English Assignment Act 2 SC 1&2

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a1. Salarino says he hope it might prove the end of his losses.

What do you think

will happen
Ans when Salarino says this he means to wish that Antonio's losses might be
limited to the loss of this ship only, and may all the ships that he has in different
corners of the world come back to him bringing riches to him safely. I think that
Antonio will still continue to face adverse losses and he will continue to lose
multiple ships that are to come
Q2. Find a quotation which shows how much Salarino and Solanio see Antonio
as a respected citizen (lines 1-18).
Ans: "oh, that I had a title good enough to keep his name company!"
The above quoted line clearly shows how the duo of Salarino and Solanio see
Antonio as a respected citizen
Q3.Watch the scene between Shylock, Solanio and Salerio (lines 19-60). Try to
watch more than one version. Do you have sympathy with Shylock at this point
in the play? Why?
Ans: While salarino and solanio were discussing the rumours of Antonio’s loss of
ships and the possibility of the dangerous Goodwin’s flats. They think it is very
possible for Antonio’s ships to have wrecked in these shallow waters. Just then
salanio cuts salarino off and asks him to say “amen” lest the devil might cross
their paths, as they saw shylock approaching them at a distance, thus they
reflect how much of prejudice they have for the Jews. Upon asking them
shylock comes to know that the duo has helped his daughter to elope with his
hard earned money, shylock naturally becomes furious. When shylock asks why
is his own daughter is rebelling against him, salarino says it is so because the
devil himself is judging her, thus mistreating the tortured father much more.
Salarino then remarks that there is a huge difference between shylock and
Jessica and compares them to ivory and jet. This time shylock snaps back and
calls Antonio a “beggar”, his remarks are very much justified in the eyes of a
neutral reader as shylock laments how he has been called a “usurer”, hindered
him half a million, laughed at his losses and mocked at his gains, scorned his
nation, thwarted his bargains, cooled his friends, heated his enemies, and all
because he is a Jew. After hearing the sad lament of shylock, a strong sense of
sympathy overcomes us as we understand that shylock was in no way a cunning
person and all he was doing was what his religion allowed. This kind of prejudice
and atrocity will surely make any person vicious as it made shylock, thirsty for
Q4. Watch and read the rest of the scene. Find a quotation for each of the
following statements in the rest of the scene:
i) Shylock cares more for his jewels than his daughter: “I would my
daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear”
ii) Shylock is looking forward to taking revenge on Antonio: “I will have
the heart of him, if he forfeit”
iii) Antonio will not be able to pay back the loan: “there came divers of
Antonio’s creditors in my company to Venice, that swear he cannot
choose but break”
iv) The ring Jessica gave away was important to Shylock: “thou torturest
me, tubal ….. I would not have given it for the wilderness of monkeys”

Q5. Do you have more or less sympathy for Shylock by the end of the scene?
Ans: The sympathy for shylock again begins to degrade toward the end of the
scene as we see how blood thirsty he has become , but all of this is because of
Antonio’s own fault but then seeing a hurting man like that will definitely
reduce some of the sympathy that we had. Moreover we see that shylock only
sees profit whether he has to even lose his daughter or even murder someone
as he says “for, were he out of Venice , I can make what merchandise I will.”
Q1: Read lines 1-24 and lines 40-62. Poor Portia! Sum up in your own words
how she is feeling. How is the audience feeling?
Ans: Portia at this point wants Bassanio to “tarry” and wants him to delay the
choice of his caskets for she fears that she might lose his company if he fails to
choose the right casket. She mentions that there is something that tells her that
he will not choose wrong but she wants him to understand her without her
speaking , only by thought. She says she would counsel him into making the
right decision but she will make him stay for a month or two. The audience at
this point is very much anxious and are in wait.
Q2: Look at and summarise what Bassanio says about each of the caskets which
help him make his decision (lines 73-107).
Ans: Gold: “ the world is deceived by ornament” Bassanio says that gold and
outward pomp only serves to hide and conceal the real truth.
Silver: “ pale common drudge between man and man” : Bassanio remarks that
silver is merely the servant of man and since it is what the common fools will go
Lead : “meagre lead” : Bassanio finds the threats posed by lead but proceeds to
choose it as he is very much moved by its paleness and it seems the purest to
Q4: Can you find evidence which suggests that Bassanio really loves Portia or is
he marrying her only for his money?
Ans: Bassanio might be seen suggesting to be marrying portia only for her
money as his first description of the lady goes on like “…a lady richly left”. His
description of portia as a prize also materializes her presence. But then Bassanio
has agreed to risk his best friend Antonio and go to Belmont to try his luck. He
also is somehat seen as the suffering lover as is fantasized by many romantic
writers when he says she is the torturer. To conclude we can say that money
was a big factor for Bassanio to marry portia but he was truly fuelled by true
Q5. It seems as if love is in the air in Belmont. What news confirms this (lines
Ans: the fact that there is so much of an affectionate atmosphere going on in
the play at that moment is enough to suggest that love was in the air, the
meeting of Portia and Bassanio, news of Jessica fleeing with Lorenzo , also
Nerissa and Gratiano being in love confirms it.
Q6. Salerio gives Bassanio a letter – and it contains bad news. How does
Shakespeare make the fact it is bad news clear to the audience? Look at lines
Ans: Bassanio react very sharply to the letter. He says the letter contains words
which feel like “gaping wounds”. It is as if he is physically hurt. This shows his
very deep feelings for Antonio and perhaps is successful in understanding the
great trouble he has left Antonio with. He finally realizes with what fate he has
left Antonio with back In Venice.
Q7. ‘Have all his ventures failed?’ (line 266) What does this mean for Antonio?
Ans: this means that the rumour of Antonio’s ships being wrecked at the
Goodwin’s was true and he is now “undone” and is therefore unable to repay
the bond, the forfeiture of which will lead to his certain death as is promised by
Q8. Lines 283-289 are spoken by Jessica, Shylock’s daughter. How do they make
us more anxious for Antonio?
Ans: Jessica only adds to the tense situation there when she confirms that her
father has been very keen and anxious to take revenge of Antonio for all the
harm that he has done to him. She says that shylock wants Antonio’s flesh than
any amount of money. To us at this time seems like Antonio is utterly helpless
and his fate is sealed.
Q9. How do we see Portia’s love for Bassanio?
Ans: we can see the love of portia as she allows Bassanio to go to his friend for
his rescue, leaving their union in the middle. She knows how important a role
Antonio has played in their union and she wanted to return the kindness. She
offers money to settle the bond and thus proves her love for Bassanio.

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