Switch - Unidad 3 - Paso 3
Switch - Unidad 3 - Paso 3
Switch - Unidad 3 - Paso 3
1. ACTIVIDAD.................................................................................................................................4
1.1 CCNPv7.1_SWITCH_Lab1_BASELINE_STUDENT................................................................4
1.2 CCNPv7.1_SWITCH_Lab3-1_VLAN-TRUNK-VTP_STUDENT..............................................12
1.3 CCNPv7.1_SWITCH_Lab3-2_ETHERCHANNEL_STUDENT.................................................12
1.4 CCNPv7.1_SWITCH_Lab4-1_STP_STUDENT.....................................................................12
1.5 CCNPv7.1_SWITCH_Lab4-2_MST_STUDENT...................................................................12
1.6 CCNPv7.1_SWITCH_Lab5-1_IVL-ROUTING_STUDENT.....................................................12
1.7 CCNPv7.1_SWITCH_Lab5-2_DHCP46_STUDENT..............................................................12
2. CONCLUSIONES........................................................................................................................13
Temáticas a Desarrollar:
Clear the configuration of all the switches in your pod
Configure the database template used by all the switches in your pod
Save a baseline configuration for all the switches in your pod
When working with a switch that has been previously configured, any new commands entered will
be merged with the existing configuration, causing unpredictable results. Additionally, if the switch is
connected to other switches in the network, you can remove the VLANs but they might be relearned
from another switch via VTP. In this lab you prepare your switches for use with future labs. This is
accomplished by erasing the startup configuration from NVRAM and deleting the VLAN database.
You also ensure that VLANs will not be relearned from another switch after the VLAN database has
been deleted. Additionally, your switches may be required to support IPv6 traffic, which it does not
by default. This is accomplished by changing the database template used by the Switch Database
Note: This lab uses Cisco Catalyst 3560 and 2960 switches running Cisco IOS 15.0(2)SE6 IP
Services and LAN Base images, respectively. The 3560 and 2960 switches are configured with the
SDM templates “dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 routing” and “lanbase-routing”, respectively. Depending on the
switch model and Cisco IOS Software version, the commands available and output produced might
vary from what is shown in this lab. Catalyst 3650 switches (running any Cisco IOS XE release) and
Catalyst 2960-Plus switches (running any comparable Cisco IOS image) can be used in place of the
Catalyst 3560 switches and the Catalyst 2960 switches.
Required Resources
You may use one of the following switches or a comparable one with this lab:
Cisco 2960 with the Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)SE6 C2960-LANBASEK9-M or
Cisco 3560v2 with the Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)SE6 C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M or
Console Cable
Computer with terminal emulation software
Step 1: Connect to the switch console port and enter privileged EXEC mode.
From a computer running a terminal emulation program, connect to the console port of the
switch that you want to clear using a console cable. You should see a console prompt that
includes the switch’s hostname, followed by a > or #. The default switch hostname is “Switch.”
If the prompt ends with a >, you are not in privileged EXEC mode. To enter privileged EXEC
mode, type enable. This might require a password. If you are in a configuration mode, type
exit or end.
If not enabled:
Switch> enable
In privileged EXEC mode, type delete flash:vlan.dat or delete vlan.dat (in the
shorter form without the flash: prefix, the <TAB> key completion does not work) and press
Enter. If you are asked to confirm, press Enter until you are back to the original prompt.
Switch# delete vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]? ! Press Enter
Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm] ! Press Enter
Files that appear to reside in NVRAM (use dir nvram: to display its contents) are in fact
stored in FLASH. Some of them are stored as standalone files in FLASH, such as
flash:config.text that maps to nvram:startup-config, or flash:private-config.text that maps to
nvram:private-config and stores sensitive information such as RSA keys, master password
encryption key etc. Deleting any of these files from FLASH will cause the corresponding
mapped file in simulated NVRAM to also be deleted or its apparent length in NVRAM to be
truncated to zero, and vice versa. Other files in NVRAM, such as self-generated X.509
certificates, are all stored in the flash:multiple-fs file.
The erase startup-config command commonly used to remove the stored configuration
will remove the flash:config.text and flash:private-config.text. However, other contents of the
simulated NVRAM, such as X.509 certificates that were automatically created for the HTTPS
server run on the switch, will not be removed as they reside in the flash:multiple-fs file
unaffected by the erase startup-config command. Therefore, to completely erase the
simulated NVRAM contents, not only the erase startup-config command must be issued,
but also the flash:multiple-fs file must be removed.
In privileged EXEC mode, issue the delete flash:multiple-fs (or simply delete
multiple-fs) command, followed by the erase startup-config command. Press Enter
on each prompt.
Switch# delete multiple-fs
Delete filename [multiple-fs]? ! Press Enter
Delete flash:/multiple-fs? [confirm] ! Press Enter
Switch# erase startup-config
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue?
[confirm] ! Press Enter
Erase of nvram: complete
*Mar 1 00:43:23.286: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram
Note: Historically, the write erase command was used to erase the startup configuration.
This command has the same effect as erase startup-config command that was
implemented in later IOS versions, and is still being used as its shortened version wr e is more
convenient to write than erase startup-config.
Because our switching network will need to support IPv6 traffic, the SDM template must be
changed to one of the dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 templates, using the sdm prefer dual-ipv4-
and-ipv6 template global configuration command.
The template options for dual IPv4 and IPv6 operation vary based on the model of switch.
As of this writing, the dual-ipv6-and-ipv4 template options on 3560s are default, routing,
and VLAN, while the option on 2960s is default. The 2960's lanbase-routing template also
supports connected IPv6 hosts.
Note: The routing template is not a valid selection on switches running the LANBASE
feature set, even though routing may appear as an option at the command line.
Switch(config)# sdm prefer dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 routing
Changes to the running SDM preferences have been stored, but cannot take
effect until the next reload.
Use 'show sdm prefer' to see what SDM preference is currently active.
As you can see in the output above, a restart is required for the change to be effective; the
switch cannot re-allocate the TCAM on the fly. You will restart the switch at the end of this
Configure your 3560 switches for the dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 routing template, and
your 2960 switches for the lanbase-routing template.
Note: Several of the labs in the course end with instructions to reset the switch to its
defaults. If you clear the switch (delete vlan.dat, delete multiple-fs, write
erase, reload), the selected SDM template will return to the default, and could require
reconfiguration (including a reboot).
Step 5: Reload the device, but do not save the system configuration if prompted.
After clearing the switch configuration, reload the switch by typing reload and pressing Enter.
If you are asked whether to save the current configuration, answer no. Press Enter to confirm.
The switch starts reloading. Your output might look different depending on the switch model that
you are using. This step might take a few minutes, because the switch needs time to reload.
Switch# reload
Use the script below and modify it to meet the particulars of the switch you are working on:
puts [ open "flash:BASE.CFG" w+ ] {
hostname DLS1
ip domain-name CCNP.NET
no ip domain lookup
interface range f0/1-24 , g0/1-2
vtp mode transparent
line con 0
no exec-timeout
logging synchronous
puts [ open "flash:reset.tcl" w+ ] {
typeahead "\n"
copy running-config startup-config
typeahead "\n"
erase startup-config
delete /force vlan.dat
delete /force multiple-fs
ios_config "sdm prefer lanbase-routing"
typeahead "\n"
puts "Reloading the switch in 1 minute, type reload cancel to halt"
typeahead "\n"
Now for any lab that requires clearing the switch, issue the privileged exec command tclsh
reset.tcl and the switch will be completely cleared and reload in the proper state.
Step 8: End of Lab
At this point, your switches should be at a factory default with the BASE.CFG file in FLASH for
future use.
Goyzueta, C. A. (21 de 01 de 2019). CCNPv7 SWITCH - Chapter 1 Lab Preparing the Switch.
Obtenido de youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBXjsXx4mVc
Learning, W. (29 de 07 de 2016). CCNPv7 Switch Lab 1 - Preparing the Switch. Obtenido de google: