Ministry Ict Strategy

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April 2014


ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................iii

CABINET SECRETARY’S FOREWORD.....................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE.....................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................1
1.3 Mandate.....................................................................................................2
1.4 Vision.........................................................................................................3
1.5 Mission.......................................................................................................3
1.6 Core values.................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................6
2.0. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS................................................................................6
2.1SWOT Analysis.............................................................................................6
2.1.1 Strengths..............................................................................................6
2.1.2 Weaknesses..........................................................................................6
2.1.3 Opportunities........................................................................................6
2.1.4 Threats.................................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................8
3.0 STRATEGIC AREAS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES......................................8
3.1 Overview....................................................................................................8
3.2 KEY ICT STRATEGIC AREAS.........................................................................8
3.3 IMPLEMENTATION MATRIX....................................................................13
CHAPTER FOUR..................................................................................................22
4.0 FINANCIAL RESOURCES................................................................................22
4.1 Funding this Strategic Plan.....................................................................22
4.2 Funding Strategies.................................................................................23


ICT: Information Communication Technology

MDG: Millenium development goals

M&E: Monitoring and evaluation

CPPMU: Central planning and project monitoring unit

GoK: Government of Kenya

LAN: Local area network

GCCN: Government Common Core Network

NOFBI: National optic fiber backbone infrastructure

CCTV: Closed circuit television


Kenya’s economy is largely agro-based with the Agriculture sector accounting for a
large proportion of the gross domestic product (GDP) and export earnings. This is
reflected by its contribution to income generation, employment creation, food
security and raw materials for industrial development. The sector is also expected to
deliver in Kenya’s global commitments to achieve the Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) one, on poverty and hunger.

The new constitution strongly emphasizes the right of Kenyans to improved access
to Government information. Therefore, the Government seeks to create an e-
Government system that efficiently delivers services to citizens based on their
political, social or economic needs, and thus facilitating achievement of Vision 2030.

This is why the agriculture sector must leverage on ICT to improve on provision of
agricultural information products and services in line with the aspirations of
Government as set out in the Vision 2030.

ICTs offer an opportunity to revolutionize public service management by improving

the ability of government to efficiently share and analyse information between
ministry departments and other government agencies.

This ICT Strategy is a clear road map to facilitate the Ministry embrace use of e-
Government systems to effectively deliver services to the Citizens of this country.
There are a number of challenges facing the development of ICT in the Ministry,
which include among others: Inadequate provision of ICT Equipment and
Accessories, Poor ICT Infrastructure and Internet Connectivity, Lack of proper
maintenance of ICT equipment, and Low ICT Funding.

This Strategy identifies the key priority activities that the Ministry will undertake to
implement during the period 2014 to 2018 in order to effectively support delivery of
the Ministry’s objectives and address the above challenges through use of ICT.

More specifically, this ICT strategic plan will be the implementation tool for the
purpose of automating the Ministry in the wider strategy for performance

Among the programmes to be implemented in this Strategic Plan are: Installation of

ICT Infrastructure, Broadband Connectivity, Development of Content and IT
Applications, Development of ICT capacity and Skills, Policy and Legal Frameworks,
Strengthening of the ICT Unit, etc to deliver integrated services for a wide ICT
utilization across the Ministry. The Goal is to have a majority of the Ministry services
being transacted online.

This ICT Strategy is in conformity with the National ICT Policy which seeks to
facilitate sustained economic growth and poverty reduction; promote social justice
and equity; mainstream gender in national development; empower the youth and
disadvantaged groups; stimulate investment and innovation in ICT; and achieves
universal access.

This ICT Strategic Plan shall be implemented through performance contract targets,
annual work plans, and individual work plans.

Pursuant to the above therefore, it is my sincere hope that the full implementation
of this ICT Strategic Plan will create an enabling environment for the Ministry to
deliver services effectively to the citizens and hence propel the country’s economic
growth through increased agricultural productivity.

In conclusion, I wish to thank all those who participated in the preparation of this
ICT Strategic Plan (2014-2018) whose diverse contributions made this exercise a




The Government of Kenya has recognized the importance of ICT in stimulating

national development, in particular, modernization and globalization of the economy.
The Government recognizes the role of ICTs in the social and economic development
of the nation and has promulgated a national ICT Policy based on the Economic
Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (2003-2007).
People across the globe do much more with ICTs than chat and play games. They
learn where best to fish and what market to sell their produce in. They trace cattle
from pastures to supermarkets and remotely monitor and switch on irrigation

1.2Basis of this ICT Strategy

The purpose of this ICT Strategic Plan is twofold;
Firstly, it is to use ICTs to provide citizens of Kenya with equal access to Ministry’s
services regardless of their location, in line with the spirit of the Constitution of
Secondly, it is to use ICTs to create an enabling environment for the achievement of
Vision 2030 through effective and efficient service delivery to the citizens.
Well-implemented online services drastically reduce transaction costs and
increase society‘s trust in government without having to visit crowded government
There are several benefits of implementing e-Government which include:
 Simplified delivery of services to citizens
 Minimized government bureaucracy
 Improved interactions among government departments and with business,
industry and citizens
 Increased empowerment of citizens, businesses , government agencies
through access to information, knowledge and services

 More efficient government management
 Improved productivity and efficiency of government agencies
 More effective, convenient and cost effective delivery of information,
knowledge and services
 Improved quality of life for disadvantaged communities and broadened public

This ICT Strategic Plan, covering the period 2014 to 2018, is anchored on a number
of development policy documents such as the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya
Vision 2030, e-government Strategic plan as well as the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs). The plan was prepared through a participatory and contributory
process involving key stakeholders.

Implementation of the Ministry’s programmes and projects will be monitored through

a participatory process based on the measurable indicators set out in Table 1 to7
below. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) will take place at all levels of
implementation and will be coordinated by the Central Planning and Project
Monitoring Unit (CPPMU).

In order to ensure that this strategic plan is successfully implemented it is proposed

that strategic leadership will be provided by the high-level ministry’s management.

To successfully implement the plan, financial requirements based on activities in the

programmes have been worked out and explicitly tabulated in the implementation
matrix form in Table 1 to7 below.

1.3 Mandate

The Ministry’s core functions include:

i). Formulation, implementation and monitoring of agricultural legislations,
regulations and policies

ii). Supporting agricultural research and promoting technology delivery

iii). Facilitating and representing agricultural state corporations in the government

iv). Development, implementation and co-ordination of programmes in the
agricultural sector

v). Regulating and quality control of inputs, produce and products from the
agricultural sector

vi). Management and control of pests and diseases

1.4 Vision

The Ministry’s vision is “to be a leading institution in the management

and development of crops, livestock and fisheries resources for
socio economic development of all Kenyans”.

1.5 Mission

The Mission of the Ministry is “to improve the livelihood of Kenyans and
ensure food security by promoting competitive, commercially
oriented fisheries, crop and livestock farming through creation of
enabling environment, and ensuring sustainable natural resource

1.6 Core values

In order to fulfill its mission and realize its vision, the Ministry has identified the
following as its core values:

i). Professionalism

ii). Integrity

iii). Efficiency

iv). Partnerships

v). Gender Equity

1.7 The Functions of ICT Unit

ICT Unit in the ministry is the implementation and operational focal point for the e-
Government Strategy with the major role of ensuring effective computerization of
Ministry services through the implementation of appropriate projects in line with the

overall national strategy and based on the ICT maturity level of the respective
ministry. The ICT Unit is responsible for relevant ICT project implementation, user
training and technical support services in line with the mandate of the ministry. All
projects implemented in the ministry shall follow the agreed government standards
for development, maintenance and integration of systems within the GoK ICT
strategic framework.
Specific duties and responsibilities includes to:-

a) Coordinate the development and procurement of cost-effective and efficient

ICT infrastructure, equipment and services,
b) Manage the implementation of ICT projects,
c) Appreciate, disseminate and implement the GoK e-Government strategy.
d) Develop ICT strategic, work and project plans for the ministry.
e) Develop and implement the Ministry ICT policy.
f) Act as a Secretariat to the Ministerial ICT Committee.
g) Implement ICT projects based on the national e-Government strategy, the
ICT maturity level of the ministry, and in accordance with the published
standards relating to the management of ICT projects in GoK.
h) Provide technical and operational support for systems and infrastructure
including networks, websites, email systems, databases and applications
i) Design and implement Ministry’s ICT capacity building initiatives.
j) Identify ways in which the Ministry can more effectively and efficiently deliver
services to the citizens using ICT and propose appropriate interventions,
k) Monitor, coordinate and advise on issues pertaining to electronic business,
telecommunications and technology,
l) Participate in the development, analysis and evaluation of Government wide
technology issues, policies and legislations.

1.8 ICT Staff Establishment

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries is one of the few large ministries
and hence the need to review the ICT Staff establishment to enable the ICT unit meet
and provide the increasing demand for technical ICT user support. To adequately

provide this technical support and undertake to implement this ICT Strategic Plan the
following is the proposed recommended ICT Staff Establishment for the ministry.

Proposed ICT Staff Establishment

Designation Job Group Authorized In-post Proposed Variance


Deputy Director/ICT R 0 0 1 -1

Snr. Assistant Q 0 0 1 -1

Assistant Director/ICT P 1 1 3 -2

Principal ICT Officer N 1 0 3 -3

Chief ICT Officer M 2 3 3 0

ICT II/I/Senior J/K/L 12 17 6 +11



2.1SWOT Analysis

The analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the Development

of ICT in the ministry is summarised below: -

2.1.1 Strengths

 ICT Unit enjoys adequate top management support of the Ministry

 Existence of a legal framework governing ICT within the Government
 Liberalization of the ICT sector
 Availability of National ICT policy framework
 Availability of the wide National ICT Infrastructure

2.1.2 Weaknesses

 Weak ICT Structure within the ministry

 Inadequate proper working tools and ICT equipment
 Weak and obsolete policy, legal and regulatory framework for the sector
 Inadequate ICT funding
 Poor staff ICT Skills
 Untrained Staff in adequate ICT Skills has led to reduced utilization of ICT
 Lack of centralised ICT data bank
 Inadequate bandwidth and Poor infrastructure

2.1.3 Opportunities
 The high demand by the citizens for ICTs to transform the delivery of services

 The high demand of ICT services by the directorates and departments within
the ministry
 The right to access to Government information as clearly stipulated in the
Constitution of Kenya Chapter 35 (1) (a).
 Increased government support

2.1.4 Threats

 Negative Staff altitude to uptake of ICT i.e Resistance to change

 Personal Interests
 High cost of ICT related services
 Cyber crime
 Insecurity and hacking of systems
 Copyright Software violations



3.1 Overview
This chapter articulates the key Priority Strategic Areas (issues) the Ministry will
address to achieve its strategic ICT objectives for the plan period. It also outlines the
strategies (activities) that will be undertaken to meet the strategic objectives. The
strategic areas have been derived from the situational analysis (chapter two). The
progress towards achieving these strategic objectives will be monitored and
evaluated against specific outputs and performance indicators as detailed in the
Implementation Matrix Table 1 to7 below.


The Ministry will focus on the following strategic issues during the Plan period;

 Strategic Area 1: Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Reforms.

 Strategic Area 2: ICT Infrastructure

 Strategic Area 3: Broadband Connectivity.

 Strategic Area 4: ICT Capacity.

 Strategic Area 5: Human Resource Development.

 Strategic Area 6: Content and Application Development.

 Strategic Area7: Communication and Access to Information

3.2.1 Strategic Area 1: Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Reforms.

Strategic Objectives:
1. Ensure development and adoption of policies, standards and regulations.

Introduce the required legislation and legal frameworks needed to support
usage of the new IT technology and ensure compatibility, interoperability and
secure sharing of information.
 Develop and implement Ministry’s ICT Policy to guide in proper usage and
application of ICT equipment, systems and services
 Develop and implement Ministry’s Security Policy to guide in secure usage
and application of ICT equipment, systems and services

3.2.2 Strategic Area 2: ICT Infrastructure

Strategic Objectives:
1. To build and maintain a Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure at Ministry
Headquarters (Kilimo Building), Kabete Veterinary Services, Hill Plaza and Bee
keeping Centre.
2. To build and maintain a Ministry’s Data Center i.e a well-conditioned secure
and equipped Server Room at Kilimo Building that will host the servers which
includes; Mail Server, File Servers, Application Servers etc.
 Install and upgrade local area network (LAN) infrastructure at Kilimo
building, Hill Plaza, Kabete Veterinary Services and Bee Keeping Centre.
 Extend the usage and reliability of the Government Common Core Network
 Install Wireless Network in all the above locations
 Carry out ICT infrastructure needs assessment for the field stations
 Coordinate with the ICT Authority on the installation and/or extension of
the National Optic Fiber Backbone Infrastructure (NOFBI) to ensure
seamless integration with LANS
 Provide end-users with adequate access to the LANs and computing
 Re-partition the ICT Block at Kilimo to adequately accommodate ICT staff
 Consolidate previous departmental Data Centers if any to minimize
duplication and enhance value.

 Set up and operationalize a central ministry’s primary Data Center at
 Set up Data Backup system to carry out backups for the Ministry
information and data

3.2.3 Strategic Area 3: Broadband Connectivity

Strategic Objectives:
1. Provide and maintain adequate internet bandwidth to meet Ministry needs
 Carry out bandwidth needs assessment and current usage by the ministry at
Kilimo, Kabete Veterinary services, Hill Plaza, Bee Keeping centre
 Procure adequate bandwidth to meet the entire ministry needs as a
redundancy to supplement the GCCN bandwidth.
 Procure and install bandwidth management tools to monitor internet traffic
with the view to increasing efficiency of internet resources
 Procure Internet modems for use while away from the ministry premises

3.2.4 Strategic Area 4: ICT Capacity

Strategic Objectives:
1. To equip ministry staff with the ICT tools that they need to efficiently and
cost-effectively carry out their work.
 Develop standard for acquisition, maintenance and disposal of ICT equipment
 Equip officers with appropriate computers and other requisite ICT equipment
 Procure and install recommended genuine operating systems, Office suites,
Antivirus etc
 Manage the delivery of services cost-effectively through shared printing,
scanning and storage solutions over a local area network
 Increase the percentage of ICT budget allocation from the current 0.82% to
at least 2% of the Total Ministry budget.

3.2.5 Strategic Area 5: Human Resource Development
Strategic Objectives:
1. To organize and manage ICT human capacity to sustain productivity
2. Strengthen the ICT Department
 Undertake ICT training needs assessment
 Developing an ICT Training Curriculum
 Coordinate and carry out regular ICT Basic training to staff
 Establish an ICT Resource Centre to facilitate access to ICT facilities to all
staff and the citizens who visit the ministry
 Review the ICT Staff Establishment and deploy appropriate staff.
 Upgrade the ICT leadership/headship to align with the other departments

3.2.6 Strategic Area 6: Content and Application Development

Strategic Objectives:
1. To facilitate the ministry to implement knowledge-based databases and
applications to support ease of doing business i.e efficient and effective
service delivery to the citizens. To achieve this the following strategies shall
be implemented.
 Digitize all main registries in the ministry
 Build the following databases to support core business processes:
 Livestock
 Crops inventory
 Farmers inventory

 Simplify and automate core business Processes to support effective service

delivery by implementing the following core applications:
 Project Management System
 Electronic Document Management System

 Asset Management System
 Fleet Management System
 E-Coupon System
 Biometric Access Control System
 CCTV Surveillance System
 Market Information System
 Animal Tracking System

3.2.7 Strategic Area 7: Communication and Access to Information

Strategic Objectives:
 Establish Communication and Online access to Ministry information
 Develop and implement a dynamic, database driven ministry portal i.e
 Facilitate online access to Fish and Livestock Import and Export
 Develop and implement a collaborative ministry official email system and
 Develop and implement a Management Information System to facilitate
online access to up to date market information on Fish, Livestock,
Agricultural products and inputs
 Upgrade the telephone system to embrace the VOIP technology that is
more efficient and reliable.
 Install the following communication facilities:
 Tele/Video Conference System
 Conference Public Address System
 Electronic Notice boards


Table 1-Strategic Area 1: Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Reforms.

Strategic Objectives:
1. Ensure development and adoption of policies, standards and regulations.

Strategies Expected Key Timeframe Resources

Output Performance KES (Millions)
Indicator(s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
Develop ICT ICT Security 0.6
and Security Policy Report
implement Policy
ICT Security Report
Develop ICT Policy ICT Policy 0.6
and Report Report
ICT Policy

Table 2-Strategic Area 2: ICT Infrastructure

Strategic Objectives:
1. To build and maintain a Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure at Ministry Headquarters (Kilimo Building), Kabete
Veterinary Services, Hill Plaza and Bee keeping Centre.
2. To build and maintain a Ministry’s Data Center i.e a well-conditioned secure and equipped Server Room at Kilimo
Building that will host the servers which includes; Mail Server, File Servers, Application Servers etc.

Strategies Expected Key Timeframe Resources

Output Performanc KES (Millions)
e Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr
Indicator(s) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
Install and LAN in Place LSO 15 10 5 - -
(LAN) at
Kilimo, Hill
and Bee

Extend GCCN Letter - - - - -

Government connected
Core Network
Install Wireless LSO 1.0 1.0 1.0
Wireless Network in
Network Place

Carry out ICT Infrastructure Memo & 1.0
infrastructure needs report
needs assessment
assessment report
for the field
Re-partition Open office LSO 15
the ICT Block
Set up and Data Centre LSO 4.5 3.5
operationalize in place
primary Data
Center with

Table 3-Strategic Area 3: Broadband Connectivity
Strategic Objectives:
1. Provide and maintain adequate internet bandwidth to meet Ministry needs
Strategies Expected Key Timeframe Resources
Output Performance KES (Millions)
Indicator(s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
Procure Internet/ LSO 0.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
adequate monitoring
internet tools
bandwidth available

Procure Modems LPO 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2

Internet available

Table 4-Strategic Area 4: ICT Capacity
Strategic Objectives:
1. To equip ministry staff with the ICT tools that they need to efficiently and cost-effectively carry out their work.
Strategies Expected Key Timeframe Resources
Output Performance KES (Millions)
Indicator(s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Develop Standards Report 0.6 0.6
standard for available
and disposal
of ICT
Procure & Equipment LSO’s/LPOs 7 5 5 3 3
maintain serviced &
ICT procured
Install Software LPO’s 4.5 3.5 1.5 1.5
genuine Licenses
operating procured
Facilitate Shared Shared - - - - -
sharing of services equipment
over the
local area

Raise the More ICT Budget - - - - -
ICT budget budget estimates/mem
allocation o
from the
0.82% to at
least 2% of
the Ministry

Table 5-Strategic Area 5: Human Resource Development
Strategic Objectives:
1. To organize and manage ICT human capacity to sustain productivity
2. Strengthen the ICT Department

Strategies Expected Key Timeframe Resources

Output Performance KES (Millions)
Indicator(s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Undertake ICT training Report 0.5 0.5
ICT training needs
needs assessment
assessment report

Develop an ICT Training Report 0.6

ICT Training Curriculum
Curriculum report

Carry out Officers Attendance 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

regular ICT trained reports
Basic training
Establish an ICT resource LPO/memo 5 5
ICT Resource Centre in
Centre place
Review the Revised ICT ICT
ICT Staff Establishment Establishment

Table 6-Strategic Area 6: Content and Application Development
Strategic Objectives:
1. To facilitate the ministry to implement knowledge-based databases and applications to support service delivery to citizens
Strategies Expected Key Timeframe Resources
Output Performance KES (Millions)
Indicator(s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
Digitize all Digitized LSO/Memos 5 3 2 1
main records
registries in
the ministry

Automate IT LSO/memos 10 5 5 5 5
core applications
business developed

Build core Crops, LPO/memos 3 3 3 3

business Livestock
databases databases

Table 7-Strategic Area 7: Communication and Access to Information
Strategic Objectives:
 Establish Communication and Online access to Ministry information

Strategies Expected Key Timeframe Resources

Output Performance KES (Millions)
Indicator(s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Yr Yr Yr Yr Yr
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Develop and Portal LSO/Memos 1
implement a dynamic, developed
database driven
ministry portal
Facilitate online access Forms Memos/content 0.5
to Fish and Livestock uploaded
Import and Export
Upgrade the telephone VOIP LSO’s/memo 3 2.5 2
system to embrace the installed
VOIP technology
Install the following Systems 5 3 3
communication in place
 Tele/Video
 Conference
Public Address
 Electronic
Notice board



4.1 Funding this Strategic Plan

The Ministry will require a total budget of Kshs. 191.7 Million over the five years to implement all the planned
programmes and activities in this ICT Strategic plan as detailed in the implementation matrix and summarized in the table

Table 8: Resource Requirements (2014/15 – 2018/19) KSh. Million

Strategic 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Total
1 0.6 0.6 - - 1.2
2 1.0 36.5 14.5 5.0 - 57.0
3 1.1 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 8.2
4 11.5 9.1 6.5 5.1 3.0 35.2
5 5.0 7.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 17.1
6 10.0 13.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 53.0
7 1.0 8.5 5.5 2.0 3.0 20.0
Total 30.5
77.3 40.7 25.3 18.2 192.0

4.2 Funding Strategies

The financial resources are to be sourced from the following:

i. Recurrent Allocation
ii. Development Allocation
iii. Mobilizing External Funding
iv. Collaboration with other stakeholders


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