or may be employees of the
Contractor. This involvement of ground practitioners is considered to be essential
to the success of any ground investigation.

The Specification relies heavily on compliance with good practice as set out in
BS 5930, Code of Practice for site investigations (partly superseded by BS EN 1997).
BS 5930 is continuing to undergo amendment at the time of publication of this
document. The reproduction of parts of BS 5930 in the Specification, although in
some ways preferable to cross-references, has been rejected in favour of keeping
the Specification as brief as possible. Particular reference should also be made to
the CIRIA Site investigation manual, SP25 and to BS 1377, Methods of test for soils
for civil engineering purposes (also partly superseded by BS EN 1997). Attention is
drawn to the increasing use of previously developed and contaminated land which
will require specific and detailed investigation, particularly with respect to
previous history. There are several important publications in connection with
investigating contaminated land which are extensively referenced in the
Specification, e.g. the CLR reports and BS 10175, Investigation of potentially
contaminated sites – Code of Practice. Special consideration must also be given to
the hazards and risks to which all staff on site and the public may be exposed
(see the companion publication Guidance for Safe Investigation of Potentially
Contaminated Land and CIRIA C681, Unexploded ordnance, A guide for the
construction industry).

CDM pre-construction information should include a properly designed and

executed desk study for all ground investigations, especially where previous
industrial or commercial use of the land has taken place. The importance of
making the results of the desk study available to all parties cannot be over-
emphasised if a safe and effective investigation is to be designed and undertaken.
If a desk study has not been carried out prior to an intrusive investigation, it is
strongly recommended that this essential preliminary study is included in the scope
of the investigation works.

If inappropriate or incomplete pricing is to be avoided, with the consequent risk of

subsequent claims and disruption to the investigation, the information provided
and the investigation requirements need to be fully detailed in the Schedules. For
example, if aquifer protection measures are required, then the method of protection
to be adopted (e.g. multiple casing sizes with seals between them) needs to be
stated together with the expected number of casing size reductions, the lengths of
and materials to be used for seals and whether allowance for standing time is

required. A similar approach of providing full details needs to be taken by the
investigation procurer to many other items e.g. traffic management, additional
Personal Protective Equipment over and above statutory minimum requirements,
access limitations, etc. This Specification is general in nature and may require to be
modified for a specific investigation. In recognition of this need for flexibility, the
Schedules provide for additions and/or modifications to the published

It is also recognised that many investigations now require combinations of

methods to a much greater extent than was previously the case, e.g. field and
laboratory testing and sampling both during the intrusive phase of work and
subsequently from installed instruments. Furthermore, sampling for geotechnical
purposes and for contamination or waste assessments demands different
techniques, transport and storage conditions and, in respect of contamination and
waste consideration aspects, laboratory testing needs to be carried out within much
shorter timescales. The second edition reflects this situation with an increased
number of sub-divisions.

Successful ground investigation work will only be accomplished when the quality
and appropriateness of the work, rather than the lowest cost, are recognised as the
first priority. Attention must therefore be given to initial desk studies, careful
planning, the employment of properly equipped contractors utilising trained and
qualified operatives and the supervision of the field and laboratory work by
experienced personnel. The following Notes for Guidance are intended to assist
with the Contract documentation, but experienced ground practitioners should be
involved for an appreciation of the technical aspects of the work.

Ground practitioners and other personnel provided by the Contractor

If the Bill of Quantities and associated Preamble (provided in Annex 1) is
incorporated into the contract documentation, then ground practitioners and other
personnel provided by the Contractor for professional attendance will be paid for
on a time and expenses basis either under Bill Item A7 or using the rates tendered
in Appendix A. The Contractor’s management and superintendence of the
investigation should be included in the rates. The provision of advice and
assistance to the Engineer or Investigation Supervisor would be paid for on a time
and expenses basis, as would the cost of preparing any desk study, Ground
Investigation Report and Geotechnical Design Report.

Contract documentation
Information and requirements specific to the particular contract are to be inserted
in the Schedules which are cross-referenced to the clause numbers in the
Specification and accompanying Notes for Guidance. Any amendments or additions
to the Specification should be identified within the appropriate Schedule. It is
intended that the UK Specification for Ground Investigation be simply referenced in
any contract documentation, with the Schedules included as necessary.

Documentation for a particular contract should comprise:

Instructions for Tendering (separate document)

Letter or Form of Agreement (and Appendix)
Conditions of Contract (reference to published Document)
Amendments and additions to Conditions of Contract
Pre-construction Information

Specification for Ground Investigation (reference to published Document)

Schedule 1: Information
Schedule 2: Exploratory holes
Schedule 3: Investigation Supervisor’s facilities
Schedule 4: Specification amendments
Schedule 5: Specification additions

If required, the Contract may also include the Bill of Quantities for ground
investigation contained in Annex 1, comprising:

Preamble (reference to published document)

Preamble amendments
Works Items
Summary of Bill of Quantities
Appendix A: Rates for ground practitioners and other personnel
Appendix B: Long-term sample storage

It should be noted that a formal Method of Measurement and Item Coverage are
not required for use with the Annex 1 Bill, as the Specification, together with the
Preamble to the Bill of Quantities, adequately defines the Bill items for payment.
Additional items may be included in the Specification and Bill with the minimum
of documentation. Alternatively, a formal Method of Measurement and Item
Coverage (together with an appropriate Bill of Quantities) may be included with
the Contract documentation. This is likely to result in duplication of statements
and increase the complexity of the documentation, however, particularly when
additional items are included.


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