Effect of Processing Techniques On Flavour 2017

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Effect of Processing Techniques on Flavour……….




Pengaruh Cara Pengolahan Terhadap Citarasa dan Karakteristik Produk Olahan

Kakao dan Cokelat

Agus Sudibyo
Center for Agro-Based Industry (CABI);
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 11 Bogor 16122 Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Flavour is important factor and central to acceptability of cocoa products such as
chocolate and contributes to determining the quality. The quality of chocolate flavour is
influence by several variable factors since in the stage of post-harvest treatments and handling
till in manufacturing process. The aim of this paper was review and discuss all relevant studies
in relation to cocoa beans and chocolate production, and identify their influence of processing
techniques on flavour and characteristics of the cocoa processed products. This information
hopefully has potential benefits on the making process of a chocolate manufacture.
Keywords: cocoa, processing technique, flavour, characteristic, chocolate.

ABSTRAK Citarasa merupakan salah satu faktor penting dan sebagai salah satu pusat
penerimaan produk olahan kakao seperti cokelat dan berkontribusi dalam penetapan mutu.
Mutu citarasa produk cokelat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel faktor, sejak pada tahap
penanganan pasca-panen hingga tahap proses pengolahan di pabrik. Tulisan ini disajikan
bertujuan untuk mengulas dan membahas serta mendiskusikan semua hasil studi yang pernah
dilakukan, yang berhubungan dengan biji kakao dan produksi cokelat serta mengidentifikasi
pengaruh cara pengolahannya terhadap citarasa dan karaketeristik produk olahan kakao.
Informasi ini diharapkan mempunyai potensi yang bermanfaat pada proses pengolahan kakao
di pabrik cokelat.
Kata kunci : kakao, cara pengolahan, citarasa, karakteristik, cokelat.

INTRODUCTION applications (Ndife et al., 2013). For

example, cocoaa powder is used in
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao, L.) is a makin beverages with other ingredients
crash crop of huge economic such as milk and sugar, while cocoa
significance in the world and the key butter is used for chocolate production..
raw material for chocolate Chocolate products are desired
manufacturing (Krahmer et al., 2015; and eaten, due to their attractive
Ho et al., 2015). Chocolate is the flavours and appearances (Pimentel et
generic name for the homogenous al., 2010). The primary chocolate
products that prepared from cocoa and categories are dark, milk and white
cocoa materials with sugars, milk chocolate (Afoakwa et al., 2007). The
products, flavouring substances and widely enjoyed chocolate-flavour, make
other food ingredients (Codex it a favorite ingredient in bakey, ice
Standard. 87. 1981, Rev. 1 : 2003). cream, beverage, syrup manufacture
Cocoa beans are obtained from and as confection in itself (Lecumberri
the ripen Theobroma cacao pods which et al., 2007).
commonly planted in the West Africa, Several characteristics of
South America and some tropical chocolate strongly depend on the
regions around the world like in process done at the very beginning of
Indonesia (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). the supply chain (Saltini et al., 2013).
Cocoa as a food ingredient is fast Another word, quality and flavour of
becoming very popular in the food and cocoa products strongly depend on the
confection industry worldwide. It is various stages of cocoa processing
available in wide variety of forms, colors (Giacometti et al., 2015). These
and flavors and is used in numerous processes begin very early with cocoa

Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol. 12 No. 1 Juni 2017: 1-13

farming, storage, fermentation, drying, first step processing and production

and packing the cocoa beans and that must be passed through as the key
continue with the manufacturing of indicators in the processing of cocoa is
chocolate (Saltini et al., 2013). the post-harvest technique and
Sustainable cocoa production treatment and handling. Post-harvest
also involves the production of high techniques and treatments of cocoa
quality cocoa beans. Cocoa beans involeves all the primary process
quality is made up of several harvested cocoa pods goes through,
components such as flavour volatiles, before the final dried bean is obtained.
nutritional composition, polyphenolic These processes include pulp pre-
content and fermentation quality conditioning, fermentation and drying
(Kongor et al., 2016). The most (Kongor et al., 2016). These processes
important components are the flavour are usually carried out in the country of
volatiles of the beans as the effect origin and they play a critical role in the
cocoa bean acceptability (Magi et al., flavour profile of the dried cocoa beans
2012; Krahmer et al., 2015). (Krahmer et al., 2015).
For those reasons, chocolate
manufactures have only rough Pre-Conditioning
expectations of the qualitative The pre-conditioning involves
parameters by country of origin as aim changing the properties of the pulp prior
at having uniform and constant raw to the development of microorganisms
materials to produce chocolate (Saltini in fermentation (Afoakwa et al., 2011
et al., 2013). As a consequence of the b). These changes may be in the form
increased implementation of food of altering the moisture content of the
quality and food safety in the food pulp, sugar content, and volume of pulp
industry, so detailed information on how per seed as well as pH and acidity of
products were handled and treated the pulp (Kongor et al., 2016).
during production processing could Removing portions of cocoa bean pulp
actually be transferred to the producer or reducing the fermentable sugar
of the final product and could be used content has been shown to contribute
to optimize production operations to less acid production during
(Akkerman et al., 2010). fermentation, leading to less acid beans
With ever increasing product (Afoakwa et al., 2012).
output, it is essentially important to Studies have shown that pre-
have a good understanding of the fermentation treatments have
influences of chocolate manufacturing significant effects in changing the
process, as well as the processing acidity and polyphenol content of the
conditions, on the quality of the final cocoa beans, and thus, flavour of the
product (Keijbets et al., 2010). beans (Nazarudin et al., 2006;
Therefore, this paper aims to review Afoakwa et al., 2012). Pulp pre-
and discuss all relevant studies in conditioning can be done in three basic
relation to cocoa beans and chocolate methods prior to fermentation and
production, analyzed the different these are pod storage, depulping
variables investigated and identify their (mechanical or enzymatic) and bean
influence of processing techniques on spreading (Afoakwa et al., 2011 a).
flavour and characteristics of the cocoa Pos storage is basically storing
processed products. harvested cocoa pods for a period of
time before opening the pods and
EFFECT OF POST-HARVEST fermenting the beans. Pod storage prior
TECHNIQUES AND TREATMENTS to splitting of the beans has been
ON COCOA BEAN QUALITY recommended for cocoa beans which
Before resulting a final cocoa are difficult to fermentation or to give
products with a variety of good cocoa chocolate with strong acid flavour
processed and chocolate products, the (Saltini et al., 2013). Pod storage as

Effect of Processing Techniques on Flavour………. (Sudibyo)

studied by Afoakwa et al., (2011 b) flavour precursor (Ho et al., 2014). As

appears to have highly beneficial effect consequence, the fermentation method
on the chemical composition of cocoa determines the final quality of products
beans and subsequent development of produced, especially their flavour.
chocolate flavour. Results of the Different fermentation methods
studied by Afoakwa et al., (2011 a) are used for fermenting cocoa beans
also noted that increasing pod storage depending on farmers (Guehi et al.,
consistently decreased the non-volatile 2010 a), areas and countries (Camu et
cidity with concomitant increase in pH al., 2008). Platforms, heap, baskets,
during fermentation of Ghanaian cocoa and boxes are the most used
beans. fermentation methods. The platforms
It is clearly shown in the method has a quite low fermentation
literature, that pod storage prior to rate, adequate for Criollo beans which
splitting would reduce the sucrose, require short fermentation, but in
glucose, fructose, ethanol and acetic appropriate for Forastero which require
acid content, and increase the pH in longer fermentation. This longer
fermented cocoa beans, improving the fermentation often induces the growth
flavour of the final chocolate (Saltini et of unwanted molds and consequently
al., 2013). For this reason, pod storage off-flavors (Guehi et al., 2010 a).
might be beneficial for beans that tend In general, cocoa beans
to develop low pH and acidic flavour. fermente in boxes show relatively low
On contrast, however, pod storage concentrations of sugar, ethanol and
does not only have benefits. The acetic acid, and a high pH. In some
existing of the amount mouldy beans cases, the boxes methods has been
significantly increases with pod storage, categorized as a method with low
and as a consequence it increses the uniformity, which may cause incomplete
production waste (Ortiz de Bertorelli et usage sugars or high presence of
al., 2009). defective beans (Guehi et al., 2010 a).
Additionally, for this fermentation
Fermentation method, it has been found that the size,
Fermentation is essential for the shape and construction material of the
development of appropriate flavours box also significantly influence pH,
from precursors. The approaches used tannins, sugar content and presence of
in spontaneous cocoa bean purple beans (Wallace and Giuste,
fermentation differs among the 2011).
producing countries as followed the The fermentation processes is
local preferences; for instance the characterized by a well known
methods/techniques being used, systematic microbial succession (Saltini
duration of fermentation, pod or bean et al., 2013). During fermentation,
selection and post-harvest treatments microbiaal succession occur as the
which will have significant impact on the micro-environment (temperature, pH,
quality of end products (Camu et al., oxygen avaibility) changes (De Vuyst et
2008; Kostinek et al., 2008; Ganeswari al., 2010; Illeghems et al., 2015). The
et al., 2015). changes in pH values during
Fermentation of cocoa beans is fermentation are very important for
very crucial as it promotes dramatic microbil activity. Briefly, the initial low
biochemical changes in the type and pH of the pulp (3.6), presence of citric
concentration of flavours precursors in acid, and low oxygen levels fever yeast
cocoa beans (Kadow et al., 2013; colonization which to leads to ethanol
Krahmer et al., 2015). Therefore, the production and secracation of pectolytic
correct fermentation and drying of enzymes within the first 24 hours; after
cocoa beans, which carried out in the which the process slowly decreases
countries of origin are essential to the (Saltini et al., 2013).
development of suitable flavour and/or

Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol. 12 No. 1 Juni 2017: 1-13

The remaining conditions favour Drying

to growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Drying of cocoa beans is a
which reach their peak after 36 hours process of heating which reduces the
from the beginning of the fermentation. moisture content of the beans to less
The main activity of LAB is degrading tahn 7.5% (w/w) (Zahouli et al., 2010)
glucose to lactic acid. The overall pH and to prevent mould infestation during
increases due to to the metabolism of storage and also allow some of the
non-acid by product. After 48 hours of chemical changes which occured
fermentation the LAB population during fermentation to continue and
decreases giving space to the growth of flavour development (Kyi et al., 2005).
acetic acid bacteria (Satini et al., Many investigations have been carried
2013). out to find the optimal drying methods.
The duration and method of Therefore, the drying conditions,
fermentation are crucial also to the temperature and duration of drying,
fermentation of flavour compounds and dryng rate, and grade were studied
flavour precursors. Based on the study (Giacometti et al., 2015).
taht conducted by Aculey et al., (2010), Eventhough artificial driers are
it is noted that an increased level of increasingly popular, natural sun drying
organic acids such as propionic acid, 2- is still largely used. Many studies that
methyl-propanoic acid; 3- compare natural and artificial drying
methylbutanoic acid and acetic acid methods conclude that natural sun
after 72 hours of cocoa fermentaion. drying give the best result (Zahouli et
The increased levels of organic acids al., 2010). However, it is believe that
are a result of the breakdown of sugars artificial drying methods can improve
from the pulp surrounding the cocoa the drying process, and it just requires
beans (Bonvehi, 2005). more research (Saltini et al., 2013).
Fermentation generates flavour Thus, by knowing the conditions of the
precursors, namely free amino acids drying it woud be possible to predict in
and peptides from enzymatic real time the ideal duratiob of drying to
degradation of cocoa proteins and reach a standardized moisture content.
reducing sugars from enzymatic The drying process of fermented
degradation of sucrose (Misnawi, 2008; cocoa beans initiates major polyphenol
Afoakwa et al., 2013; Krahmer et al., oxidizing reactions catalysed by
2015) from which the typical cocoa polyphenol oxidase, giving rise to new
aroma is generated during the flavour components and loss of
subsequent roasting process membrane integrity, inducing brown
(Fraundoufer and Schieberle, 2008). colour formation. This helps to reduce
The theory of fermentation tell us, taht bitterness and astringency and also the
pyrazines precursors (amino acids and delopment of the chocolate brown
reducing sugars) are transformed into colour of well fermented cocoa beans
pyrazines during roasting process due (Saltini et al., 2013). Indicators of well-
to the Maillard non-enzymatic browning dried, quality beans are a good brown
reactions (Satini et al., 2013). Besides colour, low astringency and bitterness
the formation of the flavour precursors, and on absence of off-flavors such as
there is also a significant increase in smoky notes and excessive acidity.
volatile compounds, such as alcohols, Sensory assessment of cocoa beans
organic acids, esters, and aldehyde dried using different strategies; i.e. Sun
after fermentation (Magi et al., 2012). drying, air blowing, shade drying and
The Maillard reaction takes place oven drying suggested that sun-dried
during roasting process and results in beans were rated higher in chocolate
the typical aromatic compounds of development with fewer off-flavor notes
chocolate. (Kyi et al., 2005; Amoye, 2006).
It is well known that the drying
rate during the drying process is of

Effect of Processing Techniques on Flavour………. (Sudibyo)

crucial importance for the cocoa beans and the formation of typical roasty,
“final quality”. In this case, if the drying sweet odorants of cocoa (Oliviero et
rate is too fast or rapid, the beans al., 2009).
would tend to retain an excessive According to Krysiak and Motyl-
amount of acids, including acetic acid, Patelska (2006) was mentioned that
which is deleterious to the flavour. On roasting determines the character of
the contrary, too slow drying rate would chemical and physical processes that
results in low acidity, poorer color and occur inside the beans, as well as the
high presence of moulds (Zahouli et quality of the final product. During the
al., 2010; Rodriguez-Compos et al., roasting process flavour precursors are
2012; Saltini et al., 2013). transformed into flavour compounds.
For example, the Maillard reaction
EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGICAL (Non-enzymatic browning) and strecker
PROCESSING IN COCOA degradation during roasting can
MANUFACTURING ON CHOCOLATE produce the desirable flavour
FLAVOUR QUALITY compounds such as pyrazines,
alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketones,
The flavour of chocolate furans, thiazoles, pyrones, acids,
characteristics originates not only in amines, imines, pyrroles and ethers
flavour precursors present in cocoa (Arlorio et al., 2008; Misnawi and
beans, but also are generated during Wahyudi, 2010). The concentration of
past-harvest treatments and pyrazines increased rapidly during the
transformed into desirable odor notes in roasting process untill reaching a
the maucfacturing process as well maximum value, after which these
(Giacometti et al., 2015). The steps of constant values are maintained
technological processing in cocoa (Giacometti et al., 2015). The formation
manufacturing that would be possibly yield of pyrazines is known, and
affected to the chocolate flavour quality reaches the highest yield at high
are identified and known as following, temperature (typically 150 or 170 oC)
i.e. roasting, alkalization, refining, (Krysiak, 2006).
conching and tempering process. Prior to roasting, cocoa bean
Complex biochemical have bitter, acidic, astringent and nusty
modifications of cocoa bean flavour. Roasting further diminishes
constituents are altered by thermal activity reducing concentrations of
reactions in roasting and conching as volatile acids such acetic acid
well as in alkalization (Afoakwa et al., (Granvogl et al., 2006); but not non-
2008). Alkalization and roasting are volatiles suh as oxatic, citric, tartaric,
two processes that contribute to the succinic and lacytic acid (Afoakwa et
flavour and color of the semi finished al., 2008). Another words, during
products; while refining, conching and roasting, there is evaporation of volatile
tempering are the three process step acids from the beans causing a
that contribute to the flavour and quality reductiob in acidity, hence – reducing
of the finished products. sourness and bitterness of the cocoa
beans. For this reason, choice of
Roasting roasting parameters should be
Roasting is one of the important determined in order to understand the
steps which affects the quality character of the chemical and physical
characteristic of cocoa bean during process that occur inside the bean.
industrial processing (Oracz and When looking directly at the
Nebesny, 2014). Roasting of flavour acceptability, several studies
fermented cocoa beans is carried out investigate the best combination of time
due to mainly two purposes : the and temperature of roasting (Saltini et
removal of undesired compounds with al., 2013). Several studies also
low boiling points, such as acetic acid ; revealed that temperature and duration

Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol. 12 No. 1 Juni 2017: 1-13
of roasting substantially affect the increasing the pH from 5.7 to 7.5 is
chemical and physical changes deleterious to the flavour acceptability
occuring in cocoa beans (Farah et al., (Noor-Sofialina et al., 2009); so it is
2012). It is needed to be attention and suggested that cocoa with high acidity
well known, that if cocoa beans are and low chocolate flavour could be
carried out an inproper roasting acchived a good flavour development
procedure generates undesirable by alkali teratments. The conclusion
flavour compounds; while , if the cocoa was that chocolates from alkalized had
beans are not roasted enough, the better flavors than non-alkalized nib
resulting chocolate products would be roasted chocolate (Afoakwa et al.,
very bitter; and alternatively, if the 2008).
beans are over roasted , burned and It was established that
off-flavour will be developed (Bonvehi alkalization caused a progressive
and Coll, 2002; Saltini et al., 2013). In reduction of polyphenols as well as
general, the literature agrees that the their antioxidant activity (Miller et al.,
higher the roasting grade is, the better 2008). Reduction of the polyphenol
flavour profile will be, until an over antioxidant activity was mentioned to be
roasting point is reached. triggered by heat and alkali
Usually, cocoa beans roasting synergistically (Sulistyowati and
conditions was carried out at range Misnawi, 2008). Recently, a sudy by
from 15 to 45 minutes with temperature Payne et al., (2010) found that
from 130 – 150oC (Krysiak et al., compared to natural cocoa powders,
2013). Time and temperature of alkalization caused a loss in both
roasting process depend on several epicatechin (up to 98%) and catechin
factors, such as cocoa material (beans, (up to 80%). Another study that has
nibs and liquor roasting), final cocoa been conducted by Andres-Lucueva et
product (dark or milk chocolates) and al., (2008) was hshown a decrease in
type of cocoa (Kothe et al., 2013). epicatechin and catechin of 67% and
Based on this information, it is clear 35%, respectively, as a result of the
that the optimal roasting parameters alkalization of cocoa powders.
strongly depend on the raw material In general, changes occuring as
processed and type of chocolate the results of alkalization treatment
products. could be attributed to the oxidation of
phenolic compounds under basic pH
Alkalization conditions, leading to the brown
Alkalization is a treatment that pigments that are polymerized to
addressed to cocoa nibs or liquor of different degrees. In particular,
cocoa with solutions of alkali, and it is secondary reaactions involving ortho-
carried out primarily not only to change quinones preveiously formedd during
color but also influence the flavour of fermentation stage by polyphenol
cocoa powder (Afoakwa et al., 2008). oxidase are probably involved in further
Originally, performed to make for cocoa reactions responsible for the browning
products such as drink to enhance developed during alkalization (Miller et
solubility or in baking or coating al., 2008).
(Whitefiled, 2005), and also performed
to make the powder not agglomerate or Refining
sink to the bottom, when it was added Refining is a step processing of
to milk or water-based drinks cocoa or chocolate which produce a
(Giacometti et al., 2015). smooth texture by reducing the size of
Cocoa beans are often alkalized the particles of cocoa mass from about
with potassium carbonate or sodium 80 – 90 microns to about 30 – 40
hidroxide in order to improve the microns (Payne et al., 2010). At this
microbiological conditions (De Muijnck, point, the chocolate, which has the
2005). Many studies report that required ingredients mixed, still has

Effect of Processing Techniques on Flavour………. (Sudibyo)

rough texture, because it is a form of different degrees of agitation and

chocolate paste or chocolate liquor. aeration, so that the conching process
The rough is not ideal since may hinder redistributes into the fat phase of
the conching process that will be substance from dry cocoa that creates
explained later. Therefore, refining is the flavour (Pugh, 2014).
necessary to turn the roughness into The function of the conche is to
smoothness. remove unwanted flavour but at the
In addition, the cocoa liquor is same time retain the more desirable
mixed with cocoa butter and sugar and one. A goal in conching is also to obtain
this is further refined by reducing the the optimum viscosity (flow properties)
particle size of the added milk powder at the lowest practical fat content
solids and sugar down to the desired (Stauffer, 2000). As consequence,
fineness (Pugh, 2014). As described residual volatile acids and moisture are
by Afoakwa et al. (2007), the addition removed, angulur sugar crystals and
of milk fat to milk chocolate results in a viscosity are modified, and their color
lower melting point, a slow setting or changed due to emulsification and
solidification and a soften texture. The oxidation of tannins (Reineccius, 2006;
smoother the chocolate desired, the Afoakwa et al., 2007). Based on the
more rolling milling required. Because above information, key elements in this
of that, in order to ensure that its goal would be moisture reduction, input
products qualities meet their of energy, and control of superfines and
expectations, it refines its chocolate amount of free fat available.
paste to 19 micrometers while other As described by Stauffer (2000)
major markets refine their chocolate to based on her research sudy, It was
only 40 micrometers. The smaller mentioned that the chocolate data from
micrometers they have are beneficial to her study shows that physical
the overall texture of the chocolate. characteristics are definitely different
The refining process has a between conched and unconched
certain parameters that can be changed chocolate. The results of the sensory
that might alter the flavour. Refining is panel also found that the conched
also will determine the size reduction of sample to have more chocolate, more
a chocolate mass as it is being caramel and more diary notes with
manufactured. Whether a product is about the same levels of sweetness as
fine, medium or coarse ground will the unconched sample. The unconched
determine the pallete’s flavour sample was found to have moderate
perception. The particles will be coated nutty notes not present in the conched
with fat, which the flavour carrier. sample.
When these particles enter the mouth, Based on the study, it was
the melt, sweetness and mouthfeel, and mentioned that temperature and time of
all will influence how the product tastes conching or conching conditions are the
(Stauffer, 2000). main influence factors of conching
process in order to produce a good
Conching flavour chocolate. The results of the
Conching is a step of cocoa study revealed that there were
processing in the manufacture to interactions between time and
produce chocolate with superior aroma temperature (Afoakwa et al., 2008).
and melting characteristics. This Generally, higher temperature leads to
process strongly affects the final flavour a shorter required processing time. For
and texture of chocolate (Pugh, 2014). example, conching conditions for crumb
The conche is a surface scraping mixer milk chocolate are 10 -16 hours at 49 -
and agitator that evenly ditsribute cocoa 52oC ; but 16 – 24 hours at 60oC for
butter within chocolate, and acts as a milk powder chocolate; however if the
“polisher” of the particles. The conches temperature above 70oC lead to
have heavy rollers that can produce changes in cooked flavour (Awua,

Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol. 12 No. 1 Juni 2017: 1-13

2002; Beckett, 2003; Whitefield, 2005), appearance will not degrade over time
while, up to 82oC for dark chocolate (Leffer, 2014).
(Awua, 2002). After the tempering stage, the
Meanwhile, effect of the liquid chocolate is deposited into
conching temperature was mentioned polycarbonate moulds and cooled.
by Stauffer (2000), that high- Objective of this cooling phase is the
temperature sample (74oC for 12 hours) solidification the fat phase of the
had a more pronounced caramel note tempered chocolate mass with the
with slightly less perceivable chocolate correct crystalliation, as this will lead to
notes. In contrast, however, the flavour contraction of the chocolate and easy
perception of a low temperature (64oC removal of the solidified chocolate from
for 12 hours) shows a well rounded the mould during the subsequent
sample, with milky, chocolate notes, demoulding process (Keijbets et al.,
very even. 2010).
The process of tempering
Tempering consist shearing chocolate mass at
Tempering is a technique of controlled temperature to promote
controlled precrystallization employed crystallization of triacylglycerol (TAG) in
to induce the most stable solid form of cocoa butter to effect good setting
cocoa butter, a polymorphic fat in characteristics, form stability,
finished chocolates (Afoakwa et al., demoulding properties, product snap,
2008). Tempering process refers to a contraction , gloss and self-life
controlled melting and cooling of characteristics (Afoakwa et al., 2008).
chocolate in order to achieve at the This is a delicate process that involves
correct crystalline structure of the slowly heating and cooling the
constituent cocoa butter among the six chocolate repeatedly to the
existing polymorphic forms, namely the temperatures between 41oC and 29oC.
form V (Schenk and Peschar, 2004). This stabilizes the product and achieve
Tempering is also mentioned as the the smooths, shinny texture, pleasant
final critical step for the chocolate that it mouth-feel and sops the chocolate
must be tempered to deter large becoming crumby as it hardens (Pugh,
crystalls from forming. Because 2014).
chocolate would have a gritty texture To produce the right number
and a dull appearance and/or the cocoa and size of stable form V crystals,
butter would separate from the mixture agitation is one important variable. As a
without tempering taking place (Pugh, results, some means of mixing or
2014). agitation must be part of any tempering
The primary purposed of machine. Another factor related to
tempering is to assure that only the agitation is shear, because to a
best form is present or to develop the carefully defined shear has been
correct polymorphic form, and in order recently recognized as the key factor in
to do so the chocolate is cooled from the success of tempering process
45oC to approximately 30oC (depending (Donshi and Stapley, 2006). In a
on the type of chocolate, e.g. milk or tempering machine, shear take places
dark chocolate) (Keijbets et al., 2010). where there is scraping against the
Consequently, for the best possible cooling surface (Sofia, 2013).
finished product, proper tempering is all Temperature is perhaps the
about forming the most on type V most critical variable of tempering. As
crystalls (34oC) with characteristics the different polymorphic forms have
appearance glossy, firm, best snap, different melting ranges, the trick to
melts near body temperature (37oC). tempering is to carefully control the
This will provide the best appearance temperature of the melted chocolate
and mouth-feel and creates the most (Debaste et al., 2007). Therefore, by
stable crystals; so the texture and choosing the appropriate temperature

Effect of Processing Techniques on Flavour………. (Sudibyo)

throughout the tempering process, we process were impact and affected to

can induce crystal formation, maintain a the quality of cocoa flavour in the final
constant crystal population and melt product of chocolate and its derived.
away undesirable crystals (Sofia, Roasting, conching and
2013). tempering were identified also as the
The control of tempering key important roles in the chocolate
process is important for the quality of manufacturing process and affected on
the product, as well-tempered the final flavour and characteristics of
chocolate is shiny, even-colored, snap, chocolate. Roasting is determines to
and smooth tasting; while badly- the character of chemical and physical
tempered chocolate is chewy (not process that occur inside the beans like
knocking), chalky and grainy, within the Maillard reaction and strecker
form of an unattractive, dull brown degradation, and a reduction in acidity,
mass because of fat blooming (Debaste sourness and bitterness. This process
et al., 2007). Based on the study by was influenced by roasting conditions
Debaste and his collegeaus (2007) was such as time and temperature of
also mentioned that the quality of roasting process.
product obtained by their tempering Conching process was known as
process will depend on several a marker to produce chocolate with
operating parameters, such as the ratio superior aroma and melting
between the mass of the particles and characteristics. This process was
the mass of melted chocolate; the size functioned to remove unwanted flavour
of the particles, their initial temperature, and was influenced by the variable
the temperature of the melted chocolate factors of temperature and time of
at time 0, the temperature of ambient conching.
air; and the temperature of the walls Tempering is the final critical
during cooling. process in manufactured of cocoa to
assure that only the best form namely
CONCLUSION the form V crystals (the most stable
The technological and processing crystals). This process should be
techniques of cocoa to produce controlled by choosing the appropriate
chocolate was influenced by some temperature in order to obtain well-
variable factors, since the beginning in tempered chocolate.
the post-harvest treatments and
handling of cocoa up till to the REFERENCES
manufacturing process. Some variable
factors that influence in the post- Aculey, PC.; Snithjaer, P.; Owusu, B.;
harvest and handling of cocoa were Bassompiere, M.; Takrama, JS;
included pre-conditioning, fermentation Nargaard, L. and Nielsen, DS
(2010). “Ghanaian cocoa bean
and drying; while some variable factors fermentation characterized by
that influence in the manufacturing spectrocopic and chromatographic
process were included roasting, methods and chemometrics”. J.
alkalization, refining, conching and Food Sci. 75 (6) : p. 300 – 307.
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