Critical Periords For Language: Many Catalan Primary Schools Have Lowered The Starting Age of Foreign Language Learning

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Critical periords for language

Research findings on the critical period may influence educational policy and
practice. Over recent years, many Catalan primary schools have lowered the
starting age of foreign language learning and start teaching English in early
childhood education (1). However, making pedagogical decisions solely on the
basis of research on the critical period is problematic. In this article, we take a
closer look at the issue.
The hypothesis that there is a critical period in life to learn a language was first
proposed by the Canadian neurologists Penfield and Roberts in 1959. The
hypothesis was then popularized by the linguist and neurologist Eric H.
Lenneberg in his 1967 book “Biological Foundations of Language.” Lenneberg
speculated that the critical period hypothesis not only affected first language
acquisition, but could also be extended to second language acquisition. According
to the critical period hypothesis, language can be acquired only within a critical
period, extending from early infancy until puberty. The hypothesis is untestable for
first language acquisition because no child can be intentionally deprived of
language for experimental purposes. However, documented cases of feral children,
victims of severe abuse, neglect and social isolation, such as Victor or Genie, deaf
children of hearing parents, and children recovering from aphasia and language
disorders lead us to believe that acquisition of a language is guaranteed up to the
age of six, but then steadily compromised until puberty. After puberty, acquisition is
rare. Some aspects of language will be learned but full mastery will not be
achieved. The reason behind the critical period is thought to be of a biological (or
maturational) nature and related to neurophysiological changes in the brain that
allow, for example, the creation of more complex neural networks early in life
(Long, 2007).
The existence of a critical period is commonly accepted for first language
acquisition but it remains controversial and the subject of debate in the case of
second language acquisition. The good news is that, unlike in the case of first
language acquisition, the hypothesis is testable for second language acquisition. A
great deal of empirical evidence has been gathered showing a link between the
age of an individual’s first exposure to a second language and his or her ultimate
attainment (or long-term achievement) in that language. The following are some of
the conclusions of research:

 The terms “sensitive periods” and “windows of opportunity” are more

accurate labels than “critical period”: there is no sharp and sudden or abrupt
decline in language development across the board but different windows of
opportunity for different language aspects and domains (phonology, lexis,
 There are consecutive sensitive periods for each of the language domains,
in the following order:
1. phonology (between age 0 and age 6)
2. lexis and collocation (between age 0 and age 10)
3. morphosyntax (between age 0 and age 12).
 In a study by Granena and Long (2013) with Chinese learners of Spanish in
Madrid (Spain), the oldest starting ages (i.e. ages of arrival in Spain) for
participants that reached nativelike Spanish pronunciation, vocabulary, and
grammar were 5, 9, and 12, respectively.
 Before age 10, there are few individual differences in ability to learn a
second language. But among adults, individual variations in success are large
and likely to be affected by cognitive abilities such as language aptitude.
 A 2018 study co-authored by Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at
Harvard University, with data on 669,498 people learning a second language
around the world confirmed a critical period for grammar: learners could reach
nativelike scores on a quiz if they had started learning the language before the
age of 17 or 18.
Be that as it may, good language acquisition may be possible after puberty and
talented language learners who pass as native speakers may be very successful in
certain language aspects. Similarly, someone who starts young enough may not
reach nativelike levels. Neither of these cases refutes the critical period hypothesis.
The single piece of evidence that could refute the hypothesis would be a learner
who starts learning the second language as an adult and scores like a native
speaker in a variety of tests and formats, in various language domains (phonology,
lexis and grammar), both receptively and productively. This learner is still to be
found (and tested).

In conclusion, it seems that a young starting age is necessary, but not sufficient, for
long-term success in a foreign language context. In order to take advantage of
children’s capacity to learn a foreign language, you need appropriate teaching
methods and sufficient exposure to the language. In addition, there are other
concerns, such as teacher training and command of the foreign language (2), the
quality of foreign language materials, continuity when transitioning from primary to
secondary school, etc. The potential advantages of an early start, especially in
pronunciation, listening and speaking, are easily lost if inadequate resources are
made available overall. The real question to ask, of course, is whether we need
near native-like speakers of foreign languages. If policy makers consider high-level
proficiency a goal, then they should approach foreign language instruction more
holistically and allocate public funds accordingly.

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